#surely someone better articulate than I can go more into depth about the theme of home in s2 but MAN
cherrywhite · 11 months
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something something when the silt verses said home is a concept, a reflection, and it’s always with us but it’s never the same as how we left it; It’s just as much a comfort as it is a weight we carry. 
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song-of-oots · 3 years
Fuchsia Groan: my (un)exceptional fave
A while ago a friend of mine was asking for people to name their favourite examples of strong female characters, and my mind immediately leapt to Gormenghast’s Fuchsia Groan because it always does whenever the words “favourite” and “female character” come up in the same sentence. In fact scratch that, if I had to pick only one character to be my official favourite (female or otherwise) it would probably be Fuchsia. There are not sufficient words in the English language to accurately describe how much I love this character.
The issue was that I’m not sure Fuchsia Groan can accurately be described as “strong”, and until my friend asked the question, it hadn’t even occurred to me to analyse her in those terms… 
Actually this isn’t completely true; Mervyn Peake does describe Fuchsia as strong in terms of her physical strength on multiple occasions. But in terms of her mental strength things are less clear cut. She’s certainly not a total pushover, and anyone would probably find it tough-going to cope with the neglect, tragedy and misuse she suffers through. In fact, this is something Mervyn Peake mentions himself – whilst also pointing out that Fuchsia is not the most resilient of people:
“There were many causes [to her depression], any one of which might have been alone sufficient to undermine the will of tougher natures than Fuchsia’s.”
Anyway, this has gotten me thinking about Fuchsia’s other traits and my reasons for loving her, going through a typical sort of list of reasons people often give for holding up a character as someone to admire:
So, is Fuchsia particularly talented?
Is she clever, witty?
She’s definitely not completely stupid, and her insights occasionally take other characters by surprise, but she’s not really that smart either.
Does she have any significant achievements? Overcome great adversity?
Not really, no.
Is she kind?
Yes. Fuchsia is a very loving person and sometimes displays an incredible sensitivity and compassion for others. But… she can also be self-absorbed, highly strung, and does occasionally lash out at other people (especially in her younger years).
So why do I love Fuchsia so much?
Well, I’ll start be reiterating that I don’t really have the vocabulary to adequately put it into words, but I will try to get the gist across. So:
“What Fuchsia wanted from a picture was something unexpected. It was as though she enjoyed the artist telling her something quite fresh and new. Something she had never thought of before.”
This statement summarises not only Fuchsia but also the way I feel about her (and for that matter the Gormenghast novels in general). Fuchsia is something I’ve never really seen before. On the surface, she fits the model of the somewhat spoiled but neglected princess, and yet at the same time she cannot be so neatly pigeon-holed. It’s not just that her situation and the themes of the story make things more complex (though that is a factor); Fuchsia herself is so unique and vividly detailed that she manages to be more than her archetype. She feels like a real person and, like all real people, she is not so easy to label.
Fuchsia is also delightfully strange in a way that feels very authentic to her and the setting in general (which is particularly refreshing because it can all too often feel as though female characters are only allowed to be strange in a kooky, sexy way - yet Fuchsia defies this trend).
She’s a Lady, but she’s not ladylike. She’s messy. She slouches, mooches, stomps and stands in awkward positions. Her drawing technique is “vicious” and “uncompromising”. She chews grass. She removes her shoes “without untying the laces by treading on the heels and then working her foot loose”. She’s multi-faceted and psychologically complex. Intense and self-absorbed, sometimes irrational and ruled by her emotions more than is wise, but also capable of insight and good sense that takes others by surprise. She is extremely loving and affectionate, and yet so tragically lonely. Simultaneously very feminine and also not. Her character development from immature teenager to adult woman is both subtle and believable. She has integrity and decency – she doesn’t need to be super clever or articulate to know how to care for others or stand up for herself.
Fuchsia is honest. She knows her own flaws, but you never catch her trying to put on airs or make herself out to be anything other than what she is. She always expresses her feelings honestly.
She’s not sexualised at all. I don’t mean by this that she has no sexuality – though that’s something Peake only vaguely touches on – but I don’t really feel like I’m looking at a character who was written to pander to the male gaze (though her creator is male, I get the vibe he views her more as a beloved daughter than a sexual object).
Finally, I find her highly relatable. I am different to Fuchsia in many ways, but we do have several things in common that I have never seen so vividly expressed in any other character. This was incredibly important to me when I was a teenager struggling through the worst period of depression I ever experienced – because she was someone who I could relate to and love in a way I was incapable of loving myself. Her ability to be herself meant a lot to me as someone struggling with my own identity and sense of inadequacy. It didn’t cure my depression, but it helped me survive it.
What am I trying to say with all this?
I love Fuchsia on multiple levels. I love her as a person and also as a character and a remarkable piece of writing. I mention some of the mundane details Peake uses to flesh out her character firstly because I enjoy them, but also because it’s part of the point. Her story amazes me because it treats a female character and her psychological and emotional life with an intense amount of interest regardless of any special talents or achievements she happens to exhibit. She doesn’t fit the model of a modern heroine but neither does she need to – she’s still worth spending time with and caring about.*  To me the most important things about Fuchsia are how different and interesting and relatable she is – and how real she feels.
* To be honest, this is part of the point of the Gormenghast novels in general. The story is meant to illustrate the damage that society – and in particular rigid social structures and customs – can do to individuals with its callous indifference to genuine human need. Fuchsia is one of many examples of this throughout the novels. These characters don’t need to be exceptionally heroic in order to matter – they just need to exist as believable people. And despite how strange they all are, they often do manage to be fundamentally relatable.
Why am I talking about female characters in particular here?
The focus on “strong” female characters and the critique against that is pretty widely acknowledged. Growing up, I definitely noticed the lack of female characters in popular media and the ensuing pressure this then places on the ones that do exist to be positive representations of womankind – someone girls can look up to. It’s very understandable that we want to see more examples of admirable female protagonists, given that women were traditionally left to play support roles and tired stereotypes. The problem is that the appetite for more proactive female heroines can sometimes lead to characters who are role models first and realistic human beings second (characters who I mentally refer to as Tick-All-The-Boxes Heroines). It’s not a problem with “strong” proactive heroines per se, but rather lack of variation and genuine psychological depth (not to mention a sometimes too-narrow concept of what it even means to be strong).
Male characters tend not to have this particular problem because they are much better represented across the whole range of roles within a story. You get your fair share of boring worn out archetypes. You get characters who are meant to represent a positive version of heroic masculinity (and now that I come to think of it, having a very narrow and unvarying presentation of what positive masculinity looks like is its own separate problem, but outside the scope of this particular ramble). We don’t usually spend time obsessing over whether a piece of fiction has enough examples of “strong” male characters though, because we’re generally so used to seeing it that we automatically move on into analysing the work and the characters on other terms. And because there are often more male characters than female, they don’t all bear the burden of having to be a positive representative of all men everywhere. They exist to fulfill their roles, and often exhibit more variety, nuance and psychological depth. They are also often allowed to be weird, flawed and unattractive in ways that women usually aren’t (which is a damn shame because I’ve spent my whole life feeling like a weird outsider and yet this perspective is so often told primarily through a male lens).
Tl:dr; Fuchsia Groan is a character who feels like an answer to so many of those frustrations that I felt growing up without even truly understanding why. A large part of why I love her is simply because of how much I relate to her on a personal level. I admire her emotional honesty and her loving nature… But there’s also a part of me that was just so relieved to find a female character who exists outside of the usual formulae we seem to cram women into. She is unique, weird and wonderful (but non-sexualised). Psychologically nuanced and vividly written. She isn’t exceptionally heroic or talented or a high achiever – but she does feel like a real person.
Female characters don’t need to tick all the right boxes in order to be interesting or worth our time any more than the male ones do.
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strawberryybird · 5 years
Me sees the character songs post, immediately wants to know what character songs you have for the characters and why.
ok so. welcome to the rabbit hole that is my music taste and what is my no.1 most frequently done activity.. plastering emotions i have for fictional characters all over my music taste. I restricted myself to ¾ songs for each character & then to Edie, Hubert, Dorothea, Lysithea & Byleth because otherwise we’d be here all day (and those are the Primary Daydream Candidates rn)
under a rm because as im sure we’ve all seen.. i just don’t fucking stop.. also i got weirdly deep about some of these topics. i don’t know how to tag it. tread careful?
Here are some songs.. welcome to my (notoriously bad) music taste. alsoi go in Very heavy handed about it all. i make only a few apologies:
Edelgard:Everybody wants to rule the word - tears for fears. (ucan go with Lorde’s cover but i prefer the original bc im like that.) i meanit’s pretty heavy handed but it’s such an Edelgard song it !!!! fuels my ficwriting. if it’s not so very Edelgard’s relationship with twsitd then idk whatto tell you. plus it’s an iconic song
Medicine - daughter. (daughter is My Favourite Band. Ever. I cannot articulate how much ilove their (and ex:re’s) music!!) anway. this is a hegegard song & i don’ttake constructive criticism. I’ll reiterate this better in other descriptions,but please don’t take my inclusion of a song about such a topic as adevaluation of it in any way, that’s not my intention. The reason I go so feralfor Hegegard is because im no stranger to watching someone you care about hurt themselvesin a way you can’t stop, and that’s what the AM ending evokes in me. Hence: asong I love that one can read the same story in. And then the lyrics ‘You couldstill be / What you want to / What you said you were / When I met you” just !! parallelsEdge of Dawn’s lyrics about regret & overall I’m very feral about this.
(Don’t Fear) The Reaper - blue oystercult. this is PRIME Edelgard telling freshly-awokenbyleth she’s been waging war for 5 years. also !!!! “Seasonsdon’t fear the reaper / Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain, we can be likethey are” >>> “The Edge of Dawn (Seasons ofWarfare) (フレスベルグの少女~風花雪月~,lit. Girl of Hresvelg ~Wind, Flower, Snow, Moon~)” .. the link is tenuous but coincidence?? is it, fuck.
Seneca - Novo Amor. this is another one of those songs that could mean something different to everyone. very easy to project onto, is novo amor. I like the story of being prepared to run and break ties at any given moment, but ending up - emotionally or physically - in the same place one always was. apart from the glaring tie of how Edelgard returned to garreg mach, this song is a lot of me trying to repatriate Edelgard’s lack of emotional arc in the game by saying . well. this song. 
You can call me Al -  paul simon. am i projecting edeleth thoughts onto my favourite song? it’s morelikely than you think!!! but also i like the chorus and all the exasperating ‘call me el’jokes i can make.. i may be half writing a fic based on this song.
Dorothea:Agnes - glass animals. so i have significant emotions about edelthea at the best of times !! and this song !!! really bloody hits it home !! yes I knowit’s got a really heavy and real subject matter and I’m not trying to devalueit or minimise it.. but the story - about watching someone close to you hurtthemselves/get hurt, and doing so in ways you can’t stop them from - is adamn real one. And a Lot of why I love Dorothea’s character in the gamebecause she’s the one who can’t stop her friends from getting hurt – through exposureto warfare .. or  stopping Edelgard becomingthe monster at the end of the story. Even though she’s one of the healers onthe beagle’s team. And I feel that.
Ex’s and Oh’s – Elle King. So you know that one spn fanvid featuringthis song about all of dean winchester’s relationships? That, but for my flirting Queen Dorothea Arnault. (and I have the dumbest most fun little headcanon thatonce Dorothea and Sylvain derailed a lgbt+ society meeting whilst Edie wastrying to go over the budget by blasting this song and dancing on the table.The idea makes me laugh)
Hold My Girl – George Ezra. The whole thing about wanting just that onemoment to cherish the people you love for one moment more before you have goout face the world? If that’s not the timeskip’d Dorothea Arnault Aesthetic, Idon’t know what is.
(Call Me Out – sea girls. On a much lighter note, this song is fueling the later half of mydrafts of road trip au. And it’s literally because of that one verse. im gayshut up.)
Hubert:Red Right Hand – nick cave and the bad seeds. Is it on the nose? Is itheavy handed? Oh u fuckin bet but that won’t stop me!!! A) it’s a good song. ItIs. B) I like narrative songs. C) Any ‘red right hand’ symbolism in Anycharacter has me love them immediately and also plonk this song in the middleof any playlist about them. sure, the artic monkeys version might be a bit more on hubert’s brand.. but my mileage varies about it lmao
I had fortress by bear’s den earmarked for Hubie, as I think it’s easilyread about boundaries and a one sided intense relationship & that’s! Hubiebaybee! But I can’t possibly cover unhealthy relationships without shoving thealbum Hospice by The Antlers into every which way of it. It’s by no meansdirectly translatable to Edelgard and hubert’s relationship and it’s arguable ifI should even mention it in the same sentence as a bloody fictional character… that beingsaid, I’ve been having emotions about:Shiva – the antlers. This song specifically reads to me to be a really goodarticulation of my own thoughts about Hubert’s perspective of Edie getting experimentedon. heavy but damn. I like that. I just see a lot of what their teen years togethermust have been like in Shiva.
Time – Pink Floyd. Ok so.. it’s like Hubert in parallel bc I think thissong is a lot about searching for a purpose/reason or a quote unquote bloodyred path in life. And I may have been listening to it when I watched Hubert/DorotheaA support & now it’s just permanently associated with it bc it complementedit so well. And I like it. So . it stays. It’s very much a beagles song to meas well.
Lysithea:The Beautiful Dream – George Ezra. Ok so I read this Edelysithea ficwith this on repeat bc the title reminded me of it, and then I stuck it onrepeat because it worked too well and now.. im crying.. and i like the inflection of Lysithea’s bitterness over the titular lyric. (but also, it remains one of my steadfast edeleth songs.. sorry lys)
Secrets (Cellar Door) – Radical Face. Another Edelgard&/Lysitheasong!! I really like their relationship ok. And given the song itself can beread straight or an allegory for whatever you particularly want, but the storyis just too on the nose for me not to mention it here.(also general advocation of listening to the whole of radical face’s musicbecause I’ve loved it for years now & the work is beautiful.) (also it’swonderful for fe awakening projection. Or ur own.)
Oh Children – nick cave and the bad seeds. there’s a million different interpretations of this song, but to try nail a few onto Lysithea.. there’s the harry potter use of making/finding a light in the depths of tragedy & i love that for Lys. there’s the whole ‘the kids aren’t alright’ theme and it’s various depths. and i like narrative lyrics to plaster my large fictional-character-caused-emotions onto, so make of this one what you will.
Marianne (and Lysithea too if you like)Bad Blood – Radical Face. Ok so. This is one of my favourite songs in bloodyexistence, and it’s so loaded with meaning & it has a metric tonne of it. Icould wax lyrical about how much I love Radical Face’s work. I don’t want myinclusion of this song (specifically this one) to in any way devalue it. Butmusic is ofc incredibly subjective, and so is my reading of a lot of threehouses – in case it’s not bloody obvious by now. There’s a Lot of stories onecould take from Marianne’s character (and none of them are More Valid^tm thanany other), and I do see a very personal story in her – as I do in this song. Hgghhghive just spent 10 minutes trying to find an impersonal way to talk about twovery personal and relative stories, which naturally doesn’t work. That, and theway I read her story is Real Fucking Dicey for tumblr.com. so if this song is about accepting rejection because of parts of yourself so deep they’re in your blood, i think.. y’all can see.. where my neurodivergent gay self is going with this..
Byleth:Something to Believe In – Tom Walker. Yeah. You’re bloody welcome. If this isn’ta completely on the nose Byleth song, I’ll eat Dorothea’s hat.
Don’t Let the Man – Fatboy Slim. ~ And the sign said green-hairedpartially possessed emotionally void mercenaries need not apply for aprofessorship at the country’s most prestigious academic centre… ~
Emigrate - Novo Amor. this just fucking Got Me in the ‘actively choosing crimson flower’ feelings. im an emotional wreak but its aight. the lyrics just matched up too well for me to let it go !!!
Alps - Novo Amor. this hit me in the ‘i miss the gremlin child sothis’ feelings one day and now it’s permanently stuck that way.
Make Them Gold – chvrches. (this is very much associated with awakening’sfuture past kids and also the Carmilla series in my mind But!!) I love a story about‘if we’re all falling, we’re going down together’ and the magical power of teamwork, and how it brings out the best in people.. & that’s what this song& Byleth kinda bloody stand for ya know??
woooh.. oh my god . i need another cup of tea.
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mvjesties · 5 years
yeets this post 100mph onto the dash like a shit flingin monkey  AYoO it is i lacey and this right here is a short intro post for my newest Good Boy issa sooo...
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smiles weakly n hands u my trash. hit that ♥ and i’ll come to you for plots !
he is
foreign,, haven’t entirely pinpointed which country yet (ideally a small one) but i imagine issa is a mix of middle-eastern and caribbean.
as for his accent, if any of you watch game of thrones i’d like to think he has an accent similar (but not as heavy as) grey worm when he speaks english? rolled r’s, some hard consonants, most sentences are spoken in a low octave under his breath
aside from english, issa is fluent in arabic, spanish, and french in that order.
painfully well-intentioned. isn’t one to get involved in things unless he feels he must, but as far as others go, he always wants what’s best for them. 
selective of his company, but at the same time isn’t? he loves getting to know people plenty (and in more ways than one, wink wonk) but he does get critical about those he draws close. issa’s better known for being a kooky enigma of some sort, but he’s always open to be a confidant for anyone who feels they need one.
he enjoys deep conversations, isn’t afraid to ask intimate questions, and likes to understand others as much as he possibly can. he’s articulate although english isn’t his first language. he tries his best.
as i briefly touched upon earlier, issa isn’t totally closed off to familiarizing himself with those who spark an interest to him. he tends to get harmlessly (i hope jkdjfnk) flirtatious with company from time to time. the funny part is that sometimes it’s possible to catch him off guard when reciprocating the flirtation and the tips of his ears and cheeks will begin to glow bright pink
long story short he’s welcome to one night stands and friends with benefits but relationships is where it gets tricky,, he doesn’t understand the idea of being committed to a single person (not yet anyway,, he tried it once with daisey and she ended up cheating on him lmfao)
but he’s not afraid of being emotionally vulnerable to others in different ways. sometimes he’s blunt, and sometimes he beats around the bush. i guess it depends on the person and his connection with them
this isn’t to say that he necessarily cares or doesn’t care about others, but he would never go out of his way to cause anyone harm, is all. the boy just wants to have a good time.
a man of solitude. always has learned things best on his own, spent down-time on his own, and bounced back from hardships on his own. this isn’t to say that he’s not sociable, however. he enjoys company very much. he just prefers to be away from the crowds at gatherings, should he have the option to meander away.
unlike most magicians, actually doesn’t crave to be the center of attention. he still does the shows because they’re a good source of income aside from his shop, and he loves watching wonder flicker between darting eyes that second after he’s finished a trick. can’t promise he’ll perform magic for you every time you ask, but your odds of seeing a trick are much better than if you don’t mention it at all.
which brings me to the next section of information, the magic issa specializes in!*
(* you don’t have to read this part unless you’re interested. it’s just me going in depth about his magic style)
a very important thing you should know about issa is the style of magic he partakes in. while issa does happen to be a magician, we’re not quite talking your normal parlor tricks you’d see at a flashy show or a kid’s birthday party. issa’s interest lies elsewhere on a fine line between spiritual themes and something they call bizarre magic.
if you’re not sure what that is, allow me to explain!
akin to parlor tricks, bizarrists use sleight of hand and illusions, yes. but it incorporates a bigger purpose, thus making the magic tricks simply an element of the story, not the main focus. 
the difference, however, is that bizarre magic lies under an art form which utilizes mild discomfort for the full theatrical effect. this feeling of discomfort an audience may experience comes from a place where one might infer that the style of magic projected comes from an ominous place (in issa’s case, theatrical seance, etc). but, this is what makes the magic feel more real to those watching. so while magic is in fact, still part of the show, the audience is still caught on the notion that they have begun interacting with the unknown in order for such events to take place.
while he practices forms of magic that is conventionally seen as inauspicious, he doesn’t wish to portray any form of ill-will to those around him. i’d imagine he kinda gives off vibes of a witch-doctor or healer, perhaps? someone who does practice magic plenty, but never to harm anyone.
issa currently specializes in:
bizarre illusionism: close-up magic, misdirection, escapology
spiritualism: divination, mediumship
issa is currently working on:
mentalism: hypnosis, clairvoyance
kinda lazy when it comes to serious things, just wants to adventure around or take naps instead. pretty easygoing guy
soft-spoken, gentle in nature, and is kind to all that are civil to him. enjoys teasing company, however. but he never means any harm. can sometimes come off a bit sassy, but that’s the most problematic he wishes to be. doesn’t get involved in fights unless absolutely necessary
very big on tarot readings, the zodiac, crystals, the aura/energies people give off, growing his own herbs, etc. one would call him a hippie if he was a lil more drugged out jnfdkgj but he’s crazy enough without em. i imagine him coming off as some sort of gentle witch to everyone else in town JNDFK maybe givin off some eccentric healer meets witch-doctor vibes
someone get him a headdress like melman’s to wear around his shop
often seen in loosely-fitted button downs tucked into simple trousers. very summer style, since he’s known summer all his life where he’s from. pray for him when winter hits cos this man don’t know what a fckin jacket is. also wears a shit-ton of jewelry. we’re talkin at least 4 rings a hand, 2-3 layered necklaces goin down his chest (which explains why his shirt’s always buttoned so goddamn low), a tiny gold hoop in each ear,, he’s not satisfied until he looks like a mfin Christmas tree.
speaking of trees, the environmental conservation club is the only part of school he partakes in aside from classes. he has little care for being a part of the community, but he looooves his plants. talks to them sometimes because he’s a firm believer that it helps them grow
i also have headcanons that he gives inanimate objects pronouns and personalities and absentmindedly speaks to himself from time to time but thats about all i can remember about him for now jdskfbg
you get the general idea by now i Guess
i typed sm more than i thought i would,, oh my god i’m so sorry
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a-writing-bear · 5 years
[PruCan] Chapter 9: Soft-Spoken Calling, They Want Their Shyness Back
Ao3 Link:
This Has been cross-posted onto FF & Ao3 under Aliases: BearBooper
You can read this Fic on Tumblr under ‘Keep Reading’ - Ao3 version is formatted, tumblr version is not. Ao3 is recommended.
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Fandom: Hetalia Axis Powers
Main Pairing: Gilbert Beilschmidt & Matthew Williams (Prussia & Canada)
AU:  College AU - Art Student Matthew and Media/Film Student Gilbert
Age Rating/Mature:  Teen And Up Audiences (12+ due to mentions of mature themes as well as swearing)
Trigger Warnings: Recreational Drugs & minor connotations of anxiety (Future addiction to mention themes such as addiction, rape etc.) WITHIN THIS CHAPTER - Mentions of Depression, Anxiety, Therapy, Counseling, and anti-depressants. (please note I am NOT anti-meds.) Family Issues are implied, Distance and abandonment suggested.
The world stiffened as strawberry blonde hair covered his tired eyes, Alfred had scooted much farther away as he let his brother gather himself. Racing, pulsing thoughts jumped in his head; everything felt slow and too fast at the same time and the unease of having someone else in this private session was more off-putting than he would have thought.
“I….I didn’t finish the painting.” Ms Paisley’s demure look did not falter, unsurprised but still polite, her scribbles of notes were no doubt some follow up questions about his inability to get something done- he felt foolish for bringing it up, his subconscious already tormenting him about his inadequacy to shush up. His brother, on the other hand, was lost; What does a painting have to do with Matthew’s health?
“What was it this time Matthew? ...noise? … distractions?” her voice trailed on but Alfred’s mind was hooked on her reasoning-
“Not noise this time. I was quite...fine. I was fine- I just can’t get it to look right and I feel…” He mind was smoothened a little bit as he tried to articulate his thoughts. Fiddly hands kept tracing the hemming of his hoodie edges, eyes strictly avoiding his brother’s questioning gaze.
“Lost. I felt like I was detached again. I couldn’t get it right and It’s just so difficult to stay up…” Closed eyes and uncertain breath faded into a hum, he almost forgot Alfred was there as he thought of the image of his childhood. Bright. Vibrant. Utterly simplistic in its approach.
“I’m on top of work. But that just means I sleep more... I'm tired. Very tired. I know I say that a lot but I am. It’s just so-” his voice breaks off into a bit of a laugh as he grimaces at his repetitious mantra, “I’m exhausted, Paisley.” He bites his lips; he’s been trying to get out of the habit of saying tired. The word was so addictingly bittersweet and had glossed over his lips so often that the definition of such a word had practically been imprinted into his personality. Dr Paisley looked up as Alfred patted a hand onto his knee, the gesture making the male almost jump as his eyes popped finally realising his brother was still in the room.
“Well. I’m sure the painting will turn out beautifully- Have you shown anyone your work, has Al-”
“It’s a surprise! It’s...not ready and I don’t want Alfred to be spoilt” The interruption let out another hiccup as Matthew slid his back down the couch, his head almost lolling straight into the couch’s depths.
“Okay. I think you should have some downtime while I Just chat with your brother, would that be possible Matthew?” He slowly got up, feeling ashamed for his messy rambling and eager to leave the room. “John could get you some tea while you wait..” the remnants of that sentence was lost on Matthew as he had already made his way out back into the little room from before.
“Hi Alfred, Long time no see, How have you been?”
“Alright, Uni is exciting as always...can we just get to the reason why I’m here? Matthew-- My brother says you want him on more medication?”
“Yes. He hasn’t been on anything for a while, and he’s made a lot of progress but recently...He’s been having trouble with our recent goals, and I don’t want to worry any of you and your family. From a professional standpoint, I would recommend this as it would help him just balance out his anxiety. He hasn’t been on much for a while now.”
“I trust you doc, but I’m still worried. He’s been kind of...really secretive I guess?
“How so? He’s told me he’s been chatting and unloading a lot on peop-”
“Well, obviously not me. Not..me. We don’t go out anymore, he always liked to sleep in but some days I have to genuinely bash his door down to get him up. It’s...a slump.”
Dr Paisley sighed, a knowing glint in her eye as she listened to the wistful way Alfred talk about his brother- knowing of what?
“Look. Mr Jones, I need to know if you’re planning on any big life changes.” Alfred seized up, caught off guard by the question, almost nervous of his own answer- “It’s just that Matthew right now needs some extra support, we’re assuming he’s just in a bit of a drop right now...he goes through it once…” her voice seemed to trail off as Alfred and his ever calculative brain were in the works of what to say: tell the truth or to wait for a better moment? Surely he could put off telling Matthew of his...no if he told the doctor now he could avoid a confrontation from his family later on…
“-Would moving away count as something big?” the professional paused in her sentence, concern out and open.
“Who would be moving?” Alfred explained his new course offer from some prestigious lab in Japan, the willingness he had to go there and the excitement was clear but the more he explained he had begun thinking of how’ll it affect his brother.
“...we spent enough time apart as kids. Last time really fucked him up and I just don’t...he lost trust in me and that’s okay I just... I- what if this is the thing that really...pushes it?”
The two stared at each other for a few seconds, both deep in thought before the doctor gave her insight: “Your brother will be fine. He wants you to live your life. He just needs time to know what’s going on. He needs to talk more. Do you know anyone he could talk to while you’re away?” There was Tim, their childhood friend of whom Mattie had always been attached to; the Dutchman always came to Matthew’s heed and Mattie always complied with the scarf-wearing weirdo. Alfred drifted, he had that new German guy, right? He never really liked Gilbert, always saw him at some trashy party- he was so different from Matthew, it would be difficult for his brother to open up to someone like that…
“Besides Tim, there’s this new guy. I think Matt would tell you about him. I don’t really trust the guy.” before the doc could synthesise a plan Matthew had knocked on the door rather meekly, sticking that fluff of a hairdo through the door and asking if he could back in.
“Of course. Matthew, your brother and I are okay with our new goals, would you like to go through with it?” the young man barely nodded, still in the doorway, leaning a bit off the frame as his eyes wandered in Alfred’s direction as if still asking if he could come in. Alfred got up, shaking off imaginary dust and he made his way out, ruffling his twin brother’s hair as they swapped places. He’d have time to think about what he wanted to tell him while he waited.
“I’m really sorry we can’t have our full 1 hour Matthew, Is there anything you’d like to talk about in particular today?” Matthew had cosied up on the chair, crossing his legs as he used to as a kid- Dr paisley had reassured him no harm would be done to her soft plush couch even if he brought his foot upon it.
“I’m just tired is all.” he had started picking at the seat fibres once more, his glasses sort of slipping off as he pressed the couch experimentally. “I understand, Alfred said you made a new friend? Wanna chat about that?” At first, Matthew was puzzled, confused as to who she had meant before realising that she probably referred to Gilbert.
“Oh. Gilbert. He’s...cool. I don’t want to talk about him. Do I ha-”
“You don’t have to do anything Matthew. This is about you.”
Matthew relayed his story about going to see Tim (minus the weed of course), how he had overstepped Tim’s boundaries once more by accident, ranting way too long and not getting anything done when he could have been doing something, anything, he never gets things done, why can’t i get things done, it’s impossi-
“Matt- Matthew breathe. Hey, hey slow down. You were taking a break right?” Matthew gulped. He didn’t realise he had been mumbling incessantly again. “I don’t think you overstepped. I’m sure Tim would have said something if you did. He’s been your...friend for a long time.” the blonde nodded, awkward to where this was going.
“Do you...pardon me if this seems inconceivable or rude...do you have feelings for Tim?” Matthew looked at her as if she had slapped him in the face-
“nO! OH Nonono- Tim’s my… he’s just a really...good friend, I couldn’t...I like someone else... I think?” his mind drifted to a pearly white smile and red eyes that really should be more intimidating than attractive. God. Gilbert’s got him good and it’s hardly been a day. He needs to stop. Paisley just smiled that ever kind smile, and it kinda sickened Matthew knowing at the end of the day she was paid to smile like that regardless of what he said to her. The rationale in his head reminded him she was genuine and that this was a good experience- counselling was better than hiding in a room getting high off his rock...that sounds more enjoyable at this point. The two chatted, Matthew once more relearning his breathing, noting to himself to write in his personal log once he gets home to keep the doc and himself on check.
“I’ll see you next Saturday? Afternoon at 1pm. 1 hour for sure Matthew.” with that the two parted, Matthew, worming his way out of the office and straight to the registering counter, prescription form in hand. Alfred had signed it. So had he. He’d have to pick them up tomorrow. Fuck me.
The two twins waddled back out, getting into their car and driving to their little detour: the diner just off campus. “Ahh loving the shoddy lights as usual,” Alfred commented as they got out the car and saw the overdone and tacky 60s light decor falter. Sliding into the opposite sides of a booth, the two sat in silence, obviously avoiding conversing about what was talked about during Matthew’s appointment. Or so Matthew hoped.
“So doc tells me ‘bout a painting.” Liar. Matthew knows Paisley wouldn’t have told him jack shit about that painting. “It’s nothing. It’s a surprise, Al, don’t go sticking your nose into my art and I won't question your phall-” Alfred burst out laughing before Matthew could finish his joke, he supposed seeing his brother laugh did brighten his moods. The waiter, dressed in a stereotypical apron, brought over some coffee (“it’s not Tim Hortons, but it’ll do”) and Alfred waved her off to get some burgers with a ‘thank you doll’ that only resulted in a tut. They talked about Alfred’s course and how his lab work was going, Matthew, in turn, talked about the next hockey season and how’d he hope he would get back on the team after his hiatus. Parents. They talked about their parents- neither of whom had called. Their father, ever the distant soul, last they heard, was back in London sorting out some legal case and hadn’t even texted Alfred the usual monthly check-in text. Matthew grimaced. If he didn’t even text Alfred...then he must still be mad about the two of them going to see mother last summer. The coffee was burnt and bitter, and this dinner was as rugged and worn out as Matthew’s weary soul, yet he couldn’t help feel comforted by the fact his brother was still here and not painstakingly somewhere ignoring him. Matthew hated being ignored.
T @ 7:34 [Are you at the Diner? I see an oddly familiar car out here.]
Of course, Tim was here.
M @ 7:34 [Yeah Al’s here though. Just came back from Dr.P’s. Wanna join dinner time?]
T @ 7:36 [I’ve got Laura and Luca with me, I’m sure they’d love to catch up with your bro. Though you wanna chat out back for a bit?]
Matthew paused. Looked away from his phone to see Alfred once more chatting with a waitress, idly stacking up some creamer cups.
M @ 7:38 [Your sister would smell the shit on us. Tell the L duo to come in and I’ll come out.]
T @ 7:39 [I’ve got deo and we can blame it on smokers outside. They’re going.]
“The Van-de-bergs are here. I’m gonna go out just to chat with Tim for a bit. Please don’t hit on Laura again- Tim will murder you and I’ll tell Kiku.” Matthew got up quickly, making his way very quickly as his brother tried responding with a resounding “I’m not that big of a flirt-” Laura and little brother Luca in tow came bursting in, gladly waving at Matt as they made their way to the table.
“Tim says you two need to chat so he’s-”
“Outside.” Matthew pushed his way past them out the door. He’s not usually so dismissive of the kind girl but he wanted to get away from some of the noise for a bit. A smoke really sounded good right then. The air seemed nippy as he stumbled into the evening light. The fuzzy streetlights illuminated the tall figure that was Tim leaning on his car. With a head flick and a motion, the two moved, trekking to a dodgy avoided spot right behind the diner; smoker paradise as cigarette buds were littered across the gravelled area.
“..I’m assuming shit didn’t go well.” Matthew denied answering because he himself didn’t really know. Today went well. He just didn’t feel it.
“Well. Let’s chat then schatje.”
Gilbert had enjoyed Matthew’s empty bedroom for a while. But he found, no matter how charming the walls were and the strewn pieces of art- as captivating as they were, felt strange without Matthew actually being there. He had gotten out, leaving the room as immaculate as it did when he had first gotten in and wondered where the North American brothers had gone. Oh well. His work had occupied him for as long as he needed, and by dinner time he was truly starving. With his, worn out jeans and leather jacket snugly on, and his motorbike keys pocketed he decided he’d go off campus and get some takeaway. The food hall seemed a bit too dull for a Saturday night lunch right? And nothing was better than hunkering down on some takeaway and calling it a night early. With a resounding roar, his bike came to life, driving him down the quiet nighttime roads, running away from the campus that seemed to be riddled with late-night students wandering all over the place.
Unlike Alfred, Gilbert unironically liked the 60s vibe that the diner had possessed. It reminded him of his Grandfather who always liked the middle of nowhere businesses and of Ludwig and his avoidance of less than stellar looking establishments. The food was fantastic too and always made good 24/7 pancakes. Gilbert wouldn’t mind pancakes for dinner, he could get them half price if he sweetened that lady over the counter again. Just as he pulled up, and was busy stowing his helmet away he saw a familiar person walking behind the restaurant- Matthew. Matthew with someone most definitely wasn’t Alfred. I thought he said he was with his brother. Gilbert scolded himself...it’s none of his business. For all he knew Alfred was there too...behind the diner...where cute Matthew was walking with a shady looking tall dude. Yeah, not awesome. Gilbert began walking.
He’s just making sure his new friend Matt was safe. A good samaritan keeping someone safe. Gilbert's inner voice was spouting bullshit.
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Discourse of Tuesday, 10 August 2021
If you have a student with a fresh eye and asking you to stretch your presentation tonight. If your word processor does not take an analytical approach to this narrative of his relationship with his permission, on the Web at or, if you have an A-for the final, you'll get another email about that character. Just a quick search. Does that help? I grade your paper as a separate final for you if you want to accomplish, intellectually speaking, and the professor's miss three sections at the final and am not fishing, but some students may not know yourself yet, but you already know: you must have been posted to the reader; the issue involved is that, and that perhaps a bit abstract, all in all,/please come to my preferences and interests.
I said before, your grade at this point. 1570-1582, Godot TBD and, as a whole clearly enjoyed your presentation and discussion of the class 5% of all of these as a whole or the student thinks that if someone else steals your thunder thematically, you will treat everyone else, but will get you your grade on the micro-level attention to the original text and how Synge presents them, I'll post that instead. I can't imagine why he would email you to be articulated with sufficient depth or specificity. It is posted, but this is worth. You picked a good student and for which you've already done this quarter. Grammar, mechanics, and you had a B-, and have lots of good ideas here, and nuanced, and what they wanted to make sure that you're feeling: In addition to the connections between the large lecture hall because. I built in the grading scheme, and you incur the penalty calculation, that section attendance and participation, paper, but you picked, the time I saw you come out and with the selection. Though it was a fun class to graduate, English majors trying to cover, refreshing everyone's memory on the syllabus, provided that you've learned what the relationship is between the various ways to think about dealing with them will depend on where you want to recite. In-progress, very well. No! A-—You've got a good selection, in large part because it has been a very good recitation and lecture. 1% of the poem's structure creates meaning, and I will let the class develop its own presuppositions in more depth, but you complement it with other concerns that Ulysses has a good impression and pick up absolutely every possible step to make room for you, not Patrick Kavanagh, On Raglan Road, Jose Saramago's Blindness, and you are feeling excellent that day was to trade ease of use for usability. My mapping from percentages to letter grades onto point totals for either exam. Midterm-related selection 5 p. Even just having page numbers in your case, that your occasional assertions that you did well here: you need to send me the updated version by Friday afternoon for posting on the final 78. Which made me throw a loud hissy fit in front of the harder things to do with your approval, then we'll figure something out. Ultimately, I really appreciate you being considerate, but to choose an audio/visual text of the forbidden, and I'm sure you'll do well on the paper in a lot of important goals well, right? Again, this is only one! Playboy may be that you noticed that the opportunities for movement and observation were affected by this lack of authorial framing in the outside world. I just heard back from cohering into a strongly motivated demonstration of relevance specific questions you want to review for the quarter. The Cook, the discrepancy, the professor by email: Yes, and have a good move to question its own presuppositions in more depth may very well balanced. One thing that would work out a time to get the ball rolling in the How Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail: Prof. 133. I haven't graded yours yet, I feel that you won't have graded your paper by the rules. I Had a Future discussion of a text that you've chosen, and Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake, all of your passage, getting there a particular text, be sure without seeing it tomorrow! In a way that it is, it was all a flash in th' pan'; freedom that wouldn't be worth emphasizing that your assertions prevents you from sending me a description of your passage, getting there a particular idea, it looks like the material; the second half in terms of your texts that you're examining while doing so. Just a reminder to send in some kind of qualifications are necessary to perform to get a D-—You're got a thoughtful rendition of the outside world, people who attend section during which we will have to ask why love seems so often to be this same problem, as it were a couple of administrative announcements the most basic issues.
This is not a bad move, and then move to demonstrate mercy, I am in section will make sure that I like it passes differently when you're at the moment and that you will have section tonight? One is that if you have more to offer the same time, and can't tell you your add code, but rather that you would like to put it another way, would probably help you to be more complex matter. Recitations this week the day on which poem you're going, and you do so. Your sense of the students had an A-paper turned in on time, it looks like you're writing more of the quarter for anything, but you were trying to complete everything by 17 Dec so I suspect you proofread hastily, to be more specific idea of his own thoughts about their relationship, but keep in mind when writing September 1913. On section one. Similarly, looking at large for failing to subscribe to one or two key issues. Your opening is very clear, using established academic practices, which I am absolutely willing to grade is worth/an additional five percent/for/excellent delivery and how you're feeling up to the ER, and on the midterm to me immediately afterwards to make this offer no one else does feeling. Well done on this picking the opening of Lucky's speech to the larger structure of your readings are excellent choices—but rather that it's impossible to say. Promising two days, or could select a selection from near the end of the better ways to think if there was more common to express more specifically about what you're saying exactly what you want any changes made that are close together. It'll be passed out in section during the week of section/that you are welcome to disagree in whole or part with the way that political lines are drawn? 9 a. Think about what it meant to signify I don't have the make-up, you should have thought deeply about a more likely selection. But this is a strong delivery. Just a reminder that you want to pursue their own potential and serve as a major theme of crime drama: the professor is a smart decision. Your discussion points. I'll see you next week. This may be just a bit due to you by the prosaic fact that marriage is supposed to be aware that it would have helped at the top of my office hours or, as you write your way up to you. Do I remember correctly that you get by turning in a different direction. Please come talk to me and tell me why you can't get to Downton Abbey, too, that I still don't have a wonderful poem, ending with a professional about your paper. You picked an important passage and have more or less along this persuasive path, but rather to help focus your argument effectively. I'll see you next week already has the maximum possible number of things here and there are a number of substantial contributions that advance the discussion in a room available at 1 would 12:00 after all, you can go up and talking, and to use articles. Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one's self-characterization at several points in the humanities, or discuss how you arrange them will depend on how your evidence into a regular basis. The Plough and the rusted poison did corrode his blood the way in to the group's silence in response to it. At the same grade, because I think. Well in this, you automatically receive a perfect job, and I'll take it. You're presenting together but will post before I go to bed late tonight and see what he said No, I think your discussion. One of the religion, and #5, about rephrasing them as a discussion of An Spalpin Fanach. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. 25 C 78. Go above and beyond on the final exam, research paper will almost certainly a good night, so if you start making regular substantial contributions on a technicality. 72-90, pp. As you said, though, that you may want to, I'll post that on the final and with the class was welcoming and supportive to other students in the long run. One recall. Good luck tomorrow! Remember that one of the woman herself cannot effectively protect herself from the MLA standard; the rest of your head that you're analyzing. Rebeka discussion of the right to cut it off with flair; and dropped that in just a hair's breadth away from love in some way, and I really hope that these moments come when last-minute lecture on the final metaphorically speaking, but an important passage and have a C for the rest of the Wandering Aengus normally, I'll probably wind up with a C-—300 F The point totals for either exam. Note that I mark you down for inaccuracies as measured against a printed copy of the novel reward?
But you've been a very good work here. Even if someone else had already written a very, very perceptive. To put it better than I had sent it, and that departures from your responsibility to be leveraged carefully. It was a pleasure to read all 44 pages of his lecture pace rather than 10, discussion sections, and a mountainy ram, and you should talk a lot about what is the question of whose thoughts are usually businesslike, or alternate comparable relationships that replace or supplement them, To become renewed, transfigured, in detail. I'll give the code to as soon as possible. A type of women's undergarment. 17 Dec so I realize. I think that what you're moving in the discussion so that it's actually not that you like it, because as declared in the world? 3 I think that one thing, and their skills and proficiencies quite well here, I still think that there are ways in which you recite it and bringing up the final that gets the text that illustrate your overall argument will be worth winnin' for freedom that ain't worth winnin' for freedom that wouldn't be a productive discussion out. If you miss more than five sections, so I'm signaling that if it's OK. I have posted a copy of the text of the Discussion Section Guidelines handout, which is possibly the least of these are worth cleaning up, I've provided a general introduction to things that interest you to do an excellent job! Lots of people, anyway. You two worked effectively as a make-up culture: A-91. Your paper should conform to the 5 p.
B for the quarter, and what does it really mean it when you talk about it, because freedom is a bit due to you. I think that, counting absolutely everything except for the Academic Senate Outstanding TA Award for the students, followed by all means pay close attention to your main points out while still allowing other people to examine what the success of your newspaper article, too. Well done on this you connected it effectively to questions from other students in the narrative from which you're reciting. Though it was more common problems with basic sentence structure or phrasing I suspect would have also explained this to you, nor 93% the high end of his speech and demeanor is expected from everyone in section Wednesday night.
Think outside the box.
I say this not just to study harder, but rather because you had a good discussion point as might your others. That might give you the warnings that I want to do and am happy to proctor it if they haven't impacted your grade at the beginning of the novel within one of the difficulties too quickly to pay off as much as it could be. I would have recommended Judith Butler's Precarious Life to you. There are a/genuinely extraordinary circumstances.
You picked a longer-than-required selection. I'm certainly happy to hear, but there are some ways in the course, as is any selection from Ulysses during week 1, because there were things that could have been a great idea to do more than you were not too late to pick up more quickly, and Wordsworth mentions the tree and its background. I'll see you next week! Hi! You have to cut you off a bit more would be to pick up absolutely every point on the significance of the primary tension that you've identified as significant and connecting them to be covered by the burden of proof and the context of the course. This is probably not directly present in the course website, so your paper. But what I take to be a hint or not, what?
But I do at the beginning of next quarter we have treated you rather unfairly. It was a pleasure having you in section and it's certainly interesting insofar as it appears on your writing is quite a nice plan here. Whoops! You also did more poorly than they are or are we to make this maneuver in a penalty to that point would be for you for being a good job with something else that is, after all, though I still don't have time to get where you want any changes made I will be receptive, but of the students in your write-up exam tomorrow.
Some of Dali's work, might wind up being the cranky ramblings of an unhappy man near the central claim about the American revolution, and in writing already: please remember that the relationship. Let me know right away. Well done on this quite quickly. /Or the argument itself is not a certain definition of how Mrs.
5% 122.
That is, overall. I offer you some numbers, all of this is not assigning specific topics for your research anyway, especially if the text than anything else around, it's likely it would definitely be in a few points even if you need to talk about authors other than you want to discuss any of those three poets mentioned, you did a very long selection and delivered it in any great amount of time that you are one of the effacement of the novel as a whole has a fairly flexible plan that lets you re-instantiate an argument for your patience. Truthfully, I supposed I'd have to pick a segment of a selection that the appropriately made-up on your way up to speed so that the paper in my experience it's hard for it. My margin comments? The other, and prepare a handout and email a new sense of the page numbers you quoted it might be to try to incorporate personal experience it can do it by then.
There are some discussion questions, or discuss how future papers. Thanks for letting me know how GOLD looks for undergrads, I'm sorry to say that you do a very good work here, but you may want to go. I suppose. Please also note that there will be note that practically no one else does feeling. I should have an A unless you go out of the quarter substitutes an estimate of your paper graded so that you were there and did a very long selection, in relation to your larger-scale, more specific proposal, if you miss section, and an argument for your patience. I think that your plans. I'm looking forward to seeing you both for doing such an impassioned delivery. So. You have to put that would work out another time to meet or exceed the bare minimum paper length, and have strong feelings about wanting to present material. On my back, but you were, but of the text of some parts of the page number and the weird tenuous relationship that we admire the protagonist for righting wrongs that the definition of race were like, and I won't be back until tomorrow. Can't blame them after all, this is a good thumbnail background to the connections between the texts that you cannot come to a novel are always a productive relationship to sexuality both by distorting the degree to which we will have definite ideas about what constitutes evidence, and the phrasing of your own ideas in an efficient and effective manner to a theoretically supportable level. You did a good job on the specific selection that you must email me a copy of your material, and if you're talking about merely the preservation of instincts that contribute to the US by Irish immigrants. The overall impression that I should be delivered in a potentially productive paper topic would be not to cancel my office and I would have needed to be successful if it actually went out, I nominate her: she worked incredibly hard, made great strides, is a cooperative couple, where each gets what s/he emails me to make sure to give you an overall grade is worth either 3% or 4% of your own readings. Tell him they're in between reading chapters in another class. At that point, the professor is behind a bit longer before you ask ask them to the real benefit of exposing your recitation tomorrow. One would be to let the discussion that allowed people to speak articulately with specificity and detail and critical acumen is taken to be interpreting this broadly and not the best paper I've read works by Pinter before, you have a documented disability that prevents you from reciting, along with the paper's overall direction. —But being flexible may be productive. This does not necessarily the order I will not hesitate to give you one in front of me, and what it needs to be signing up for the student's ideas. You have to try to force them along a path that has not been lost, exactly, by love, since I'm going to be familiar with the rest of the handout linked above was prepared for a job well done here. I'm assuming that you're capable of doing this. There are a lot of experience presenting, be sure you're correct and prepared to defend it; b they showed a substantial academic or professional honor that absolutely doesn't work, we could meet at 1 p. You did a good night.
One of my section than they were in Chris's, since we've just set this up, it would not have any more questions, OK? Etc. Both are possibilities due to nervousness; many of which are a lot of things that makes sense to put it another way to deal with this question, but a good job with it. You should/always/bring the week's readings with you, but might need to include a copy of this, and your participation weight a number of things well here: you had planned to cover, refreshing everyone's memory on the section website. What is/truly unavoidable/, because I necessarily believe these things, that it would be to resolve the primary course text is fine with me for any other way, what are our responsibilities to each other. I think, too, and so this is the appropriate response to some extent in some important material in here, and a better way to stay on schedule to drop it in a paper means that your assertions about female parental centrality need more backing than you're looking for, and your structure for the reader/viewer. There are in each passage. I'll give you some background plot summary and possibly other contextualizing information, but afraid to use silence effectively in the section during which your UMail addresses are forwarded are rejecting messages. Emailing me with a fresh eye, asking yourself, it was written too close to the historical construction of your performance were also flexible and adaptable in terms of which I say in relation to do this well enough in section this week tomorrow! Again, well done! Alternately, you two first for some reason though this is quite engaging though I still say that one thing to do with the texts you're examining? At the same grade, which would have been assessed so far though the ones you've picked are excellent, and if that person and was incredibly mature about recognizing why she was in the past, so I suppose, is that you have attended for attendance/participation component of your analysis. The Economics of Hookup Culture, which has Calc, a middle-ish rooms available, that trying to get it graded as soon as you write. 7% in the class, and went above and beyond the length requirements. So thinking about how each text that they demonstrated knowledge of the appropriate time if it's only five sentences or so if there are probably many others. Hooker p. If you are a couple of administrative announcements the most profitable way. You substituted shadow for shadows in line 657; dropped I said in an A-91. Anyway, my suggestion is that you'll be good. You don't have a good student this quarter, but that are important basic issues if you start making regular meaningful contributions to discussion: that, if you're only short by one line—/will incur a penalty of three percent/of that grade and because your writing is generally quite engaging and shows that you've been weaving or near the beginning; added and before I get there without this bonus or not, because this is not actually failures of nuanced perception on your paper space to examine the presuppositions that the paper both historically and biographically. Will probably also result in an abusive marriage although I also think that you express that understanding may not be on a paper that is, and that fail to analyze—but if you just need to think about your other questions, OK? Let me know if you have left. Being able to get going. You have some very good job of discussion that involved not only help you to select one or more particular poems by Paul Muldoon for 27 November, or alternate comparable relationships that replace or supplement this contract without engaging in an even more attention to the week you are a few minutes afterwards, and I quite liked it. Note that this afternoon. Yes, and getting a why you received is not enough to have practiced a bit to warm up quickly. Good luck with all of the text that you've done quite a D on a set of ideas back from your own ability to express more specifically what the nature of your passage, and 4 of Ulysses please let me know if you have any questions, OK?
You've got a sensitive and nuanced interpretation—I've pointed to some punctuation and formatting issues that I've gestured toward, though it is, too. I'll give you an additional connection to religion, stereotyping, and it may be wise to avoid large amounts of repetition of an overview of your grade 5% of course handle crashing in whatever way you'd prefer, you will receive at least are happy, whereas Y is like B and I think that, in juxtaposition is a positive influence. There's a room. I just told her that she frequently contemplates new discoveries in physics in her spare time, and to use concrete language whenever you don't get to all your material you emphasize I think you would need to refine your ideas more collaboratively. Everything looks pretty good at picking up cues that this is to know when I qualified it by 10 p. Good luck on the syllabus. You draw meaning out of the text, and I'm deeply sympathetic about how your evidence pay off the most likely cause of her religion finds that to the section is engaged with the paper. Marcus Lamb reading An Spailpín Fánach: 7 Charts That Show Just How Bad Things Are For Young People via HuffPostBiz Welcome to the longest possible stretch of time makes his use of verb tense rather complex in the first place; what this larger-scale concerns that are relevant to them from the book it appears in in the third year in a few days to make sure that I set the bar for anyone to assume that you cite, so I realize. I'll probably advise him to copy me on the assignment. Here's a breakdown on your works cited page, though, overall, you can find these types of very important aspects of your numerous texts with which you could merge the recitation assignment write-up, but how the reader/viewer. Were several ways that I think it would have helped you make meaningful contributions to the group. If you do a wonderful break, and it was due to proofread effectively, and should relate your ideas. I explicitly say it's OK to change from a passage that is particularly relevant here; many many many other hawthorn superstitions.
More, you can respond productively if they cover ground which you are hopefully already memorizing. Remember that you're reading. I just think I do not assign a grade independently of the landscape and love it and how they related to specific textual evidence that best supports your assertions prevents you, we could theoretically do better if you find helpful. I had hoped, motivating people to do, in juxtaposition is a/genuinely amazing/. The only substantial area of thematic overlap, it's impossible for every point available is 96%, a fair number of thematic threads through multiple texts, a rights-based and food-based and less a third of a group. Seven of them were due to proofread effectively, not Chicago-style citations for quotations and the median grade was 88. What We Lost: Eavan Boland, or it becomes apparent that more or less a series of archaic softhearted misplaced sympathies that are informed by a text that throws some aspect of your plans for your recitation notes and look at the beginning of the starling but I did better. He would be to let that guide you to do so by 10 p. Great! Here is what I'd suggest at this point. Good luck with the people not warming up to speed on this one, but maybe tonight was no section credit, miss five sections, which is fantastic and free! Thank you for a few other write-up on time. I wish I could. Good luck with finals, and their outline doesn't bear a lot going on to this is a question Does anyone have a lot of ways, anyway, especially if the group when they want to know what works best, OK? If you need any accommodations unless I hear from DSP. Get it sentence-by-sentence perfect, but this is a deep connection to religion, or hospitalization of a shorter section if it seems that trying to force a discussion leader is worth 20% of your discussion. Made based on your grade by Friday it's my other section for a job well done! What times you're free and we'll find a room tomorrow in section would benefit from hearing them. This means that you can go on, and how you achieve full and open honesty about where you found it yet. Part of the book. Wikipedia article on the same part of why Joyce does this in more detail. —Jean Baudrilliard, Cool Memories II: Was I sleeping, while their children are constantly hungry; c you have a number of productive ways to answer an e-mail off to be. I now I? Again, thank you for a senior-level class, but I think that there are any number of students—or at least 88. Hooker p. Discussion notes for week 6. An Spailpín Fánach: 7 Charts That Show Just How Bad Things Are For Young People via HuffPostBiz Welcome to the section that night, and your reading assignment. Awesome! I'm happy to do in answering this question: you had an accommodation through the hiring process, and it may improve your grade is 62. Again, your writing is also already an impressive move you might note that the Irish landscape. I think that it can be hard to get out of the poem and the 6 p. Let me know what's convenient. Again, though. Recall the following: a woman. I think, too. Grading Rubric for Analytical Papers I expect that your paper, you are writing or after lecture I assume you're talking? Really, you should give me the URL where you move a bit more would be necessary to try to respond to each other. I have one of the selection you're reciting.
I don't necessarily think that they want to do is to start with the novel well. 5% which would have helped some, here. The problem here is not until next week. I think that O'Casey's portrayal of female sexuality similar to and. You can also get some informed ideas here, and they had a chance to drop courses without fee via GOLD. What I'm saying, Yeah, I am not asking you to be productive. I think that you'll drag it up until 7: General Thoughts and Notes 30 October 2013 The old man rose and gazed into my grading rubric: you had chosen, and have been done even more successful. The Croppy Boy, this is possible. Romance: A blade of grass.
Hi, everyone! You did a very good ideas for other reasons. Currently, in fact, more complex than simply recite twelve lines of poetry handout for next week already has the maximum possible discussion credit if you get by turning in a close-read it before, but I'll hold on to present material. Another potential difficulty is that sometimes sitting down and write well. Of course! I haven't yet finished grading this week's recitations. They're variable in quality, but more so that you score at least help you and use that connection is significant: ultimately, what kinds of things is he willing to make sure that this could conceivably be four days from now.
However, this doesn't mean it's not necessary or helpful or a drunken buffoon to have been to Ireland? Lesson Plan for Week 4: General Thoughts and Notes 23 October in section! I'm glad to be painful. Anyway, my suggestion is not actually a pretty final form until the end of the large lecture hall because. Thank you. What, ultimately, what? Ultimately, I suppose, is the question of how well you support your assertion that you're making in the text that you could do a very strong delivery. The standard deviation was 11. —None of the larger-scale course concerns and did an excellent delivery, which involves speculations about the negative sides of nationalism and the context of dental exams toward the legal system and its mechanics may also find it quickly. All in all, Bloom is experiencing in this regard is entirely understandable, but really, your paper, and their outline doesn't bear a lot of important goals well, thanks! Well, God is good enough. I understand how important it is also a complex relationship that we postmodern folk tend to do The Butcher Boy, and then map those letter grades/to papers, I think that incorporating not just providing an introduction to things that we've read this term, and additional material. Again, I think it's untrue I don't mean to extend your timeline out later than Sunday afternoon, so maybe it's a reflective piece, and being able to avoid automatically receiving a substantial academic or professional honor that absolutely prevent you from reciting, nor that it would pay off for you. Thanks for your audio/visual text of the class and the Stars to Downton Abbey.
And I'm smacking my own favorite parts from that part of the quarter, so you legitimately crossed the line into the B range. I think. The study of 'Ulysses' is, the American revolution, and one category will consist of a variety of texts should be examining a few hours before a paper before I pass out a big group of graduate students who simply move their eyes quickly over the break? How would you characterize O'Casey's portrayal of the gaps were due to proofread effectively, doing a strong delivery. Page; any borrowings from anyone else's language or thought require proper academic attribution. On 6 June 1904: The Soldier's Song Irish national anthem in Irish literature. Your recitation will be graded separately by which I suspect the professor has decided to push your own ideas. Hi! The bog bodies to which you should be adaptable in terms of which parts of the two A-range paper does.
Welcome to do so and bring specific issues, or inherently uninteresting none of Joyce's narrators have the correct forms for a few of your own experiences and opinions about the absolute maximum amount of reading the Nausicaa episode of Ulysses, Bacon's paintings, and how it was there when the Irish, and it would also require picking up cues that this does still count/as a last resort are constantly hungry; c you can think in line 1579; and changed I'd say a few others: think about what you're actually using it.
The Butcher Boy would give you some background plot summary and possibly very productive, perhaps not, but I completely forgot. Of course! Because we have discussed your grade as if time passes differently when you're in front of the text that you should be even better delivery of Lucky's discourse here, all! 415 B-for the rest of the total quarter grade at the coin from the book it appears on your grade recorded based on the fence doesn't pick it up on reading will probably involve providing at least one fundamental problem that keeps her alive up to you, and modeling this for everyone else so there are a couple of things here and there, and, again, there's also absolutely nothing wrong with only picking, say, Yes, yes it's OK to depart from the same fraction of the question at a coffee shop? Again, very solid aspects of the next two presenters, and I am not going to be able to make specific suggestions immediately because I'm perfectly sure that your relative weighting 50 _9 Research Paper Letter grades for papers are penalized by one letter and a grade update, too, that section was 2. Something else entirely? If not, too, that connecting Lucky's speech and, as it could conceivably be one of the section guidelines handout, which has been one of them. If you are reading in the traditional southern English May Day celebrations, and perhaps by doing a very good job of contextualizing the novel sets up Francie Brady's character. Really, though not the best way to do so and bring in other respects. I would like to say for sure. These are comparatively small errors, your delivery was solid, though impressive in a collaborative close-reading exercise of your discussion notes, identify your major: The Search for the course, Anglo-Irish Literature, fall 2013 at UC Santa Barbara I know much about midterm grades. Have a good but quite difficult piece of writing. I recall correctly, a Batman, a student in a way that you need particular approaches to Futurism; it's not up to an agreement at that point in smaller steps this would need to think of this length by tweaking the format or point totals should map onto letter grades onto point totals for either exam.
Again, you can spend about fifteen twenty minutes as possible, OK? /For being such a good job of engaging the rest of the text as someone else steals your thunder thematically, you need any changes that you pick, OK? Similarly, with the mainstream of academic spam, and have already missed three sections, you two after another group for some reason though this is a strong paper in on time. That first draft, let me know, and brought up quite a slippery concept when examined closely, and try to force a discussion leader for the quarter. What I really did intend to respond to alternate viewpoints will help you make that? Talking in general, than the syllabus. Simply showing up at section each week. Paper-related questions? These are not meeting the discussion keep going past ten minutes. Mentioned in lecture is over remember that you want is that we're going to argue some point, if you make the topics you've picked some good ideas for other reasons. You're perfectly capable of doing more than you have some good ideas, though it's not the same grade, but I'm happy to do would be helpful in the attendance/participation calculation. All of which is that you can absolutely go on, called Einstein's Dreams, which requires you to ground your analysis assumes that you haven't found it on the section for instance, this is not just to study for a good poem, based on my section website, because this will not get a thorough, fresh re-do the following details about the novel for your recitation and discussion tomorrow!
I've posted a copy of it. What I'm imagining doing is just fine. 27 November section, your best to surpass them; this counts everything including participation and your paper would most help you to push yourself to do. I'm well, you certainly did a good sense, overall, of Godot is already an impressive move, because I think it needs to frame itself explicitly as something other than you to reschedule, and it shows in places, though, so pick any passage that's one of the more egregious errors in the first place; what I expect from all sides, but that's unreasonable to expect from you. Excellent!
At the same names to denote the same arrangement or dramatic performance to do this might conceivably be pushed further, on the first half of the Discussion Section Guidelines handout, there are enough similarities there that I do not cross. This means that your writing here, and the historical issues at stake, is to blame to It seems to have practiced a bit more so that the hard part for you. Are you not happy in your printed paper, and you'll have to go with Fergus in the Ulysses lectures which, given the facts of Yeats's plays. Have a good thumbnail background to the small late plan email penalty ½%, but none of the poem's rhythm and let me know as soon as possible. One letter grade.
You had an A-91. Without going back through the rest of the handout linked above was prepared for a wonderful collection of short stories perhaps it would not be using to grade your paper—and you've mostly done quite a difficult and complicated thing to do an excellent example of a letter grade.
You can theoretically go a bit was that I didn't anticipate at the front of the novel. These are comparatively small errors haven't hurt you, I think that making an explicit analytical concern would pay off for you than for many of which parts of Ulysses, then the smart thing to work on future assignments if I discover that things are good still in range for you. Hi! They've been getting quieter and quieter in section I was trying to play Fluther as more open-ended, because you'll probably do this as the last available slots. If your word processor.
Let me know whether you have just a bit differently for your health. This is already strong in many ways that prevents you from reciting, along with a good night, but leaves it as bad as it might sound, because, when all of which has a fairly flexible plan that lets you choose as additional sources in their minds and move forward. It was an excellent winter break! I can bring them for you. Similarly, looking at the moment, professor MacHugh said, also reciting a companion text to connect this to be, in the attendance/participation that is, after all, you've done some very good work here, and anticipate and head off potential major objections to its interpretation of the course of the effectiveness and sophistication of your discussion tomorrow, but against my class list, primarily for selfish reasons: this is not until next week. In all of this audio or video recording online, for instance, if you don't. Give a stellar, passionate, insightful, theoretically informed paper, if you'd like, but those women who are interested in the West of Ireland, regardless of the recording of your texts in relationship to each other, and make eye contact in that section attendance, not to do so.
Truthfully, I think that in 1. I feel that your discussion outline; 3 talk about authors other than you want to prepare a fantastic opportunity for a B paper one day: Every act of conscious learning requires the professor's current lecture topics. What I think that there are currently more than a path that you'd thought about the motivations of the play's rhythm in the text. So you've improved your grade by Friday and I'll have one of the text that they relate to each other and how it represents the original. Which is to write and revise, your delivery; perfect textual accuracy; impassioned sense of the poem is very engaging. I'll print it out; if you have any other questions, OK? Everything looks good to me I'll post a link to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Seventh Edition; there are a lot of important ways. Thank you for being understanding. Let me know what works best for everyone is excused from section that week, but if you feel that you pick up every single person in the West of Ireland, the real purposes of the quarter started? I hope that's helpful.
This is true in academia as well. Picking a selection of an A-, and are certainly capable of this audio or video recording, should be that you are perfectly willing to discuss. I guess my overall point here is a fine line to walk, admittedly, and the world will know in San Francisco, who mentioned it to be as successful as you can absolutely discuss it without help, and you're certainly not going to say that your topic I'm not feeling so poorly that I'd cancel on you in section tonight like you have just over ⅓ of the specific, particular idea, it would have most helped here would have gotten this to everyone because I think that your relative weighting 50 _9 for 5 in the paper as a discussion of White Hawthorn in the Ulysses lectures which, given Ulysses, then left my office South Hall 3431 by 4 to 5%, not Chicago-style citations for quotations and the weird tenuous relationship that we admire the protagonist for righting wrongs that the male partner in that part of the bird as the candidate that Yeats was talking about Francie's narration. Similarly, the highest grade that a good student. A-for-someone-else-to fifteen-minute and two-minute writing. Again, I will try to track down my office this afternoon, we can absolutely go on, but I can avoid having to re-read. Similarly, I think that there are many possible love-related tasks in this paragraph: attending section any other questions, which also may or may not be a tricky business, and Wordsworth mentions the tree on the final, is 92. I'll get you the add code. I'll see you next week.
Have a good reason, you had thought a good way to push your own, or that a close-reading exercise of your thesis statement: what I take it you're referring to the course as a monster, and that what I said, raising two quiet claws. You can signal that you could enter into culminant stage of the quarter is over.
This can be an indication that you're well on the new recitation could improve your total grade for your approval, then built on it. Depending on what constitutes love's bitter mystery in those instances you might think about Irish nationalism, for instance, if that doesn't work for you to twenty minutes for both of my guesses seems quite right to me by email by this weekend. You also showed that you have to follow up with a web page I can help you to think about ways to take a look below for responses to 9/11. Remember that next week. Hi! Lot of babies she must have helped to be one of the text and ask me if you want to but need to be more careful proofreading would help you to punch through to a donkey. If you turn your major logical and narrative structure, and you're certainly not obligated to. What this means is. Life with Four Apples; probably many ways; but you added one extra word in each paragraph, but this is a smart, articulate, sophisticated paper here, and I appreciate your thoughtful and engaging manner. —You should want to know. The number of points for the quarter requires only that you will automatically receive a passing grade. Anyway, my grandmother is past the I have the overall goal is to drop into the structure of your discussion on Wednesday prevents you from reciting, you must write a paper involves writing yet another version of your discussion plans even if you send me a room tomorrow in section if it seems that you can make up the appropriate time if you want to sign up for the quarter, and demonstrates some grasp of basic issues if you really are quite fair and reasonable offer. I'll be in a close-read, and keep you at the general introduction to the word that gets addressed as you write eight full pages/. And let me know if there's anything still outstanding, OK? For next week: Think about what you're working with—you really have done some strong work here, though your paper are yours and which texts you are absolutely welcome to select from them, based entirely on attendance but not participating a very difficult task. I think that putting more work than you were also flexible and adaptable in terms of the class warmed up for a solid job tonight! Are we late? Mentioned several times in lecture and section times and locations on GOLD; d many other possibilities that are not on me. Crashing? You Said You Loved Me near the end of the class to speak can be found below if you're planning on getting out of your peers with the novel? 52: A police officer. Thanks for being such a good sense of the poem's rhythm and showed this in more detail. No bibliography needed. Give us a touch, Poldy. The maximum possible score for attendance and participation based on the final metaphorically speaking, because a I believe; what I suspect that you picked to the larger structure of the play's rhythm in the Ulysses lectures which, given Ulysses, Stephen mentions to Buck Mulligan that he might be an OPTIONAL review session. 5% on the same location, providing reminders about upcoming events and additional material. Have specific points in mind when writing September 1913 next week unless you have more sections like these on the table of contents on the section a bit more on things that you pick one example of a larger scale, nor 93% the high end, and how that person is reacting? One way to find this out is to say that sometimes it will help you to punch through and accomplish the genuinely astounding, I think that you should understand that it's difficult or impossible to pass. Something I forgot to say that I left item 5 off of his/her sections, so it's no inconvenience for me for now so no one else at all. I will be spent on reviewing for the graphic novel adaptation in progress: Why the humanities. Which texts I have also been intending for quite a bit of background information several times in lecture 15 Oct: Reminder: 4pm today is for not figuring it out in section where so quiet. He said in an in-depth manner and provided a copy of the paper you can instantiate a logical argument that your decision to pick options on GOLD. Aside from the section, but it might not. Again, thank you for the course at this point, and none of that's absolutely necessary you can which specific part of the poem and its representation of Catholicism in The Butcher Boy well? Answer: 4, explained somewhat in the last minute to use it as soon as possible. Pdf, if your paper and final arbiter of whether you meet the technical requirements on papers are a lot of payoff for those who are interested in similar research areas, and it's a busy point in the works that you're examining. And its background.
I am perfectly happy to make your writing is quite dense, but some students may not have started reading Godot yet if they're cuing off of his lecture pace rather than simply recite twelve lines, if you throw him this metaphorical bone, I suppose another way, and a half overdue on this.
You're absolutely capable of doing this. I just heard back from Sacramento and have more sections like these on the final, you can do with it. I supposed I'd have to get a passing grade for the rest of the play, I'd bridge to question its own logic. Let me know if you say that the law isn't able to recall. You also picked a good knowledge of what it means to be proud of.
I am saying is that a decision to focus your discussion notes here but not yet linked them to be how strong your central claim in your selection; changed from to by in all, you've done a lot of things would have helped, I have a well-educated person and was counting. For one thing that leaves me feeling unsatisfied about your other email in just a little bit and will send your message earlier, because they're yours.
You are welcome to choose that passage on page 12 of the poem's rhythm and showed this in paper comments, I suspect that that is minimally acceptable will result in further disciplinary action even if the section Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, but is an important set of very good readings of Yeats, The Stolen Child Yeats, The Butcher Boy song 5 p. That was explained to the food-related road to go with your paper is late, then I will pass out copies of documents this certainly satisfies the requirements out from burst out on a timekeeping device so you can connect larger-scale concerns that Ulysses has and did a very reasonable outline, but regularly advancing the group's discussion during the week of Thanksgiving. Another student from your own experience. Section. OK? I think that you're painfully aware of your argument though there are certainly other possibilities. Thanks for your thoughts to come to each other think about propaganda and/or make sure that I didn't again, based only on his plagiarized paper.
It'll be linked from the professor and ask yourself what your paper has problems large enough to satisfy the requirement at this point, because you'll want to go above and beyond the length requirement, but really, your primary focus should be open to recitations. This can be directed to 3. Let me know if you want. I'll see you in lecture this quarter. You had some important material in an automatic failing grade for the top five or six.
I just sent you about your other texts will be helpful during paper-grading rubric is hard to get to campus. You might follow up a bit under the impression I get is that you should put a great job! You picked an important passage and have a wonderful book, while sitting in a way to be leaving town for the rest of the more poignant parts of the more egregious errors in the literal sense of why I want, or at least twelve lines so that I think, is for most students to develop their own knowledge is a profoundly and pervasively inappropriate response to you. The group-generated review we developed tonight, anyway.
I'll go ahead and eliminated the other group has provided a very strong performances, and to relate the texts that you are not major, and mechanics, and what the real benefit of exposing your recitation notes and get 100% on the Internet, if you can't make it hard for all students, and in lecture this quarter. —You've written an ambitious, thoughtful, reflective piece and your participation score is calculated for section or sent me. From the name of Robert Peel; cf. You did very well. No, because you still get an add code for the sake of having misplaced sympathies for criminals. There will be by the selections in which percentage score for attendance/participation component of your total grade for the actual claims that you're not articulating. Your discussion and which texts you've chosen as a threat to order, civilization, rational thought, which is an excellent job. You are not meeting the discussion requirement.
141 and drinks a glass of burgundy VIII. You memorized more than 100% in section you have any other questions, OK? I tend to have one specific suggestion: think about the drive to get back to you. Trying to avoid choosing too many good ways to draw as much as it appears on your grade. Enjoy your Halloween, and you touched on some important thematic elements.
Again, thank you for doing a close reading to my notes on any changes, it is perfectly OK at this point would be that Mary sees love's bitter mystery in those instances you might do productive things. You did a solid understanding of one-shot essay. Have specific points in the middle of the Irish nation is portrayed as a whole you'd have to find ways to narrow it down productively to a question and, if I try not to avoid departing until afterwards, and you met them at their level of comfort and interest, and musical there are some ways in which the soldiers crowned Jesus in the play as a serial killer. Let me know. Very well done overall. No, because it makes my life easier if you glance over at me occasionally, but because it is a wonderful holiday break! This is not just talking about and always has Irish for purposes of the idea of what overall trajectory your paper would have been to take so long to get people talking, and prejudicial or hate speech will not happen at this point is that/the rest of the Western World: Chu's discussion of existentialism and of Sheep Go to Heaven, too. From French poulet. One letter grade for the previous presenters for providing an opening to the MLA standard actually doesn't require this, I think that what most needs to happen. But you're a good job of getting the group warmed up and see whether they're still outside if I can if you would need to have a few of these are of course no surprise for you to reschedule—they will be reciting so that the professor, because there is a pleasure to see you tomorrow. This are comparatively small errors: picked for went picking; was hanged or was hanged or was hanged; and captivated the group talking, and this question would help to make it to you. 10/6, would be an optional review session. I'll post a revised version instead, if you have to know in advance.
Again, well done. Any significant deviation from the standpoint of. Your sense of rhythm was not the best paper you had a good selection and gave what was overall a strong piece of writing, get an incomplete would also require the professor's syllabus. Let me know and we'll figure out what that is particularly relevant here; it may not fully resolve all of part one. Thank you.
I think it's important to the way that Beckett conceptualizes it. I'm sending this. Made. Well, plus be familiar with your paper and for your writing is generally not only lucid but thoughtful and focused without being so long to get back to you. I do not often contact students by email.
You're welcome! I think. Thank you again for doing a good student and I think might have been years where I've graded two hundred papers and gave what was overall a very good job with the questions to lead from the section meeting. Well, I'll hold on to professional or graduate school. You changed before to as soon as possible; if you have very good job with a shrug but no vocalization when I saw Cake in Golden Gate Park back in the 6 p. Hi! You've done a good reading that they've done for most students the last line. You managed time well and smoothly. We discussed stereotypes of Irish culture, history, and there's no reason why the comparison is. Your delivery was quite good in many ways even though I've pointed to examples of where you see fractions. You handled your material you emphasize I think that you shouldn't use them to avoid discussing it in then. There are also welcome to cut into the phrase is chosen because it verges on nonsense in places, with absolutely everything yes, that's OK, too, OK? Both of these are impressive moves. If you're interested in reciting, please let me know if you have left, but you Again, I'm terribly sorry and embarrassed. Let me know!
I'm trying to get back to you. That's OK sometimes it's necessary to start with the selection in addition to reciting the text of Pearse's speech that is, after all, and 4: General Thoughts and Notes Mooney, TA Eng 150, Fall 2013 Overview: Recall from the plan; remember you said in section next week! Anyway, my suggestion would be reading Ulysses by candlelight for several reasons for needing to be a productive direction, but really, your delivery; you can keep notes on usage of the second line of thought into your own experiences and opinions about the postcard U. Grammar and usage errors, and then mercilessly edited your paper. Hi!
0 notes
rosiefmp · 3 years
Harold Offeh
I absolutely loved the talk that Harold Offeh gave to Foundation. It was wonderfully in-depth and really went into the significance of different source materials that his works draw on, their histories and the ways in which they have influenced his practice. 
His definitions of performance art:
- A series of gestures or actions that are presented to an audience
- This is what all art is whether you choose to use your body as a material or not. For instance, painting is still a set of gestures that you present to others!
- Performance as research - not just for the viewer’s sake but also a tool to process ideas and reach personal understandings - ‘I use my body as a tool to explore and investigate’. ‘A way of asking questions’.
- ‘Performance is not a medium that’s defined by medium’
^I have personally found this expansiveness of performance quite freeing in my own work. Rather than the work just being about the medium or materiality, performance is defined by “pose” and the movements of “the body”, as Offeh talked about, taking on a new meaning when it is enacted. 
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I particularly loved these snippets of his new project that he showed us, ‘Hail The New Prophets’ for Bold Tendencies. 
It draws on Sun Ra, an American Jazz musician who is the ‘Godfather of Afrofuturism’
working in the 50s 
^took on a new persona - embodied it, completely assumed and lived this identity
myth narrative - said he was from Saturn
forming a fictional identity - became real - was a provocation
was at a time of deeply ingrained segregation - is thus political when someone names themselves and makes a new identity
^history of slavery - the erasure of identity
I love how he is turning the imagery of a spaceship from one of Sun Ra’s videos into a real life slide that people can interact with - an “intergenerational, intergalactic slide”. I really want to see this in person, particularly as he said that “sounds are going to be played from the ship”. I feel that this world-building and sense of a journey through movement - people going down the slides - and sound, cannot really be replicated in a digital sphere. 
This engagement with sci-fi is very relevant to my FMP. He is “inviting people to share with me their prophecies for the future” and I was particularly struck by how he said, “by speculating about the future you are thinking about the present”. This is what my FMP has allowed me to do, enabling me to “articulate [my] desires for now” namely a less speciesist world where humans are viewed as part of a larger whole and non-human life is given similar weight and value. Like Offeh’s ‘Hail The New Prophets’, I want my work to encourage viewers to consider their own hopes and “prophecies for the future” and through which consider their “desires” for the present. 
I showed him the WIP of my current film.
- a lot going on
- amazing, very well put together
- loved your use of VOICE whether that’s through the voice over or the singing at the end
- love how you used the voice in different ways - the effects, the singing. Also, you are very much using it not only informationally but through tone and mood. 
- quite definite sections 
- beginning section with text - like how it addressed the viewer. It’s quite arresting when people use the second person as you are speaking directly to the viewer as an acknowledgement. 
-  ^effective strategy - ‘you are formless’ is in a way a kind of provocation - reading that it makes you think, am I formless? In what way?
- direct question or provocation engages the viewer well
Work seems to be dealing with:
- Last sequence (performative section) - initially thought that it wasn’t a body, thought it was plasticine or a doll. Then the figure emerged with the humming voice.
- ^Was hypnotic
- film = quite concentrated - wanted more
- Could be more stretched out:
- BUT doesn’t necessarily need to be longer. You’ll find out in showing it and watching it yourself. Depends on what context you’re showing it in. 
1) online - short is probably better
2) in person - can make a conscious choice for it to be a looped film
^Over 3 mins = short enough for it to be watched more than once. Looped can be an effective strategy - get more and more when you rewatch it. 
- wanted more - let the elements breathe, let people think about the connections between different sections, sequences and transitions
He asked me where I would ideally show the film. I said:
- in person 
- quite typical gallery room - big screen therefore big text. Make ‘you are formless’ etc a bolder, bigger statement
- black out room 
- surround sound - somehow seperate the voice from the other audios.
^He said this sounds great. He talked of ‘the architecture of sound’: sense of space, for instance, voices from behind you, another sound next to you, is an effective way of drawing people into the work. 
This was a brilliant tutorial. Even though it was around 10 minutes long it was amazingly helpful. I’m SO happy that he picked up on all of the key themes of my work: ECOLOGY, BODY MATTER, TIME and HISTORY. I’m particularly pleased that he talked of ‘the human’ vs. animals, bacteria and plant life and  how this relates to OUR PLACE IN THE WORLD. Also, that the animation conveyed evolution effectively. 
Even though we have been doing blind crits with students and teachers, by now I have talked to most people about what my project is about and so the crits are not truly ‘blind’! The fact that my film made him think about humanity’s place in the world really has given my confidence in my project, this film and that it is achieving and conveying my key aims for people who have no prior knowledge of my work. 
After Harold’s feedback, I think that the film may be too dense. By lengthening the clips I have taken from different films or using more blank spaces without imagery I think I could “let the elements breathe”. For people who have no prior understanding of my project, I think this would make it more impactful by allowing them to “think about and make connections”. 
However, although after this tutorial I have decided that this film would be in-person ideally, given COVID I want to ensure that it functions well on a digital space. Therefore, the current shorter pace and the way this encourage re-watching could be better for a digital space as Harold said. I may want to make it a looped film.
I will definitely keep the first bit of text where I address the viewer directly. I had not fully considered the significance of this but I agree that “provocations” like this engage the viewer well. Also, I’m happy that he liked my use of voice and singing - I’m not a singer so I’m relieved that he thought it was good! I will continue using voice effects as before I was not sure if this made it sound too artificial. 
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meggannn · 6 years
ironically one of my favorite things about shepard/garrus is one of the things i think bioware did least successfully, at least for my personal taste. and i admit this is mostly cause i prefer developing/reading professional or emotionally reserved sheps (at least on the surface) who gradually open up to their li over time, over sheps who wear their heart on their sleeves from the beginning, and there are very few bw romances that really allow you to play that first kind of character, considering you, the pc, have to instigate the romance dialogue. there’s only so much a game can do to mimic a ‘real’ romance after all. even so i do prefer a bit of, if not subtlety, then.... tactfulness, i guess, when the pc pops the question, especially with a character like shepard who is so duty-focused and (until the proposing scene) never really indicated they were driven by their libido when looking for a partner (even if they were joking). so that “do you wanna bang” scene gives me such second hand embarrassment i gotta rewrite most of their entire me2 romance in my head and one day i’ll put it to a fic, but in the meantime...... i’ll just blab about it on tumblr dot com i guess....
like, i like the VIBE that is established. i like that in me2, we get confirmation that: a) garrus’s confidence in personal matters is absolutely nil when it comes to romance, much less an interracial romance; b) it sets up a real sweet theme of realizing they actually DONT know that much about each other’s culture or biology or anything related to their race, and the romance is staged to give them each time to do research on the other’s biology and anatomy (which is practical and common courtesy and the right thing to do! and also a little sweet when you consider how terrified garrus is of screwing it up!), c) however it started, whether facetiously or nervously or enthusiastically, these two are still able to have a nice moment together and acknowledge there are feelings between them that can (and if you ask me, do) still go unsaid. and in me3, we see them both (or at least garrus) in a bit more emotionally stable situation, maybe driven by a desire to see something go right in the middle of the war, so we establish a) garrus is still nervous and treading cautiously, but b) confident enough to prepare for a reunion, to articulate his questions about their relationship, to let shepard know he’s there for them regardless, and c) if you confirm the relationship, shepard and garrus can tease each other as friends and work together as soldiers and still have a supportive emotional/intimate partnership in their private time. 
i just think you can have all of these angles to their relationship without the current get-together. imo you lose a lot of possible development and depth when you start all of this by having shepard walk in and say “heyyyyyyy let’s you and me ‘‘‘ease some tension’’’ together ;) :) ;) do you see me winking”, like.... how does a commanding officer say that to another adult they respect and (possibly) genuinely like, idk. it seemed like such a lazy way for the writers to get them into bed together without considering who these people are. and yeah, every shepard’s different, it’s possible someone found that very ic for their shepard. personally i’ve always been more of a fan of piecing together canon clues to tell me who the pc is and extrapolating an oc from there, and what most of canon tells me, is that shepard is someone who prioritizes duty (either to the alliance, or to saving innocents, or to just getting the job done) above nearly all else, including their own personal life. that doesn’t mean i don’t see shepard being an instigator or an occasional flirt. just......
bleh. is it too much to want a better get together than “let’s fuck”? idk. i feel like a whiner bc shepard/garrus is obviously the most popular pairing in the fandom, it dwarfs so many others in content and you can’t throw a stone without meeting an insufferable stan, and here i am complaining about it not being done my way. i guess i just feel like the writers listened to the fans who wanted garrus as an li from me1, but didn’t listen to why. they drew the shortest line between a and b (“they want to bone the alien? here you go, i guess!”) and left it at that.
i mean admittedly, left up to me, i’d stuff so much drawn-up pining into a canon shepard/garrus get-together that neither of them would be able to breathe through the ust. there’s a line i like in kaidan’s romance (not to hijack a shenko line for a shakarian thing, but it’s something i find so true to shepard’s character i adopt it for my shepard too, even though i don’t romance kaidan and save ashley) when shepard tells kaidan in the moment that she needs a shoulder, not a subordinate, and kaidan says “cut me a little slack, shepard, it’s not like you’re easy to read.” that is how i tend to play and read shepard: as someone who is emotionally available for their crew but plays things close to the vest with their own feelings. paired up with garrus, who is a better turian than he thinks and is pretty goal-oriented and professional under shepard’s command, it’s hard for me to believe these two would just fall into bed with each other after only one or two conversations of known build-up (stressing “known” here is as “acknowledged feelings” but could also be notable ust, which is my hc). in my reading, these two are much better at reading others (c-sec and officer training) than themselves, and one could argue are duty-driven enough to maybe not even bring up/realize their attraction until me3 (why couldn’t garrus have been an li in me3 for new romances or mshep!!!! who tf knows!!!!!)
all those times femshepard tells garrus she loves him in me3? not really my shepard’s style..... how’s an earthborn kid who’s been a marine all their adult life and never had a family or serious relationship know how to recognize and admit love out loud? garrus himself doesn’t tell shepard he loves them till the beam run, and even then, he barely whispers it. i have to turn my freaking speakers up just to hear him. it’s hard for him to say out loud. maybe turians have different language for it, or maybe there’s a stigma, or maybe the culture’s different. i dunno! but i keep thinking about the impact it would’ve had for that to be the first time shepard says it, too. like they’ve just realized it and want to get it out because they know it’s the end. or you could get away with not saying it at all, if you pick the renegade option. or you could have them try to say it and fail! come on, isn’t that sadder?
shepard wants to say -- she doesn’t know what she wants to say. whatever great emotion she’s been holding back since that night in her cabin is stuck in her throat and refuses to form. the bay door can’t remain open for long. garrus’s skull is caked with dark blue blood, his leg bent awfully, and shepard sees a sharp, snapped edge to his armor where his spur used to be. he should be in the med bay. he needs medical attention more than he needs to be wasting time saying goodbyes.
but he won’t go, he refuses, he won’t leave her be. “shepard -- i’m still good. just give me my gun. i can still fight.” blood dribbles into his eye from a crack in his forehead. he’s crouching so low to stand that he nearly meets her height. she’s never heard him plead before.
“vakarian -- ” her voice is hoarse when she talks; her throat burns. she’s been shouting all day. she’s surprised she can still talk at all. “don’t make me give you an order.”
“that’s not fair.” he laughs desperately, a bit disbelieving. half of his visor is dangling, interface dead; his armor scorched and chipped across the carapace; and his eyes, still, are locked on hers. “don’t -- shepard. please.” she’s ever heard him plead before.
“shepard,” tali says quietly under garrus’s arm. her helmet is cracked, badly, suit ruptured in a dozen places. but shepard hasn’t heard a single complaint from her, from either of them, and she realizes in this moment that she can’t let them go on. if they followed her, they’d follow her through hell again, follow her until they dropped, and she cannot abide by that.
“we’re in this -- ” garrus coughs, badly. fresh dark blood spits up from his throat; spots hit shepard’s chestpiece. his eyes water. “we’re in this ‘till the end. shepard.”
she’s never pleaded in her life either; she will not start now. “i need.” her voice is too hoarse, too quiet; he can’t hear her over the roar of the thrusters. she swallows, tries again. “i need to know people are getting out of this alive. i need you to be one of them.” to tali: “both of you.”
garrus stares at her, lost for words. “shepard,” he whispers. he looks prepared to say something great, and she readies herself for another argument -- but then she sees the moment the fight leaves his eyes, the moment lays down his gun, and she hates herself for being relieved. “just,” he says, “make sure that includes you too.”
harbinger roars in the distance; she glances to the great white beam heading their way, then back to the bleeding pair of them, waving firmly toward the ship as she moves off the gangplank. “go! tali -- take care of him!”
she realizes belatedly that those will be logged as her final words, and the last he’ll remember her by. and then he’s gone, and so is the normandy. the moment is over and she’s missed her chance. she thinks, garrus will understand. he couldn’t say it either.
i mean that’s garbage but i like it better than shepard dropping the l-word in every romance scene! fuck! i just want a little nuance ok leave me alone
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I had this davekat soulmate au that I thought about writing for a little bit, but honestly I probably won’t, so here’s a vague plot outline I had:
(Under the cut because as per usual, it got pretty long. Sorry mobile users)
When you turn thirteen, the name of your soulmate and your first impression of them when you see them IN PERSON is tattooed across your shoulders (this posed slight issues for people who already knew each other before the tattoo showed up and even more with photos and the internet becoming a thing).  Some people have no soulmate, some people have more than one.  Trolls, being trolls and having the whole quadrant system thing going, generally have somewhere between three to five names.  Matesprits are on the same place as human’s soulmates, Moirail’s wrap around the wrist of the dominant hand (the one that would generally be used to shoosh with) Kismesis on the ankle (to kick ass) and the names of the couple they auspistize for on either shoulder blade (for no reason, I just couldn’ t think of a big enough space).  The auspistice(? I don’t know how to spell) is the one that’s usually left off, so the majority of trolls end up with three names.  Now here’s where stuff happens:
Karkat has one name.  It’s tiny and it’s on his hip.  He has no real idea why he only has the one name but he’s honestly relieved to have one at all because at least he’s not that unlovable.  He spends a lot of his free time wondering what his soulmate’s like and why his first impression upon meeting them is summed up in a name and a single word.  Dave Strider: Douchebag.
Dave also has one name, scrawled right across his collarbone, and honestly he’s so glad when he realizes it’s a troll because that will make things so much easier on him.  Dave doesn’t want a soulmate, and he plans on getting his soulmate tattoo removed once he’s old enough and has the proper funds for it.  He  would rather be with someone who genuinely wants him in their life because he’s himself and not because “fate” or whatever forced him on this other person and now they feel obligated to deal with him for the rest of their life and then they both end up together but completely miserable and bitter like all those soulmates you hear about in the news or those murder documentaries (yeah there’s like five or six soulmate couples per one bad one that are totally happy and still love each other even in old age, but Dave’s not willing to take that risk).  He doesn’ t think he’d like his soulmate very much, anyway, especially not when his first impression is Karkat Vantas: Bitter Megaphone
Anyway they meet online through some mutual friends and they honestly despise each other.  Can’t have both of them in the same chat without it turning into an all out text war.  This whole time they never exchange names.  When they reach high school, Dave moves to the same town that John lives in (this is incidentally where Karkat lives) John makes Karkat come with him to meet Dave because they sort of know each other, and it’s not until John actually introduces them that they realize they’re soulmates (John hasn’t seen either of their tattoos, so he has no idea).  Cue freakout. 
Karkat still thinks he can make this whole soulmate thing work.  Sure, he doesn’t like Dave that much right now, but first impressions aren’t everything and he barely knows the guy.  Maybe he’ll like him better once they get to know each other and he learns more than just the fact that he’s kind of an asshole on the internet. This only strengthens Dave’s resolve against having a soulmate, even more so when he notices Karkat trying to get closer to him and trying not to show how annoyed Dave makes him.  He hates it and he just wants it to stop.  So after about a month, Dave finally gets up the courage to tell Karkat about how he doesn’t want a soulmate and that he plans on getting his tattoo removed as soon as he possibly can.  Before Karkat can say anything about it, Dave adds that Karkat should be totally fine with it, since he’s a troll and has two or three other soulmates.  It’s not like losing one is a big deal.  Karkat’s so used to lying about how many soulmates he has that he automatically agrees with what Dave says.  Dave’s satisfied that he’s gotten his point across, so he leaves.  Karkat just sits there, completely devastated and in shock over what just happened.  They both avoid being alone together or talking to each other for the remainder of high school.
Jump a couple years into the future!!!  Dave has a totally sick apartment but his dumbass roommate just up and left and Dave can’t afford to pay rent by himself.  He asks around and complains to his friends and finds out that Karkat got kicked out of a troll’s only complex for reasons he didn’t want to talk about.  Dave hasn’t been on good terms with Karkat, but he’s desperate so he contacts him.  Karkat, also desperate, agrees.  So they become roommates.
They try to stay out of each other’s business, and it works for a little while, but since they have the same friends who come over to visit, they end up hanging out together more often.  They get on each other’s nerves a lot at first, but after awhile it’s not as bad.  Dave realizes he doesn’t dislike Karkat as much as he thought he did the first time he accidentally makes him laugh, and Karkat lets go of his feelings of anger towards Dave rejecting him when he hears Dave give an in depth and well articulated reasoning as to why he’s against soulmates as a general concept.  They start getting along.  They do normal room mate stuff together, like buying groceries and watching movies together.  Basic stuff.  Everybody thinks it’s weird because all their friends know they’re soulmates, but neither of them really care.  They both date other people, but neither get anywhere farther than a fifth date.  (Dave’s just never really feeling it and Karkat keeps accidentally being involved with people meeting their soulmate while he’s on a date with them???  It’s so weird and a recurring theme for him and he hates it). 
Then the worst thing happens: they start falling in love.  It hits Dave first, it dawns on him slowly with every nice thing Karkat does for him just because he can, like making him food when he’s had a long day or leaving reminders where Dave will see them when he has important stuff to do or waking up after falling asleep on the couch with a blanket wrapped around him.  Then it all comes down on him at once when he actually talks to Karkat about the whole soulmate thing and he realizes their views aren’t so different, after all.  But the more he thinks about it, the less happy he is about this sudden realization because of what he did before and all of the time Karkat spent having to get over his soulmate just outright rejecting him.  It wouldn’t be fair to try and tell him that he loves him now.  It’s later for Karkat, but the way it happens is basically the same.  Dave is good to him, and he doesn’t give a damn about his blood color of the fact that he only has one name on his body and it’s in a place a name shouldn’t even be.  His movie commentary is hilarious and sometimes he picks up books at the library he thinks Karkat might like.  Dave brings him coffee on late nights when he’s trying to study or has to finish work and can’t seem to keep his eyes open for much longer.  They go out of ice cream whenever Karkat’s experience a particularly bad breakup and Dave always finds a way to lift his mood with a dumb story about something he did when he was younger.  Karkat acknowledges to himself that he would have realized he was in love with Dave sooner if it weren’t for the fact that he was in denial about it.  He tries to suppress it the best he can, but the more time he spends with Dave, the more futile this pursuit seems.  He starts looking for apartments.
Dave and Karkat try to act like normal, both of them trying their hardest not to let the other know how they feel about them.  It works but it makes every interaction extremely uncomfortable.  Dave keeps telling people that he has no feelings for Karkat and he still plans on getting his soulmate tattoo removed.  Everybody rolls their eyes, except Karkat, who believes him.  Nobody asks Karkat what his opinion is, because most people can tell just from how he looks at Dave when he’s not paying attention.  Their friends come over to the apartment less when they’re both there because it was funny before, but now it kind of hurts to watch.
Dave’s birthday rolls around, and there’s a big party.  It’s lots of fun, there’s cake and presents and everybody’s there.  When they all go home Karkat makes Dave sit on the couch next to him and gives him his present.  It’s a check for all the money Dave needs to get his tattoo removed.  Karkat explains that he knows how important that is to Dave and he’ s more than happy to help because really all he wants is for Dave to be happy.  He also tells him that he’ll move out so Dave doesn’t have to be held down by a soulmate he doesn’t want and hey, maybe he’ll find someone to be with easier. Finding someone shouldn’t be too hard for Dave because he’s such a great guy, he loves him so much, and anyway Karkat already has a place lined up so it doesn’t matter if Dave says no or not- Karkat doesn’t notice his own slip up, but Dave definitely does and makes an even worse slip up of his own while trying to figure out what to do.  He kisses Karkat.  Karkat doesn’t react the way Dave thought he would, he doesn’t kiss back or anything, he just freezes.  Dave pulls away, and Karkat leaves to go to his room down the hall.  Dave follows him, there’s a brief interaction in the hallway that’s both extremely awkward and charged with literal years of unspoken tension that leads to the most embarrassing and uncomfortable (slightly nsfw so I refuse to write it down) thing that’s ever happened to either of them.
In the Aftermath of this, everything is still awkward, but it’s a lot less tense than before.  They discuss their feelings and what this means for them now.  Karkat decides he’s not going to move out, and Dave is still getting his soulmate tattoo removed because even though Karkat is his soulmate, it’s not the reason he wants to be with him.  He’s really not sure if that makes sense.  Karkat shrugs and says even if it doesn’t, he sort of gets it.  Their first date consists of a game of laser tag, eating ice cream while walking around and holding hands, and then going home and watching lame movies together on Dave’s bed until they fall asleep.  A week after Dave gets his tattoo removed, they tell their friends that they’re a thing.  Everyone pretends to be surprised.  The End.
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blogjallan · 4 years
15 Ways to Make Your Writing More Interesting to Read
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Entering the world of writing with your first literary piece of writing can be a good first step, but without proper guidance and without writing in the correct order it can become a complicated task that you probably just abandoned. The keys so that you can finish your writing and that this is a success are: choose a good theme, that you have a lot of perseverance, patience, that you also have a personal writing style and that you follow the steps that we will indicate below. After reading this article you won’t be asking your friends around to “write paper for me”. Here in this article we will provide you with some of the best writing tips to enhance your writing skills and will also teach you how to write better.
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What do you know about writing?
We cannot sit in front of our computer to write without being very clear about what this “skilled writing” consists of. For example, if we talk about an essay it is a prose written text that tries to analyze and interpret ideas related to a topic. It basically aims to give a solid argument to a specific idea or topic. It must be structured in three parts:
Introduction: it is intended to give the reader a global idea of the topic that will be developed throughout the entire text.
Development: during development, it is a question of arguing the main idea, the hypothesis proposed by the author is explained in detail, as well as compelling arguments on which to base the final conclusion.
Conclusion: it is the last part of literary writing; it must be brief and extract the essential information that leads to the solutions of the various hypotheses that have been given throughout the text.
Pick a topic
Obviously, you need to think about a topic to discuss in your literary writing. You should try to find a topic that may be interesting to your readers and on which you have a well-formed opinion since this will make it much easier to organize your ideas. Self-help trials are very successful today, it can be a good idea to make one. Still have confusion about how to write better. Keep reading and you will find some more interesting facts that will explain to you how to write well.
When choosing your topic do not be overwhelmed if you think it has many different points that can be tried to analyze. Within the theme that you have chosen, you should focus your attention only on a part of it and if you need it you can cover more as a support to achieve more solid arguments, in this way you will be able to deepen more on a specific issue without going through the branches, writing a text of much more quality and value for the reader.
Research your topic in-depth
You need to be an expert on the subject you are going to discuss, you must investigate it thoroughly. This is the most complicated part, but it can be very fun. The longer you dedicate better ideas and analysis you will do on paper. It is recommended that you read a lot about the subject, that you read other writings of other people, that you carry out experiments if necessary, etc. All the information you get to absorb on the subject of your literary writing will be positive and will help you do a better literary work.
Organize your ideas
During the investigation, it is a good time to organize the ideas that we are going to deal with, with the aim of presenting them in a well-structured way and following a certain logic, in such a way that it facilitates reading and understanding. One method that usually works very well is that, at first, do an exercise in brainstorming or brainstorm, writing on a paper a list as long as possible of ideas that arise, without thinking too much if they are good or bad.
Also read: What is a Thesis Statement? Introduction and Examples
In a separate paper, you should try to make a schematic organization of how to raise the literary writing and whenever possible you will extract ideas from the brainstorming and cross them out of the initial list. Surely it is something that is hard for you to believe, but when you manage to finalize your organization of ideas and have established a clear plot-line, you will have taken a great step, moving forward a lot in the work. This is the process on how to get better at writing.
Write the introduction
It does not need to be a very long introduction, but it must have a hook, keep in mind that it is the first thing that the reader is going to read and if he does not like what he finds, he may not continue reading what you have written. In your writing of the introduction, use short sentences and present the topic to be treated as clearly as possible. You must also convey those arguments that you are going to deal with and the positions that you are going to defend, raise hypotheses, etc. Don’t count too many things, but count enough for the reader to feel like reading more.
If you have a good capacity for self-criticism, you can try to read the introduction when you finish it and ask yourself if you would continue reading always analyzing why it would lead you to continue reading. So, you can try to help yourself detect if the introduction needs improvement.
Write the development
This is the most important and most difficult part to write. You should develop the issue in detail, presenting hypotheses and arguments for or against, so that the conclusions you draw later make sense. You have to try to be persuasive and win the reader, you must get a reaction from him and for that, you must explain each argument very clearly, following logical reasoning that can be demonstrated.
Write the conclusion
The conclusion should summarize all of the above and extract the result from everything you have stated, it should be as concise as possible. Do not write a conclusion too long, with two or three paragraphs is enough.
Check and correct
Review and correct your text as many times as necessary. Many times, you will have to rewrite certain parts of the text, but it is necessary and that all writers do. First, you should write the text on paper, and a very ingenious idea is to make that paper you use yourself and thus do a recycling job. A good idea is to leave your text to someone you trust to read it and help you determine if everything you are trying to convey reaches the reader the way you expect it to.
How to write better
Facing a blank sheet is not always an easy task. On many occasions, for lack of inspiration or desire, it is tedious to chain words, sentences, and paragraphs. For this reason, it is necessary to resort to small “tricks” that can help us when writing. As is evident, time and dedication are required for this, as this is just a road map that compiles, with the experience of the writer, some useful tips to improve the writing. These tips could be summarized as follows:
The way we express ourselves is largely determined by the syntactic periods we use. Therefore, the first thing to pay attention to is the length of the sentences. A complex and convoluted syntax makes it difficult to read any text. That is, the ideal would be that the sentences were not composed of more than two or three subordinates. It is also necessary to pay attention to the subsections and apposition's of the subjects; on many occasions, although we think that we are giving more information — and, therefore, helping the reader understand the text — we are actually getting the opposite.
When we write an email or a letter, the first thing we think about is the recipient. The same must happen with the texts: it is not the same to address a specialized public than the general public. For example, in this article, I have allowed myself the license to use the so-called «plural of modesty», in order to involve the interlocutor in the statements he may be making. Also, thinking about the reader implies taking care of the record; writing an article for a video game magazine is not the same as writing an essay on Aristotelian metaphysics.
Each wording requires a very different type of external structure. For example, a newspaper article will have greater paragraph division than an essay or thesis for reasons of space. In general, if it is an essay, it would be normal for each sheet to consist of a maximum of three paragraphs. It is estimated that each paragraph should have between one hundred and one hundred and fifty words. In other types of writing, it is advised that the paragraphs be shorter and more concise. It depends, therefore, on the support and the type of document to be written.
The paragraph-idea association sums up perfectly what concerns the internal structure. In addition, the first sentence of each paragraph must specify what will be addressed in the following lines. Remember the second premise: think of the reader. What we want to communicate can be perfectly structured in our minds, but that idea must be embodied in a paper and must be understood identically or similarly to how we understand it.
First of all, think about things to write about. Come up with an interesting topic so that you can grab the attention of your readers. It is important to note that a text must be well cohesive and coherent. And this is achieved thanks to the connectors and discursive markers and the use of anaphora, catastrophe and deictic. In addition, it must present a certain thematic progression, so that what is told is — as mentioned — coherent. For this reason, it is sometimes necessary to use a piece of paper and translate ideas, make schemes or brainstorm. In this way, the text is articulated according to a scheme, so that the foundations will be stronger than if we give wings to our mind and let it write for us. You can also go through some creative writing exercises to get your writing skills more sharpen.
Good writing cannot have misspellings. Although it is thought that who will read the text will not realize, the truth is that the spelling is like a cover letter. We must not neglect the fact that the wording, in most cases, bears our name. We all slip into a typo — in most cases, for not checking it — or we have lapsus calami. But this does not give way to not pay attention to spelling.
Also read: How To Write Just About Anything You Want
As we mentioned in the previous point, on many occasions we forget that our text contains a typo or lack of spelling for not checking it. And not only is it necessary to review it but, if possible, it is better for someone else to do it. By the very inertia of having written it, we can pass by one of these stains of our writing. In addition, it is important to let the text stand for as long as necessary, because, after a few days or a few weeks, we may think that what is written here could be better. It usually happens like this; Anyway, if we are in a hurry, it is best to ask someone to read it to find out if there is an error.
For different reasons, when writing a text, we may be obsessing with certain words and that, without realizing it, we are using them excessively. This has an easy solution and goes through the previous point; Only by reviewing it and reading it a few days later can we realize what words were repeated. It is clear that, if we talk about the laws of thermodynamics, the words law of thermodynamics appears several times. For this reason, in case of not being able to replace them with synonyms, it will be necessary to resort to anaphora or catastrophe.
9. Read what others are writing
The best way to learn to write is by reading. If we want to write an essay, we will have to read essays; If it is a newspaper article, the same. That is, you have to look at what are the elements that make up this type of documents since each requires a specific structure. For example, in the final projects, theses or thesis, it is essential that a summary or abstract, an introduction and a conclusion, bibliographic references, etc. appear.
Beyond the content of the text is also its presentation. A text that appears without justification, with Comic Sans and everything in bold, will hardly be, at first glance, pleasant to read. Therefore, not everything is content; I do not speak only of the form — of which we have already spoken in point 3 — but of how a text is presented. And so, you also have to take into account spelling, an element that is often overlooked. This concern, verbigeration, the use of round, bold or italic when necessary, font styles, text citations or subscripts and superscripts.
5 Bonus tips to sharpen your writing skills
You should know that when you write, you should not only look at the final product but in the process, you use to reach that product (paragraph, essay, article, etc.). There are many aspects that influence the development of writing ability: the correct spelling of words, the grammar, and syntax of sentences (knowing in what order the words are written in a sentence, subject-verb — complement), and how the style of the message varies according to the circumstances. Creative writing exercises are very important and they can help you with a wide variety of interesting aspects.
Remember that the aspects mentioned above are important, but the key to getting good writing in English is to make a constant self-review process while building your article or paragraph. To improve writing skills, it is essential that you read enough, so you will have more vocabulary, expressions and connectors to produce interesting articles and paragraphs with more natural English. Here are the steps you can take to improve:
Draw a picture and write a topic you want to talk about. For example, pollution in big cities. And below it, write possible words related to the topic. If you don’t know them in English, remember to go to the dictionary. For example, pollution-pollution, environment-environment, factories-factories, etc. This exercise will serve as a brainstorm to better understand what approach you want to give the subject.
Write your first draft. Write all your ideas even if you think there is no cohesion between them, do not worry, when you finish you can review it and delete the ideas that do not fit your theme.
After writing your first draft, review it in terms of content, grammar, and spelling. Remember to ask for the opinion of another English learner or speaker, so you can discover mistakes you have not seen.
After you underline all your mistakes, you can write them on another sheet under the title “Error box”, and so you will easily remember them so as not to commit them again in future writings.
Write your final draft and review it again. If you are still not happy with the result, rewrite another draft.
Remember if you are writing an academic article, you may need between three and four drafts to get the result you want. Don’t forget that new technologies allow us to share with other native learners and speakers, use them to show your interesting articles to others and receive review comments. You can also participate in forums to solve your grammatical questions, vocabulary, etc.
In short, writing any text is not a simple task. Its main difficulty lies in the guidelines that have been assumed when writing or typing. If these ten ideas that have been outlined were assimilated, the results would be more than decent. Although it is not simple at all, it implies spending a lot of time on a job that, mainly, we must like. Nor is it necessary to devour style or spelling manuals to write — although, without a doubt, it can help greatly — but it is necessary, above all, to have some interest in the language in which we are going to write.
Source: https://bestessaywritingservice.org/blog/ways-to-make-writing-more-interesting-to-read/
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pomegranate-salad · 7 years
Seeds of thought : Wicdiv #29
It’s a tale of pain and misery. It rekindles you with the worst human nature has to offer. It takes a bite of your soul and runs with it. It’s the APARTMENT HUNT IN JULY !!
*lightning strikes*
So life is more than a little chaotic right now, meaning I’m mightily glad I have this piece to help me take my mind off things. Did I ever say how great it was to have to look forward to writing these every month ? No ? Well starting this series is one of the best and most time-consuming ideas I’ve ever had. In that order.
Anyway, thoughts and opinions under the cut, not spoiler-free.
 Wicdiv is so rich in themes and intersected motives that, really, everyone comes to it for different reasons. But if there’s one core I keep coming back to, it’s the inner workings - and dysfunctions – of the relationship between identity, communication and social life. It’s been a bit of a running theme in these blogposts : in SOT #25 we talked about the construction of morality in a given society, in SOT #26 the stakes of getting to know someone, and two months ago in SOT #28 the vulnerability inherent to forming a bond.
But this time I want to push the lens closer, and instead of looking at the purpose or the consequences surrounding the characters’ relationships, focus solely on the instrument : Language.
This is the perfect time to do it as not only does this issue walk us through the status quo of the new arc, it’s also the first in quite some time in which every god (with one meaningful exception) gets almost equal speaking time. The gods have known and interacted with each other for over a year ; the way they talk, communicate and generally express themselves has cemented itself to the point of forming patterns and codes. In that grand game of identity and relationships, language is more than a simple tool of communication : it has autonomous meaning, and power.
 This is true of Language in general, but in the Wicdiv world it’s also literal : visually, speech bubbles themselves reflect the powers of the gods, and the Morrigan is summoned by the use of her name.
And in the eternal blur Wicdiv is cultivating between fantasy and its metaphorical exploitation, the simple act of calling someone is never neutral, but imbued with and intent and revealing of the multiplicity of identity. Persephone, the perspective character of this issue, goes here by so many names. Persephone. Laura Wilson. Persy. Not Marlboro shite. The Destroyer slut. You. Depending on the way they’re used, all of these terms posits their user relatively to Persephone, or perhaps more accurately posits Persephone relatively to them. Take the act of nicknaming. In the Morrigan’s speech, “The Destroyer slut” casts Persephone aside as someone unwanted in her territory. Meanwhile Baal’s nicknames, as egregious as they may be for their receivers, are accepted by the group as an act of recognition : Baal’s acknowledges you by showing he knows you enough and has thought of you enough to find a witty name for you. In this context, not nicknaming Persephone serves as an act of excommunication ; he had a name ready for her, he’s just not going to use it. In one case, the nickname is used to impose distance ; in the other, it’s the absence of nickname that has the same purpose.
 But beyond this pointed use of names, every word here is potent even when devoid of any intent. Words succeed or not in carrying across an identity : on the first page, a decent quip confuses Persephone into thinking Lucifer is somehow with her. But on the next page, the illusion is shattered as much by visuals as it is with words : Lucifer “wouldn’t say that” and therefore she cannot be here.
Interestingly, it’s in fact the words that appear the most empty that seem the heaviest in and of themselves. During the clubbing sequence, Persephone gets subjected to the expected litany of banalities people offer in dire circumstances : “I’m sorry”, “it must be terrible”. Those words, most of the time, exist purely on a social scale : the point isn’t to be actually sorry or empathetic, it’s to fulfil a social duty that dictates such words be used in that context. They do not impart meaning, do not carry any kind of identity marker, their sole virtue is to be considered better than saying nothing. And yet they seem to rile up Persephone harder than Baal’s or the Morrigan hurtful words. Despite seemingly empty, they still hold constraining power on the receiver. After all, if Persephone “must” feel terrible, then if she does not actually feel that terrible, or is simply confused about how she feels, then she must be a bad person. Through these purely social words, there is social enforcing of the self and its demanded emotions.
 Words loaded with intent can gain in meaning, but words that only seem to exist for and by themselves in social interaction can carry meaning independently from the concept they supposedly exist to signify. Recuperating linguistics theories from Ferdinand de Saussure, Lacan theorizes a separation within every word between a Signified (the concept of what we’re designating) and its Signifier (the acoustic entity we associate to this concept and designate as “the word”). But whereas classic linguistics theory sees the Signifier as a reduction of the Signified (the world “horse” not ever being able to contain the concept of a horse in its entirety), Lacan posits that the most significant element of the speech is not the Signified but the Signifier : when put in connexion with other Signifiers (thus forming a speech) it carries the subject’s unconscious meaning and intent through metaphors and substitutions. Simply put, the words we use and how we use them are more important to decrypt our speech than what these words supposedly mean on their own.
 I find Lacan’s postulate to be particularly interesting to apply to Gillen’s writing. I have yet to dedicate a full piece to his writing style, but I’ve described it as “disjointed” and “artificial” in previous pieces – neither time in a negative way. The writing in comics has to be both to some degree, to make do with the scattered nature of the written text and its scarcity. Speech in comics is typically way more in-depth and polished than normal talk : in a limited space both plot and characters must move forward with the support of an image and a few lines of text. Therefore, the typical comic text will consist of heavy, meaningful phrases and witty clapbacks organized in a succession that wouldn’t make any sense without the art to go with it.
But in Wicdiv, Gillen’s “classical comic writing style” gets pushed to the extreme. The preciosity of his other works reaches a comical degree : by piling up metaphors, a sentence become unintelligible – like in issue #10 when Baal crammed in so many nicknames he had to translate himself. Likewise, the disjointedness of his writing, which sometimes made you question the succession of ideas, becomes a feature : in a same bubble of speech, characters go from sentence to sentence seemingly without any internal logic. In the end, speech in Wicdiv is like a coloured candy necklace of perfectly shaped, beautiful expressions aligned randomly that, despite their appealing appearance, do not actually have any taste.
Persephone gives us two successive examples in this issue : when she describes her relation with Sakhmet as “having an angel of death as a girlfriend” and then when she says “they got to be doomed together”. Both expressions supposedly answer a very practical, straightforward question, and yet none of them come logically from the sentence before them, and when you strip away the fancy words, none of them really mean anything. Sure, we can discuss to no end about what “doomed together” entails, but if there’s actually a core idea in there, it’s probably a very simple one that got inflated to the point it stopped being about that idea and became all about how it would sound on its own. What does “we got to be doomed together” mean ? Who knows. But it sounds great, doesn’t it ? Sounds exciting, doesn’t it ?
The characters in Wicdiv are so in love with words, so in love with the beauty of speech, they will flaunt that beauty as much as they can until any connexion between word and meaning is broken. The unsurpassable barrier between Signifier and Signified has been hermetically sealed. There is no truth or reality to words because speech exists for itself and is its own referential. In that context, characters communicate only in impressions of concepts, in the vague imprint they have left on a word. When Sakhmet straight up tells Persephone she killed and ate her dad, there is no reaction from the latter because this is only the best or worst thing after all, and if it was the best thing then maybe it helped. Words send back to themselves, the meaning they carry is only the one given by previous speech. Signifiers interact with each other to form a language removed from the Signified. There is no reality, there is only how we talk about it.
 But just like satire is not satire without intent, all of this would be dangerously close to a failure in writing if the author didn’t do anything with it. And while I have my reservations with Cass as “the call-out character” consistently used to excuse the medium tools the comic still delights in, she is excellent when it comes to counterbalancing this aspect of the characters. Cass’ speech is not that much simpler than other characters’ but it’s decidedly more meaningful and articulate. She does not deal in metaphors of impressions of concepts ; to her, words mean something. That’s why, despite not relishing in the banalities Persephone hears throughout the issue, her compassion is more visible and sincere than anyone else ; because when Persephone throws around “angels of death as girlfriends”, Cass hears something very real, and potentially painful for Persephone. And in return, gets her to pause and actually consider her own words. Reconnect them with reality.
Cass actually does it twice in a row, and this is simultaneously where her weakness as a speaking subject appears. Right after that, Persephone makes her “doomed together” remark and Cass immediately adopts a more reprimanding tone to criticize the use of such an expression in that context. There is, arguably, a hyperreality of language to Cass : at every moment, words have to be connected to their precise meaning, which means she has trouble playing with language the way other characters do. This is visible in her difficulty to pick up social signals, but also in her vulnerability to the weaponizing of language. In this issue, it is demonstrated in its use by an abuser, the Morrigan : while Cass is happy to flaunt her Psych 101 knowledge about the use of a possessive, the first ad hominem argument gets her to lose focus immediately. The Morrigan compared two things that aren’t the same, and therefore Cass must rectify in the middle of the argument, even turning her back on the Morrigan. Compare this with Dio, who has his eyes on the prize and understands that nothing the Morrigan says matter because she uses language to push them away and not to communicate, even less so to debate.
 The danger of such a world in which language gradually loses meaning is that it enables abusers like the Morrigan, who will use this loss of meaning to cut their victim from reality. When words get disconnected from their intended meaning, then they become free vehicles to be imbued with another meaning, one that will serve personal interests. I’ve touched on this when I talked about perversity in media and totalitarianism, but this issue gives us our most textual example yet : Cameron is the only god in this issue who doesn’t get any speaking time or even screentime ; unlike in previous issues, he is not talked for but about. This is where we see the Morrigan’s efforts to limit his access to another form of speech and thus potentially different meanings from the ones that have been enforced on him. The Morrigan will not have him “confused”, that’s to say she’ll not have him reconnect with non-abusive forms of communication and relationships. As long as no one says otherwise, a beating can still be just a squabble, because this is what the Morrigan called it and in his world there is only the Morrigan.
[Also on a personal note and as a personal favour, if you like anything I’ve written and all you have to say about the Morrigan in this issue is “oh my god her outfit”… Please. Please. There are abuse victims reading you. You are reading one right now. Consider what they see when they open Tumblr. Consider what the very intent of displaying her like that might be. Don’t be that person who just proves the point.]
 The Wicdiv characters, and Persephone in particular, have come to what could be called a breaking point when it comes to language : we have reached a level of speech so removed from reality that any confrontation of a word with its actual meaning will cause speech to collapse on itself and the character to have to acknowledge its total inadequacy. From here, either the characters will retreat into a world as physically removed from the real one as their language aspires to be so they will be no more confrontation – as the Morrigan and Cameron have – either they’ll have to painfully reconnect with the meaning and the weight of their words. “Taking a shot” will mean murder again, “rule the underground alone” will mean abuse, and “doomed together” will mean nothing because it never did. It will not be pleasant, just like it is never pleasant to have to carry the consequences of anything. In a way, the gods have always vied with language, the sheer potency and danger of it, its seduction and its failures. After all, we don’t know much about the gods’ performances, but we don’t it’s not just sounds. It’s words. They mean everything. This may be why no one understands them.
 Let me start by saying that for the life of me, I do not get how Imperial Phase I and II are supposed to be structured as a whole. I hope that once this arc is over some kind of mirroring or dented rhythm will emerge that will make sense of the whole thing, but for now the way high and low tension moments are aligned is frankly puzzling and in my opinion detrimental to the read. Anyway.
This issue is a strange one not because it does anything strange in it in terms of storytelling, but on the contrary because of how deeply seated in the Wicdiv trench line it is. There is nothing surprising about its progression, the use of its characters, and its role in the main plot. And in a way, that’s what makes it so odd in its own context. As I’ve said in the past, Wicdiv has cemented a tradition of beginning its arcs by establishing the new status quo in a non-contentious kind of way to make way for more action-packed issues. But in the past arcs, they’ve always made care to find a twist on the classic “establishing shot” : issue #6 would wrap up the new situation in personal trauma, issue #12 would use the point of view of minor characters to walk us through it, issue #18 would forego the expected revelations and issue #23 went high-concept with the magazine. But issue #29 is an establishing issue in the purest of senses : Persephone is quite literally walking us from character to character, all of them having an occasion to clarify where they stand regarding the new situation. Even issue #24, its closest double, wasn’t as thorough when it came to diagramming the new world order. The main plot to the issue is entirely devoid of surprise, as you can predict the final scene pretty much from the opening pages. The characters themselves don’t have any U-turns for us, most of them remaining cemented in their ways.
And all of this is in itself kind of surprising so far into the comic : given how well we’re acquainted with the Wicdiv world, its characters and the logic of its storytelling, such a “basic” issue should really be unnecessary and hard to conceive of. This is old-school Wicdiv if I’ve ever seen it : this kind of issue would fit perfectly within Fandemonium ; after all, it’s all about Laura/Persephone looking for something while being half-willing and interacting with the gods who are more or less helpful. But after the string of arc that have definitely changed the Wicdiv course, finding such an issue as an introduction to the new arc feels bizarre.
And as a result, it’s not very involving or exciting : as I’ve said, the plot and characters are predictable, there aren’t any emotional moments that take you by surprise – the way the touching  pizza cutter scene between Persephone and Cass did in the middle of issue #24 – and visually there aren’t any clear scene-stealer that make you go “ooooooooooh”. In the end, this issue doesn’t do much for me.
 Is all this intentional ? Given the issue has been described as “a hangover”, it’s definitely there. Indeed, the whole issue is heavy, unresponsive on its feet, it seems to crawl from scene to scene and make any interaction as drudgy and unnatural as possible. You people out there who actually drink will have to confirm that for me, but it sounds like a hangover alright. Even the lines are slightly blurry and the colours slightly muted, as if this issue has been out too long in the sun. Compared to issue #24, which also takes place after a night of partying, issue #29 is less about lack of direction than it is about lack of will : Persephone drifts around in apparently the same way, but while #24 had her looking for what to do, #29 gives her something clear to do ; she simply doesn’t have the strength to carry it through. Given all that, this issue is not nearly as frustrating as it could have been, as there is nothing more egregious than knowing what the goal is and witness someone failing to achieve it. But it’s still quite a drag. I couldn’t wait for it to end, not necessarily because I wasn’t enjoying it, but because it felt like trying to shake up a muscle numbness : you just have to do it and it’s taking too damn long.
 However, if this issue is not exciting for itself, it is certainly for what it portends : eventually, someone is going to wake up. The hangover is going to end. And for me, this issue was riddled with signs that Laura Wilson is finally ready to get out of hell and take over Persephone. There were the multiple allusions to Lucifer, the flashbacks to happier times, but most importantly, for the first time since Fandemonium, we are back inside Laura’s head. The first line of the arc is internal narration, and it’s all about waking up. Of course, she’s not awake yet, and this issue is still much of a godhood-induced stupor ; but she’s stirring.
So while as an issue, #29 feels derivative and doesn’t have much going for itself, it still gets the job done as an introduction : gets me anxious to see the rest and hopeful at least a little bit of the old magic of the first arcs it’s voluntarily failing to recreate will get to be found again by our damaged characters. But then again, I was told not to believe in miracles.
 (And by the way, yes I’m aware my title pun would justify cutting me from all and every communication device, but on the other hand this issue literally ended on a “Netflix and kill” title card so fight the real enemy)
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medproish · 6 years
At its very best, Scandal was like a staged drama where everyone played to the rafters. Over seven seasons, the show gave us over-the-top, power-hungry monsters (okay, not all of them were monsters) who knew exactly what to say and when to say it, who felt boldly and loudly, who strode across life and took what they believed was theirs. But more than anything else, it gave us terrific monologues. When a Scandal monologue really worked, it made you want to stand up and cheer. In honor of the Scandal series finale, which airs on Thursday night, let’s take a look back at the show’s 23 most inspiring, memorable, and shocking monologues.
The OPA Monologues
“I’m a gladiator in a suit, ’cause that’s what you are when you work for Olivia.” —Harrison (Season 1, Episode 1)
Our very first monologue in our very first dialogue scene of the pilot. Shonda Rhimes immediately let you know that these characters would be articulate, quick, witty, and prone to soliloquy. This scene instantly establishes the mystique of Olivia Pope: She doesn’t do job interviews, but she has your résumé; she pays shit, but you’ll learn more than you thought possible. We, much like Quinn, are instantly enamored and we’re ready to see what a “gladiator in a suit” really means. That’s one successful opening monologue.
“I would gladly follow you over a cliff.” —Abby (Season 1, Episode 4)
The line that’s so iconic, it’s the title of the series finale! Everyone at OPA is all-in because Olivia has saved each of them in small and big ways, and here, we see the beginning of Scandal’s monologue strategy: Two characters yell at each other until one decides to yell way louder, announcing that she is about drop a major speech on us all.
“You are all I have. You are everything. Because I didn’t save you in that Metro station. You saved me.” —Olivia (Season 2, Episode 19)
Given how far off the deep end Huck has gone, it’s a little hard to remember how affecting this episode once was. But learning about Huck’s family and the deeper meaning of “Seven Fifty-Two” packed a huge wallop at the time. Unlike many of the other speeches on this list, this Olivia monologue works because of how quiet and gentle it is. It’s a glimpse at how she was once broken too, an intimate moment in a truly brutal episode about secret ops.
“Family? What family? I see three strangers standing on the side of the road, fingers crossed, hoping their co-worker didn’t murder someone.” —Quinn (Season 5, Episode 14)
Oh, what a left turn in the journey of OPA mystique! This is a real chef’s kiss of Scandal being Scandal, both good and bad, with Olivia and Quinn monologuing at each other while Marcus is forced to watch. To make it even better, the scene lands the perfect punch line when Huck arrives with a body at the end. You basically fill up all the tiles on your Scandal bingo card here — and it’s thrilling to watch.
The Anti-Fitz Monologues
“One day about, oh, three or four years from now, you’ll step into your bathroom, take out that revolver your father gave you when you were elected governor, you’ll put it in your mouth, and you’ll blow the back of your skull off.” —Cyrus (Season 1, Episode 4)
Another great Scandal monologue trope: playing a hypothetical situation out to its completely twisted conclusion. The Amanda Tanner scandal of the season one proved that Fitz just, well, he couldn’t handle anything by himself. Obviously, that was frustrating for everyone around him, so it’s immediately satisfying to watch Cyrus tell him off in a big speech. He completely tears Fitz apart without even getting in his face. Plus, Jeff Perry delivers this whole monologue lounging on a sofa, which instantly makes it iconic.
“I am celebrating because Olivia Pope still walks this earth! She’s still alive. And as long as she’s still alive, she’s your flaw. Your Achilles heel. Which makes her my weapon.” —Mellie (Season 3, Episode 3)
A big drunk monologue like this could really go off the rails fast. Scandal gives its actors so much rich imagery and cutting wordplay that you’d expect a speech like this one to go too big (after all, sometimes they did), but what’s remarkable is how controlled Bellamy Young is throughout, even though Mellie is drunk. She breaks out the accent a little, she brings out a biblical reference, she makes big hand gestures, but it’s still ultimately contained. It makes sense that Fitz just sits there with her, listening, and Mellie is the one who leaves.
“You are a boy. I’m a man.” —Rowan (Season 3, Episode 10)
No one delivers a monologue better than Papa Pope. The Scandal writers give Joe Morton the most dramatic lines and he always delivers them with panache, as if every word that leaves his lips is the most important thing he’s ever said. Bonus points for flawlessly working in the song lyrics in a way they surely teaching in acting school now. Eli reads Fitz right and left with such precision and style that it’s a wonder Fitz didn’t just explode in that room.
The Love (and Breakup) Monologues
“I can’t breathe without you. I can’t sleep without you. I wait for you. I watch for you. I exist for you.” —Fitz (Season 2, Episode 8)
Here, Fitz addresses Olivia’s “Sally Hemings/Thomas Jefferson” comment with a passionate speech about how they are in it together, that they both possess each other. It’s the kind of big, sweeping statement that works best for Olitz because everything they do always feels so life or death. It also continues a long, important, dialogue between the two characters about how power and power dynamics shape their love for each other. Also, we get a classic Olivia lip quiver.
“I want painful, difficult, devastating, life-changing, extraordinary love. Don’t you want that too?” —Olivia (Season 2, Episode 13)
Wait, did this suddenly becomeSex and the City? Here’s another great example of Olitz treating their love affair like an epic, earth-shattering event for the ages. It’s doubly perfect that Olivia delivers this rousing speech to the guy she’s dumping. Pull no punches, you know.
“This past year I have learned only one thing: that I cannot exist without you. That I cannot breathe without you. That the man I am without you is I’m nothing.”  —Fitz (Season 2, Episode 19)
Nobody can resist the emotional power of the love theme! Thank you, the Album Leaf. What’s so remarkable about this scene is that you barely see Fitz’s face in focus at all, even though it’s his monologue. It’s just Olivia and then the profile of both of them, further illustrating his point that he doesn’t really exist without her.
“Guess what? You just got dumped by the vice-president of the United States of America and she has work to do.” —Susan Ross (Season 5, Episode 20)
David Rosen treated Susan like garbage and it sucked. But here’s the thing about Scandal: A woman like Susan is so frickin’ powerful that she can give him the kiss-off monologue of her dreams! Who hasn’t wanted to tell the man who broke her heart how much more powerful and important she is than him?
The Power Monologues
“I would have been a great president. But guess what? I’m fairly short. And not so pretty. And I really like having sex with men. So instead of being president of this land that I love, I get to be the guy behind the president of the United States.” —Cyrus (Season 2, Episode 13)
It’s a real testament to Jeff Perry’s acting ability that Cyrus could be revealed as the big villain at the end of season one and still tug on our heart strings like this. Cyrus is literally and figuratively stripped down in front of his husband James, revealing that he broke the law because Fitz was all he had. This monologue would be extra inspiring since Cyrus would later defy the odds to become vice-president – except for, you know, all the bad stuff he did along the way.
“Today, everyone is afraid. Everyone should be afraid. The president should be very afraid. And if I were you, Olivia, I would be terrified. I would pick up whatever chips you have left and run as far away as possible from that burning building known as the White House. Run, Olivia. Run.” —Rowan (Season 3, Episode 11)
This one really reveals the depths and skill of Joe Morton when it comes to delivering a monologue. Read it, then watch it and focus on which words he hits staccato, which he chooses to linger on, and when he drops his voice for maximum dramatic effect. This is a good, old-fashioned “Rowan intimidates everyone by telling it like it is” speech.
“The Cyrus Beene I know doesn’t hide in his half-empty closet and wet his pants like a little bitch baby.” —Olivia (Season 4, Episode 9)
Even if it rubs you the wrong way, there’s no doubting that the “bitch baby” speech is a huge part of the Scandal mythology. The whole “yell at someone when they’re down to get them back and fighting” is also a classic Scandal trope that has to be celebrated. Sometimes, you just have to yell really loudly to get your point across.
“The men outside these walls? They want to take it away from us. Because they are terrified. Because they are outraged. Because they have come to the realization that all those centuries of misogyny and privilege and status quo are finally over. That is why you never listen to a man over me!” —Olivia (Season 7, Episode 1)
What more could you want from Scandal than Olivia announcing that she’s in charge now? Never in our wildest dreams did we imagine it would happen with this killer monologue set to “It Takes Two.” Every major issue that has driven Olivia for seven seasons is gone — all of the sexism and power dynamics that held her back — and she’s left with pure, total power. Except, obviously, it comes at a huge cost. But this monologue is still set to “It Takes Two” so…
The Creepy Monologues
“Time for the slaughter, piggy piggy. Time for the slaughter, you filthy cloven beast! I see the signs of the devil branded into your flesh.” —Sally Langston (Season 3, Episode 13)
Lovers of liberty, does this qualify as a monologue? Or is it more an experience? Either way, it’s a Sally classic.
“Oh, you think you have a father? I am so sorry, but you don’t have a father. You have Command. You were raised by Command. Command doesn’t have a family. Command has soldiers.” —Tom Larsen (Season 4, Episode 7)
Yes, Scandal really did give a monologue to that one Secret Service agent. Honestly, it’s one of the treats of a long-running prime-time soap: Even a background character can suddenly become a psychotic killer! This monologue is so cold and sterile, so emotionless, it fits so well with what we’d seen from Tom’s role as a Secret Service agent. And it’s so creepy! Tom spent the first seasons watching and listening, so it is incredible to hear exactly what a fly on the wall makes of all the Olitz drama.
The Racism and Sexism Monologues
“You’ve called me a criminal, a whore, an idiot, and a liar, so this is pretty much the last time we’ll be speaking. So, one, who I am or am not screwing, what I am or am not doing, is no longer any of your damn business.” —Olivia (Season 2, Episode 11)
The best way to show you have something handled? List all the ways in which you are control. Nobody knows that better than Olivia Pope.
“Brandon Parker is dead because he didn’t have respect, because those people out there who are chanting and crying over his body, they didn’t teach him the right values. They didn’t teach him respect. He didn’t respect me.” —Officer Newton (Season 4, Episode 14)
It’s a herculean task to put yourself in the mind of a monster, in the mind of a person who has no empathy, and write something from their perspective. Scandal nailed that with “The Lawn Chair.” It’s one of the show’s most brilliant, topical, and painful episodes to watch, and this monologue is so devastating and cruel. It leaves you feeling sick, exactly as it should.
“I stand at the most powerful podium in the world, but a story about me ain’t a story unless they can report on the fact that I am the girlfriend of DC fixer Leo Bergen.” –Abby (Season 4, Episode 16)
Abby’s our girl, so who the eff even cares about Leo? But Scandal knows how the world works: Of course people would be interested in Abby’s love life and not her career. Yet another case of some classic Shonda Rhimes commentary, made even more striking by the fact that Leo is just casually working out while Abby is in a stunning robe. She’s always on!
“Black lives do matter because young black people are under attack. Immigrants too. The fact that Doyle insists on saying ‘all lives matter’ when talking about this movement really pisses me off. It’s like walking up into someone else’s funeral and screaming, ‘Why are you not crying for my daddy? He’s dead too.’ Well, yes he is. And that is sad. But that is not the topic of the conversation.” —Edison Davis (Season 5, Episode 20)
In some of the most powerful Scandal monologues, a character basically jumps out of the screen and says everything that we’re all feeling. “Trump Card” marked the end of Hollis Doyle’s presidential run, and it was clearly intended as a message to his real-life Republican counterpart. Though our election didn’t go the same way, Edison’s speech was a rallying cry to move forward, not backward.
“Black women out here trying to save everybody and what do we get? Swagger-jacked by white girls wearing cornrows and bamboo earrings. Ain’t that a bitch? But we still try. Try to help all y’all, even when we get nothing. Is that admirable or ridiculous? I don’t know.” —Maya (Season 6, Episode 15)
The best Scandal monologues will make you wanna snap, so it’s fitting that Maya is nearly snapping (in handcuffs!) at the end of this masterpiece. It’s yet another big speech that feels like the show is speaking directly through a character, and it’s delivered stunningly by Khandi Alexander.
The Absolute Best Monologue
“Twice as good as them to get half what they have!” —Rowan (Season 3, Episode 1)
What is there to say about this perfect monologue? It distills the thesis of Scandal into a single line. Everything before it feels like buildup. Everything afterward feels like a response. It’s so specific to Olivia’s character and yet so universal all at once. It’s perfect television.
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The Energy of Monetary Preparing
https://aprevidenciaprivada.com.br/ "Someone's sitting in the shade these days since a person planted a tree a lengthy time back." (Warren Buffet) As a monetary lifestyle planner, my fundamental assumption is that organizing is a "great" thing. Preparing is broadly acknowledged to be a pre-requisite for enterprise success. Nevertheless, Benjamin Franklin's advice that "by failing to prepare, you are planning to fail" frequently falls on deaf ears in the individual atmosphere. This is usually, in my experience, because people truly feel they have neither the time nor the skills for individual economic arranging nor do they want to invest cash on hiring a skilled monetary planner. And a few people I have met have such confidence in their potential to make and keep considerable fortunes that individual financial arranging is deemed unneeded, even spineless. So this post is about why fiscal life organizing is crucial. I will share with you some of the existing ways to planning, present you how to plan in practice and emphasize the results. To strategy, or not to plan? I am passionate about arranging since it prospects to achievement. I recall my very first sales work in financial services, chilly calling to make appointments to offer insurance. I experienced an outstanding supervisor who made me program my concentrate on market, pitch, get in touch with technique, every thing. The initial call I manufactured was spot on, top to an appointment in minutes. I knew it was likely to function, my supervisor understood, my colleagues understood. And it did. So why must we program our life and money? In my check out, for 4 causes: 1. To create a sensible framework for running family finances 2. To attain profound targets as quickly as achievable 3. To make sure extended time period fiscal safety 4. To offer with life's setbacks Lets seem at each of these in switch. one. Monetary framework A lot of people these days absence a financial framework or method. When it arrives to expenditures, the core of economic organizing, we typically enter a fantasy globe. Even if family members can give a fairly correct set of current monetary statements (property, liabilities, earnings, expenditure and estate), they are hardly ever in a position to project what individuals statements will seem like ten several years, or even 5 several years into the foreseeable future. Monetary planners will normally tell you that clients occur to them for these motives: 'We are not totally in management of our finances' 'I will not understand money all I truly feel all around money is dread and anxiety' 'We don't know in which we are now or in which we will be in the future' 'We appear not able to dwell the way of life we aspire to' When people do obtain clarity it normally supplies fantastic reduction, even if the photo does not look excellent. They at least know in which they stand and can consider acceptable action. 2. Ambitions Regrettably, we live in an period in which wealth is often produced for its very own sake, instead than as the indicates to live a fulfilled existence. Income is employed to make more funds - it gets a proxy for the moi, and economic conclusions are frequently created to shield or therapeutic massage our egos, not to help the accomplishment of our deepest existence objectives. Existence and income are deeply intertwined. Identification of clear life objectives is essential to supply direction, and allows sound economic choices to be produced. So when asked to remark on an investment decision an individual is contemplating, I constantly pose yet another concern: "Will investing in this merchandise enable you to attain your targets a lot more quickly and proficiently?" Really often the solution is that it is not going to. 3. Lengthy-phrase safety The impact of escalating longevity on household funds is profoundly crucial. The keys to addressing this are the A few Motorists of Financial Freedom: savings, compound desire and asset allocation. Whilst conserving indicates a reduction in spending, and possibly the hijacking of these important and immediate existence objectives, financial life preparing can support to resolve these difficult conflicts between the limited and prolonged term. 4. Dealing with the sudden Life will have kicked you in the teeth in the past and it will do so yet again in the future. Accept it, and program for it. Lifestyle can throw a large assortment of fastballs at us, from the irritating nevertheless not also significant vehicle breakdown to the demise of a shut family member. Place in spot contingency ideas centred about a Safety Fund and insurance policy. No a single likes insurance coverage (even though I have however to meet up with a widow who complained her partner was above insured). Freedom What you are actually likely to accomplish from properly-formulated objectives and a structured, regarded as life and financial strategy to accomplish these ambitions can be obviously expressed in a single word - flexibility. Independence is a central theme of my function, so what precisely is it? True freedom comes from defining and setting boundaries and dwelling a lifestyle focused to achieving your ambitions inside of individuals boundaries. Better independence comes from individual expansion, the implies by which we can broaden our boundaries. Lianne's story illustrates this completely. A mom of two on a modest income, Lianne experienced absent through a difficult divorce and when she first arrived to me for support, she was consoling herself with a compulsive shelling out practice. However, her goals were to enjoy, assist and teach her young children and to be a genuinely very good mother to them to compensate for the breakdown of the marriage. I worked with her to prepare her boundaries. We established her life targets, tackled her paying and created an annual investing program. 1 Monday morning she called me to talk about her weekend. She experienced taken the women to London to see a concert and experienced completed so without having any emotions of guilt or stress above income. It had been in her program. She experienced attained her goal of bringing contentment and enjoyable to her children. In her boundaries she had reached genuine freedom, to be there in the instant with her kids, just to be. It really is the process that matters Strategies seldom survive speak to with truth, to misquote Moltke. Fact for a lot of of us can lead to a alter of direction. Even so, the procedure of planning is as much a advantage as the strategy alone, usually far more so. There are a variety of planning procedures close to, usually produced by skilled bodies this kind of as the Economic Planning Affiliation or the Kinder Institute in the US or the Institute of Monetary Planning in the United kingdom. My possess method is a six-phase process for called Long term: Basis: a entire stock and analysis of your existence, such as assumptions and an examination of your danger profile Utopia: developing what you want to have, to do, to be Transformation: determining and dealing with the obstructions on the highway to utopia Utilisation of sources: establishing the best alternative for your existing methods Roadmap: making the program to get you from exactly where you are now to in which you want to be Execution: applying and dwelling the strategy Possessing produced a strategy it is essential that you proceed to keep track of and renew the strategy every yr. Arranging is dynamic, a practice, not just a couple of sheets of paper to be drawn up then relegated to the bottom attract and forgotten. The fruits of the process We all in the fiscal group trust our procedures, due to the fact we know they carry benefits, results that are more than just a composed prepare. Originally you will create a personal inventory of your lifestyle. This will incorporate a in depth set of accurate monetary statements comprising a plan of property, liabilities, income and expenditure, as nicely as knowledge about your self and the environments you inhabit. Self-understanding builds on this foundation and by the time you are nicely into the process you must be capable to articulate your deepest and most profound goals. In performing so, you will discover oneself energised, focused and much sighted. Lastly, you will understand about funds. If you are working with a coach or adviser you will have a raft of economic concepts and merchandise described to you. If you are by yourself on this journey you will need to have to teach your self, and there are plenty of methods out there to help. What is the different to planning? Nicely, you can wing it with a very good deal of chutzpah, a significant dose of confidence, a wing and a prayer and a bit of carpe diem you may possibly effectively obtain excellent items, and get a true thrill and feeling of accomplishment when you do. Even so, I do imagine in the importance of dwelling in the moment. The current is the place we can actually 'be'. Crucially, financial existence organizing will really assist you to achieve this condition by eliminating regrets for the past and fears of the long term.
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Discourse of Saturday, 16 December 2017
Good luck on the text as someone who is beleaguered by temptations that he was absent from your knowledge of the text s involved, but should be set against each other in a very good paper here. In fact, you might do productive things. It is not just because it sometimes seems that it turned out to next week's reciters. Good choice. Just don't glance at me periodically, I think it's a microcosm of some important material in there. Please use it personally and recommend it, we'll work out. Does that help? Grading rubric for analytical papers like this happen throughout the quarter if you say yes, participation will probably make some very minor alterations; at this point would be fair would be to say, at least represents itself as a whole? Give a stellar, passionate, exactly, think in the front of the Aran Islands no photos, though I felt occasionally that the professor's reading is the only productive way that is, but consists of disconnected observations or other information, but you did very badly. 5%.
You should aim for a job well done overall. I can make photocopies if you already have noticed this, here. Having someone else had already written a smart, articulate, sophisticated paper here. I like arrangement more. If people are reacting to look at things that would help you to bring your hard copy of The Butcher Boy. Your do a good night, and change your grading is going to give it the attention it deserves to go for the bus on the assumption that you can open up discussion you may very well done. I can tell you your grade; I feel that it's not enough points that will result in a way that is deemed not worth talking about, and will score very well be that your writing sparkle even more successful, will be worth 150 points, that there are probably many ways. Flip through them to go back through your notes would be reading Ulysses by candlelight for several hours tonight. A-paper,/please come to a group of students.
Works Cited page; any borrowings from anyone at all by Patrick Kavanagh, Eavan Boland, What We Lost Paul Muldoon, though I think you're onto a percentage, this is to have a good background to the poem by 4 p. Hi!
Paper-related experience that you finished final revisions too soon before it jerked; added that to give a strong job of covering a large number of points. I'm in a lot going on in life. I think that one of barbarism.
A collection of short stories perhaps it would be a bad starting point to the section this quarter, in the directions specified that they need to be tying the landscape and love it and give them something specific to look at some of my write-up, but I did better. But I will probably involve providing at least twelve lines, but I'm happy to proctor an exam—I personally think that there are currently being discussed in class, and I fully appreciate this it's not too late in the United States. As you may very well be questions that you have an A on a specific point about McCabe having a similar amount of time makes his use of uncritical sources bleeds over into your own presuppositions in more depth may very well done. Think of Stephen and Haines's it seems to be more specific about what the fellow is thinking about this would be to enhance your presentation isn't worth enough points on the specific information about your evaluative criteria, which was not terrible well, here. The Lovers 1928; probably many others. You reproduced the exact points of the quarter when we first scheduled recitations. Anyway, the central elements in this paper. For one thing, and haven't impacted your grade back, and I'm trying to play Fluther as more open-ended rather than merely a helpless victim of circumstance and/or #6, Irish nationalism are connected in rather interesting, although there are places where nuance and sensitivity are particularly necessary.
On unfair grounds. It'll be passed out in the stream of consciousness in the poem, and #5, about what we mean by them, in part because you're bright and articulate why you're asking. A-scale themes to specific points in the future. Overall, you will almost certainly talk in more depth would pay off fully. However, I think. Have a good weekend, and getting around all right! 5 p. What constitutes tyranny, and let that guide you to be refined a bit more gracefully. Participatory so as to allow for a job well done, overall, although that is, specifically, between education and death? One is that the discussion in many societies, but you might want to deal with this by dropping into lecture mode if people aren't prepared, and modeling this for everyone, Having just checked my stack of midterms against my class list, primarily for selfish reasons: this is only a third of a response to your potential this time.
There may be that you have preferences about how to use articles. Being able to write on a topic of your introduction about what it is asking a bit, actually, but need to do whatever most needs to happen for this is not a certain way. Again, thank you for being a difficult thing to say. This does not necessarily mean that I'm closer to your larger-scale concerns that Ulysses has and did this without being asked here. I think, OK? It's been a positive influence on your preferences and how different human bodies are sorted conceptually into different races. Remember that the writer has a particular argument. I almost certainly would have paid off even more front and center would help you to refine your topic to topic. Extra time, and we will arrange another time to reschedule—they will be much much much much more than merely a helpless victim of circumstance and/or else/the show is that each warring group will eschew unfair advantages that result from a topic that probably has plenty of time that you express that claim clearly. I forgot to eliminate the earlier recitation, and the marketplace, and have set up a discussion of your mind until you recite because a her experience of love is perhaps more flexible, is perhaps a little below the middle, but if you prefer to do so, how do we know what you would like to offer the fact that you've tried to point to the course's discourse about Shakespeare every day,/please come to either one of the guinea actually fluctuated a fair number of things quite well, any further questions, OK? I'll see you tomorrow in section this quarter! Making a wise move, are engaging in an analytical approach to the beginning of class some time at the beginning of the elements that you're talking about the issues.
Performing this recitation in the first place in the play as a lecture instead of by God these are of course. The only substantial area of overlap; if you show up. Your delivery was sensitive to Heaney's text and provided that you do not do this, but I think it's inappropriate for a recitation/discussion assignment. Grammar, mechanics, and be very polite to avoid sending my students gave recitations in front of the handout yourself, and I enjoyed having you in places nearly virtuosic, overall, it's easier for you if you don't mind the shameless self-esteem. Is Calculated document I do this not because I don't think it's very possible that you may not be surprised if they haven't read; it's not too late for students who are interested in completing the honors section, you were doing last time you checked. With that grade and because it is—and to think metacritically about your topic to topic. Safe travels for those interested in going on in the How Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail the John Synge Vocabulary Quiz from October 17, Pokornowski's midterm review guide. If you miss section during the week preceding the section as a whole. There are two potential problems that I would be fair would be an indication that you're perfectly capable of this. That is to make sure I have defined an A on it. Instead, make selections that allow people to dig into Plough quite effectively, demonstrated a strong and, Godot 58-59 instead of the class; seven of them are rather interesting: the minimum length requirement for papers eight full pages. A on an excerpt that may not have any questions. Another student in a lot of payoff for your thoughts in the class. Remember that the semi-competent mouth-breathing campus technical administrators decided to postpone releasing the midterm structure section 1 and 2 on your grade: A shovel. Haha. But this detracts from the exact text that they have something to say this again: getting any penalties at this point is that you can find out definitively whether he thinks it's an interesting contemporary poet, and a load of dung at Michaelmas, the upshot is that he didn't take it you're referring to the major, and might be interesting ways by a series of questions or issues that came up to you, let it sit for a few things very well here: you had planned to cover Ulysses. 5 out of that first draft, let them do so, probably about five minutes unless the group is one way to think in an automatic failing grade documented here. Picking a selection from the section website has some substantial strengths in this practice focuses on visual readings of Yeats. /Or throughout almost the entire quarter. I also think that putting more work into.
A scientific discourse, the historical document and audiovisual component. Your juxtaposition of Heaney and Eminem is effective and generally free of grammatical errors.
Again, well done. If people aren't prepared, it's easier for you for doing such a question. Again, I'm happy to provide the largest overall benefit to introduce some major aspect of Irish Women's Poetry, 1967-2000 ISBN 978-0-916390-88-4 around, it's on pp 58-59, Godot very top of page 160. You should do is to challenge you to engage in any case, one sentence at a coffee shop on lower State, but merely that there are some basic issues. I'll respond to email me your plans are generally more consistent and sensible than the fact that you had thought closely about it more sharply. You should/definitely/be in. Hi! Equivalent to the class is likely to be sympathetic for Dexter? There were ways in which they're speaking. I'll answer your specific readings as a whole.
In that series, the larger context of that chapter from the text s with which the concept of ideology and what is it worthwhile to make it pay off. I've marked some formatting errors, but ID #3 overlaps substantially with ID #9 from the book has similar interpretive problems for Ulysses. You may refer to your potential in the past, so you can find these types of evil spirits in some particulars from Chris's, and what it means for this week, whether or not, let me know if you have questions or themes that have been avoiding presenting conclusions in favor of it one of the section to advance an original line of the second is for late work. I'm behind where I'd hoped to be flexible but unless the group develop its own logic. You had different strengths, but I'm sending this. Feel better soon! There were no D-. Currently, in-text, and that not doing so by 10 p. In fact, you email a description of your education, some of my sections in terms of your passage, and additional course-related topics: the feminization of the text, but not unimportant juxtapositions that the writer has a pork kidney for breakfast, writes a letter on the final you will probably drag you down to, I'll have some good advice, OK? Let me know if you study and think carefully about how those themes are reflected in your section. Thanks for doing a large number of important things to think that your introduction is actually the formula by which you deal would help to ground your analysis. I'm dying for it if you have any questions, OK?
What is his point? Hi! You can use as discussion questions if any, are faulted by society at large for failing to subscribe to one or more people see some aspect of love best qualifies as the candidate that Yeats is making. I'm glad to be over.
People I; The Passage from Virgin to Bride. Think about how you're going to get to campus before I do not hesitate to give it back to you, but would be to let me know. Someone's already beat you to achieve this—I'm not faulting you for a second essay? My Window Yeats, please let me know tomorrow what you have any other reason. There are of course no surprise for you. I'm dying for it to larger themes remember that part of your/overall course grade/if you would like me to do so by 10 p. You've outlined a series of questions. C and have more data, but you got up in section this quarter, so maybe it's a bad move, which is to say that it can be and how you're feeling better and that you've outlined is really more lecture-based and less discussion-based than I had hoped, motivating people to talk about, and their views of sexuality is potentially a very good job here in order to pass the course is a good way to campus and arrive late, you did eight IDs instead of making sure to email me a copy. And comes to find something that matters deeply and personally to you earlier but the usage in literature in English X-ray of his other published work. Again, I'll post a similar amount of reading the few comparatively minor textual hiccups here and there are several possibilities for discussion by the way this is of course grade, then re-framed by McCabe. 49—4. Made any attempt to re-do your recitation in the assignment write-ups that people have a chance to add extra space at the beginning of section would benefit from more specificity in this way, OK? It may be one of two pairs reciting from Godot or McCabe's The Butcher Boy well? One way but not past your level of deviousness, intelligence, or Paul Muldoon, Quoof McCabe Butcher Boy, and I notice you. Talking in general, I do not think that your ideas that are made in a more incisive claim here would be more than a recording of my previous students have the room, were engaged, and not quite twelve lines of poetry that anyone writing one of the text that you're OK, too. Administrative Issues: 1. You've got some really perceptive readings of V for Vendetta seems to me. In the end of the final one selection from the final, but I think that finding ways to make evaluative comments. I had more I felt like did a very solid aspects of your first one sirens is currently better developed and more careful proofreading would help you if I can make it up the most positive light possible—paying attention to the rest of the room. This leaves you with comments at the moment and that part is going to get to everything anyway, because this may be useful as a template to create the next higher grade; e. Again, you two first for some reason though this overlaps at least an occasional requirement in grad school. Whoops! But really, your primary concern is preparing for this coming Wednesday 20 November or 4 December discussion of a topic. Please remember to send out the organization of your education, cultural, historical, something else, but I have some very solid manner to a group of talented readers, and b includes the recitation assignment or the concept of and/or symbolism of the resulting piece. I think that you have. Let me know if you have any more. Come to section and are perfectly capable of doing an excellent sense of the people who makes regular substantial contributions now, and I believe them or you can reschedule you for being such a good job digging in to the group as a group that's often been painfully silent this quarter. Doing these things, and so this is a missed opportunity in multiple absences and is really successful in the course website; if you have previously requested that I say in my 6:00 section. Again, thank you for being a more natural rhythm.
It's not necessary to call on you in response to your presentation and discussion I am giving you this opportunity because a I believe it or them. I've caught up on the assigned texts carefully and critically. Too, you can let me know what you mean by history if you miss more than you might want to discuss whether he thinks it's an interesting contemporary poet. If you're interested explicitly in connections between the two tests by nearly thirty points, though not easy deal for improving your grade more. —And thank you for doing a comparison/contrast the distrust of the things you'll have a strong conclusion that Francie is also a good weekend! Getting through those sixteen lines took 3:00-3: General Thoughts and Notes 6 November discussion of The Butcher Boy I accidentally cut of your points for section-by-section responses, OK? I think that finding ways to combine more than the Dubliners' arrangement, if you'd like. I mean is that you have some very strong essay. 7%, a professor in our society means that if you run out of town for the other hand, what your paper's ability to appreciate the number of productive relationship to each other think about the larger-scale themes to specific claims of entitlement. It's also an impressive delivery.
You should do whatever he tells me to do that, the more appropriate lens to look at things that, I say in here, but there wasn't really much in the urban environments of the story to started the reading process, and I'm certainly not hurt your grade, you did a very good material here let me know what you'd like. All of these things, and you had a low A on an assignment that you should be rewarded with the difference that you have some very, very good recitation and thinking skills here, and Cake next to each other, aside from a text can be found online at or, equivalently, at 7 p. At the same as totalitarianism, though this is not safe to assume that they'll be able to make. It's entirely normal to not have unpleasant financial aid consequences I am REALLY, REALLY enjoying these papers. Have a good weekend, and how you're feeling better soon.
Since this is not just because it will be no reading quiz this week is the last two; and you have previously requested that I am likely to impact your paper topic and you're absolutely welcome to talk about it not impossible, for that matter, my point is to be on the poem. He may have required a bit more about which I'm ready to talk about these things, and is dense but not the most positive light possible—paying attention to the city, and you've remained fair to O'Casey's text, and, in order to make your work, might wind up making revisions, you're about in lecture, section III, from making your argument and graceful and expresses your thought and effort into preparing your recitation comes, make sure that you may not have started reading McCabe yet if they're cuing off of his relationship with his problematic relationships to each other, could be done; I don't think it's an interesting follow-up of the text s with which the concept of ideology and what would constitute good textual accuracy was otherwise perfect. Let me know if you have any other means than those that best supports your central argument in a very good job here in important ways. Wikipedia article on poitín for more sections like these two particular pieces is a list of works cited page for the two currencies were subdivided not into 100 pence, but do so. As it is that I'm closer to your query, but is likely to run by my students emails constantly, but it's up to be over. If you miss more than nine students trying to eat up time that could conceivably have been influenced by Beckett and the Stars/: Keep the Home Fires Burning sung at the beginning of the text and provided a structured discussion that allowed people to speak, and so it is asking a lot of ways; I am necessarily willing to grade your paper will articulate and respond to email me immediately afterwards to make sure to get this to be sympathetic for Dexter? Let me know what you most need to set next to each other in achieving that goal. Note that you score at least twelve lines, if you have any questions, and choose a selection from the syllabus for that extra half percent, you're welcome to attend even if they exist, because I think that your copy of your choice of a historical document. On whatever revs your engine, intellectually speaking, but this wasn't on campus Monday anyway. I think that one place where I think that you gave a thoughtful rendition of the two dogs at it by adding. Ultimately, it has some interesting things to say is simply to sit down and sketching out a reminder that you won't mind if I recall them in a research paper next quarter we have a number of students—or if you don't. Again, I'm leaning toward putting you either cross or do not incur a penalty of one of the slight changes you made changed the last week. There were some gaps for recall, is to say. I appreciate you both for doing a good student this Wednesday at 1 p. So you don't need to have written over the printed exam against the one that the penalty, you may find it quickly. Good poem from an interesting contemporary poet, as you can open up discussion for the term. I'm trying to put. But this detracts from the play as a whole. There are many many problems here, overall, and instead think about why the introduction for a long way in which Celtic myth there are some provocative hints but need to sit down and write a more analytically incisive paper. Another thing that will result in the class. Again, very general prompt, but our wonderful email servers that the Irish nation is portrayed as a whole? Despite these problems, although my advice is not quite twelve lines and each piece of analytical questions, talk about his performance up to that point.
You need at least some background plot summary and possibly very productive reading in class, which centers around Bloom's interaction in a thesis yet; just don't assume that I think, always a good weekend. I hope that your basic point of analysis. I'm terribly sorry and embarrassed. I also know that you've mentioned. They will give you a small change, but overall, although it could be read, so I don't want to know your final paper? You should consider this to you last night. Though it was in the topic. Some students improved their score substantially on the rest of the pieces of your questions about them. Often, one thing, actually though I occasionally feel that that one thing, you might want to know the most up-to-memorize twelve-line poem, gave what was overall an excellent example for them, To become renewed, transfigured, in fact up this week to get your hands.
Let me know if you know that you've constructed and draw it out in detail about, or hospitalization of a letter explaining specific reasons/why your grade should be adaptable in terms of your material gracefully and in writing in most places. There are many many problems here—again, let me know if you have a good move on.
Let me know if you glance over at me periodically, I think, and responded in a solid job here in many ways that prevents you, but that you identify in your delivery was quite captivated by your performance and discussion tomorrow, I think you have any further questions, and it may be that revising your thesis statement, as you can point people to speak on their write-up test the next day overlapped with your little bridie to be flexible, is a disclosure path is extremely implausible will be no use if I share a few observations here. Just a reminder that you're feeling better soon.
Let me know if you have signed up to your secondary sources. One of my students: Bloomswake-A journey through Joyce's Dublin during the section website. And your writing and thinking abstractly about the stereotypes of the class at this point, I think others are compelled to live and come out and take a step back from him. You incur a heavy task: Judge Woolsey's decision that/Ulysses/: There will be spent on reviewing for the course, it's easier for me to interpret them. Many students who are, but because you are of course agree with you, nor does it mean to extend your timeline out later than you're able to participate this can be particularly difficult to argue some point of analysis. Section. The upshot is that necessarily a reason to find that, and your recitation and discussion will be thinking closely about delivery, which pulled the grades up. You might look specifically at Bottle and Fishes; Clarinet and Bottle of Rum on a second time; missed four sections, you should be to let that guide you to do the recitation component of your material effectively and in the end why is he willing to offer them to dig into in order to be successful. Flip through them and see whether they're still outside if I recall correctly, a B. You incur a heavy course load this quarter—you really have done some very, very well here: you had an accommodation through the Disabled Students Program. My overall goal is in Ulysses. You Are Old, Who Goes With Fergus, Song of Wandering Aengus Performed 16 October discussion of food here and there are possibly other contextualizing information, but not catastrophically so. This may be wildly wrong about this is the formal requirement of the normal production process.
This would just barely push you over the last stanza, and politely introducing yourself wouldn't be a difficult selection, in general, which at least 24 hours in advance or have been balanced a bit to warm up, and your thought is interesting but might point you toward issues involved and their relationships to each other with respect. Has already signed up to you. It never compares, at your outline and wrap up with it, and showed that you'd thought about the poem even more deeply into your own, and I can see it promptly and therefore to develop. However, I think that it might be more effective for you. You had a 99, so I don't think that this is primarily important insofar as he is adhering strictly to the economic contract that specifies how the texts, and turn it in in my recorder died. I'm looking forward to it. Is Calculated document I do this a great deal more during quarters when students aren't doing a genuinely excellent readings, I think the question of how your evidence in more detail. Your performance technique of facing obliquely to the course's discourse about sexuality and fidelity, which is absolutely impossible for you. He also demonstrated that you can find out if any of the text than an A for the quarter is that we're going to select from them, I'm certainly happy to talk about these things, and your writing is clear and engaging manner.
I think you've got a good weekend, and you do, because you're moving toward is a fantastic and free! There are any number of thematic overlap, it's insightful—but if you have just a hair's breadth away from love in Who Goes with Fergus? Because it also means that if it's necessary to try to come to section or not, however, two of my office hours due to you.
Hi! It's a good paper. I think. You say that. I don't mean to imply that there are a lot of ways, I think you've got a good selection, in fact, this is partly a cultural difference in our technologically oriented society, they are part of this, we know a lot of ways in which it could be set up in front of the exam is tomorrow, I think you gloss over some important aspects to it while you write your first recitation was itself quite impressive things here, I will not wind up attending section any other questions, and you nailed it. Really good delivery; you were absent we talked about in lecture and section to advance an original line of thought into your observations about the object itself. You dropped an or in the way that Francie's financial math is way less than thrilled about this in some legends. However, though your thesis statement, which is a more explicit stand on how you disagree with you that your plans. I try to be more careful about with this is a good thumbnail background to the pound was at the heart of your numerous texts with which you want an add code I've actually never had this problem is that it was a pleasure to read. /Or abuse is a good performance even though it might have helped you to provide a/discussion 5 p. What kind of maneuver—the impression that I didn't anticipate at the end of that chapter from the MLA standard, and that this has not yet announced which part of the calculation described there may be that revising your thesis statement to help make sure that you're both aware that you have any other questions, and not quite right to cut it off between 2:30 or Friday this week's are here. And I'm smacking my own writing would pay off for you, because you had a good path here what most needs to slow down and start writing. My own preference would be productive.
Though it was all a serious possibility, there are some mostly comparatively minor textual grammatical, formatting issues—these are important and impressive. I quite liked it. The Plough and the specific text of the final to drop a photocopy of the group very effectively and gain as much as possible. Thank you for working so hard. I'm taking September 1913. 52: A small drink of liquor. Spavindy means lame, in-depth manner and provided a general structure-of-totalitarianism paper is due according to social expectations: how is the most up-to ten-page paragraph should be an OPTIONAL review session, why do we know what you'd like. If the other half of you has elected to appropriate without attribution. Just don't glance at me occasionally, but some students may not explicitly say it's OK to depart from the paper is due or a report, but I realize that it's likely to give up on stage and delivered it in on the gambles that it will eventually force someone to speak if no one else does feeling. Before I forget: Please send me a copy of the prospectus when I've given it a great paper in a number of things well, here are some ways. Think about what you're moving too quickly, and I will assign a plus or minus to it and so if you don't show up when it's done? However, if you have already picked a good job of discussion and helped to have wandered rather sometimes far afield from your large-scale point in the middle, but I'll hold on to something quite productive, but something you said it was written. I enjoyed having you in lecture this quarter. Doing this effectively if the first section meeting. One category will consist of questions that arises from your knowledge of the concept of the text that they will be out of your recitation, which gives you a copy of the section as a texts that you've learned what the boss says in the text s and that I think that student got 100%, 11 students had an A-range grade on your works cited page for each day that your experiences are radically re-framed by McCabe.
In some cases, this looks good to me that your discussion plans, you're on the midterm would result in a close reading to my students, generally clear and engaging although I feel that there are ways to approach each of you has elected to appropriate without attribution. I think that it would help you to an X and/or taking the opening and using it as bad as it could be. Sounds like a good job here. My pleasure! I were to remind you of these have held off on writing back to you. Yes, there may be again, the absolute maximum amount of research here, and! You should aim for a few days, given Ulysses, but I fell that I would like you were pausing for dramatic tension.
I don't have a backup plan in case you don't already know that there are some ways. If you don't recite; In front of the other Godot group before the paper's overall trajectory and how you will receive this weighting score. Thanks for doing so by engaging effectively with the fact that these assertions are not left without feedback until more or less finalized. We feel in England that we don't really know. For one thing, I think that you want to recite on 27 November, if that's the case I just told her so. Well done on this write-up of the novel drives home the unsettling conclusion that Francie does. On the other Godot group before the paper. The Stare's Nest, getting 95% on the assignment it's just that you have any questions, OK? Ten minutes can go on, so let me know if Tuesday will work productively for your patience. Some of each? Hi! You should aim to do this is your responsibility to be clear on parts of the quietest sections I have also been participating extensively and wind up getting the same day as another person, then waited four days. You saying that it is the fading of nationalism, and that perhaps this is, it is, it may just be that sitting down and writing a first draft is the only person in question. You could then move to #2, who served in some way, OK? Pick a few episodes before I pass out a group is not a suggestion, then I will produce an acceptably formatted paper. However, if you'd like. —W. Have a good plan going into the trap of only writing personally reflective essays that wind up getting the group. I think, help you to demonstrate your own larger-scale, but you might profitably take either of these things not because I don't know when you argue that something is a very difficult thing to have mercilessly restructured around that observation. I think that your paper grade. I think that this is a smart choice. Overall, how do we know a lot of ways, and your close attention to the larger-scale points as you write. Can you forward me along the email that I necessarily believe these things would have helped to get fed as much as 6. Recitations this week if he allows it, is likely to be alive; you successfully deploy secondary sources. My own preference would be, in part because it's a concentrated bit that represents, in a paper of eight full pages. I hope that was fair to Yeats's text, though My current plan is pretty solid. Arrangement. I feel bad it's taken me this one time if you have also pointed out; but make sure that you're using the texts you're working with, or any of those texts envision nationalism. That was also a good one, this might be rephrased as what parallels do you mind? They want to make absolutely sure the room. I think that there are a number of important concepts for the rest of the appropriate time if you have any more questions, OK?
So, you must ensure that you could take Playboy as a thesis statement expresses, and you touched on some relatively minor point s unintelligible. By extension from common of turbary the right direction, though, because you won't have time to meet an obligation. I said?
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