#swing batter batter
wicked-jade · 1 year
@allvalley100 For the Wild Card prompt.
“Goddammit, LaRusso! Stop!”
“Help!” Daniel ignored Johnny, fighting against the bonds that tied them together. “HELP! We’re in here!”
“No one’s… gonna… hear you…” Johnny gasped, struggling to breathe as Daniel’s thrashing pulled the rope around his neck even tighter. “Stop moving! You’re choking me!”
“Sorry, sorry! But we have to get out of here!"
“I know. Just… do some Miyagi breathing. Calm down and...”
“Shhh! Wait, d’you hear that?”
There was shouting, followed by two, loud thunks.
“IN HERE!” They shouted in unison.
The door swung open to reveal Amanda, Louisville Slugger in hand, ponytailed bastard at her feet.
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callmemana · 1 year
Bird’s pov after hearing about Cinco’s baby daddy from the Wildest Dreams au by @mrsjaderogers (read first).
Please read Grace’s pov ( @gracespicybradshaw ) [second] & Baylie’s pov ( @bayisdying ) next before reading mine!
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When the news of who Samantha’s sperm donor was, bird saw red.
She was mad for a whole list of reasons, the main one being Jake ignoring Cinco in her time of need.
As soon as Whiskey had let it slip in the phone call with both Bob and Bird on the other end, Bird was going into the closet where all of the old sports equipment was from their youth.
“Angel, why do you have that bat?”
“I just wanna talk to him.”
“But why the bat?”
Birdie is already putting on her shoes and grabbing her keys when she replies.
“Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to Bo, you’re smarter than that.”
She glared at him briefly before rolling her eyes and walking out the door.
Bob grabs her waist, making her almost fall off the steps into the garage.
“You know that you can’t actually hurt him right?”
“Not with my fists, but a bat could help.”
Bird tried to take off again only to be stopped by the arm around her middle.
“Amanda, think about this. You could do hard time in county for this!”
“I would go to jail a hundred times over for Cin. She has been nothing but a God sent from the beginning!”
Bird uses her anger to break free from his grasp, finally making it down the steps and to her truck.
Bob was close to her steps, but did stop her on her path once again.
“Amanda seriously think this through. If he’s gonna be the asshole we all know he is, then leave it alone.”
She tries to pass him but he keeps blocking her from the truck.
“LEAVE IT ALONE?! Do you really think I’m going to let an asshat like him get away with this?”
“He’s probably already got Lucky and Spicy on his ass, he doesn’t need you too!”
Bird puts the bat against Bob’s chest, slightly putting pressure on it.
“For what he’s done to her, he can bet that all of the girls are coming for him. You have exactly two seconds to get out of my way or I take my bat and make you move.”
Bob sighs loudly and with his arms up in surrender, he lets her go.
Bird is in the driver’s seat and backing up before he can get his phone out.
As soon as the old Chevy is out of sight, dirt flying as she drives to Hangman’s house like a bat out of Hell, he calls the unexpecting man.
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schnoobums · 1 year
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THE MUMMY (1999)
endless gifs of Jonathan Carnahan 15/?
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scribesynnox · 1 year
Gravity dude: hehehehe, I have been granted protection by my lord! You can’t even hope to try and injure me with a mere shovel!
Lloyd powering up his swing so it’s less “shovel” and more “shovel with rockets attached”: bet.
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pattora · 1 year
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Please tell me the joke is funny. Please
Happy pride month and Happy OFF anniversary! (Not yet but soon)
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jayarrarr · 1 year
Swing, Batter
At point of overwhelm, I always seek a swing set—and you— you're the rush of air that settles my soul. That explains the flushing burning way I said yes. I could have said more but baseball is a tired metaphor for fucking, and besides, This is not a competition; it's a fuck- damn Renaissance. Reckon you're Botticelli 'bout to splatter your essence upon the canvas of my pretty face. And maybe all you are is an itch to scratch. But my curiosity for the way your breath feels on my neck is more than idle. Like maybe we could swing just once. All's I know is when we're night-sharing one minute turns into eleven in the span of a breath I wasn't aware I was holding but I like to dive deep and I'm not afraid of your depths let me reach the Mariana Trench of your soul I have oxygen enough and besides drowning never killed anyone. Two truths and a lie. I like the idea that I can be soft for you: don't have to pretend to be ok when I'm not. Feel like a kid coz I've not been here before. You take my breath away with hand to throat. Line by line you subtly, brutally break me. This is probably a performance piece. But, as long as we're being self-aware, let me just say I am a slut for strong enjambment. I would spread my soul open here. You've not yet seen How hard my primal can get when we're in the throes of that. Rush at me, don't @ me. Reckon you're Titian with your sacred profanity coz fuck. Never thought I was a poet 'til you slid into my now and now I'm thinking, don't ever leave. You're the rush of air that settles my soul. a swing set—and you— at the point of overwhelm, I always seek. ©2023 by Jennifer R.R. Mueller
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nazumichi · 2 years
baseball is the most homoerotic sport i’m telling you
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canary-in-a-vault · 1 month
"welcome to diamond city ma'am!"
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“Why thank you!! Everyone here has been quite nice, impressively.”
The Vault Dweller crosses her arms, a wide smile across her face, as her eyes take in the small city. Now, of course, she had learned plenty about the sport that was baseball back in her vault. It was included lightly in the history books- but she had never seen a “Diamond” before.
“This place is really neat, and smart. Oh! I didn’t introduce myself, Lucy MacLean, nice to meet you!!”
A right hand is extended, a bright smile on the girl’s face. It was always nice to be welcomed somewhere, and it was always nice to be treated well in the Wasteland. A rarity. But appreciated.
“So this is Boston huh? Wow. I’m really far from home.”
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honeynclove · 2 months
once I listened to I don’t dance from high school musical on repeat for 4 hours
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oensible · 2 months
justin bailey cursed to always get the shit beaten out of him every game. whether its a player colliding with him and sending him into next week or a rutts beanball apparently
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lovemesomechenford · 1 year
What we know about 5x11 based on promos alone:
- they’re spending the night doing nothing cuz “nothing sounds perfect” hehe 😏
- wine and kisses confirmed!!! (not to mention lucy is v cute in pink sweater) SO EEEEEKKKK AHHHH
- baseball x Chenford x Bradford family
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wineandthrandy · 2 years
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aloeverawrites · 7 months
Things are always more valuable when they’re made by people you know and care about.
You could hand me a solid gold Gucci belt and I would drop kick it into a lake in exchange for a poem or a painting from a friend-
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monstroso · 8 months
You are wrong about Aristocats. I don't want to argue about it, I just had to say that.
That's okay anon, I should have realized that the people on the Marvel gif website would think ickle-wee kittens singing and playing piano is high art.
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frentique · 2 years
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seas-storyarchive · 7 months
Frank, Carl and Joel were close as kids.
Frank had Anodite powers. Joel had Plumber weapons. Carl had anger issues and a baseball bat.
They lived in Bellwood, where soon aliens started to invade as world of their parents home came up among the aliens that the Plumbers put in jail. Hence why the boys had weapons.
The original Team Tennyson, if you will.
And obviously the kids know all about the Plumber stuff - Max might have been very careful at hiding it, but Gordon and Betty Jean weren't as such.
Which is how the trio ended up with three plumber badges that linked up to each other like walkie-talkies as well as tailored Plumber outfits (Betty Jean might have made them herself, but shh we don't discuss that) and weapons they kept on their persons that could not be easily set off.
Frank was training himself in how to use his alien powers - which he kept from his parents out of spite. Joel and Carl would help but also just be idiots and run at each other with buckets on their heads.
When the boys grew up into men, they gave the Team Tennyson equipment back to Gordon and Betty. Joel was joining the military but planned to join the Plumbers after a tour or two. Frank was going to college to become a lawyer. Carl was in therapy while also going to trade school. They did keep the walkie-talkies, which still worked to this day and even over long distances.
Ken (in the au he's Camille and Joel's son, not superpowered, same age as Ben and Gwen), Ben and Gwen become the new Team Tennyson- this time with Grandparental Supervision. Ken has a baseball bat and Plumber weapons, Gwen has magic/Anodite powers and Ben has the Omnitrix.
Meeting up at Joel's and Camille's wedding anniversary party was awkward as Gordon and Betty never really got along with Camille. But when Mr. & Mrs. Mann cause trouble and try to break everything up, resulting in the original Team Tennyson to come back together for this one occasion, it's fun.
Afterwards, Gordon and Betty see that they were wrong and accept Camille and ask for forgiveness - which Camille in turn apologizes for her parents and the two parties forgive each other.
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