#type: eve writes digimon headcanons
abysmal-eve · 8 months
Hello there! My name is Eve, but you call me Gale or Eivor too. I am 20 years old, bisexual & non-binary, any pronouns, South Slav and a chaotic art gremlin who came here to have fun and do art! I hope we can get along here if, but even if we don't, that's still fine. ^^
I am a hobby artist and fic writer, mainly drawing to express myself and relieve some stress. Multifandom and multishipper, living by ship & let ship philosophy and minding my own bussiness. Tired of all the discourse and I try to avoid it as much as I can.
Some stuff I like: animanga, drawing, writing, hiking, strolls, animals, dinosaurs, dragons, sexy villains, beefy men & evil women.
No DNI list, I block liberally. But in general: homo/transphobes, terfs, transmeds, racists, ableists, islamophobes, fascists, nazis, tankies and other gross people fuck off from this blog.
My art-only blog: @byzantinedragon
my carrd.
☆ tag system masterlist & guide ☆
general tags:
eve rambles - text posts, usually contains headcanons, character analysis, discourse or simple thoughts.
gale rants - discussions reserved for more serious and heated debates, may or may not be fueled by emotions.
shitpost - just shitposts in general.
(twitter) screenshot - screenshots of my twitter posts or posts from any other social media.
memes - memes I make and post here occasionally.
analysis - a long text post that is my personal analysis of one or more characters/ships that I love and care for.
art tags:
my art / eve's art - main art tag
fanart - fanart tag
original art / original character - art of my OCs
sona art - art containing my sonas Eve and/or Gale
traditional art - my traditional art lmao
ink art - traditional art done in ink
<oc tags> - individual tags for my OCs (eve / gale / dylan / borna / etc.)
fandom tags:
video games
street fighter
mortal kombat
king of fighters
golden kamuy
vinland saga
demon slayer
chainsaw man
witch hat atelier
one piece
That's all, thank you for reading this to the end. I hope you have a nice day! ^w^
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redthreadoffate · 2 years
Congrats on 1050 followers Eve! I have two questions. One: are the ships only for fics or headcanons? And two: 🐾
Congrats again! Have a nice weekend! 🤗💖
Hi, Sam! Thank you so much!
I can write both for the ships, so whichever I get I’m all for it 🥰
Ah! First impressions. Definitely a very cool person. Super nice and very friendly. I was a little scared tbh because you’re such a steady presence in the Digimon fandom whereas I was just starting. And you really helped me work around, you were and kind and very patient (still are!).
Thank you so much for being a very dear friend of mine ❤️ Love you!
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earlgreymon · 2 years
Tumblr media
when i first made this account in 2020, i was a continent away from home, experiencing one of the harshest lockdown in the world, and struggling to survive my master's studies. watching digimon was one of my solitude, so i decided to jump into the community while channeling my hobby of writing and designing. you know i was never a consistent poster (and had gone m.i.a. too often lol) so i didn’t expect 1k followers. but despite the numbers, the most important thing is i feel welcomed in this old-but-gold community. i also make friends and i hope to cherish this friendship even though maybe later on i will be no longer active on tumblr.
while i'm not the one who celebrates often, i tried to think of something. but with quite a little time, i cannot make something grand. so all i can do now is to share some digimon .png files i’ve used for some of my works. i had invested in cleaning up backgrounds and such, and i know how hard it is to find some good-quality images that are easy to tweak. so i hope this will come useful for the community :)
the pack consist of:
kizuna shikishi
kizuna promotional art without the shadow
adventure village vanguard
tamers dvd box scans
frontier bumper
misc (some shipping stuff)
basically, you don’t have to tag me if you use these pictures, but i’m always happy to see what you have done with these. more detailed rules & credit are in the same folder. click here!
and while you’re here, if you love digimon, please also consider to follow my amazing mates below!
@sorasfishing (wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her. beautiful fics on julia's other account @noctisfishing)
@tangledupblue (partner in crime greatness, some great gifs and headcanon, mainly around yamato. sam also has a great agenda to make yamato and ken return to mexico)
@ashandpikachu (amazing edits, always a fan of ayushi's works from day 1! must follow if you love mimato and taiora. sometimes she takes requests too!)
@digitalworldbound (chloe's fics are always great. i always love the innocent, youth feelings. her portrayal of hikari is always spot on)
@stoppingtosmelltheflowers (becky is an amazing digimon writer! must follow if you love takari and koumi)
@dutchforstrangers (a great friend to talk with and captain of taiora discord server, so go visit lynn's for great taiora content)
@elecmon (PLEASE... JOIN SHITTY DOODLE HOURS... YOU WON'T REGRET IT... amazing fanarts, funny posts, don't forget to buy lizmet's commission too! and join tamersona!!)
@himetsundere (eri's gifs are always smooth, and now she's doing more and more beautiful fanarts too! must follow if you love mimato; her tumblr is heaven)
@seventeenlovesthree (sanni makes amazing fanarts and presents interesting discourses around adventure. also, you love taishiro? follow now. taikoura? even better.)
@izumiyagami14 (summer is the biggest koukari fan here, i can only cherish more of her lovely writings)
@xnananko (debby produces some great taiora fanarts i've ever seen!)
@bossarmadimon (one of the most updated tumblr if you love digimon. also, the taggings are just so neat)
@uniarycode (honest and blunt reactions about things that are going on the fandom. also, great fics.)
@sluggybasson107 (sluggy draws great things! she also assists on organising some beautiful events)
@likeevalikeeve (eve writes some great romance digimon fics. i am in awe. follow for taiora, mimato, and takari.)
@citrus-cactus & @rockthistowninsideout (thanks for frontierfest!)
@crestofenlightenment (follow for beautiful fanarts of jyou! and jyoumi <3)
@pan-kuzu (pan's works are just *chef kiss* you're up for mimato or michi... or both?)
@patamon (consistent in the gifs and some nice fics, massive thank you for them!! also follow @digievents.)
@kenichijouji (also great gifs and icons with very, very beautiful colours)
@ri-ships-takari (ri is very nice to talk to! fics are also great! you know what her favourite pair is, right?)
@stuckinthewrongworld (kelsey's redraw are always amazing! she also makes great tamersonas and fakemons!)
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traviera · 6 years
Bandori Covers Headcanons
I have been thinking about how we never got an explanation regarding the band's cover songs (like, on their stories they only mention the girls writing their own songs), so I ended up making some headcanons myself because why not:
Tsugu got the idea to form a band from K-ON! so she proposed to cover Don't say "lazy" as a tribute.
Afterglow used to get together and watch Digimon when they were kids. They all liked to pretend they were the chosen children and had a lot of fun playing so they had to cover Butter-fly for the nostalgia.
When Roselia covered Guren no Yumiya Ran proceeded to sing great escape because of course she didn't want to be less than Yukina.
Ako listened to Eternal Blaze once (1) on an anime opening compilation video and begged Roselia to cover it because she thought the name sounded cool.
Kokoro is a chaotic mess and so are the songs she makes HHW cover. She just comes across songs that she thinks sound happy and keeps singing them at practice instead of their actual songs.
Actually she's probably a Doraemon fan so when she watched Stand by me she had to cover Himawari no Yakusoku.
Romeo was actually proposed by Kaoru because Shakespeare.
Pasu*Pare's songs are mostly chosen by their company but songs like Moon Pride sound like something Eve would propose because Sailor Moon is a classic of japanese culture.
Kasumi googled girl's bands and fell in Love with Girls Dead Monster without knowing they were a fictional band from Angel Beats. She didin't find out until the rest of Popipa pointed it out when she proposed to cover Alchemy.
Feel free to add some more because I’m too lazy to do it myself and I barely talked about some groups orz
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zoetekohana · 7 years
Asking this because of that top notch Michi rec post you made: Top 5 Michi Fics.
Oh, thank you so much! I’m really pleased to hear youliked my Michi rec post. ♡ (*Here* it is for those who want to check it out.)
To be honest, it’s really not easy to make a top fiveof Michi fics for two reasons: 1. I love way more than five Michi fics and it’dbe difficult to rank them. 2. I’ve been reading Michi fics ever since 2004.Granted I haven’t read every single one of them. And there are so many stories that I really, really loved but have been deleted in that twelve year time span. (I’m going to include those anyways, though.)
Let’s give it a try…
I’d first like to discuss a few Michi stories I reallylike that just didn’t make the cut to my top five, but still deserve a special mention:
⚘Thin Lines byHemsee Apparently this got deleted? I only found out about this yesterday, because I started checking the links on my Michi masterpost, but evidently it’s been deleted instead. Which is unfortunate because I was really eager to know how the relationship between Taichi and Mimi would further develop. Plus, Hemsee really has a clean, beautiful writing style that is so wonderful to read. I hope she creates a new multi-chaptered Michi story, though. 
⚘ All Good Things by Hemsee Luckily, her Michi oneshot is still there. It tells the story of how Mimi and Taichi’s relationship developed throughout the years since their childhood and how they gradually fell in love and got together. 
⚘ anchor me back down by dianaagronSimilarly to “All Good Things”, this story follows their relationship from the very beginning, since kindergarten, in a wonderful will they/won’t they-kind of way, to their mid-twenties. While I do love both stories (what can I say, I’m a major sucker for slow-burns), I do prefer ambd over agt. Plus how can anyone dislike a story inspired by that beautiful song by Mindy Gledhill?
⚘ Snow by hello heartbreak I recently re-read this story and loved it just as much as I did ten years ago. Ngl it hurts seeing my beloved Chosen in such pain, but this story is so touching. I also believe this is the fic that generated my headcanon that Mimi would have trouble transferring back to Japan and have trouble speaking/studying the language. Lo and behold, ten years later that headcanon actually came true in tri! 
⚘ Buttons by BenignUser This story is just so adorable! It makes me melt every time I read it. (I believe I’ve read this oneshot five times. What is my life, haha?) But really, it’s so fun, so cute and definitely worth your while. 
⚘ keep it classy by hellyeahayumichan This is a collection of four (slightly nsfw) drabbles for Michi, Sorato, Takari and Kenyako. It’s just such a great read! I really admire the subtle descriptions. Hellyeahayumichan has such a way with words. (And even though it’s not fic, I highly, highly recommend checking out her Michi art! Each and every one of her drawings are amazing. I envy her colouring skills in particular.)
⚘ Parallels by Scripturiens There are no words to describe how amazing this artwork is. And I stress the word art, because it’s really an interesting exercise in writing by putting the different pieces out of order so that all the nuances of the thoughts and the actions of the characters come together with such care. Amazing structure aside, it’s a nice piece that so wonderfully conveys emotion, especially heartbreak. I love it so much, and now I want to go re-read it….
⚘ Whispers at night by ribbonedcuriosa To this day I’m still so happy I requested a Digimon story set in the Star Wars universe from ribbonedcuriosa, because she took it and fabricated this lovely ficlet. She merged both franchises so fluently, it’s inspiring. The Michi is subtle here, but I love subtle implied pairings when it comes to the adventure genre. I honestly crave more of this story. Forever crossing my fingers for a continuation.
After contemplating long and hard over it, I now present you my TOP FIVE MICHI STORIES:
05 ⚘What Women Want by StarlillyWe start of with one of the most popular Michi fics on FF.net. And that’s understandable, because this story is so much fun! I believe I started reading it not long, just a couple of months, after it was completed. I’m even planning on re-reading after finals, so my little review here is based on my memory of when I read it late 2005. 
First there is something I have to confess (again, I’m sure I’ve stated this before, but just to be clear I’ll state it once more) that I don’t really like it when authors use the dubbed names in fics. I prefer reading Taichi Yagami over Tai Kamiya, very much so. I didn’t like it back when I started reading Michi fics in 2004/2005 and I still don’t now. That said, I won’t turn a fic down because the author chose to use the dubbed names. I do like to give it at least a try. (I sound so picky now…) And in this case: I loved the “What Women Want” film back then (still do, I rewatched it this year), so there was no way I wouldn’t read a Michi fic based on that film. And honestly, Starlilly took the premise and really made it her own while developing the relationship between Taichi and Mimi so well. 
04 ⚘ Falling’s not the problem by ribbonedcuriosaAhhhh, this story is so good! I was eagerly awaiting the next part to beta each time because it’s just so good. I absolutely love how curiosa jumped back and forth from past to present to showcase how Mimi and Taichi got to the point where they were in the beginning and how their lives further developed since then. And she did it so fluidly. Also her characterizations of both Taichi and Mimi are so well-done. 
03 ⚘Come to Me by Pied Piper + Only Alive by Pied PiperI’m sure you all knew beforehand that at least one Pied Piper story would make my top five, and here’s the first one… Sorry, first two. Okay, I know I’m cheating here by putting both these stories on the number three slot and therefore haven’t whittled my list down to five fics but six. But for the life of me, I can not chose between these two! 
I’ll talk about Come to Me first. I really love this story so much because it’s so real, so relatable. There were so many moments where I just nodded understandingly, because it was so realistic. And I talked before how I love slow-burns, well, this fic is one of the ultimate slow-burns I’ve ever read. I really enjoyed reading about their journey from how they became friends first to actually falling for each other, but being apprehensive first considering they were still dealing with their heartbreak from a previous relationship, to finally arriving at their destination together which felt so earned. It was so beautiful beyond comprehension. (PS: I still have a half-finished fanart of it lying around.)
Moving onto Only Alive now… I’m confident my good friend Sunny is going to love the fact that I included this fic into my top three. Back in the beginning of 2009 when we discovered our mutual passion for digimon as well for Michi through a meme on my livejournal (we befriended over Avatar first), she told me that this was her most favourite Michi story. Somehow I hadn’t read it then yet. (Seriously, what was wrong with me?) So, at her recommendation, I read the first chapter and I immediately wrote back to her that I was in love with this story already. There was a certain passage in the first chapter that stood out to me, because it was the perfect Michi interaction:
So he asked her to dinner, sending a written apology note down to her small cubicle several stories below his feet.
She replied almost instantly: Jackass. 
He responded: Pick you up at eight? 
She agreed: Buy me flowers, too. 
Ah, Mimi, Mimi. How he missed someone who could talk back without fear. Welcome home, he grinned to himself.
To me, Michi is so compatible, because their personalities just go well together. They’re both headstrong but they’re both also very passionate and kind. I love seeing them portrayed with the whole “love to tease you” dynamic. And that passage in OA is an excellent example of that. Honestly, Pied Piper has such an exquisite grasp on these characters. I knew then that this fic was going to be splendid, and boy, did it deliver! I read it in the course of three evenings.
I will forever love both these stories. Then again I will forever love all the stories Pied Piper wrote. Just thinking about them makes me want to re-read every single one of them (except that I sadly lost a couple over the years…) 
02 ⚘ Creative License by R.vdPI’m kind of cheating again, haha, because technically this wasn’t really Michi. Daikeru, a ship I love so much next to Michi (thanks to this fic actually), was the main pairing of this story, but Michi was definitely heavily featured. But I just loved this story so much! Unfortunately it was deleted several years ago. (Around 2007, iirc.) 
That being said, I still feel lucky to have read this story. I can’t begin to explain how amazing it was! It was so cleverly constructed. Each chapter focused on a certain aspect of the story, and with each chapter we learned more and more what happened to these characters in the past and how they’re ultimately connected to other characters. It was all intricately interwoven. The writing style was also so crisp, so poetic, so inspiring. Plus, while the Michi was very angsty, it was very hot. I still haven’t read a nsfw Michi that came close to their scenes in this story. 
01 ⚘ My Captain’s Lady by Pied PiperIs there any surprise that MCL is my ultimate favourite? 
The truth is: This isn’t just my favourite Michi fic. This isn’t even just my favourite Digimon fic. This is my ultimate favourite fic ever.
It was the very first fic that got me so hooked. I started reading MCL after chapter fifteen or so (don’t remember the exact chapter anymore, since y’know, it was eleven years ago) and kept checking for the next update. It was really bad with the final chapter, because it was New Year’s Eve and I continuously pressed refresh so eagerly awaiting the update and then when it was finally there I read it between the different courses of dinner. 
I loved it so much that I was raving about it non-stop to my best friend that she, who hadn’t watched a single episode of digimon, even wanted to read it. So I lend her my binder of MCL and I like that she texted me her thoughts a few times. I kept those texts, even after ten years, until I had to buy a new phone last summer. 
Sentimental experiences aside, the story itself is just so epic. It had everything: an intriguing plot, an amazing build-up, lots of suspense and action, and of course a compelling romance between Taichi and Mimi. Once again, the journey of the characters and their relationship was so moving and so captivating. And I loved every step of the way. 
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