#surgical tech
mingyu-r-nasty · 1 month
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Pokemon shaker badge reels available here
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scrubbaite · 7 months
So I started working recently and oh my gosh I gotta say thats its TERRIFYING to be left on your own after so long as a student, with preceptors.
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plaid-n-converse · 1 year
Any advice for potential/budding scrub techs?
So i'm gonna give a little mini-list, and if you want to know more I'm always happy to answer
1. a small notebook that you can keep in a jacket pocket will be your best friend!
2. get comfortable shoes, because you're gonna be standing for hours at a time
3. learn good body mechanics, because back pain is no joke
4. don't be afraid to ask questions or jump right in! I always enjoy teaching someone who's like "i'm not sure what all i need but i want to be the one who scrubs" because it shows a lot of initiative! and it's easier to explain if the person seems interested
5. you're gonna work with a lot of very strong personalities, so be prepared to let a lot go.
6. If you're a student see if you can get someone in your room to take a picture of the case set up, and text them to you, or take the pictures yourself if you're able too!
7. you will watch people die, depending on where you work it might be a lot more or less, but at one point you will see it, and it's best to acknowledge it now instead of having it surprise you later when it happens.
8. vaguely connected, but you'll also see things that make you furious and sad in equal measure, things like abuse victims, kids who have been shot, or people with mental illnesses that make it impossible to care for themselves and where the caregivers have failed them
I'm not telling you these last two to scare you off, I'm saying them so you will have a support plan in place for when they do get bad. And like I said, those are generally pretty rare, but they will happen if you do this for any extended length of time
9. if you're a student, never NEVER say "oh i know" because that will be a guarantee that few people will want to teach you
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ohsweetdoe · 10 months
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gibbiiginnii · 1 year
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Tech Kelly #2: Irritating PPE
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celestianstars · 2 years
i think today was the first day I’ve worked with one other GYN surgeon who’s given local anesthetic during their cases, I only know of one so far that I’ve worked with, and it’s honestly kind of wild that it’s not really that common especially when you think about how local is used in literally every other other surgery. like yes the patients are fully under and aren’t feeling pain during the procedure but we give local anesthetics during so that recovery isn’t as painful but I’ve literally never had to get stuff ready to give local in simple GYN cases despite us literally going into the cervix and scraping the uterine lining, putting sharp things up there, etc like hello? give these patients some damn local! glad to see another doc who uses that but crazy how it’s not more common place even in an OR setting even if it’s a simple d&c
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freshinkdaily · 3 months
The Vital Role of a Surgical Tech in Modern Medicine
The Vital Role of a Surgical Tech in Modern Medicine The Vital Role of a Surgical Tech in Modern Medicine” In the high-stakes world of modern medicine, surgical technologists, or surgical techs, are the linchpins of the operating room (OR). Their expertise and dedication ensure that surgeries proceed smoothly and safely. These professionals are tasked with a multitude of responsibilities, from…
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scalpelstan · 11 months
It's been 3 years and being on call still gives me so much anxiety 💀
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Dignity College of Healthcare online surgical technician training is far superior to other online Surgical Technician programs because it includes the training, exam review and national certification exams. Register with Confidence and attend a nationally accredited, but affordable program. In just 4 months, you can complete the surgical technician program from the comfort of your home without a loan on your neck. Enroll now at https://dignitycollegeofhealthcare.com/surgical-technician 
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stargirlfics · 1 year
Was scrolling through the CST tag cuz I start clinicals next week. Do you have any tips ?
Ooh wishing you luck!! You got this! 💌
Clinicals were a little scary at the beginning and of course being in the OR is just a whole world of its own and can be overwhelming at first so try to keep in mind that you’re gonna feel a little out of place at first and that’s ok! You’re gonna see crazy and amazing things, what the body actually really looks like on the inside and all the ins and outs of the before, during and after of a surgery and it’s a lotttt but it will all start to make sense as you go and you’ll get more comfortable as you go!
I’m thinking about tips to give you and just remembering one of my instructors saying “try and be a sponge” lol so soak in as much as you can and jotting down notes when you can will be super important! I would bring a small notepad or at the very least always have a pen on you to write down cases you’re in and what’s being done, even small details or suggestions you receive, there’s gonna be a lot of info flying at you and it’s just a good way to keep some of that organized and having notes to look back helps when you’re tired and trying to process everything you’ve done and seen at the end of the day
At first this will be hard cause it’s all new but in the same sphere of note taking I would always try and write down what’s being done or what I think is being done during a surgery cause you’ll see later than when you start to understand what the surgeon is doing it’s easier to then anticipate what will be needed next and along with that it’s totally ok to ask questions about what is being done on/in the body, it’ll show that you’re curious and engaged with what’s going on!
Always being extra snacks too, I would keep a stash of granola bars/fruit snacks/whatever snack you like in your bag especially during the first few weeks of clinicals as you get used to being at the hospital and on your feet for long periods of time and it’s just good habit to get into cause even now that I’ve graduated and am working as a surgical tech when I find moments to go to the bathroom or eat something real quick I definitely take them!
Another tip I would give is to try and offer to help with setting up as much as you can especially in your first few weeks and helping your circulating nurse or helping wherever you can or are allowed but also knowing when it’s best to stay out of the way, that’s always a bit tricky trying to find that line of like I’m here and I’m learning and starting to put into practice what I’ve learned but at times there won’t always be moments or surgeries you’ll be in that are best for teaching and you just kinda have to roll with it and take what you can from it
Oh another thing! You’re gonna be with many preceptors and around a lot of people, especially surgeons, who have big personalities and have certain ways they do things, certain hospital policies can be different too but always try and stick to and refer back to what you’ve been taught cause your instructors want to see that you’re doing things by the book and by taught techniques and what’s best practice, not everyone that’s gonna be training you is gonna do things as they should so sticking to the basics of what you know will help you navigate that!
One last thing I can think of is seeing if you can take pictures of different table set ups for the surgeries you see, that was helpful for me to have an actual visual of it because it’s not always easy to recall from memory the best way to set up a table when you’re first starting out and of course I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times already but set things up the same way every time!
I think that’s all I have in tips to start out with but if you ever have questions or need to talk about clinicals I am always here, it’s exciting talking about this on here cause idk many people online who do this job as well! I’m always here for ya! Wishing you luck again, you’re gonna be great! 💕
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moondirti · 2 days
wish i had enough followers where I could say surgeon ghost and 30 people would reply with ‘yeah’
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Online Surgical Tech with Dignity College of Healthcare
Dignity College of Healthcare online surgical technician training is far superior to other online Surgical Technician programs because it includes the training, exam review and national certification exams. Register with Confidence and attend a nationally accredited, but affordable program. In just 4 months, you can complete the surgical technician program from the comfort of your home without a loan on your neck. Enroll now at https://dignitycollegeofhealthcare.com/surgical-technician
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scrubbaite · 8 months
Recently graduated scrub tech school so I thought Id make a silly little blog to write about my experiences.
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plaid-n-converse · 2 years
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straysketches · 1 year
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Garg!Donnie 💜⚙️🦇
[Rise x Gargoyles - Leo | Mikey | Raph]
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gibbiiginnii · 2 years
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Time Outs
Tech Kelly© short comics for my OR people 💙
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