#susan b anthony house
theinwardlight · 2 years
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Friends Meeting House (East Hoosuc), in Adams, Massachusetts. 
Built by Quaker settlers on the frontier in the 1780s, it housed an active meeting until the 1840s, when Friends moved west. Susan B. Anthony, the early feminist, grew up in this meeting, and some of her family is buried in the neighboring burial ground. Today the building is under the care of the local historical society. 
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3rdeyeblaque · 6 months
On November 26th we venerate Elevated Ancestor & Hoodoo Saint Mama Sojourner Truth on the 140th anniversary of her passing 🕊
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An abolitionist, Womens’ Rights activist, & itinerant evangelist, Mama Sojourner Truth truly lived up to her name as one of the fiercest, relentless, & unstoppable pro-abolitionist voices of the 19th Century.
Given the name, Isabella, at birth, Mama Truth was born around 1797 to Dutch-speaking enslaved parents on Colonel Ardinburgh Hurley's plantation in Ulster County, NY. The actual date of her birth remains unknown. At the age of 9 she was sold away from her parents. She was passed through the hands of several slavers across NY State before ending up with the Dumonts. As was the case for most enslaved folks in the rural North, Isabella was forcibly isolated from other slaves and suffered physical & sexual abuse at the hands of the Dumonts.
Alone in the nearby woods, she found peace. Here, she'd speak to Spirit/God. Inspired by her many conversations with Spirit, one day in 1826, she walked away from Dumont Farm to freedom. Although the journey tempted her to return to the Dumonts, she stayed the course after she was struck by a vision of a man she identified as Jesus, during which she felt "baptized in the Holy Spirit," and thus gained the strength & confidence to push on. Like countless Ancestors before her, Isabella called on Spirit & supernatural forces for the power to survive her conditions.
Eventually, she married & birthed 5 children. On July 4, 1827, the NY State Legislature emancipated the enslaved, including Isabella & her children. Yet the Dumont family who "owned" her, refused to comply. Before dawn the next morning, with her youngest baby cradled in her arms, she sought refuge 5 miles away with an abolitionist family. During her time there, she converted to Pentecostal and joined their local Methodist church.
She later then moved again, this time with one of her eldest sons, Peter, in NYC wherein by day she worked as a live-in domestic. Here she found & joined a religious cult called, The Kingdom. It's leader, Matthias, beat Isabella and forced her to take on the heaviest workload. Soon thereafter she became a Pentecostal preacher. Her faith and preaching along with her life story as an emancipated slave drew the attentions of abolitionists & women's rights crusaders. Her speeches were not political by nature. They were based on her unique interpretation - as a woman and a former slave -of the Christian Bible.
On June 1st 1863, Sojourner Truth was born. Isabella took on this new name for herself as she headed East to, “exhort the people to embrace Jesus, and refrain from sin". She lived in a utopian community called, The Northampton Association for Education & Industry, which was devoted to transcending class, race, & gender. She preached at camp meetings for a few years before the community was dissolved. Even though the community lasted less than five years, many highly influential & reform-minded individuals visited the Northampton community; including prolific abolitionist leaders such as Frederick Douglass & William Lloyd Garrison.
Through these connections, she began to speak at public events on behalf of slave abolition and women’s rights. Eventually, this compelled her infamous 1851,“Ar’nt I A Woman” speech at a Women’s Rights Convention in Akron, OH. This was a significant moment in the sociopolitical climate of the country at the time because, for the first time for most, "slave" became equated to women & "woman" became equated to Black. She became increasingly involved on the issue of Women's suffrage, but eventually separated her voice from leaders such as Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stanton one they asserted that they would not support the Black vote if Women were not also granted the same right.
In 1857, Mama Truth purchased a house with the help of friends in a small Spiritualist community called, Harmonia, near Battle Creek, MI. Here she lived thriving the years of supporting hwrself thrift paid speaking events, selling photographs of herself, publishing her book titled, "Narrative of Sojourner Truth" which was written by an amanuensis, as she was illiterate.
Once the Civil War began, Mama Truth pushed for the inclusion of Blacks in the Union Army, which was not intitially the case. She then poured her energy into gathering food & clothing supplies for the underserved volunteer regiments of Black Union soldiers. This is when the plight freed slaves captured her attention, as many of whom were living in refugee camps in Washington D.C.. Mama Truth embarked on a round-trip journey from her home near Battle Creek,MI to D.C. to meet with President Abraham Lincoln to discuss the conditions of the freedmen refugees in D.C. & across the North.
After the Civil War, she championed the idea of a colony for freed slaves out West where they could galvanize their desires to become self-reliant. Mama Truth garnered numerous signatures for her petition urging the U.S. Government to provide land for this endeavor. Although she presented this petition to then President Ulysses S. Grant, her mission never materialized. Nevertheless, in the Fall of 1879, a large migration of Southern freedmen ventured westward to start begin life anew. Mama Truth saw this as God's Divine Plan for our people. Despite her old age, Mama Truth traveled to Kansas to help them. Four years later, Mama Sojourner Truth passed away at her home near Battle Creek, MI. She was believed to be 86.
"How came Jesus into the world? Through God who created him and woman who bore him. Man, where is your part? But the women are coming up blessed by God and few of the men are coming up with them. But man is in a tight place, the poor slave is on him, woman is coming on him, and he is surely between a hawk an' a buzzard." - Sojourner Truth @ the 1851 Ohio Women's Convention.
We pour libations & give 💐 today as we celebrate Mama Truth her selfless service and pioneering vision for the freedom & self-determination of our people. May her life be a reminder of: the power of stillness & deep meditation, to lead with Spirit, & the grit of perseverance that's alive in our blood.
Offering suggestions: woodland soil, water, Pentecostal prayers/ scripture, read/share her speeches & written words.
‼️Note: offering suggestions are just that & strictly for veneration purposes only. Never attempt to conjure up any spirit or entity without proper divination/Mediumship counsel.‼️
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queerasaurus-rexx · 2 years
Victorian Myths That Need To Die
Corsetry and Tight lacing are two different things. Lots of women wore corsets but they didn't all tight lace. That hour glass figure was actually achieved with a hell of a lot of padding. You can see this padding on extant Victorian garments. And on the note of tight lacing, it was almost never that extremely thin figure we see in art of the era. The furthest they typically laced down to was 26-29 inches.
Most Victorians didn't eat mummies. Just the rich ones, mostly. Because, yeah, it was expensive to get a mummy. And medical cannibalism wasn't all that unheard of in the Victorian era to begin with.(See their epilepsy and tuberculosis remedies). Let's not forget that rich people are weird and do weird things with their money, no matter the era.
They did, in fact, bathe, and they did it regularly, as well as wash their clothes (well, their underthing's - all those layers served a purpose beyond fragile sensibilities. they kept your outer clothes from needing regular washing.) They may not have had full bathes often but they regularly washed themselves down with soap and a wash cloth.
Bloomers were not the revolution we think. Many suffragettes protested in acceptable day wear, as they often found wearing bifurcated garments gave them the wrong kind of attention. Newspapers would talk more about their outfits than they did their message and this is the reason Susan B. Anthony returned to acceptable ladies wear for her protests.
There were no fainting couches. Corsets didn't typically make women faint. If they were fainting it was probably because of the arsenic and other toxins in the wallpaper of their houses.
A further note on corsets, they were not as stiff as you would think. Sports corsets were a thing, as women began developing an interest in active hobbies. They mostly corrected posture, and did not inhibit breathing so much as change the way you do it. (#justiceforcorsets2022)
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moondove330 · 10 days
lol i just rewatched Everyone Knows it's Bendy! from foster's home. it's the most disliked episode or something? an imaginary friend named bendy is left at foster's because he's a troublemaker and destroys things for no reason. who's to blame, the kid or bendy? well. Bendy. he gets the main cast in trouble the whooole ep and then gets a teeny tiny bit of comeuppance at the end. it sucks.
but what's funny is i don't even remember hating this one in particular. i think i hated the previous one more. it's paired with that ep when wilt just wants to watch a basketball game but cant because people keep nagging him to do stuff and our boy, OUR BELOVED BOY, he's so nice he can't say no and it gets him into Shenanigans.
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oh no what if it was gonna be a full episode, bendy torturing our boy wilt, but then it was too mean and they split it up instead. i dunno maybe ptttthhh [the credits sequence has a bit where bendy writes wilt's name on the wall and oh no now wilt's gotta deal with that noooo] the problem with the bendy ep is theres no real story to it or any comeuppance. we dont know Why bendy acts like that. there's no satisfying buildup or payoff it just turns out oh he IS just a little shit and then bloo has to destroy the house for him to get caught and then the eps over Whooooo. also its immediately after an episode where a character we do like and care about is treated bad
the good news is this ep was so hated bendy never comes back as a character again. i think. it's been forever and internet feedback wasn't As instantaneous in 2004.
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that thing when people torture their ocs i gueeeesss lol
i've read that lauren faust Really regrets writing that bendy episode and some other one from powerpuff girls about feminism. lol i baaaarely remember that one but i think it was fine? it taught me about the sacagawea and susan b anthony dollar coins! orrr i already knew about them and was thrilled to see them in the ep. one of the two. and it also taught me that extreme man-hating feminism is Stupid. I think. I hope so lmao
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ridenwithbiden · 8 months
‘Scripture Is Very Clear’: New House Speaker Tells Congress God Has ‘Ordained’ Them. Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, in his first remarks after being elected Wednesday afternoon, told Members of Congress that “Scripture” and “the Bible” are clear that they have been “ordained” by God.
“I want to tell all my colleagues here what I told the Republicans in that room last night,” Speaker Johnson declared. “I don’t believe there are any coincidences in a manner like this. I believe that Scripture, the Bible is very clear that God is the one that raises up those in authority. He raised up each of you, all of us. And I believe that God has ordained and allowed each one of us to be brought here for this specific moment in this time. This is my belief. I believe that each one of us has a huge responsibility today, to use the gifts that God has given us to serve the extraordinary people of this great country and they deserve it.”
Later, speaking outside on the steps of Congress, Speaker Johnson again mentioned “Scripture.”
Critics have characterized Speaker Johnson, who hails from Louisiana, as a “Christian nationalist.”
“An evangelical Christian, he has voted for a national abortion ban and co-sponsored a 20-week abortion ban, earning him an A-plus rating from the anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America,” The New York Times reports. “On the day the Supreme Court voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, he celebrated, calling it ‘an extraordinary day in American history that took us almost a half-century to get to.’ He hosts a religious podcast with his wife and considers Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, one of the founders of the ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus, a mentor.”
“Last year,” The Times adds, “Mr. Johnson introduced a bill that prohibited the use of federal funds for providing sex education to children under 10 that included any L.G.B.T.Q. topics — a proposal that critics called a national version of Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law. Mr. Johnson called the legislation ‘common sense.'”
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phroyd · 8 months
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This is the Asshole who is now Speaker Of The House, an Election Denier ( ... among other questionable political positions)
" ... Johnson also objected to certifying Biden’s electoral win and was one of the architects of a legal attack on the election that consisted of arguing that states’ voting accommodations during the pandemic were unconstitutional. He led a group of 126 Republican lawmakers in filing an amicus brief to the Supreme Court alleging that authorities in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan had “usurped” the constitutional authority of state legislatures when they loosened voting restrictions because of the pandemic. ... "
" ... Johnson, who serves on the House Armed Services Committee, was one of 57 lawmakers — all of them Republicans — who voted against a $39.8 billion aid package for Ukraine in May. ... "
" ... Johnson, a constitutional lawyer who identifies as a Christian, opposes abortion and has celebrated the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 ruling that had established constitutional protections for abortions nationwide. The antiabortion nonprofit Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America gives Johnson an A+ ranking on this issue, stating that he “has voted consistently to defend the lives of the unborn and infants,” including by “stopping hard-earned tax dollars from paying for abortion, whether domestically or internationally.” ... "
" ... Johnson has positioned himself on the far right of the political spectrum on several social issues, even within the current conservative Republican conference. Notably, he introduced legislation last year — modeled after Florida’s “don’t say gay” bill — that would have prohibited discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity, as well as related subjects, at any institution that received federal funds. The Human Rights Campaign, a pro-LGBTQ+ civil rights organization, gave Johnson a score of zero in its latest congressional scorecard. ... "
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halsteadssneakylink · 2 years
character list
everything is x f!reader unless specified otherwise
if you want gn! or m!reader be sure mention it when you ask
the age of the characters determine the age of the reader (i won’t write anything with an illegal age gap)
the boys
mothers milk
billy butcher
starlight (annie january)
simon basset
anthony bridgerton
benedict bridgerton
kathani sharma
chicago fire
kelly severide
stella kidd
matt casey
sylvie brett
brian “otis” zvonecek
leslie shay
peter mills
chicago med
connor rhodes
will halstead
ethan choi
maggie lockwood
april sexton
chicago pd
jay halstead
erin lindsay
hailey upton
kevin atwater
adam ruzek
antonio dawson
full house
jesse katsopolis
greys anatomy
meredith grey
christina yang
jackson avery
derek shepherd
addison montgomery
mark sloane
lexi grey
callie torres
hawaii five-0
steve mcgarrett
danny williams
chin ho kelly
kono kalakaua
adam noshimuri
kickin it
jack brewer
jerry martinez
kim crawford
steve rogers
tony stark
natasha romanoff
bruce banner
bucky barnes
sam wilson
wanda maximoff
stephen strange
yelena belova
carol danvers (pre & post powers)
mission impossible
ethan hunt
ilsa faust
benji dunn
august walker
peter pevensie
susan pevensie
edmund pevensie
outer banks
john b
sarah cameron
the punisher
frank castle
billy russo
dinah madani
olivia pope
fitzgerald grant
abby whelan
harrison wright
shadow and bone
alina starkov
aleksander morozova (general kirigan/the darkling)
kaz brekker
nina zenik
jesper fahey
inej gafa
star trek (aos)
james tiberius “jim” kirk
leonard “bones” mccoy
s’chn t’gai spock
nyota uhura
montgomery scott
hikaru sulu
dean winchester
sam winchester
dad!bobby singer x child!reader
olivia benson
rafael barba
nick amaro
dominick “sonny” carisi
to all the boys
lara jean
john ambrose
peter kavinsky
top gun
pete “maverick” mitchell
nick “goose” bradshaw
tom “iceman” kazansky
charlotte blackwood
penny benjamin
bradley “rooster” bradshaw
jake “hangman” seresin
javy “coyote” machado
natasha “phoenix” trace
robert “bob” floyd
the witcher
geralt of rivia
yennefer of vengerberg
ben barnes
chris evans
glen powell
jared padalecki
jensen ackles
karl urban
leo howard
noah centineo
oscar issac
scarlett johansson
sebastian stan
sophia bush
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I love how Batman gets knocked the fuck out by Two-Face hucking a coin at him here. I wonder how much a silver dollar minted in 1922 actually weighs, because I don't think that I've ever seen one in person before. But according to my dad who has presumably seen them in person before says that they were actually quite large. Like often times Two-Face's silver dollar looks comically large in some of these panels. Actually it might be more to scale when it's drawn as a larger coin than a smaller one.
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So here are some coins I have. Sometimes Two-Face's coin is depicted as a quarter. Often his silver dollar is portrayed as being about the size of the Susan B. Anthony dollar coins. This Australlian 50 cent coin was the biggest piece of actual currency that I could find around the house... But apparently actual silver dollars as they would have been printed in 1922 would have been closer to the size of the novelty Pokemon Sword and Shield coin that you see here than any of the others... According to my dad at least.
So apparently Two-Face's coin is actually a big ol' honkin' thing! Maybe it would have been heavy enough to knock someone out with a good throw! Because let me tell you. This novelty coin is not very heavy at all. Its probably made out of tin or something. Makes a good sound when it's flipped tho.
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Women’s History Month: Biography Recommendations
Ida B. The Queen by Michelle Duster
Written by her great-granddaughter, this account tells the awe-inspiring story of Ida B. Wells, a pioneering woman who was often overlooked and underestimated - a woman who refused to exit a train car meant for white passengers; a woman who brought to light the horrors of lynching in America; a woman who cofounded the NAACP. Like her contemporaries Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony, Wells left an indelible mark on history - one that can still be felt today.
Eleanor by David Michaelis
In the first single-volume cradle-to-grave portrait in six decades, acclaimed biographer David Michaelis delivers a stunning account of Eleanor Roosevelt’s remarkable life of transformation. An orphaned niece of President Theodore Roosevelt, she converted her Gilded Age childhood of denial and secrecy into an irreconcilable marriage with her ambitious fifth cousin Franklin. Despite their inability to make each other happy, Franklin Roosevelt transformed Eleanor from a settlement house volunteer on New York’s Lower East Side into a matching partner in New York’s most important power couple in a generation.
Red Comet by Heather Clark
With a wealth of never-before-accessed materials, this account brings to life the brilliant Sylvia Plath, who had precocious poetic ambition and was an accomplished published writer even before she became a star at Smith College. Refusing to read Plath’s work as if her every act was a harbinger of her tragic fate, Clark considers the sociopolitical context as she thoroughly explores Plath’s world: her early relationships and determination not to become a conventional woman and wife; her troubles with an unenlightened mental health industry; her Cambridge years and thunderclap meeting with Ted Hughes; and much more.
Code Name: Lise by Larry Loftis
In 1942, Odette Sansom decided to follow in her war hero father’s footsteps by becoming an SOE agent to aid Britain and her beloved homeland, France. After landing in occupied France to begin her mission, she meets her commanding officer Captain Peter Churchill and, as they successfully complete mission after mission, Peter and Odette fall in love. They are eventually sent to Paris’s Fresnes prison, and from there to concentration camps in Germany. But in the face of despair, they never give up hope, their love for each other, or the whereabouts of their colleagues.
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cheerfullycatholic · 1 year
Former President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign angered leading pro-life voices this week by reportedly deemphasizing abortion in private comments, then appearing to disavow national action on abortion by leaving it for the states to decide. On Thursday, the Washington Post reported that Trump is privately “telling advisers that he believes [the abortion issue] is a difficult one for Republicans and not something he should focus his time on,” and that pro-life leaders were frustrated by Trump’s failure to raise the subject at all during a recent donor retreat. “His silence spoke very loudly to the pro-life movement,” Students for Life of America president Kristan Hawkins told the Post. “We were pretty disappointed.” In response, Trump 2024 spokesman Steven Cheung declined to answer whether the former president supports the 6-week abortion ban recently signed by his chief rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, instead issuing a statement that “President Donald J. Trump believes that the Supreme Court, led by the three Justices which he supported, got it right when they ruled this is an issue that should be decided at the State level.” The statement also took credit for Trump’s appointment of three of the justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade last summer. “He will continue these policies when reelected to the White House,” Cheung added. “Like President Reagan before him, President Trump supports exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother.” (In fact, Ronald Reagan, who backed a constitutional amendment to ban abortion nationwide, did not support rape or incest exceptions.) The answer drew reactions from various pro-life leaders, groups, and figures. Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America president Marjorie Dannenfelser called Trump’s “states-only” position “morally indefensible” and vowed to “oppose any presidential candidate who refuses to embrace at a minimum a 15-week national standard.” Americans United for Life, without mentioning Trump, advocated “hold[ing] presidential hopefuls to the standard of supporting a national Pain Capable Abortion Ban.” Live Action president Lila Rose declared that Trump “has DISQUALIFIED himself from the nomination of our nation’s pro-life political party.”
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hatingwithfears · 1 year
Here’s the complete list of books I managed to read in 2022.
168 books. 54,494 pages.
Renata Adler- Speedboat
Kendra Allen- The Collection Plate
Jonathan Alter- His Very Best: Jimmy Carter, A Life
Kenneth Anger- Hollywood Babylon
Jason Bailey- Fun City Cinema: New York City and the Movies That Made It
Peter Baker, Susan Glasser- The Divider: Trump in The White House 2017-2021
JG Ballard- The Atrocity Exhibition
Julien Barnes- Elizabeth Finch
Brit Bennett- The Vanishing Half
Charles M. Blow- The Devil You Know: A Black Power Manifesto
Anthony Bourdain- Medium Raw
Anthony Bourdain, Laurie Woolever- World Travel: An Irreverent Guide
Box Brown- Cannabis: The Illegalization of Weed in America
Mariah Carey, Michaela Angela Davis- The Meaning of Mariah Carey
Nick Cave & Sean O’Hagan- Faith, Hope, and Carnage
David Chang- Eat a Peach
Dan Charnas- Dilla Time
Leonard Cohen- A Ballet of Lepers
Lee Cole- Groundskeeping
Teju Cole- Black Paper
Ray Connolly- Being Elvis: A Lonely Life
Brian Contoir- Practical Alchemy
Antoine Cosse- Metax
Charles R. Cross- Here We Are Now: The Lasting Impact of Kurt Cobain
Daniele Cybulskie- How To Live Like a Monk
Travis Dandro- King of King Court
John Darnelle- Devil House
Michael Deforge- Heaven No Hell
Rita Dove- Playlist for the Apocalypse
David Duchovny- The Reservoir
Jennifer Egan- The Candy House
Robert Evans- The Kid Stays in The Picture
Scott Eyman- Cary Grant: A Brilliant Disguise
Nicolas Ferraro- Cruz
Mark Fisher- Ghosts of My Life
Mark Fisher- Capitalist Realism
Johnathan Franzen- Crossroads
Harry Freedman- Leonard Cohen: The Mystical Roots of Genius
Matti Friedman- Who By Fire: Leonard Cohen in the Sinai
James Gavin- George Michael: A Life
Lizzy Goodman- Meet Me in The Bathroom
Andrew Sean Greer- Less
Dave Grohl- The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music
Joseph Hansen- Troublemaker
Joy Harjo- Poet Warrior
Robert Harris- The Ghost Writer
Noah Hawley- Anthem
Wil Haygood- Colorization: One Hundred Years of Black Film in a White World
Clinton Heylin- The Double Life of Bob Dylan
Andrew Holleran- The Kingdom of Sand
Michel Houellebecq- Serotonin
Sean Howe- Marvel Comics: The Untold Story
Dorthy B Hughes- In a Lonely Place
John Irving- The Fourth Hand
Walter Isaacson- Leonardo Da Vinci
Kazuo Ishiguro- Klara and The Sun
Junji Ito- No Longer Human
Robert Jones Jr- The Prophets
Saeed Jones- Alive at The End of the World
Stephen Graham Jones- My Heart is a Chainsaw
Rax King- Tacky
Stephen King- Billy Summers
Katie Kitamura- Intimacies
Chuck Klosterman- The Nineties
TJ Klune- Under The Whispering Door
Karl Ove Knausgaard- The Morning Star
Hideo Kojima- The Creative Dream
Milan Kundera- Slowness
Wally Lamb- I Know This Much is True
Yiyun Li- Dear Friend, from My Life I Write to You in Your Life
Thomas Ligotti- The Conspiracy Against The Human Race
Roger Lipsey- Make Peace Before the Sun Goes Down
Patricia Lockwood- No One is Talking About This
Ling Ma- Bliss Montage
Stuart B MacBride- Halfhead
Michael Mann & Meg Gardiner- Heat 2
Greil Marcus- Dead Elvis
Mike McCormack- Solar Bones
Jennette McCurdy- I’m Glad My Mom Died
Janelle Monae- The Memory Librarian
Ottessa Moshfegh- Lapvona
Leila Mottley- Nightcrawling
Alan Moore, Melinda Gebbie- Lost Girls
Grant Morrison- The Invisibles
Mannie Murphy- I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
Sequoia Nagamatsu- How High We Go in The Dark
Joyce Carol Oates- Blonde
Joyce Carol Oates- American Melancholy
John O’Connell- Bowie’s Bookshelf
Ryan O’Connell- Just By Looking at Him
Jenny Offill- Weather
Paul Ortiz- An African American and Latinx History of The United States
Hiroko Oyamada- The Factory
Hiroko Oyamada- The Hole
Helen Oyeymi- What is Not Yours is Not Yours
James Patterson- Hear No Evil
Larissa Pham- Pop Song
Brian Phillips- Impossible Owls
Stephanie Phillips- Why Solange Matters
Keith Phipps- Age of Cage
Michael Pollan- This Is Your Mind on Plants
Richard Powers- Bewilderment
Questlove- Music is History
Kristen Radtke- Seek You
Sue Rainsford- Follow Me to Ground
Claudia Rankine- Just Us: An American Conversation
George A Romero, Daniel Kraus- The Living Dead
Karen Russell- Orange World
George Saunders- A Swim in a Pond in The Rain
George Saunders- Liberation Day
Samantha Schweblin— Fever Dream
Leonardo Sciascia- Equal Danger
Mark Seal- Leave The Gun, Take The Cannoli
Seth- Clyde Fans
Alan Sepinwall- Breaking Bad 101
Zadie Smith- Feel Free
Won-Pyung Sohn- Almond
Bob Spitz- Led Zeppelin: The Biography
Elizabeth Strout- Oh William!
J Randy Taraborrelli- The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe
Herve Le Tellier- The Anomaly
Manjit Thapp- Feelings
Olga Tokarczuk- The Books of Jacob
Jia Tolentino- Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self Delusion
Leo Trezenick- The Confession of a Mad Man
Stanley Tucci- Taste
Una- Becoming Unbecoming
Ocean Vuong- Time is a Mother
Chris Ware- Rusty Brown
WC Ware- Jimmy Corrigan
John Waters- Liarmouth
Peter Weiss- The Shadow of The Coachman’s Body
Missouri Williams- The Doloriad
Antoine Wilson- Mouth to Mouth
Sarah Winman- Still Life
Laurie Wollever- Bourdain: The Definitive Oral Biography
Kenneth Womack- Solid State: The Story of Abbey Road and The End of The Beatles
Hanya Yanagihara- To Paradise
Ed. Jelani Cobb & David Remnick- The Matter of Black Lives
Ed. Sinead Gleeson & Kim Gordon- This Woman’s Work: Essays on Music
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Financial Times
‘Here we go again’: Republicans split over post-Roe abortion laws
Several presidential hopefuls are pushing for stricter bans to differentiate themselves from Donald Trump
Oblivious to 2022 election results showing that voters strongly disapprove of their aggressive posture on abortion, by a margin of two-to-one or more, congressional Republicans resolve to charge ahead with efforts to criminalize procedures that 70% of Americans believe should be fully legal and universally available. 
Top Republicans are increasingly split over where to draw the line in restricting access to abortions in the wake of last year’s landmark US Supreme Court decision, as White House hopefuls look to carve out their own positions with an eye to the 2024 presidential contest. Several would-be candidates, including Mike Pence, Donald Trump’s former vice-president, and South Dakota governor Kristi Noem are courting support from party donors and grassroots voters by pushing for strict bans. They are differentiating themselves from former president Trump, who despite appointing the three conservative Supreme Court judges who brought about the overturning of Roe vs Wade, has since suggested he believes outright bans are unpalatable to voters.“They are all going to try a different route,” said Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia Center for Politics. “[Trump] is bound to have three, four or five opponents, I’d say that is the minimum. So here we go again.” 
The schism has emerged after the Supreme Court’s decision to scrap Americans’ constitutional right to an abortion, which effectively handed responsibility for regulating the procedure to states rather than the federal government. More than a dozen states have since passed outright bans, while others have brought in restrictions. 
Groups such as Susan B Anthony Pro-Life America have called for other states to do the same, and pushed for Congress to go a step further with a federal ban. Several thousand supporters gathered in Washington on Friday for the annual March for Life to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Roe decision on Sunday. The issue has emerged as an early litmus test for establishing conservative bona fides, as Republicans jostle for position in a field still dominated by Trump, who is the only Republican who has declared he will seek the nomination.
The former president, who has described himself as the “most pro-life president ever”, attracted the ire of staunch anti-abortion activists this month when he blamed the “abortion issue” for Republicans’ disappointing performance in last November’s midterm elections. Exit polls suggested abortion rights were a galvanising issue for Democratic voters and independents who rejected candidates who had called for strict bans without exception. “It wasn’t my fault that the Republicans didn’t live up to expectations in the midterms,” Trump said in a post on his Truth Social platform. “It was the ‘abortion issue’, poorly handled by many Republicans, especially those that firmly insisted on no exceptions, even in the case of rape, incest, or life of the mother, that lost large numbers of voters,” he added.
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gumdytoonses · 1 year
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El feminismo No Solo en las caricaturas Sino En Los Animes japoneses tambien
Vaya Vaya Vaya La Sociedad Feminista de Los Estados Unidos De America Desde Ustedes Medicuenta por todo los personajes Mas Machistas como:
Pepe el Zorillo EuroAmericano
Johnny Bravo
Robot Jones
El Rey Helado
Chris Mclean
Juanpisimo y Cupido
Ya estan Nuetra cultura de la Cancelacion
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Yo soy El Fan de Otras caricaturas Americanas como Una Caricatura Americana de 3 Niñas ❤💙💚 Que Hace Enojar Todos Los Hombres Americanos Por Una Ladrona que Roba Un Dolar de Plata de Susan B Anthony lo vi con ERZA
El Flojo Acosador y Guapo JOHNNY Por Una Medium que cambia de ♂️➡️♀️ Para Dar La Lession El Acoso Callejero
Pero lo que No Me Gusta Es Por un niño de esa Organizacion KND Por Alterar la Linea del Tiempo Y destruir El Rayo Feminizador Y La Propiedad de ST RITA
Esto causo Feminismo en Cartoon Network Propidedad de Warner Bros y DC COMICS que Tambien son Fan de Todos Los SuperHeores Femeninos Americanas pero
Todas Las Empresas Americanas Son machistas Tambien Estudios Que Crean Animes Tambien Son Machistas y Asesinas
Bueno Disney es Un Poco Machista Porque me gusta todas Las Princesas Que Son Guerreras Como:
Frozen Elsa es el Nombre de Mi Amiga que la miro
Y Mi Favorita es MULAN esta Pelicula de una Guerrera China Que Miramos en Los Cines Con Mis Amigas Y Erza La miro tambien
Lo que es Machista es por:
La bella y La Bestia
Blanca Nieves y Los 7 enanos
Y la Cenicinta
Pero disney y Warner No solo son empresas Machistas Sino Paramout Dueño de Nickelodeon Tambien Hubieron Casos de Acoso Sexual y capitulos Polemicos
Como Bob esponja y Patricio Estrella Que Hizo Que Entrara La Propiedad de Arenita Bajo de la Nieve Diciendo El Sucio Dan Schneider Tambien John K El Creador de Ren Y Stimpy y Chris Savino El Creador de The Loud House un niño que tiene 10 Hermanas
Pero Hablemos de Sucio Dan Schneider Es el creador se Series Live action Como:
Zoey 101
Henry Danger
Sam y Cat
Bella y Los BullDogs
Y Mas Series Live Action
El Sucio Dan Tiene Fechies Con Los Piez de Las Actrizes esto es Un Asco
Pero Lo Que Me gusta de Nick un niño Que tiene 2 Adas Mire Los Padrinos Magicos Lo que No me gusta Es Por El Acoso de Una Estudiante Polular Llamada Trixie Tang Tambien 3 Adas Machos Como Cosmo,Juanpisimo y Jorgen y una Ada hembra Rosa Wanda
El Pequeño Timmy Hizo que Deseara que todas las personas del Mundo desaparecieran Por Trixie
Pero Lo Rechaza en el Capitulo El Dia de San Valentin Donde Dice Timmy
Timmy Turner:
Deseo Vivir En Un Mundo Sin Mujeres
En Donde Los Hombres Separo de mas Mujeres Y El Mundo Se Divide En 2 en el Mundo de Los Hombres Orgullozos Viviendo Solos Pero en Suciedad
Mientras el Mundo de Las Muejeres Orgullozas vivendo Solas en La Limpieza
Por El Deseo Cahotico Que Hizo Timmy Es Volviera A Enamorarze Pero Es Demasiado Tarde todos Los Hombres y Las Mujeres Siente Un VACIO INTERIOR Causada Por la FALTA DE AMOR
Pero Cupido Sufrila Sus ULTIMAS HORAS
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Y Si Timmy No Resuelve Cupido Desaparecera Para Siempre y el Amor Dejara de Existir
Pero Timmy Hizo Que Volviera A Enamorarze a los de Mas pero este capitulo Fuera Cancelado por nuestra Generacion del nuestro Feminismo Radical No Solo Caricaturas para el Publico Sino en
series Animadas Para Adultos Americanos
[Adult Swim]Propiedad de Warner Bros:
Harvey Birdman
Pollo Robot
Mr Pickle
Laboratorio Submarino 2021
Aqua Teen Hungry Force
Rick y Morty
Final Spaces y Mas Caricaturas Para Adutos de AS
De La Fox estan:
Los Simpsons
Padre De Familia
American Dad
Cleveland Show
Los Reyes de la colina
Y mas Series Adultas
De MTV Y Comedy Central:
South Park
Ugly American
La Casa De Los Dibujos
Happy Tree Friends
Beavis And ButtHeads
Mr Hell
Celebrities DeathMash
Liquid TV
Y Stripidella
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Pero No Solo en Las Caricaturas del Nuestro Pais
Sino Tus Caricaturas Japonesas Causaron Polemica
Pokemon El Capitulo que Causo Colbuciones,un Miebro del Equipo Rocket James Que Uso 2 Inflantes Falsos Para que fuera Mujer y El Machismo entre Ash y Mistique
En Dragon Ball LA Desnudes de Bulma y mas casos de Asoco Sexual
Pero hay Mas Censura por tus caricaturas
Mandy Pero Nuestras Caricaturas en niestro Pais Japon Lo Llamamos ANIME y Nuestro Comics Los Llamamos MANGA
Pero El anime y el Mange tambien tiene Casos de Controversias
Explotacion Laboral a Mappa Studios
Crean Ataque de Los Titanes
Kore wa Zombie desu ka
Tambien el Acoso Sexual a Los creadores de Animes como:
Tatsuta matsuki Creador de Act Age
Ichiro Kurata Crador de Animes Para Adultos Hay Generos De Animes Para Adultos Mas Polemicos que Causaron Feminismo y acoso Como:
Enchi,Hentai,Gore,Eroguro y Harem
Nabuhiro Watsuki Creador de Samurai X
Y Los Animes y Mangas Para Adultos Son:
High School DXD
Monster Musumen
Yosugona Sora
Shimai Maoui no Testament
Elfen Life
Triage X
Monster Girls Doctors
Ishizou Reviwers
Jaifuku Jutsushi
Y la lista Sigue Sigue Y Continua
Hay estudios de Animes que Fueron en bacarrota por violar y Romper leyes feministas Japonesas Son Los siguentes:
MadHouse,Arms,Manglobe,Tear Studios,Bee Train,Half Film Maker,Artland,Group TAC y Manglobe
Y Para Los siguentes es
Kyoto Animation Por el Incendio
Toei Animation
Studio Bones y Viz Meida
Mappa Studios
Jc Staff
A1 Picture
Sony Entertaiment
Productuon IG
Y mas El Anime Y El Manga Llegara Su Fin en 2030 Por el Machismo,Feminismo, y Series de Anime Que Causaron Maltrato y Femicidos Ala Muejeres en Japon
Tambien en Estados Unidos todo Por El Personaje Pepe El Zorillo Ya las Empresas Warner,Disney,Paramout,Universal,Discovery,Netflix,Microsoft,Nintendo,Apple Y Google
Mandy,Marceline,Raven,Vaggie,Wendy,Anna,Sakura y Erza:
La Industra Del Entretenimento Llegara A Su Fin En Otros Año 20??
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Como yo les comente y Fanart Mensaje feminista ala Animacion y ala Franquicias Publicas Como 🎮✏🇺🇸🇯🇵🎬🎥🎵 Por La Generacion del Cristal y la Generacion de las Feminista
Por favor Salven Alas Franquicias Publicas como Las Caricaturas,Videojuegos,El Anime,Peliculas y Musica Tambien Eventos Publicos En La vida Real como Deportes,Club Nocturnos,Maquinas Arcade,tienda de Manga y Comics
Antes que Sea Desasiado Tarde por culpa de
La Generacion de Cristal Todo por Wliminar todo Los Personajes Masculinos Machista
Y Devido Que La Generacion de Feminismo Potencial mente Radical Esta MALDITA
Asi Lo Llamo
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893) was an American-Canadian anti-slavery activist, journalist, publisher, teacher, and lawyer. She was the first African American woman publisher in North America and the first woman publisher in Canada. When the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 in the US threatened to return free northern African Americans and escaped slaves into bondage. This is where her symbolic effort to create free African American settlements in Canada began. She founded a racially integrated school with the support of the American Missionary Association and published a pamphlet called, "Notes on Canada West," which was a plea for emigration and discussed the benefits, as well as the opportunities, of African Americans in the area, and she ran an anti-slavery newspaper called The Provincial Freeman. During the Civil War, at the behest of the abolitionist Martin Delany, she served as a recruiting officer to enlist African American volunteers for the Union Army in the state of Indiana. She taught in African American schools in Wilmington, before moving to DC, where she taught in public schools and attended Howard University School of Law. She graduated as a lawyer at the age of 60, becoming only the second African American woman in the US to earn a law degree. She wrote for the newspapers National Era and The People's Advocate and in 1880, organized the Colored Women's Progressive Franchise. She joined the National Woman Suffrage Association, working alongside Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton for women's suffrage, testifying before the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives and becoming the first African-American woman to vote in a national election. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/CjffBKQORwR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Historic places around Rochester, NY
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Historic places hold a significant value in preserving a city's heritage and cultural identity. They serve as a window into the past, allowing us to understand the people, events, and transformations that have shaped a community over time. Rochester, NY, is no exception, as it boasts a rich history and a plethora of historic places waiting to be discovered. These landmarks not only offer a glimpse into the city's past but also provide educational and recreational opportunities for both locals and visitors alike.
Historic places are essential for fostering a sense of pride and connection among the residents of a city. They serve as tangible reminders of the achievements, struggles, and triumphs of those who came before us, creating a shared sense of identity and belonging. By preserving these sites, we ensure that future generations can learn from and appreciate the history that shaped their community.
Historic places in Rochester, NY
The George Eastman Museum
The George Eastman Museum is a true gem among Rochester's historic places. Located in the former mansion of George Eastman, the founder of Eastman Kodak Company, it houses one of the world's largest collections of photography and cinema artifacts. Stepping inside the museum is like entering a time capsule, with its meticulously preserved rooms and extensive exhibitions showcasing the evolution of photography and film. From early cameras to iconic movie memorabilia, visitors can immerse themselves in the artistry and technological advancements that have shaped visual culture.
The Susan B. Anthony House
Another must-visit historic place in Rochester is the Susan B. Anthony House. This National Historic Landmark was the lifelong home of the renowned women's rights activist, Susan B. Anthony. The house offers a fascinating glimpse into Anthony's life and work, providing a deeper understanding of her tireless efforts in the fight for women's suffrage. Visitors can explore the rooms where Anthony lived and worked, view personal artifacts and memorabilia, and gain insight into the challenges faced by early women's rights advocates. The Susan B. Anthony House stands as a testament to the courage and determination of those who fought for equality.
The High Falls Historic District
Once a thriving industrial hub, the High Falls district now stands as a testament to Rochester's industrial heritage. This historic place offers a unique blend of history and modernity, with its beautifully preserved buildings and vibrant entertainment scene. Visitors can marvel at the majestic Genesee River waterfall, which powered the mills and factories that once dominated the area. The district's cobblestone streets and historic architecture provide a charming backdrop for restaurants, art galleries, and boutiques, making it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and culture lovers alike.
Mount Hope Cemetery
For those seeking a more serene and reflective historic experience, a visit to Mount Hope Cemetery is a must. Founded in 1838, this sprawling cemetery is the final resting place of many notable individuals who have shaped Rochester's history. From prominent civic leaders to famous artists and inventors, the gravestones tell the stories of those who left a lasting impact on the city. Walking through the serene paths, visitors can pay their respects to Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, and other influential figures while admiring the stunning funerary art and picturesque landscapes.
The Genesee Country Village & Museum
Located just outside of Rochester, the Genesee Country Village & Museum offers a living history experience like no other. This expansive open-air museum takes visitors back in time to the 19th century, immersing them in the sights, sounds, and smells of a bygone era. With over 68 historic buildings, including homes, shops, and mills, visitors can explore and interact with costumed interpreters who bring history to life. From blacksmith demonstrations to traditional crafts and farming activities, this immersive experience offers a unique perspective on daily life in the past.
The Rochester Museum & Science Center
Combining history and science, the Rochester Museum & Science Center is a treasure trove of knowledge and discovery. This museum showcases the region's natural and cultural history, from its geological formations to its industrial innovations. Visitors can explore interactive exhibits, participate in hands-on activities, and learn about Rochester's contributions to science and technology. With its planetarium, wildlife exhibits, and rotating displays, the museum offers an engaging and educational experience for visitors of all ages.
Rochester, NY, is a city that embraces its past and celebrates its heritage through its wealth of historic places. From the George Eastman Museum to the Susan B. Anthony House, the High Falls Historic District to Mount Hope Cemetery, each site offers a unique glimpse into the city's history and the individuals who shaped it. Whether you're a history buff, a culture enthusiast, or simply curious about the past, exploring these historic places will undoubtedly leave you with a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of Rochester's past. So, grab your walking shoes, embark on a journey through time, and discover the captivating stories that lie within Rochester's historic places.
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Having professional tree services is essential for the health and longevity of your trees. While it may be tempting to tackle tree care tasks on your own, hiring a professional like K&C Rochester Tree Service in Rochester, NY, can save you time, money, and potential risks. Here are a few reasons why professional tree services are crucial:
1. Expertise and Experience
Professional tree service providers have the necessary expertise and experience to handle various tree care tasks. They understand the unique needs of different tree species and can provide the appropriate care and maintenance required. Whether it's tree trimming, tree removal, or stump grinding, professionals know how to execute these tasks efficiently and effectively.
At K&C Rochester Tree Service, I have years of experience in the industry and have successfully handled numerous tree care projects. My knowledge and skills ensure that your trees receive the best care possible.
2. Safety Measures and Equipment
Tree care can be dangerous, especially when dealing with large trees or challenging locations. Professional tree service providers have the necessary safety measures and equipment to handle these tasks safely. They are well-trained in using specialized equipment like chainsaws, ropes, and harnesses, minimizing the risk of accidents or damage to property.
When you choose K&C Rochester Tree Service, you can have peace of mind knowing that safety is a top priority. I follow strict safety protocols and use state-of-the-art equipment to ensure the protection of both your property and my team.
3. Time and Cost Savings
While DIY tree care may seem like a cost-effective option, it can actually end up being more expensive in the long run. Professional tree services can save you time and money by providing efficient solutions and preventing potential hazards.
By hiring me, you won't have to invest in expensive tools and equipment or spend hours researching tree care techniques. I have the necessary tools and knowledge to complete the job quickly and effectively, saving you valuable time and effort.
In addition, professional tree services can help prevent costly property damage. Improper tree removal or trimming techniques can lead to accidents or damage to nearby structures. By entrusting your tree care needs to a professional like K&C Rochester Tree Service, you can avoid these potential expenses.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Tree Service
When it comes to selecting a tree service provider, it's important to consider several factors to ensure you make the right choice for your needs. By taking the time to evaluate these factors, you can have confidence in the quality of service you receive. Here are some key factors to consider:
1. Licensing and Insurance
Before hiring a tree service, always verify that they are properly licensed and insured. A licensed tree service provider has met the necessary requirements and regulations to operate in your area. Insurance is crucial as it protects you from liability in case of accidents or damage during the tree care process.
At K&C Rochester Tree Service, I am fully licensed and insured, providing you with the peace of mind that you're working with a reputable and responsible professional.
2. Expertise and Experience
The expertise and experience of a tree service provider are vital factors to consider. Look for a company with a proven track record and a team of certified arborists or trained professionals. Their knowledge and experience ensure that they can handle any tree care situation with precision and care.
With my years of experience in the industry, I have encountered various tree care scenarios and have the expertise to provide effective solutions tailored to your specific needs.
3. Reputation and Reviews
Researching the reputation of a tree service provider is crucial to ensure their reliability and quality of service. Look for online reviews and testimonials from previous customers to get an idea of their reputation. A company with positive reviews and satisfied customers is more likely to provide exceptional service.
At K&C Rochester Tree Service, I take pride in my excellent reputation and customer satisfaction. I have received glowing reviews from many satisfied clients who appreciate my professionalism and the quality of my work.
4. Range of Services Offered
Consider the range of services offered by a tree service provider. It's beneficial to choose a company that can handle all your tree care needs, from tree removal to stump grinding. This eliminates the hassle of dealing with multiple contractors and ensures consistent quality throughout the process.
At K&C Rochester Tree Service, I offer a comprehensive range of tree services, including tree removal, tree trimming, and stump grinding. Whatever your tree care needs may be, I have you covered.
5. Pricing and Payment Options
While price shouldn't be the sole deciding factor, it's important to consider the pricing structure of a tree service provider. Compare quotes from different companies and ensure that the pricing is fair and transparent. Additionally, inquire about payment options and any potential additional charges.
At K&C Rochester Tree Service, I offer competitive pricing and transparent quotes. I believe in providing value for money without compromising on the quality of service.
6. Environmentally-Friendly Practices
If you value environmental sustainability, consider a tree service provider that follows environmentally-friendly practices. Look for companies that prioritize tree preservation, recycling of tree debris, and use of eco-friendly products.
I am committed to environmentally-friendly practices at K&C Rochester Tree Service. I strive to minimize waste and promote sustainable tree care techniques to ensure the long-term health of your trees and the environment.
Choosing the right tree service provider is crucial for the health and well-being of your trees. By considering factors such as expertise, reputation, safety measures, pricing, and environmental practices, you can make an informed decision.
At K&C Rochester Tree Service, I am dedicated to providing the best tree care services in Rochester, NY. With my expertise, experience, and commitment to customer satisfaction, you can trust that your trees are in capable hands.
Don't settle for anything less than the best when it comes to your tree care needs. Contact K&C Rochester Tree Service today for expert assistance and exceptional results.
K&C Rochester Tree Service 1 Glazer Dr, Rochester, NY 14625, United States 585–471–6559 https://rochestertreeservice.org/
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stephen-barry · 20 days
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US Representative Chip Roy, (R-TX) took to the House floor Tuesday to warn that there are Americans who want to “force” their religious beliefs upon us by law.
You’re probably thinking: Finally! A Republican with the courage to talk about some states’ total abortion bans thanks to a subset of right-wing Christians who believe “life begins at conception.”
Of course, that’s not what Roy was talking about.
He proudly supports people forcing their religious beliefs upon others through laws that strip women of reproductive freedom.
He has an “A+” rating from the so-called pro-life organization Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America.
Roy was peddling the lie about American Muslims.
“I’ve got some pretty strong concerns about Sharia law and whether that will be forced upon the American people,” he said. Roy claimed that there’s been a “massive Muslim takeover of the United Kingdom.”
Facts don’t matter when you’re ginning up hate for political gain.
You’re also probably thinking: Isn’t the GOP fearmongering about “Sharia law” so 2012? Yep, you are correct...
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