lady-delamort · 2 years
Day 4 ------- Day 6
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When I heard this song I could only think of the Hawks from Alone Together this strawberrydaifuku fanfic. To sum it up. Fuyumi takes a trip to the past 3 years ago due to a Quirk that affected her, where she was holding Keigo's hand, so by traveling to the past she is linked to the 22-year-old Hawks. Obviously, this Hawks doesn't know her. The story is told from Keigo's perspective, wondering how she is such a lovely woman who clearly knows more about him than he himself ended up being her mate.
The story hasn't been continued, but it has such a lovely approach and perspective that I've read its single chapter several times to fall in love with it so much.
Imagination - Shawn Mendes
2:09 ────⊙─────── 3:38 ↻      ◁  ɪɪ  ▷     ↺
Oh, there she goes again
Every morning is the same
You walk on by my house
I wanna call out your name
I wanna tell you how beautiful you are
From where I'm standing
You got me thinking
What we could because
I keep craving, craving
You don't know it, but it's true
Can't get my mouth to say the words
They wanna say to you
This is typical of love
Can't wait anymore
Won't wait I need to tell you
How I feel when I see us together forever
The 22-year-old Hawks has a lot on his plate. He is still the number 3 hero and the Commission has him completely tied down, he is resigned that his life will always be like this. So he does his job like a machine denying himself all kinds of things in order to be that hero they trained, hoping to live up to expectations.
Then, out of nowhere (literally), a charming girl appears in his life, who apparently became someone very important to him in the future. Someone who even entrusted her name to him. He sees her walk past her apartment, so cute and beautiful, but he can't touch her, can't get close to her, because she's in love with the person he is in the future, whoever that guy is. What kind of scheming did he do for such a kind person like Fuyumi to decide that he was worthy of her love?
But Fuyumi still cares about him and feels so comfortable around her, is he imagining that warmth in her eyes? Does she even appreciate the puppet she is right now? How is it possible? How could someone become worthy to be loved with her?
He is a little envious of his version of the future, who can have her, while he can only appreciate her at times and can't go looking for her, because the person she currently is doesn't love him.
Sometimes, he closes his eyes and imagines that future in which she comes, that future where they are together, where they live together and he hopes that in the future he will not be a bastard who hurts her, he hopes that the person he is in the future take care of Fuyumi and love her very much, because something in him must be worth it for a person like Fuyumi to be with him, right?
When he is with her, and sees that his future has not changed, that even if they cannot be together right now, they will still be together in the future, then his future, which was always sordid and gray, looks more attractive and hopeful, because she is with him.
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j3tset · 4 years
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Brunch at Tsukiji Outer market! Tried pink strawberries (tastes like pineapple) and fell in love with custard strawberry! Found another branch of Strawberry Mania to sample the strawberry sorbet that wasn’t present in Osaka. A5 waygu, Japanese omelette and you can’t skip on the giant pork shao mai! So much to eat! So full...so fat #chubbehbunnehs #tsukijimarket #japanesefood #foodporn #foodphotography #travelphotography #toyphotography #strawberry #strawberrydaifuku #desserts #strawberrymania #a5wagyu #omelette #shaomai #vacation #brunch #tokyo #nomnom #sofat (at Tsukiji Outer Market) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Oit4ghEy-/?igshid=1ohfvqebv1tdq
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drawingtoonies · 5 years
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Hello I'm doing a challenge I'm trying to draw each character from food fantasy. The character I draw is strawberry Daifuku with one color Carrot orange. In this challenge I have to use one color randomly as well the character making mistakes. And a Fallen angel.
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d5k-74 · 3 years
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春になると食べたくなる。 鈴懸の苺大福。美味しい。 #和菓子 #japanesesweets #japaneseconfectioneries #wagashi #大福 #daifuku #苺大福 #いちご大福 #ichigodaifuku #鈴懸 #suzukake #sweets #strawberrydaifuku #苺 #strawberry #いちご #🍓 https://www.instagram.com/p/CNFYkucDfJM/?igshid=f0dw1s08ymt2
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williechou · 3 years
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早上貼的時候, 有兩張照片離家出走, 現在才發現, 所以重發文唷! [ 台南甜點節 ] 不畏疫情硬要舉辦的第一屆台南甜點節在 1/30 號登場了, 儘管前一陣子就在吵疫情又擴大的事情, 加上過年時各地即將舉辦的台灣燈會都取消了, 甚至連年貨大街基本上都取消了, 但甜點節的主辦單位似乎太小看甜點在現在社會的影響力了, 身為個螞蟻吃貨人的我當然也是一定會到場參加的, 而且也預購了購物袋、胸章還有限定甜點兌換券, 因為這樣真的很划算, 直接現省一百五! 接下來我要來講些不是很好聽的話, 但是很實在! 我前面不是說到我有預購甜點兌換套組嗎? 我當時是選擇當天在取貨的選項, 畢竟我不住在市區, 要花來回半個小時專程去拿實在有點麻煩, 我本人大概兩點半左右就到現場了, 但當天的市集四點才開始。 這就是我要抱怨的第一件事, 但是服務台人員說四點才可以開始取件, 那我們是要怎麼提早去排隊, 因為每家店的量是有限的, 那這樣不就對我們沒辦法提早拿到券的人不公平嗎? 第二件事則是在三點半左右還有廠商過來對服務台的人員大小聲, 似乎是他們提供給攤販店家的東西有誤會之類的, 但工作人員在互踢皮球, 導致攤販整個大爆氣, 直接殺到服務台大罵! 第三件事 活動四點開始, 照理說在三點左右各攤販就該把硬體或是產品上架了, 但是為什麼到四點時, 還有好多攤販東西都都還沒弄好, 整個很匆忙, 也沒有安排好動線, 加上看不到工作人員在現場控制, 導致人氣高的店家會影響到周遭的店家, 導致怨聲四起。 然後,我要跟大家說, 參加市集真的要做功課, 加上像我是一個人跑單幫的 更要做好功課! 當我一知道這活動時, 就開始挑選想吃的店家, 然後要做好想吃的優先順序, 像我這次的市集, 挑了八家都是我以前沒吃過的店家, 但有在注意的。 排好順序之後呢, 就是在當週開始不要怕丟臉的去向各家詢問可否預訂, 這個我覺得非常重要, 因為這可以節省時間又可以確定你可以吃到他! 雖然到時候你還是要排隊, 但是你知道你一定吃得到你想吃的, 而不是排了半天的隊伍, 然後又只能吃不是最想吃的品項! 接下來就進入重頭戲囉! ① 肥貓咖啡 - 莓人懂你 第一次吃到白草莓覺得很特別, 因為他居然帶有一股特別的青草味, 草莓味道算淡、微酸, 整個的基底是提拉米蘇, 製作好了之後放冷凍, 給客人前再放上表面的草莓與白草莓, 也因為他是冷凍的關係, 浸泡過咖啡液的手指餅乾吃起來有點像是剉冰的爽脆感, 還有馬斯卡彭起司吃起來也很有冰淇淋的口感, 還有起司層裡面的經過冷凍的草莓, 吃起來非常有冰沙口感。 手指餅乾裡咖啡液的微苦味、 馬斯卡彭起司的乳香味、 還有三種草莓不同的酸味跟香氣, 讓整個吃起來的口感跟味道都很有層次。 ② BMS - 草莓馬卡龍 外層的馬卡龍味道就是無庸置疑的甜到爆, 但是中間夾層的乳酪的酸鹹味較為偏重, 跟著草莓的酸味, 一起降低外層的甜膩感、 雖然整體吃起來還是很甜, 但是對比但吃馬卡龍的糖殼部分, 已經少了很多的甜膩感! ③ 咿吉麵包坊 - 盒泥香芋 海綿蛋糕體鬆軟、 手工布丁軟Q、 芋泥綿軟, 不同的口感一起送入口中, 整體甜度稍稍甜了一點, 但配上一杯無糖茶或是熱咖啡是剛剛好的! 而且作為銅板價類型的一個小點心, 我覺得還蠻划算的! 怕熱量的話, 可以兩個人一起分享一盒, 馬上讓你感受到平凡的幸福感! 草莓紅豆大福 本來以為只是普通的紅豆大福, 誰知道一切開, 裡面居然包了一種顆的草莓, 我還想說怎麼可以把紅豆餡做到這樣的紮實。 麻糬皮柔軟, 紅豆部分則是保有顆粒感, 最近已經很少吃的還保有顆粒感的大福了, 大部分都是非常綿密細緻的紅豆泥了, 而且不會太甜, 再加上帶酸的草莓, 一顆真的一下子就沒了, 不到50塊的大福卻讓我感到小驚艷欸! 這次先介紹這三家, 然後三家唯一有讓我預訂到的是第三家的咿吉, 只跟他們訂了盒泥香芋, 而不是訂他們的三件套組, 因為我知道我當天會吃很多家, 所以草莓相關的甜點也不會太少樣, 因此只跟他們訂了這盒, 至於大福是我去取餐時, 他們檯面上還有的品項, 於是我就帶了一顆走! 然後, 還會有一篇下集喔! 不要忘了回來看! #台南甜點節 #海安路 #dessertfestival #fatcatcafe #肥貓咖啡 #神農街 #tiramisu #bms_cafe #macaron #strawberrymacaron #yijibakery #咿吉麵包坊 #taro #tarobox #faifuku #mochi #strawberrydaifuku #redbeanfilling #creamcheese #whitestrawberry #strawberryjam #dessert #dessertaholic #popdaily #yummydaily #popyummy_mag #popyummy(在 海安路商圈) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK1I3vnMXh7/?igshid=uf5vvimebrh9
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monogokoro · 4 years
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新春はコレ #いちご大福 #strawberry #strawberrydaifuku https://www.instagram.com/p/B8BN3IdgpUS/?igshid=1cosndzqx79i7
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chiiharuchika · 5 years
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(19.06.07) ギオとアイからもらった栃木のお土産。アザッス。 ベイクドチーズケーキは美味しかったよーん。 #チカの冒険2 #埼玉 #所沢 #日本 #Tokorozawa #Saitama #Japan #栃木 #お土産 #いちご大福 #ベイクドチーズケーキ #レモン飴 #Tochigi #Souvenir #StrawberryDaifuku #BakedCheeseCake #LemonCandy https://www.instagram.com/p/Byzot7Inkg4/?igshid=1g4jadi1dittf
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lulusensei · 5 years
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Strawberry Daifuku 🍓🍓🍓 a.k.a. my child of light . . . #strawberry #strawberrydaifuku #foodillustration #food #foodfantasy #foodfantasyfanart #watercolorstudies #watercolor #watercolorart #watercolorpainting #chibi #mobilegames https://www.instagram.com/p/BwATYUWg5E4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hw58y5tg0yqi
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ichigo-daifuku · 5 years
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Today is the first anniversary of my AO3 account...
...which means that it's been (around) a year since I began writing fanfiction!
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read any of my works, clicked that kudos ♥ button, and/or left a comment/review/words of encouragement on my AO3 account. I appreciate every single one of them... as I appreciate every single one of you! The past year has been a whirlwind; time really does fly when you're having fun. Thank you so much for being a part of my writing journey. You are all wonderful. 💛
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ao3feed-todoroki · 3 years
Heroine by strawberrydaifuku
Todoroki Fuyumi, throughout her entire life, has always blended into the background.
Words: 1420, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Todoroki Fuyumi, Takami Keigo | Hawks
Relationships: Takami Keigo | Hawks/Todoroki Fuyumi
Additional Tags: Mentioned Todoroki Family, POV Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Fuyumi-centric, Paranormal Liberation War Arc Spoilers, Childhood Memories, Self-Worth Issues, Emotional, Drama & Romance, Mild Sexual Content, Intimacy, Self-Love, Angst with a Hopeful Ending
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35196169
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ao3feed-hawks · 3 years
Alone Together
Alone Together by strawberrydaifuku
A Quirk accident prompts Fuyumi to travel back in time in various intervals, where she does her best to keep a low profile so as not to alter the future timeline.
Except Keigo catches feelings for her a year earlier than scheduled.
Words: 5189, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Takami Keigo | Hawks, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Tokoyami Fumikage, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Rei
Relationships: Takami Keigo | Hawks/Todoroki Fuyumi
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Time Travel, Quirk Accident, Romantic Fluff, Humor, Angst, Pining, Suggestive Themes, Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Manga Spoilers, Work In Progress, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31229858
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indiavolojones · 4 years
hi! i really love your writing a lot, but i don't want you to feel like you have to Produce Content 24/7. take your time! i'm just glad we've gotten the stuff you've given! but i'd love if you had any recs for other obey me fics we can read in the meantime?
this is... such a sweet message..... ;~; THANK YOU, i appreciate it! i mainly feel bad abt not producing the content that my subscribers are waiting for and then uploading like... four fics of endless, one shot sex ahahah but again thank you! 
as for recommendations.... *CRACKS MY KNUCKLES* most of these are explicit and I’ve.. possibly recced them before who cares! this is just some of the stuff i’ve read and enjoyed!! i’ve missed so many more... hopefully you enjoy my suggestions anon!
this is a short answer about some other content creators on ao3 and on tumblr that i enjoy!!! 
devil doms by dom_joonie - E, mc/all basically!
you look red, my love by 3hp - T, mc/mammon
insatiable by obeysme - E, mc/asmo
curiosity by nerieda - E, mc/belphie
tacet al fine by atroposisms - E, mc/lucifer 
paradise looks like a library by retrogal - E, mc/satan
revellere by canonlucidia - G, dia/luci
mammoney by strawberrydaifuku - E, mc/mammon
appraisal by lord-diavolo - E, dia/luci
cosplay surprise by plumeriahearts - E, mc/levi
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williechou · 3 years
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[ 台南甜點節 ] 不畏疫情硬要舉辦的第一屆台南甜點節在 1/30 號登場了, 儘管前一陣子就在吵疫情又擴大的事情, 加上過年時各地即將舉辦的台灣燈會都取消了, 甚至連年貨大街基本上都取消了, 但甜點節的主辦單位似乎太小看甜點在現在社會的影響力了, 身為個螞蟻吃貨人的我當然也是一定會到場參加的, 而且也預購了購物袋、胸章還有限定甜點兌換券, 因為這樣真的很划算, 直接現省一百五! 接下來我要來講些不是很好聽的話, 但是很實在! 我前面不是說到我有預購甜點兌換套組嗎? 我當時是選擇當天在取貨的選項, 畢竟我不住在市區, 要花來回半個小時專程去拿實在有點麻煩, 我本人大概兩點半左右就到現場了, 但當天的市集四點才開始。 這就是我要抱怨的第一件事, 但是服務台人員說四點才可以開始取件, 那我們是要怎麼提早去排隊, 因為每家店的量是有限的, 那這樣不就對我們沒辦法提早拿到券的人不公平嗎? 第二件事則是在三點半左右還有廠商過來對服務台的人員大小聲, 似乎是他們提供給攤販店家的東西有誤會之類的, 但工作人員在互踢皮球, 導致攤販整個大爆氣, 直接殺到服務台大罵! 第三件事 活動四點開始, 照理說在三點左右各攤販就該把硬體或是產品上架了, 但是為什麼到四點時, 還有好多攤販東西都都還沒弄好, 整個很匆忙, 也沒有安排好動線, 加上看不到工作人員在現場控制, 導致人氣高的店家會影響到周遭的店家, 導致怨聲四起。 然後,我要跟大家說, 參加市集真的要做功課, 加上像我是一個人跑單幫的 更要做好功課! 當我一知道這活動時, 就開始挑選想吃的店家, 然後要做好想吃的優先順序, 像我這次的市集, 挑了八家都是我以前沒吃過的店家, 但有在注意的。 排好順序之後呢, 就是在當週開始不要怕丟臉的去向各家詢問可否預訂, 這個我覺得非常重要, 因為這可以節省時間又可以確定你可以吃到他! 雖然到時候你還是要排隊, 但是你知道你一定吃得到你想吃的, 而不是排了半天的隊伍, 然後又只能吃不是最想吃的品項! 接下來就進入重頭戲囉! ① 肥貓咖啡 - 莓人懂你 第一次吃到白草莓覺得很特別, 因為他居然帶有一股特別的青草味, 草莓味道算淡、微酸, 整個的基底是提拉米蘇, 製作好了之後放冷凍, 給客人前再放上表面的草莓與白草莓, 也因為他是冷凍的關係, 浸泡過咖啡液的手指餅乾吃起來有點像是剉冰的爽脆感, 還有馬斯卡彭起司吃起來也很有冰淇淋的口感, 還有起司層裡面的經過冷凍的草莓, 吃起來非常有冰沙口感。 手指餅乾裡咖啡液的微苦味、 馬斯卡彭起司的乳香味、 還有三種草莓不同的酸味跟香氣, 讓整個吃起來的口感跟味道都很有層次。 ② BMS - 草莓馬卡龍 外層的馬卡龍味道就是無庸置疑的甜到爆, 但是中間夾層的乳酪的酸鹹味較為偏重, 跟著草莓的酸味, 一起降低外層的甜膩感、 雖然整體吃起來還是很甜, 但是對比但吃馬卡龍的糖殼部分, ���經少了很多的甜膩感! ③ 咿吉麵包坊 - 盒泥香芋 海綿蛋糕體鬆軟、 手工布丁軟Q、 芋泥綿軟, 不同的口感一起送入口中, 整體甜度稍稍甜了一點, 但配上一杯無糖茶或是熱咖啡是剛剛好的! 而且作為銅板價類型的一個小點心, 我覺得還蠻划算的! 怕熱量的話, 可以兩個人一起分享一盒, 馬上讓你感受到平凡的幸福感! 草莓紅豆大福 本來以為只是普通的紅豆大福, 誰知道一切開, 裡面居然包了一種顆的草莓, 我還想說怎麼可以把紅豆餡做到這樣的紮實。 麻糬皮柔軟, 紅豆部分則是保有顆粒感, 最近已經很少吃的還保有顆粒感的大福了, 大部分都是非常綿密細緻的紅豆泥了, 而且不會太甜, 再加上帶酸的草莓, 一顆真的一下子就沒了, 不到50塊的大福卻讓我感到小驚艷欸! 這次先介紹這三家, 然後三家唯一有讓我預訂到的是第三家的咿吉, 只跟他們訂了盒泥香芋, 而不是訂他們的三件套組, 因為我知道我當天會吃很多家, 所以草莓相關的甜點也不會太少樣, 因此只跟他們訂了這盒, 至於大福是我去取餐時, 他們檯面上還有的品項, 於是我就帶了一顆走! 然後, 還會有一篇下集喔! 不要忘了回來看! #台南甜點節 #海安路 #dessertfestival #fatcatcafe #肥貓咖啡 #神農街 #tiramisu #bms_cafe #macaron #strawberrymacaron #yijibakery #咿吉麵包坊 #taro #tarobox #faifuku #mochi #strawberrydaifuku #redbeanfilling #creamcheese #whitestrawberry #strawberryjam #dessert #dessertaholic #popdaily #yummydaily #popyummy_mag #popyummy(在 海安路商圈) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKz6qM8M4V1/?igshid=10rohn87zdee6
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theaspers · 4 years
i personally am a big fan of fanaa by paopufruittt, nocturne by strawberrydaifuku, speak of love by savedbythenotepad, and all of faikitty's works! these are the ones that jump out in my mind atm ❤
thank you for your recommendations!! i know u just recommended these but i’ve looked them up and read them already and believe me when i say i’m srsly in my lucifer feels rn 😭😭😭
here they are linked in case anyone else wants to read them:
» fanaa by paopufruittt (lucifer x f!mc, gen, completed) - this fic was absolutely gorgeous, made me wanna cry a bit tbh.
» nocturne by strawberrydaifuku (lucifer x gender neutral!mc, teen and up, completed) - so!! cute!! i also want lucifer to k**s me 😳
» speak of love by savedbythenotepad (lucifer x mc, explicit - fem coded, completed) - aaaaaa so sweet and tender, i love it!! 
» ao3 user faikitty - i’ve only read fossil light (lucifer x gender neutral! mc, teen and up, completed) and touch (lucifer x gender neutral! mc, gen, completed) and they’re both absolutely beautiful reads and made me all soft 😭
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Lionheart by strawberrydaifuku
On the day they met, Nejire told Tamaki he reminded her of an elf.
Now, as she glided in the air for her performance in the beauty pageant, Tamaki couldn't help but think, Nejire is like an innocent fairy.
━━━━━ ☀ ━━━━━
Tamaki has always had a faint heart when it comes to social situations, but when the perfect opportunity to convey his romantic sentiments to Nejire arises, he takes all the courage he can muster and confesses.
Words: 4358, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Amajiki Tamaki, Hadou Nejire, Haya Yuuyu, Toogata Mirio, Midoriya Izuku
Relationships: Amajiki Tamaki/Hadou Nejire
Additional Tags: U.A. School Festival Arc, Fluff, First Dates, Love Confessions, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, Anxious Amajiki Tamaki, Shy Amajiki Tamaki, Cute Hadou Nejire, Shoujo Manga Tropes Galore
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24645388
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 4 years
Lionheart by strawberrydaifuku
On the day they met, Nejire told Tamaki he reminded her of an elf.
Now, as she glided in the air for her performance in the beauty pageant, Tamaki couldn't help but think, Nejire is like an innocent fairy.
━━━━━ ☀ ━━━━━
Tamaki has always had a faint heart when it comes to social situations, but when the perfect opportunity to convey his romantic sentiments to Nejire arises, he takes all the courage he can muster and confesses.
Words: 4358, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Amajiki Tamaki, Hadou Nejire, Haya Yuuyu, Toogata Mirio, Midoriya Izuku
Relationships: Amajiki Tamaki/Hadou Nejire
Additional Tags: U.A. School Festival Arc, Fluff, First Dates, Love Confessions, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, Anxious Amajiki Tamaki, Shy Amajiki Tamaki, Cute Hadou Nejire, Shoujo Manga Tropes Galore
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24645388
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