#supercorp is real idc
marinawolf · 10 months
an angsty but somewhat cute supercorp first kiss 😚 fic to make the rest of the week better ❤️
Finally (Supercorp)
by marinawolf
Three times Kara wants to kiss Lena, and one time she does.
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-the first time she didn't
The elevator doors slid open to Lena's penthouse, and Kara stepped out, holding a bag of take-out pasta in her hands. She had been looking forward to this evening, to spending quality time with Lena, her best friend. With a hopeful smile on her face, she walked deeper into the penthouse, only to freeze in her tracks as she caught sight of Lena in the kitchen.
Lena, still dressed in her work clothes, stood near the counter where two wine glasses had been set out, a bottle of wine in one hand and a corkscrew in the other. Kara's breath hitched in her throat as her eyes traveled up Lena's figure. The black suit hugged Lena's form perfectly, emphasizing her elegant silhouette. The unbuttoned top of her black button-up shirt revealed a tantalizing glimpse of her collarbone.
Lena's hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail, emphasizing her sharp features and highlighting the graceful curve of her neck. Kara's gaze traced the lines of Lena's face, the subtle edge of her jawline, and the way her lips parted slightly as she focused on opening the wine bottle. She was captivated by the intensity in Lena's blue-green eyes. Those eyes never failed to leave Kara spellbound.
Unbeknownst to Lena, Kara watched silently. As Lena fidgeted with the corkscrew, her fingers moving with innate grace, Kara's heart pounded in her chest. She was helplessly in love with Lena, and the sight of her like this, so effortlessly alluring, intensified her feelings to an unbearable degree. In that moment, Kara's mind wandered into forbidden territory, as she allowed herself to imagine what it would be like to slip her arms around Lena's slender waist, to press her lips against the soft skin of Lena's neck. But it remained nothing more than a fantasy, a yearning she buried deep within herself.
Suddenly, as if sensing Kara's gaze on her, Lena looked up, and a stunning smile spread across her face, causing Kara's heart to flutter. "Kara," she breathed, "hi." Kara snapped out of her reverie of admiration and smiled back at Lena, holding up the food.
"I got your favourite."
Lena's eyes gaze fell on the bag in Kara's hands, and her smile widened, causing the little dimple in her cheek to show up. That smile always made Kara's heart stop. 
"Kara, L'Ultima Cena is in Metropolis! How did you get this?" Her voice carried a hint of awe.
The truth was that Kara had flown to Metropolis to get Lena's favourite pasta just to see that smile on Lena's face. But she didn't dare tell Lena that. With a bashful shrug, she said, "I was visiting Kal-El today, and I happened to pick it up on the way back."
Lena stepped closer, her eyes shimmering with appreciation, and placed a gentle hand on Kara's arm. "Kara, that means the world to me. Thank you." 
For a brief moment, Kara considered baring her soul, revealing the depths of her love for Lena. But the fear of ruining their friendship held her back, and she took a step back, distancing herself both physically and emotionally. "Oh, it's nothing, really."
They settled in for dinner, as Lena poured the wine and Kara unpacked the take-out, carefully transferring the pasta to plates. The atmosphere was warm and cozy, yet Kara couldn't shake the undercurrent of longing that pulsed beneath the surface.
As they began to eat, Lena launched into a discussion about work, her brows furrowed with a mix of determination and frustration. "I've been trying to acquire this company," she explained, her voice tinged with a hint of exasperation. "But the board is giving me a hard time. I have a meeting with them later this week, and I'm concerned it won't go in my favour."
Kara listened attentively, always enraptured by anything Lena had to say. She reached across the table, placing her hand gently on Lena's. "Lena, you're brilliant. You'll be fine. And anyway, who can resist Lena Luthor?"
Kara couldn't help but notice that a faint blush dusted Lena's cheeks, though she quickly dismissed it, not wanting to read too much into the fleeting moment. Lena squeezed Kara's hand, a gesture of appreciation.
Their conversation shifted, and Lena's tone turned lighter as she inquired about Kara's romantic life. "So, Alex mentioned that Mon-El has been around a lot. How's that going?"
Kara's heart sank at the mention of Mon-El, her mind filled with the unspoken truth that she longed to reveal. But she composed herself, a smile masking her inner turmoil. "We've been on a few casual dates," she admitted, her voice lacking the enthusiasm Lena might have hoped for. "But I'm not sure if it's what I want."
Lena leaned back in her chair, her expression intense as she regarded Kara. “And what do you want, Kara?”
You, Kara thought I want you. But she didn’t dare utter those words and instead, she shrugged. “I’m not sure.”
She saw Lena’s intensity falter slightly, but Lena quickly covered it up before Kara could really think about it.
"Kara, you'll only know if you try,” she said, taking a sip of wine, “And besides, Mon-El is cute and sweet. He may just make you happy."
Kara's heart ached at Lena's words, knowing that the very thing that would make her truly happy sat before her, just out of reach. She mustered a smile, her voice filled with a touch of melancholy. "You're right."
Kara's steps were slow and reluctant as she made her way towards the elevator, not wanting the evening to end. Every fiber of her being longed to stay, to linger in Lena's presence for just a little while longer. 
As she reached the elevator, Lena followed closely behind, their footsteps echoing in the quiet entrance hall. A mixture of reluctance and longing washed over Kara, a whirlwind of emotions that threatened to consume her. Before she could step inside, Lena's arms enveloped her in a tight embrace, their usual goodbye, their bodies pressed together in an intimate closeness.
Kara's breath caught in her throat, her heart pounding against her chest. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to savor the moment, to commit it to memory. Lena's embrace felt like home, a place where Kara's heart found solace, if only for a fleeting instant. The soft touch of Lena's face against her neck sent shivers down her spine, and the scent of Lena's perfume filled her senses, intoxicating and enticing.
Reluctantly, they pulled apart, the embrace ending all too soon. Lena's fingers lingered on Kara's arm, and Kara frowned, confused at the lingering touch. She offered a soft smile, her eyes reflecting a longing that she dared not vocalize. As the elevator doors began to close, Kara held Lena's gaze, the ache in her chest intensifying with each passing moment.
The doors sealed their separation, leaving Kara alone in the enclosed space, her thoughts consumed by the desire she dared not act upon. She pressed a hand against her racing heart, her mind flooded with the image of what could have been. She could have closed the gap between them in an instant, but she had stopped herself. 
-the second time she didn't 
The next morning unfolded in the familiar setting of Catco, where Kara could see Lena immersed in the demands of the office, orchestrating the intricacies of her work. Meanwhile, Kara found herself seated at a desk among other reporters, engrossed in the layout for the upcoming issue. Inevitably, her gaze would wander across the bullpen, drawn irresistibly to Lena's presence. And each time their eyes met, Lena would gift her a smile that sent Kara's heart into a frenzy.
Amidst the buzz of the newsroom, Lena gracefully approached Kara, her steps purposeful yet filled with a tenderness that only they shared. As Lena settled on the table in front of Kara, her touch sent a jolt of electricity through Kara's arm. Clad in a mesmerizing white silk shirt, Lena gave off an effortless elegance that rendered Kara breathless.
"Hello, Kara," Lena greeted, her voice carrying a mixture of familiarity and unspoken yearning. The world around them seemed to fade into the background as Lena's presence enveloped Kara's senses. "Have lunch with me?"
Kara mustered a smile in return, her heart pounding against her ribcage as she nodded. She was usually good at keeping up the facade of friendship, hiding her true feelings, but lately, she found it harder and harder to be in Lena's presence. Every time she set eyes on Lena, her feelings threatened to spill out of her.  
They ventured across the street to a quaint café, and Lena surprised Kara by sitting next to her in the booth, instead of opposite her. But Kara knew that it was probably because Lena didn't want to face away from the window. Still, it felt intimate, and did no favours to Kara's heart. 
As they settled in, Lena looked at her.
"So, have you decided about another date with Mon-El?" she asked, her eyes searching Kara's face for answers.
Kara's heart sank again at the mention of Mon-El, realizing the painful truth behind her intentions. She replied, "I might go on another date with him, just to see if there's anything there."
The admission hung in the air, heavy with the weight of Kara's unspoken turmoil. She knew she sought solace in the familiarity of a nice guy like Mon-El, an attempt to bury her longing for Lena beneath the guise of a relationship with someone else. The internal battle raged within her, torn between the fear of unrequited love and the knowledge that she was being extremely unfair to Mon-El.
In that moment, something shifted in Lena's gaze, a flash of intensity that sent a surge of hope coursing through Kara's veins. Lena leaned in slightly, her eyes fixated on Kara's lips, a magnetic pull that threatened to close the gap between them. Kara couldn't resist the urge to close that distance between them. But fate had a cruel sense of timing, as the intrusion of the waiter shattered the fragile bubble they had created. The spell was broken, and Kara instinctively moved away, introducing a physical distance that mirrored the emotional walls she had forced herself to put up. 
They placed their orders, and as the waiter departed, Kara couldn't help but notice his lingering gaze upon Lena's figure, a surge of possessive jealousy coursing through her veins. 
-the third time she didn't 
Kara worked late that night, and was the last of the reporters to leave. Noticing the time, she decided to go upstairs and grab her stuff before retiring for the night. She entered the elevator. The doors opened, and her footsteps faltered as she reached the main floor of the now empty office. Kara's heart sank as she stood frozen. There, in the midst of her own turmoil, she stumbled upon a scene that felt like a dagger piercing her heart. Lena and James stood in Lena's office, their eyes on each other. James held Lena's hand in his own, his eyes soft. Her gaze fixated on their hands, a sight that ignited a surge of jealousy she had long suppressed. The luminous smile adorning Lena's face as she looked up at James was a painful contrast to the ache that consumed Kara's soul. She listened, unable to tear herself away and cursing her super hearing, as their conversation unfolded before her, each word chipping away at her fragile hope.
James, his voice tinged with anticipation, uttered the words that sliced through Kara's heart. "Okay, so I'll pick you up at eight tomorrow?" he said, his tone carrying an undeniable sense of excitement. Lena's response, a soft affirmation, reverberated in Kara's ears, each syllable like a dagger twisting deeper into her wounded heart. "Yes, perfect."
As James exited Lena's office, he greeted Kara and entered the elevator, a foolish smile etched upon his face. Kara forced herself to meet his gaze. She mustered a strained smile in return, masking the turmoil raging within her. Her mind raced with questions and doubts.
Unable to stop herself, Kara barged into Lena's office, her emotions overriding any sense of reason. Lena looked up in surprise at Kara's sudden intrusion and greeted her with a questioning tone, "Kara, hey. What are you still doing here?"
Ignoring Lena's inquiry, Kara forged ahead, attempting to conceal her swirling jealousy beneath a facade of composure. "You're going on a date with James?" she blurted out.
Lena's smile remained unyielding as she took a step closer to Kara, their proximity sending a surge of conflicting emotions through Kara's veins. "Of course, you heard," Lena replied, and Kara could swear that her words were laced with a hint of challenge. "He asked, and I said yes. Who knows? Maybe it'll be great. He's a nice guy."
Kara's heart quickened, her senses hyperaware of the charged atmosphere enveloping them. Lena's gaze dipped momentarily to Kara's lips. The allure of that moment, the temptation to lean in and close the distance between them, tested Kara's resolve.
But fear, like an unwelcome intruder, seized control, urging her to step away and regain her composure. With a measured effort, Kara composed herself and forced a steady tone. "Yeah, he's a great guy. I'm happy for you, Lena."
Her voice masked the heartbreak that threatened to engulf her, concealing the longing and unspoken desires that lay beneath the surface. Kara bid a hasty retreat from Lena's office, leaving behind pieces of her shattered heart in her wake.
-the first time she did 
Kara spent the entire day in a state of despair, dreading the evening when James and Lena would go on their date. She deliberately avoided Lena, unable to bear the ache in her heart. As the night approached, Kara found herself seeking solace in a bottle of alien alcohol, its captivating blue hue calling to her. She drank alone, feeling a slight buzz as the alcohol coursed through her veins. Thoughts of Lena and James consumed her mind—their hands entwined, the possibility of a kiss at the end of the night, Lena's radiant smile directed at him. Jealousy surged within Kara, the mere thought of James touching Lena becoming unbearable.
In her intoxicated state, Kara couldn't bear the thought of not trying at all. With a mix of determination and impulsiveness, she leaped off her balcony and flew to Lena's penthouse, her heart pounding. Kara landed on Lena's balcony and immediately banged on the door, her emotions raw and unfiltered. Lena, in the midst of putting on an earring, opened the door with a look of confusion etched on her face.
"What are you doing here, Kara?" Lena asked, her voice laced with bewilderment. "Is everything okay?"
Breathless and desperate, Kara looked into Lena's eyes, captivated by the stunning black dress she wore. Her words spilled forth in a rush, "Don't go tonight. Please, Lena, don't go on a date with James."
Lena's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Why not?" she inquired, her tone tinged with curiosity and a hint of challenge. She took a step closer to Kara, their proximity electrifying the air between them, "Why shouldn't I go on a date with James, Kara?"
Struggling to find the words, Kara felt her heart pounding in her chest. Without overthinking, she did what she should have done long ago. In an impulsive move, Kara crashed her lips against Lena's, pouring every ounce of her longing, affection, and desire into that single kiss. It was a passionate, breathtaking moment—an outpouring of emotions that had been suppressed for far too long.
Lena responded immediately, her hands finding their place on Kara's waist, as if they had always belonged there, pulling her closer. Time seemed to stand still. Kara couldn't believe that she was kissing Lena and that Lena was kissing her back, their lips moving in a synchrony.
Lena's lips were a revelation to Kara. The taste of her, a perfect blend of whiskey and sweetness, consumed Kara's thoughts, erasing any doubts or fears that had plagued her. She was lost in the sensation, unable to believe that this long-awaited moment was finally happening.
Every tender brush and urgent press of their lips was an act of longing and release, a culmination of unspoken desires that had silently pulsed between them. 
In that intoxicating kiss, Kara found solace and fulfillment. It was as if a weight had been lifted from her heart, replaced by a sense of completeness she had yearned for but never thought possible. The touch of Lena's lips against hers unleashed a flood of emotions she could no longer contain.
Time seemed to stand still as their kiss deepened, fueled by longing and unspoken declarations of love. Kara's hands instinctively sought the contours of Lena's body, pulling her closer. Kara reveled in the moment, her mind buzzing with euphoria, unable to comprehend the sheer intensity of the emotions rising within her. This was real, tangible, and more beautiful than any dream she had ever dared to imagine.
Reluctantly, they eventually pulled away, their breaths mingling in the space between them. Lena's voice, barely above a whisper, broke the silence.
"Took you long enough," she uttered against Kara's lips, a trace of playfulness in her tone.
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lesbianlenas · 3 years
ppl who try to push the idea that supercorp is “toxic” bc they just want to dunk on the most popular lesbian pairing ever only really prove how they aren’t able to think critically abt media lol. you cant connect certain aspects of their relationship to a real life relationship simply bc it’s all conflated by the fact that it is a superhero show in a world where aliens exist. in the real world kara would not be an alien superhero and would not have had to lie to lena at all. and even if lena had been hurt by kara in a more real to life circumstance she would not have potentially turned dark side or used kryptonite on kara bc that’s not a real thing. like on tv real life scenarios like a friend betraying another one and them having a falling out are exaggerated into “one friend lies abt her secret superhero identity and the other is so devastated she wants to mind control the whole world so they’ll never have to feel hurt like her” to 1. raise the stakes 2. make it entertaining and 3. really hit home the extent of kara and lena’s relationship and how much they really do care for each other. like having lena want to mind control ppl was never to show she’s a bad person but to emphasize the extent to which kara had hurt her. (as well as to prove that lena is and always has been good but not the point here.) but ppl aren’t used to seeing women actually have genuine relationships w each other on tv that may have conflicts whether that be friendship or otherwise & cannot comprehend this for some reason. kara and lena have done nothing but uplift and support one another for the majority of their dynamic and that is what really reflects the nature of their relationship. and just as well the underlying message of s5 is that kara and lena make each other better and both need AND want each other and their love for one another can overcome the luthor/super dynamic that has been hanging over their heads the whole time. but if ppl want to use surface level reads to justify their hatred of an incredible lesbian pairing they can go ahead and do that idc but i will stay having fun w my girls!
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occidentaltourist · 3 years
Hello anon, thank you for sharing this. Publishing your full ask. :)
I agree there’s a lot they could have done better with James as a character. For real! 
But I’ll just reiterate here my view that the EPs are not responsible for how actors interact with fans, or how fans react to actors. Actors are paid professionals and it’s not JQ/RR’s job to tell them how to behave on social media. I hope they don’t make story decisions based on what might happen in fandom or wanting to avoid messy discourse. 
sorry this got too long for an ask. sorry I dont mean EPs owe fans ?ships? idc of SC canonicity. it was about the EPs anticipating audience reaction to James and Lena and how they could have avoided that mess. 
they already saw the backlash sdcc17 they know what happens with passionate wlw fans in other cw shows they should have anticipated that Mehcad was not the actor to throw into the deep end if they didnt want to fan flames (flames being racism from some loud fans then Mehcad doubling down on his homophobia). w the flippant behavior towards both Karolsen and Supercorp b4 s3 it is very hard to see the decision to pair James/Lena as anything but to pair the 2 other characters that were considered by many review outlets and viewers to be better partners for Kara. fans saw that and latched onto it as there are valid points to how some shows tend to react badly when the audience they draw in is not what they expected and try to shut that down. Teen Titans is a good example of that and iirc Sleepy Hollow too. So then you’d have fans with valid criticisms and fans who were just loudly racist and both of those were annoyed with their treatment but the louder racist ones were burying all the valid issues. The EPs should have thought it through better. but instead they gave us flimsy storytelling. Because looking at their storytelling b4 s3 James and Lena had no interaction and James only opinion was that she was another Luthor. Lena had no opinion. The show didn’t even dive into why James and Lena would actually like each other they just suddenly did. it was very superficial storytelling that felt more like “James and Lena are together now! shut up!” instead of any real desire to give them good arcs. mix that flimsy and disrespectful storytelling with a passionate queer audience but some fans being loudly racist and an actor who dealt with racism by being bigoted himself and you bury any of the actual valid criticism of which there were plenty like the misogyny of “disrespecting you is romantic tension”. there were at least a few flames they could have minimized or put out completely. their chosen actor for one their storytelling for another. James arc in s3 wasn’t even good as a romance they could have just chosen not to pair him and Lena and instead focus on him balancing Guardian and CatCo with him no longer being the boss to hide his and Kara’s recurring disappearances. Or explore him going back to photojournalism as he wanted to do at the end of s1. the romance was unneeded and wasn’t even given justice so how else would the audience react to that? the storytelling decisions just fanned the frustration boiling over from s2. so yes I think the EPs are partially responsible for how bad that went over given their behavior and storytelling.
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colorful-dragon97 · 5 years
Can SuperCorps and Karamels just... Get along?
Like I’m kinda disappointed on this fandom for having this war on who has the biggest d*ck. This happens in other fandoms sure, but not in such a big scale as in the Supergirl fandom.
Idc which one of both groups started the argument, y’all need to stop... Don’t you guys realise that this is hurting people and, not only that, but you are showing the SG people that we are a mess?
You don’t like Karamel. That’s ok! But don’t attack Karamels!
You don’t like Mon-El. Ok! But don’t attack Mon-El Stans
You don’t like Supercorp. Cool! But don’t attack Supercorps
You don’t like Lena Luthor. Perfect! But don’t attack Lena Stans
For really specific Supercorps... Don’t attack Chris Wood!!!! Mon-El is a fictional character!!! And don’t hate on Melwood in general, they were only portraying characters.
The beauty of a show is seeing things any way you want to and having your own interpretation of it.
Maybe you think Kara and Mon-El are endgame and he is the one for Kara!
Maybe you think that Lena and Kara are meant to be!
Maybe you think that Kara was in love with Mon-El and then know she has feelings for Lena!
Maybe you want Single Kara forever!
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delirioustomboy · 5 years
A Fat Vent (Supercorp)
They could literally make another alternate universe with Supercorp as a canon relationship and I'll fucking take it. like that's ALL it takes because that would just prove that it's possible. IDC if they don't end up together in the real world, all I need is that alternate universe to rest my Supercorp-loving heart.
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I may have failed my Stats finals but at least I got to see Lena get a hug. I can die happy.
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evangelinedanvers · 2 years
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I posted 594 times in 2021
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Longest Tag: 116 characters
#literally ted chose to marry someone else cos robin couldn’t give him kids and then as soon as his wife dies is like
My Top Posts in 2021
I love drag race but what is this stupid shit of ‘I wonder how many adverts would have the f bomb in them’
Well, this isn’t a real fucking advert is it Michelle? 🙄🙄🙄🙄
10 notes • Posted 2021-10-28 18:41:50 GMT
help me out here. whats going on with supercorp? why do i keep seeing posts about them possibly becoming canon (i havent watched s5 yet, let alone started 6. feel free to spoil idc.)
14 notes • Posted 2021-09-30 22:20:37 GMT
if there was a universe in which supergirl didnt exist, skulduggery pleasant was actually popular and had a netflix series in which katie mcgrath was china sorrows i  would quite happily go live in that universe.
literally all i want from life at this moment.
but instead i will just continue to listen to the audiobooks and think wishfully
14 notes • Posted 2021-10-09 15:37:17 GMT
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22 notes • Posted 2021-11-24 18:18:51 GMT
Okay but when Clint was in the ball pit this weeks ep all I could think of was
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23 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 21:32:37 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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zendayascoleman · 7 years
westallensiris replied to your post: idc if you hate a ship or its shippers but if you...
wait what is fandom up to now?
i’m getting most of this from just scrolling my dash, but jeremy jordan sang a song at sdcc where he really aggressively shut down supercorp as a ship. i don’t watch the show so i don’t know much but karamel shippers are saying supercorp shippers deserve this, and are laughing about it, and it’s... really lesbophobic.
like regardless of whether you like the ship, or if the shippers act appropriate, it’s really damaging to sing a song about how the representation they’re seeing isn’t real and is “never going to happen” and for EVERYONE to laugh about it like being a lesbian is a huge joke. that and their canonical lesbian couple is apparently gonna disappear as well so basically supergirl and its cast hate lesbians.
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dracoharry · 7 years
a-z and skip any letters you previously answered.
D: what was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?
me, I’m a contribution. nothing
E: have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?
the adventures of supergay to the supercorp fandom but that’s not mine originally, I mean everyone was making stuff like that in their fandoms since idk
F: what’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? what fandom was it?
like 5-6 years if I’m not wrong which probably I am since I don’t have a good memory and I suck at math and the glee fandom
G: what was your first fandom?
it’d be glee 
H: do you prefer real-life tv shows or animated tv shows?
real-life tv shows
I: has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
well I kinda stopped shipping oliver/felicity and liking barry allen bc of the fandom, I mean they’re so rude sometimes. It’s not that I hate them exactly, just torn between neutral and disliking them
K: how do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s).
well there’s always good and bad, I guess the worst fandoms I’m involved in rn is the flash and hp (on facebook but on tumblr they’re cool)
L: your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
I’d ask for a drawing of my favorite female characters holding a flag that says ‘STOP PINING GIRLS AGAINST EACH OTHER’
M: a person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to.
an old friend made me watch and cry queer as folk
N: your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over).
on tumblr the hp fandom is pretty good tbh
O: choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
dance with me - drew seeley ft. belinda and it reminds me of dorinda and joaquin from the cheetah girls 2 I think it’s pretty obvious
P: invent a random au for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
AU: in which killer frost and black siren team up and destroy their cities and all the people who hurt them and didn’t care about them, get together and live as the powerful couple everyone fears.
Q: a ship you’ve abandoned and why:
kurt and blaine and pls don’t make me start a rant about how kurt deserved better 
R: a pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships:
caitlin snow and alex danvers, well except for ilaria but she’s my twin so...
S: what's a headcanon you have:
 after the war lucious ends up in azkaban, narcissa reconciles with andromeda and draco meets teddy and babysits him t(it’d be hard at first but andromeda wants teddy to have as much people as he can since both his parents are dead) 
U: what are your favorite male/female ships?
stydia, channy, linctavia, romione
V: do you have any 3-way ships?if so, what?
V stands for VANILLA
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms:
I really hope you mean 5 from each fandom:
1. santana
2. sebastian
3. kurt
4. finn
5. mercedes
the flash:
1. caitlin
2. julian
3. cisco
4. wally
5. iris
1. lena
2. alex
3. kara
4. winn
5. jimmy
teen wolf:
1. lydia
2. stiles
3. kira
4. malia
5. scott
1. hermione
2. draco
3. harry
4. dobby
5. luna
X: 3 otps from 3 different fandoms.
1. kurtbastian
2. samcedes
3. brittana
1. drarry
2. romione
3. luna x ginny
1. rilaya
2. riarkle
3. lucaya 
Y: a fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
what’s a fandom without ships? a bed of roses probably
Z: what's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
lmao I don’t keep my mouth shut about anything, idc if they hate me for it
send me fandom questions
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woahspace · 7 years
Real talk for 2 seconds Idc if supercorp is never canon but I need Lena Luthor to be canonically gay bc she is a Fucking Lesbian
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whxreeeee · 6 years
Idc supercorp is real 😐
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