#tan cressida
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Daily Listening, Day #1,144 - February 17th, 2023
Album: I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside (Tan Cressida, 2015)
Artist: Earl Sweatshirt
Genre: Progressive Rap, West Coast Hip Hop
Track Listing: 
"Off Top"
"Grown Ups"
Favorite Song: "Mantra"
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whiteboyratchet · 1 year
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nineteenfiftysix · 11 months
Earl Sweatshirt - WHOA (Feat. Tyler The Creator) (Doris, 2013)
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ae-neon · 2 years
Nesta Archeron in the Summer Court!
Disclaimer: in my head Summer is more Brazil than the Mediterranean. Visuals: X , X
She comes to Summer seeking the sun.
Tarquin's been hard at work with integration policies but certain areas still have a zoned feeling to them.
Nesta finds somewhere close to a human neighbourhood. Some days she lies on the floor with her window open - keen ears picking up on the familiar dialects of her human life.
Some nights it's hard to look at the ocean, reminds her too much of the Cauldron but it sings so different, so soft and apologetic that something in Nesta eases.
Because of the contrast of the ocean and constant exposure to pools and water gardens, it slowly becomes easier to bath too
She slowly adjusts to the fashion too, less grating on her internalised modesty when the weather demands it.
She tans, it's barely a shade or two, but it catches her off guard to look in the mirror and not see the porcelain doll the Cauldron Made. It makes her smile, a little victory.
She listens to bossanova.
Loves the restaurants turned half dance floor by the setting sun. She loves the icy drinks and the fruity salads.
After they're sure she isn't there to cause more trouble, the royals ease up their surveillance and leave her be.
She sees them out and about sometimes but doesn't go beyond greeting or making small talk.
The humans adjust to faerie festivals and take to sitting outside, on their roofs and patios, to watch the carnival and water dancing.
She's surprised one day by an invitation to celebrate the Summer Solstice with the HL and his delegates.
There's a small panic in her and she doesn't reply until she's out on a walk and bumps into Tarquin himself and ends up agreeing to at least join for the banquet before the night takes off in full
She isn't forced to interact beyond small talk and besides Tarquin himself, no one tries to be overly familiar.
It's not terrible and she ends up watching the carnival from the palace balcony when most leave to join the crowding streets
One day the sea calls more sweetly than usual and Nesta even manages to make it out to rocks to find a group of mermaids waiting. At first they don't say much, just offer her gifts from the ocean
Guilty, she says she has nothing to give back but the mermaids settle that she should tell them a story. The first few times she retells familiar fables and recent reads but one day ends up simply bringing a book along
The women of the sea don't blush or giggle but they seem entranced by certain aspects so Nesta curates her collection to include what they like
News of this reaches Tarquin and Cressida when they go Under to meet with their watery counterparts.
Cressida later recounts this to the head of the royal library who then offers book suggestions to Nesta
One night Tarquin quietly joins the crowd, fresh from the sea.
It doesn't take long, not with how nice Tarquin is, for them to become friends despite the small self hating part of Nesta that insists she doesn't deserve it.
Her visits to the palace happen almost monthly now and it isn't long before Cressida sends her tailor Nesta's way
Nesta isn't sure she can fully embrace Summer Court fashion - the Fae a little too free for her taste but she comes to like the loose, open and colourful dresses she and the tailor decide on
Cressida teaches Nesta how to Samba. Then they slow dance and kiss.
She receives a patterned silk scarf as a gift from Tarquin and weaves in into her crown braid for her next visit.
The visit is not quite the usual, Tarquin is taking her out of the city and into the jungle. The Fae there are less exposed to humans than those on the coast and he wants her to act as a sort of test to whether they might begin to build refugee settlements inland as well
Nesta becomes a sort of middleman and begins corresponding frequently with the human-fae integration task team before fully joining.
She's grateful but the work begins to open her eyes to how accommodating the Fae are being and she becomes interested in seeing and connecting with the wilder, more faery side of Summer too
The grin Tarquin gives her when she tells him this lets her know she's about to experience a whole new world.
Nesta looks like a jaguar with her tan and freckles and casual grace with underlying power
Nesta getting an actual jaguar as a pet cause it just follows her out of the forest one day
Nesta with an apartment full of tropical plants and she has a parrot!!!
There was no overarching structure to this but that's what I get for rushing into making this. Anyyyywayyyss
Nesta Archeron with a tan and freckles. A gold n red scarf in her hair and a flowing blue dress with tropical flowers on it. Her feet in the sand. Tarquin and Cressida will have her wearing gold jewellery soon enough. Nesta learning the Summer dialect and teaching Fae the Human dialect from south of the Wall.
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goodbysunball · 1 year
Best of 2022
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Here it is: my yearly summation of the small labels working through rising costs and punishing manufacturing delays, the artists making music unafraid of chance, and the freaks supporting all of it in spite of the daily consequences of a ruling class increasingly detached from reality. Lots more that deserve accolades from more prestigious publications, and I'm sure they'll get 'em, but these are records that were inseparable from certain points of my year, including now. Yeah, they were all kinda my favorite at one point, and could be again tomorrow, but Kilynn Lunsford is #1 for a reason. Glad to be back at shows, however sparingly, experiencing all the awkward camaraderie and room-silencing/room-flattening performances that come with them. It all feels more necessary than ever. Up and up in a world of lava. Happy New Year, everyone.
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Kilynn Lunsford, Custodians of Human Succession (ever/never)
Joe Colley, Deformation of Tone (Total Black)
Kitchen's Floor, None of That (Petty Bunco)
Thomas Bush, Preludes (Mammas Mysteriska Jukebox)
Hissing, Hypervirulence Architecture (Profound Lore)
Tim Goss, Afterfly (Penultimate Press)
Carla dal Forno, Come Around (Kallista)
Rose Mercie, ¿Kieres Agua? (Celluloid Lunch/Jelodanti)
Incipientium, Belastning (Förlag För Fri Musik)
Siobhan, Body Double (Nostilevo)
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The Body & OAA, Enemy of Love CS (Thrill Jockey)
Brain Tourniquet, s/t 7" (Iron Lung)
CIA Debutante, "The Punch" b/w "The Garden" 7" (Digital Regress)
Cube, Proof of Bells CD (H&S Ranch)
Darksmith, Imposter CD (Throne Heap)
Gaoled, Bestial Hardcore 7" flexi (Iron Lung)
Greymouth, Twilight Furl 7" (Kashual Plastik)
Horrendous 3D, s/t 7" (Black Water)
Incipientium, Inhuman CS (Kashual Plastik)
Primitive Man, Insurmountable 12" (Closed Casket Activities)
RRR Band, s/t CS (Petty Bunco)
Sprite, Epic Sundry CS (Tropical Cancer Rort)
Stomachache, Hiss Noise Whir CD (Lagniappe Exposure)
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R.I.P. Young Slo-Be
42 Dugg & EST Gee, “Thump Shit”
BandGang Lonnie Bands, Scorpion Eyes (Anti Media/TF Entertainment)
Denzel Curry feat. Key Glock, “Walkin (Remix)”
Earl Sweatshirt, SICK! (Tan Cressida)
Lil Durk & Gucci Mane, “Rumors”
Maz G x GuttaFoe, “Win Some, Lose Some” - what is going on in Milwaukee
Starlito & Troy Money, Cheap Phones & Turkey Bags (Grind Hard)
Billy Woods, Aethiopes (Backwoodz Studioz)
Young Slo-Be, Southeast (KoldGreedy / Thizzler on the Roof)
Z Money, Back 2 the Blender (self-released) - thx @raygarraty
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Pictured: Angels of Mons
Live shows
The Body at 529, Atlanta, GA (May 17)
Primitive Man, Mortiferum, Jarhead Fertilizer, Body Void & Elizabeth Color Wheel at The EARL, Atlanta, GA (May 20)
Brain Tourniquet, Excavate & Thirdface at DRKMTTR, Nashville, TN (July 16)
Reeking Aura at the Brickyard, Knoxville, TN (November 11)
Bitchin Bajas, Maspeth & Angels of Mons at the Pilot Light, Knoxville, TN (December 11)
Five songs that made my daughter dance every time they hit the deck
Bitchin Bajas, "Quakenbrück" from Bajascillators
Can, "Halleluhwah" from Tago Mago
Rose Mercie, "Cats and Dogs" from ¿Kieres Agua?
Träden, "När lingonen mognar (Lingonberries Forever)" from Träden
YL Hooi, "W/O Love" from Untitled
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hydraulicbenadryl · 8 months
For some reason whenever I got back to ATOU, I always laugh at this part. Maybe it’s the way I introduced Cowan, I’m not entirely sure. But here it is!
Mentions of fighting/death threats under the cut!
“Resuming simulation, Private,” Cressida informed him. “Three…two…one…”
The blue hologram appeared once more, rushing back and forth as it approached McCaughley, a knife in its hand. The private fired once, twice, and the hologram flashed red, freezing and then dissolving.
“Good.” She gave an approving nod as his nervous grin tipped up into a more relaxed smile. “Continue with that.”
A wolf whistle suddenly cut through the noise as the double doors to the firing range slid open. “Well, well! Special sidearm training from the General herself? Someone’s lucky, Private!”
McCaughley turned bright red as Cressida scowled and turned towards the noise. “Lieutenant, you better have a very good reason for interrupting my training, or I’ll take my own, shove it up your ass, and pull the trigger.”
A man stood in the doorway, arms crossed over his black muscle tee, two of his own pistols on his person, one on each hip of his cargo pants. He wore a wicked grin on his clean-shaven face, his short blonde curls moving with every step as he headed down the three stairs towards Cressida. Freckles crossed the tan skin of his face, barely visible under the light, and a tattoo of flames was just barely visible on the left side of his chest under his shirt.
Lieutenant Cowan Jameson Rhodes was a pain in the fucking ass.
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seedsinmygarden · 9 months
Peter Green, the Nerd
“I don’t stare, I observe. Your sweater is inside out, by the way.”
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Basic Information
Identifying Gender/Species: Cisgender Human Male, he/him pronouns.
Birthdate: December 3rd, 1874 (Sagittarius)
Blood Status: Muggle-born
Wand: Notched design, Dusty Pink color. Beech wood, dragon heartstring core, 11”, supple flexibility.
Pets?: A female black cat with blue eyes named Persephone.
Height and Body Type: Slightly tall at 5’11, and doesn’t grow much more past that. Not many muscles but he’s not really scrawny either, giving him a rectangle body type.
Hair: Well-combed dirty blond hair that remains straight. A little longer than most— he doesn’t get a haircut often.
Eyes: Green eyes with brown specks, like a dyed green leather book. He does wear glasses, a pair of black circular ones— his vision isn’t horrible, but the glasses certainly help.
Scars and Other Marks: None, really. Semi-tan skin from always living on the coastal town.
Clothing: Most often just the Ravenclaw uniform or really anything Ravenclaw related. He doesn’t have a lot of clothes from home, really, and he doesn’t really go clothes shopping. He just has what he has. However, one thing he does treasure is his mother’s scarf. It no longer smells like her after years, but he still holds onto it for the sentimential value it holds.
Not really shy, just quiet. Prefers to sit silently rather than chat, but doesn’t mind if someone comes up and starts chatting with him (as long as he’s not busy with something important).
Book nerd. Book smart. The Hermione Granger of the 1892 graduating class. Jack of all trades, master of none, better than a master of one.
He wavers with Cassius, Amit, Cressida, and the other braniacs. He doesn’t care where his rank is, he’s not competitive about it.
Takes no shit. He won’t hesitate to put someone in their place if he felt they deserved it.
Prefers brain over brawn. He’ll use his words— and boy is he good with his words! He’s got a sharper tongue than anyone in the school, including the professors. He knows exactly what to say, when to say, and how to say it.
Home Life
Birthplace: A coastal village in Wales.
Birth Parents: Robert and Charlotte Green
Adopted?: Yes.
Adoptive Parents: Kit and Cassandra Gray
Siblings?: None.
Other Guardian Figures: None.
Places of Residence: Born and raised in that Wales coastal village, but Hogwarts quickly became a home he would hold close to his heart, even if he doesn’t have a lot of friends. He’s perfectly content just being within those walls.
Hogwarts Life
House: Ravenclaw
Quidditch?: Nope. He feels he doesn’t have the athleticism, but he is still involved as Ravenclaw’s commentator.
Clubs: Runs the Hogwarts Herald student newspaper. Will occasionally attend meetings for Tommy’s Game Club, but isn’t involved to the point he’s an official part of the club.
Other Activites: Studies plenty. Most of his time is spent reading, however, and he’s often found in the library for it.
Romance?: Sure. He’s not really into it, but if there’s a cute guy… yeah, why not? He’ll entertain the idea, but he knows not to take it too far if he truly isn’t interested.
Patronus: To be learned.
Animagus: To be learned.
Boggart: To be learned.
Amortentia: To be learned.
Mother died in childbirth, and his father died in a work accident when he was very young. The only blood family he had left was his aunt and uncle, aunt being his mom’s sister. The two weren’t close, so Peter didn’t exactly have a happy family relationship with them.
Not to say it wasn’t bad either! They were basically just people living under the same roof. There was no good relationship, no bad, just amicable. His aunt and uncle cared for him as one would care for a child, but they didn’t care enough to want to bond or actively spend time.
Peter is the ONLY KID that Madam Scribner remotely likes.
He’s a nice boy, he keeps quiet, he’ll even occasionally help her put returned books away and help other students when they’re looking for a book. Kind of became the unofficial librarian’s assistant.
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nothingtowear05 · 2 years
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Dress: Frock an Frill Cressida Tiered Floral Midi Dress (£165.00) | Shoes: Loeffler Randall Natalia Pleated Nylon Platform Sandals ($450.00) | Clutch: Olympia Le-Tan Paradise Garden Book Clutch ($1,230.00) | Earrings: Jennifer Behr Valeria Earrings ($350.00) | Hair clip: Chanel BARRETTE Métal, perles de verre & strass; Doré, multicolore & blanc nacré (520€)
We are back to making outfits based on one random item, and this week’s winner, by one vote, is the dress.
Now, because of the flower embroidery, I knew I had to go for a bit of a flower theme, hence the clutch. For the shoes, I initially went with rose gold glitter pumps, but it felt a bit drab with the nude dress. So, because I kept thinking back to those green high-heeled sandals I had initially considered when planning this outfit, I decided to use those instead as they went well with the green of the flowers’ stems on the dress.
Now, when one thinks of flowers, one can’t help but think about butterflies, hence my choice of earrings. The hair clip had the perfect pastel colours to go with the dress and the accessories.
A perfect look for a golden afternoon…
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cressida-jones · 2 months
Y regresó la primavera..
Me enorgulleces Cressida, no dudes de tu potencial, fuerza, inteligencia y persistencia nunca. Eres una mujer muy muy valiente, y Dios está contigo.
Hoy cumplo un año desde que emigré y quiero darme un fuerte abrazo de consuelo por todas esas lágrimas derramadas, noches sin dormir, dolores físicos en toooodo el cuerpo por extensas jornadas de pie, malas rachas económicas, peleas familiares, distanciamiento con amistades, crisis existenciales pero, más que nada, quiero felicitarme por las veces que no me rendí, por mis objetivos logrados y cumplidos, por ser muy responsable, por ser paciente, por entender, aceptar y mantenerme en los planes de Dios, por "intentar" quejarme menos (aunque aún no lo logro del todo) y por aún mantener en la lucha.
Se que aún me falta estar un poco más de tiempo en esta etapa, en esta "incertidumbre", para alcanzar ese sueño que tengo muy dentro de mi. Aún estoy un poco confundida en algunas cosas pero sé, y estoy segura, que lo descifrare.
Que estos años pasen volando para poder volver por un buen rato a esa ciudad tan hermosa, mi Perla del Pacífico. Esperando que, para ese tan anhelado día, este libre de tanta escoria que la contamina.
Te amo Ecuador, eres tan bello.
Te estoy cogiendo cariño Estados Unidos, vamos poco a poco jeje.
Te amo Cressida, eres fuerte y muy valiente. Con una familia igual de fuerte que te ama mucho.
Te amo Dios, porque sé que nunca me abandonas.
Que este año cumplido sea una lección aprendida, un nivel pasado y culminado. Fuerzas! Aqui viene uno más...
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anthony-louis-johnson · 4 months
Knight. Wu-Tang × Tan Cressida.
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Heavy Rotation in 2023
Troth, “Days Became a Circle” (2023, Mammas Mysteriska Jukebox)
Yfory, “Baled Y Dolmen” (2023, Static Age)
Yo La Tengo, “Aselestine” (2023, Matador)
Tresa Leigh, “I Miss You” (1971, Great World of Sound/Efficient Space)
William Henry Meung, “Airport Song” (2023, Horn of Plenty)
Maxo, “Free!” (2023, Def Jam)
Marcellus Pittman, “Facid Trunktion” (2023, Acid Test)
billy woods & Kenny Segal, “Rapper Weed” (2023, Backwoodz)
Mal Waldron, “The Call” (1971, Japo)
Earl Sweatshirt, “Making the Band (Danity Kane)” (2023, Tan Cressida/Warner)
Jon Collin & Niclas Anderstedt Lindgren, “12:48” (2023, AKTI)
Purelink, “We Should Keep Going” (2023, Peak Oil)
K-Group, “Settings / Extension Pack” (2023, Knotwilg)
Laura Not, “Still Wading” (2023, phncrs)
Maxine Funke, “Cherry Blossom Gin" (2023, Disciples)
As always, art by MB.
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nineteenfiftysix · 1 year
Earl Sweatshirt - Making The Band (Making The Band - Single, 2023)
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conscriptur · 5 months
finnick's survival: part i.
Trident poised, the only control that he has in the chaos of the sewage war against the slimy, white mutts. His back presses against Cressida's own, as his only attempt to keep her covered from any attack. She is more than capable with the gun but still, he shouts to the tattooed woman to get up the ladder fast. Finnick slashed through the neck of a pouncing mutt and took the further measure of striking the trident deep into the flesh of its neck. There were grunts beside him as gunfire and blunt forces came into contact with the slithering beings. Allies still were on the ground with him, even if within the mess it had become more akin to each own's survival. As some were able to make their way up into the platform above, others were fighting for their chance to follow the others.
In this brief moment, his movements slowed to steal a glance at the ladder they were meant to climb. Boots that matched the same ones he wore moved against the rails, some were finding momentary safety above. The thought was abandoned to be replaced with searing pain as teeth ripped into his left arm. He let out a cry, teeth barred to attempt to fight through the agony. Finnick wildly moved his right arm still gripping the trident trying to land some attack on the mutt but was only countered with two other mutts dragging claws down his body. The uniform he wore was not only wet with the water but now the blood that gushed from the open patches of fabric and flesh. His eyes were shut tight, not viewing the emptiness of alliance in front of him but he trudged on through the blood and water. He became like the mutts and clawed like their own vicious hands to remove their grasp. Only did he falter when his feet knocked against something heavy, nearly falling on all fours if it weren't for the weapon in his hand to keep him steady like the makeshift walking stick he created on the days he and Annie were allowed to step into the wooded area outside of Thirteen's bunkers.
“What will I tell Annie?”
“Nothing,” Katniss had answered. “That’s what my mother and sister will be hearing from me.”
The words he gave her had been on the verge of hope rather than nothingness. This was just another time he had to leave their home of Four to partake in some celebration at the Capitol. He always came back home from those trips. They were the Star Squad only meant to add the flare to the rebellion fight. They weren't going to be on the front lines playing an active role, to much of his disappointment. That was what Finnick told Annie and gave her that hope he would return.
This was, as the two of them had compared it, the 76th Hunger Games. They knew after viewing the holographic map that they were to go into the Capitol like being lifted into the arena facing the horrors that the Gamemakers had dreamed to life. Since it was just another Game, there was a way out. Two options, you become the Victor or you die. The thought of death had once been relieving for Finnick. Erase the pain that he woke up with every morning by falling into a deep sleep never to be awoken. Things had changed though. Things were turning around in life. They were on their way now to destroy Snow and then live back at home with Annie where the peace that change would bring would then outweigh the suffering.
Finnick let out a strained noise between a groan of determination and a scream of death as he struggled to the ladder. His eyes shot open finding the first bar to wrap his fingers around. Skin tightened at how hard he gripped the rung so as not to let slip the slick metal. If it were not for the blood that covered his hand, his tanned skin would appear white in the strength he had to keep a hold. He made his last attempt to knock the butt of the trident against the head of one of the three mutts that were latched to his body, causing an ounce of relief on his left shoulder. However, somewhere within that struggle, the trident was torn away from his right hand replaced with pain that doubled over what he was able to relieve. He had to fight through it. His right hand, now free, took hold of the third rung, an agitated scream as he pulled himself up. Even in the slow agony, he was doing his best to make the climb of the ladder quick.
He was blinded again, not by the blood nor by his eyes being closed from the pain, a light glared into his eyes from above. A hurried voice was distant from there but Finnick could not make out the owner of the voice. "Katniss!" Finnick frantically shouted. The only one whom he had a fear would come back for him, even if he begged for death. Katniss who through the endless weeks they spent keeping each other grounded. His fear of her return was washed away by the fear that he had of death. "Katni--!" He shouted again halted in his mid-cry by claws digging into his scalp, yanking his head back not by his hair but by the hook under his flesh. It takes every last effort that his body can give him to push against the teeth-like fingers digging deeper into him to extend his body upwards. Just enough. Fingers search the damp air above him. Hope is rolling away like the shells caught in the undercurrent back into the depths. His eyes are closing without choice now. Please, Katniss. Finnick is too dizzy to determine what he is asking of her, to end his misery or grab onto his forearm and pull him up out of the cage of hell.
"Finnick!" The call of his name is faint, dream-like even. Part of him believes he is back at home now, lying on his back in the shallow waters, waves tickling the ends of his curly, blonde hair, damp and darker in this state. Peaceful. Calm. Finnick thinks to himself how nice it is, this sensation.
A jolt of his body, tugged hard ripping open wounds further. It is enough to rouse him from the blissful state he believed he was in. The wail in response to the tearing of his body is what has his eyes wide in shock looking around to solve the question of why his limbs had been contorted, torn off of him for all he knew. Finnick was met with blurred familiarity. This was the team, what was left of it. He tried to rasp out one of the familiar names but found himself unable. For he did not know the mutt that had latched itself to his scalp had made one last swipe to the man's neck as he was pulled up the rest of the ladder by Katniss and Cressida.
There had been a rush by Pollux to seal off the pipe with the cover. This would give enough time to regroup and quickly fix up the wounded however they could.
Finnick could only moan. His eyes fluttered to keep himself in a state of consciousness. "We can't stop here." The words were close to him. What it meant for him, was that he needed to push his body more, get up into at least a sitting position. But Finnick did not know how ragged his body had become, flayed like a fine piece of steak worked by a chef to ensure it had been cooked to perfection. A hot hand is pressed down onto his bare chest to keep him down. Rough material works its way around his body, hastily. His teeth grit together to control the temptation to let out further screams of anguish. There is more than one hand now on his body, gently pulling him up to sit and ever so slowly to a final standing position or at least close to it. He is tired. Too weak to open his eyes again to see the next steps in their escape. He will blindly be led to wherever their next place of seclusion from enemies. He clumsily climbs up another ladder with the urge of whoever is his guide, and he is met with the floor of a new room. He is dragged to a corner in an upright position and left briefly alone as plans are quickly discussed regarding what the skeleton crew of Squad Four Five One would do now.
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ae-neon · 1 year
+ ships I'm thinking about lately
Every now and then angry anon will bring up who I ship and call me disgusting and a lot of the time I have to correct them because:
The acotar ships that occupy my mind aren't my favourite ships
I barely feel anything about them, I just think they would have accomplished the vibe without remodelling the characters, twisting the narrative or making the ship as toxic as it is in canon
Eg I've talked about the forbidden ship N x R but my favourites? Nesta x Cressida, Nesta x Lucien, Nesta x Tamlin and Nesta x Azriel
The problem is that I post more about what I find interesting rather than what I like
Anyways there's no real point to this post
Here's some acotar ships I've been thinking of and some that recently came to my attention
Tamren: @toast-com crafted some pharmaceutical grade crack. I don't know what to think of this or how to process it but can't say it isn't unique
Erlain: Eris x Elain, @mygreendandelion specifically saying an Elain darkness reveal or corruption arc. Very cool, also rare
Papa A x Tamlin: @aho-dapa can't wait for sjmromanceweek2023
Feyris: an anon voted this for my fic and honestly I'm convinced this would have been fey/sand without a majority of the problematic elements I don't like. Maybe I'll post about it
Cressida x Mor: visual slay. Mor let's be honest you don't have a real job, go on a Summer vacay sweetie
Cressida x Nesta: They're married.
Emerie x Cassian: I literally don't know anything about her personality but Illyrian x Illyrian ships hold all of my worldbuilding hopes in their hands
Lucien x Cassian: this is my home, this is my temple, this is my grave. This is everything Nessian thought it was.
Feyre x Cassian: the crème de la crème of friends to lovers. Soulmates.
Feyre x Lucien: read acotar
Tamlin x Cressida: arranged marriage trope
Amren x Cressida: pretty sure this was @mygreendandelion too. Wild.
Rhys x Amren: specifically otherworldly, potentially eldritch horror Amren x "here's a diamond I know you like them" Rhys
Rhys x Cressida: political / arranged marriage but he falls so hard he gets a concussion
Elain x Isaac Hale: as humans. Rich farm wife Elain. Seeds and crops Elain. Sun tanned Isaac. Baking together. I'm crying
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getmybuzzup · 8 months
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EARL SWEATSHIRT & THE ALCHEMIST RELEASE ALBUM 'VOIR DIRE' - NEW MUSIC VIDEO FOR ALBUM TRACK "VIN SKULLY" Earl Sweatshirt and The Alchemist’s joint album VOIR DIRE is available now across all digital streaming platforms with an updated tracklist via Tan Cressida / ALC / Warner Records. Accompanying the album’s digital streaming platform encompassing debut, the duo tallies their third visual of the project with the release of a music video featuring album track "Vin Skully." Earl Sweatshirt and The Alchemist surprised both the music and media landscapes at large with the initial August release VOIR DIRE, which arrived with the exciting lead single, "Sentry" ft. MIKE. As the anticipation for the album in its entirety continued to grow, the second DSP-accessible track, "The Caliphate," materialized alongside the release of its visual, featuring Vince Staples. Today marks the official release of the entire album in its original form and sequence — with two previously unreleased tracks including "Heatcheck," and "Mancala," the latter of which features Vince Staples for his second appearance on the album. https://wp.me/p1PuJR-5DLF Please Reblog!
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mistermixmania · 8 months
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