aarondinglestan · 6 years
Affair: Aaron is Robert's personal sex/manipulation toy. Later: Robert ignores Aaron's unease over serious issues. Like Gordon's money. Like his insecurities regarding him kissing his ex & using that attraction unapologetically. Like him being constantly being busy to even notice Aaron. Like him giving up after their first fight. Like him blaming Aaron after being caught lying. Like him offering money/gifts instead of genuine attention/understanding. 1/2
Like him never apologizing after verbally humiliating Aaron (scrapyard/in front of Rebecca). Like him being responsible of (in)directly driving Aaron to actual death by hurting him so bad he had to self harm multiple times during their relationship. Like him punishing Aaron when he was at his lowest and now the show has turn their gay man into this happy babyshitter of his husband cheating child because no matter what Robert does Aaron will forgive everything.
My conclusion: Aaron should consider himself lucky to be loved by the great Robert Sugden. To be a part of this so balanced beautiful dynamic which focuses on a same sex relationship in a beautiful respectful way. Aaron is lucky to finally have a child and a family. To have confidence to be himself. Robert gave him that. By mocking his self harm/past. And by cheating on him the moment Aaron became an inconvenience.
my guy max, i know. robert has not changed a bit, he’s still the same nasty person. in fact the show made a point of aaron having to change in order to heal from robert’s shit and to be able to take robert’s shit in the future. so that he could beg robert to take him back.
pretty sure that robert will hurt him again. which is the whole point of this thing i guess.
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aarondinglestears · 6 years
I will try to be coherent. Pete x Priya, 2 hot ppl, sharing hot scenes & a forbidden story, what went wrong? When the same ppl view Robron affair as something intense, hot & poignant? I already have half ass obvious answers for that question in the back of my head but I want your POV/ Pete & Rhona's dynamic is better (than Pete x Priya) because *insert your POV again* Rhona & Paddy: why Rhona chose/fell in love with Paddy?// (jeez that got messy)
+ last part; if Robert/Aaron hadn't fell in love this hard *the sentimental factor* (I still believe Aaron's love was more consistent/intense) what they would get out of their relationship? I can see the appeal with Robert/Rebecca because I can see/visualize their adventures, their daily life, their common goals, how their ambitions cross paths. I tried my best to be short & specific.
listen my terrible opinion is that i dont think either members of prete are very convincing actors. but something special comes out of pete when he is with rhona. the robron affair was genuinely passionate and fiery so i wouldnt compare the 2 affairs. and the other part of my answer is there was no emotional foundation to pete/priya whereas right now pete has a lot of family-related angst and rhona has a lot of exes-related angst that is causing them to be drawn to each other for safe, gentle, fun companionship.
paddy is the typical guy u fall for who has a good sense of humor, rly is enamored with u (if u are a nice/pretty lady), and feels uncomplicated in theory (rip). rhona had a thing for marlon in the past too so she def has a track record for that type.
for robert he gets from aaron the safety and comfort to be himself - his bi self, his misbehaving self, his self that has had a complicated rl with his family, etc. for aaron he gets a guy who makes him feel like a good person and who insists to him wont abandon him which has always been a fear. for 2 ppl who have not had many rl’s in the past providing those senses of comfort and security. its not what they actively do that makes the relationship feel valuable and worthwhile to them, its the feelings they get out of it which are harder to visibly convey.
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dxringred · 6 years
I know you are quite young; not that I'm much older. My question is anxiety related. I don't know if you suffer from panic disorder/severe anxiety where there are days anxiety is so high you can't handle your own body/sensations but I'll ask anyway. Have you found ways (of thinking or more physical) that helps you calm down, deal with the physicality of anxiety?
Honestly, I couldn’t tell you what kind of anxiety it is either. I’m too - ironically - anxious to go and see a doctor, and my nan/parents seem to think it’s just a bad case of shyness. (Because everyone gets anxious.) All I know is I can’t even go downstairs and talk to my family most of the time, especially if there are more than two adults in the room, and phoning even people I know is a nightmare. 
Um, I don’t actually have any… let’s say, coping mechanisms. I go out of my way to avoid scenarios that make me incredibly anxious. Which, as you can guess, hasn’t done me well in life. (Hell, I dropped out of university after less than a week because of it.) When I’m overwhelmed at home, I will usually put music on and try to take a nap. Other times I might play a game instead, usually Animal Crossing because that’s my happy place but I’ll opt for Pokemon if I just need a distraction. Or I’ll write if I have the muse, but if I don’t and I try forcing myself that usually makes things worse. 
If I’m anxious about entering, say, a party or a gathering of some kind, being in a group of people I know well usually helps. For example, a few years ago, I was really freaking out about arriving to prom but going in with a group of 4-5 friends helped calm me down quite a bit. 
Uh, I’m also usually able to do some things (say, talk to cashiers or ask for help at a store etc.) if the person I’m with also has a similar/worse feeling of anxiety about doing said thing. I don’t know why. I know it’s stupid. If I can do the thing at that point, why bother getting anxious about it any other time? 
I don’t know, honestly. I used to be really outgoing as a kid, so maybe I’m just blowing out of proportion a severe case of being shy and self-conscious. 
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bartsugsy · 7 years
Jesus was gay? Explains a lot
the only person he ever kissed in the bible was a man coincIDENCE I THINK NOT
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capseycartwright · 6 years
One answer is "its a new experience, different scenery" but i'll still ask. What you find more beautiful, interesting in Netherlands? Differences in general? From what I see you study politics there; a subject interesting on its own & one that you love. Is it the architecture, nature, opportunities a combination? Like I see/read about Scotland, Ireland & its a whole new other world. Gothic/moody & all that.
I’ll be entirely honest, I didn’t really have it in mind I wanted to study in the Netherlands in particular, it just ended up being one of the most well-regarded masters in the field I wanted to study in, so my decision was made that way. like, I knew I had to study abroad because I couldn’t study the masters I wanted to in Ireland, so I was looking at sweden, the netherlands, belgium...... NL just ended up being the best and the best value (bless how cheap their masters fees are, lmao.)
it’s just a super beautiful country! i’d been to amsterdam twice before i moved there but beyond that i knew very little about the netherlands besides like, the stereotypes, so it was all very new to me. the architecture is amazing, the people are so kind, the weather is as unreliable as it is in ireland so it always feels like home, and i get to study european politics in the year of europe. i win all around, really!
don’t get me wrong, i love ireland, and if the masters i wanted to do was as well regarded in ireland as it is at my university in NL, i’d have stayed at home (i’m a homebird at heart) but the netherlands is a really wonderful place to live, i’m excited to travel around more next semester.
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orgasmicmilkshakes · 6 years
I am *well typically* a special educator *according to my degree* so it would be really helpful if you could link me to your post where you talk about your experience with autism. I know autistic ppl are not the same. They share many traits but they have also different needs/abilities/difficulties & we have low/high functioning spectrum. So you as a student/human being how you would prefer to be approached? (Teaching method/socialization) I know its personal so feel free to ignore this.
for me its impoertant to get to know the person as a person first but without ignoring that yes autistic people do have different needs, like you said very one is different so being understanding and talking to people has always been the approach I prefer used on me.
this is the post where I talked more at length about why I relate to aaron if you’re interested
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robertjacobsugdens · 7 years
Hello. May I ask why you find hilarious that exchange in the scrapyard? I am asking because I remember finding it weird, I think because of the wording mainly; well I'm not a native English speaker and some things strike me as funny and weird (when they're really not any of the above). Probably you found it hilarious for a completely different reason (story/character wise I assume).
I wish there was a deep character/story reason for me finding that exchange as hilarious as I do, but there really isn’t, sadly. 
Like. “I don’t like you anymore and I definitely don’t fancy you” wow, Aaron, sick burn you got there. What are you? Five? What’s next pulling Robert’s hair? Telling him he’s a poopy head? (He is, but that’s an issue for another time.) 
AND THEN ROBERT IS LIKE “WOW, WAY HARSH TAI” looking all OFFENDED as if Aaron saying he doesn’t fancy him is the worst possible thing he could have said. 
I just. It’s SO deeply immature and in contrast with the situation and them as characters it’s incredibly funny to me.
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iantojack · 7 years
(FYI) I downloaded that photo of yours with Bex and the pink hearts in order to use it in moodboards (if that's OK? I don't know the rules)
sgkljgskjg ya sure i mean its shit i literally made it in 2 mins but akjgsl its fine !
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charitydinglez · 7 years
Remember when I said you look alike Debbie? Prettier version of hers I have to add. Now that we *I* talk about look alikes: Leyla reminds me of a real modern version of Esmeralda (Disney) and Chrissie of a modern Xena warrior princess (if you are familiar with the old series) and Rebecca White is like Miley Cyrus in an alternative universe.
thank u!! but charley webb is really fit so i don’t come close. but what a good ask!!!! 
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frecklyrobert · 7 years
Read a book in bed ,does magic (to me at least); you will yawn like a lion and blink like Rebecca to keep your self awake (again it works for me; the weird night creature) . Have asmr videos playing (these are videos for relaxation, hypnotism and sleep) or generally atmospheric music, nature sounds. Drink hot stuff or wine before bed *alcoholism alert*. That will sound sexual (and maybe it is); close your eyes, bring your body to the perfect temperature (little cold, little hot)---
—yeah your eyes close, atmospheric sounds, music in the background, your head little light from wine, and you try to fantasize while awake whatever ,just like your head does when you are asleep to entertain you. You built your perfect fantasy and before you know you are gone… Asleep. That was some shitty advice you may already know but it have worked for me who had major insomnia problems.
this is the best ask i have ever received thank you so much!
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skylesbian · 7 years
Hiya again!!! Long time no see. I made 4-5 Rebecca White gifs again which of course only appears in my blog. So (again) if you want you can check them out. Its the last things i post.
hello, lovely!! 💫
oh i will definitely check them out and i will post this so maybe if someone else wants more bex content (like me 24/7!!!) they can see it too 😌 thank u so so much for letting me know!! loads of love 💖
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aarondinglestears · 6 years
What happened to 2014;Aaron? His face has changed. A lot. Is it the emotions his brain can't contain? What is it, Rachel? Is it black magic? Is it drugs?
LOL it’s danny miller’s fitness routine
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dxringred · 6 years
stoptakenallthenames replied to your post: i just wrote an entire alternate ending for emma’s...
*could you elaborate?* who would be the killer in your version & what way of storytelling would you use?
Well, first, I’ve got to make it clear that in my alternate version, the entire line-up of suspects is a red herring. None of them did it, they’re all just suspicious and in the line of fire in order to draw attention away from the actual killer. But there are still clues all throughout SSW pointing to who that person is.
So now, to be upfront: my “actual killer” is Harriet.
All through the week, she was in every episode, right in the middle of all the action/drama, and in the same location as 5/7 of the suspects. She was strongly connected to Emma - they liked each other, Emma respected her more than anyone else in that village, and they spent a lot of time together - she’s at the center of the village as the vicar, and she has a direct connection to all of the suspects bar Adam. (Laurel and Gabby are obvious; she’s dating Cain; Moira is figuratively her “rival” to put it banally; and the brothers are strongly linked to her through Emma.)
Honestly, all they had to do to make this work was swap Harriet with Moira and Ross. (And not leave Gabby out of the entire two-parter.) So, what happens is:
Gabby finds the letter. Hearing Ross approaching the church, she runs off with it, panics, and leaves it in the first place she can think of that doesn’t incriminate her. (Explaining how Adam gets it.)
Ross finds Isaac, but not the letter, and returns him to the hospital.
Emma goes up to the bridge of her own accord out of guilt, therefore nullifying the retcon that Emmerdale shoved down our throats, and keeping in her initial suicidal ideation/guilt. 
Harriet is driving around looking for Emma. (And Moira/Cain, who are also driving around. We’ve still got a lot of people driving around!)
Moira (who is with Cain; he still finds her, but before Emma falls) gets the call from Victoria about Isaac’s return, and heads to the hospital. Harriet gets the same call from Cain while they’re en route. 
From there on, you essentially just swap Moira out for Harriet, who sees Emma on the viaduct instead. She pulls over, makes her way up to the top, and proceeds to try and talk Emma down. It's Harriet, so it works, and it's 100% in character for Emma to listen to and trust her above virtually everyone else. There is no abrupt pancake-flip of Emma's personality (or Moira's, because she's not there) and the scene doesn't get ruined in the space of a second. 
Emma slips/trips/whatever trying to get down and, despite Harriet having a hold of her hand and trying to save her, falls anyway. 
What happens directly after Emma’s fall is iffy territory. For it to make sense, Harriet goes down to check on Emma, realizes she’s dead, and flees in a stunned panic after hearing the dogwalker. I already know it’s more likely she would call “999″ and hang around, but really you can’t know for certain what you (or anyone else) would do in that situation so it’s a debatable reaction. And, in the words of my good friend Kayla:
"There are always holes in whodunnits that are to shock you, and you have only one (1) hole and it can be explained away.” 
So, the twist is that nobody killed Emma (which I know many think is a cop-out), and that the person on the bridge was Harriet, who feels as though she may as well be a killer anyway.
In terms of execution, I would’ve still kept the flashbacks in, but there would’ve been a massive intervention in terms of all the narration. Everyone gets their own set of flashbacks (ruling them out one-by-one) explaining where they were and what they were doing on the day. By the end, the entire line-up has been shown to be not guilty. Then you get Harriet’s flashback, which starts as a culmination of all the times she appeared in everyone else’s (which is an “It’s been staring you in the face” moment) before going on to show where she ended up, and how.
Thursday ends with her finally going to the police station, well aware that she has to tell the truth and having finally properly come to terms with what happened etc. (Also, it would be within less than a week of Emma’s death because I wouldn’t put a random two month break in the middle of the damn storyline.) She confesses that she was on the viaduct, explains what happened, gets arrested, goes to trial and is eventually found not guilty.
Also, because Ross doesn’t haul Emma to the viaduct in this version, she’d have no bruises/marks indicating a struggle, bar one on her wrist from where Harriet gripped it so tightly while trying to save her, which would support Harriet’s version of events.
Katherine gets a chance to shine as an actress, Harriet finally gets a complex and well-written storyline showcasing her as a character, and (as Kayla pointed out to me) Harriet is a well-loved character, so you also get the suspense of waiting for the conclusion of the trial, and the relief of when she’s found not guilty.
So... yeah, that’s my alternate version of this storyline! I know the scenes directly after Emma’s fall are so-so, and aren’t going to please everyone, but Harriet fleeing the scene in a stunned panic isn’t the most implausible thing to happen in Emmerdale by a long, long, long shot. 
Everything else makes sense (though feel free to call out anything because there’s bound to be something I didn’t consider), there are no retcons, Gabby doesn’t disappear for the two-parter, Ross isn’t shoehorned into the bridge scene and, honestly, what we got was such a mess that anything would be miles better.
Thanks for coming to my long ass talk asdfghjk.
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bartsugsy · 7 years
I have to say even if I don't agree with meta "robron" some times, when you write about Robert's character without kissing his ass, just analyzing the canon/facts but also without demonizing him, you give me back the months anxiety took me from me. Its refreshing when i see fans of Robert/rbron who are fun to be around bc even if they're biased they avoid the constantly excusing Robert's actions crusade. Only when I read ur posts I'm able to like Robert beyond his entertaining value. You are fun
akkdsk this is a really nice thing to receive, wow - thank you 
idk i don’t mind his horrible side, it’s interesting to me (if occasionally really fucking horrifying) - why shy away from it yk
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*spoilers* The next step will be her being desperate to have an orgasm and she will beg (because desperation is a dangerous state of mind)and he will say yes. Because it is nice to be helpful and altruistic. Its basic human decency. I don't know why people get upset. I'm glad Robert is willing to help another human being and put them out of their misery. My boy!!!
*spits drink* lmao... 
hey why not! robert is nice like that ya know, he’s got a good heart this one
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smittenwithsugden · 7 years
I resent scenes like this. Screaming, revealing personal shit in a public place like some nosey bitches who came from fucking caves. They are cringeworthy. I can stomach drama, angst whatever but this shit, screaming at the middle of the pub, fighting, grab each other, its so ridiculous and devaluate the characters in my eyes. I know its a soap and its dramatic. Its tacky and humiliating.
Like aaron seriously? He said right then and there that he knew that she is not a threat. Why? It was nessecary to that point? And robert grabing bex and yelling you are nothing. And then suddently everyone comes in as well. My eyes and ears were bleeding. God... I dont hate this Sl ,i dont hate bexs i hate ridiculous scenes like this one. That feels forced, ooc and cheap. Fuck my eyes
I agree. (Well, I do hate bex...but other than that, yes)
For me this episode did not happen, all that happened was everyone knowing now. I know it’s bad to close my eyes to this, but everything was just so badly written. And we shouldn’t kid ourselves, we will get badly written episodes again, a lot of them. And for me personally I just can’t stand to work myself up over every single one every time. I just don’t have the energy for it.
I obviously can’t quit them, I love my boys too much. So I will jsut take the facts out of the episode - everyone knows about the baby now, Aaron has a lot of thinking to do - and will move on and wait for the next episode.
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