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beevean · 9 months
i really have to lament that the standards for female characters in media are still so abysmal that people are happy to eat up #girlboss'd maria and annette in nocturne
when their character bios dropped these past few days, my mind immediately went to this iconic kate beaton comic panel:
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and this was a parody of how mainstream media "solved" sexism by invariably making every female character a badass, take no prisoners Action Girl™ (aka the proto-#girlboss) from over a decade ago
Absolutely incredible :^)
What grinds my gears is that the adaptation is deliberately flattening characters who were distinct in the original games and could have been fleshed out in a proper story.
Annette doesn't do much in RoB, true. Her one significant scene is the one where she threatens to slit her own throat rather than join Dracula. Sure, why not expand on that? An average woman without powers or training, but armed with nothing bur bravery in the face of corruption: she may not be able to strike enemies physically, but she won't fall for their mind games, and she might also be rewritten to be intelligent and tactic-- nope she's a metalbender now!!!! she's also a swordswoman!!!!! and she will be politically motivated!!!!!!
Maria is a plucky 12 yo girl without much experience of the world, but who grows to care about Richter and wants to help her. She doesn't understand, nor care, about Dracula's speech about the evil of mankind, while the adult Richter falters: she is pure innocence. Still, her unique powers give her an edge when it comes to demon slaying, all without losing her upbeat attit-- nope she's a political leader now!!!! she's also a swordswoman!!!!!! and she's always serious!!!!!! and she will be politically motivated!!!!!!!
In the original NFCV, Sypha was the only one spared because her personality admittedly was a little more upbeat and warmer, even though she also fell in the trap of being the One Braincell Of The Group. But Greta and the woman St. Germain simped for picked up the slack for her, as they were both the exact shade of competent, no-nonsense tough lady fighter, complete with "good thing I'm here to run your life now" in the former's case.
And the female villains? Striga was the only original one, being the obvious muscle of the group, but she might as well have been a henchwoman. Carmilla? A self-proclaimed queen whose personality begins and ends at #girlboss, all sexy and seductive and manipulative and with a dash of radfem. Lenore? Not quite as girlbossish, but still meant to be seen as cool and sexy (and fucking how) and a great manipulator. Erszbet? So far she looks like Carmilla 2.0. Drolta is the one we know the least about so far, but it's interesting how she was turned from an old human witch to a young sexy vampire.
You see the pattern here?
Annette and Maria are also the latest examples of characters who have been changed for no good reason in an attempt to "fix" them. NFCV hates normal people, they all have to be heroes and magic users and proficient weapon users. Instead of keeping Annette with her role of "Richter's girlfriend and a normal girl", but giving her a more substantial personality, she was completely reworked to be something that she simply isn't, and that rewriting is being praised as being So Much Better Than The Games. As if her original role is so undefensible that she needs to be reworked from scratch.
It's lazy. There is a sore lack of variety in the female cast of these shows. And it pretends to be "progressive" about it. As if women are only worth being celebrated if they're physically active and have a tough attitude.
Meanwhile, I will forever be impressed by how Ayami Kojima and Kou Sasakura took Rosaly, a literal non-entity in CoD whose only narrative purpose was to be the fridged woman, and gave her enough personality, without straying far from the archetype of the kind normal girl, that I seriously grew attached to her, something I would have never expected at first.
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vole-mon-amour · 2 years
The Invitation (2022) copied Ready or not (2019), but for some reason the newer version is getting move attention. C'mon. Respect your elders.
Live watch under the cut.
When you go in blind & the media makes you gasp happily and smile.
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Stephanie as Viktoria, huh? Hello, gorgeous, haven't seen you in a while <3
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Lmao. *in Grace Le Domas' voice* Fucking rich people.
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I mean, it's an expected cliche, but the filming/scenery is very pretty. Definitely looks amazing as gifs, which made me watch it in the first place.
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Ok but what are you doing in her bedroom, exactly? Frighting her and pretending to be her prince? :) On the other hand, it's probably Victoria and other creatures in the house and he might as well be the prince in the shining armor to save her from them. I mean, no way he's the only vampire there. There's at least two or three.
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Wouldst though like to live deliciously? :) 'Cause he's the one for the job. Kills people for fun, probably, but we all have our bad sides, right, queen?
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for reasons.
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Lucy is cute. Whatever her monster form is, she seems genuine in her excitement.
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Viktoria is an ass, but I do enjoy watching Stephanie.
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Ah yes, she's an abusive manipulative ass, then. She's probably the one who scares Evie all the time. Lucy probably deserves better. It's like in Ready or not, Viktoria is Charity. Lucy is not exactly Grace, Evie is, but yeah.
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Girl, you have NO idea what you got yourself into, lmaooo. However old he is, he's a vampire that kills people, and of course he'll agree with you, lol.
Ok, I take it back. What kind of idiot accepts a marriage proposal after knowing a guy for, what? Two days? You for real? And then, "Walt, you know I was joking, right?" Were you?
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If the creators say they didn't watch Ready or Not (2019), they're lying. It's so obvious.
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I mean, I felt that vibe, but hello? Vampire lesbians?? CASTLEVANIA??? Victoria as Striga?
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EVEN THE FILMING as Grace runs down that corridor and tears down her wedding dress. Ready or not (2019) is freaking iconic.
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Stephanie fits this role so well. A more mature woman that has seen it all & so done with it, only wishes power and eternal life. "Been with master for 500 years." Lucy "only 100", so she's still an excited puppy (and she's been made into a vampire quite young, I believe). The acting and the casting are nice.
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What a great vampire wedding. :')
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Oooh? Or is she Charity? More like Alex's mom. "You don't deserve to be a part of this family."
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Oh, this is so Alex. :')
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This isn't even funny. Grace did it better.
The verdict? Ready or not didn't get enough credit and attention from the audience, but for some reason the creators love to copy it. Go watch Ready or Not (2019).
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xbeast-bunnyx · 11 months
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No return
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⛧Head tatto: ~ Antisocial ~ Striga Impius Available at Mainstore Antisocial http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Avandar/20/19/317
⛧Backdrop: [Vile] Welcome to Jacks House Backdrop Available at Mainstore Vile http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bad%20Boys/122/91/2270
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⛧GLitter: theROOM - "Amber" glitter tears Available at Mainstore theROOM http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/DLicious/94/33/4017
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editfandom · 3 years
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striga icons
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animiconz · 4 years
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striga | castlevania icons (300x300)
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boxofpacks · 4 years
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ambafaerie · 2 years
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Striga and Morana my beloved lesbian vampire wives.
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milluxst · 3 years
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astheriasicons · 4 years
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girls power
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mayor-returns · 3 years
It seems like such a damn shame that Striga only got to use the armor against farmers. Almost like that scene was supposed to be it's introduction to the audience and she was supposed to be a mini boss and it got cut or something...
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beevean · 1 year
Here's a trickier question: between IDW and NFCV which displays the worst amount of favoritism towards their OCs? :P
Of course in NFCV's case we're counting Isaac as an OC
Oh, then NFCV, no doubt. Motherfucker became the true protagonist of the show.
"But Sonic also lost relevance in IDW!" Very true, I did not forget how the main cover of #50 featured Surge, Kit and Starline instead of him. But at least he has appeared in meaningful arcs, although always glued to Tails or other OCs. At least he has had memorable moments, although in the worst of ways. It's only in the last arc that Sonic has felt like he's been included because of obligation, but generally speaking, even when it became clear that the writers vastly preferred their own characters to avoid dealing with guidelines, Sonic still mattered in a way - c'mon bro let's not forget all the horrible morality discourse that came with him. Also, to be fair, IDW is a comic with an episodic format: it's not really meant to have a cohesive theme, it's meant to be a collection of adventures of Sonic & co. The main problem is that "& co" are now mainly OCs.
I have no idea what NFCV is about.
I realized recently that I can describe what the game series is about very easily: "The Belmont family and their allies vs. Dracula, stuck in a cycle of revenge and rebirth". But NFCV? Sure, it starts pretending to be a CV3 adapation, fair; then it starts to be rather unbalanced in S2, where it technically splits between heroes and villains but the villain plotline is far more fleshed out and complex than the heroes sitting in a library bitching to each other... but then in S3 and S4 you have:
Isaac and the real Hector's his character arc about becoming more than a tool, finding agency for himself, and learning to respect mankind
Hector's Torture Porn show
Alucard literally wasting his life away in his old home that his friends abandoned him in, then going to save a random village
Trevor & Sypha doing... hero shit, I guess
The #girlboss council replacing Dracula as the main villains in theory, but in practice being mostly Carmilla "scheming" or going on cliché villain/radfem rants, and Lenore intersecting with the aforementioned Hector Torture Porn show (+ Striga and Morana being kept around for Representation)
exclusive to S4, St. Germain's descent into villainy and Death's plan to completely nullify the whole point of Dracula and Lisa being dead, sticking it up canon's ass
This is too much. No wonder most of these plotlines were rushed to death. Most importantly, which are the plotlines that get the most importance? That's right: Isaac's, the #girlbosses', and the S4 villains. All of them are OCs. The main trio of canon protagonists is essentially put on a bus. (Hector is a special case: he has a fair amount of screentime, but he's not treated like a character)
Hell even S2 was all about how much better the OC villain Carmilla was than canon Dracula and his silly plan! "Oh but IDW did the same!" True, Starline couldn't shut the fuck up about how smarter he was than Eggman. But at least he died before Eggman. And not to forgive how mistreated Eggman is in IDW, but Dracula wasn't exactly better, sitting around all Depressed and apathetic for two seasons until he gave one (1) great fight and then died and then was resurrected at the very end without his iconic hatred for mankind... which is almost like as if Eggman got put on a bus for three years, then returned, then decided to become Mr. Tinker.
IDW is bad, but everything it does to piss me off, NFCV will always do worse.
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du-hjarta-skulblaka · 3 years
Listen I love Lady Nine Foot Tall Milf but why is everyone sleeping on the vampire lesbian power couple that's right there?
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Morana and Striga make such a beautiful couple😍
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yashas · 4 years
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the styria gals icons for you and your fellow schemers! no need to credit, just don’t claim as your own!
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editfandom · 3 years
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isaac icons
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notstilinski · 4 years
watching that episode of the witcher where the striga kills the man responsible for her mother’s death & turning her into a monster
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