#ch: sora takenouchi
redthreadoffate · 1 year
getting to like you
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header by @/earlgreymon
i’ve always wanted to do a 100 theme challenge and i’m finally starting one! let’s hope i commit to this, hahaha. first off, we have taiora. hope you enjoy! it isn’t my super best but let’s give it a shot.
theme 1 
introduction - getting to like you | main characters ; taichi yagami, sora takenouchi | setting ; pre-adventure | ships ; n/a | genre ; friendship | word count ; 289 | rating ; g | edited ; three times - forgive me for any mistakes
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“Sora Takenouchi,” she introduced herself. She reached out a hand, a smile on her face. “And you are?”
“Taichi Yagami,” he replied and took her hand. “You’re really tough aren’t you?”
Her smile widened. “Didn’t you know girls can play soccer, too?”
“I’ve tried playing with my baby sister,” he said. “But she was never really interested.”
“Maybe it’s just not what she’s meant to do,” Sora said.
“But we’re kids, we should be having some fun!”
“Maybe it’s just not fun for her.” She shrugged. “What does she like to do for fun?”
Taichi sighed. “She’s usually sick. I got into trouble for bringing her outside once. I thought she was okay, but she still wasn’t feeling well.” He looked down. “And what’s worse was that she felt it was her fault.”
Sora placed a hand on his shoulder. “But is she okay now?”
“She’s okay…for now.”
“Don’t say it like that.”
“Sorry.” He shook his head. “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”
She shook her head. “No. It’s just me and my mom. My dad is always away at work in Kyoto.”
Taichi smiled. “I like you, Sora.”
She smiled back. “I like you, too. Let’s be friends then?”
“Mm.” Taichi nodded. “Do you want to meet Hikari?”
“Your sister?”
“Yeah. She’s with my mom at home. You can come over. Mom likes it when I make new friends. She says I can be…difficult. But I don’t know what she means by that.” He laughed.
Sora giggled. “If that’s the case, I’d love to be your friend, Taichi.”
“Great! Mom and Hikari will like you. I’ve never had a girl friend before.” He paused. “I mean a friend who is a girl.” That made Sora laugh.
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triplet-vo · 7 years
une soirée à paris
DigiOTPWeek Day 5: Profession AU
Word Count: 765
Pairing: Ishida Yamato/Takenouchi Sora, with a few other guest appearances
As soon as Sora stepped into the shop, the rich aroma of cacao filled her nose and made her whole body relaxed. For the first time all day, she felt entirely at peace.
“You’re back early!” Hikari was beaming at her when Sora turned. “I thought you weren’t supposed to come back until tomorrow morning.”
They exchanged bisous. “It was so boring, I skipped the farewell dinner and got on the first train back to Paris,” Sora admitted. She waved in passing at Taichi, who was too busy helping a group of pretty girls select their chocolates to come over personally. He waved back and continued to chatter away to their customers.
Hikari’s expression turned knowing. “I’ll bet. Everyone else is with the chocolates now.”
Sora squeezed the younger girl’s arm gratefully and then slipped past the crowd of tourists to get to the door at the back of the shop. And everyone really was hard at work inside the small laboratoire: Jyou was carefully ladling a chocolate mixture into mold forms; Koushiro was calculating inventory orders; Mimi was in the middle of transferring decoration sheets to chocolates grouped by the dozen; Takeru was squeezing white chocolate out of a pastry bag onto a baking tray. Everyone called out happy greetings at her entry but didn’t stop in their work.
And that was fine. She had her eyes on someone else.
Over at the center marble counter, Yamato stroked out dark chocolate with a deft hand, smoothing it out and back. The only sign that betrayed his knowledge of her presence was a small, lingering smile. Otherwise, he was utterly focused on the glossy darkness before him.
Sora came closer and carefully bent to kiss the back of his neck in greeting. “New flavor?” she asked. She sniffed the air. “You’ve been experimenting again.”
“Mmm.” He touched the back of his pinky to the chocolate, humming in concentration. "Almost there.” He began to temper the chocolate again.
She pulled over the nearest stool to watch from her usual perch. Even after all this time together, it was mesmerizing to watch Yamato work - the flex and pull of his muscles, the strength in his stupidly attractive hands. Every motion was easy, effortless.
When he was nearly done, he called Takeru over. The younger brother hugged Sora with a grin when he arrived. “Shall I take over?” Takeru asked, clapping Yamato on the shoulder.
“If you wouldn’t mind,” said Yamato lightly. 
Takeru took over with casual efficiency, and Yamato was able to stand before Sora at last. His eyes were warm when he looked at her. “Mon chéri.”
She pulled him down to kiss him, her fingers resting on his broad shoulders. When they parted, his hand was cupping her cheek. Sora smiled. “Where is this new chocolate you’ve made? Can I try?”
“Hmm. The second batch should be cool now.”  Yamato pulled away reluctantly to offer her a tray of cooled dark chocolate, all in small, perfectly round forms. “A little plain for now, but our resident artiste was away on business.”
“She shouldn’t have gone. She had an awfully boring time. She would have had a much better time here, creating new designs with you.” Sora carefully bit into the chocolate round, and nearly moaned at the taste of the silky, decadent ganache. It was bitter in the best way, with the slightest trace of... “Earl Grey?” she guessed.
Yamato was watching her every reaction with the same kind of focus he brought to his work. “You like it.”
She nodded and slowly ate the rest of it. The lingering flavor of the Earl Grey gave the bitter chocolate a softened edge. She wanted another one already. “Does it have a name, yet?”
He shook his head. "That’s your expertise, not mine.”
Sora licked the remnants of the chocolate off her fingers and then pulled on the lapel of his chef’s jacket to draw Yamato closer. “I have a few ideas,” she breathed, stretching up - 
“Get a room, lovers!” Taichi’s muffled shout came through the display window. He winked cheekily at them.
On the other side of the room, Mimi screamed. “Taichi, you ruined my chocolates!” 
She charged for the door to the front of the shop, intent on revenge - only to run directly into Koushiro, who had wandered absentmindedly from the storage area. Jyou was on his feet in the next moment to make sure everyone was okay.
Takeru chortled. “Nothing like home, huh Sora?”
“Nothing like it,” she agreed dryly, getting to her feet. 
Yamato sighed.
<< Day 4: Sci-fi AU (Pt 2) | Day 5 | Day 6: Soulmate AU >>
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redthreadoffate · 2 years
Hmmm..... let's have a discourse to cheer you up... why is Sorato a bad ship. give us all the reasons <3
Okay, this took me a while but I finally have my answers. And thank you for cheering me up!
I haven't watched the first two seasons in a while so if my memory is wrong, please do tell me because I want to know. Or do I. I mean, this is Sorato so why would I want to know. HAHAHA.
Let's go! (not in order because I just wrote down whatever came to mind atm; also I didn't include Tri. and Kizuna because I really only watched them once and was like...yeah, okay)
their interactions were purely "forced", i mean like, if they didn't need to talk to each other, they wouldn't even have said a word
sora may care a lot about the others but did she make an effort to pay their respects, unlike yamato who actually did (with mimi, let's put in some mimato here)
in retrospect, we see sora's crush on yamato when the original 7/8 got together in s2...but like...that's it, that's all, ta-dah
yamato barely looked at sora's direction, yeah, sure, they were friends and they interacted a bit (see bullet 1), but like, the only time we actually see him with her is during the concert
and may i add that sora was in danger...really, if jyou was the one there, would he not save her, too?
also, in the epilogue, were they really still together or what, like, kenyako was always together even when the kids were running forward, but sorato was apart?
in the battle with piemon, gomamon was the one who got yamato from him and sora threw him at takeru...i think the reason why i'm putting this here is because we must remember that it was not sora who got yamato, but gomamon...
put sorato in one room, just them, do you really think that they'll suddenly have feelings for one another, go on, think about it...i admit that their bond may become stronger but i don't see enough tension for them to suddenly be like "oh, i love you", if ever, they'd push each other more to be with other people--not because they don't want to have feelings for each other but because they could become good friends and support one another
if we think about it, yamato never really...you know, sees much in sora, i mean, he does of course, he sees a lot in all, but the only time i actually remember them saying more than just one sentence to each other was when sora was pulled by the dark side (shoot, i don't remember what that was but i remember that interaction)
yamato and sora, though could be good friends, cannot be romantically linked...why? because in the long run, they will butt heads, they're both very strong personalities, and if you think about it, those personalities are the ones that tend to clash, sure, they can talk things out, but...let's face it, their relationship can only purely be platonic
And that concludes my essay. These are really just more of my opinions but why not share? I know some may not make sense atm (and my battery is running out and I'm too lazy to plug in at 11pm so I'm doing this a bit faster) but if you wanna talk about it, let's go!
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