romanmigracs · 7 months
Transtelex: Manipulatív zagyvaságokat ír a Székelyhon a medvék számáról, az MTI pedig masszívan terjeszti az álhíreket
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Rendszeresen felülbecsülték az állomány nagyságát, azaz több medvét jelentettek, mint amennyi valóban élt a területükön annak érdekében, hogy magasabb kvótát lehessen megállapítani, azaz több egyed kilövését lehessen engedélyeztetni.
Hogy minél nagyobb számban jöhessenek a külföldi vadászok, akik több tízezer eurót is hajlandóak kifizetni azért, hogy kiélhessék a beteg hajlamaikat.
A 8 ezres populációlétszámot egyébként azért szeretnék mindenáron elérni, mert idén egyszer már lejelentették a minisztériumnak, hogy ennyi medve él az országban. Aminek alapján Tánczos Barna volt miniszter próbált is egy 500 egyedes kilövési kvótát érvénybe léptetni, azonban a Román Akadémia ebben megakadályozta. A tudományos testület végül kevesebb mint a felére csökkenttette a kilőhető medvék számát.
A lakossági nyomás növelése érdekében 2016 óta a vadászok és egyes politikusok időt és energiát nem kímélve hergelnek és uszítanak a medvék ellen. Az emberek pedig reagálnak is:
hurkozzák, mérgezik, mézes gipsszel megetetik a szerencsétlen állatokat, akik keserves kínok között pusztulnak el, egyre nagyobb számban.
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Szakértő barátom mondta, egy fajt kétféleképpen lehet kiirtani: vagy tönkreteszed az élőhelyét vagy ráuszítod a helyi lakosságot. Romániában, Erdélyben egyelőre nem áll fenn annak a veszélye, hogy a medvéknek ne maradjon élőhelye. A már felszított gyűlölethullámhoz viszont újabb és újabb veszélyes löketet ad minden toxikus politikusi megnyilvánulás és minden botcsinálta szakértő zagyvaságokon alapuló manipulációs kísérlete.
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akharyn · 1 year
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konyvboritok · 2 months
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thetravellingman87 · 10 months
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thelallibhai · 2 years
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Book your relaxing stay or 'Work from Home' experience at The Magic Cottage Praid Transylvania @airbnb @trav.locals or message Rosie by Whatsapp 0040757340599 Airbnb Superhost 26 times in a row and all 30 five star 🌟 reviews #travlocals #wildventureromania Airbnb link to The Terrace Room in profile ⭐ #praid #visitharghita #sovata #holidaywithviews #corund #themagiccottage #homestayheaven #homestayharghita #luxuryrooms #airbnbsuperhosts #romania #transylvania #székelyföld #erdely #ig_romania #traveleurope #ravereviews (at The Magic Cottage, Praid, Transylvania, Romania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdKq43tjSR0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mwagneto · 2 years
i made bolognese sauce which i usually make by putting a whole jar of premade sauce and then adding one or two of those 60g knorr sauce packages that r meant to be enough for 3 people on their own BUT i hate the way they're packaged so i keep the dust in tupperware and use as much as i need in any given moment. however my mother didn't tell me she got some paprika powder (hungarian obviously) that she for some fucking reason decided to put in an identical tupperware as the sauce dust and placed it on top of it in the pantry. so the entire time I'm eating my pasta w the sauce i just made I'm like mf why is this spicy it was never spicy before. eh I'm sure it's fine. well yeah it was because i unknowingly added like 150 grams of paprika powder to it coz my mother decided that little nugget of info wasn't worth sharing with me, aka the only person who uses that part of the pantry.
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May 8 - Foul Bauble Of Man's Vanity
Re Dracula/Dracula Daily
So, I got distracted and now I'm behind by about a week. So be it, I'll catch up. Starting with this one.
Serious props to the voice actors here. Jonathon's stressed venting over being trapped and in danger, and Dracula's fervent rant over his people's history were excellent. I was drawn right in. They really set the tension and the tone. There were no skipped bits this round, so just a reaction to the podcast today. And a little definitions bit at the bottom for the words I had to google.
Jonathon has stopped turning his back on his ill feelings and the numerous red flags, grateful even for his older descriptive journal entries to refer upon and determined to keep clear record onwards. I guess not seeing someone in the mirror and getting choked out would be too much for anyone to hide from. That and his destructive tendencies.
I like how he takes the time to feel gratitude for the rosary and the woman who gifted it, wondering on the manner in which it works. Also the little tangent, 'now I can't shave! how annoying!'. Coping skills 101.
He's not just kept older fears to heart but has started actively looking into things as well. Thanks to that he knows that there are no servants, only himself and Dracula, that the man hasn't consumed anything and that there's no way out. All the doors are locked and his window just leads to a precipice ending in rivers, chasms and forests, all easily seen from the castle. It's no wonder the poor man ran about the place in a panic.
Jonathon is taking care with his interactions with Count Dracula too, planning ahead, how to react, how to behave, what to, what not say. He's even gone with so bold a move as to dig out personal information from the man himself. And wasn't that interesting.
Count Dracula fell for it, hook line and sinker. He fell into a fervent rant over the histories, follies and glories of his blood, his people, his land. He ranted on wars and battles, dismissed more pacifist and communal behaviours, which showed a lot into his personality, his priorities and his attitude towards others. He even clued Jonathon in on who he is was, when he came from, his role in the past, when he went on about his achievement against the Turks.
Was it not this Dracula, indeed, who inspired that other of his race who in a later age again and again brought his forces over the great river into Turkey-land; who, when he was beaten back, came again, and again, and again, though he had to come alone from the bloody field where his troops were being slaughtered, since he knew that he alone could ultimately triumph! They said that he thought only of himself. Bah! what good are peasants without a leader?
Overall, it was a stellar success on Jonathon's part. It could even make for a historical record there. What a thing for a historian to get their hands on.
Jonathon has a point though. This, like with the other nights, didn't end til morn. He compared it the beginning of the "Arabian Nights" or the ghost of Hamlet's father, ending at cockcrow. Not very comforting comparisons.
It was an interesting chapter. Very informative. Love the building stress, the increasing urgency and the worldbuilding.
My little definitions page, in the order they came up. Almost all are directly copy pasted, with some hyperlinks for clarification sake.
Diffuse: lacking clarity or conciseness, verbose, wordy, longwinded
Prosaic: without interest, imagination, and excitement, prose lacking poetic terms and verbosity
Demoniac: possessed or influenced by a demon
Boyar: a high ranking member of Russian aristocracy, serving under the prince
Szekelys: Székely people are ancient Hungarians, living in Transylvania in Székelyföld (Szeklerland), situated in Romania
Ugric: Ugrians or Ugors were the ancestors of the Hungarians of Central Europe, and the Khanty and Mansi people of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug of Russia.
Scythia: or Scythica was the region of Eastern Europe corresponding to the Pontic steppe. The Scythians were an ancient Eastern Iranian equestrian nomadic people.
Attila: Attila the Hun was the leader of the Hunnic Empire from 434 to 453. Attila the Hun is used as a figure for an extremely vicious fighter or cruel person, especially in political contexts.
Magyar: The Magyars were horsemen from the Pontic-Caspian steppe. Their people make up the majority of the Hungarians.
Lombard: a Germanic people who conquered most of the Italian Peninsula from 568 to 774. They originated from Scandinavia.
Avar: a nomadic equestrian people from central Asia who built up an empire in the area between the Adriatic and the Baltic seas from the 6th century.
Bulgar: The Bulgars were Turkic semi-nomadic warrior tribes that flourished in the Pontic–Caspian steppe and the Volga region during the 7th century.
Arpad: Árpád was the head of the confederation of the Magyar tribes at the turn of the 9th and 10th centuries. He was a ruler of what we now call Hungary.
Honfoglalas: the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin
Cassova: or Kosovo. Kosovo, officially the Republic of Kosovo is a landlocked partially recognised state in Southeast Europe, lying in the centre of the Balkans.
Wallach: the people of Wallachia, now Romania
Voivode: a local ruler, governor or military commander, especially the semi-independent rulers of Transylvania, Wallachia, or Moldova before c1700.
Mohács: is a town in Baranya County, Hungary, on the right bank of the Danube. The Battle of Mohács was fought on 29 August 1526 near Mohács.
Hapsburgs: aka the House of Austria. One of the most prominent and important dynasties in European history.
Romanoffs: or the Romanovs. The Russian imperial family in control from 1613 to 1917. Famous for the murder of the Romanov family wherein Princess Anastasia went missing, presumed dead.
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atloteam · 2 years
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A Herbich Ferenc-féle 1878-as A Székelyföld földtani térképének 3D feldolgozása. 
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alephskoteinos · 9 months
I heard that Viktor Orban is now trying to claim that Transilvania and Székelyföld are part of Hungary, and I remembered that Bram Stoker's Dracula claimed to be descended from the Székelys. So now I'm wondering if anyone can tell me how/if Dracula figures into Hungarian nationalism.
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emberneklenni · 1 year
❤✌️ Ha segíteni nem tudunk, legalább ne ártsunk!
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siculia · 2 years
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Székely Nemzeti Múzeum, Sepsiszentgyörgy, Sepsiszék, Székelyföld
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romanmigracs · 2 years
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Magyarságteljesítmény, székelyteljesítmény
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bdpst24 · 2 years
11. alkalommal rendezik meg a Székely Vágtát a hétvégén
Három napos, nagyszabású lovas ünnep 2022. június 17. és 19. között Székelyföld lovasai szállnak nyeregbe és versenyeznek a budapesti Nemzeti Vágtán való indulás jogáért. Ismét lesz Góbé futam, ahol a fiatalabb lovasok kapnak lehetőséget, valamint számos lovas bemutató, koncert is szórakoztatja majd a közönséget. Az esemény a helyi születésű Czetz János emléke előtt tiszteleg, aki az 1848-as…
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truthharcosa · 2 years
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Okay, so, uh, this is an unusual post. If you were here since the beginning of my blog, you probably know that I am doing this for about 2 years, posting stuff about Romania and its culture.
However, over these past two years, I have kept a part of my identity secret, since I was scared that I may be attacked about it, called a liar or people would question what I've blogged on this blog so far. From my tumblr friends, only my closest friends from the Romanian side of tumblr know about it, and I thank them for being descreet about it.
So, you all know I am Romanian. I was born in Romania, I speak Romanian, I live in Romania. But... I am not fully Romanian... Not in an ethnic way.
I am half Székely. I am a person whose mom is ethnically Romanian, and whose dad is ethnically Székely. Half of my family is Romanian, half is Székely. Half speaks Romanian at home, half speaks Hungarian.
This identity of mine is something I have struggled to accept in the past, due to personal reasons, and only in the past couple of years I have come to embrace the fact that I am not fully Romanian, and that I have Magyar heritage. I am proud of my identity, of my cultures, my languages, and I regret not being able to learn from a young age Hungarian.
But that is not why I kept it a secret. As many of you know, relationships between these groups of people are quite... Messy, to say the least. It's as if every couple of months both sides decide to come after the other. This makes me feel unsafe, it makes me feel cornered, it makes me feel as if people want me to explain and take responsibility for what one side does over the other. I have been disrespected in the past based on my identity, and I honestly do not want that to happen on here.
I love Romania. Romania is my home, it is my country, I am proud of being Romanian, my pride about my nation's history and culture made me make this blog in the first place. I don't want people to think I somehow tried to deceive people by not disclosing in bold letters my status as an ethnical minority, or that I am faking my pride. I am not. It's just that, in my opinion, it wasn't relevant to my blog, for that info to be disclosed.
Today i want to make sure to bring home the idea that my blog is a safe space for people that are Romanian, live in Romania, or anything beyond and in between (apart from people that spread hate or are dangerous to other people). This chunk of land, in between mountains, the sea and a river, is open for everyone. We can all coexist. We all coexist. There shouldn't be fear to say that you are a certain ethnicity or nationality. We are all people.
Thank you for listening to my ramblings tonight. Take care. Noapte bună, jó éjszakát.
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meztelenreklam · 3 years
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Nem mese, de való igazság! 
Debreceni Képes Kalendáriom 1901.01.
via EPA
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