#tag other ships you think fit the bill :)
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lordbhreanna · 5 months
SHIP HEADCANONS - Garrus/Shepard
Thanks for the tag @naldoreth 🌺
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Gives nose/forehead kisses: Garrus (he likes to do the forehead touch, which in my headcanon is a common way for turians to display affection, since they don't really do the kiss thing).
Gets jealous the most: Well, we have seen Shepard getting a liiiittle jelaous of the turian lady (though that could be part of the roleplay). I don't think any of them is particularly jelaous, beyond some silly stuff like that.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: Garrus.
Takes care of on sick days: They would both take care of each other. I have this headcanon that Shepard would check on him every free moment she got in ME2 when Garrus' injury was still recent.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: We know turians are not very fond of water, but he's curious enough (he wants to retire somewhere tropical, after all) so when they're on the beach and he hesitates, Shepard would push him.
Gives unprompted massages: Garrus. Shepard needs them, and according to Vetra in MEA, massassing a turian requires powered tools 😆 Not much room for unprompted ones.
Drives/rides shotgun: Much to everyone's (and Garrus especially) chagrin, Shepard usually drives. In her defense, she's better with skycars than military vehicles.
Brings the other lunch at work: Shepard would bring him food to the main battery when he was overworking himself, and he would take her dinner to her quarters 💕
Has the better parental relationship: I think Castis isn't as bad as it looks, and the good thing is that, despite their differences, he and Garrus are able to see common ground. However, if we count Anderson, Shepard wins. You can't beat Anderson, sorry Castis!
Tries to start role-playing in bed: Shepard, all the way. The whole Citadel date seemed like her idea and I love that, actually.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: It's tempting to say Shepard, but she's already a terrible dancer, so I like imagining that after a certain amount of alcohol, Garrus would fit the bill. I mean, he's already a bit silly when dancing in full armor.
Still cries watching Titanic: It would be funny if Shepard showed Garrus the movie, and he was the one ending up more teary eyed. He likes Fleet and Flotilla if I remember correctly, so it'd suit him. He's such a soft boy 💕
Firmly believes in couples costumes: Similarly to the roleplay, I think Shepard would be the one to come up with this.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: They would both do (weapon mods are expensive!)
Makes the other eat breakfast: Garrus to Shepard. And sleep as well.
Remembers anniversaries: They both do, but I think Shepard would have them more in mind. Garrus has a family of his own, but Shepard doesn't - and she has found one in him and the Normandy crew, so she's extra careful with those details.
Brings up having kids: Garrus, canonically.
(I love that so many of these can be answered thanks to the actual canon material. Shakarian will always be the ships of dreams ✨)
Tagging @ithilien-wolf @visualheresy @fiannans and whoever wants to do it!
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goat-and-a-pig · 2 months
See the Light Info Post!
Here's a couple of things that you need to know for next month:
-I will be posting one chapter daily. Due to the fact that April is a 30-day month and not a 31-day month like I originally planned, the story will begin on March 31st with the prologue and end May 2nd with the epilogue.
-If I miss a day of posting, I will post two chapters the next day so that I stay on schedule. Please don't come for me if I post late! I have a life that will get busy mid-April and I apologize in advance but you shouting at me can't make the chapter come any sooner. Thanks!
-I will post the actual chapter under the read more so that a) people won't see spoilers accidentally and b) people can look at the other stuff I've posted without having to scroll down so far.
-This fanfic is mostly about family! Yes, there's romance, but it is not, I REPEAT, NOT, between the character in Rapunzel's role and the one in Flynn Rider's role. DO NOT TAG MY FANFIC AS INCEST. I WILL BLOCK YOU.
-I'm posting the summary tomorrow!
-You can send asks about the fanfic all throughout the month! I'm not going to reply to any that have a spoiler as their answer, so don't get offended if I don't answer. I'll be holding a headcanon ask day on May 3rd so that you all can ask your burning questions. All throughout the month you can ask for clarification on something in the chapters posted. I have a lot of knowledge that might make some things make sense that I couldn't fit in there (and some that has nothing to do with it at all lol). I can't wait to see what you come up with!
-Feel free to make fanart! NO INCEST, PEDOPHILIA, OR BILL SHIPPING. As, I said before, I will block you. I would also prefer no NSFW, as I am ace and I made this fanfic friendly for all ages, just like Gravity Falls itself is. But I'd truly love to see your fanart, please tag me so that I can find it easier!
-If you post anything about my fanfic, please give me credit where it's due. Thank you!
-I'm also going to post an internet friendly acknowledgements for all of the people who deserve the acknowledgement, probably also on May 3rd.
-There's no swearing, only jokes about it (just like Gravity Falls lol). I can't promise that it won't make you say "Hot Belgian waffles!" for real though, when it comes to some suspense. ;)
I think that's all, if I missed anything I'll add it on later. Send me an ask if you're curious about a detail I might not have added in by accident! I'll see you all in the light of tomorrow.
Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag, @walkinginland!! 💜
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
8! 😅
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
234,699 (the fact that I'm almost at a quarter of a million words feels all kinds of crazy to me 🥹)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently and on ao3, just Outlander. I did a lot more fandom hopping in my youth and on ffnet.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the best by far is you (Outlander, multichap, canon-divergent - what if Faith lived?)
Beside the Seaside (Outlander, multichap, 1940s au - single parents twist on seasons 1&2)
The Lost Ones (Outlander, one-shot, modern au - Jamie and Claire are neighbors and help each other through a difficult holiday season)
Holly, Ivy, Mistletoe (Outlander, one-shot, tbbfiy holiday fic)
When My Love Reaches to Me (Outlander, one-shot, modern au - follow up to The Lost Ones)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do for most of my fics! Beside the Seaside has become a little overwhelming so I don't respond to those comments at the moment.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have to go with one of my drabble for this bc I dont usually write angsty endings for my fics, only angsty middles 😅 but I think Something to Hold Onto fits the bill for this. Though she be but 100 words, she is angsty.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
the best by far is you had a pretty happy ending, but I think Soften Every Edge will hold that title once it's finished.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
There was one person who REALLY didn't like the family separation arc in tbbfiy and trolled the comment section a few times, but that's been the only true hate I've ever received on a fic.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I hadn't ever written smut before Outlander, and I blame Jamie and Claire being the two horniest muses I've ever worked with for my forray into smut writing lol. I don't write a lot of smut, but if inspiration strikes and I feel like it adds to the story, I will usually include it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do not!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of 🤞🏻 Back in my ffnet days, I had someone message me about my fic that they wanted to basically copy and paste bits and pieces of it and change the characters but keep the main storyline (staying within the same fandom, mind you... and just switching characters around) and I said ummmm no?? but thank you for asking nicely?? and then watched their stories like a hawk for a few months, but to my knowledge, they respected what I said and didn't do that 😅
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't and honestly I'm mystified by how people make that work. I've read a number of fics that were co-written by two people and the results are so cool.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I don't like to answer what my all-time anything is because I am indecisive 😭 but at least in terms of writing fic, I've got almost a quarter of a million words published just about Jamie and Claire, so. That answer feels obvious.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oof. I never even posted it, but in my college years, I was vibing very hard with a Smallville au, wrote several chapters, it lived rent free in my mind, and never got around to finishing it. But oh my god the Themes of it all...
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characterization and theme, I think. I feel like if I know the characters and I know what the themes are, I can cobble together some kind of story.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting lol. It's always the joke with fic writing that you have to write a whole story around the one random scene you envisioned, and that's how most of mine start. So figuring out the plot and pacing from there is always a struggle.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I always want to include other languages that are integral to the characters (hi, jamie fraser!), but as someone who regrettably only speaks English, I get so nervous about the fact that I rely on google translate and might get it horrendously wrong and upset someone who actually speaks the language because it's That Bad. 😅 So I usually include what I can and then use indicators when someone is speaking in another language but I'm typing it in English.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oh god, I can't remember exactly, but I think the first fandom that I actually wrote and posted a fic for was One Tree Hill (though some of you on twitter might remember the story of 8th grade Anna turning in a chapter of her Alias fanfic for a creative writing assignment, I didn't ever end up posting that story, so that was just for me, my sister, and my 8th grade English teacher, apparently 💀)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh god. I feel like it changes depending on what I'm working on, honestly. Beside the Seaside has been super self-indulgent and fun to write, but I'm having a love-hate relationship with sharing that one with an audience at the moment. Currently, my favorite one I've written/am still writing is Soften Every Edge - I'm just very pleased with how chapter 1 turned out and loving any time I get to return to that world and that family.
I'm not sure who all has done this already, so no pressure tagging @theawkwardterrier and @behindthelabels
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keldjinfae · 19 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Again, not personally tagged by @oldefashioned, but procrastination the distraction is welcome.
How many works do you have on ao3?
I have posted 21 works, though I very recently deleted one of them because I had initially put it up as an Evil Author Day offering and it's been reshaped enough since then that I felt it was time to let the old version go. Plus, I'd initially meant for it to be part one of a three-part arc, and that arc has since changed to feature a different pairing entirely, so...
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
I'm a "one at a time" kind of writer, so right now, only Teen Wolf. In the past, under a few separate names, I've written for BtVS and Angel, HP, KH, SPN, Heroes, and I was just getting started on Inception when I had to take a break from writing.
Top five fics by kudos:
You Gotta Promise Not to Stop When I Say When (1,540)
A Little Sweet and Simple Numbing Me (487)
I'm Coming Down Fast but Don't Let Me Break You (427)
My Echo, My Shadow, and Me (401)
I'm Not Asking Questions, I'm Taking My Chances (293)
All Teen Wolf fics, and all Sterek.
Do you respond to comments?
Every single one of them. It may take me months to do so, but every comment brings me joy, and some of my most treasured fandom moments/connections have come from comment interactions.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't think I have a fic that ends in angst. At the moment, Wish You Were Here might fit this bill because I've only posted the first chapter and it's about avoiding dealing with the unexpected death of a loved one. There was one I wrote for Heroes, back in the day, that was solely about Peter burning his mother alive, so yeah, that probably qualifies--it's not on AO3, though.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not so much hate, no, but every once in a while a comment might criticize a character's actions or make suggestions on how they personally would've written a scene, etc. Any outright hate I've ever received for my fics has come from a site other than AO3.
Do you write smut?
Almost exclusively. Nearly every time I'm drafting out a fic for Teen Wolf, particularly when it's Sterek, I'll have a "then sex if there's time for it" note, and Derek barges in with that determined "I'll make time" face, so...
Craziest crossover:
So... uh... the entire reason I started writing fanfic again was because I got smacked in the face with a crossover/fusion idea for Teen Wolf and Skyrim. Other than that, Teen Wolf and Fallout, Teen Wolf and Inception, Teen Wolf and Supernatural...
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Once, years ago. It wasn't the entire fic, but it was a sizeable chunk of one, and the names had been changed for the "author's" chosen pairing/fandom, but apparently they liked my wording so much that they didn't feel the need to come up with their own.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Also years ago.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes indeedy. Co-writing is one of my absolute favorite ways of writing. Co-creativity is my jam, the energy feeds me. I've written KH fic with @caseyvalhalla, and I've cowritten Teen Wolf fic with my not!wife, Anna. It is my hope to continue to do so with other people, should our visions/writing styles align. I've got one fic in particular that I think at this point is going to need a co-writer so I don't lose focus.
All time favourite ship?
Sterek. I adore many other ships, some of them hold a special place in my heart and I will always come back to read them, but Sterek is the one that gripped me over a decade ago and hasn't let me go since. Like @oldefashioned said, I think it's because I love the characters individually as much as I love them together.
Other than Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (as well as factoring in Peter Hale with any combination of the three), there's Adam Banks/Charlie Conway, Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Alanna/George Cooper, Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Nathan Petrelli/Peter Petrelli, Angel(us)/Spike, Spike/Buffy, Angel(us)/Buffy, Angel(us)/Spike/Buffy (really I could've just said any combination of the three), Arthur/Eames, Fenris/Mage Female Hawke, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Riku/Sora, and most recently Maximus/Lucy MacLean, with the added complex triad factor of Maximus/Lucy/Cooper Howard.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I still haven't actually verged into "doubt I ever will" territory yet, but two WIPs that have been begging to be finished for a while now are Wish You Were Here (Kingdom Hearts) and Light Up as If You Have a Choice (Dragon Age: Origins).
What are your writing strengths?
I don't know. Dialogue? Establishing a setting? That answer might require a survey from other people who actually bother to read my fics.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Not being able to move on until I have a scene "perfect." If I'm stuck on getting from Point A to Point B, I am mentally incapable of jumping ahead to Point C--it is Point B or Point Bust.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I tend to avoid it if the translation starts to read too much like an index, or like I'm writing a conversation twice over. However, if the other language is vital to the narrative (i.e. a character says something in a language they know the other person won't understand, etc.) then yes, I write it in that language, rather than something like, "'blah blah,' he said in Polish."
First fandom you wrote in?
The Song of the Lioness
Favorite fic you've written?
Depending on the fandom, Freaks and Fools was a Kingdom Hearts fic I co-wrote, and more recently, I'd have to say my favorite Teen Wolf fic to write is a toss-up between You Gotta Promise Not to Stop When I Say When and My Echo, My Shadow, and Me. Promise because it is just me writing myself via Stiles, wishing I had a Derek; Echo because I'd wanted to write an alternate version of season 3a for a while, and I finally got to do it, thanks to the Sterek Reverse Bang.
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foibles-fables · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Snagging this one from @mehoymalloy, tagging @tjerra14 @finrays @poetikat @saltygirafe and anyone else who'd like to do it!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Horizon, Stray Gods, Control, and [fingers crossed] HOPEFULLY BG3 soon...lots more in the past, and potentially again in the future! (Warrior Nun, Legend of the Seeker, Critical Role, the list goes on. That tends to happen over 18 years of fic writing.)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm gonna turn this question around a little and pick the top by kudos in each of my current- and/or most-active fandoms....if I went purely by numbers, the power of Avatrice would overrun the results, hahaha.
Because the Light Is Close (Warrior Nun), The Weight of Us (Legend of the Seeker), rest like you belong here. (Horizon), the veins grow in slow (Critical Role), and brave this time (Stray Gods).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely, to every single one! I appreciate, cherish, and return to every single kind word I get--and I gotta make sure that appreciation is known. Nothing makes me feel better than taking the joy of others and reflecting it back with gratitude!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh man uh....I think waiting through daybreak (Stray) (yes the cat game) fits the bill here. That, or so i'll stay half away (Horizon).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh no, SO many!!! Lemme pick just one here....today I'll toss embodiment (Horizon) into the ring.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not to my face, which I'm glad about!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Hell yeah I do. Primarily/exclusively F/F, mostly of the very soft variety. But just because it's soft doesn't mean they're not fuckin' Nasty™
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I actually have never written a crossover.
....oh I LIED, I definitely crossed Grey's Anatomy over with Private Practice back in the day. But does that even REALLY count?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've been asked a few times, and I've accepted, but they're not complete yet!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not in earnest!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I won't choose between Aloy/Talanah and Cara/Kahlan. They can tie.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I am holding them in my teeth and growling. I am refusing to let any of them go.
16. What are your writing strengths?
prose-craft with evocative syntax, emotional immediacy, identifying parallels, descriptive introspection, character voice, strength in narrative POV
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
PLOTTING. Can't plot my way out of a paper bag. I am working on this.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Totally would if 1) it actually fit within the fic/fandom itself and 2) if I had a trusted resource/knowledgeable person to reference and check my work!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
the Xenosaga series, so many years ago.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
This is always the most difficult question to answer, and I feel like it changes by the day. I'd say it's either rest like you belong here. (Horizon), for the pure nostalgia of being The First fic I wrote for my current and long-lasting brain rot--or Because the Light Is Close (Warrior Nun), as a product of the exhilarating fandom time in which it was written.
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29daffodils · 3 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Augghh I love these games! thank you for tagging me Mickey 🥺🌸(@thisautistic)
3 Ships You Like :
1. Yohan/Moogyeong from The Shape of Your Love (manhwa by Park Nodeok)
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this is my ultimate OTP. i never had OTPs before them. they'll be my rise and fall. but yeah, anyway. they. my boys.
2. Vegas/Pete from KinnPorsche The Series
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they had me by the throat even before i knew kpts existed and just, well. then i watched kpts and found them and they were everything i hoped for and more. a lot of it is also because vegas and i are very much alike without the mass murder aspect 😂
3. Alan/Gaipa from Moonlight Chicken
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listen, MLC is like, the best thing i've watched in a while and alangaipa gave me what i had been craving since yohan/moogyeong c. 2019 : a small rare/ghost ship with barely any screentime but that hooked people in worldwide. firstkhao's acting was just bonus. alangaipa represent everything that i want from my own life. i couldn't not love them.
First Ship Ever :
Kanata/Miyu from Da!Da!Da!
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oh, these two. i was head over heels in love with them. i shipped them even when i didn't know that shipping existed or what it meant, when we didn't even have anime on TV besides the broadcast on SONY at 5pm sometimes. i just wanted them in love and happy and raising a kid together. ugh i miss them.
Last Song You Heard :
The Moon Represents My Heart, by the Moonlight Chicken cast! God do I love this song so much! It fits all the ships so well! The lyrics are gold! (I also recently found that this is a cover of the OG by Teresa Teng and that's even more beautiful??)
(also, this has been helping me visualize and write a lot of sand/ray, surprisingly enough.)
Favorite Childhood Book :
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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ahhh, well, this is embarassing. i didn't have a favourite book until adulthood actually. and it's my only favourite (as in something i've read time and again). i don't think i'll ever find another book like this one. this is it for me. nothing can ever top this. (yes, I'm very picky about my favourites lmao)
Currently Reading :
i found out this fic exists because of twitter discourse lmao, and I'm not even a dramione fan, i'll probably never read another work, but goddamn, the writing was stellar. lived up to all that hype. good stuff. (I'm almost at the end so wish me luck!)
Currently Watching :
Our Dining Table
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no offence to those who love this, i loved the manga when i read it years ago, but lord was i bored to death even on the second trial at watching this lol. I'm soldiering on though, i'll get through this!
Currently Consuming :
Thai BLs
uhh... not sure what answer this demands actually, so, uhhh... lots of thai BL i guess? that's really what i've been consuming lately. i had never watched thai BLs before KPTS in 2023 so it's eye opening, they've gotten better ( i tried once before , quite a while back when a friend recommended, and i found it ridiculous so i never thought i'd actually ever watch any again lol, mostly because i never was a fan of live action BL dramas in general)
Currently Craving :
well, i'll be honest here, money is vital and that's what I'm craving lol, i gotta feed myself and my cats and pay a 50k laptop repair bill that my company thrust on me even though it's not my fault it's damaged. anyway, essentially I'm experiencing financial doom among other unfortunate events, so here's your chance to commission a fic or donate at my KOFI so...... haha.
alright, this was super fun! I'm tagging @skyfish7 @semantics-error @justfionn @boyslovecorner @peachym00 @lilitblaukatz @ae-azile
(please feel free to ignore if you're feeling up to it!)
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ailendolin · 7 months
Thanks for tagging me @viola-halogen!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
199 at the moment. Which is a little insane.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment, I mainly write for BBC Ghosts, Yonderland and Bill (2015) and Horrible Histories. I have posted a few Loki fics recently as well because the new season came out and inspired me but it's back to Ghosts now.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. When Sorrow Sang (6,806 kudos - The Witcher)
2. Helpless (2,215 kudos - Thor Movies)
3. For The Best (2,190 - Stranger Things)
4. Here With Me (1,952 - Thor Movies)
5. A Moment (858 - Loki Series)
All those fics were written for large fandoms so it's no surprise they gained more attention than, say, my Six Idiots fics)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely! Fandom thrives on interaction and the reason I post my fics online is because I want to talk about my favourite characters with other people! That's how I have found my closest fandom friends :)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Mhm, I think my Capvers fic Missed Chances probably fits that bill. Also Attentions (Kendall/Ellis of Woolworth), my 1917 fic God is not here and my Hornblower fic Cast aside.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Since most of my stories end on a happy note, it's hard to pick just one out of the 199. I think I'll go with my Thomas-centric fic The Storyteller because it focuses on Thomas finding his place in his family through storytelling and ends on a very heartwarming note. The same goes for Renovations.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't so far, thank the gods. I honestly don't get why people would comment hateful things on something other people share for free. If you don't like something, just close the tab and move on. It's as simple as that.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No and I never will. I have alluded to it in some stories if it was necessary for the plot (like in Compromise which was all about Thomas and Julian needing different things from their relationship) but I have no intention of ever writing it in detail because it's just not my cup of tea.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do - very rarely because I like to stay true to canon as much as possible. Crossovers or alternate universes often don't work for me because too much gets changed and the characters often become unrecognisable in the process. But I am very fond of my Button House Museum AU which is essentially a crossover between Ghosts and Night At The Museum where Button House is an old museum that comes to life every night thanks to ancient Stone Circle magic.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
12. Does not exist apparently
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Have I? I don't think so. I have collaborated with an artist before for an event but that's it, I think.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I don't have one all-time favourite ship because I don't move on from fandoms. Once I love something, I love it with my whole heart. There might come a point where it stops consuming my every waking thought but it will always stay with me. Some of my oldest ships are Janeway/Chakotay from Star Trek Voyager, Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill from Stargate SG1 and Mulder/Scully from the X-Files.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have had a third installment for my The Pacific series Moments of a Different Past planned years ago. A part of it is already written and I know exactly where I want the story to go but I'll probably never finish it which makes me a bit sad.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oh this is difficult. I'd say conveying emotions and writing fics that feel like a warm hug? At least that's what people tell me they like about my stories - that they almost always end on a warm note and make them smile.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue, probably. Getting the voices right. English is my second language so dialects etc. often go straight over my head. Writing in a second language can be quite frustrating in general because you're aware your knowledge is limited and you keep catching yourself using the same phrases over and over again but don't really have the skills to shake it up a little.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm honestly not a fan of it. I think the odd word or phrase here or there is fine but as a reader, I find it very tedious to have to go to the end of a fic/chapter for the translation all the time so it's something I personally try to avoid (both when reading and writing).
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I honestly don't remember. Perhaps Digimon? Or Yu-Gi-Oh? Though tbf I've daydreamed fics even before I knew what fanfiction were or even thought about writing them down, so if we were to go that far back, it would probably be Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh, that's so hard to say because I pour my heart and soul into every fic I write. That being said, I am very fond of the multi-chaptered fics I've written, so Grace and This place (I never thought would feel like home) are definitely among my favourite BBC Ghosts fic. The Sound of Voices Two and The Rivers Between Us for The Pacific are two fics I also love to go back to and re-read. Sometimes, it's not a specific fic but rather the universe that connects them that I have created. My Yonderland fics fall into that category and it's always a joy to return to it.
Tagging: @magicaltear @ginevralinton and @i-am-a-world but as always no pressure💙
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slipperygaloshes · 5 months
I was tagged by: @mayasdeluca - ty!!
Tag Game: Fandom Edition
Current hyperfixation: Maya/Carina (Station 19) 💕, maybe a forever fixation, tbh.
Previous hyperfixation: I had to stalk my old blog to find out it was Avalance (Legends of Tomorrow).
Top 5 Ships of All Time: Maya/Carina (Station 19), Bobbi/Hunter (Agents of Shield), Root/Shaw (Person of Interest), Alex/Maggie (Supergirl), and Emily/JJ (Criminal Minds).
Top 5 Ships of the Moment: I’m not watching/reading much right now, but Maya/Carina (Station 19) and Amanda/Jimena (Entrevías) have been it lately.
Top Fandoms of All Time: I’m just chilling here on tumblr. And tbh, even when I was semi-involved in fandom, I was never really into any of them so I don’t think I have any.
Favorite Female Character of All Time: I don’t have one; I would never pit women against each other 😝.
Favorite Minor Character of All Time: hm… maybe Nani Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch)?
A Rarepair that you love: I guess Jemily (Criminsl Minds) fits the bill here.
An OT3 that you love: The only one that’s coming to mind that makes any kind of sense to me is Bobbi/Hunter/Mack (Agents of Shield).
Favorite Movie: I usually say The Lion King as a stock answer because I’m bad with favorites, but in actuality, I don’t have a favorite movie.
Favorite TV Series: To not be boring and say I don’t have one, let’s go with The Haunting of Hill House, which was so incredibly poignant.
Favorite Book: I should definitely have an answer for this one considering the fact that I was an English major. And yet… I tend to enjoy books as I read and then kinda let them go. Maybe recency bias is at play but if you put a gun to my head right now, the closest I’d get to picking a favorite is to say the Neapolitan Novels by Elena Ferrante. Highly endorse 1-3. I’ve yet to read the last one because I don’t want it to end, but will likely get to it this weekend. Bittersweet.
First site you ever read fanfiction on: I don’t recall what site it was. I think about it once in a blue moon and go looking but I’ve never been able to find it. Wasn’t any that I know of now.
Where you find most of your fanfiction today: the powerhouse that is AO3.
Favorite social media site for fandom: Tumblr, for sure.
@jmflowers @andicareaboutyou @most-things-are-temporary @hpayne1993 @thehazardsof-love and anybody else who sees this and wants to give it a go!
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patcaps · 6 months
tagged by @impossiblyizzy to answer some fic writer questions, thanks for the tag friend!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly BBC Ghosts, OFMD, and WWDITS with some other things sprinkled in <3
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Joey/Chandler fic from 2013 (Friends, 992), A Lady Doesn’t Judge (Ghosts, 866), Break The Fall (WWDITS, 779), Come Let Me Love You (Ghosts, 660), We’ve Got Time (Ghosts, 582)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to respond to them all but sometimes I forget!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I generally don’t end fics with angst, so I’d have to say To Perish Or Flourish (Ghosts) is the closest I’ve come.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I honestly don’t know, lots of them end on happy, hopeful notes so probably several fit the bill.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I can think of, probably the odd anon hate over the years but nothing sticks out.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do - tends to be fun, tender, very familiar and honest in an authentic, human way.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not since I was a kid in 2008 writing weird Doctor Who crossovers. No Superwholock thank fuck.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don’t think so!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Too many to count.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and characterisation, introspection, humour where necessary, and realistic relationships.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Getting from A to B without risking plot becoming convoluted.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It’s daunting when you only speak your native language but there are tools to help and you can always try putting dialogue out there and asking “is this right, any tips?”
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who
20. Favourite fic you've written?
We’ve Got Time (Ghosts) is one I loved writing a lot <3
i don’t feel like tagging anyone but feel free to do this!
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daintyduck99 · 7 months
Twenty Questions Writer Meme
I was tagged by @bananakarenina! I'm having a bit of a hectic weekend but this sounded like a fun breather <3
How many works do you have on AO3? 89, mostly for Julie and the Phantoms
What's your total AO3 wordcount? 484,730
What fandoms do you write for? It's still mostly JatP at the moment, but I'm also working on a few Stranger Things fics, as well as one for It (2017)
What are your top five fics by kudos? 1. Hunger Like A Storm ( Richie/Eddie Fluff, It) 2. I'm Covered In The Colors Of You (El/Max Fluff, Stranger Things) 3. The Right to Bare Arms (Reggie/Luke Pining Shenanigans, Julie and the Phantoms) 4. Homenum Revelio (Richie/Eddie Hogwarts AU Fluff, It) 5. If You're Too Shy, Let Me Know (Julie/Luke/Reggie Pining Shenanigans, JatP)
Do you respond to comments? Yes! Whenever I can anyway, I do my best to
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I'm not sure if this fic exists lol...I write so much fluff (there's probably a prompt fill floating around somewhere that fits the bill though)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? This question is also hard because they're all happy! I honestly don't know which one I'd single out as the happiest
Do you get hate on fics? Not really, no
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes! I don't know what I'd call it...sensual? Intimate? Loving? XD But yes
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Not a crossover per se but a fusion of JatP and Stranger Things that I came up with with @innytoes where it's a Stranger Things-esque world with JatP characters, there's a ficlet here
Have you ever had a fic stolen? No that I know of 😅
Have you ever had a fic translated? No!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Several times! The ST summer camp au, as well as all of my ST and It wips, are being co-written by a close IRL friend. @nuandia and I have the dancing with our hands tied series. @jmrothwell and I are currently plotting on uber baby (still the best wip name imo). And @bananakarenina and I have put on that old song in the works.
What's your favorite all-time ship? Even as a multi-shipper...I must admit that my favorite is currently Reggie/Julie 😆 along with any OT3 they're in lol
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? A few...I don't even list them in wip games anymore because I haven't touched/thought of them in ages. There's the Rulie epistolary and the Peterpatterlina fake dating au off the top of my head
What are your writing strengths? Metaphor/innovative imagery
What are your writing weaknesses? Endings 😭 I usually wrestle with them
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I'll do it sparingly with Spanish, as it's the only other language I have a good grasp on atm
First fandom you wrote for? Officially? It (2017) I think, although I probably still have some long orphaned Gravity Falls fic from high school floating around
Favorite fic you've written? Honestly, it's probably Tangerine (not the full title, affectionately called that for short), the sexy Rulie pirate AU. I just really love how it turned out all around, with the tone and the imagery (and the smut of course lol)
No pressure tagging: @nuandia, @psyduckappears, @tiriansjewel
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charlotterhea · 1 year
Rarepair Tag Game
Thank you for tagging me, @danpuff-ao3! 🥰
Rules: List the top rarepairs that you like outside of your OTP, and why you ship it! (Criteria for what makes a rarepair is up to your own discretion.)
Tagging: @cissykenway @snapeysister @echoofawind @giosnape @impure0purest @dilute-flower @enfinizatics @parumleo and as always everyone who likes to ramble a bit about their ships. There's too much arguing and too little gushing in fandom these days. 💙
I have to admit, I don't really have ships besides my OTP that I actively seek out and read or write so most of these are more intriguing to think about. Maybe I'll read a story or two about them someday but at this point, I've got still so many unread Snamiones on my reader that I hardly stray from them. XD
Still, there are a few I think are fascinating...
Don't know if they are considered a rarepair but for me they fit the bill. ^^ I've actually written with them already but not really read much from other authors so I have a lot of feelings about these two idiots regarding my own plot (that I will at one point rewrite because I wasn't able to do it justice when I wrote it years ago). Occasionally, I am a fan of hate sex and while I don't really see that with Hermione and Severus, I can almost not picture Sirius and Severus anything different. They are the epitome of 'kill me or fuck me, there's no in between'. I love the fight for dominance and all the snarky and witty comebacks. I love how feral you can go with them. It's a ship best served rough. And if I like it a bit more palatable, I love to make them a threesome with Hermione (or a foursome with Hermione and therapy? ^^). She has a hard time keeping them from killing each other but she gets a pleasurable reward. :D
Similar to you, @danpuff-ao3, Delphi got me to love a ship that I will probably never write myself or read from anyone else but them. There's just no way anybody else could do it better. XD Filch is a rather unpleasurable character in canon since we only experience him through the students' eyes. But one has to wonder what kind of life he had and what's underneath all of that grumping and threatening. And who is a better way to explore that than Severus? I think they have a lot in common; if Severus were a Squib and lived amongst witches and wizards, I'm sure he would become even more like Filch than he already is. So it's intriguing (and quite hot) to put them in a culture dish, shake it a bit and see what happens - especially when Severus is still a student. It's not a ship I engage with often but I enjoy it every time I do.
Never read or wrote anything with them, but @echoofawind put a bee in my bonnet when they mentioned it a while ago. 😂 The thing is: I don't like Draco. And I usually headcanon Charlie as being aro/ace and his life revolving solely around dragons. But I think I can make an exception with both when that exception is pairing Charlie with the only human dragon we get in the books. XD I don't know if I will ever have enough feelings for them to actually write about them but every now and then I think about what might happen on the sidelines of my Snamione plots in Romania. We don't know an awful lot about Charlie so there's a lot to discover there, and maybe he would be even able to make Draco a somewhat better person. That little shit could do good with falling in love with a bloke that he considers a blood traitor. And the ship promises a lot of denial and drama and I'm always down for that.
Same goes for these idiots. And I actually have written a longer story with them (it's not translated yet). My dislike of Draco wasn't always as strong as it is now (though I always preferred a more canon-compliant depiction of him and not the polished A+ student skilled smoothly perfect guy fanon often makes of him) and I have to admit, I had a lot of fun writing it. Neville and Draco are just funny as fuck! And that's all I need say about them. Except for maybe: the drama! Can you imagine Draco bringing Neville fucking Longbottom to present him to his parents? Or Neville bringing Draco fucking Malfoy to his gran? I ended my story before I got to that point of their relationship but tbh, sometimes I think about writing a sequel only for all of that drama. ^^
I never read a story solely about them but they are a background pairing in some of @morbidmuch's Snamiones and I always enjoyed the way they were portrayed. They are just sweet and wholesome and after sharing a dorm for seven years, I'm quite sure there isn't a lot that could get them to break up once they decide to be together. They just know each other, they've always been there for each other, and although I normally love the drama I sometimes enjoy some sweetness in between. ^^
Once again: Never read about them but they are a background pairing in one of my stories and will be in my current WIP. A lot of writers pair Ron with Lavender when they write Snamione but tbh, I don't think they would be happy in the long run. Ron never really was in love with Lavender and she deserves better than to be a number-two choice. So I thought about who else might fit Ron and eventually, I came up with Katie. She went through a lot in the war as well, all of that trouble with the necklace, being under the influence of Imperio, fighting with the DA... And she's a Quidditch player. I think she and Ron would have a lot in common and to talk about. They could be good for each other.
There are a lot more pairings that I like but neither of them are rarepairs. ^^ I'm surprisingly fine with a lot of the canon ships considering that Snamione is my OTP. Hinny is often a background pairing in my stories; I do love a good depiction of Romione (especially if it's a good depiction of how their relationship went wrong before she settles with Severus ^^); I have a soft spot for Remadora; Bill and Fleur are just a perfect match. But the above are some ships that I sometimes think about and if there will ever be a time when I've got enough of Snamione I might consider writing about them. ^^
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So @duchessofostergotlands tagged me to do this and I love talking about myself and forcing people to hear it so...
What colour are your eyes?: Brown
What instantly tells you you if a person is good?: Bad start but I don't understand the question. Not to sound like Roald Dahl on main but when I fall out with people they look mean and cruel to me, even if they were the most beautiful person I knew when we were friends
Do you have a recurring dream?: Most of my dreams currently revolve around me not being able to get my class to stop talking during an observation
What is the most interesting class you have taken?: My English degree was essentially a "what random topics can we fit in here" degree so we had classes on such a wide range of topics from how to run multi-media PR campaigns to whether or not porn should have a plot and how to trick someone into giving you the quote you want for your article. We were given this really immersive behind-the-scenes tour of the architecture of Bath for my PGCE though, so that probably wins
How often do you find yourself daydreaming?: A lot. When I was younger, I used to sit on the sofa and daydream that I was playing rather than actually playing
Name/nickname: I've had a lot of nicknames through the years but I'm predominantly just Grace
Zodiac: Leo
Height: 5 foot
Nationality: British
Favourite colour: Burgundy
Favourite season: Summer
Favourite animals: Lions or foxes or hedgehogs
Favourite fictional characters: Amy Santiago. Mulder and Scully. Emily Prentiss from Criminal Minds. Bronwyn Rojas from OOUIL. Nikki Alexander from Silent Witness. Rose Tyler. Currently obsessed with Arthur from BBC's Merlin.
Tea, coffee or hot chocolate?: Hot chocolate. I don't drink tea or coffee
Average hours of sleep?: If I sleep naturally, probably about 7. For work, about 5
Cat or dog person?: Both (but also neither - I'm not really an animal person)
Number of blankets slept with: Currently two
Places ancestors are from: My grandma was born in the same house in England she lives in now, my grandad was born in Wales and refused to admit he was Welsh, my grandpa was from an Irish travelling family and my nan was Jewish. But predominantly the Republic of Ireland and Wales
Dream trip: I'm going to Amsterdam soon and that was a big one! Italy, Greece and Spain are top of the list
Blog established: My main blog was April 2010, I think. This one was June 2015
Random fact about yourself: I have an eidetic memory. Also, that I keep having to go back and remove full stops from this so I look cooler
Three ships: Mulder and Scully. 10 and Rose. Jake and Amy (and Hotch and Prentiss)
Last song: Hits Different by Taylor Swift
Last movie: In the cinema, Shazam 2. At home, Scream (I watched the Scream 5 and 6 double bill on the day Scream 6 came out and I need to talk about it)
Currently reading: I Want to Die but I Want to eat Tteokbokki by Baek Sehee
Currently watching: I'm in the middle of rewatching S6 of Elementary, S4 of Merlin, S1 of Downton Abbey, S7 of Criminal Minds and S7 of The X Files and I'm swapping between them every other day. The last new show I watched was Class of 07
Currently craving: Maltesers
I'm just going to tag @sophiebernadotte @harryandmeghansussex and anyone who wants to do it - just say I tagged you!
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secondflamee · 3 months
these are mostly guidelines I guess and might occasionally be expanded as I think of things, though there shouldn’t be anything major. I’d like to think I’m a chill person to write with. If you have any questions feel free to reach out and we can talk things through.
I. The usual applies. basic roleplay ettiquette. don’t take control of my character unless we plotted something out beforehand. don’t be a prick in general and we’re good.
II. Another basic thing you’ve probably read before: I’m over 21 years old and will not write smut with minors. nsfw and other mature content will occur on my blog and will be tagged as nsfw.
III. I’m pretty new to writing Clive, but I have just about 10 years or so of roleplay experience and have written a bunch of other Final Fantasy muses before.
IV. Just as a disclaimer: English is not my first language, so feel free to point out any spelling or grammar mistakes if you find them.
V. Feel free to poke me about replies every now and again if I owe you, but know that I am a student at university and I also work 20h a week to pay the bills and such.
VI. I will only write threads with mutuals, and I am very selective with which threads I pour what little free time I do have into, but my ask is also open to any asks in general, they just most likely won’t turn into a thread if we’re not mutuals. Starter calls are for mutuals only.
VII. Concerning ships: I must admit that I am mad down to ship romantically, a shipping-whore if you will, but I must also warn you that shipping with me tends to involve lots of angst and also lots of big elaborate plots where our muses struggle to find their way to eachother.
VIII. in addition to the last entry – I personally headcanon Clive as gay, although in most threads he’ll not be particularly aware of it. Think of this what you will, but it is a choice for his portrayal I find fitting with how I perceived his character and the interactions he’s had with both men and women in the game.
IX. rp memes do not have an expiration date. I’ll tag them ‘rpmemes’ and anything filed under that tag is fair game to be send in at any point in time.
X. I am not currently looking for crossover threads with other franchises or even other FF games and would rather keep to writing with characters from FFXVI at least until I am a little more sure in my portrayal of Clive.
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eviswriting · 5 months
Fandom: Harry Potter (pre-Golden Trio Era) Ship/Character(s): Genfic, Ginny Weasley & Ron Weasley Tags & Such (Tropes, etc): Fluff, character study/development, short oneshot? Main Idea: They don't get chocolate frogs often, but when they do, Ron and Ginny Weasley, the youngest, rush to check what card they have. Vibe: fluffy, excited, childlike Extra Notes: Really just a cute, short fic between ginny and ron and their relationship pre-sorcerer's stone!
thank you :)
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word count: 1.4k Characters: Ronald "Ron" Weasley and Ginerva "Ginny" Weasley Fandom: Harry Potter
notes: I called this "Chocolate Frogs", I hope that's okay! I love this idea! Not sure if it's clear, but it happens when Ron is 10 and Ginny is 9. Thank you for being the first person to request <3 it should be up on A03 either today or tomorrow!
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They never did, to begin with, surviving on their dad’s meagre salary, but lately, they’ve been getting them less and less. This doesn’t mean Ron doesn’t like them — love them, in fact. Their mum’s call always, “Ron! Ginerva! I have a surprise for you!” always gets the kids running. It’s tradition, at this point — Ginny’s insistence that her name is ‘Ginny’, never ‘Ginerva,’ Ron’s detective smell of each box, and their “three, two, one, card!” upon opening the frogs’ boxes. 
It’s been so long — a year, in fact. Ginny, barely eight, still cannot really fathom the lack of money they have. Ron sort-of understands. And this morning feels just like any other. The birds chirp as he wakes up, pleasant calls, and just like every other morning, Ron remembers his great-great-aunt Muriel’s tale of the birds calling for their lording phoenix. They wish, he thinks bitterly as he, not wanting to be caught in the red flame of his mum’s ire, changes out of his pyjamas and into ratty, passed-down clothing. The only thing that marks it as his is the faded strip of paper with just the bare markings of the word ‘RON’ in nearly-whitened ink. It was rich in colour, black, once. 
But like everything he owns, it’s not in prime condition. He’s just in the process of pulling on a pair of maroon socks (yes, he does hate the colour maroon, and yes, he will be wearing the socks) when his mum’s voice filters through the door. “It’s time for breakfast, dears!” has never sounded as frightening as it has in the past two years. As money grew tighter and tighter (Ginny kept growing and they didn’t have much clothes to fit her), breakfast meant chores afterwards, so their mother could focus on the bit of ‘freelancing’ she did — an odd sewing project here, a knitted sweater-and-bonnet set for a next-door neighbour. 
Langly legs leading him down the stairs, he joins the mob of red that heads to the kitchen. The Burrow, their home, is held up only by magic. How else would the additional rooms protruding from the original structure stay up? 
“Hi,” he says to his brothers, George and Fred, though they wink at him before returning to their hushed murmurings. Twins and devious, Fred and George would be heading for their second year at Hogwarts (the brilliant wizarding school in Scotland) on September 1st. 
Sometimes, Ron feels excluded from his family. His eldest siblings, Bill and Charlie, have each other, Percy’s the most studious out of all of them and is always contemptuous about remaining with his books, and Fred and George have each other. So Ron sticks by himself or Ginny, his younger sister. It’s a bit embarrassing for his best friend to be his younger sister, but he does it. 
“Hey, buddy!” As Ron perches precariously on one of the stools, Charlie — who was apparently already downstairs — reaches over to mess his hair. Ron smiles cheerfully, loading oatmeal, sugar, and cream into his bowl. 
After breakfast, they receive chore lists. Ron sighs in relief when he realises he just has to clean out the chicken coops, remove the hens’ eggs, and make sure no gnomes are hiding in the area. It seems that Ginny isn’t as lucky, as she gives a very dramatic sigh and pouts at Mum. Luckily, Mum isn’t facing her, so she isn’t swayed by her only daughter’s child emotions. 
With a kiss on each child’s cheek, Molly Weasley watches her kids leave the room to complete their chores. Smiling softly, she starts preparing a casserole she needs to make for the Lovegoods. 
Ron rushes out to the yard and towards the coops quickly, so none of his siblings can rope him into helping with their chores. He completes his tasks quickly yet efficiently; when he comes back to the Burrow to give his mum the filled egg basket, Ginny is huffing about only being on her second task — the second out of five. Sucks for her, he thinks, grabbing one of their mum’s concoctions that is supposed to help in warding off gnomes. 
He completes that task quickly, and after he carefully replaces the foul-smelling potion, he contemplates his options for a second. He can either go back to Mum and get a new list or go upstairs to his room. Instincts win out and he carefully creeps up the stairs. He’s about to pump his hands and whisper ‘yes!’ when his toes push into a hard stair. The creaking stair, and the bane of Fred and George. Shoot. The squeak is loud, and Ron pauses, not breathing. What fib can he come up with if Mum comes to check? 
Thankfully, his mum doesn’t move from the kitchen and Ron, a bit more careful, tip-toes to his room, shutting the door softly behind him. “Success!” he laughs as he falls onto his mattress, letting it wrap him. Ron stays there for a while, staring at the ceiling until his eyelids flutter close once, twice, thrice, before settling into a light sleep. 
Three hours later, he’s awoken by a call of, “Ron! Ginny!” He doesn’t move, and Mum calls the iconic “Ron! Ginny! I have a surprise for you!” Ron is up in an instant. It doesn’t matter that the small flame in his heart is re-awoken with hope, the smallest part that hopes reverently that it’s a chocolate frog. 
He’s already downstairs, standing at the table, white knuckles clutching the back of a chair, when Ginny finally makes it down. The nine-year-old has an adorable pout on her face, and Molly softens at the sight of it. 
Molly beams at her children. She loves them, through anything. Anything. Even though they don’t have much money, she makes due with what she can. She tries to give them all they’d ever want. And she knows it's not ideal, but she works with what she has. Clearing her throat, misty-eyed, she says, “I have a surprise for you.” Ron’s grip on the chair grows tighter, and Molly smiles even wider. She knows that her youngest son is probably aware, and trying to repress his hopes — and it hurts her so much, like a million thorns sticking themselves into her heart, that he can’t wish for some simple chocolate. She’s tried before to recreate the iconic frogs, but they never turn out as well as the original. 
“What is it?” Ginny asks with the pretence of boredom, but Molly sees her only daughter’s confusion and faint hope. It hurts. 
“Well…” Molly trails off, removing her hands from behind her back. Two chocolate frog boxes are held tightly in her hands. It’s why she baked the casserole and knitted Pandora Lovegood and her daughter Luna matching cardigans for the grand sum of fifteen galleons. (Not that the chocolate frogs cost so much — only a galleon together; the rest of the money, fourteen galleons, would go to Ron and Ginny’s Hogwarts funds.) 
Ron’s face lights up with pure, child joy that makes it all worth it. So does Ginny’s, though she tries to hide it. “Thank you!” they both squeal (though they’d both deny that), and each grab one. Together, with a, “Three, two, one, open!” from Ron, they tear through the packaging, carefully putting the box to the side, and pulling out the card. 
“Cool!” yells Ginny, brandishing her new, first-ever Jocunda Sykes card. 
Ron, grinning, says, “I got bloody Devlin Whitehorn! First one!” 
It has been a while since Molly has seen her youngest two so joyful. It always makes all of the extra work worth it — plus, she’d be doing that work anyway, trying to maintain a cosy home. They both repeat extravagant thank you’s, and Molly can’t help but chuckle. Such simple, childish behaviour that would disappear in a few years as they went to Hogwarts and learned more responsibility. 
Ron is first, but then Ginny joins. Soon, all three of them are hugging, holding on to each other tightly. Molly feels like never letting go. She loves her family so, so much; she does, like Arthur, everything she can for them. This? This is family. 
Family means sticking to each other through thick and thin. 
It means never, ever giving up in difficult situations. 
That you should always keep pushing to be a better, healthier version of yourself. 
Family is such a precious thing.
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have a great day/night! :)
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zaruba-needslove · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Saw this post by @gekidasa and I thought I wanna do this thing too. Cos I rarely get sent or tagged with this kinda stuff XD
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 581 (including the ones posted anonymously)
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 1,649,635 as of currently
3. What fandoms do you write for? Saiyuki, Goblin Slayer, Code Geass, Yugioh, Yami no Matsuei, some other niche anime and manga titles, Toku series (Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Ultraman, GARO and one very rare Cybercop fic, a whole bunch of KDramas, JDramas, BBC dramas which includes the Whoniverse and a few original writings. And oh... some game fandom too.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
"Wife" - A Beyond Evil fic... based on this ONE scene that seemed to be so gay lol
Unread - A Descendant of the Sun fic set around the moment priot to the main leads reunion after the guy supposed died/went MIA on a mission
Alstromeria - A Detroit: Become Human fic set on a happy end outcome of the game.
Che ricorda - A Vincenzo fic.
Rouge - A fic based on Tomorrow kdrama
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Sometimes. Usually when people ask me stuff in the comments I'll definitely give some replies. Or if there's a very enthusiastic one that I can't help responding. Or just to thank people for the comments.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Unh... this one was a very hard question lol, since I wrote plenty of angsty fic. Heck, my main genre had been angst. Though I guess some of my angstiest fic I've written would be the one I wrote for the Hidarime Tantei Eye jdrama. There's this one Anti Hope AU I did about a scenario where Ainosuke was so in denial about his older brother's death that he actually created a delusion that his brother was still alive.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hehehe. Another hard stuff, one because I wrote more angst than fluff... and another, I'm not sure that I'm the write person to have a proper opinion about this XD. But if talking about my recent works... I might say my TanuKitsune series. Which basically referring to Sleeping Tanuki.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I did used to get some, just because I mainly wrote LuluKallen pairing in the Code Geass fandom. But in terms of flames... I already forgot about it cos that's like so many years ago.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Hehe. Nowadays... yes. I wrote quite an amount, openly and anonymously. Mostly from the Geats fandom.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I used to. I wouldn't say any of them came close to being described as 'crazy'. Cos there's one on CCS/YGO and KR/SS multiverse project that revolves around Decade and Gokaiger. In terms of scale, I guess the Gokaiger one was crazy. Like imagine trying to add more inside lore to the one in series since Gokai barely delve too deep when doing all the episodes with the previous teams. Or if you count that tiny crossover I did in some of my Geats fic, yeah that's crazy. Like KR Geats and Team Batista series had NOTHING in common between them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Has it happened before? I don't really remember.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Several times. I've got someone asking me if they could translate my fic into Russian, and several other requests asking to translate my fics into Mandarin. I forgot if there were any other requests for other languages besides those two.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? Kouga/Kaoru is still my all-time fav even if I don't write too much Garo fic. In that case, KeiAce probably fit the bill more now.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Passing the Torch - because it'll require me to rewatch the episodes and the corresponding tribute series that by know I don't think I'll have enough attention span and time to do and think up stuff.
16. What are your writing strengths? To be honest, half the time I'm not sure what's my real strength in anything. But depending on my level of hyper-focusing at a time I can be pretty good at keeping the voice of my characters... and sometimes people say that I could emulate the same writing style as the original writers, which had been one of the sweetest compliments I've ever received.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogues... maybe, because sometimes I have harder time trying to voice out my characters thoughts on something... also I get distracted/derailed easily so half the time the plot just ran off on its own.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I usually avoid it unless I'm proficient in said language.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Gensoumaden Saiyuki, I think. Goku/Sanzo
20. Favorite fic you've written? I wrote so many it's hard to pick any favourites tbh But I guess my TanuKitsune series would be some of them. Also Atonement. Just because I love how the plot end up coming together nicely.
Tagging: Not sure if anyone would bother doing this... but feel free if you wanna do this
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