#swindle headcanon
bambifornia · 1 month
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anyway decided to do the impossible today and made an autobot!swindle design :D back in the good ol' days when swindle's head actually looked proportional to his body
below the cut r some height comparisons, headcanons and some piss poor recolorings
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yeah so swindle here had a major growth spurt, but it's mostly due to the fact of the myriad of mods he's installed onto himself for the past millenia. one assumes he did this in order to even the playing field with decepticons, seeing these bots r common clients of his.
and while that is partially true (swindle has had to fight many, many cons after they found out he scammed them) another reason for the mods is to intimidate fellow autobots. after this guy bailed on cybertron, he was a pretty wanted mech and swindle wanted to at least be armed to the teeth, should the elite guard come to send him to the stockade again
but other than the DRASTIC height change, there's other changes made, such as:
- his pupils used to be circles, now they're slits
- he doesn't have his bolo tie yet. he added this later in order to make him look more "professional"
- his original designation isn't swindle. he donned that name to himself. im still tossing ideas on WHAT his designation used to be but ideally, I want it to be something relating to that subspace of his
- he had his legs, forearms, torso, and and shoulder pads enlarged in order to make him look more taller and "imposing"
- doesn't own his fusion cannon and all the extra weapons yet. it's just him and his personal subspace against the world
and, my personal idea
- the gold and purple paintjob aren't his actual colors. swindle here got himself a fancy new electronic paint job shortly after defecting to the decepticons
below r some attempts at what his original paint job used to look like (spoiler! im most definitely going to be making more cause im not a huge fan on the one i made rn)
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anyway. that's it. end of the post.
boy swindle changed a lot huh
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astaroth1357 · 5 months
I've spoken already about Solomon's tendency to name his equipment, but the anthropomorphizing of objects is a very human trait in general. Continuing the theme of their bizarro domesticity, Solomon and MC eventually "adopt" a pet of sorts in Nightbringer.
On day one, Solomon pulled something from his shoe and discovered he'd brought over a small, but pretty, pebble. This pebble, adrift in time like they were but a piece of their homeland nonetheless, was kept in case they'd need it for a spell or something.
Over time, constantly asking where the pebble was and moving it around made them grow a fondness for it, so it got the name Richard. "Richard" is always with one of them, and if they can't find him they'll be frantically texting each other like they lost a kid in a shopping mall.
Richard has a "favorite spot" on the mantle, goes on daily adventures, and he must be present at any (MC Approved) homecooked meals when the two eat together.
Every non-human they know thinks that they're really, really committed to a bizarre, but wholesome, bit.
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Headcanons for G1 Starscream, Earthspark Swindle and TFP Predaking accidentally killing Reader
(G1) Starscream, (TFES) Swindle, & (TFP) Predaking Headcanons for accidentally killing (Human) Reader:
[You were one of the only humans that he could tolerate—he even found himself enjoying your company and growing protective of you—part of it may have been because you felt the same about Megatron.]
[Speaking of Megatron, you actually helped Starscream with his attempts to get rid of the ‘Con leader to become the new Leader—which was where an... accident, happened.]
[A new plan had been put into motion—which was just Starscream planning on shooting Megatron in the spark—but Soundwave sent out his minicon’s to deal with/stop Starscream.]
[He didn’t mean to, Rumble and Frenzy were covering his optics—but his null-ray’s still went off... but instead of shooting Megatron, they’d shot you, who had been watching nearby.]
[Megatron decides to mock Starscream about it—mainly every time the Seeker tries to do another thing to try and get rid of him.]
[Although Starscream tries to claim that he didn’t care about you, your death obviously affects him— it’s especially clear to Thundercracker and Skywarp that he misses you.]
[He doesn’t blame himself though for your death- he decides to blame Soundwave for it.]
[You’d met and joined him while he was out trying to find his brother, and that’s what the two of you were doing when the... accident, happened.]
[You two weren’t having any luck at finding his brother, or any clues... but the Autobots had luck finding Swindle- at least it wasn’t GHOST.]
[Long story short, Swindle got into a fight with Bumblebee and Elita 1—he wasn’t holding you anymore, but he just set you down beside him, and got distracted with the Autobots—he’d rather drive off, but at the moment, that was hard.]
[As you attempted to try and move out of the way of the Cybertronians fighting, Swindle fell backwards from a blast, and... fell on top of you, squishing you.]
[The fight stops there- as he picks you up, and drives away finally—getting far enough, and then he focuses on you.]
[He feels horrible- that much is obvious. While he does grief, he tries not to focus on you too much, and tries to think of you as just a random human that was helping him in a search for his sibling—nothing else. He definitely didn’t care.]
[What happened to you also makes him more worried over Hardtop—what if he lost you and his brother? He doesn’t know Hardtop’s condition.]
[He’d heard of the human that had been captured a while ago, and he was actually put on watch duty of you- and he just became protective of you.]
[He and Starscream got into a fight- or, well, he got enraged at how the Seeker was treating him, and started to attack him- while Starscream was trying to get away, and you were caught up in it all.]
[You attempted to calm the Predacon down, but to no avail. You also didn’t have much of a chance to do anything—Predaking’s swinging tail had hit you full force, causing you to fly back and hit the wall.]
[Predaking had immediately stopped, much to Starscream’s relief, and walked over to your body. He attempted waking you up in a bunch of different ways, but unfortunately, you didn’t wake up.]
[He grieves you, and feels absolutely horrible—he stays with you for a good while, not moving from that spot.]
[Nobody can really get him to do anything else, either—he won’t even really listen to Shockwave.]
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drill-teeth-art · 1 year
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Signature weapons… Swindle and Rumble’s anyway.
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elfdragon12 · 2 years
Headcanon: Hardtop may push Swindle out of danger and Swindle might track down GHOST transport trucks to find leads on Hardtop...
But they still pull this behavior with each other
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pleasantspark · 1 year
Swindle has gapped teeth.
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smol-gay-enby · 1 year
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Lockdown is still impossible to draw but I wanted to draw swinlock for pride
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axvwriter · 7 months
First Meeting
Some interactions for Bobo and Pluto. Bobo’s my oc taking the place of Twst’s mc. Pluto is a Savanaclaw oc belonging to @names-are-dumb @daedalusslabyrinth
(Abel, you could try writing Bobo if you want. I’ll let you know how accurate you get. Plus like, I feel like I’m wildly guessing for Pluto.)
Pluto, like everyone else, had heard every wild story that there is about Ramshackle, apparently being a dorm, and its two odd occupants. A magicless human who the Headmage had appointed as Prefect and some sort of talking fiery cat. Pluto had also heard the murmuring of students that theorized what exactly was up with the Prefect. How could a magicless person get their own dorm, bring a familiar, be instated as prefect, and somehow be involved with every overblot so far?
They had to be hiding something, but it seemed that slowly each dorm was warming up to the Prefect. Those that claimed to know them often stated that the prefect was well-meaning, kind, and never really used their power as prefect. Though this caused doubters to start theorizing that the prefect was somehow a spy or agent planted by the Headmage. It didn’t seem to matter how nonsensical that theory was, wilder ones were bound to be born the longer students wondered what was truly going on.
So with the Prefect being a topic brought up every now and then, Pluto found himself watching them whenever they crossed paths. He had even tried to infiltrate their small freshmen friend group to see if he could glean any important or useful information. Though he was promptly blocked by Ace. The audacity of that boy! To call Pluto annoying?! Pluto was certain that if anyone here was annoying, it was Azul Ace!
It didn’t help that Ace had told him to stay away without any of his friends to hear. If the Prefect really is kind, surely they’d interject about Ace banning him from hanging out with their group. It really didn’t help that Ace knew Pluto was a bit of a con man. The redhead had fallen for one of Pluto’s sales-pitches before.
Thus Pluto kept his distance for now. To his annoyance, the Prefect never seemed to be alone. Always someone by their side, most of that time being their familiar, closely followed by Ace and Juice. He still wasn’t confident that guy’s name was actually juice.
One day he saw the Prefect and their familiar enter his dorm leader’s room. He recalled never seeing the Prefect leave the dorm that day. Then the next day he overheard some third years complaining about a cat yowling along with bursts of screamo music throughout the night? It was a few days later that he learned what had happened. Azul had tried to steal the Ramshackle dorm and so the Prefect along with their familiar tortured his dorm leader all night until he agreed to beat up the Octavinelle Housewarden himself! Which led to an overblot, but that’s not important.
What’s important is that his rival got beaten up and he had nothing to do with it! If only Ace hadn’t persuaded him to stay away from the Prefect! They could have come to him and Pluto would get the glory of beating up Azul! Plus Pluto would have gotten the Ramshackle dorm to himself!
Though that did lead Pluto to actually visit Ramshackle. The dorm name must be misleading if Azul wanted it for some reason. Yet when he saw the place himself… maybe Azul got into an argument with the Prefect and was trying to be petty? There had to be a reason why Azul was interested in such a rundown place.
So Pluto hopped the gate, because he’s just the coolest like that, especially with how he landed perfectly and didn’t trip at all. Then he walked up to Ramshackle’s front door. With how quiet things were, he figured its occupants were out. The Prefect did always attract attention with how noisy their familiar is. Though just in case, he gave the door a few knocks.
“Coming!” A voice shouted from inside, startling Pluto. He tried to calculate if he should stay or flee. No, he’d stay. He can scam a man out of his own pants, no need to worry! He’s got this.
“Oh, hello?” The Prefect answered the door, confused as she didn’t seem to recognize him. The lack of recognition should have been reasonable, but it still irked him. He’s the great Pluto Observer! Everyone should know him!
“Hey babe-“ Pluto started to greet, the nickname coming out of him before he could remind himself he doesn’t have a product to shill at the moment. That this wasn’t quite the right time to go into hustler talk.
“Babe? My name is Bobo Mycelind, not Babe.” Bobo frowned as she cut him off. She wasn’t sure if he was trying to be too friendly or if people had misheard her name somehow.
Pluto paused then let out a little chuckle.
“Bobo? As in Bobo the clown?”
“You’re the prefect, right? I’m Pluto Observer. I heard you nearly lost Ramshackle. Well I happen to know some glyphs in order to make sure this building can never be swindled out of your hands ever again! I just need to take a looksie inside to see how many glyphs I’ll need to prepare. Along with how much I should offer you in such a deal!” Pluto knew he was spewing a bunch of bull. Usually he’d be more careful, make it actually sound reasonable, but might as well test the supposed magicless human’s knowledge.
“…..That doesn’t really make any sense to me.” Bobo sighed quietly, but took a step aside, inviting him in. Which Pluto accepted, quickly striding in before she could change her mind. Bobo followed him as he inspected the insides.
“I should tell you that I haven’t even cleaned out all the rooms yet. There’s still some packed with random junk. Stuff that I can’t simply toss as it’s college property.” Bobo continued to talk. Pluto hummed in response as his mind raced with what hidden yet valuable items must be stored here. That had to be the reason for Azul’s interest in the dorm! There’s no other rea-
“Ah, watch that step!” Bobo suddenly pulled Pluto backwards by his elbow, causing him to awkwardly bump into her. His foot remained in the air as he looked at the stairs he had been going up. Bobo moved to walk beside him, jumping a step and silently encouraging him to do so too.
“I don’t trust that it’s safe enough to support us. It groans awfully whenever Grim steps on it.” Bobo explained. Pluto, his elbow now released as he jumped the step, threw an arm around her shoulders.
“Thanks Bae! You know, for an extra fee I could fix it up for you.” Pluto offered. Though he had no plans of actually doing so. Getting her to like him more may actually get her to spill some secrets.
“Bobo, not Bae.” Bobo huffed as she briefly eyed his hand. “The upstairs is dustier than downstairs. I’ve gotten my and Grim’s bedroom clean along with the bathrooms. I’ve been trying to focus on cleaning the main floor first. As in regards to fixing that step… there’s a lot of things needing fixing.”
“Well… that’ll add more to the costs… but I could make it favor. You wouldn’t mind owing me a favor, right cutie?” Pluto even winked at the end. With how naively she let him enter, surely she won’t even think over what he may have her do in order to pay him back. The prefect position is supposedly higher than the housewardens. Could she possibly demote Azul from being housewarden?
“Oh you are calling me nicknames.” Bobo sighed, having briefly blushed. “I don’t mind working away at this by myself. I doubt I could afford to pay whatever price you set. Plus I prefer that what favor you’ll expect from me to be explained before I agree. Do you mind telling me more about glyphs? I haven’t reached that topic yet.”
Pluto snickered, hoping to brush all that away by distracting her.
“You like being called cutie?” He teased. Which caused Bobo to walk a bit faster so his arm was no longer around her. She crossed her arms as she tilted her head up.
“I know I’m cute. I don’t actually want to be called that though.” Bobo looked over her shoulder at him. Pluto held back a laugh, not expecting such a prideful response.
“Aww, well aren’t you a dear?” Pluto joked.
“Don’t call me that either.” She shook her head, giving an exasperated look. “I rather you just call me Mycelind.”
“Last names? How cold. Here I was thinking you could call me by my first!” Pluto continued to tease. Though he was realizing he needed to make up an excuse to check those locked storage rooms Bobo hadn’t let him enter. Who cares if they were too dusty? He needed to know what goods were hiding inside!
“You’ll call me Mycelind, Pluto.” Bobo teased, smirking ever so slightly.
“Oh so that’s how it’s going to be, sugar?” With dramatic flourishes, Pluto pouted as he crossed his arms. Bobo’s face twisted, almost into amusement before swerving into discomfort.
“As in the ingredient? No, you are not calling me that.” Bobo stopped walking, having finished letting Pluto glance into rooms she deemed dust-less enough to safely view. This place really was a dump. Pluto decided to mentally note how she hated being called “sugar”, but for now he still had to play into her good graces to get what he wanted.
“Well… I have a rough idea of what all I need for the glyphs, but to make sure there’s nothing that’ll interfere with them, I’m going to have to look through those storage rooms.” Pluto lied as he started leading the way back downstairs. Bobo followed after him with a frown.
“I think first I’ll look into glyphs myself before I consider letting you take a look in those rooms. Plus I don’t want to risk you sneezing to death on all that dust. So it’ll have to wait until I clean them out. Though again, I doubt I could afford the price and I simply can’t save up for it.” Bobo responded. Pluto kept himself from grumbling.
“Watch that step!” Bobo shouted, having realized Pluto didn’t remember to avoid that one step of the stairs. Yet Pluto couldn’t catch himself in time nor was she following closely enough to grab him. Pluto’s mind blanked as his foot went straight through the wood like as if it was wet paper.
To Pluto’s relief, he and Bobo were able to free his foot and get him safely to the Ramshackle’s lounge. Bobo had him sit on the couch before kneeling to check for any splinters. Which felt a little silly as Pluto was certain he’d know if a splinter had pricked him.
“Really, I’m fine. Sweetie, why don’t I help you clean those storage rooms? As a way to repay you for your unneeded concerns along with… being friends?” Hah, Ace can’t keep him out of the group if the Prefect brings him into it! While cleaning sucks, he’d get to examine every item personally while also having the perfect chance to pocket all the valuable stuff!
Bobo determined his foot was fine after plucking a shard of wood off of his shoe along with lifting his pants leg just to make sure. She hated that he had gotten into the risk of injury simply because she thought he’d remember which step. How absolutely negligent of her! She was about to stand up and discard the wood shard into a trash bin but froze at Pluto’s newest nickname.
“You want to be my friend?” Bobo asked as she forced herself to stand up and face him. She crossed her hands in front of her, keeping the wood shard inbetween them. She ignored how warm her face felt, the nickname meant nothing so it’s silly to let herself react to it!
Pluto smirked as he saw how red her cheeks became.
“Yeah, you’re real kind, sweetie.” Pluto smirk grew as she flushed more.
“Is that why you came to my dorm with such a ridiculous proposal? You share the same confusion Azul seems to have. I don’t own Ramshackle, it belongs to the college. It’s currently in my care I suppose, but no way do I have legal rights to it. I don’t need glyphs or anything to protect it, if anything I feel I proved myself capable of keeping it just fine. Now answer me this, do you really want to be my friend or did you hear how I almost lost Ramshackle to Azul and now you think you can swindle it away from me by approaching me when I’m all alone, sweetie?” Bobo glared.
Pluto gaped then jumped to his feet. He expected her to step back as he pointed his finger at her accusingly. But she stood her ground, thus he ended up jabbing his pointer finger into her chest.
“What do you mean?! Are you saying despite believing you don’t own this place, you still entered some sort of deal for Azul to take it?!” Pluto yelled.
“I saw no downsides to it. Plus with what Crowley told me in regards to the situation, I believe I had the right to offer its ownership.” Bobo calmly responded, still glaring at him.
“No downsides?! What were you going to do if you did lose Ramshackle?!” Pluto wondered if he should lower his hand, it was weird standing like this, but if she’s not moving then he isn’t either!
“Oh please,” She rolled her eyes, “I still think the school infirmary would be a better place to stay at. Maybe Crowley would find someplace that doesn’t have holes in the roof. Why I rather stay in the mines than this place!” Bobo slightly lost her cool and slapped Pluto’s hand away.
Pluto instinctively rubbed the slapped appendage before realizing he was doing so and dropped his hands. Bobo took in a couple of breaths to regain her cool.
“This isn’t worth discussing. I don’t believe you actually have any good intentions towards me. I suggest you leave and don’t return to Ramshackle before I throw you out myself.” Bobo stated.
“…like as if a squirt like you could even lift me.” Pluto grumbled as he shuffled past, slowly walking out, trying to buy time to think of something.
“How about I clean for free in or-“ Pluto tried just to cut himself off with a yelp. Bobo lifted him into her arms, bridal carry, and walked to the entrance.
“You just want to try swiping whatever you can pawn, don’t you? Don’t ever approach Ramshackle ever again.” Bobo declared as she walked out of the dorm building. Much to Pluto’s embarrassment, she continued to carry him until reaching the gate. Which he winced as she swung open the squealing gate door. Then she placed him back on his feet before slamming the gate closed. Bobo casted him one last glare before heading back inside.
Pluto grumbled to himself, at least glad no one was around to see him being carried. With her height, it must have looked ridiculous. Today must just be a slow day, that’s all. He botched it up, but that’s what he gets for rushing in without a plan. Whatever, it seemed like his rival wouldn’t be taking Ramshackle over.
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galacticdealer · 13 days
🥃- Do you hate Blast Off for what he did?
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Send me  ‘ 🥃 ‘ + plus a question, and my muse will answer it while drunk. | Accepting
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"...Short answer? No." He watches the energon swirl in his glass, resting his cheek on his hand, captivated by the shifting colors, "Blast Off. He..." He wavered, pinching the bridge between his optics with a heavy vent.
This was not the conversation he needed to be having while drunk.
"Look, I've...I've done some thin's that got us into a lot of hot slag. I'm not the one to..." He abruptly placed the glass on the table, shutting his optics tightly with a harsh vent. "Blast Off did what had to be done. I wouldn't be here if he hadn't...Not holdin' it against him, but...he's got a lot to make up for to the others...Onslaught especially..."
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soyaniss · 15 days
Swindle is a raging butch lesbian
Swindle is gay and homophobic
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andromedas-pearl · 2 years
TFA Headcanon of the Day
Hey guys, Lia here!! Long time, no see! Here are more random thoughts in my brain.
Swindle turned the "S" in his name into a dollar sign on his "designation certificate" once he learned about American currency in Detroit. Mainly because he thinks it'll add to his net worth if there's extraterrestrial currency attached to his name.
Actually, it's $windle. Spell it right.
And every time he says his name, there's a little cash register sound playing in the distance.
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bambifornia · 1 month
more swindle headcanons because he won't leave my brain and i'm tired of him
crazy good at math. he's able to calculate the price/cost of something within seconds. the only reason he's not a mathematician/accountant or anything like that is because swindle wouldn't do well with those jobs. swindle likes moving on his pedes, not sitting behind a desk
extremely well-versed in politics. but not because he's very political or anything; swindle just likes knowing where and when the next intergalactic war is raging so he can profit off it. it helps to keep up with the news
workaholic. though this trait is less notable to see in him than say, someone like optimus (mostly because swindle takes great care not to let his exhaustion be shown. his image MUST be perserved, after all)
used to keep a diary in which he noted anything interesting he found on the planets he traded with. he was actually semi-organized with it, and even included some crude doodles of the organics he ran into. he stopped journaling once the war broke out, though, and hasn't journaled since due to fear of his diary being used as blackmail
answers questions like a politician. if u want a straight answer from swindle then good fucking luck LMAO. he doesn't like to go into detail about his past. it's all old news, anyway
he's a Beyonce fan. i feel it in my bones
puts effort into his image. granted his image got fucked over ever since he defected to the decepticons LMAO but the point is that swindle tries to make himself look better than he actually is.
surprisingly open-minded. he has to be. if he were to be openly xenophobic to the multitude of alien races he trades with, then his business would tank. besides, he's actually pretty curious about other worlds besides his own (ex; how he mentioned he spied on the human villains in the SUV episode, and thought their whole get-up was "exciting")
he hates hates HATES the cold. if he HAS to do business in a cold planet, he will bitch and complain about it the entire time except when he's in the negotiating room
when he was a young bot, swindle was pretty open book. that's not to say he didn't LIE back then, it just so happened that swindle was created with a super expressive faceplate, and you could always tell what swindle thought based on whatever look he was giving you. this got him into some...issues (dw he learned how to keep a poker face later on)
not the jealous type (how can he be jealous when he's the most wanted bachelor on cybertron?) but on the rare occasion that he IS, he gets real quiet. probably sulks to himself in a corner while sipping on some energon. if confronted, he'll brush it off but don't you doubt it for one second; he is PISSED
says he doesn't have any regrets or moral dilemmas about his job, but that's only half of the truth. swindle takes care not to give himself enough time to think about the past. it makes living easier that way. and swindle is a creature who seeks comfort, even if it inconveniences everybody else around him. don't try to call him out on this bad habit of his; he will huff and excuse himself by claiming you'd do the same thing too if you were in his shoes (or pedes?)
he does not like keeping living things in his subspace. he's made the mistake of storing a organic he thought was cute when he was younger, and it ended up with a trip to med-bay (surprisingly, organics don't like being in strange voids filled with nothing but weapons)
fantastic at detecting scams. he doesn't have a mod for it or anything, he just KNOWS
has a """"healthy"""" amount of paranoia. he claims he's just looking out for himself, given the kind of business he's in, but there's times where the paranoia really fucks with his health
really likes sprinkling those "infomercial phrases" into his daily speech. he thinks it makes him sound suave. thought he sometimes fucks up with the delivery and he just gives up mid-way lmao ("guard the prisoners...orrr loot the ship? it's a no process-...or? er? err..." - a direct quote from decepticon air)
he's mostly self-aware. the only thing he isn't honest about to himself is his own emotions
whenever he feels stupid stuff like "fear" or "stress" or (shudder) "remorse" he takes a look at his bank account. it helps him, in a weird way. because yes, he's an outlaw, and yes, he's technically gambling his and everyone else's life, and YES, there's days where he winds up battered and broken, barely an inch away from death, but...at least his efforts aren't for nought. they're adding up to something; with every corpse, swindle's wallet gets fatter. and with all that money in his servos, swindle might be able to buy himself the one thing cybertron can't offer him: peace
^ swindle thinks he deserves this. he delusionally believes he deserves peace and riches more than anybot
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that-gal-kay · 1 year
Western AU headcanons! This takes place in the Western US in the late 1860s and is inspired a lot by Bonanza.
The fic begins with a flashback. Newly arrived Sheriff Washington is summoned to a grocer to deal with a thief he's caught. Washington discovers the shopkeeper with a cornerned ten year old Alex. The man demands Alex be thrown in jail. Washington instead pays for the stolen goods and takes Alex home. He unofficially adopts Alex and some years down the line makes Alex his deputy.
Because give me a previously feral young Alex in desperate need of love no matter how much he denies it.
Also John being said shopkeeper's son and sneaking food to Alex for months until Alex gets caught.
Also Alex and John writing each other while John is sent east to go to school.
And also Washington knowing of their relationship and looking the other way cause he's a good dad.
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Victory Kakuryu, Earthspark Swindle and TFP Smokescreen finding out that their Cybertronian SO was captured by some evil humans and tortured
(TFES) Swindle, (Victory) Kakuryu, & (TFP) Smokescreen with their Cybertronian S/O who’d been captured and tortured by humans:
{You’d been on Earth since before he showed up, you were actually rescued from MECH, and decided to stick with Optimus and the rest.}
{When he meets you, everything seems fine- but then he notices how you seem to disappear around the human kids+Fowler and June, and how you seem uncomfortable with them all.}
{Confused, after seeing this happen a few more times, Smokescreen outright asks you what’s the matter, since these humans seem alright.}
{When you eventually tell him what happened, Smokescreen feels bad for you, and he wishes he could’ve been there to help you instead of being in that stasis pod.}
{He tries to help you get more comfortable, just a little bit, with your human allies.}
{It wasn’t GHOST who ended up taking you- it was some other group of humans, but still pretty bad. One moment, he left, the next, he was coming back, and you were unconscious, being taken away.}
{He transforms, and tries to keep up with you and the people that captured you, but eventually, he ends up losing you all.}
{Swindle’s already trying to find his brother, and he doesn’t know what’s happening to him, either- and now he’s trying to find you, and he also doesn’t know what’s happening to you, either.}
{The worried mech promises to himself that he’ll eventually find and save both his brother and his S/O.}
{Like Swindle, he saw you get taken, and he tries to keep up, but the people and you were already long gone by the time he tried going after you all.}
{Kakuryu finds himself going to the Autobots/Cybertrons base and begging for help, as he doesn’t know what else to do.}
{Star Saber feels bad for Kakuryu, and decides to help him save you. Bringing along some of the others, the group manages to track where the humans had taken you.}
{Thankfully, they all get to you before anything too bad can happen- or at least get any worse. You’re shaking and restrained, and missing a servo and a leg, but you’re very much alive.}
{Kakuryu takes you back to the base, and he promises to you that he’ll be there with you/that he’ll help you while you recover.}
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drill-teeth-art · 2 years
Do you think any bot would be asthmatic?? If so who do you think?
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In my own sort of headcanon, Vortex needs a Vent Booster for when his vent systems stall or even stop in some instances. It’s a robot version of an inhaler for him! He uses it to fix up his vent systems when they stall, so his systems can have flowing air again which is particularly important for his model. Swindle tends to pick up his Vent Booster for him if he ever needs a new one.
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majachee · 1 year
What stims do you headcanon for characters?
Every character I headcanon as autistic or having ADD have AT LEAST one or more of these stims:
Flapping/wagging of body parts (wings, tails, ears if applicable, etc.)
Skin picking
They're all just like me fr fr
Who do I headcanon as ND? All of them. Because I can.
As for OCs... a good portion of my OCs are either ND or ND-coded, and quite a few of them have the stims listed above. Assume every character I draw is neurodivergent. Fandom or OC, they're all neurodivergent. And half of them have tics too. Projection 😎
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