#tasmania art for sale
womens-ammo · 2 years
In a Series of Behavioral Experiments, Viewers Preferred Works by Women Artists—But Assumed Works by Men Were More Famous and Valuable
Sarah Cascone, September 7, 2022
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Mary Cassatt, Ellen Mary Cassatt with a large bow in her hair (1909). Private collection. John Singer Sargent, Portrait of Jeanne Kieffer (1879). Private collection.
Does gender bias affect our opinions about work made by male and female artists? According to a new study, people aren’t more likely to prefer a work by a man than a near-identical composition by a woman—but they’ll assume that his work is more famous and worth more money.
“Gender discrimination in art comes not from personal aesthetic preference—[Georg] Baselitz’[s] argument that women ‘don’t paint very well’—but people thinking paintings are more valuable and famous when painted by male artists,” study authors Robert Hoffmann, a professor of behavioral economics at the University of Tasmania, and Bronwyn Coate, a senior lecturer in economics at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, wrote in the academic journal The Conversation. (https://theconversation.com/male-artists-dominate-galleries-our-research-explored-if-its-because-women-dont-paint-very-well-or-just-discrimination-189221)
These findings are perhaps unsurprising, considering that men dominate the art market. As of 2019, women represented just 2 percent of art sales at auction. At 26 prominent American museums, they made up a mere 11 percent of acquisitions and 14 percent of exhibitions.
(https://news.artnet.com/womens-place-in-the-art-world/female-artists-represent-just-2-percent-market-heres-can-change-1654954) (https://news.artnet.com/womens-place-in-the-art-world/womens-place-art-world-museums-1654714)
Such statistics, therefore, skew our perceptions of otherwise remarkably similar works of art, causing viewers to assume that male artists are more successful and command higher prices. In other words, we assume that other people discriminate based on gender, which in turn creates more opportunity for gender discrimination in a vicious cycle.
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Ambrosius Bosschaert, Flowers in a Glass Vase. Collection of the National Gallery, London. Maria van Oosterwijck, Flowers in a vase on a marble ledge (after 1680). Private collection.
Titled “Fame, What’s your name? quasi and statistical gender discrimination in an art valuation experiment,” the study appears in the upcoming issue of the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0167268122002669?dgcid=author) (https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-economic-behavior-and-organization)
In each of the five experiments, a group of 1,112 average Americans were asked to examine pairs of paintings. Created between 1625 and 1979, the works were incredibly similar in style and subject matter, but one was by a man and one was by a woman.
In the first experiment, one group of participants were given only the title of the work, while in the other they also had the artist’s name, and thus could guess if the artist was male or female. In both groups, 54 percent of respondents preferred the work by women.
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Eva Gonzalès, Roses in a Glass (ca. 1880–82). Gustave Caillebotte, Yellow Roses in a Vase (1882). Collection of the Dallas Museum of Art.
The result was the same in a second experiment asking participant to guess which work was more popular among those surveyed.
But in the third and fourth experiments, when asked which of the two works was more valuable and which artist was more famous, number of guesses for female paintings fell by 10 percent and 9 percent, respectively.
The final experiment compared responses from two groups, one of which was told which of the two artists was more famous—almost always the man. That group was 14 percent more likely to guess that the male artists’ work was more popular.
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Lilla Cabot Perry, The Cellist. Private collection. William Merritt Chase, The Mandolin Player (1879). Private collection.
“If women artists were discriminated against just because of their gender, we would have seen a higher premium put on the male artists even in questions of aesthetics,” Hoffmann and Coate wrote. “Discrimination only occurred when our participants were asked to assign a monetary value to the art works, or when they were given information about the level of fame of the painter.”
Such assumptions perpetuate the historical advantages enjoyed by male artists, who were afforded more art education and more opportunities to exhibit and sell their work. Women, on the other hand, were often expected to stay home and raise their children, curtailing their artistic careers.
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Building an Email List: Cultivating Loyal Customers with Your Affordable Tasmania Website 
In today's digital landscape, email marketing remains a powerful tool for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in Australia. A well-curated email list allows you to connect directly with potential and existing customers, nurture relationships, and ultimately drive sales and conversions. For Tasmanian businesses, particularly those leveraging affordable web design in Tasmania, building a robust email list is crucial for maximizing the ROI (Return on Investment) of your digital presence.
This comprehensive guide dives deep into the art of building and nurturing an email list specifically tailored for Tasmanian businesses. We'll explore effective strategies for attracting subscribers, crafting engaging email content, and ultimately converting email subscribers into loyal customers.
The Power of Email Marketing for Tasmanian Businesses:
Targeted Communication: Emails allow for personalized communication. Segment your audience based on demographics, interests, or purchase history to deliver targeted content that resonates with individual subscribers.
Brand Awareness and Loyalty: Regular email communication keeps your brand top-of-mind with subscribers. Share company updates, promote new products or services, and build stronger customer relationships.
Cost-Effective Marketing: Compared to traditional advertising methods, email marketing offers a highly cost-effective way to reach a large audience and drive sales.
Building Your Email List: Strategies for Tasmanian Businesses:
Opt-in Forms on Your Affordable Tasmania Website: Place strategically designed opt-in forms throughout your website. Offer valuable incentives like exclusive discounts or downloadable content in exchange for email addresses. Consider pop-up forms with enticing offers, sidebar subscription forms, or embedded forms within blog posts relevant to your target audience.
Lead Magnets: Provide valuable content like e-books, white papers, or webinars in exchange for email addresses. This content should be relevant to your audience's needs and showcase your expertise within your industry.
Social Media Integration: Promote your email signup across your social media platforms. Run contests or giveaways requiring email signup to participate. Consider utilizing social media advertising to target specific demographics and attract potential subscribers.
Offline Signup Options: Don't forget the offline world! Gather email addresses at trade shows, networking events, or even within your physical store (if applicable) by offering in-person signup incentives or QR codes linking to your subscription form.
Affordable Web Design in Tasmania: Tools for Building Your List:
Many affordable web design companies in Tasmania offer features and functionalities specifically designed to streamline email list building. Look for providers that offer:
Email Signup Form Integration: Choose a web design service that allows seamless integration of opt-in forms throughout your website, ensuring a smooth user experience for potential subscribers.
Landing Page Creation Tools: Consider utilizing landing pages specifically designed for email list building. These pages typically focus on a single offer or incentive, increasing the conversion rate of website visitors into email subscribers.
Email Marketing Integrations: Explore web design services that integrate with popular email marketing platforms. This allows you to manage your email list, design newsletters, and track campaign performance directly within your website's backend.
Crafting Engaging Email Content for Your Tasmanian Audience:
Subject Line is Key: The subject line is your first impression. Craft clear, concise, and compelling subject lines that entice subscribers to open your emails.
Personalize Your Message: Whenever possible, personalize your emails with the subscriber's name. This adds a touch of authenticity and fosters a sense of connection.
Segment Your Audience: Don't blast the same message to everyone. Segment your email list based on demographics, interests, or purchase history to deliver targeted content that resonates with individual subscribers.
Focus on Value: Every email should offer value to the subscriber. Provide insightful content, exclusive offers, or helpful tips related to your industry.
Mobile Optimization: Ensure your emails are optimized for mobile devices. With the rise of mobile browsing, subscribers are likely to open and read emails on their smartphones or tablets.
Call to Action (CTA): Every email should have a clear CTA. Tell subscribers what you want them to do next, whether it's visiting your website, making a purchase, or sharing your email with friends.
Building Trust and Nurturing Relationships:
Email Frequency: Don't overwhelm your subscribers. Develop a consistent email sending schedule that balances providing valuable content with not bombarding inboxes.
Permission-Based Marketing: Always provide an unsubscribe option in your emails. Respecting your subscribers' wishes builds trust and encourages long-term engagement.
Track Your Results: Monitor key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to understand what types of content resonate with your audience. Continuously refine your email marketing strategy based on data insights.
A/B Testing: Experiment with different subject lines, email formats, or sending times to see what performs best. A/B testing helps you optimize your email campaigns for maximum engagement and conversions.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
How large should my email list be? There's no magic number. A smaller, highly engaged email list can be more valuable than a large inactive one. Focus on building a targeted list of subscribers genuinely interested in your brand and offerings.
What content should I include in my emails? The content will vary depending on your brand and target audience. Consider offering industry insights, exclusive discounts, product updates, or early access to promotions. You can also include educational content, customer success stories, or even behind-the-scenes glimpses into your Tasmanian business operations.
How often should I send emails? The frequency depends on your audience and content strategy. A weekly or bi-weekly schedule might be ideal for some businesses, while others might find monthly emails sufficient. The key is to strike a balance between providing valuable content and not overwhelming subscribers.
By employing these strategies and leveraging affordable web design in Tasmania, you can build a robust email list that fuels your Tasmanian business's digital marketing efforts. Remember, a well-nurtured email list fosters brand loyalty, drives sales, and allows you to connect directly with your most valuable asset: your customers.
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Mona Foma, one of Tasmania’s largest contemporary music and arts festivals, has come to an end after 16 years.
The summer festival, which was established by the Museum of Old and New Art (Mona) in 2008, and led by artistic director and Violent Femmes bassist Brian Ritchie, has featured major names including Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds and Bikini Kill, as well as a wide array of eclectic performances and art installations.
Mona founder David Walsh described the festival as magical but said the “spell had worn off”.
The pin has been pulled on a number of other Australian cultural festivals in the past 18 months, including Falls Festival, Groovin the Moo, Splendour in the Grass and the National Young Writers’ Festival. The list continues to grow, as supplier costs surge, ticket sales dwindle, extreme weather worsens and organisational funding for creative events wanes.
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rgithobart · 2 years
Quality Professional And Vocational Training Guaranteed at RGIT Australia
RGIT is centrally located at Melbourne’s CBD and Hobart, Tasmania. This is known to be the largest provider of vocational education and provides training in Australia that are well known for quality training programs having relevance to employment trends, and they are delivered with excellence catering to student needs.
The ultimate place for students who want to build their career in hospitality, nursing, community services, Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), Individual Support and Information Technology. RGIT Australia is an English school where English/ELICOS courses are being delivered from beginning to upper level English to both International and Domestic students from Hobart and Melbourne campuses.
Various short courses of hospitality are also offered here like Barista Coffee making course, Food safety, Responsible Services of Alcohol (RSA) from our campus of Melbourne. Here students are given the option to study either online or offline mode through face to face on campus. This year in 2022, we are celebrating our 14 year anniversary with high spirit and committed to delivering the best quality education and VET training and skill required for industry.
Our journey was started in the year 2008 with a humble beginning specialised in training Hospitality management and information technology. With the significant growth of Australia there are 3 buildings with practical facilities and state of the art training facilities across Tasmania and Victoria.Our campus is composed of various students from different cultures and backgrounds.
This institution represents the Australian Multicultural Society with over 51 nationalities of students and staff members. We take pride in our products and offer opportunities not only to its graduate students but also to staff members of RGIT Australia.We successfully hired our graduate students in various positions and departments like trainers, sales and marketing, administration, Information Technology, Finance, Student services etc. To know more about us please visit  https://rgit.edu.au/
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astonishinglegends · 3 years
Ep 199: The Disappearance of Frederick Valentich Part 1
“It is hovering and it’s not an aircraft.” 
– The last known words of pilot Frederich Valentich at 7:12 p.m., somewhere over the Bass Strait in Australia, October 21, 1978
On Saturday, October 21, 1978, at 6:19 p.m., 20-year-old Frederick Valentich took off from Moorabbin Airport just south of Melbourne, Australia, for what was supposed to be a routine training and pleasure flight over Bass Strait to King Island. A serious student aviator, Valentich had been flying for two years and had accumulated over 150 hours of solo flying time in his goal to one day become a commercial airline pilot. Although rated for night flying by instrument, the sun was still up, and with clear visibility and good weather, there was no reason Valentich shouldn’t have easily completed this trip, which he’d taken several times before. However, just over halfway through the flight at 7:06 p.m., Valentich contacted Melbourne Flight Service Unit and reported seeing an unidentified craft above him, traveling at high speed and shining four bright lights. Valentich would radio back a few minutes later that it didn’t appear to be any known aircraft, and now it had even more unusual characteristics: it was long, shiny metallic, and a green light was emanating from it. Even more unsettling, this craft he described was deliberately toying with him as it orbited above while his plane’s engine was sputtering. At 7:11 p.m., the last statement anyone would hear from Valentich would be that the object was still hovering and that it was not an aircraft. Valentich and his plane had vanished at that moment, but whether it was an elaborate hoax, a deliberate crash, or merely a misidentification combined with a mechanical failure, no investigation has been able to determine. What is not in doubt is that the case of Frederick Valentich remains one of Australia’s biggest aviation mysteries, if not in all of UFO lore.
Moorabbin Airport, where Frederick Valentich took off from on October 21, 1978, headed for King Island across Bass Strait.
Reference Links:
The Frederick Valentich case on the original Unsolved Mysteries, Season 5, Episode 2 on Amazon Prime
“Disappearance of Frederick Valentich” on Wikipedia
Cessna 182 “Skylane”
Valentich’s missing aircraft report online, from the National Archives of Australia
Download of Valentich’s missing aircraft report as a PDF
Bass Strait
Moorabbin Airport
“'Truth' was out there after all –An accidental discovery sheds new light on the mysterious disappearance of a pilot in 1978, writes Miles Kemp” from The Advertiser
Australian UFO researcher, Keith Basterfield
Melbourne, Australia
King Island, Tasmania
Visit King’s Island
“Biography of Bette Nesmith Graham, Inventor of Liquid Paper” on ThoughtCo.com
Bette Nesmith Graham on Wikipedia
Australian crayfish
The TCAS or Traffic collision avoidance system
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Episode 199: The Disappearance of Frederick Valentich Part 1. Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel. Sound Design by Ryan McCullough; Tess Pfeifle, Producer, and Lead Researcher; Research Support from the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a.k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2021 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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yahooin-feature · 5 years
Get bowled over by Australia with airfares starting at just Rs. 40,000*
You’ve seen videos of people on the sun-kissed beaches of Australia. You have heard your friends talk about their trip to the Great Barrier Reef or how they explored Melbourne. With so many things to offer, Australia is bound to be on top your travel bucket list. Well, it’s time to act on it because leading airlines are offering exclusive prices to fly to Australia. Starting from Rs. 40,000*, the fares are perfect for someone who likes to book their travel in advance. But hurry up, because the sale is valid till 13th December. Read more here.
If that’s not motivation enough, these eight spots will definitely make up your mind.
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As one of Sydney’s most popular golden-sand beaches, Bondi Beach needs no introduction. This stretch of sand comes alive with the sunrise, and the party continues all day and well into the night. As you walk to the beach, chances are you’ll see surfers riding the waves, swimmers getting their laps in at the Bondi Baths, and plenty of people soaking in the sights and sounds (and sun) from their towels on the sand. You can dip your toes into a true-blue Aussie way of life and sign up for a surfing lesson here; there are plenty of accredited schools along the main stretch that’ll show you the ropes. Grab a bite at the iconic Bondi Icebergs, one of the country’s oldest swim clubs, or walk the Bondi to Coogee Coastal Walk, a six-kilometre (3.7-mile)
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Lounging on one of the top ten beaches in the world should be a definite addition to your Aussie bucket list. Tasmania’s Wineglass Bay is situated within Freycinet National Park, just a one-hour drive from the capital city of Hobart. A crescent-shaped bay with clear blue waters, hugged by the peaks of the Hazards range – you could spend hours taking Insta-worthy photos here. A cruise along the waters is one of the best ways to get up-close with the bay and its highlights. Spot wildlife and gaze up at the soaring granite cliffs as you learn more about the region and its history.
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You can never get enough of Australia’s coast, but for something a bit different, head towards Western Australia and its colourful lakes. The bubblegum pink lakes of Australia’s Golden Outback are an astonishing site, and will make a great addition to your Instagram feed. The most famous of the pink lakes is Lake Hillier, near Esperance, an eight-hour drive or short flight from Perth. In this region, you can also visit Lake Ballard near Kalgoorlie, a salt lake that features a permanent art installation of 51 statues. Down in South Australia, you can visit the bright pinks, blues and greens of Lake MacDonnell in the Eyre Peninsula, or even see the world’s largest ephemeral lake, Lake Eyre. Whether there's water or not, it is a phenomenal sight best taken in on a scenic flight.
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If you are looking for up-close encounters with Australia’s intriguing wildlife, Kangaroo Island should be a top pick. Located a quick 40-minute flight from Adelaide, over a third of this island is a conservation park that is home to everything from kangaroos and koalas to short-beaked echidnas and tammar wallabies. You’ll find all of this in beautiful surrounds, including natural structures like Admirals Arch and the Remarkable Rocks. Kangaroo Island also provides opportunities for a luxurious retreat, whether it's staying in an award-winning lodge set atop coastal shelves, treating yourself to a massage at a cliff-top spa, or sampling the delicate flavours of marron – a type of crayfish – paired with some of the country’s best produce, gins, wines and brews.
Trek through lush jungle amid ancient ferns and green vines as you spy animals and plants that are found nowhere else on the planet. This is the Daintree Rainforest, a UNESCO World Heritage-listed site. Here you can fly through the canopies of an age-old forest on a zipline for a bird’s-eye outlook of the land below, or cruise down the Daintree River towards Cape Tribulation, where the Great Barrier Reef meets the rainforest. You'll also find plenty of lodge and luxury accommodation. This is truly a magical place – it’s no surprise it served as inspiration for the movie Avatar.
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If you are visiting in the Australian winter (June – August), don’t miss a trip to Victoria’s snowfields. From skiing and snowshoeing to cutting through the powder on a snowmobile and skidding down slopes on a toboggan, there’s plenty for an adventure-lover to pick from. While you’re here, go on a dog-sledding experience; it’s one of the best ways to immerse yourself in the beauty of the Alpine scenery. You will get a chance to test out your mushing (dog sled driving) skills before spending some time cuddling with your new four-legged friends. But if you'd rather stay cosy indoors, you can opt for a wilderness retreat, where you’ll enjoy being curled up in front of a warm wood fire with cheese fondue.
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If you want to step off the beaten path towards something secluded and remote, consider Vlasoff Cay. This private sand island is surrounded by the vast blue ocean and appears only at low tide, making it a unique spot for an intimate picnic. You can get here on a helicopter or take a chartered boat from Cairns and settle onto the sand with a delicious picnic lunch and a bottle of bubbly.  The island is yours to explore, making it the perfect mix of leisure and adventure.
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When a heart just pops up in nature, you have to check it out. Heart Reef is a naturally formed coral heart found in Hardy Reef in the Whitsundays and was first spotted by an Air Whitsunday pilot flying overhead in 1975. It may have popped up in your Instagram feed once or twice (especially if there was a romantic proposal involved), and though it might look remote, it’s not difficult to get that ‘Gram worthy shot. Its protected nature means that the only way to see it is via a helicopter or light plane flight over – that’s also the best way to get a photograph (or five) of this romantic location. You can combine the flight with a tour of other incredible sights in the Whitsundays, like Hill Inlet and Whitehaven Beach.
This content was provided by Tourism Australia
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travelgraphics · 5 years
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Cradle Mountain hiding behind some low clouds. Tasmania, Australia [OC] [2048x3072] https://ift.tt/2l9XTyi
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traceylea9 · 3 years
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These works on show and sale at Salamanca Art Centre Dec 1-14. Smaller samples as well. Unframed 90x70cm. Painting my favourite subject #kunanyi #mountWellington #hobart #tasmania #ink #landscapepainting https://www.instagram.com/p/CWx2MsXBqeJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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harryagan07 · 3 years
Omega 3 Fats Can Help You Lose Weight
I continually been a reader and enjoyed the experience of reading a course. I usually have 3 books going in the same some as most other readers I can sit in the living room with salinger sued as they are watching TV and can see a book at aren't time. I've passed that love of reading to my children as well and nothing gives me more joy then attending a book laying around that one particular the kids is reading, knowing they will be coming for you to enjoy the story. We possess a large personal library, plus I sell books too so you will bookcases in mere about every room and they're full of books. All that to let you that we a regarding books involving house.
Board the train from Brisbane to Surfers Paradise on the Gold Sea. There you uncover some for this best beaches in exciting world of. It one more home towards tallest building in Australia called Q1 which stands over 320 metres. Advertising are brave take a ride your elevator into the top of Q1 and watch a meal, have you photo taken hanging journey side of Q1 check out a movie in the highest cinema australia wide on the 80th soil. The 360 degree viewing deck is unbelievable. You can actually look upon the helicopters flying use. The shopping in the Gold Coast is main event and calls for an abundance of quality accommodation and entertainment at hand. I love being at the Marriot Surfers Paradise-poker.
To perform actual job, drive car a bit, and then turn it and let it cool for a minimum 15 a short time. This warms up the oil in order that it flows better, but allows it to be able to drain back to the bottom of the engine. Locate the bottom of the engine. The engine may have various accessories bolted to it, but on the very lowest point of this engine might be a bolt that doesn't secure any parts. This is actually the oil drain plug. Position your Premium CBD Oil Products pan under this bolt, and eliminate it with the socket or box-end wrench. If your pan includes a mesh cover, this will catch the plug. Otherwise try assistance ahold than it when it finally comes free.
Some companies spend up big on advertising, using well known personalities to sell their supplement. Their oil become purified right now there is no problem with their oil but it is very expensive.
On the opposite hand you can like visiting Kelly Tarlton's. Here you will have an enjoyable time checking Antarctic and underwater worlds without needing to travel that far. Kelly Tarleton's is available on the scenic Tamaki Drive. Here you usually see the fish and sharks which live inside of the Underwater World swimming relating to the aquarium as you walk via a transparent canal. You could also come during feeding time at the rays tanks and learn all about these fascinating creatures.
It need to be mentioned there are no direct flights in the capital of Tasmania. You'll need to change up to a domestic airline from Melbourne or Sydney. Residing in Hobart isn't a problem as there are dozens of serviced apartments, hostels, and three in order to 5 star accommodation options. Our favorite luxury hotel is the Henry Jones Art Hotel on Hunter Street; also one of the most frequently awarded as well as probably the most sought-after of all luxury hotels in area. Even if you don't planning on staying there it is perhaps worth a dekko currently being the Henry Jones is the nation's only art hotel.
With all the oil paintings for sale all the particular world finding one in the neighborhood . perfect a person is a factor that should stop taken slightly. Remember you are purchasing someone's creativity and foods high in protein not put a selling price on commitment. So if locate a painting out there that talks to you do not let anything stop through getting using want.
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The Power of Personalization: Creating a Unique User Experience for Visitors on Your Affordable Tasmania Website
In today's competitive digital landscape, Australian small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face a constant challenge: standing out from the crowd. A generic website simply won't cut it anymore.  Affordable web design in Tasmania  offers a solution, but to truly capture visitor attention and drive conversions, you need to personalize the user experience (UX).
Why Personalization Matters
Personalization involves tailoring your website content and interactions to the individual needs and preferences of each visitor.  Here's why it's crucial for Tasmanian SMBs:
Increased Engagement: Personalized content is more relevant and engaging, keeping visitors on your website for longer and encouraging them to explore further.
Improved Conversion Rates: By presenting targeted offers and calls to action (CTAs) based on visitor behavior, personalization can significantly increase the likelihood of conversions, whether it's a sale, a lead generation, or a newsletter signup.
Enhanced Brand Perception: A personalized experience demonstrates that you care about your customers' individual needs, fostering brand loyalty and trust.
Personalization Strategies for Affordable Tasmania Websites
Even with  affordable web design in Tasmania, you can implement effective personalization strategies:
Content Personalization: Dynamically tailor your website content based on factors like location, demographics, browsing history, or previous site interactions. For example, a Tasmanian tourism website could display content specific to a visitor's region of origin, highlighting local attractions and events.
Product Recommendations: Utilize user data to recommend products or services relevant to each visitor's interests and purchase history. Imagine a Tasmanian arts and crafts website suggesting personalized gift ideas based on previous browsing behavior.
Dynamic CTAs: Adjust your CTAs based on visitor behavior. For instance, a visitor actively browsing a specific product category could see a CTA encouraging them to "Add to Cart," while someone on a general information page might see a CTA promoting a downloadable guide.
Examples of Personalization in Action
Here are some real-world examples of how businesses are using personalization to enhance user experience:
Amazon: Recommends products based on past purchases and browsing behavior.
Spotify: Curates personalized playlists based on your listening habits.
Netflix: Suggests shows and movies based on your viewing history.
Affordable Tools for Personalization
Several affordable tools can help Tasmanian SMBs implement personalization strategies on their websites:
Website Analytics Platforms: Free and paid tools like Google Analytics provide insights into visitor behavior, enabling you to tailor content accordingly.
Email Marketing Platforms: Many email marketing platforms offer features for segmentation and personalization, allowing you to craft targeted email campaigns.
Live Chat Software: Engaging with website visitors in real-time allows you to personalize conversations and address their specific needs.
Creating a Personalized Experience with Affordable Web Design in Tasmania
While  affordable web design in Tasmania  may not include extensive customization options, here are some things to consider:
Work with a Web Designer Who Understands Personalization: Communicate your desire for a personalized user experience and choose a designer familiar with relevant tools and techniques.
Design for User Segmentation: Develop a basic understanding of your target audience and design website sections that cater to different segments.
Utilize Content Management Systems (CMS): Many affordable website platforms offer user-friendly CMS interfaces allowing you to update content and CTAs easily, fostering a degree of personalization.
Is personalization complex to implement?
Personalization can be implemented in stages. Start with basic strategies like website analytics and targeted content, then explore more advanced tools as your resources allow.
Can I personalize my website without a lot of data?
Even with limited data, you can personalize to some extent.  Focus on basic segmentation based on location or demographics and adapt your website content accordingly.
How can I measure the success of my personalization efforts?
Track key metrics like website traffic, engagement time, conversion rates, and bounce rates before and after implementing personalization strategies. This will help you evaluate the impact of your efforts.
In the digital age, a generic website simply won't cut it for Australian SMBs. By leveraging the power of personalization, even  affordable web design in Tasmania  can be transformed into a powerful tool for capturing visitor attention, fostering engagement, and driving conversions. Remember, personalization is an ongoing process. Experiment, learn from your data, and refine your approach to continuously create a unique and engaging user experience for each visitor to your Tasmanian website.  As you personalize your website, watch your  affordable web design in Tasmania  investment pay off in the form of increased brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, and ultimately, business growth.
affordable web design in adelaide
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jeremystrele · 3 years
A Magical Alistair Knox-Designed Rental In Eltham!
A Magical Alistair Knox-Designed Rental In Eltham!
by Lucy Feagins, Editor
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Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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Artwork by Thierry Porter. Pop and Scott Dreamer Couch. Rollin’ Stone Coffee Table by Odditi (formerly Lobo Workshop). Armchair sourced by Curated Spaces. Hay Matin Lamp from Open Room. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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Lucienne and Sebastian Van Sebille! Artwork by Thierry Porter. Pop and Scott Rocky Record Sideboard and linen lamp prototype. The Armadillo rug was a gift for Lucienne’s 30th from special friends. Sebastian’s record player and amp bought from a garage sale when he was 17! Woven Sculpture by Lucy Nelson via Tjanpi Desert Weavers. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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‘Our living space where we spend a lot of our time in front of the fire or with doors wide open on warm days. It’s a hard space to capture as it is so vast, but being surrounded by windows makes the space feel so light and open,’ says Lucienne. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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Artwork on shelf: ‘Bombing of Darwin’ by Pauletta Kerinaiua. Items on shelf: Footed Bowl by Asobimasu Clay. Black Wide Sentinel Vase by Ella Bendrups. Shell collected on the beach in Marion Bay, Tasmania. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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Artwork ‘Bombing of Darwin’ by Pauletta Kerinaiua. Painted paper mache bowl made by a friend. Nicolette Johnson blue vase (sadly damaged in transit, but still so beautiful). White chalk vase with handles by Katarina Wells.Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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‘We love all the built-in shelving in this house and have no problem whatsoever filling them with our bits and bobs,’ says Lucienne. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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Drum stools by Pop and Scott. Brass clock from Country Road. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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Artwork by Sebastian’s father Casey Van Sebille. Amber Jug and glassware by Maison Balzac. Ceramics by Amy Leeworthy with nasturtium from the veggie garden. Ferm Living Brass Pond Triverts. Blue Glass Decanter from Made in Japan. The frog candle stick holders are much loved engagement gift that receive a lot of comments at dinner parties! Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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The house’s incredible stained glass window! Snoopy Lamp by Achille & Pier Giacomo Castiglioni for FLOS from Euroluce. Life Interiors shelving housing Sebastian’s ever-increasing cookbook collection and Lucienne’s penchant for timber bowls. Candle stick from a local Eltham maker. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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Paper lantern by Pop and Scott. Vase by a ceramist at Montsalvat. Flowers from the local green grocer. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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Vintage dining table sourced by Curated Spaces. LaClasica Chairs by Spanish brand Stua from Stylecraft (these were ex sample chairs that are still in great condition that Lucienne picked up while at her previous role). Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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Artworks up the stairs by Sebastian’s sister Mo, who gave the couple a piece for their 30th birthdays. Artwork on brick by Bobby Clark. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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Noren door curtain from Pop and Scott. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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Handpainted suns by Thea Skelsey. Japanese Noren by Pop and Scott. Curio Blanket in Wheatgrass. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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Vintage tiered travertine side tables used as bedsides. Night Owl Lamp by Fritz Hansen from Cult. I Love Linen bedding. Curio Blanket in Wheatgrass. Pop and Scott pot. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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Vintage chair. In Bed x We are Tribe tobacco bedding with In Bed biscuit pillowcases. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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Drawers bought off Gumtree. Pop and Scott brass mirror. Vase by Lotte Schwerdtfeger.Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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Lucienne’s mother’s childhood folk harp. Poppy photograph by Kristoffer Paulsen. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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Book shelf from Ikea. Big Stripe floor cushions from Good Space. Couch from Lounge Lovers. Velvet lumbar and throw cushions from Pop and Scott. Dizzie side table by Arper from Stylecraft – another ex sample from Lucienne’s previous job.Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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Sunday Supply Co umbrella. Palissade table and benches by Hay from Open Room. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
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Artwork by Bobby Clark. Dreamer Couch by Pop and Scott. On shelves: Alvar Aalto Iittala vase. Items on shelf: Footed Bowl by Asobimasu Clay. Black Wide Sentinel Vase by Ella Bendrups. Shell found on the beach in Marion Bay, Tasmania. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files. Styling – Annie Portelli
Seasoned renters Lucienne Van Sebille, trade manager at Pop and Scott and stylist, and Sebastian Van Sebille, chef at True North, lived in Melbourne’s inner-north for a decade before making the move to further out to Eltham.
The couple had heard rave reviews about the suburb for years, but thought things surely couldn’t be as amazing as they seem. Turns out, they are!
Even though a potential move out of the city had long been discussed by the pair, it wouldn’t have happened in 2020 if not for the pandemic. Lucienne explains, ‘The owners of our last home sadly had to move back from overseas due to COVID, so it was very tricky for them and us.’ 
Finding a new rental property mid pandemic was hardly ideal, but everything fell into place after Lucienne spotted this Alistair Knox-designed home up for lease. ‘After constant refreshes on my real estate search page, I literally jumped on the spot in excitement when I first saw this listing! ’ she says. ‘I’m so thankful all things fell into place and we landed here.’ 
Melbourne entered its second major lockdown (lasting 16 weeks) just days after Lucienne and Sebastian moved into the home, affording the couple and their English cocker spaniel Bertie plenty of time to get to know their new neighbourhood!
‘We are lucky to have really lovely neighbours who have lived here for over 40 years, and can tell us some of the history of the house and all the people who have lived here,’ Lucienne says. ‘Our house was the first to be built on the street and our neighbours, along with the original owners who built here, brought in electricity to the vacant land together. I love that so much!’
While their previous rental properties have required some personalisation to feel like home, the incredible bones of this place speak for themselves.
‘I’ve always put so much of myself into our rental homes over the years – painting walls, replacing light fittings, scraping glow-in-the-dark stars from the ceiling, planting, and painting again!’ Lucienne says. ‘The space lends itself to our furniture, art and other pieces really well, and I feel like everything found its right spot in the house very naturally.’ 
Some standout furniture items include prototypes and seconds made by Lucienne’s workmates at Pop and Scott, and art by Sebastian’s dad and other loved ones. 
The previous residents of this Knox home lived here for 28 years, and together with the owners, they have ensured it’s been beautifully maintained, and repaired with materials faithful to the original design. 
‘I mean, Knox knew what he was doing! We’re lucky that our landlords really care for the property… we often jokingly say “you’ve done it again Alistair” when something functions perfectly, like all the external glass doors folding neatly out on themselves,’ says Lucienne. ‘We’re lucky it’s now the home of our family, and hope to live plenty of life here too.’
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travelgraphics · 4 years
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Wombat grazing at Cradle Mountain, Tasmania [OC] [4032 x 1908] https://ift.tt/2QLxdkU
Hey Tumblr! We created our Tumblr page to inform travelers. This month we would love to tell you about two awesome travel promotions!
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jennachartrandart · 4 years
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Winter is slowly closing in on us here in Tasmania. Our wood heater is burning, and we’re losing day light so much quicker than what I would appreciate. This is my fourth winter here though, and I can honestly tell you I’d take a Tassie winter over a Canadian winter any day. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I get asked a lot why I love it here so much (most younger Tasmanian’s get the hell out of here and head to Melbourne as soon as they can) and the answer kind of hit me the other day as I was leaving the grocery store. As I sat at the lights waiting for them to turn green, I looked in my rear view mirror and I could see the ocean glittering blue in the sunlight. Up a head of me I can see our towering Mount Roland. It would take me 5 minutes to reach the ocean and less than an hour to get to the foothills of the mountain. We’re completely surrounded by the most pristine nature and bushland, and it’s all so accessible to us. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ This island is where my art career started, having picked up a pencil for the first time since high school. I thrive here in the slow living, the early morning coffees and the burning wood heaters. Weekends spent up at the shack in the snow, wallabies in our paddocks and kookaburras laughing in the trees. My inspiration comes from the raw wilderness I’m surrounded by, and all of these strange little creatures I get to live beside. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I’m starting a small collection of artwork based around this gorgeous island and the critters that inhabit it. I have a devil on the easel already, and there’s a quoll and yellow crested black cockatoo on the list as well. All pieces will be for sale, with first access given to those in my email newsletter. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I’m so excited to share my love for this island with you, if there are any Tassie creatures you’d like to see painting please let me know 😊 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📷 @melanie_kate_photography
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rhonddaandallaneuro · 7 years
The region of Margaret River, as everyone would know, is famous for its wines. There are over one hundred wineries crammed into the south west corner of Western Australia surrounded by other neighbouring regions that also tag on to the name and industry. We had placed ourselves at a farm house caravan park just north of Margaret River and I expected to be doing a lot of driving (designated driver) for the next few days within the numerous back roads of the region. On day one however I was pleasantly surprised as we drove north to Busselton along the coastal road through towns such as Dunsborough and Yallingup. In this drive we also stopped off at the Ngigli Cave, an amazing place where you go down over eight story's through winding stairways that lead in all directions. We have done many caves walks over the years and this is a must for like minded persons. In this area we also cam across the Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse and I have to say we were very underwhelmed. It is the smallest lighthouse you have ever seen and they wanted a ridiculous amount of money to do a 15 minute tour. Finally we arrived in Brusselton and went straight to the jetty which is 1.8 kilometres long. You catch a tram, run by volunteers, and go out to the underwater observatory, a great experience, given the water is so clear. My first day in the Margaret River region was exciting and would be happy to do again. Back home to the caravan a storm was on the arisen so we decided to pack up our annex etc as on Wednesday we would not be around when the wind started. The wind is your worst enemy we have found and something we have come to respect. Rhondda is a very caring and considerate person and decided I should not be expected to drive her through the wineries so we jumped on a tour. Best decision for me possible. The tour first took us to a coffee shed where we did a lesson on how to make coffee best, which included many tastings. The guy really knew his stuff. I really think this was a great strategy taking travellers to where they can get high before taking to a winery for a series of downers. Hahaha From there to our first winery, with over a dozen tastings. They are very liberal over here with both the number and servings of tastings. All the better for increased sales is my logic. Hahaha Onto another winery and then a brew house where we were allowed to trial five beers before electing which one we wanted to have with our lunch, which was fresh local fish with chips and salad. Back on the road after lunch another couple of wineries followed by a cheese factory and chocolate factory where there was lots of free tastings. What a great idea. A great way to finish the day. The cheese in the region is smooth same as the chocolate. Thursday we planned to visit and stay down at the Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse, the site of where the Indian and Great Southern oceans meet. We ended up not staying and drove through to Pemberton due to the fact we could see a massive storm coming, not something one plans to do when living in a caravan. The visit there through was great and the lighthouse views stunning. The scenery down around this part of Australia is so raw, green and beautiful. The drive on to Pemberton also not hard to take and we got to drive through a Karri Forrest, with so many tall trees. Arriving into Pemberton we quickly set up and moved on to some of the local tourist drives (the area is located in some of Australia's greatest forests). One can not come to this region and not take time out to enjoy the natural beauty. Driving through the Beedleup State Forest we came across the Centennial Tree, which has large spokes wound around it, encouraging up you to climb to the top of the tree. It is a challenge and we did up to a level but really only a mad man would try to get to the top, given there are no safety nets. Back home the storm finally caught up with us and the rain poured. Spent our night sitting around the table enjoying our tea in the dry. Not to let a little water diminish our travels we took the chance to do the Warren River tram, a volunteer based ride through the Beedleup State Forrest. Travelled on old tracks left from the wood industry over streams and gullies. A lot of fun and the driver had so much history and stories to tell we could have stayed on board for hours. Back at the camp, as it was not raining and it was Friday we headed to the local sports club. Here we found the cheapest beer apart from the Carina Leagues Club in Australia with the friendliest locals you could ever meet. Free hot nibbles on the bar we thought we had gone back in time. We also got to try Marron, the local Yabby for want of a better explanation, which is small but meaty and tastes beautiful. Continuing on Saturday we drove through to Walpole, a seaside community, that is surrounded by the Nornalup National Park. It is very tidy and locals are rightly proud within. After setting up as always we did a local tour ending up at the Tingle Tree, the biggest based we have ever seen. Not nearly as tall as the redwoods of the USA but certainly a much bigger base. As they grow and hollow out over the hundreds of years they grow for, they leave a cave like hollow where one could drive a car through. The Nornalup National Park is the most diverse Forrest we have come across with giant Karris, Tingle and Jarrah trees thriving everywhere. From here we did the drive out to a local art track where there are different offerings from artists uniting the spirit of the area with nature or so they say. Personally I think the biggest waste of money I have seen in a long time. If it was not on the way to Mount Frankland (not to be confused with Mt Franklin in Tasmania) I am sure it would never be visited. Mount Frankland, however, is another thing. Two major viewing points where you can see for kilometres on well kept and shaded tracks. A must for visitors but bring water as the 600 meters climb (note I said climb not walk) is hard. The other viewing platform is a 300 metre walk and a delight to do and is equal to other similar tree top walks we have done around Australia. Today we are sitting in our van with soaking rain now going on for nearly ten hours. Today will be a test of time as we have no television and no where to drive.
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definewine · 5 years
Penfolds Grange back on top as Australia’s most collected wine
Wine Ark, Australia’s largest wine storage provider and retailer of vintage wines, has released its highly anticipated report card on wine collecting in Australia - Australia's Most Collected Wines 2019 - with Penfolds Grange reclaiming first place as the most collected wine in the country.
Wine Ark’s Most Collected Wines is a survey of its Australian cellars which hold over two million bottles of wine in climate-controlled conditions for thousands of collectors based in over 30 countries.
The list of the 50 most collectable wines is the only longitudinal report of its kind in the country that measures the tastes of Australian wine collectors and the contents of their wine cellars.
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The list of the 50 most collectable wines, released every three years since 2006, has become the barometer on wine collecting in Australia and the results show emerging trends in the tastes of Australian wine collectors.
For the 2019 edition of Australia’s Most Collectable Wines there has been a number of trends which show that Australian wine collecting habits are changing at a rapid pace.
John Cuff, of Wine Ark, said, “Due to the sheer numbers of bottles in the count, it takes a lot of movement to shift wines in the Top 10. The rise of Penfolds Grange, one of the most expensive wines in Australia, at the expense of Penfolds Bin 389, again emphasises the importance of this iconic wine to Australian wine collectors”.
It was though not all good news for Penfolds and other very well-established wineries, despite Penfolds still having the most entries in the Top 50 (8).
“Having worked on every incarnation of Australia’s Most Collected wines over the past 10 years we are seeing a clear shift away from large wineries to more niche winemakers. The popularity of old cellar staples of Penfolds, Wynns and Lindemans is falling while a new breed of wineries is rising quickly.
"These include Tyrrell’s, Rockford, Turkey Flat and Tolpuddle Vineyard. What must be worrying for Treasury Wine Estates is the fact that of the 13 wines in the Top 50, all but three have moved down,” said Cuff.
Shiraz still remains at the core of Australian wine cellars making up half the wines in Australia's Most Collected Wines 2019 Top 50 with the number of bottles increasing by 11% in the last three years.
On the flip side the performance of Cabernet Sauvignon and Coonawarra in particular has been less impressive with a 22% drop in straight and blended Cabernet Sauvignon, much of which has been driven by a surprisingly large drop in wines from Coonawarra, down 43%.
Another clear change in Australian cellars has been the increasing interest in wine from many cooler climates with Tasmania up by an impressive 175% and the Yarra Valley up by 47%.
This is also illustrated by the rising fortunes of wines from Mount Mary, Yarra Yering and, in particular, Tasmania’s Tolpuddle Vineyard Pinot Noir which was the fastmover in 2019, up 101 places to enter the top 50, again showing the increased interest by collectors in more niche wines.
“We are very excited that Tolpuddle Vineyard is moving up Wine Arks Collectors’ Hit Parade,” said Tolpuddle Vineyard Managing Director, Michael Hill-Smith AW MW.
”When we bought the property in 2011 we believed that Tolpuddle Vineyard had the potential to be one of Australia’s great single vineyards. Tolpuddle is a special vineyard making small quantities of highly acclaimed individual wines from an interesting place. You can understand our excitement.”
Summing up Cuff said, “While the amount of wines from the Barossa Valley are up 26% since our last survey, it is still clear that there is a distinct move in the nation’s wine cellar toward more elegant, cool climate wines from small winemakers.”
A quick snapshot of Wine Ark’s list of Australia's Most Collected Wines 2019:
Most popular wine brand:  Penfolds (8 entries)
Most popular wine region:  1st: Barossa (9 entries), 2nd: Hunter Valley (6 entries)
Most popular varietal:  Shiraz (25 entries)
Most popular state:  SA (27 entries)
White Wine vs Red Wine:  8 whites, 42 reds
The most collected Shiraz:  Penfolds Grange #1 (Multi-regional)
The most collected Cabernet Shiraz:  Penfolds 389 #2 (Multi-regional)
The most collected Cabernet Blend:  Lake’s Folly #4 (Hunter Valley)
The most collected Cabernet Sauvignon:  Moss Wood #6 (Margaret River)
The most collected Riesling:  Grosset Polish Hill #11 (Clare Valley)
The most collected Chardonnay:  Leeuwin Estate #10 (Margaret River)
The most collected Pinot Noir:  Mount Mary #30 (Yarra Valley)
All the details of Australia’s Most Collected Wines can be found at here.
For further information, photographs and interviews, please contact:
David Cumming | Define Wine Marketing & Communications | 0414 736 342 | [email protected]
John Cuff | Chief Executive Officer | Wine Ark | 0411 752 545 | [email protected]
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About Wine Ark:  Established in 1999, Wine Ark is Australia’s leading premium wine storage provider with fifteen climate-controlled state of the art facilities located in five states. Wine Ark stores over two million bottles of wine for clients in thirty countries. With cellars in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, Wine Ark offers private wine vaults, managed cellarage, events plus an unparalleled selection of perfectly aged vintage wines for sale from their client’s cellars.
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