#taich x sora
redthreadoffate · 1 year
getting to like you
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header by @/earlgreymon
i’ve always wanted to do a 100 theme challenge and i’m finally starting one! let’s hope i commit to this, hahaha. first off, we have taiora. hope you enjoy! it isn’t my super best but let’s give it a shot.
theme 1 
introduction - getting to like you | main characters ; taichi yagami, sora takenouchi | setting ; pre-adventure | ships ; n/a | genre ; friendship | word count ; 289 | rating ; g | edited ; three times - forgive me for any mistakes
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“Sora Takenouchi,” she introduced herself. She reached out a hand, a smile on her face. “And you are?”
“Taichi Yagami,” he replied and took her hand. “You’re really tough aren’t you?”
Her smile widened. “Didn’t you know girls can play soccer, too?”
“I’ve tried playing with my baby sister,” he said. “But she was never really interested.”
“Maybe it’s just not what she’s meant to do,” Sora said.
“But we’re kids, we should be having some fun!”
“Maybe it’s just not fun for her.” She shrugged. “What does she like to do for fun?”
Taichi sighed. “She’s usually sick. I got into trouble for bringing her outside once. I thought she was okay, but she still wasn’t feeling well.” He looked down. “And what’s worse was that she felt it was her fault.”
Sora placed a hand on his shoulder. “But is she okay now?”
“She’s okay…for now.”
“Don’t say it like that.”
“Sorry.” He shook his head. “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”
She shook her head. “No. It’s just me and my mom. My dad is always away at work in Kyoto.”
Taichi smiled. “I like you, Sora.”
She smiled back. “I like you, too. Let’s be friends then?”
“Mm.” Taichi nodded. “Do you want to meet Hikari?”
“Your sister?”
“Yeah. She’s with my mom at home. You can come over. Mom likes it when I make new friends. She says I can be…difficult. But I don’t know what she means by that.” He laughed.
Sora giggled. “If that’s the case, I’d love to be your friend, Taichi.”
“Great! Mom and Hikari will like you. I’ve never had a girl friend before.” He paused. “I mean a friend who is a girl.” That made Sora laugh.
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redthreadoffate · 2 years
Post-adventure ships headcanons for @ri-ships-takari!
Agreeing with me isn’t necessary but this is one of many AUs I see for them. If you guys have anything you wanna talk about, feel free to send a message! Who knows, right!
So there’s Taiora, Mimato, and Takari, all under the cut (unedited so...)...
Taichi didn’t want to make the first move but he did so anyway
Sora knew he was going to do it soon so she waited, though she did drop very subtle hints
Their relationship was a slow one
not in the sense that nothing happened at all
they’ve been friends for a really long time, despite their feelings, they had a little bit of a struggle to know what will happen next
Though they did still enjoy going to sport games, in fact, their first date was at a tennis match--Sora had a junior she trained and wanted to see their first professional game
Taichi knew that asking Agumon about what he should do when wanting to keep Sora happy would always lead to mishaps, but that doesn’t stop Sora from appreciating the gesture--she does the same with Piyomon, they just usually end up well
Sora had become closer to Hikari as Taichi and her relationship grew, aside from Piyomon, she confided in the young girl, too
Though both were not the most competitive people, when it comes to their children’s games, you would see them with their arms up and shouting words of encouragement
Taichi was a little disappointed that their son was more into volleyball, but was proud that their daughter wanted to join the soccer team--not that he was not proud of his son, they were both his pride and joy
Sora was more strict while Taichi spoiled them rotten
but when it comes to decisions that involve the safety, the two would team up
With Taichi being an ambassador, you would expect him to be so busy with everything, but he actually spends more time with his family--and anyway, Sora helped him in a lot of ways when he was stressed (take it as you want)
Taichi was also very fond of Sora’s designs, whether she was sketching clothes or arranging flowers, it calmed them both
Yamato was hesitant to start a relationship with Mimi, he always had a problem with letting people in, and if he were being honest with himself, it was because he was scared that what happened to his parents will happen to him as well
Mimi was a little dense so Yamato’s gestures were confused with friendly interaction--it is Yamato after all
It was when Mimi had invited Yamato to her cooking show, he was good at the kitchen after all, that she started to really see question how she felt about him--she watched him whip up a specialty of his, and as soon as the food touched her mouth, perhaps there was a love potion in it, she could not think about anyone but him
Their first date was in a jazz club, they both wanted to stay away from the limelight and Yamato found an underground club and decided that it was a great place to take her
Yamato and Gabumon’s first trip to outer space gave Mimi mixed feelings
she was very happy for them but at the same time, very worried
but she knew that it was his dream, she did not dare to say the latter, she knew he would choose another path
though Yamato knew, and he was, in fact, thinking of choosing another career, he was very torn but in the end, Mimi’s words of encouragement helped him go through with his initial plans
he would ask Palmon to take care of her and whispered in the digimon’s ear “I’ll always come back for her”
When their son was born, Yamato made a promise that the child will never experience what he and Takeru had, and just by looking at his smiling wife, he knew that child never will
Their son was more into music, but he was a big fan of eating--Takeru would tease that it was because they both knew how to cook and bake, which is not false
Many people expected Yamato to be the stricter parent, but to most people, it was a surprise when Mimi was just as strict--this started arguments from others who believed that their son would grow up too sheltered
Yamato and Mimi had assured them that they would change their lifestyle as soon as he was old enough
They also had fraternal twins, a boy and a girl, and Mimi was so sure that Yamato, their eldest son, and younger son would be very protective of the girl--it was in their nature
Yamato still strummed his guitar from time to time but now it was mostly used to help his children go to sleep--yay, more Mimi time (again, take it as you want) 
None of them made the first move, it just…happened
They were at a café when their first kiss happened, both were joking around, telling each other funny anecdotes to kill time as they waited for their brothers to come back from graduation rehearsals
Well, Takeru did sort of make the first move, he kissed her first, but she did not object, the next thing people knew was that they were holding hands as Hikari waved for Taichi and Yamato
Their first official date was during Sora’s first fashion show...Hikari had VIP tickets (thank you, onii-chan) and she thought it would be nice to show their support, he did not hesitate to say yes
When Takeru began to write, he would be too embarrassed to show Hikari his works, and she understood that, but he gradually opened up to her, even making her his first level editor
Hikari would always be exhausted after a day in the school, and Takeru would either pick her up and/or bring her favorite take-outs home, though he did cook sometimes, especially during special occasions--usually with the help of Tailmon
When their first son, Tenma, was born, he was a little jealous that the child enjoyed the company of Patamon and Taimon more than them, however Hikari found it amusing and would joke, “His digi-egg is coming soon, don’t worry”
Then their second son, Akihito, was born just two years after--Tenma adored him, he would constantly look for his little brother, wanting to play with him every time he can
A few years later, they had a daughter, Nozomi, and Tenma and Akhito instantly became the protective brothers they were
Takeru and Hikari loved to watch the sunset, but the loved setting up dates for Taichi and Sora, and Yamato and Mimi much more--tripple dates were really fun anyway
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