#tales of flynnigan rider
disneyfanatic1993 · 1 month
📚Reading Time📚
New short story featuring Jasper! 🥰
Jasper’s love for books has been discovered!
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nerdasaurus1200 · 8 months
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I don’t even know if Flynn Rider is in Ramona and the Seven Dragons but I’m certain this is his dynamic with Ramona
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okayishalchemist · 2 years
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Uhhh here's another Flynn Rider he's got colour now yayyy
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ssadumba55 · 2 years
Being Rapunzel and Flynn Rider's Kid Would Include
Request: Hey, may I request being Rapunzels and Flymn riders kid headcanons please?
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Rapunzel and Flynn would be amazing but chaotic parents, you have to admit
Neither really have childhood experience to draw back on in terms of proper parenting. They definitely try their best though, even despite that.
Story times with Flynn, in which he loves to read his favourite book as a child to you (The Tales of Flynnigan Rider)
Even though you have tons of servants to do things for you, both your parents teach you the importance of doing things on your own. Neither of them grew up with things being done for them and they want to instill that same work ethic in you.
Painting, cooking, baking with Rapunzel. She loves to teach you the skills she learned while trapped in her tower, it doesn't matter if you're good or not, she'll encourage you to keep at it
Spending time with Maximus and Pascal, any child of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider would love causing mischief with their parents animal sidekicks
Days out in the town with your parents, the people in town love you
There would be lots of singing and dancing, even if Flynn isn't always the most into it. The three of you will sing and dance as you do even simple tasks.
Lots of mischief, there's no way Flynn wouldn't teach you how to pull pranks and play tricks on people in the castle. The two of you can usually be spotted running from the scene of some practical joke, laughing
There's never a dull moment, your parents try their best to make everything you do memorable even if it's something small
Despite the fact that they want you to have a good work ethic, they spoil you beyond belief, anything you want/need is basically yours if you ask for it
Cuddling at night when you have nightmares, Rapunzel would wrap you in her arms and sing to you, Flynn would make a big show of scaring the "monsters" in your room
No matter how old you get, they'll drop everything to help you, even if it's for something small. They would never leave you on your own to figure things out
They'd also always be supportive in whatever you choose to pursue, even if it's something they're not too fond of it themselves, they believe in you
And before you ask, yes, they love to retell the story of how they met (and fell in love) for you every time you ask, it's one of your favourite stories
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tangledbea · 1 year
What are some small instances or events you believe to have happened or head-canon that took place pre-series?
Some of these might seem like they aren't canon compliant, but I had these headcanons before the series came out:
In the first few months after her return, Rapunzel and Eugene had more than one conversation about the possibility of just running away together and living simple, non-royal lives.
Pascal scared a large percentage of the palace staff, who had never seen a chameleon before (and many of whom were squeamish about lizards).
Rapunzel and Eugene explored every inch of the palace together, and she made a map to learn the fastest ways from point a to point b. They found more than one secret passage and forgotten room. They also got lost several times.
Eugene taught Rapunzel to swim properly, since her first real encounter with deep water had been the flooded cave/river incident.
Eugene and Rapunzel explored the palace library together for the first time, and he read her the first Tales of Flynnigan Rider cover to cover in one sitting.
Arianna and Frederic told Rapunzel that she could paint whatever she wanted, assuming she'd stick to her own bedroom walls. They were surprised to discover that she thought every surface was a canvas, and had trouble telling her 'no' about anything.
The first time Arianna called herself Rapunzel's mother, Rapunzel burst into tears, and Eugene had to quietly explain that "Mother" was what Rapunzel called the woman who kidnapped and raised her.
Rapunzel mourned Gothel's death in the privacy of her own room, with no witnesses.
Eugene started teaching Rapunzel slight-of-hand and parkour.
Rapunzel knocked herself over when attempting to toss her short hair with the same force that she was used to tossing her long hair.
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I know I talk about Huntlow being New Dream like all the time but also New Dream could be Huntlow too
Like when Willow firsts pulls Hunter out of the sky with her vines to make her join her flyer derby team? Yeah that’s Rapunzel using her hair to trap Eugene to join her team.
Caleb? Nah that’s Flynn
Eugene falling first cause Hunter falls first (and I stand by that)
“I’m gonna borrow that book when you’re done with it!” That’s Rapunzel talking about borrowing The Tales of Flynnigan Rider
Gosh I love them all
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otherkinotd · 8 months
Eugene/Flynnn Rider from tangled is fictionkin! He introduces himself as Flynn Rider at the start of the movie but later reveals his "real" name is Eugene. He based his Flynn Rider persona off of a character from books he used to read every night as kid called "The Tales of Flynnigan Rider".
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rockyroadkylers · 5 months
KYYYYY! tell me about the tangled au!!!
OKAY so i've already talked about the Tangled AU here, but... let me see if i can come up with a little more!
ok ok ok so maybe some Alex backstory 👀 idk if you've heard the tangled headcanon where the queen is a bookworm like Rapunzel and, to cope with her grief, visits the children at the orphanage regularly and reads to them and one of the books she reads is "The Tales of Flynnigan Rider" and that's how Eugene gets the book that he creates his new name from
and I thought, maybe Catherine does something like that to cope with losing Henry, and at the end when Alex brings Henry home, he recognizes Catherine as the woman who used to read to him and the other kids, and he remembers how kinds she had always been, but how there had been a sadness behind her eyes that never quite seemed to go away, and he gets a little emotional as he realizes that he's finally able to pay that wonderful woman back for the kindness she showed him as a child.
(original tangled headcanon under the cut)
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flynnxrider · 11 months
[ send me a number for my muse to talk about … ]: 10. someone they’re holding a grudge against, [ childhood memories ]: ( inspiration ) for my muse to talk about someone they knew as a child who inspired them to be who they are, currently
someone they’re holding a grudge against
Cass Guardia, because she just can't seem to give him a break and believe that he's trying to be better.
someone they knew as a child who inspired them to be who they are, currently
While Flynn did not exactly know this person--being as he isn't real--he was very inspired by reading The Tales of Flynnigan Rider over and over when he was young, and he eventually decided that was exactly who he wanted to be like when he grew up.
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dreamwaited · 2 years
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@ghosttsar​​ liked for a starter
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IN MANY WAYS FLYNN PREFERRED CHILDREN OVER ADULTS. and even in his head the thought sounded... far too creepy. he’s just met too many intended assholes in his life. and while in the orphanage eugene was bullied so much he was forced to learn how to climb into rafters for his own protection he still had a fondness for the little ones. his heart ached for a family of his own. even if he was convinced he’d never get that dream. the footballer tries to quickly shake that thought as he holds out a book toward the other. ❝ it was one of my favorites growing up. figured the kiddo might enjoy it ❞ of course it wasn’t the favorite. gifting the local italian favorite the tales of flynnigan rider would be too on the nose. he was glad the books weren’t even googlable these days. his own quickly took over all searches.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 3 months
I’m finally doing the poll that Eugene and Cassandra would dream of.
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okayishalchemist · 2 years
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Sooo I've been thinking a lot about Flynn Rider. But not Flynn Rider as in Eugene, but Flynn Rider as in the mc of the in-universe books 'the tales of flynnigan rider' i decided to do some quick little doodles just as a starting off point. But the idea i have in mind is based off of Eugene's description of the movie "could do anything he wanted to do, could go anywhere he wanted to go." It put me in mind of like a rogue prince who's shrugging off his duties to go adventuring, so I'm trying to go for that vibe, and I'll probably flesh this out more cus it's a lot of fun to think about
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tangledbea · 6 months
Do you have any headcanons about Eugene being a Flynn Rider nerd?
He's read the entire series at least once. Once he and Rapunzel were settled in the palace, the first thing he did was go to the library to see if they had any copies of the series (they do). While his movie doublet is stolen, he went for one that looked like one that was described in one of the books. He tried out the name "Flynnigan Rider" for a while, as it's the actual name of the book character, than shortened it to "Flynn" because "Flynnigan" didn't give him the swagger he was going for. (I will forever be salty that the series started calling them the Flynn Rider books instead of the Flynnigan Rider books, like the movie did.) The book at the orphanage was a collection of several of the more popular stories, but they aren't the only stories in the book series. That's why the book was The Tales of Flynnigan Rider.
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smolderholder · 2 years
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“Frying pans… who knew, right?”
Species: Human Sexuality: Bisexual Pronouns: He/Him Favorite Song: Accidentally in Love - Counting Crows Big Three: Libra Sun, Aries Moon, Sagi Rising
There's much to say about someone like Flynn Rider. A boy who was born from nothing that had the guts to take on everything. He had a life of his own, molded by the hope of adventure and the need for survival. Flynn aspired to be a hero for the helpless, just like his favorite character. Hence, he became known as the "bandit prince", "swashbuckler rogue", "the handsome dashing rider of the north", or whatever name he usually calls himself. Flynn had the ego of ten men combined. He was charming, sarcastic, mischievous, and sly. It is no wonder that people want him dead, or want him for themselves. They had to take their pick. Flynn prides himself on his good looks, the only thing he could thank his negligent parents for. While he was a villain to most authorities, Flynn truly believed that he was an asshole out to do good deeds; he just needed to survive first. Since he was practically the one who raised himself, he had questionable beliefs. Rapunzel broke down his walls and argued against his contrarian ideas one by one, annoying him to his wits end. She came into his life so unexpectedly that he wasn't even able to realize that she affected him as time went by. Flynn would never admit such a horrendous defeat to a concept such as love, but he knew with Rapunzel...he was a goner.
1. Known as the"bandit prince," Flynn strived to be a good con. He was excellent with words, swift with his actions, and convincing in the manner in which he presented himself. It was a unique talent that he mastered from the teachings of his favorite book. To slay the dragon, one must know how to wield the sword. Although it didn't stop there, he studied the art of deception and practiced it on his fellow kids in the orphanage. People had a lot more in common than he had imagined. They can be too predictable, like robots working on a tightrope. Hence, Flynn strived to be better than the rest; he uses words to combat the mundane. He uses words to save himself from any pain.
2. Flynn removed any notion of his parents ever coming back to meet him again. The longer he stayed at the orphanage, the more the hope in him disappeared. It made his heart bitter and his gut strong. What more can he expect from strangers he meets along the way if the people who created him dared to abandon him? It was a topic that he hated to discuss. Whenever the conversation about his parents comes up, Flynn becomes dismissive and leaves. Sometimes, he talks shit about them, but he knew deep down that there was still a longing that he could finally meet them someday. As much as his resentment grew, a tiny voice inside him hoped that they would still come back.
3. The book he held onto as a child talks about the tales of stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Since he came from a more crowded orphanage, he knew well enough what it meant to lack resources. Hence, when he found out that the rich threw parties with such excess and disregard for the people around them, Flynn became more politically inclined. He hated the structures that govern the disparity between the rich and poor. He promised to himself that he would do something about the overwhelming wealth that only a few people accumulate. He was well-read and he had the heart for something more. Sure, he was a thief, but it all came in as a part of his grand plan.
4. Flynn is very detailed about his plans to steal. It had to be from the rich and only the rich. When he was younger, Flynn and Lance stole food from a banquet with a bunch of food and toys. Once they were back at the orphanage, he had seen the smiles of every kid that was running toward them like they were some heroes to be celebrated. Ever since then, he finally understood what the Flynnigan Rider book meant. It was freedom. It was generosity. It was service to those who needed it the most.
5. throughout his life, Flynn had a simple plan. Steal as much as he can from pompous monarchs and use that money to live a fairly humble life. He thought perhaps someday he could create an orphanage of his own to care for kids like him. However, all of that disappeared when Rapunzel came along. She was not like the others who had schemes and rigorous patterns in their lives. Rapunzel saw everything with wonder and excitement. At first, Flynn thought she was dumb, and it made him laugh for a bit until he finally saw her and found out that she was well-spoken in her beliefs and wasn't afraid to call him out. She was gifted at painting and other skills that Flynn had no idea existed. Rapunzel waltzed into his life so unexpectedly that he wasn't even able to get on his feet. By the time she came to live with him, she knew more about him than any of the people he had known combined.
6. Flynn usually hides behind his charisma and humor. He is a pretty comedic guy, guilty of not taking anything too seriously. Even in difficult times, he likes to crack a joke or an insult, whichever works best for the situation. Nonetheless, Rapunzel was able to see through his arrogance. Behind his energetic charades is a false sense of optimism that he displayed to her by revealing his real name. Flynn is a character he portrays, but deep down, he is Eugene. A hurt kid wants to be known by his parents and wishes to have some opportunities in life to be worthwhile.
  7. Though he was a thief and a liar, Flynn is usually more harmless than people present him as being. He has strict rules in the game he plays, and one of them is not to hurt people. He was still a gentleman by heart, even to the people he betrayed. Flynn is quick to admit his mistakes when necessary and can be seen as polite sometimes. Whenever his ego is not inflated, Flynn usually does a lot of service to the people around him. He is kind to the elderly and he plays well with children. Using his great ability to communicate, Flynn can make a community love him or hate him. He usually goes by the former, especially when that particular community needs his help.
  8. The magic freaked him out a lot. He didn't know such a thing as magical hair existed. Flynn had made it his personal ambition to protect Rapunzel till the end of his life. She was far too valuable in the hands of the wrong person. Flynn saw her as the woman she is, bright and filled with kindness. He wanted her to have the decent life she deserved, and he would do whatever it takes to make it happen for her.
  9. Flynn likes to sing even though he is not good at singing. He will try everything just for the sake of it. He is not good at doing most of it, but he will smile proudly and pat himself on the back, even just for trying.
  10. Flynn knows how to ride horses and guns and swords.
  11. Flynn hates not looking good. He calls himself a bandit with style. Thus, he hates getting his clothes dirty while on the run. One day he's going to find the artist who keeps drawing messed-up noses on his portraits. He just wants one drawing right to finally make his life complete.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 3 years
Imagine little orphan Eugene having nothing in the world but the clothes on his back and the books in the orphanage. Little orphan Eugene, who the older kids in the orphanage would pick on, the little nerd they'd laugh at for his big books and big vocabulary. Little orphan Eugene who'd run from their words by running to the worlds within the words of his books.
Imagine poor little orphan Eugene Fitzherbert spending his nights pouring over "The Tales Of Flynnigan Rider," craving that adventure, dreaming of nothing more than being like his hero- wishing for the opportunity to be brave and strong- but more than that wishing to be loved. Imagine poor little orphan Eugene Fitzherbert helping any of the other kids out when they're in a tight spot, being willing to let the older boys bully him- as long as they don't pick on his friends- after all, isn't that what Flynn Rider would do? Imagine poor little orphan Eugene Fitzherbert, sitting on his bed at night, all the younger kids piling around him, snuggled up in his blankets, listening to him read- and he read with such zeal and such spirit that Flynnigan Rider himself may as well have been standing in front of them.
Imagine poor orphan Eugene Fitzherbert, going to bed to dream about daring swordfights, far off places, magic spells, princes and princesses in disguise- but then waking up and looking in the mirror and just seeing himself, just seeing ruddy-haired, dirty faced, poor little orphan Eugene Fitzherbert. He'd glance at the hero on the cover of his book- not a hair out of place on a true adventurer- and then glance back in the mirror and realize that could never be him.
Imagine poor little orphan Eugene Fitzherbert, walking past the toy shop, a display of Flynnigan Rider toys in the window. Imagine his eyes growing wider at the foil swords and fabric satchels, and finally resting on the tiny engraved combs. "Flynn Rider," they read, but what he read was "Now you can be like your hero." Imagine poor little Eugene Fitzherbert, seeing his unkempt reflection in the shop window, and looking past it at the answer to his dream.
Imagine our poor little orphan Eugene Fitzherbert, a fanboy ahead of his time. The poor little kid, not a dime to his name, walking into the shop, wondering what he was even doing in there without the gold piece the comb would cost him, knowing no one would be happy to give it to him. Poor little orphan Eugene, seeing how many combs they had, and thinking they won't miss just one. Poor orphan Eugene Fitzherbert, slipping out of the shop unnoticed, comb in hand, hoping he wouldn't hear whispers of his theivery.
Imagine poor little orphan Eugene Fitzherbert, combing his hair out properly for once in his life, looking in the mirror hoping to see a hero, and instead seeing a fraud. Poor little orphan Eugene Fitzherbert, looking down at his new comb with shame, then messing up his hair again out of frustration. Poor orphan Eugene Fitzherbert, quickly shoving his wretched treasure into his pocket as he hears someone coming, not knowing what else to do with it, but not about to admit to his crime.
Imagine poor little orphan Eugene Fitzherbert, years later. He'd started using his comb again sometime after he'd started stealing- but always solemn on the inside, knowing this shameful trinket was his gateway to the life he now had- the life of a swashbuckling, devil-may-care thief the world knew as Flynn Rider.
But when he looked at his face in the mirror, he didn't see Flynn Rider. Sure, he spoke highly of himself, but deep down inside, he felt fake. As he looked in the mirror, he didn't see a hero. He didn't see bravery or strength- he didn't see someone who anyone could love. Sure, when others saw him, they saw a Flynn Rider.
But when he looked in the mirror, all he could do was imagine poor little orphan Eugene Fitzherbert.
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Chapter 3
WARNINGS: None (I think)
INSINCERE AU (placeholder name)
First Chapter - Second Chapter - Fourth Chapter
[Midnight of Runaway]
Quirin stared at the letter in his hands, at a loss. He nervously sat down and read his son’s goodbye. Thunder and rain roared outside, but Quirin tuned it out. He had no idea how many hours ago his son had left. How long had the letter been there?
He thought Varian had been with the princess and her friends; he thought they were friends. Did Varian leave when he was asleep?
He should’ve done something about the villagers; he should’ve done something more about Varian instead of letting this happen. He held his head in his hands remorsefully.
Last month, when Varian came home sobbing, Quirin tried his best to console him. But a hug wouldn’t do. He should’ve asked what happened. He should’ve known better.
Varian thinks he’s dead for a year, and the moment he’s freed, he goes back to giving Varian the cold shoulder. (Yes, I know that’s not what happened, but the man is in shock...) Quirin remembered last month how much seeing Varian cry hurt...
Quirin spent forever treating his son like an embarrassment; Varian’s letter was right. Looking at the letter one last time, he tensed and folded it up, putting it in his pocket.
He let out a shaky sigh and got up. He trudged up the stairs to his son’s room with a heavy heart to find it completely the same except for some missing blankets on his bed. He noticed a portrait of Varian and him when Varian was five was missing and tiredly smiled. Varian must’ve taken it...
He leaned against the doorframe, trying to figure out what to do.
Go after Varian? Stay? Old Corona did fine with him gone. He thought for a bit and came to a conclusion. He began packing a bag before hearing a huge clap of thunder. He tensed and sighed. It would be unwise to go out in this heavy weather. He could only hope Varian found shelter, or wherever he was, the storm hadn’t hit him.
He stared out the window, as another clap of thunder boomed. When Varian was little, he refused to do any experiments while rainstorms went on; they terrified him. He’d hide under his covers stubbornly and wait for it to end. He remembered how fake-angry it made him until the next crack of thunder hit. To distract Varian from the huge storm outside, Quirin and Varian would talk about anything they could. He recalled a conversation the two had when a storm as big as this one hit.
“Daddy, why does it need to rain?”
“To help the grass grow, Varian.”
“But why does it have to be so loud?”
“The rain isn’t loud; the thunder is.”
“Well, why’s the thunder loud, Daddy? I don’t like it.”
“Because it’s closer to you.”
Varian’s little face went cold. Quirin realized how scary that sounded and tried to correct himself.
“It won’t touch us, son, as long as you don’t go too close to it, like your mother.”
Varian tilted his head, and Quirin told his son the story of how Varian’s mother, Ulla, tried to catch lightning to experiment on it. She survived but got electrocuted and didn’t catch the lightning.
Varian wrinkled his nose. “That wasn’t very smart of Mommy.”
Quirin laughed and smiled. “No, it wasn’t. But your mother didn’t care; she did what she want.”
Varian smiled, but the rain got louder, and he pouted. “I still don’t like it-“ Another sound of thunder boomed outside, and Varian jumped, clinging to his father’s sleeve.
Present-day Quirin chuckled sadly and closed the windows. Varian grew out of that soon enough, but he cherished memories like those. Memories with his son that were just quiet and calm, like when he would read to Varian the Tales of Flynnigan Rider until Varian could read himself. He tiredly went back to packing a bag, and he hung it up on a coat rack, planning to leave in the morning. The rain pattered outside, and Quirin poured himself a cup of hot cocoa. He sipped it tiredly.
[Two Days After Runaway]
Rapunzel sighed, slumped against her bed. Eugene went and sat beside her, moving a piece of hair out of her face.
“Hey, sunshine...”
Rapunzel turned her head to the side, and Eugene frowned sadly. “Blondie..”
“The potion didn’t work,” she sighed.
“Well, we’ll try again.”
“Eugene, we’ve tried everything...”
“No, no, we haven’t.”
Rapunzel and Eugene looked up to find Cassandra flipping through a book. “Xavier said there was a way to reverse the spell; it was a Saporian spell, wasn’t it? There’s an entire section on Saporian antidotes in this book!”
She paced around the room before finding the page and giving it to Rapunzel. “Cass...” Rapunzel trailed off and read the page.
“Cass, some of these ingredients are MILES out of Corona.”
“We CAME from miles out of Corona, didn’t we? And besides, if it saves the Royal family, it’s worth it.”
Rapunzel looked worriedly between Eugene and Cassandra. “Cass, are you really sure? You’ll be all on your own-”
Cass laid a hand on Rapunzel’s shoulder. “Raps, trust me.”
“What if you run into Varian?”
“If he tries and pulls anything funny, I’ll just use these.”
She pulled out a few alchemy vials and grinned. “He left these behind when he worked on his last project. I don’t know what they do, but I’m sure they’ll be useful.”
Rapunzel wavered. Cass would be safe by herself, right? She trained with the Royal Guard since she was 6, but she barely held her fight with Hector before Adira jumped in.
Rapunzel sighed and nodded glumly. “I trust you.”
Eugene joked, “Besides, the castle will be much more cheerful with ol’ CassANdra gone! Maybe even Crowley will lighten up!”
Cass growled, and Eugene did finger guns. Rapunzel sighed and ignored the joke.
“But I should send someone with you to make sure you’re safe; I’ll send one of the guards.”
Cass pursed her lips but shrugged. “Fine, that’ll work. Who’re you sending?”
“I’ll check with the guard to see who’s best.”
Oh and I made a cover for this AU!
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Not the most dramatic, but I like aesthetic! ☺️💐
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