clown-demon · 4 months
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"It's fun to prank people.. And it's even better if they get annoyed easily. I prank my coworker all the time. His reactions never get old. But pranking people you don't know can get a lil dangerous.. Some people have no sense of humor!"
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distortedkilling · 3 months
Is Mahito the big or little spoon?
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"I thought I was American."
Okay but real answer time, he's both. I write Mahito has flexible to switch between either role and floats somewhere in the middle.
If he's ever with someone like that, he'd likely take advantage noting what their preferences is and decide from there if he wants to be nice about it. Sorry, are you used to being the big spoon and prefer it? HAH! Not anymore, idiot. That sort of deal.
Personally, I think he defaults to big because he'd rather squeeze someone and he's also pretty possessive over his toys. Mutual squeezes, as in facing one another, he may favor. Mainly because he doesn't actually need to sleep so he'd be amused watching someone who does. Just so he can make fun of them when they wake up. :)c
I also feel like he'd be fine being little spoon but with his personality he'd sometimes take it as a challenge. Not a serious challenge, but a way to mess with someone thinking it'd be that easy. He'd likely be a little insufferable via reaching back to touch their leg or playing with their hands/arms around him.
It kind of comes down to: If he's holding you, he's less inclined to mess with you. If you're holding him, you've given him nothing to focus on so he has to fix that. Mutual holding? The best.
Alternatively, he will just pull someone on top of him to sleep or uno reverse it to sleep on top of someone else. I'm sorry, do you think I mean half on top of someone? No. Fully body. Dead weight. Get crushed.
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estarion · 25 days
Circe. "You are actually alright. I can at least have a conversation with you."
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it’s funny. he was thinking something along similar lines about her recently. she is a lavish, commanding mistress, with a prodigious hunger and a contempt for fools. he doesn't know a lot about her, but already it seems they share a good amount in common. “thank you. likewise, too. your company has been a delight.” astarion’s hands are elegantly poised at his back as they promenade the courtyard of her palace, right fingers encircling his left wrist. he is only afforded the chance to experience things like this at night, but the way lanterns and candles have been arranged makes certain parts appear almost sunlit. he glimpses his mystical companion from the corner of his eye, touch of a smile on his lips. a rarity indeed to find anyone he could deem a friend these days, particularly a fast one. “also, i must say! the pangs of boredom have not struck once my entire stay. i ought to thank you for that, as well.”
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cursedfortune · 24 days
What kind of people would Mortem refuse to help and for what reason?
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I've spoken on similar inquiries when it comes to people Mortem dislikes in some manner.
It often takes more effort to garner her displeasure than it does to get her to like an individual. Even traits or behaviors she finds annoying or distasteful aren't usually enough to warrant sincere negativity. She won't fault a soul for acting in its nature, usually. Unless wisdom doesn't prevail and teach them anything.
Which leads me to the obvious answer: She won't help anyone lacking potential.
Her core abilities and attributes surround the fact she can see and predict a soul's potential. She doesn't really know the actual details nor does she seek them out unless it's necessary, but by default she can tune in to see potential in the form of energy. The core abilities she developed via will and magic (two separate things in her lore, mind you) are based on this. Her enhancing her body into being a powerful vessel for her purpose (solely will-based) was her carrying out her own physical potential. Her becoming an open gate with magic/energy in general was her carrying out her own magic potential (and some will still). Which allows her to utilize her main abilities of energy manipulation and soul manipulation, for lack of a better term at the moment.
So in explaining that, people lacking potential she doesn't help. In fact, if she spots someone without potential or lacking severely she typically killing them either on sight or by that day's end. In her line of work and belief, they are just a soul trapped in a husk without potential - so freeing the soul means it has that potential returned either in the after-life or if it ever decides to reincarnate.
I guess it could still be considered helpful in a fucked up sort of way, though.
Beyond that it just varies. I suppose people who have the means to accomplish their goals but seek the easy way (often, her) typically warrant her just quirking an eyebrow. She doesn't like individuals who lack effort. It doesn't matter how smart or stupid you are, if you aren't making an effort and adapting to some degree then you aren't worth shit to her. If someone tries to get her to do basic things, like kill an enemy they have, she will be like, "No, you."
Provided a deal of some kind isn't struck.
People always have a means but if they aren't utilizing that means, she's going to get bored of someone real fast. And if they as disappointing her time and time again, they will be on the chopping block. She doesn't care to waste her time on such people - unless her purpose dictates it as a necessity.
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helreginn · 2 months
@cursedwanderer asked:
Send 🌑 to crawl into bed with my muse
Hel sighed softly as she lifted the blankets in front of her ribs, ready for Fenja to slip into the bed with her. It was peculiar - to all but them - how Hel, who had been so cozy under blankets was cold and Fenja brought a warmth to the embrace they easily fell into. Hel smiled, whispering affectionately as she nuzzled her chin in between Fenja's shoulder and neck, "You're here late. I was not expecting you. Everything is alright?"
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thevoiceofthepeople · 7 months
𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝑵𝑶𝑵𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑨𝑳 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 .(  a  collection  of  100  nonverbal  action  prompts .   mature  and  potentially  triggering  themes  are  present .   add  “ + reverse ”  to  swap  assigned  roles .)
∗ 15﹕ sender  and  receiver  make  eye  contact  across  a  busy  room .
Living like a wanderer again had a lot of cons for sure. One of them being not knowing how to get from location to location on the grand line. Another was not knowing where one would lay their head down each night. But it had it's pros. Stumbling into a random party at a bar she wasn't invited to but was welcomed in like a long time friend? That was a great perk of living life this way. Seda was a few drinks down, laughing it up and being coaxed into joining in on the dancing that was breaking out all over the place. The bitter beer filled her with liquid confidence but to get up and dance around, not nearly enough. She'd need something harder to get up at start prancing around. "What are you some kinda chicken?" Some toothless old man poked, the liquor turning his paper white skin a rusty red.
Chicken accusations were stronger than hard booze. "Chicken!? Ha! Hardly!" Seda stood up from her table with shaky legs, cleaning her mouth of beer foam with the back of her hand. She scanned the room, looking for someone to join in on her peer pressured prancing. No. No. No.. Maybe.... Most of the people were deep in their own cups so they didn't notice her bright green eyes evaluating them. Except for one. From across the room her eyes met with another, a shorter man with the deepest red hair she'd ever seen in her life. Outside of wanted posters of certain famous pirates. He'd do. She kept eye contact and then flashed a bright, drunk smile, cocking her head to coax him over for a dance.
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inseparableduo · 24 days
Sigfrid. "Never have I ever used my feet to eat cake without a spoon." Not drinking.
Meme || Accepting!
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"Ew." Darla looks at him in disgust and doesn't take a shot. She then sighs and looks at her twin.
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Andrew doesn't say a word before taking a shot. He used a fork
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whirling-fangs · 7 months
����For Sigfrid, advice about handling grief
Send 📖 to get really bad advice from my muse // accepting!!
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"Make yourself a coat with their skin. Make broth with the flesh. Make weapons with the bones. Leave the rest out... and let the worms do their jobs."
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ivoryfall · 3 months
Sigfrid. Your death sits in that cage, and she hears you.
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"death, in a cage? it sounds more like the ramblings of a troubled mind than anything else. care to elaborate on what exactly you mean by that?"
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kyukicho · 6 months
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@swordduels asked: Clarimonde to Mahito "be honest, do you want me as a follower?"
send me "be honest..." with a question and they'll answer truthfully. | Accepting
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"Oh~ having the guts to ask difficult questions now? Let's see. It's interesting to study you, how your soul longs for something to cling to. Whether I want it to be me or not is irrelevant to the experiment. So if I must answer honestly, I don't care if you worship me or any other deity. I just want to see that longing in you."
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clown-demon · 8 months
@swordduels asked:
"I'm so gonna buy the IKEA shark."
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"Why buy it? Just steal it~!"
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distortedkilling · 4 months
What gestures of kindness would Mahito apreciate?
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This is not the face of someone who even knows.
In the short time Mahito has existed for, any kindness he has received has been from curses. Sure, he received interest and kindness from Junpei but given his disposition towards humans - it didn't amount to much in his eyes. There was no time for emotional development or sincerity to form, which is already something slim to occur with Mahito.
I think the best gesture of kindness with Mahito would be just humoring him. Bonus is if you actually have fun with him, but he won't entirely hold it against you if you don't. A prime example is Geto and Mahito playing soccer together with Jogo's head. Even Hanami played along. Jogo obviously didn't appreciate it, but he also gets Mahito's nature even if it pisses him off.
Individuals who can just roll with his whims and play back are probably the ones he'll appreciate most. Of course, said people also have to have amusing reactions for him to want to keep playing with.
I think being gifted books that would broaden his knowledge (based on things he's interested in - meaning knowing him enough to know said interests) is a good gesture. If you're closer with him and he takes an interest in someone's reading interests, gifting him a book that means something to you could work - though it means Mahito may be mean about it if he doesn't think as highly of it. At least he'll be mean in the form of a discussion on it, lmao. But consistently useful information he values.
Movies interest him, horror specifically. Watching them with him is a good gesture. Mind you these are just obvious things given the context we see Mahito within. He's a curious curse but he's also very particular. Most of his interests are harmful. If you can stomach human experimentation and body horror, or have some genuine interest for it, then even better.
I'll always think the greatest gesture of kindness towards him is just quality time and dealing with his shitty humor. He learns a lot being in the presence of others, as well as he likes socializing when he feels like it. But all of that hinges on him being interested enough in someone.
I feel like every individual is different when it comes to Mahito. So what he may possibly appreciate with one he may not with another. Given how negative his true nature is, I think he'll have to develop an appreciation with any potential individual from scratch. He doesn't harbor a lot of general respect for anyone or anything, it has to be earned by interesting him and surviving him long enough. So befriending Mahito is always going to start in the dirt and have to be built upon. You don't even get a starting foundation with his game, it's just straight dirt - which fits, because he's a fucking worm.
So good thing is: It'll likely always be unique to the individual he has whatever dynamic with. Bad thing is: You're probably going to go through a lot of shit to get there with this curse.
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estarion · 27 days
@swordduels ; in regard to some drama @fallesto started ??
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he's just as confused about why he is here as she must be.  ‘‘i'm really not sure;  likely, it's the ugliest, most stupid, loud, and aggravating one of the lot...’’ you know what?  he should just leave.  let regulus burn! or drown. the woman's obviously too busy to be dealing with this shit.  or very recently got done being busy... hmm.  he’s not staring… too much.  astarion can only wonder at whatever it was regulus did to piss this one off.
‘‘do you think i might have a cheeky look about?  an idiot that owes me a lot was reported to have come here, and … changed form, apparently.  does that sound familiar, or have i been fed the wrong information?’’ honestly, she can just lie. he won't press. he was never counting on regulus to come through for him anyway. he will walk away happily right now and leave the pompous bastard to meet whatever grisly fate awaits him. he holds no doubt that the other will have deserved it.
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cursedfortune · 2 months
How would Mortem react to memes?
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You have to teach this idiot what a meme is, first.
She'd catch on quick, though. The problem with Mortem is she likes to find humor in things - to the point of being exhausting. So she'd absolutely play dumb in a lot of instances.
You know that thing parents do? "Oh, who is that? Do you know them?" Completely ignoring the meme and instead asks twenty questions. She'd do that. She'd embody the old person you didn't want her to be.
Really, she is very familiar with a lot of human behavior and their ways of thinking - so there are plenty of memes she'd understand. However, being able to relate to them? That's iffy. But she'll absolutely pretend to always miss the point of a meme and then randomly, months later, send you a meme with perfect understanding of it. Just to :) Beat someone down in a long game until they are on the brink of exhaustion and then she'll finally let up.
I'll always suggest that if someone wants their character to give Mortem a phone, don't make it a smart phone. Because if she ever cared to learn it, she'd be the worst shitposter. She'll be that person running two accounts, one that's negative and one that's positive and they both are committed to bringing positivity and negativity into the world via the internet. Contain her ass to a flip phone, do not let her escape into the internet.
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helreginn · 2 months
For Hel, boobs or butts?
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"And why would one choose? Both. Both are good."
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saiibeo · 11 months
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"So, this is not what it looks like." Sigfrid blurted out loudly with a shrieking tone. / @swordduels random askbox visit status: always accepting !
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☠ ⟼ heterochromatic hues narrowed in suspicion. with their arms folded and hip cocked slightly to the side, cyber looked as if they were going to reprimand him, but instead just sighed. it was definitely what it looked like, there was no denying it. however, corvus couldn't exactly bring themself to care about stopping him from whatever antics he was trying to pull. he didn't seem like any sort of villain at least.
❝ usually when people say that it's exactly what it looks like, so i don't believe you, but you don't seem like you're about to hurt citizens so i honestly couldn't care less. ❞ they pause for a moment, then lean against the side of the building with their arms still crossed as grin slowly makes an appearance on their features.
❝ carry on then. i kinda wanna see how this plays out. ❞
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