#sun!smg4 x moon!smg3
k1ra0nloose · 2 months
"The sun doesn't shine when it's alone. It's burns"
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"The moon cannot shine on its own. It's merely reflecting sunlight"
New au y'all, but this is based off the angsty tiktok planet lore slideshows</33
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lizaluvsthis · 6 months
HAHA... THIS IS FUNNY... I was just- making something for fun (I finished reading the fic btw I LOVE ITT!!!)
@shygirl4991 @alianarepasa I do love the idea of beeg and eggdog getting their bodies swapped by their parentsowners
-I thought about that one clip out of context from Mlp (this is angel aka fluttershy's pet bunny who body swapped with her-)
I mean- I got to see the reference from both comparisons-
This is part mlp if one of you guys have or might been familiar with-
Angel who is a bunny which is Fluttershy's pet, they both swapped bodies to experience a day from what its like to have the perspective with one another.
Since angel is Fluttershy's pet and Discord who used to be an antagonist but not anymore because he has fluttershy now. Angel could see that there is something with the relationship forming with those two and well- now you have this-
For THE smg4 Part
Beeg has been Four's pet who has been in his room and whenever he sees SMG3 who USED to be an antagonist as well. (A current tritagonist today) he could also see that something between them is starting to bloom. Even eggdog could tell too like- T.T
Beeg's personality is just like how mad and tempered he is (impatient too) he and angel both act the same- so I thought to myself- "hey- I think I'm seeing where this is going..."
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I'm literally showing my favorite moments rn 😭😭😭😭🥹 memeswap has brought the joy to my heart from these boys like- URHHDHD
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Heres a gif if you want HEHEHE <3<3
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Hello there! We are the TAC’S!
A fictive heavy polyfragmented system of god knows how many fuckers as our simply plural is under constant updates-…
Ahem either way! This is an ask blog so you can ask us anything wether it be stuff about being a system ,source memories ,life in headspace ,etc!
But beforehand of course here’s our main fronters, their pronouns and roles!
Azchilles/Achilles/Az- he/him+ The host (that’s me! :D)
Carlos K.- he/him, the main co-host and prior main host
Steven (Strangled red to emphasize) he/him, co-host
Warden- he/him, one of our gatekeepers
XD- he/they/xe, Architect
SMG3- he/they, archiver
Locke- he/they, n/a
And that should be the main people for now :D
Others that tend to front alot are:
Zero, Glitchy Red, Grey, Astro, Titan Luz, harpy! Hunter, Caleb, SMG4, M! Mario, twosday countless, band-aid, b! Fiery, infyn, c!dream, c!purpled, racooninnit, Red
Some sources from certain fictive alters include (this is just in case you wish to ask about source memories to anyone)
TOH, dsmp, hypno’s lullaby/pokepastas, SMG4, mario movie, object shows/object lost episodes, megaman X, minecraft, genshin, kirby, FNF, steven universe, sonic.EXE/sonic comics, undertale aus, transformers, marvel, DHMIS (show), lackadaisy, final fantasy 7, shovelware’s brain game, DOORS, pokemon sun & moon
That’s the most i can recall (had to do a small check 😭 this MIGHT get updates..)
Basic boundaries:
No “reality checkers” because what.
No 18+ questions the body is a minor-
Respect us please, most of us may be fictive but we are not characters
Do not ask specific people to front, they’ll answer when they come around
Do not harass us for being open about being a system (making this entire thing took us guts not going to lie)
Nothing about graphic Animal death (triggers me/Azchilles) or SA- (self explanatory)
Gentle reminder that we are people and get burnt out and busy, if we aren’t answering things it will be with a reason.
Our simply plural is: The_Arsonist_Collective (gentle reminder non-systems can use this app as long as they mark that they aren’t a system)
Thank you for reading this far! Feel free to ask us anytime and anything!
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lizaluvsthis · 1 month
Soery if this isnt related to br or something
What are your main japanese songs (if you have any)
That can either relate for the two gay characters?
Wowaka by Unknown Mother Goose - SMG4 redesign
Four deals with his struggles at being Perfect.
Rolling Girl by Miku Hatsune - SMG3 recolor/redesign
Three is trying his hardest all the time even after his arc.
The past re-encounters that gave him so much deja vu and all the bad things even tho he tries so many times making it all up with it. He couldn't.
(He does SH and the only way for him to think about is dying- yet Four prevents him from doing that)
Kokoro by Rin ft. Len Kagamine (duet) - SMG34
Four as the robot and Three... well... is the professor. (For those who heard the duet song you will understand that)
Vivi by kenshi yonezu - SMG3
Three slips away from Four and even ends up mising him even more.
Orange by 96Neko - SMG4
Three dies. Four is there to stay and cherish all the moments he and Three had made from their times, now he always visits his grave. Four finally moves on and Three could only say "goodbye"
Sigh by Rin Kagamine - SMG4
Four doesn't know why he was always sad, turns out his long dead-forgotten friend appeared as an angel to return the smiles he had missed.
Kokoronashi by Hikaru Station - SMG3
Three suffers at himself and well finds it hard to deal with emotions...
Knife by [vocaloids i fgt] - SMG4
Short straight [if you know and heard this song]
Four avenge Three's death after Niles killed him
Therefore You and Me by Eve ft. 38ban - SMG34
Ever long lasting slow burn. Recolored - redesign
Ikanaide (Don't Go) by Mafumafu - SMG3
From Recolor to 1st-2nd Redesign
Three's villain role is out of his hands now that he became a tritagonist. However he still looks out for SMG4 even after everything...
But somedays when he and Four get into basic arguements he still fears that one day he would stop talking to him and that he would rather hang out much to his friends.
That Four might eventually forget about what he had just done something good to him.
The Lost One's Weeping ft. Kagamine Rin - SMG4
Redesign vs. Recolor.
Four would recall his past about his senior high where he never understood nothing and the self comparisson between him and the rest of the students are highly at this rate.
It triggered him so much that he never wanted to get back to it, he is only recalling this from his vision - seen as his memories until he sees his recolored version telling him that he already made the decision and that there is nothing else he could do.
Nonsense Speaker by Miku Hatsune - SMG3
Smg3 even tho if he was a tsundere... he still has thoughts about his relationship with four... and the events they both shared if he'd still even see himself as the past or look into his bright self again.
Kagerou Days by Shizen no Teki ft. Miku Hatsune - SMG3
Basic timeloop
Three tried so many times to prevent four from dying with his self hatred side. Yet. He was the one to die at the end.
Racing Into The Night by YOASOBI - SMG4
Four didn't know why three was sad. (They both felt all sad and stuff-)
So when three said he wanted to die- four did too.
Suki Kirai (Like-Dislike) by Rin and Len - SMG34
Feathers Across the Seasons by Kagamine Rin and Len - SMG3
Smg4 was the mysterious feather being
Three is the diseased human person.
Bonus for other characters:
@shygirl4991 @alianarepasa
High Range ft. Kagamine Len - Heart 3
It kinda does fit for Heart since he does use his fem voice not quite often
I'll Quit Singing ft. Kagamine Len - Book 3
Nothing else I just like to think that book plays with a piano
The World is Mine by Miku Hatsune - Spade 3
The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku - Producer4
What huh personality disappearance? Yes.
Daughter of Evil by Kagamine Rin - Delinquent4
Servant of Evil by Len Kagamine Len - Producer4
I think you kmow this story already. Hehe.
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