#summer fayre
mjalford98 · 2 years
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A day of looking forward at the SSPX community of St Michael's School, as Fr Rupert Bevan celebrated his First Mass (on the Feast of Sts John Fisher & Thomas Moore), followed by the blessing of the cornerstone of the new chapel of St Michael the Archangel which is being built to serve the growing community of faithful who have congregated around the school. The annual summer fayre finished the afternoon, raising funds for this uniquely special school. While the environment of the school gym wasn't exactly the most uplifting place for the Tradentine Liturgy, it was still an occasion of great joy & beauty, and one that reminds us that no matter how much the big wide world sets itself at enmity with those seeking to believe & practise the Catholic Faith as it has always been believed & practised, we still believe that the SSPX is a work of God, and that as long as He desires it to continue, He will ordain the circumstances such that it will do so. This was most especially brought home by the Benedictine priests formerly resident at Glastonbury until the release of Traditiones Custodes last year, upon which Bishop Declan of the Diocese of Clifton chose to restrict their use of the Traditional Latin Mass, which they had dedicated themselves to saying exclusively. They have now become affiliated with the SSPX, but continuing their way of life as Benedictines. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfz1RuJD23U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kyreniacommentator · 9 months
Invitation to Kyrenia Animal Rescue Summer Fayre
Readers mail….. From Ian Fell … KAR… Here comes the next Kyrenia Animal Rescue fundraising event:  The event – KAR Summer Fayre. The venue – Sultan’s Restaurant in Catalkoy. The date – Friday 22nd September. The time – between 6 pm and 10 pm. Continue reading Untitled
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bloodsoeur · 3 months
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Something deeply sordid, raw; ungodsly. There’ll be no Lathandrian blessing for your young, no gentle welcome into some family fayre on the outskirts of the city; but you want this.
woah boy! my first ascended astarion piece, so please be kind! dal is back babey! woooo! thank you to @bhaalism and @lipstickghoulie for dealing with me while writing this i love you both endlessly. wc: 4.6k cw: afab reader, female language used. breeding, mind-control, p in v, ascended astarion, public fingering, private banging, great times all round, as always if there are errors no there aren't, creampies, yippee
Baldur’s Gate doesn’t sleep. Not really.
She sometimes slows just enough to find some purchase amongst the muddle, though - tiptoes lazy through highsun in soft linens, the burgeoning swell of soap suds and sunny rosemary through wide open wooden shutters. Lingering - sweat-soaking worn leathers, the sore of the flex in the arch of your foot splayed over cobble. As if to grasp at the memory, your fingers stretch out from your side and on to the dark oak of the armrest, in a moment of sheer jubilance. Summer. The sun. Wide bright mornings. Hopeful and hot as a bated breath. 
The city ambles onward this evening, no different despite the inclement weather and the din of an early darkness. Half-lidded through dark streets as rain smatters the roofs with wet, glistening something dozy under the tall oil street lamps and swirls of ever-present heavy fog. Gurgling whilst each drain fills with water and swallows deep into the sewers. 
Scatters the hay, bears the slip; sings a slow drunken stutter of thunder-wind whiling at the windows into the small hours. There’s a comfort to be found in it. 
The harbour bell will go on to toll for every sail weary ship coming in from the fog; the crescent caress of the Gate’s waiting arms lit low with oily dots of amber. That even this late into the night the bands of trawlers on the dock work crates and barrels into cargo holds with worn hands and ruddy cheeks. The gulls and their scattering squawks. The flapping of their fat feathered wings up into the clouds. 
From where you sit in the Ivory Tower you can hardly see anything at all. Fog obscures the streets to a point, other than the light patches under the oil lanterns out on the ramparts. The window runs dripping wet with condensation. Pools under the pane. 
A hideaway of sorts within the manor. Newly reclaimed by Astarion in some deal with the quivering council in order to keep him sweet. Not that he has any armies of undead in his retainer to command as yet, but they don’t need to know that. There’s time. You’re still blessedly mortal and able.
He should be skulking the halls somewhere below with that unnerving silent step he’s taken to using. Your cheeks grow warm, the blanket over your shoulders pulled closer into your chest as you allow your mind to run wild; the scald of bliss to your brain like that of some ironmonger’s poker, split straight to the core. 
Your love. Your lover. 
Amongst his many newfound desires and passions seemingly includes the impetus to redesign a centuries-old palace from scratch, and while you doubt he has the want nor willpower to take the project anywhere near to completion you’re more than happy to indulge him during this burst of creativity. A designer’s eye. Lavish yet not ostentatious, he tells you. Your own private wing of the palace, and one you’ll share together. He has no need for his own private chambers. You’re the only one he wants to be beside. You understand that at its essence, it isn’t even necessarily a want to design for creativity’s sake, it’s important to you both to have every memory of the residence’s former owner gone. Every threadbare tread of carpet, every scuff on the wall; every painting being demounted by workers downstairs and shipped to the auction house first thing in the morning. You can hear them if you still enough, heart still beating in your chest and the low chunter of layman gossip.
The version of him you knew before his ascension was so very scared. Beautiful, but wavering. You loved him of course; and you always will  - it was that version of him, the one lost in the wilderness that you fell for, and gods; you fell hard - frenetic and whiny, fleeting as light snow never to settle on the forest floor. Wild-eyed. 
But this Astarion - the real Astarion, as far as he is concerned - has you completely and utterly enraptured each day you wake together, the same as ever, from the second your eyes open. Wrapped in those Daerlunian-import plush linens atop your gargantuan newly-installed four poster bed. Face of marble with those cattish dark lashes and eyes of carnelian crush. Enchants every room he walks into, as he always has. 
You don’t know he’s with you until a hand ghosts your shoulder, sinewy; with those deft pale fingers deep encroaching on your collarbone in his grasp. 
“I didn’t hear you, lover.”
“But I heard you.’
He circles round the velvet armchair, resplendent in his home finery. Not a crease to be seen. Voice soft, yet laced with a bristling concern.
‘Why do you insist on sitting up here?”
You err for a brief moment. 
“I can hear the rain on the roof, here. See some bustle when the fog clears. The city goes on.” You shake your head with a smile as he crouches beside you, nestling his head in the crook of your arm.
“But it’s cold. Dark. Come down - I can light the fire in our sitting room if you like?” 
“We have so many centuries yet to see together! What sense is there in not observing the world as it is now? Keeping record of the city as we saved it?”
His head lifts and his eyes meet yours, some churlish quirk of a brow in the low light.
“An archivist, now? Is that to be your profession alongside me? Whilst you raise our young?”
“If I wish it to be, yes.”
He laughs, a gentle low hum.
“Then an archivist you’ll be - the most renowned in all the lands. We’ll make it so.’ He stands once more and takes your hands from your lap, bringing them clasped to his lips in a soft, lingering kiss. 
‘I’ll begin planning on your archives - I presume you’ll want a library? Or something similar in your wing, maybe even an office. Who knows?”
Astarion looks to the room around you, the shapes covered with old canvas and the rickety floorboards underfoot. Cobwebs in the corner. There’s no grimace nor displeasure. He simply surveys as cool as still water. Objective.
“I’ll have some of the merchants relay their contacts come morning too. If you insist on expanding your territory up here then it must befit you.”
“Befit me?” You grin now. His hold on your hands remains secure.
“If you want me to say it, then I suppose I will. As many times as it takes to get it through that heavy skull of yours.’
His smile reaches his eyes as he circles back behind your chair, fingers splayed over your shoulders once more in a deep round kneading pattern.
‘There’s nothing you won’t have if you want for it. Nothing too good for you to covet, my solace; Saviour to the whole Sword Coast and every plain mite within its bounds.’
There’s a small pause as he bows to kiss the top of your head.
‘And I thank the stars every day that I can provide for you. That you saw the potential in me and lifted me higher, to such profane glory amongst the swill of common man. That my gold, my influence, and terror, and each lift of my blade is at your command and yours alone. That you stayed at my side.” 
He doesn’t like to mention the gods, hence the stars. Pointedly brings the grimace back into play, occasionally even furrows with the slightest twinge of anger brewing at his brow. The gods had no role to play in your shared victories. No divine intervention saved him from two hundred years of torment, from certain death after the crash of the nautiloid along that sun-soaked span of rocky beach;-
You did. You with your strange inclination toward the weak man he once was. The shell he lived in like a hermit crab on the shore, nothing more.
On bright days, you thank him for giving you time.
Time to live, time to breathe with full lungs. Time to allow you to burn your eyes in the beating sun with a silver pot of fresh coffee and whatever ridiculous spew the papers hold between the pages today. 
You know as you sit in comfortable silence that your time dwindles, and that your turning is inevitable. Your eternal wedded bliss is to be alongside him and will be as vivid in nature as all the colours of the astral plane, if he’s to be believed - and there’s no reason not to see his word as gospel. You can see each moment as crystalline as sea glass on sand. Forever with the man you love more than you’ve ever felt inclined to love anything. The bridal ceremony is but a drop in the vast ocean of your lives together. 
He thanks you too. Often alongside you with eyes closed in some dozy recline, forearm hanging lazily whilst he takes the sun on his skin like a blessing. A loose linen shirt akin to the one he wore back at camp at the start of your journey together, strings wide open, a blaze of blinding flesh at the corner of your eye each time he shifts.
The veranda on a clear day. Astarion has assured you he’ll never take this from you. He’ll never take anything that you don’t willingly give him with a clear heart - and why would you give him your ability to bask in the sun, like a street cat in days-warm dust? What purpose does that serve either of you, beyond making you a less useful weapon in his prized arsenal?
At one point, all you wanted was to talk to him - and it rings true even now. The want to be the bearer of all his tales. To learn about him, to be close to him; to hear him tear the world apart with that dulcet snarl, walking alongside each other on the barren dirt trails out in the wilderness. Hop-skipping to keep up with his quiet gait. Giving him back as good as you got. The glimmer of his hair in the sunlight, the way he’d sometimes just stop.
Close his eyes. Feel the heat. The gentle burn of highsun on tender flesh. A soft inhale.
That morning out in the clearing after your first night together. Arms outstretched in a welcome to the light. It had taken a few minutes for it to click as you’d silently watched on, why his sun salutation was so fond. So open.
It’s to be a long engagement with regard to your transformation whilst the manor undergoes renovations. Reason after reason as to why now isn’t the ideal time to commit you to eternity. You know why he wants to keep a hold on your precious mortality for the time being, of course; and that keeps you from the forever embrace of his Dark Kiss. It never changes. 
You’ll allow him to sire your children. You want him to. Crave it. Him.
Your very own lineage together, he whispers; frenzied by your ear as his fingers crawl the bare span of your thigh. He can breed you full like fate intended and you’ll have something - besides him - that’ll also last forever. Something of your own surpassing the death of all of your contemporaries. The Vampire Ascendant and The Saviour of Baldur’s Gate, flesh-on-flesh, skin smacking skin; his debauched groans and lewd whimpers as he buries himself inside you, your cooing breaths;-
You’ll wed normally too, for the interested eyes of the city. Some dull ceremony with the elites adorning all tables as gilded pieces might some decorative chess board, deceptive vows. Legally it makes things easier should anything befall either of you but the hassle almost makes the whole thing undesirable - gods, especially because he already treats you as some smitten newlywed might. Adores you. Follows you around the manor, stalking; like some wolf cub after its mother. Carries you to bed each evening and ploughs you senseless, until spit gathers in the corners of your wet, wanting mouth and you can’t see straight through grey-blear eyes.
He likes the idea of you taking his name by law. Melds with your own like it were meant to be, from the starter threads of whatever cosmic tapestry pulled you together, the marriage of your first name to his last, interwoven by a scholar’s hand in gold-shining delicate point.  
Ancunín. The House of.
Tapestries. Large, spanning the halls. The Sarsantyr's over in Waterdeep - they’ll be able to create what you’re picturing. 
A familiar gaze meets yours. It’s then that you realise you aren’t alone in your mind once more
“If you want tapestries, you only have to ask.” 
“In fairness - you didn’t give me a chance to.”
He hums, tilting his head a little in the sun’s glare.
“I’ll send for them. The Sarsantyr's, yes? Have them pack up all their little-’
He pulls a face and lifts his hands in some kind of puzzled shake.
‘Sewing bits? Textiles? I’ll send carriages. They can come and stay in the lower rooms. Create the masterpiece you envision.” Astarion sniggers a little at the thought of putting them in the old dormitory while you remain lost in thought.
“Okay. Check them through first though, yes? 
The real event - the wedding - will give you total ecstasy beyond your wildest preconception, you know this. Unfettered and euphoric. Books and books on the topic stacked clumsily beside your bed, reds and greens; the turning of a vampire bride in leather bound prose. You know what to expect in florid detail. You know to trust your lover, that the rabid creature you’ll become is only a temporary mental state precursing an eternity alongside him. 
And yet, you wonder about the children. They’ll be here by then. However many he decides is enough, naturally; assumedly under the care of some hired help whilst you engage in your thoroughly bastardised pastiche of a wedding ceremony. You laugh now. He’s still in your head, mulling over your thoughts as soon as you can think them. 
Will you miss them? Will they be your last thought before you pass away; Astarion unable to complete this ritual alone as he was unable to before? Will your death lead to his, leaving your dhampir offspring to ravage Baldur’s Gate unsupported by the windfall of knowing parents? There’s still no hesitation, though. You will bear his young. You want to. The consequences either way are vast and long-lasting, and you’d rather be at his side than facing his ire- 
“Love, what are these thoughts? What on earth is going on in that very pretty head of yours today?” His voice is a low drawl, pitying yet laced with affection. He sits straight in his chair whilst a hand lazily searches for yours atop the sun-warmed table; beyond the scope of the ramparts wall the low meander of city life continues on.
“Mulling things over.”
“You don’t need to do that, pet. Come now.’ He beckons you onto his lap and wraps his arms around your middle, hand searching for the soft pillow of your chest as your ass backs up to his abdomen.
‘You want me to make it better?” 
You nod gently, the sun catching your eye in a particularly bright beam and making you squint. 
“Poor thing. It’s okay.” As he coos; one hand finds the curve of soft flesh at your chest, holding the weight of your breast firmly as he starts lightly thumbing at the nipple through your nightshirt.
“There, now. Good girl.” Your head falls back onto his shoulder, a deep sigh as he lulls you into a new state of calm astride him. Birds sing overhead whilst you nuzzle his neck.
“I will miss this warm flesh of yours, you know. Terribly so.’ His other hand moves to your nightskirt, gently hitching the material bit-by-bit up your thighs until you sit exposed to the air. Nobody can see you from here - the faceless crowd little but colourful dots below; Astarion giving a small tense laugh as he feels your pulse quicken against him. 
He toys with your skirt, edging ever nearer your exposed cunt; and your eyes flutter closed. 
‘But the greater purpose… I just can’t let it go. Us. Our lives together. I sincerely doubt you want to wither away to age; to lose your extraordinary beauty-’
A gentle groan as he feels your warmth.
‘Do you, my most precious flower?” 
“Of- Of course I don’t. I want to be with you, as we are; forever.”
“Then we’re going to need to make a concerted start on the only thing setting us back, are we not?” His fingers gently tap on the crux of your pubic bone, threateningly close to your clit. You feel the familiar seep of your slit leaking onto the bunched skirt fabric and you think of honey. Some kind of sweet glaze.
As you sink further into him his fingers move down just a little to meet your clit; and in response to your delighted sighs he very lightly begins to stroke either side of the engorged flesh. There’s no urgency to his movement nor his demeanour; just a treacle-thick teasing grin as he turns his head to kiss your blazing cheek.
There’s something borderline celestial about the gentle way he touches you, coaxing more of your slick from you with every gentle jerk. He deftly motions ‘come hither’ with a soaking middle finger dipping lightly at your hole then brings your arousal up to wetten your clit once more.
“You want this, don’t you?” A finger slips down to your cunt, this time slipping and nestling deep inside as you feel yourself writhe on him. One arm scrambles around the back of his neck to support yourself while he begins to curl at your spongy spot, and the anchor of your arousal shifts free.
“I’ve been rifling through that glorious mind of yours these past few days and I see you now. You want comfort. To comfort. To seek shelter in those warm lights on the horizon, to know you aren’t alone in the late hours.”
You nod furiously, wincing, desperate to feel him deeper. Thicker. You need more, your fox-eyed paramour giving only the barest minimum he can do to watch you squirm.
“You, with my babe in arm;- oh the image alone does things to you, doesn’t it?”
It’s as if he’s creating the visions in your head as he speaks them, bringing them to the forefront of your mind in hushed coos and silent gasps. As if by magic, the only thing on your mind is a primal need for him to fuck you full. Nothing else, no mind for coffee nor completed manor renovations. 
You will be round. You will brim with life before he turns you, and you’ll take to his seed the minute he offers it to you. You’ll accommodate him like no other across Toril could hope to. You wonder if he has the power to decide how many, as he adds another finger to your unbridled torment. If he could choose to speed the process up with a celebration of twins, triplets. An heir and two spares. Maybe he’d wait instead until the first was born, just to ensure the viability of his bloodline. A test.
He’s doing this; you become starkly aware as he withdraws his fingers, spiderwebs of glistening drool clinging to your inner thigh as he brings them between his lips and suckles. He’s giving you these ideas of grandeur because he can. Because you are his. Because you wouldn’t want to belong to anyone else, to be tied to any other notion of whatever a fulfilling life is, if it weren’t one shared wholly by him. With him.
“Let me take you inside, sweet one. Let’s take care of you properly, shall we? Curb this fever, hm?”
Please, you think. Please take this burning hole in my womb and make it full with you. Extinguish the flame with your unholy spend and give me children. Give me oud and orchids and a life of warmth, however long we both may live.
“Use your words, my love. Tell me you want this.”
“I want this. Please.”
On the bed you now lie, the room cool and dark; balcony doors open wide with light-billowing curtains. Sweat consumes you as your thoughts run wild, the smell of your arousal, clammy hands and deep breaths in the low light. Astarion approaches like something from a dream, shirtless now; smirk plastered cheek-to-cheek as he leans over your trembling form with confidence - your lust-addled fingers reaching for his steady form like a ship to harbour. 
“You want to feel it, little dove? Feel how you set me alight?”
He pries your wrist from him with gentle urgency, taking your hand under his and skating both downwards; down the plane of his tight torso, slowing to a stop just above his pelvis.
“Tell me - do you want to feel it?”
A small smirk plays at the corner of your lips, but he doesn’t seem to notice - watching the way your hand twitches under his.
His groan is guttural. Thick. He doesn’t even try to mask it, eyes wide as his hand shifts yours just a little further down and over the blistering burn of his heavy cock through loose linen trousers. A hazy sigh as he moans a small whimper at your touch.
“Please, Astarion. I beg you.”
It’s like his fingers are enchanted, the way they reduce you to this sodden mess. Unable to think unless guided delicately by his superior whim. 
“I need to bury myself inside you fully for this to take. I need your full attention, submission; your devotion to our lives together. Do I make myself clear?”
He’s giving you one final chance to withdraw. Your head clears for one sweet moment and you can do little else but stare at his bulge with heavy lids and your mouth agape.
“Crystal. I ache for you. Please, give this to me.”
You lift to meet him in a soft kiss, jaw slackened and cunt ablaze. Nothing else matters, no complications, nor possibilities of horribly mangled spawn from your womb as a result of your copulation. This scalding stupor that sends you insane won’t go away until he quenches it with his seed. 
Your response has satisfied him, if the way he stands sharpish and unties his trouser laces is anything to go by. The glassy head of his cock stands purple at his stomach, leaking wild at the slit and red-hot as your hand reaches blindly for him in your hunger.
He gently taps you away and back down onto the sheets. 
“Magic?” You hear yourself mumble, still amazed at how surely swollen he must feel with how sore he looks. Has to be. 
“Just me.”
There’s a tenderness in his eyes as he crawls back over you, legs instinctively parting and lifting at the knee to accommodate him. Something that compels him to hold your face in the hand that isn’t supporting his weight and just look at you, fondly; for what feels like an age.
Then he shifts once more to angle himself, decidedly spending no more time on preparation. The heat of his cock against your slit is unlike anything you’ve ever known, dizzying yet pleasurable; hard and yet still yielding, and as he thrusts a shallow dip into your core you swear you see angels overhead. Yes, you’re ready. You’ve never been more ready for anything than you are for the sheer ecstasy you know he’s about to give you, and he’s going to give you it in droves. Seismic tremors as he shifts a little and you adjust to him once again.
He nods. He hears you. 
Then, he snaps once more; and he’s lost.
Each glub of his cock meeting your spill as he ruts into you; the way you feel it running downward in long dribbles, with each and every mindless hump of his hips eking more honey from your cunt in spades. 
You hear the sounds of your shared carnal pleasure and it makes you clench around him in some kind of self-perpetuating cycle. Groans and whimpers and moans and hisses and the frequent egregious slaps to your thighs whilst he chases his high. 
He’s perfect like this. Halo of curls above you, voice silken as he calls you every pet name under the sun, his, always. Your legs ache already from being wound so tightly, interlocked around him, and you think of the prespill inside you already. How each fangy showman’s smile means he’s twitching at your cervix and leaking molten gold inside you with every thrust. 
It’s not until he nuzzles down to your neck that you remember to offer it, potentially for the last time on this mortal coil. 
“Are you asking?”
“Well, you didn’t offer.”
The immediate pang is one of violent nausea, subsiding quickly into a wooze coating the bottom of your stomach in black tar as he fucks upward. Unease. There’s something in his spit, you assume. Something that makes the gaping wounds a little more bearable, a little less raw as he kitten-licks the flesh between swallows. Ice courses your veins with adrenaline as it always does.
Astarion chokes down his first sip with an eager cough. The burgeoning panic wracking your limbs turns into a numbed haze as your lover feasts, big neat gulps whilst he clutches at your ribcage with fingers splayed deep and cock buried to the hilt, like a man starved. His hair tickles  at your jaw, the smell of something herbal. Slightly lemony. 
He splutters that he’s close and you feel yourself nearing your peak too.
There’s a profane desecration in what he’s doing, painting your walls in an attempt to get you pregnant. Something deeply sordid, raw; ungodsly. There’ll be no Lathandrian blessing for your young, no gentle welcome into some family fayre on the outskirts of the city. No villages to raise them, no cards nor flowers from friends or family; but you want this. 
You want him to taint you in his particular shade of crimson, visibly; so the realms know who made The Saviour of Baldur’s Gate come to heel. The man who compelled her through sheer love alone and to whom she gave everything. The indomitable force for whom you’ll die, only to resurrect forever as his.
Visions of your turning don’t scare you - all lightning and thunder, the cries of your dhamplings in some nursery down the towering halls of your palatial wing; and yet you’ll be safe in his caress. He wouldn’t let a single thing happen to you. He won’t. 
And as he cums; he calls your name.
Some rhythmic prayer over and over again; and with each kick of his cock he loses some of his bedroom charm and hurtles back to earth, humbly enraptured. More candid. His weary muscles tighten as yours threaten your own release around him.
“Cum for me, now. Milk me.” in a heavy whisper whilst he strokes the soft flesh of your cheek; and you do. You cum harder than you can remember ever before. Each wave of sheer pleasure some blackout tidal wave as you writhe, staccato in his arms. 
If you die during the ceremony, you’ll die happy. Should the younglings bite their way through your womb, it won’t matter.
You’re loved. He loves you, in soft kisses and gentle arms carried all the way to the waiting washtub. In the way he sponges your aching shoulders and brings a washcloth to your dazed face.
Baldur’s Gate doesn’t sleep, not really.
But tonight it will, in the patient, visceral bliss of calm before a summer storm.
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thereadinggremlin · 5 months
Guarded Hearts
Part 2
Alright here you go guys!
POV: You find out Azriels your mate but you start getting the could shoulder from him after he returns from a mission.
It was a warm summer day when he realized he loved her. They were walking out along the Sidra taking in the day to day lives of the merchants. They got the day off from Rhys as he was spending a long time needed day with Fayre, no court or camp work to be done or thought of. You and him had Nyx for the day as Cassian had claimed that he and Nesta needed the day together and with Elain in the Spring Court with Lucian you two were the last options, not that he didn’t like the idea of spending the day with you but curious as to what mischievous acts you and Nyx would get up to.
You and Nyx had walked up to a musician that spent part of his day playing along the Sidra. At first you both were just enjoying the music but then you started dancing. Azriel stood off to the side but you and Nyx started dancing and laughing with nothing but the biggest smiles on your faces. At the sight Azriel started to relax a bit and felt a smile fighting to make an appearance on his countenance. He knew the horrors you grew up with, you got to keep your freedom of flying, thank the Cauldron, but that didn’t mean your father hurt you in other ways.
As he was watching you he felt that snap, the one he had been begging to feel since he was young and dealing with his own tourture that his family dealt him. He looked to you for any ounce of a reaction that you felt the same but there you were still laughing and dancing with his nephew. He pulled at the bond and your face changed for a moment but never strayed from the boy in front of you. At that moment he knew that he needed to put a sheild around that bond because no matter how strong he was there was no way he would have the discipline to not pull on it again, not until you felt it too in your own time. So immediately he but up that cold indifferent shield around the bond begging the cauldron that you would feel the same about him sooner rather than later.
For the next few months Azriel kept everything the same between the two of you, training in the morning for at least two hours by your own asking and determination to the post training flights. You both were drained but that didn’t stop you from leaping from the top of the house of wind to go fly for an hour. Azriel never knew why you did, maybe because it reminded you of the freedom you now have with your life, regardless he always joined you.
There were a few days you didn’t train as long or take your flight to clear your mind, and on those days Azriel would find you in the back corner of the library, the first few times lead by his shadows but soon enough he knew the way to you like you know the scars on the back of his hands.
“So what’s the reading material tonight, another recommendation from Nesta” he quipped as he approached you. There was no smile on his face, his own way to try and keep you from seeing his true feelings for you.
“Possibly, and if that’s the case maybe I should go find some unsuspecting male at Ritas to help me reenact some of these moments.” You replied without looking up from your book.
Many times Azriel would come in and ask you similar questions and you wanted to see if you could get a rise out of him. Apparently tonight you did because he walked right over to the stand that held the whiskey and glass and helped himself to a glass full.
As the silence expanded between the two of you there was a slight discomfort, which wasn’t normal for you. “Gonna share or keep it all to yourself?” You asked looking up from your book.
At your words he visually relaxed, poured himself a second glass and you your first.
“I thought you’d sit over there brooding this whole time” you responded to him handing you the glass. He sat next to you on the small loveseat that was located in this corner and stayed silent. That was the last night he visited you in the library.
Azriel knew that he was creating a distance between the two of you for a while but he couldn’t stop himself, until he knew that you also felt that bond he was gonna keep to himself. He couldn’t stand to break you heart or the heartbreak he would encounter himself if you didn’t feel the same and rejected him. His shadows would still follow you or bring you comfort, if they were going on their own accord or he was sending them, he didn’t know anymore.
Not too long after Azriel stopped hanging out with you Rhys had asked for a formal meeting with the whole inner circle. It was there that he learned that the uprisings he had been watching the last few months were getting more out of hand and these camp leaders needed to be reminded who the real leader was. Azriel was instructed to go to the camp you grew up in and even though it wasn’t Windhaven, it was a close second. During the meeting he felt a slight twinge, he didn’t dare look at you because he needed to make sure it was the bond and not something from his shadows.
He left immediately after the meeting because if he took a moment to look at you his whole facade would fall and the anger he felt towards your father would be even stronger.
When he walked into his room to gather his belongings he found Mor sitting in one of the chairs across from the fireplace.
“When are you going to tell her and stop putting the poor girl through so much torture?” She asked without looking from the fire.
Azriel was surprised by the brashness from Mor concerning you. After he felt the bond snap he felt that she was the only one to trust with the information of you being his mate.
“I told you I’m waiting until she feels the pull herself. I don’t want to freak her out before she’s ready. Now if you don’t mind I need to go beat the life out of her father.” He said with a scowl.
“Do you really think-“
“No I’m not thinking, that’s what she does to me and all I know is that I finally have the opportunity to bring pain tenfold of what he dealt to her back to him and that’s what I’ll do.” And like that he left.
When he returned from the camp he lifted the shield around the bond to see if maybe you felt it but there was nothing there. So, as he and Cassian passed you in the dining room he didn’t let his gaze fall to you but, he did dispatch a shadow to you, just to make sure you were ok. That’s what he told himself.
Then there was a day it all changed. He stopped is lonely training sessions and joined everyone else in hopes of seeing you but you weren’t there.
“Has y/n been coming at a different time to train alone?” He asked Cassian
“No, she hasn’t been around for a few days, I tried to check in on her but apparently she’s gone. Rhys said some sort of secret mission. I thought you would now about Mr.Shadowsiger.” Cassian responded. Azriels world turned on its axis. You were gone and no one told him.
He left the house of wind and went right to the river house where he knew Rhys would be in his office, he needed answers.
“Where have you sent her and why wasn’t I made aware of it?” Azriel basically yelled as he threw the office door open and practically off of its hinges.
“She said she needed to get away so I sent her away” Rhys said, face full of nutrality. Azriel knew he wouldn’t get anything out of his brother but he needed to try.
“Please tell me where you sent her before I send my shadows to her, I need to know she’s safe bec-“
“Because she’s your mate” Rhys finished for him.
Azriel was ready to beat his brothers face in because somehow he knew but kept it from him and still sent you away. Seeing the anger and worry on his brothers face Rhys tried to calm him down but the worry seeped from his being, and off his shadows went.
When Rhys saw the shadows disappear from his brothers form he reached out to you and although he was meat with a wall at first he knew a shadow had found you because he was able to easily break through your walls and all he could say was “I’m so sorry”
Tag list: @crazylokonugget @kalulakunundrum @mp-littlebit
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eve-to-adam · 1 year
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'His darling the fayre Lady Katherin'
I wanted to draw a scene with Henry V and Catherine de Valois for a long time and now I actually managed to do it! I imagined a scene in which the couple was walking in the garden, somewhere before the departure of Henry V back to France, in the summer of 1421. Catherine, being pregnant with their son, receives a small gift from the king, probably a brooch to remind her of him while he is gone.
For some reason, I'm pretty excited!
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twwpress · 10 months
Weekly Press Briefing #59: August 6th - 12th
Welcome back to the Weekly Press Briefing, where we bring you highlights from The West Wing fandom each week, including new fics, ongoing challenges, and more! This briefing covers all things posted from August 6 - August 12, 2023! Did we miss something? Let us know; you can find our contact info at the bottom of this briefing! 
The following is a roundup of open challenges/prompts. Do you have a challenge or event you’d like us to promote? Be sure to get in touch with us! Contact info is at the bottom of this briefing.
@callixton is hosting The West Wing Pride Week (@twwpride here on tumblr) September 17 - 23. More details here! 
Here’s what was posted from August 6 - 12. 
Bradley Whitford posted a photo of his dog next to his laundry. 
Josh Malina posted a photo of himself donating platelets. 
Josh Malina posted a graphic inviting people to join The West Wing pickets in support of the SAG-AFTRA strike.  
Marlee Matlin posted a photo of herself with her friend Dr. Ruthie along with a birthday wish. 
Mary McCormack posted a photo of her daughter Rose passing a SWIFT semi-truck on their way to the Taylor Swift Eras tour in LA. 
Peter James Smith posted in support of the SAG-AFTRA strike: 1 | 2
Donna Moss Daily: August 6 | August 7 | August 8 | August 9 | August 10 | August 11 | August 12
Daily Josh Lyman: August 6 | August 7 | August 8 | August 9 | August 10 | August 11 | August 12
No Context BWhit: August 6 | August 7 | August 8 | August 9 | August 10 | August 11 | August 12
@twwarchive: August 6 | August 7 | August 8 | August 9 | August 10 | August 11 | August 12
#JOSHDONNA: ‘Silver Springs’ by @kennysroys [VIDEO EDIT]
Twitter users @JessBakesCakes and @Schwifts met Bradley Whitford this weekend! 1 | 2 | 3
Editors’ Choice: 
We are taking a break from Editors’ Choice this week! We’ll catch you with more recs next week! 
Presenting your weekly roundup of fics posted in the tag for The West Wing on Archive of Our Own. 
Give me your hand, and I will love you forever by ProportionalResponse | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress Betty by Shinyrosa | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete Forcing Laughter, Faking Smiles by MatthewsMary | Rated E | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete [Editor’s Note: While this fic is listed on AO3 as complete, it has continued to update and appears to be a WIP] Errors and Omissions by Chinesepapercut | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress Domestic Days by spooky_spacegirl | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress it’s just gravitational (i can’t escape the pull) by flowersinapril | Rated E | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete Unwinding by SocialOutsider | Rated E | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete
What ifs, what about-isms and What elses? by Jxjxjx |  Rated G | Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg | In Progress Off the Record by  onekisstotakewithme for daylight_angel, miabicicletta, Luppiters, hondagirll | Rated T | Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg | In Progress
Other Pairings/Gen Fic
Summer Fayre by Hackney123 | Rated G | Helen Santos, Donna Moss (No pairings listed) | Complete
Multiple Pairings
Storybook Romance by electric_eel | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg | Rated G | Complete Could I Have This Dance (For The Rest Of My Life?): The Rewrite by mlea7675 | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Ainsley Hayes/Sam Seaborn, Danny Concannon/C.J. Cregg, Helen Santos/Matt Santos | In Progress
Twitter: @TWWPress
Feel free to let us know if we missed something, if you have an event you’d like us to promote, or if you have an item that you’d like included in the next briefing!
xx, What’s next?
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juliemurphy · 1 year
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11.05.23 : SWANSEA / ABERTAWE Galerie Elysuim Gallery : free event 8pm
12.05.23 : FERRYSIDE / GLAN Y FERI Gwyl Uillean Pipe Festival
29.05.23 : ST DAVIDS / TY DDEWI Pilgrims Fayre Bishops Palace
02.06.23 : CWM YSTWYTH
Fire in the Mountain Festival / Tan yn y Mynydd
09.07.23 : DINEFWR
Beyond the Border International Storytelling Festival
16.07.23 : TREMARCHOG
Yscolan Summer School / Ysgol Haf
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squiddcakes · 2 years
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Some fantasy designs I had made for @water-wind-and-fire-book-blog ‘s world!
Mariposa is a Dyrad fae, Ebony is a Summer Fayre, and Fugi is a Will’o’Wisp!
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consultingking · 1 year
When The Wind Blows (Mormor AO3)
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Chapter 19: Summer Fayre is out now! I’d say we’re just over halfway through, maybe a little more. This one’s to make up for the horrible weather in the UK right now, hope you enjoy 👀 as always, the link to the rest of the fic is below! kudos and comments appreciated!
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wherespaulo · 1 year
Hiking in New Zealand’s South Island
Feb 11-18, 2023
I’d booked a trail racing week with Race2Adventure in New Zealand’s South Island so thought I’d do a week’s hiking and exploring first. I’d already just spent two weeks traveling around Australia so was almost in the right time zone. The last time I’d been in the South Island was over the New Year between 2014 and 2015 although I’d been in the north island more recently in 2017.
As on my previous visit to New Zealand’s South Island, I was immediately mesmerized by its beauty – a wilderness of glaciers, beech forests and alpine lakes, only the south coast of Iceland, another volcanic island, coming close. It’s easy to get blasé once you’ve been there a few days but make no mistake, mere words will never convey the shear magnificence of this place. I’d live there if it wasn’t so far away from everywhere else.  
My plan was to stay in Queenstown, rent a car and drive to the trailheads, while my hotel, the Holiday Inn, Frankton Road, was two miles from the town center, so some evenings I’d bus it in for dinner, other times I’d walk. Queenstown, with its low rise buildings surrounded by vistas of lakes and mountains in every direction, is one of my all-time favorite towns. It has the feel of a frontier town, bustling with restaurants and bars but unfortunately seems to have grown exponentially over just eight years since my last visit in 2014/15 – I sincerely hoped they were starting to apply the brakes on any further significant development. Pog Mahones, a friendly Irish bar with live music, became my go-to place for dinner and its fine Irish fayre.  
In between hiking the Big Hill Walkway, the Big Hill Loop and the Master’s Traverse Loop I explored a number of interesting small lakeside towns -- the drives alone were worth it for the panoramic views. Arrowtown was one of my favorites and I’d be here a few times during the week. A quaint old low level gold rush town like something out of the wild west. Settled from 1862 with the first discovery of gold in the Arrow River, a number of Chinese arrived shortly after. Wanaka, last visited on my 2014/15 trip, is a bustling ski and summer resort town on the shore of Lake Wanaka. It seemed every kind of outdoorsy adventure activity was going on here. I did start to wonder where the eight years had gone since my last visit there, and mused that although Wanaka had not changed much, in many ways my journey had. On the shore of Lake Wakatipu the much smaller towns of Glenorchy, famous for its Lord of the Rings filming locations, and Kingston, most notable for its renovated steam railway and station, were also worthwhile detours for a quick visit.
Big Hill Walkway
Normally an 8.8 mile out and back from Arrowtown, up and down, I extended it a tad by including the final ascent to the Big Hill summit at 3730 ft elevation. 
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My favorite part was the mountain beach woodland – located about halfway to the summit, it extended for about a mile on a level section of the trail. 
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Dark, dense, silent and mysterious with reddy colored bark and a mildly funky smell from the soft carpet of decaying leaves underfoot, there seemed to be magic about in here. Indeed, on the return leg through the wood, a New Zealand fantail seemed intent on getting my attention – a native, small black and white bird with an oversized fanned tail, it futtered around my head with a persistence about it, a sense of urgency. I’m always on the lookout for signposts from the connected universe and attempted to understand its purpose, but to no avail.  
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Big Hill Loop
The first 4.6 miles of this 10.7 mile clockwise loop followed the Big Hill Walkway route to the summit of Big Hill.
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Then a one mile open meadowland section along a ridge with amazing views followed by a 1.5 mile steep downhill to the Arrow River.
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The last 3.3 miles, which followed the Arrow River back to Arrowtown, started in the upper reaches as a narrow stream in a small, steep craggy valley where I had to constantly fight my way through spikey bushes which scratched my arms and legs. As the river started to level out and widen there was a chance to cool my feet down in numerous shallow river crossings before a final section high up alongside an enormous gorge leading back in to Arrowtown.
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Masters Traverse Loop
Normally a 7.3 mile anticlockwise loop from the Remarkable’s Ski Area, crisscrossing a 7000 foot mountain, I had to extend it by five miles due to the top 2.5 miles of road to and from the ski area being closed due to repairs.
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Once on the ridge after a long, steep climb, the trail followed an ill-defined track along the top of a fine line of scree, no more than a faint outline of dust left by fellow crazies, just below the rocky outcrop at the very top of the mountain. I envisioned putting a foot wrong, sliding down the scree and off the steep cliff just below, and wondered how long it would take for someone to find me given the lack of other souls up here. At some point the track seemed to disappear, even my All Trails app not helping, and for some inexplicable reason I started to scramble up the rocky outcrop, almost to the very top of the mountain! Under normal circumstances I don’t consider myself afraid of heights but the close proximity to the sheer drop, just beyond the slippery scree, made my hold on life seem tenuous. I felt very exposed, clinging to terra firma for dear life on all fours. I’ve realized over the years that in situations like this I seem to have some kind of intuitive early warning signal that stops me taking one more step before getting into a much more serious situation. So I did stop and take a deep breath. Then the only sounds in this thin air were the tinkling of falling rocks under my feet, my heavy breathing and mantras spoken out-loud to stop myself making a mistake or freezing -- ‘stay focused Paul, stay focused Paul, stay focused Paul’ and ‘fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuuck’! And, as always, the universe immediately spoke and pointed me in the right direction, the trail magically materializing as a thin line in the scree 20 feet below. 
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I breathed a sigh of relief as I scrambled back down to it, thinking there’s a parallel with life here – yeah, live life to the full and go headlong into the lion’s mouth by all means, but always stay alert to squeezing the brakes if and when needed.
The scary ridge was followed by a time consuming, gradual two mile descent through a vast bolder field – rocks between five and 15 feet in diameter were generally too large to jump over so required much scrambling around and over them. I wondered when it would end and remembered thinking this is the very first hike I’d ever experienced where it seemed impossible to estimate the time it would take.
The bolder field gradually gave way to a lower lying area where silence surrounded a still turquoise lake. Bounded by a grassy meadow it was a rare moment of serenity within the midst of the soaring, wild grey rocky landscape.
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Just after spotting some rare wildlife, a pair of colorful, mating native paradise shelducks, I bumped into the only other humans crazy enough to hike in this area – two 20 something seasonal workers, Tom from Hungary and Christian from Argentina. They didn’t fancy walking the 10 miles back from whence they’d come, so, with my car being a bit nearer, we agreed to walk back to my car together, then I’d give them a lift back to their car. I was grateful for some fast company as we raced over yet another bolder field, bouncing from the top of one bolder to another back to the saddle of the ridge.
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I was now on my way to do a week of trail racing on the island with the Race2Adenture crew, but I knew I’d be back sometime soon for some more extra serious hiking in these magnificent mountains.
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txbiaswilde · 2 years
It looks like another sunny week ahead before we’ll being seeing any rainfall. As much as i’m looking forward to watching it finally come down on the deck, it should make for a great weekend for the upcoming Summer Fayre this weekend. For now, I suppose I ought to plan how to keep the children entertained for the week ahead.
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partypuppynastja · 2 years
Those pictures sure are something!!!! But I was also curious about the big leather-bound books you have - what are they? Sorry if this too weird/private to answer!
Edit: oh there's more up top! These are mostly from my grandfather's house when he died, and the one on top is the very oldest. However, Kennedy's Revised Latin Primer I stole from my school.
The [otherwise] top row are books some notably more than a hundred years old, that I got from my grandfather's house when he died. They make for some fascinating reading; sometimes for interesting knowledge otherwise broadly lost (or at least not so accessible e.g. online) these days; sometimes for their very wrong takes on science and things. When I have time, I'll have to post some excerpts.
The biggest similar-looking ones are a rather old (I seem to recall I dated them as somewhere in the 1950s, from their content—there isn't a publication date) Encyclopaedia Britannica that I got for £20 at a local summer fayre auction; mine was the only bid.
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spacedoutbunny · 2 years
Every night you dream that you talk to a genie, when you wake up you can't remember what you wished for. One morning you wake up with a giant crab pincer replacing your right arm. What do you do?
As I awoke something didn't feel quite right, I tried to snuggle back into bed and started to pull the covers up closer. That's when I noticed my right arm. Where there had been an arm it seemed to have been replaced with a giant crab pincer. At this point usually I'd have tried to pinch myself to see if I was still dreaming. Just as well I didn't as I'm right handed. That thing looked big enough to take my head off. I gingerly sat up. My left arm had been under my body while I slept it looked normal enough but felt rather tingly. I tried to think how this had happened. I remembered dreaming about a genie as I came to, "your wish is my command" the comment hung in the air in the fog of my awakening mind. I'd wished for this? I struggled with the bedclothes trying to make the bed. Then I wondered how I was going to get dressed myself. Some things we do go on automatic so I attempted to find a top with the widest sleeves possible. Sadly the only top that fit came from a renaissance fayre cosplay I'd taken part in last summer. I struggled into my trousers and threw my coat over my shoulders . Bugger breakfast I was going to be late for work. Somehow I negotiated my way through the streets and subway without too much trouble. And arriving at the office building I worked in managed to use my left hand to flash my pass. I took the stairs rather than the lift and 10 floors later rather sweaty and out of breath made it to the conference room. An hour later my boss congratulated me on my initiative and patted me on the back. We'd got the contract for our biggest ad campaign yet. The film was due out next year one of those superhero turns monster flicks and I'd managed to get it in the bag so to speak. I left work shortly after the meeting broke up and returned home. Now all I had to work out before bed was is it my first wish or my third as I was dropping off to sleep I felt my crab arm start to click tapping it's claws together and I could feel it reaching for my head ....
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darereborn · 2 years
students, a new school year is beginning as we transcend into a beautiful fall and good times are ahead. as you begin to return to campus and begin to unpack your bags and get situated, you will find that your rooms have been spruced up over the wonderful summer months and the canteen is running a new fabulous menu. as you adjust to life back here, we will be running welcome week activities to get you in the mood to be social! 
the sports hall, library, common areas around campus and sports fields are now all reopened for your personal use. please, do feel free to reach out to the administration if you have any problems settling in. 
r. ahmadi 
the students are moving back onto campus this week and into their respective houses (as found on the list). each house will have a teacher in charge that is determined at the end of welcome week. use your imagination as to what orientation/welcome back activities are running but this will include parties thrown by different characters in rooms, sports tournaments such as ping-pong, darts, basketball, academic fayres and arts & crafts activities ran by the sacred vow. 
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thenewgradianhq · 2 years
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WEEK 001: August 22nd — August 28th
No birthdays this week!
Knox Smythe is hosting a BYOB/BYOD Beach Bonfire Party on Wednesday 24th August!
Tobias Wilde is hosting a Quiz Night at The Red Lion Pub on Thursday 25h August!
Tobias Wilde and The Village Committee are hosting a Summer Fayre on Saturday 27th August and Sunday 28th August!
Please see below the cut for your pairings for this weeks random text pairings task — make sure to post your starter text before 6PM EST on Sunday 28th August!
Private messages containing your random anon match should have been sent and received! If you opted in but haven't received a DM from myself, please DM me ASAP!
Alastair Wilde & Jackie St Clarington [ @gradianalastair​ & @tinydancxr ]
Alfie Smythe & Max Hudson [ @ghcstfm & @gradianmax ]
Asher McCarthy & Vivian Porter [ @asher-mccarthy & @tinydancxr ]
Auggie Abrams & Milo McIntosh [ @gradianauggie & @ghcstfm ]
Autumn Holliday & Knox Smythe [ @tinydancxr & @kncxsmy ]
Casey Wilde & Elliot Rose [ @casey-wilde & @elliejamesrose ]
Elton Rose & Hunter McClarington [ @eltonrose & @ghcstfm ]
Evan McIntosh & Theo Puckerman [ @evanmcintosh & @ghcstfm ]
Kieran Flanagan & Levi McClarington [ @kierflan & @leviticxsmcc ]
Natasha Hudson & Tobias Wilde [ @tinydancxr & @txbiaswilde ]
Patrick St Clarington & Summer Holliday [ @patrick-stclarington @sumholliday ]
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libidomechanica · 11 days
Take me that the yellow ripe: my hart like Hebes in
A Meredith sonnet sequence
As he black and arbitrary blacked fyne.   Then as a wave that hue whose beams the wave’s   delight, and hold with kissed him softly sweet rosy lips. An old and Love’s hight.—Who then waiting frost, my should be our hot starting   it is the touching furious beautiful   army. Amorous squire with glance, threatest, so calm, yet loue which bondage earst with it eternal thirty years, we fell in   me ye proud port, and graceth, if Rubies   forsake and come—falling streight be sleep reciting from Camelot: for ylike these curious name be the Simple truth of   Morn whence I with you exceeding then, that   old ways. Take me that the yellow ripe: my hart like Hebe’s in my mind, till increace.
Best-nature of beauty dwell the raging   flames of puissance; and are all that the taste   neat wine and e’en to be the vanquisht with buryed long date. So semest thou the Fates were tutor us to end.: And your feet:   and kill, whose sounde. Hesitate, and them hath   my despight: that words as, uttering Accuser also may climes and thee the hand, and thought: had give thy mother. Or than for   their brave still reueale, with shifting on my   radiant culminations and themes, or stain thy greater stoutly the waves which joyful Hesperides; whose louely eye: but he   so fayre is turned to sorrow it chill, and   enisle ourself the Pumpkin round the minde, which on each others powre hath natural.
Which caracter of a burning on my   breast: while thee. As that should reached. On my loue   and dying. So sooner blood did mercy shall beast am I say, now his body down, and death forth I did spy, a wicked   men—good! As heart is lame, thou throws upon   their wealthy Secret heard but her verdure never singing and fills, while its name. Without elucidation of his own darling,   pale, dread of grateful Evening might dismayd,   vsed Trophees to be inclynd: and there as he rode, and againe the Rosemaree? And souls in the pale cheare. Ae e’ening o’t;   were where it gotten and wound Leander,   be lucky in teares: yet as a ship, that she be foes. And what he made war.
What’s the earth, and new breath, and will me why.   Humbled for doing hugging back, saw Neptune   and peasant mew, that Hobbinol right: and aside and the priesthood man becomes home. What soft pipes, play with into my Damzell   doth fly, with my headlong that drew the   world was his fury, and often straight in stormes ought my still to bed: goldilocks snug upstairs, the face, breake we all in all: then   my ways together, say nay! When she such   strangled, then death; next, to my selfe pype of orphans and Ops began to give birth too ripe, and ioyes enioy! Called medowes hands,   lyke dear Perilla, I will choose never   leaves, loving on his spleen, commanded by sun. On Altar of my blue eye, her fill.
Let me die, then thou not reason at all.   But say thee to me, and, he fled; and I,   in myrth nor reasons trained, and sure, but lodwick, the tenderneath half drown’d me with a thorn, had left off her of the painted nice.   Then laughed something, who like a climber for   summers falling hot and aged Saturn in your regular and holds, I lose my love it to wooing mute, which elemented   mankind breathe outside of a kiss her   song of their looks asquints green, and dead doing hugging the dark shore, and all which ye mildly looke sheep and sighed to be so cruell   handle you are mine, nor others end: againe   the covenant that rob sencelesse bloud, glimpsed he loose through solid the spring.
I can name with folly doctor-like wool.   How was sixty! Come to thee that all which   Musicke can call the ancient tree, the loved. Then laughing leaves, their statue rose tree. For like in trump shal you lying what I a   new Tale Wit can’t open for ever canst   thou say’st, in spotless Jeanie wist, her hair, or rare: fayre let then disappeared. In love. Say you are foe, and the covert creep; the   lowly state? Trusty elde, that comes it from   the earthly fumes. Are returne to outlive long a while the cedar-shadow of ice exchangeably reflected. Their straws and   the sweet devized occasion? Only—   but the closing no moe the raging water drink but only fayre hath, everything.
If you do. Are banquets rang; our dances   of Greece or weep: all breathed her accord full   of Noise and grame; and free, like wailful anglers hide her faith, too except thou amongst which is come to both pure and rymes, seeking   the door she will to die, I would burn   with us? About this song she let her huge brightnesse mought a kiss, I lookt to fly, my friend, yet when their fault with full maiesty,   that I know. So trembling the top. Dull substance,   with sweet peace with the louely living floods, nor would elide your brain, I say, all wastefull bloud, when he turns orchestral   crooked on this veins, spits forth, and a ho,   and wreck both demand of civilization of the king; he tormenteth evil.
Restrain, thoughts would by our love that dainties,   garden was spangled, the last ornament:   yet asleep: so thought, whom mortally torment me thus? And stone glitter’d House of kynd. Already how a body closely I   did not chosen ones hanging Thee report   of her carelesse layd, vnto me here, the cocked ugly night, which al power; ah yes, where the hand he seize; she charmed did make agree,   for their style I’ll no gang to empty   cells for my loue: in her eie lids low embase, between that each part in life that woman, white: to seekes with Jewel utterly   defy. As good minute, but this generous   dint that seem to behold thy countenance— like world drown’d me with which I abide.
On you fall lovers, his honey bag from   court others did make iudgements hackney   on, the Good! What maid I love, yet now methinks he knew where unhappily forgives her head: she wrapt him stung as your selfe captiue   vs to wayt on like a goodly grace   wherewith a hey, and its frog sits on it saue my scribed the lining some carriage, had foretold, dying, ding; since now cease   to look upon this point did canopy   the brawest lad, or long. No marvell’d simple Rustic to a Cunning Mars the Spirit won above come to time, where he was   all away something doe them by this: they   mistake, and, for love. Mark when on its girth; but many deare drawes to head-quarters!
So long whose Memory quickly were much   hangs loose your masterpieces: thus melt, and   two: but newly spredd, my soule with these sweet love’s bracelet on his hands. Lost, too cruelty. But, taking intellect some fro shame   it were before hie, feare to vipers breathing   souls themselves, that and tears ago when death half in drops dead. Let’s content that to me, let me relieve me, my musick, which   I too well in dreary Mars heau’nly hew   and stole from her deep in us, waiting for the Crow his breath, who were wont tenrage them for my loue what Thyself discouery   one, or, thought; then run out alasse ay green   cornfield and miseryes. He saw the play but blythest earnest gods he took away.
And greene bayes to be, for she turned to seeke   and be not else was brought can we find my   bethrothed to be seen, which thou the gray mosse marriage, had foretold, dying, Staying put to my mind, the gifts; he said, a field   alone. None maybe, I must lose my heele:   but therewith starry train abode. The moments which her gaue, with his shield doth dark her stubberne with his tale moon-beam dwell.   Can life was uncertainty, though I am   fain by the gloomy pains, and forth plumes are fill with the neater glory stole from those which laden sky, not wait henceforth the   People’s purse—the Tyranny the gray walls   like a wretches and you shalt remaine, oft turning careless bower, glistered me.
With vile tongue: when christall clenched in the sorrow   at erst: then to burn, for spite, forth they   been wait on a daffodil I see for ever unexpresseth with tears, badges of barley and my fingers closed her lost.   Of Soldier stooping; and spotless chast   affection of thy salutary Vintage round there it speake no noises too from feare. But then, Sir, ’twas but that still headlong the   chance deckt, yet field alone. As Diane beauties   yet be low sibilation. First infusion, so innocent. And Cyril and gear will, but tell her solemn birds; nor walks   in black. The knew thing rascal to tent the   body gryde. Now on the drowned. Everybody love wilt heare ouerthrow. And when he turne?
Would lye, and into my life doth more tender   joys to tell me gentle cruell hart: and   greene, the orchard of her a rebell befits, for my face of so sweeter that was the goal yet, as if theyr head. And, to be   sent with all there, but short or snow. There happy   herself secure, am like designed as old and sighed to moue, the Lyons house by his byre; take them Rebel feeding false   to playe: the eare his rich in thilke sollein   season which it festers books compile giue my plaint a sweet consume the bad man at last to my stony glances on to burn   or put to your leaves all in the bang’d me,   if it weeping turne to clatter: with my Bond, nor doth speak? And sallowes to hold.
Fast, still she had no tone: fair Sacharissa   lov’d trick’d the conquer all his own,   ornaments he use of natures skill sourly lea? As she stripped, long in Winters wrath appeared in crimson clad, the king’s law, bade the   equall parts entangled, that if ye gie   a woman, but of dark herse, no tear-drop that he weeds stolne from his own hand anger likely to yield so soon as ASTREA may   be gone, let none cadence, thy nature is   on herb, fruitless sort of honour. Commingle flies about as lonely in loue is flow.—And if of one doth laughter settled,   I feel to-day. By this, and there drizzling   rash beholding murmurs in an ambling at the full lips be Rubies forth than she.
Like the coal fire. I starts, which heauie herse, als   Colin close, and arm, a leg, and dried him   to swerve. In Sylvia they grant flowre, in beautie star doth burne much he scarce could there waning, there, the worlds glad that none burning hot   and the state of such as mild as a brother.   Nor ought, all is no woman to any chaunce, and in his twining later life intolerant brighteous Lord of hands. Eye-   iudgement in this nigh it, like religion   but a dream? A gentle Bee ye dayly such lowliness as my youth, for pittie winne, and spare me not, began, the touched by   women foolish fashion to appeare. Turn   formally to run to swim and, as Senses falling. Though I leaue no meane a one.
No stay. Like a taste of alcohol, And   euer was as might may be; there wont afore,   as is awake agree: for from her shrine, his immense and made you on the trew obiect to inspire lovely, as birds flew from   the songs did close, fit medicine saynt or   raven black look the grove to play upon the gods are all day doe weary’d with it. The chaffe for any good. After his love   were smooth his heart, a loyal mind, which is   with drossy slope of sunset in aspire:& with shew of morning’s sun that lulled him up and, like lights comming teare: for what her, if   thou be to-morrow is turnd to moue, leaving   status as one down to Annihilation. Bring back against annoy to stay.
And through stubborn pride: so sweet plighted; and   the man not a chef come airs, and clean. Whom   your day as the ships, and all the siege by the influence came from him down from which mishap I rew, my fill at your name with   round aboue vnto thee quite and raw, long to   matchable to none, and warnes al louers speake hand down and did like fyre: the Turmoil, creeps aside, the bonds broke us from time it is   permanent and being free, like threaded   spiders thus keep his due? To other honor Pan thou can using her deity, theirs, lessened in all the Buskie-glen, I dinna   care footing well rigged and day, in mournful   lips, and with heauy sprite with four garages and heauen hent. All Muse in rurall vaine.
Dear round be possess and feeling world chose   then we cried full of Summer’s time to thread   now? They circle their loves them, her far, is it be your winter bringen bitter as his piteous empressing, Now vse these would   have thy stock in sight he recline and branching   slips that loue hath so dumb in the rest. Star-she loose wynd. Beneath the Ocean for you, freeze kissed her loue, that seemd to see each   had her brest thou lour’st on me, display: she,   so as I conne, my love to dye. And false more shepeheard Lobbin, how blubber’d nothing halfe soone council—knowing Hellespont,   guilty of the sun that stir vp lustes   in field the change my year, I feel for every way. She loom she made, but once. For shame.
Wild night, weigh that light doth bow to frame that   the kisses bring her idle flight, then the   motion; not touching, with still? But we, my mazed hart stood bathing,&think if thou love, and returnd to see, while their chanced the   fables the louers speak, ev’n with the stay in   blue swear; yet we meant the road runs about thirty minute seemes from him down from thence he gave thyself self-Lost, and Conscience-   quit of meanes of A Love Supreme. Mocking   in flame, shall after his for on my friend, because thee shepheards God perdie God was you were when in his clawe dooth persever   so as stiffenesse state of nyne, such ivory   skies, when thou lurke, if these last, and on the beauty to embracements defaced.
And though is all the lose my size against   all I love in verses meriment. Of   being on their violence honey bag from thy flames which did lately azure circle thee; but your eies the stroke, I strike those   eyes them mastered ever brought to greeting   the wight, was pretty pilfering sympathy. They began to give in a gleaming against my selfe to me, your bed will, but   they once in like armes had Venus stood where,   whose Teeth are forsworn, and myself above! But what wad make all women living and often-misunderstand, the beames into   the pain and darksome call my grief are,   and a ho, and half shut, an every long, after his Soul was my burial come.
I saw the snow I dreamed of the skidmarks   of weather yet her mind spirit suddenly   wit, that prodigious morning fynd, and the feature to his Head, there been a straight as the heart so of men, that left discontent   to dye, threats with plumes we rustic town   till the day, to the fair, but use? Nay take. To catch her since thou shalt win. If I so much grace expelling where alive alone   is nowhere the honey enough is apt   enough for camouflage and for his colors dint: all Muse in field Mars heast them; ah, when I wandering, with fascinations   and the green althought bands can finde, when should   not won before less timmer, sing mythological it was, and in mine, nor walks.
Which of your fairest Cupid’s day, whose couering   lost pulse of Love’s mother. No pace else   was ouer thankful rite may so fayre beames did stay that Midas’ brood shalt win. Two roads diverged in the spirit better seem is   but shall me captiuity then, till to seeke   and methoughtless nigh, but simplicity. Through king, ’ he said: went sighs the charming smyles weary grow to look and faire Beauty,—   that is a beauty is creast; Mars heavens;   there bene the minde, whether will find two better her flowers vpon the dishes were all my loue I bough of wilding heauen matcht,   were long-abandoned when I bear, and tooke   him hideth and growes weake: the body close for a kiss, or ear, but no younger.
As they are myne for maids are all carelesse   beauty is also a pauper. Over   to be, die single life did I see her, and yse which hold my loue: and there, God know eternity, whose fayle fall away.   While burning brest thoughts astray. See how   it not that worthy mother’s eyes, that shows hereto my Damzell doth fine cages forse: she has just so small for ever would   the more to your life, some seruewe his flaring   grenadine nebraska wicked on a dance, that you and you like chase the blackness of his care, and close the undecided,   about was vowel-keen and death which   I desire no brother. And all the long-hair’d page in which thy perusal stands.
What will were mad, with his worlds rare, the ground   wherewith beauties but ensigns oft bold   Sir Lancelot. But when her fancy is the empty air he fled, and seemeth into weete whatsoever Thou shall the heat   of my Firmán of the bath’d himself most   divine ASTREA works by Virtue’s might Coral beneath her gentle planked men to see such as young girls, she tooke his rage, danger   than shew, it rauishing but Wisdom when   with leaden sky, and you sit and bubbled up against your fair and her lyps, such grace which all the rivers with his song she left   off her these cruell hast sworn and fly the dawn’s   swiftly blazon for a kiss from th’enameless some with Anguish till in her prayse.
’ The conquer all her splendor; in thy green   and when all one, or humor with such strange.   Where Venus’ altar-stair. Right so young to make the which she willed, but while your flocke of fountains spouted Creame. That through the stormes and   destroy the quickly were met, the knows I   don’t the year because the sodain rysing diamond brief; with fine bed along the flowres vntill mountains mingle dropt with weeping   him whisper to be the cruel wherewith   ioy begins to thee, and with Florian, unperceiue therefore to learn to her this useless and with my fraile spirit ditties   of her his journey to towers over   garden plaste. Stretch that the hell rosed, or else shores of Art? I saw he herse, the war.
When as night arose, till Morning, till we   moved the hair woman woos, what they did lay,   whom all the weare away you returne, it selfe in the faire encreasing proofe makes me say for bulls or crystal mirror cleare, rude   ditties tund to flowers in the antique   timely fruite of earth nought aske I, but he might hath given to be. I dare claim, because whylest he sweet thine own fyre, thrugh stubborn   pride shepherds when a’ our faire haire the   day, the guidance of all expyre, and fill you mayst might, o heauen to be sought: for when he knew the springs, and often kiss to   remaine, and this is gone, and kindled at   a plunge intolerant bright enclouds bedimme and wedded with its ears old; and sun.
As doen advaunce: and round; if natured? And   with his sorrow at erst: the better leaves,   had the Ocean for shame, in beauty do I question’d words of these kissed him up and she fertile earth lies bareness o’er young   till gentle their rest, shall enemie. That tells   the angel waiting for the Lady Psyche’s pupil pen, reserve where waning, queen of song, there’s news, lassie, ye’re but what   deaths wound a statue made many the leafless   to heauie herse, break and quiver. These are done! Much letters wrack, since that land: there mought but bitter threats with Wisdom hath lost: thy   Ewes, that courted her, shaped her. With anguish,   whose spotless Surface neither graue, thy beauty her side doth with my skill so cunning.
Let all I speak, which oft I wandering   blossomd Iessemynes, such portliness   and driverside and tell her pride: and euer she stars; and turtle’s breathe, that from you have flowers throbbed too, vs in the float   about me shatter’d; but they call that she   and many a curly shower of like theyr bane, the kiss of yesterday and down to his beauty’s grace, in whom frowne the Evil   Doer, the hour at our fine be the steals   men’s souls there are the uneven her eyes full storme into the house your living waues attyre. Of finite her we asked, she spake   his breathd from her softly said, who taught they   punched each other, was not I, but fie! To which burneth to Geb and friends; I haue fedd.
Wild savage and sighed to know. ’Er young giraffes   if you want you vp vnto think it streight   invade, and some honor of her and unfolded to flower, I never shorn, had reach there had words and some pitty neuer   reade of my youth was the leafless the Winters   bowre of its rocky cave e’er to rest: and pleasure profanity and chimes, lips taste neat with presence of her locks father   hand honour, loue, ioue on his own darling   can be water-side, affection of earth assured my soul, assay, for to relent quite and behind you said, he look’d more   cunningly require it, communion! Immense   and I—light, and chide the chaffe should drops pearles both my absent night, that of all?
Began himself thus did stings. Ill vpbraide, my   mother, quo’ she, instead perfection of   the fondly feare, let me end when the child so goodly ymage of deadly fatal knife that order. As heart beating th’Idæaea   playnts, as pitying the waues, lips away.   While thy found; if Gold, her will choose my loue directed, enterchanges the bound on glass. On peace was excels, in a vale, playing   not your force must depart, the wold and   vnkind, catch’d at last, like Her—her Hand—not by steal the shady place, this brain distraction but sharpe darted, loue the first I bred, of   purpose set to me, let me great lords in   silent nights and bowre, guies me an inters night windows but drosse vncleane: for now of ice.
As virtue is turne your eyes. And by the   Harvest moon is bitten him for wanton   music, midnight laughed consume not only pretty ring thro’ the Braine. Our foot, make all feeble beast am I; what’s be done! Exceeds,   I wish to all please your hip; the mote   be made a though Hero, nothing else these not one shall turne to run. And if ye countenance is extinct. Do Greece or Ilium   any good. Half-flush thee my hart still his   most sweet. This, Time’s leisure with us, your be an oil paine: the dimensions of this Leander now? Not in low coral grove   it was all sorts of state the subtle Censor   scrutinize. Of life to loose or used that neuer single still, yet sowre enough.
The god, seem so were may descry the King.   But pricked on the loves, my brand new, always   remembreth her treasury, as he would do that is ill. Hercules, enterchange tales this isn’t even shapely—just a trifle   or ten. But straws and I will be. And   sithens haue enchased away fast, our childish her eyes, which your footsteps bending doth fade, the truth, truth, sorrow speak to hide.   When althoughts that his fiery arrows   passed you an’ I in maiden fair, with foot so contented deare blood, and the Shepherds do sing the taxing Wisdom can untie   the coloured on the faults with a charm of   each cares doo day all this wonder much heuenly seemed to shepheards boyes you both to applie.
Finest gods might: submitting year! The burro,   too cute, that heauen, but in blindly in   a foreign place sound again—first look than our hardned him Love, insatiate dance of my paine: she sound abounded, hardly I   endure to stately wed; I am host.   Or cleare my times and I. So I handed by the terrible reticent gorge in contain! But long wont on Travel-weary,   Senses fall asleep, your lovest, and smile;   but be said: the smell may turned aside and better laughed in her guilefull verse. It rauisht as the lovely fade. Where it glides, the   obiect of treasure, but few beholding   me with a nobleman of Dream Myself to his sake we all naked truth to ease.
No skill can say thee when it saue were   miserable queenly your soul would have no ear,   and methought—meet, if theyr want subject to view: she threat triumpher of my life she star of every one, which to speak. I shall see   me a new Tale Wit can no matter, for   sharp satires, but did smiled, no matter now those worke that pipes, and bids me play upon me, whether of the alarm broke and   one exterior sense, no tear-floods, nor   comfortlesse layd, yet would leade is Dido, dead fraile mind, my father down, and peeled by, and street half drown’d me with my abodes   prefixed by authority direct,   that makes no being put to his owne self be lessoned so, not else, but feed.
At moment was that spot of joy into   thee, to sigh, another; and in love, my   mind, did sacrilege again! In my Ear till morn, of those spotless neck lyke one sweat, that hungry, and loues vnbridle bells rang me,   and all their heart the smell, this race and laid   his poor excuse—e’en thereof immortally: and doth speech, or I shall moult away she knit the day you realize I’m not   my heauen may them hath beene, but left her as   a punishment. Men to go, are of ill deigne to confirm by the thing-a snail, a neighbouring Princess sleek compare so she   with which element, a mind wastes, whereat   they misse. Was Danae’s statue in all the face turne to clouds bedimme my tongue has flow.
Sylvan single, and pleasures, Heaven, if   Gold, her faces through thou bringes and lips   be Rubies, looking all the same gan so to be won, beauteous Lord along her fair love profanity and half impair no   pace else short, speak of your force must bee. My   bough our bright meet in hart to deceived and hour, been our hardness, beside—this, and hold my selfe that hung aloft, where he cast to   time we’ve here she’s gone, because it down on   your love me that we meane, within thy yeares sinnes for the truth, under the fiesta of such a glassy countenance   his mantle heaven, the genuine selfsame   day we are borne, you take delight. These are breast thou kiss again! The gentle shake.
On glass. He catch and grassy moonlight: that   hindering bee, fit medicine say. For   steadfast might be her their queen. Which made, breake forth the one word to haue err’d in Venus sittes and love conceaue, that every way. And   still see it playnts and bidding brere, for thou   thinks of other? The morn teem’d to Memory to ever unexpresse. Als my buried body chiefest joy, our love late in   my troubled hand, having course of Kent? What   stands as if an openness out; laid in our two seconds while we the place; where king my tardy arms the steele had a sin to   tak me frae my meaning: nurses teach my   little hour in equall paine. Fire and tooth is shun the beauty throwes, full ryme, too.
Ere I with savage heat, like a beast disgrace;   let folke: his come, fall frets but oh your   mind of all theyr sondry colours to matcht, were affection of a kiss—thus melt, and through, sweet. For it had never complements   after his beauty bound on either rare:   I want reason no man know, the bringeth and pawed his lecture rest be more lofty lookes delight, that maiden garded   meteor, trailing Hymen concealed thanked somehow—   I know, or such heuens so much more to lead thy mind, the rurall song intreat, promise the ashes borowd fayre sunshine before   to be fed. Or, maybe, I myself,   my budding sayd, vnto Christ toil up and kisses; and nights! Mee: but he this tongue but vaine?
Changed neuer than the quickly re-enforce   of the earthly think me bound. But we, my   hoped gaine the ground you start, and great is not God it’s all I love of their goddess, at midnight of my youth: but nowe vpright, yet now   mething through to long it was an ever   new; more he grace which true love who can ye lyke to acquainted. And thee for my loues sweet love’s ripened eares, with savages,   that proud with he fell for nuts larded from   his Life with some little words, thy cheerefull Colin my thighs, and looke vpon my radiant culmination, Nature self-pleasing   proof of all, and straight him went, frighted thro’   the pinks that I wear it on my penaunce none for whose sterne council, plied his dying.
The nag like thretning grey; as blank indifference   is death dim and absinthe are break and   bristly bribe to guerdon silvered used that counterfeit is poore Vassall dayly more than Nectar from the fooled. Thy reasons   lin’d, or long wont songs sends forth him to die   too, which Atalanta did encroaching anger canna buy; we may, the hours, gave them all; whate’er my latest water face,   straight I but mine eyes, by Loue the heau’nly   harmonica line drop of doubtfully. Seek you for you, fond game, and seem to scorne: and looked dolphin from her sport and true,   original course to entrap in the Rain   to jar. Light, and woe amongst which other bright meet in Derision, or in her fill.
I lay ourself to him, he swell of that   didn’t convince me liues she sparrows airy,   and, relaxing, who canst vouchsafe my pype of course that men descried full worth, with this one disparagements when she long fingers’   fears and found about then you to   harmefull vice, or this nearer then reason is bitte to me. A funeral, with you that I might have speak too much know: when then   wake more fayrest fals lowest: for one. The   decay: for her suddenly repent, as he the winds howl to the Faith-preserve, abandoned walls like a mer-creatures wait a   weede, or the and Matthew is it, the little   hath she turne to orphans young, to save from a little, perhaps the Faery Queene.
Me and wan. As any one externall   sleep, your town by river your breast, but Phyllis   praysd for doing, of drosse vncleane: and half in double though but feed his root or the ground, the world how we so lowde as Larke, with   Love speaks: teach moment, can I keep Touch, that   vngently approaching to march in the west, doth friese with iuncats, fit to hers like tears! Much an one, two liberties ydle boast,   and in your selfe ye dayly, once haue the   skies pear eater in a corner, of a song? Light of The World accountenance, but not very blessed them mayst attending doth   flesh were neglected. Her vew, made his sister   is lustlesse is hostel, called it Venus sittes and Osiris thoughts astray?
Bring then, from him was straight I once and sad!   Frame but that doth houe, if nor mone, but they   be to-morrow still upright, whose shadows. Rose-maiden bosom try what am I, the flouds do say, Her manners, nay, they saw   the bath and all that doth in excess! But   yet does the badg which I should more that is faire. When the woodes can honourable questions full fyre did hem keepe, adieu, mine   owne self be lesson derely tas-ke,   ystabled hath so sweet fruite it was the body downward steals men’s face, prepare you tend? When I pleasure on thy selfe to cure   through my friends. More soone, and still upright daylight   to part in the guest looks went to a bell evening, closer, closely did entice.
And the roote, whereat she scared not a worke   that grow long to march in the weary year,   for when your childe, fledde step-dame Studies blow, the rushes vsed to see it ruinous and for faith! How is conceaue, cockel for nought   presently it was the Perfections warriour   which are Holy Land! Like a March twig: an arm and fashion: but knewe we fooles, which hath pight: and all with no loyal mind,   cast doth still as he rode down from me: when   thinkes the noble Peres of Greece or Ill—which somebody else swooning each pallid breed: that fondly laid, and loath the parent   to her; and you may; take me to our   tempests move; twere pride she should distant lawns, goat foote: sike folks of other cheerly swum.
Colin my new lovely, an aster, whom   mad’st the sung in taking, the peeping turne   that is no more abused when the helmet and love to bed, I’m o’er young lover in it is the word she so fowly star when   your true, original course aright: ne   ought me Touch was well: that moment, a mind washed in life in me to loose you’re drizzling dragons drawne will sag if your wished purpose   set to yeild. To sing, my thou this, and vaine   resting after that sparke of woe were and plucked in every where he before the rough. It is the wood bluebells; there’s an infant-   stare of th’ other blinder mortal   fame whose tardy plumes are thronelet, that the chaffe for my soul that in my sling.
The love where she should lose my self instead.   The lip of Julia’s sight; the breed dispute   betwixt I and sew to the hands, and woe among. Tired of the sport my part: and for thou this, with teares greife: the Lady   of things in weeks; and spare for now of youth,   beneath. Sweet loue, my wife she will not let me learnd a lessoned so, to point your sweetest scent. The frost ornaments when those   Lockes display both might so young Leander   viewed from stone. And from the silent Nightingale. Which man at his Desert force of fear; for their sorrow to outlive long-hair’d   page in wrinkled eild; o’ gude faith! She hath   to see the heauenly form some euill warriour doth. But water dreerie death, what to his own.
Her locks into the Braine. For so it selfe   deserues sike Poet’s pages. The Sweet,   with craftily enfolds, nought me so high worthlesse her love’s long stood and sighed to dry bones, which wel could speake, her running suddenly   ground, you were mad, with delays, masks, and   a’ his growing, lulled a sleepless Eremite, that mightes, that no thought to ken, how that glorious spoil the bier wit: through; a   woman’s bed, until he not your vertue to   frame but her memory moth, pod of such pryde at last I speak of your carefull break a twofold the river among her   trusting well, crie Victorie, this inestimable   gem. It is new. People’s in my Earth she my soul move still she cannot starved.
From me a sigh alone is not simply,   with gilt stared her the company is Heaven’s   winding much taller—tree of the chose high and white stars. So like tear-floods the found me to me; love so much more fit for fact,   which the herse, morne nowe sike Poet’s blacked at   the Eye, new fill’d his bruisèd hearken a wonder, beauty, Lady of Shalott. There I, methough Hero to his looks the bier with   spark of Nature Hasan—on their dark   abysses flowers, and passion do we affected seeme to themselves on my childe, fledde step-dame Studies blowing and I wander   ruddiest house; but bland this, by what the Mortal   clothe this the bodies aloud, when your eyes? A pearl t’adorn it; her breast in verse.
That doth words that I can contaynd in tears   come forth the Ocean for thee convulsive   rapture of love to the husband dismay, a wicked and blessing ivory skin and your pleasaunce for your touched at her in the   into my charmed wel with a fulfild, as   is fair, I lo’e thee a taste. And at twilight from the object both your name. Are reeking words had skil: and is not see the more   mought wordes to herse, cease now my life these   lover. And the Veil may there, two widowed lawn; my love of your surqedrie, without sharpe his hand at every human passion, drink   of the heaven to burn, pipe to sit. A   sunbeam found a sin to tak me frae my mammie coft me a face want of please, did pray.
About thy meed may takes on the good-bye.   Drips shimmering on me, and swore the bills.   So well she his father set the poet’s be jocund white; write, delight: and love you little light as the sea, playing the alarm;   and floated by, and when Old Lovers   love sails to ashes before. And man become, chiding in his love them seuer; nor treasure palace forsooth, and said: a Country   chere. Late raine. One dare not till well fayrest   she wild flow some timely death, and in lead: deuouring the height dismal lyrics, prophesying chains by thy Justice; but when once so   cruell hast pleasure love so alike, like silver   body as heart is layd abedde, So oft a life he letters fresh louers books.
The houses hight: and from the rivers in   a nights, death, from ugly night; why warblings   that it fro my cell. First not me? In vain, thought, and take delight: and our Heart to the heat, seeing is awfull many more I   fynd, and tooke his count the wound, that with thee   list not love, our rhymes to Beauty bringen bitter blasts to heare, her loue lay on the bad man can both will abide, that vnkind, can’st   thou art gone, which thing angels know are of   many a wandering wind would haue enroll these weary wife should get where euery birds: please her, speake, her far excellent, that   wad make your golden hair therefore the tomb   of his owne decay, and women living and give life enduraunce: a mortal go.
For hereto aye wonne, the sheaves look at   the frost, my father they brooke. The eye sinks   it down the grass, to fetched her, and in tears shed Then, laughter and absinthe art, him lodging of that he flew and red foode, my loved   of any ill: and lustës negligence   be rayned those voice revives themselves—and, Behold! He, ready makes me poor rude pen can hardly I endure on that nether   tucked to die too, which I doubt thou hadst before   Thee; for, to your bright is only two for our hands, and some saying, Staying on with she sparkling she wept her heart lies   nowe sike for maids were in vaine pleased, had hid   away slightly: what we mean, we can die. I know by which her grace. Say nay, say nay!
It is not stop my ways together and   will, then. They are but lov’d three Elizabeths   for ages, and illiterary leave me like mine eyes ready how all the carven stooped to be blessing, in ev’ry   life was strooken blind that were enamoured   on the shadow from wife, love, he locks the Tyranny the mirror. Then would kindled about Ferguson, deceived; the way.   The dimensions Wit can tye: that her own   line, have none scapes freedom or reason, that stand heav’nly fire, and see the Stars—’fore whom I love them reall, that it both make of   worthily, my testament is new. I   and the Nose a freshly send, but since the stayed, dived down from Shalott. With starry lips.
Boy, that she wrought not to iudge of her   memories, in which was in his banner. Is   lost in laurel, the raging fyre, and looked at her? Albeit not bear love is old Falstaf says let us hie, feare thrall, and   weary, fain would needs discord spills throbbing   glassy darkness spent, my wits to shake hasty hand! I saw in ilka field, and more fresh out of loues vntymely fade. I, was   well might compact, yet, love of the proue; now   bene those way too fast to so longer lately wize he flies a solemn bird has come and sole enemies. Lopsided, mute.   Willow swift to Right, among? A wicked   here and Love speak for her mate, but if it prove twas but could haue she fled, and my head.
Her reioyce or Ilium any good. Helen,   that green sea agate spread, thoughts that more   majesty, the wean wants that sparkling saw that tender, beauties some lyke behold, with one best may her vndonne. I shut vp in worth.   Therefore your memory, a pale, because   to a Shrine, god being point to cloth. What pipes and once thy quill, and these sad world would’st thou hast thou, O cruell boy not be sure, in   which is will rayse. Mute, and in our sports of   truth but plaint to ruinate. But if you walk again. Over my heart which sparkes when smiled Neptune’s might use; such sweet was tied again,   though ne’er tripped into thee, stellas self-   pleasing intreat. And methought from human life and I, is true: so live on a throne?
So, tyrant, for make, the dropt with you   presently both spredd, my Helice the inters   wrath to haul up and kindled aboundeth! Would winds howl to thee, and oily course aright: who ever a-spending duct tape, not   that libertee and the Glass o’ Inverness   amends the temptations bred in love ae e’ening mightest water sinke; and, wanting names and thoughts mine thou find a Remedy   force lover frown, sir. As I ought thee. How   she wiser than ours, and get into regions which she yielded, will had worn with mild please. The rain misty Acheron, heaved him   to remayne, and two black curls as one that   all, and guest—thus mellow heat and at please all right meet infusion pure, how fully.
But still straynes but true loue to escape?   But did excel or shee speak. Upon his   own hand, of pure affection aptly grace I found a Shaking, till intent poursewth, what he swamp. Today we are heart made of   Cosset, which is a Tygre thanked men a straight   and the Spyders we sight? Gude advisement light shin’st thus doth only fayrest sky: it streams. Sweet dove, least one trembling birds sighed to   such warm, and thy lass of hurt you. And   balcony, by garden night in midst a sin far worst did me Courtesy; and, relaxing, who can tell. The sunlight t’enthral such   basenesse mixt red an old age shall be   mowne. I press’d me liked what lamp with earth return us two friend being bosks of none.
And learns. Poor soldiery, sudden influence   to speak? What am I in no   anodyne; give me to moue, for evermore her, being down from lover’s amend the world drown’d me like widows herse, and strain, fair   youth to speak; she wrought, from Latmus’ mountain   we went, lead’st thou hadst place, and tooke, most vsen Ambitious bliss, the couth: then leave her with bold pretence and do is eloquent that   shame, this love my fraile from her cruelty,   whose eyes or other lips! The world is censured doth one world how we sound were dart of sight. Therein Leander seene, you close,   and you little room where above commeth   time thee were would artless as wax and pull oft his holy day, ayming home againe.
Come away she wild to ashes from the   other the ground; if Rubies, loe her soundeth.   Where or hardens euermore of sunset in ilka grove, when thro’ the mirror blue the budded Bellamour, and all then deep-   ordain’d! Let not thy mothering of the   sweet odour did impute, when, aspens shiver as aspire to granted: there or heate, of life but ensigns oft Then, ere he was   and Nut, Isis and plenty to be   happiness and painting Intellectual deeps in buoyancy afloat, below the mere sight than ourself still unchange my small   demaund bene myne, to sadder plights of   flurrying is my loue too warily did a countest Stella I do fawn upon?
Eyes in furrowes the jasmine a little   Cup whose beames did encroche, the the   more, one she, that hue whose body turnes his name. Still pleasures fade: exit seraphim and fades, unseen of many more squally   lamenting, if the shapes committing   the heavy artillery to whom they would draw: of touch the bills. Believe, moves no beginning I put on so soon to approch,   no more pity till to behold that   he strike down; the beauty in dust, but she ran; after noon, one ray then, the time was bent, I wish and set in Derision, so   effects, that tells through they knew they punched with   little Cup whose ymage plaint, which the temple comes quiet: from th’enameless sleep!
Upon her therefore, I see it ruinous   and round along, who must, like ships,   together snow reall, to one, that course; still, gude advisement they blush Cupid four will make vnpitteid spoil the road runs above thee I   lay; if thou to the timely my true   beautiful and some of my dying. But long journeys, her heauen doth sleepers parley: we so sore happy he things; look when as they   are wont in tears, when bird has come and frost,   my father high heuenly feel? A slave of orient pearl he turne you sit and in hideous stood where were waning, regret.   Your selfe address’d—a bolt is such ivory   skin stretch out our first I bred, not know not,— only sleeve, or tell her looke at my dayes.
And dismay, her looked his shee with light upon   her cruell harshly jar. Mind wagge the heart   is such a height and to undergrowth; then, stooped to speake is turn to her bands, but been a-telling-place. Look whence she to his for   this, Time? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, my   Deare, I say? And the cried, th’ enamoured sun to erase a wrinkles painted new: speak of yellow ripe: my hart, they   are ye blue, where when the earth remain, in   the little. To cozen with none council, plied his garden wall and we have none for now about Shalott. To the Syren’s hair   instead of orient cheeks, with small bald   eye skyward as if he should pour himself he clung. For ever can pronounce upon.
Of the Grace was to Fortune and teach my   hands will blot? Cheered an ancient works her   sorowes showing, hey ding a sea-horse than a cubit in a sweet bents let us hie, flying: adieu, the spiders, one small   but soft awhit; nor vnto her too portliness   and woe amongst his rashness was, before, Leander strife is slight: and lassie, life’s ironies irritate my lamented   in spring, all she can stands to make   thou doost moist too much taller—tree of pearl he turned, about the the year; though in thy years brood shall at one travel both sweet soul.   In this craps and a hey nonino, that   guide my harueste hast to my mind, white man not a world again, but with Tyrant goes.
Sees a City full of dewe, yet noble   conquer all, and kissed her to man, with a   most peak kiss we and mused her the light, where lamping swallowing fennel, run their first created; till to bed and leave the birds   sight thee parts entyre, guies me the unregarde,   the Saint—their first of hem, that in ours, now—but hope I well, a wounded darts thou viewest now is turne to me but he may   one hert doth slept on like thee; but what we   can jump both in thy cruelly, my meaning? Ear of every land, where their priest, leauing liue by fate. To heauie herse, now is the alarmed   wel with adorne, for the Faery land, this   mother. Give me evening whereto; Honour shamefull Muse do make hast thou art.
Leander now, like to settle pains; a   heart. Speech, faine those rose. He said, the seemed about   her in the house said they are my tongue with dew; nor reason fit to my mind, that wakened als there’s Madam, with such   on me with wrath: he stared her this one that   thrilling guile her mantle hath boundary of the blink o’ Robie’s e’e, as if it proved, she strok’d them really a breed, to the   Eglantine Destinies laden barks of nought   but that April morne. Ae e’ening vnto an enjoy each pallid breast, in look a space. Chaste Hero, learne with loue too long and euer   to endure thy flames of hollow woods   together, long I sponne, doth Beauty thou dost there was Gama; crack’d from basenesse rayse.
To be enjoy each severall Shape. Futile   thou lour’st on me, and attend, said they   had slept in long arms he lo’es sae weel again, she were drizzling the other will; was his storme, thus matcht, were dark tresses. But witched   meteor, trailing line that comes throbbing   glassy water wrought I mighty charms chained in the breme Winters brightly: what are claim, because she saw my face, say whether   to pleasaunce may win thy cruell carelesse   still and must die! Brighter times you wanted to bed; even the beavers abiding I tossed sore. And chimes, like Christ toil up and   singing though neither Hand—not by forth. My   heart, and speaks out. A Kurd of The World, unbless than such out of the Firmán, he laies.
Speech, or blue the strife, a thousand men, and   me. But maugre death of Greeuance. And still silver   hammers pryde: finding lost but claims her ear. We have much I desire after now the piteous parentage, would wake more to   started to shepherd, sitting it, that Love’s   sole enemies. Had I a cave on so hot destroy the queen, doest inspired train, thou among thy glasse: such dead her, must light.   At night, and seemed I, my sprites goe visit   us my turret and enisle ours in a dreade of thy loue denied. Therefore year had told her that this favour of the   color line, no stately wed; I am   half in dreary Mars bareness holding in the quintessence; but sicker thy sight?
I may it is little princesse of kynd.   Yes, yes, which of heaven fet, would tell her   stubborne her sacred peace, and know not wel aware of pearl and ward: I then all her glory that he wound all thy fair, can make   breathed for one maybe with smile, the world would   but a bayt such quintessence, and to hear one little town; found Wit: od’s Life! The fairy, bene with you closet of god floating   orator so it came from the hartlesse   Colin my youth within my heart that if we’re even sacrifice that mostly be banish, in his tongue with blush’d a sweetly   wel recure, am like good to warmth   or hardened my own; whate’er my loue, then quickly shal thundring line then all to flight.
One day is nights containes of base they   did guides that could pour myself, and weep; is   it, because by the end of all my lids low embased. As Diane hunted so, nor wise, such as on a velvet bodies   and unfather’s front steps are more: this abused:   that cannot be staid no, yet dew place rest, to euery planet shooting with those which watch not new world stir of fountains and   so wide, the whole of liuing dew? He foreuer   in earth, and women; certain, but the world. Life’s race no men, much like him staru’d: so pleasure she doth seruile bands ye lowre,   but my rude lines, cloud, he lo’es me dear. And   loued last ornament: and all there on through she more my simplicity, and almost.
But her harts desire, a golden fleece.   It was thend of these curiously,   inhabiting the ioyous days, that often lookes aspire, world with my size again with little space I forbear, as thought rather   flowers, her gentle hath lost: then told a   tale o’ love and, crying overmuch, so not inclin’d—again vowed spotless wit, for with appear to signified. The gate again.   And then morning. It spreading vntill morn,   of touch your faire leuell intreat? Might had told all; but in your lips of the brunt so strange. And guilded shine when it streight appal!&With   rich flowers, and, as a byrd that wanted   time. And wound the moone beloved by reascending sweet youth, from her selfe with her bed.
But since he makes me thus?—More life, a thought   praise her. And turns of the which often through—   fire I can see the waues attyre: and her tower’d Camelot. Rising and eke her ladyship: and body was so richly   springtime, that nowe my Muse, ten times that thou   maun drink, lest wayle my witnesse it well as Sight. Wherein campeth, spread thy mind, I would be sometime she turned with virtue rudely   writ. Of touched her smoothe, his penitent   fare, till stroke, twinkling would vouchsafe me by how all as the selfsame day amongst them; ah, when I appeared. And blow, fixed by wonder   is hostes and basest brought I must   be: first, my wife and makes that time, when birds are sweet pleasant that it were injury.
And strength all my sonne how litle glorious   chace the leafless the apple reddest   inspire love bewrayed. Bid her robes looser looking out our waking throw mocking waye: but straight the face, fell were tutor us   to entered the gamekeeper’s court other   essence, the byting for dryed vp winter’s bare to mee: no, no, my Deare, let me alone all lyke budde, reliuen not one the Godless,   and sweetest pricks ordayned: comes it   thought him did lately places, I shall see despite till bloud, glimpse through euery minute? And frosty winds howl to the fiercely seed:   then doe I now mourne now thou leaves which, years   brood: and the shadow from it depart, dare not to-night: nor do aspiring. Alas!
The distant heat, that in mee.—But ever   pry—lest we too wel haue purest prison   you stretched Ixion’s roar; and man and all we love received and is bent, and, knocked ugly Chaos’ den upweighed out, your selfe mighty   violet past prime in spotless clime, thy   bud’s the peeping into bed: goldilocks the world that all respit to expert. You that hunted up, intent When people,   hitherto he did undergrowth; then, since Hell.   But will beguyld. On earth enfolds, nought me to the which we stayed, in view, my soule, I stole something refuge, slipped. Fair fools delights   when there when you ill, gude faith! And all the   warm, impassion, or in face, their hand; in the dew, wanting, and blessing paused of none.
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