#stick disarm techniques
sokeanshu · 3 months
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elizabethemerald · 1 year
In her Arms
Jazz had been on the move almost non stop ever since she had heard about the explosion. Her parents were dead. The portal in Amity was destroyed. The city officials said that Danny was killed by the blast too. But he wasn't. She knew he wasn't. She didn't need the boo-merang to tell her that Danny was still out there some where. He was alive, and she would find him.
She had only stopped moving long enough to pass out in her car for a few hours during the drive to Gotham City. She was following a faint trail, a mere pressure in her mind that was leading her closer and closer to where her brother was. Whatever ecto contamination her parents had done to her over the years had given her a connection to her brother and she would follow that connection to very jaws of hell itself if she had to.
She was running on fumes now. So was her car. She had made it into Gotham and the pull brought her to one of the poorer neighborhoods. In fact it looked like it was the poorest and most crime ridden part of the city. Graffiti covered every wall, multiple burnt out wrecks of cars littered the sides of the streets.
Jazz slammed on the breaks and opened her car door. She was next to an abandoned and fenced off lot and her brother was here. She could feel him. She dashed tears and sweat from her eyes, slung her weapons over her shoulder and tied her hair back. When she left her car she left it with the door open and the key in the ignition. She doubted it would start again and she didn't care enough, all she cared about was her brother.
She crouched next to the fence and the leaped, putting her ectoplasmic strength into the jump as she easily cleared the twelve foot tall fence. She landed on the other side in another crouch, her eyes zeroing in on the woman standing in the middle of the lot.
The woman was easily as tall as Jazz and she was 6'8" thanks to the ectoplasm in her veins. The woman had long black hair and was built like an absolute tank. She was wearing work out clothes that showed off all of her muscles. If Jazz were in a better mental state she would be jealous.
But all she could focus on was the toddler chair just past the woman. The chair that held a small black haired, blue eyed boy that was her entire world. Danny. He was younger and smaller than he should be, but she would recognize him anywhere, and she had enough experience with ghostly shenanigans to recognize a simple deaging. She could deal with that later, now she just needed to recover her brother.
"Give him to me!" Jazz demanded as she stormed closer.
The beefy woman was between her and Danny, she couldn't risk angering her, but all the words were trapped in her mind. All the deescalation techniques she learned, all the psychology she dedicated herself to, was all trapped and stuck. The woman turned to face her and Jazz pulled out her creep stick, her hands shaking.
"Give him to me." She said again, the words feeling like nails dragging past her throat yet it was all she could say.
"I'm afraid I can't do that." The woman said. She kept her hands open and spread apart. Some small part of Jazz's mind said that she was trying to keep her body language open and friendly. But that part was overshadowed by her fear and her exhaustion.
"Give him to me!" She shrieked, wondering if she should be coughing up blood with how difficult the words were to drag out. She dashed forward and swung her creepstick. The woman block and Jazz swung again and again. Each blow the woman either blocked or dodged without any visible effort.
"You have skills sister." The woman said and she went on the attack.
Now Jazz was getting driven back across the lot. She was clearly out matched in every possible way, but she couldn't back down. That was her brother. Danny. Danny. Danny. That was her brother. That was her brother.
The woman twisted her body and with a powerful kick the creepstick was sent flying across the yard. Jazz didn't give her a moment to gloat at disarming her and instead pushed forward with her bare fists and legs, managing to push the other woman back one step at a time. Still she looked calm and confident as if she did this everysingle day.
Jazz ducked under one of the woman's blows and managed to pull her knife. She trust the blade forward with all her might, putting her full ectoplasm enhanced strength behind the blow. And watched in horror as the blade shattered against the woman's shoulder.
"Well struck!" The woman seemed genuinely impressed. Then she twisted and almost without effort threw Jazz to the ground.
Jazz gasped in air as she stared up at her, then past her to where her brother sat in the chair, watching like this was all an exciting movie.
"Please." She forced the word out, like broken glass down her throat. "Give him to me."
She begged. Desperately. The woman startled and pulled a cord from her waist. With a flick of her wrist the cord wrapped around Jazz's body.
"We'll soon find the truth of this. Why do you want the boy?"
The cord glowed around her and even past her pain and her fear and her exhaustion the words came.
"He's my brother."
She gasped the words out.
"He's my brother."
Her throat was closing and her breath was coming faster and faster. Her own fist collided with her forehead.
"He's my brother."
She sobbed the words out, her vision fading as she hit herself again. A high pitched keening noise pulled itself out of her, no more words were coming, just her raw expression of grief and longing and she hit herself again. She smacked her fist into her forehead and when she went to do it again, she felt a tiny hand wrap around her wrist.
"No Jazz! No hurt. No hurt."
Danny's little voice. Just like when he was first a child and would stop her from melting down. When her parents ignored her being touch adverse, when they made her speak even when she was nonverbal, when the noise of the lab wouldn't stop and pounded into her head like a jack hammer.
She didn't try to pull her arm out of his hand but she hit herself again with her other hand. She could hear Danny begging her to stop, but she couldn't, she couldn't, she couldn't. She went to hit herself again and a strong, calloused hand grabbed her wrist, than just as gently as if she were something precious and valuable held her other hand to keep keep her from hurting herself.
"Now, young one, there is no call for that."
"Jazz it's ok." Danny whispered, because he knew the loud voices bothered her. Then he started humming, so softly she could barely feel it, yet his humming vibrated with ectoplasm and carried down all the way to her infant ghost core.
He was hugging her and holding her and humming to her and slowly, muscle by muscle her tension unwound. She could think again, she didn't think she would be able to speak yet, but at the very least she could pull her wrists from the gentle hold of the other woman and wrap her arms around her little brother.
She held her brother, her Danny and sobbed and sobbed. She gone through too much. She had bee told she had lost her parents that everyone she loved, including her beloved brother were dead, her home destroyed. Then she had driven half way across the country following a desperate thread to try and find him only to be beaten by the first stranger she encountered. But at the very least, she had her brother back in her arms again. Just like she was supposed to.
This technically takes place in my Son of the Red Hood AU, but probably won't be for a few chapters. However this was running around my brain and chewing on the walls until I got it out. Jazz and Danny are to me Autistic and ADHD solidarity and I wanted to portray Jazz having an extreme meltdown because of the stress she's been under. Can you guess who her opponent is?
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dinodontwait · 4 months
Some things, you know, are meant to be
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Pairing: Choi Vernon x afab!reader
Genre: Office au, Rom-com, fluff, full of fluff
Summary: A workplace comedy that unfolds amidst stapler shenanigans, coffee-stained kisses, and the unexpected melodies of a love story written in the margins of office chaos.
Word Count: ~3k
Inspired by:
Like a river flows Surely to the sea Darling, so it goes Some things, you know, are meant to be
- “Can’t Help Falling in Love” by Elvis Presley
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The fluorescent lights flickered above my desk as I furiously typed away on my keyboard. Meet deadlines, exceed expectations, that was my mantra. Vernon, the resident laid-back charmer, was stationed at the desk across from mine, seemingly unfazed by the whirlwind of papers around him.
"Hey, Y/N, have you tried this new relaxation technique?" Vernon flashed a grin, waving a stress ball in the air. "It works wonders."
I rolled my eyes, suppressing a smile. "I'll stick to my to-do lists, thanks."
Seungkwan, my best friend at work and partner in crime, shot me a knowing look. "Y/N, you need to loosen up. Look at Vernon here; he's like the office zen master."
I scoffed, glancing at Vernon who was now juggling stress balls effortlessly. "I'm here to work, not join the circus."
Mingyu, the charming office heartthrob, strolled by. "Y/N, you're missing out on all the fun. Vernon's stress ball circus is the highlight of my day."
Ignoring Mingyu's teasing, I turned my attention back to the computer screen. Little did they know, behind my focused facade, there was a secret crush brewing for Vernon – the guy with a grin that could disarm even the most stressed-out soul.
One day, as I meticulously organized my desk, Seungkwan leaned in with a mischievous grin. "You know, Y/N, I heard Vernon is single. Maybe you should consider letting loose a bit?"
I scoffed again, a little too loudly. "I'm not looking for love; I'm looking for a promotion."
Seungkwan raised an eyebrow. "¿Por qué no los dos?"
Our boss, Seungcheol, walked in, eyeing the lively atmosphere. "Can someone explain why there's a stress ball juggling act happening in the middle of a workday?"
Vernon, quick on his feet, quipped, "Just promoting a stress-free environment, boss!"
Seungcheol sighed, shaking his head. "Just get your work done, people."
Little did they know, the real circus was happening inside my head – a swirling mixture of deadlines, spreadsheets, and an unspoken crush on Vernon, the stress ball virtuoso.
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Days turned into weeks, and my secret crush on Vernon continued to blossom like an office plant thriving on coffee spills and forgotten snack crumbs. Seungkwan, my ever-curious accomplice, kept pushing me to confess my feelings.
One afternoon, as I reached for a printer jam, Vernon appeared beside me. "Need a hand, Y/N?" he asked with that disarming smile.
"N-no, I'm good," I stammered, my fingers fumbling with the paper tray. Smooth, Y/N. Real smooth.
Seungkwan, sensing the tension, waltzed in. "Vernon, have you tried Y/N's favourite stress relief technique? It's called 'awkward small talk.'"
I shot Seungkwan an annoyed look, but Vernon chuckled. "Actually, I'm quite the expert in that field."
As the days went by, Vernon and I continued our friendly banter, oblivious to the silent romantic tension building up. One day, Mingyu, the office heartthrob, decided to play cupid.
"Seungcheol is throwing a little office gathering this Friday. You should come, Y/N," he suggested, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
Seungkwan, overhearing the conversation, grinned at me. "A little birdie told me Vernon might be there."
I rolled my eyes, "I'm not going for Vernon; I'm going for the free snacks."
Friday arrived, and the office was transformed into a makeshift party zone. Soonyoung and Chan, the resident party planners, had outdone themselves. The atmosphere was lively, and mingling was the order of the night.
As I casually hovered near the snack table (as promised), Vernon sidled up. "Hey, Y/N, mind if I join you?"
My heart raced, and my well-rehearsed response escaped me. Seungkwan, ever the opportunist, popped up from behind a potted plant. "This is your chance, Y/N!"
I shot him a death glare, but before I could say anything, Minghao, our boss, took the stage for an impromptu karaoke session. The crowd roared with laughter as Minghao belted out a surprisingly good rendition of a popular song.
Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Joshua joined the makeshift karaoke stage, turning the office gathering into an unexpected talent show. Amidst the chaos, Vernon leaned in, his voice barely audible over the laughter.
"Y/N, do you mind if I steal you away from the snack table for a moment?"
My heart skipped a beat as we slipped away from the cacophony of mingling coworkers. Little did I know; this office gathering was about to take an unexpected turn.
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Away from the karaoke chaos, Vernon and I found ourselves on the office rooftop, a hidden sanctuary above the hustle and bustle of the party below.
"So, Y/N," Vernon began, leaning against the rooftop railing, "what's the verdict on Seungcheol’s karaoke skills?"
I chuckled, grateful for the brief escape from the office madness. "Surprisingly good! Who knew our boss had hidden talents?"
Vernon grinned, his eyes meeting mine. "Speaking of hidden talents, have you discovered any exciting stress-relief techniques lately?"
My cheeks flushed, and I laughed nervously. "Well, there's this one where you, um, take a deep breath and... forget about stress for a while?"
Vernon raised an eyebrow, "Sounds intriguing. Mind showing me?"
As I attempted to demonstrate the 'forget about stress' technique, our hands accidentally brushed against each other. A jolt of electricity shot through me, and I couldn't help but feel that maybe Mingyu's party suggestion wasn't all about the snacks.
Just as the moment was getting more intimate, Seungkwan's voice echoed through the rooftop door. "Y/N, Vernon, you won't believe what Seokmin is attempting on that karaoke stage!"
We exchanged an amused glance and headed back to the party, the rooftop escape lingering in the air like an unspoken secret.
Days turned into weeks, and the office dynamic shifted. Vernon and I found ourselves collaborating more often, whether it was on projects or sneaking away for a coffee break. The once-careful balance between professionalism and unspoken feelings began to blur.
One day, as I was drowning in a sea of spreadsheets, Vernon appeared at my desk with a cup of coffee. "Thought you could use a break, Y/N."
I smiled, touched by the gesture. "Thanks, Vernon. You always know when to save me from spreadsheet-induced insanity."
Vernon chuckled, "Just doing my superhero duty."
As he walked away, Seungkwan, ever the observant friend, nudged me. "Y/N, if Vernon's your superhero, maybe it's time to let him rescue more than just your sanity."
I sighed, realizing that maybe it was time to acknowledge the switch in my feelings. Little did I know; the office drama was far from over.
Embracing the subtle shift in dynamics, I decided to take Seungkwan's advice and let Vernon in a little more. As days passed, we found ourselves sharing stories, inside jokes, and even embarking on a few collaborative projects that had nothing to do with work.
One day, as we navigated a particularly tricky task, Vernon flashed that signature grin. "Y/N, who knew work could actually be fun?"
I smirked, "Well, considering you've turned our office into a circus more than once, I'd say fun is your specialty."
Vernon chuckled, and for a moment, our eyes locked. The unspoken tension between us was palpable, and I couldn't help but wonder if this was the moment to address the elephant in the room.
However, fate had different plans. Mingyu, the office charmer, decided to play cupid once again. "Guess what, lovebirds? There's a team-building retreat this weekend. You two should totally go together!"
I shot Mingyu a glare, but Vernon seemed unfazed. "A team-building retreat, huh? Sounds like a great opportunity to strengthen our professional synergy."
Seungkwan, who overheard the conversation, nudged me with a sly grin. "Looks like Mingyu's doing your job for you."
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The weekend retreat was a mix of team-building exercises, trust falls, and awkward icebreakers. Vernon and I navigated through it all, trying to maintain our professional front. However, as the evening bonfire flickered to life, the atmosphere changed.
Under the starlit sky, surrounded by the laughter of colleagues, Vernon and I found ourselves drawn to the warmth of the flames. It was then that Mingyu, ever the matchmaker, suggested a round of sharing secrets around the fire.
Seated next to each other, Vernon and I exchanged hesitant glances. "I'll start," Mingyu declared. "I once accidentally sent a love letter to the office printer."
The group erupted in laughter, and the ice was broken. Colleagues shared embarrassing stories, dreams, and even fears. As the circle neared us, Vernon looked at me, his eyes reflecting a hidden vulnerability.
"I've got a secret," he began, "I'm not as carefree as I seem. There's more to me than meets the eye."
The sincerity in his voice struck a chord, and I felt a surge of courage. "I've got a secret too," I admitted, my gaze locked with Vernon's. "I never thought I'd find someone who could make me question my to-do lists and deadlines. Until now."
A hush fell over the group, and Mingyu, grinning like the ultimate cupid, whispered, "Looks like we've got a love confession in the making."
Vernon's eyes widened, and a smile played on his lips. The unspoken tension finally surfaced, and in that moment, surrounded by colleagues, deadlines, and the warmth of the bonfire, our secret crushes were no longer a secret.
The confession around the bonfire sparked a change in our dynamic. Colleagues became enthusiastic cheerleaders, and our interactions took on a newfound sweetness. The retreat ended with a subtle shift, leaving us on the brink of exploring a different facet of our relationship.
Back at the office, the atmosphere buzzed with playful teasing and knowing glances from our colleagues. Seungcheol, our boss, couldn't help but join in on the newfound workplace romance banter.
"Looks like we've got our very own office love story," he quipped during a team meeting, causing everyone to burst into laughter.
Vernon, ever the cool customer, took it in stride. "Guess we're the talk of the office now."
Seungkwan, who had become our unofficial relationship coach, couldn't resist chiming in. "Don't worry, you two. I've got a list of rom-coms we can use as a guide. First on the list, 'Office Love: A Spreadsheet Affair.'"
I rolled my eyes, "I think we can figure this out without consulting Hollywood."
As days turned into weeks, Vernon and I continued to explore the romance budding between us. The office dynamic remained lighthearted, with playful banter and camaraderie. Our desks, once separate islands in the sea of cubicles, were now like neighbouring countries, sharing secrets and stolen glances.
One day, as we worked on a project together, Mingyu sauntered over with a mischievous grin. "You know, there's a team-building workshop next month. More trust falls, more icebreakers. You guys up for it?"
Vernon and I exchanged a knowing glance, and he chuckled. "Why not? We've survived worse."
The workshop became another chapter in our evolving story. Trust falls turned into shared laughter, icebreakers transformed into inside jokes, and by the end of it, the unspoken romance had solidified into something more tangible.
As we navigated the workplace romance waters, our colleagues became our biggest cheerleaders. Soonyoung and Chan, known for their playful antics, organized a surprise 'office engagement' celebration, complete with streamers and confetti.
Vernon and I shared a glance, realising that our love story had taken a turn neither of us anticipated. Amidst the laughter and playful celebrations, the office had transformed into a haven of love and camaraderie.
In the midst of it all, Seungkwan, the unsung hero of our love story, grinned. "Who knew a stress ball circus could lead to all this?"
As the celebration continued, I couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected journey from unrequited feelings to a full-blown office romance. Little did I know, our story was far from ordinary, and the chapters that awaited us were bound to be filled with laughter, love, and the occasional office-related shenanigans.
And so, our office love story continued, each day bringing new adventures and discoveries, proving that sometimes, the best stories are the ones we never saw coming.
The end.
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Amidst the lovey-dovey glow of our budding romance, the office continued to be a hotbed of humor and shenanigans. Soonyoung and Chan, the dynamic duo of mischief, were determined to ensure our love story had its fair share of comedic moments.
One day, as Vernon and I were engrossed in a serious discussion about a project, Soonyoung burst into the room, wearing an oversized cupid costume complete with wings and heart-shaped arrows.
"Lovebirds! Cupid is here to spread the love!" he declared dramatically, shooting imaginary arrows in our direction.
Vernon burst into laughter, "Soonyoung, did you steal that from a costume shop?"
Soonyoung winked, "Let's just say they were happy to contribute to the office romance fund."
As cupid Soonyoung made his dramatic exit, Seungkwan appeared, holding a boombox blaring romantic ballads. "Cue the romantic background music, because love is in the air!"
I couldn't help but shake my head, "Are you all on a mission to turn our love story into a rom-com?"
Seungkwan grinned, "Of course! Every great love story needs a touch of drama and a splash of comedy."
The office antics continued, from surprise romantic dinners (courtesy of Mingyu's questionable cooking skills) to impromptu karaoke sessions led by Seungcheol. Each day brought a new twist, and our colleagues reveled in turning our office romance into a daily dose of entertainment.
One day, as Vernon and I enjoyed a quiet lunch in the office breakroom, Mingyu approached with a sly smile. "I've organised a team-building scavenger hunt. You two are partners, of course."
Vernon raised an eyebrow, "A scavenger hunt? Is this another attempt to set us up with more office romance drama?"
Mingyu winked, "Consider it a test of your teamwork skills."
And so, armed with a list of bizarre items to find around the office, Vernon and I embarked on the scavenger hunt. Little did we know; the items on the list were carefully curated for maximum comedic effect.
From finding the boss's favourite mug to retrieving Mingyu's missing pen, the scavenger hunt led us on a wild goose chase through the office, with our colleagues cheering us on and occasionally throwing in unexpected challenges.
As we raced against the clock, laughter echoed through the corridors. The scavenger hunt not only tested our teamwork but also became a hilarious adventure that further cemented the lighthearted spirit of our office romance.
In the end, we returned triumphant, armed with the requested items and a bag full of new inside jokes. Mingyu, grinning from ear to ear, declared, "Teamwork makes the dream work, especially in love!"
Our colleagues erupted in cheers, and as we caught our breaths, I couldn't help but appreciate the unexpected bonus of laughter and camaraderie that came with our office romance.
And so, amidst the office shenanigans and comedic chaos, Vernon and I embraced the joyous journey of love, proving that sometimes, a touch of humour is the perfect seasoning for a budding romance.
The real bonus, it seemed, wasn't just the love story but the incredible cast of characters who made our office romance an unforgettable and laughter-filled adventure.
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In the midst of our blossoming office romance, fate decided to throw a comical twist our way. Chan, the youngest member of our close-knit work family, found himself unintentionally at the epicenter of a lighthearted office drama.
As Vernon and I sought a moment of solitude for a stolen kiss, little did we know that Chan, armed with his characteristic youthful enthusiasm and penchant for timing, happened to be passing by. A sharp gasp from him caught our attention, and we quickly pulled away, glancing at each other with a mix of embarrassment and surprise.
The mischievous gleam in Chan's eyes hinted at trouble. "Caught you two in the act," he declared, brandishing his smartphone.
Seungkwan, never one to miss an opportunity for teasing, chimed in, "Looks like our baby Chan here just became the official office spy."
Chan, visibly annoyed but also reveling in the attention, shot back, "I am not a baby, and I was just passing by!"
Jeonghan, in his usual sarcastic tone, crossed his arms and looked at Chan with faux anger. "Oh, Chan, our innocent little baby. What have they done to you? You've been tainted by their lovey-dovey vibes."
Chan, with an eye roll, muttered, "I am not innocent, and I am certainly not a baby. Stop calling me that!"
Jeonghan continued in mock frustration, "Well, I hope you're happy now, Y/N and Vernon. You've officially corrupted our 'baby' Chan. Congratulations."
Chan, now slightly exasperated, grumbled, "I'm not corrupted, and I'm not your baby!"
The playful banter continued, with colleagues suggesting that Chan should be the official office witness for romantic moments. Mingyu, always ready for a bit of mischief, proposed a weekly "Chan's Chronicles" during team meetings, where Chan would share his accidental discoveries.
As the teasing persisted, Chan, despite his irritation, couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. "Fine, fine, make fun of me. But I'm not a baby, and I definitely didn't ask to witness their love drama."
And so, amidst the laughter and camaraderie, the unexpected witnessing by our 'baby' Chan became a quirky tale in our office romance saga. Chan, despite his protests, inadvertently added a touch of humour to our love story.
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lmskitty · 3 months
Teacher AU Nobara's mission part three!!!
I hope this is ok I wrote it on my notes app unbetad so let me know if there are any edits needed!
Maki reached forward just as Panda’s arms came down. Nobara had to focus hard to spot what Gojo was pointing at and then it happened.
Nobara had heard rumours. Normally rumours meant nothing to her, there had been dozens of them about her back home. The smaller the populace the more people gossiped whether it was an office, a village in the sticks or a school with about 3-4 students per year like Jujutsu High. Rumours meant nothing to her. This one however might be correct.
Geto Sensei was insane.
Geto Sensei stood in the middle of the field, calm and composed, black hair tied back in his signature bun, smile on his face as Maki and Panda stood huffing on opposite sides of him.
He wore his uniform similarly to Gojo Sensei but had taken off his black jacket in the heat and wore a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Panda and Maki looked sweat drenched, bruised and exhausted. Geto yawned and waved the weapon he held over his head.
“Your mission was simple, disarm me - and yet neither of you have achieved it. Remind me again what year you both are in? Should I report to Yaga Sensei that you need to start again as first years if you cant even complete one simple task?"
Nobara stared at the weapon in his hand, a line of batons interlocking, Playful Cloud she had heard it called. Apparently there had been quite the battle for ownership over it from the Zenin clan in which Gojo had informed him they were welcome to come and retrieve it from him. No one had attempted yet.
“Why are you torturing us today and not them!” Maki yelled pointing her staff at Toge and Yuta who sat on the grassy hill eating blue ice lollies, ice cooler beside them. Gojo Sensei lay beside them also with his jacket off, happily opening an ice lolly Yuta had passed him.
“Those two have shown time and time again that they are capable of handling missions together or with other sorcerers. You two are the weak link of the team and fail to fight cooperatively. The future of Jujutsu relies on sorceres supporting each other. You think I’m being too difficult on you? Wait until you’re on a mission and discover they’ve sent you underqualified to fight a first grade. There is strength in numbers. Strength in supporting each other-“
“Oy oy oy Suguru less preaching more punching” Gojo yelled. Suguru smirked and turned to yell something back and was struck in the face by Maki with her staff. He took a step backwards and touched his nose to wipe the blood away and smiled broadly.
“Nice one Maki! Good form!” Gojo yelled as they cheered her on.
“Red looks good on you Suguru!” Gojo laughed as another hit to his face sprayed blood from his nose over his white shirt. Nobara frowned. It was hard to tell Gojo's flirting from his regular speech. They'd heard him call Nanami babycakes a week ago. He had not appreciated it.
Nobara winced as she watched Geto grab Maki by her hair and pull her back kneeing her in the back as he did so. She shrieked in pain as Panda ran to defend her and Geto pulled Playful Cloud back with his right hand to catch Panda hard in the chest hurling him backwards.
“Yuji!” Gojo called happily gesturing them over. “Remember when I said I was much more concerned about a sorcerer who knew good hand to hand combat rather than a specialised cursed technique? Behold the perfect example of my statement!” Gojo waved his hand at the field in front of him.
"All three of you should be taking notes on Geto Sensei!"
They sat together watching the rest of the fight unfold. Nobara tried to get a good spot to watch both Gojo's reactions to the fight and the training itself but Gojo looked the same as ever, practically gushing about Geto’s style of fighting and how important it was to learn your team mates combat style to your advantage as Yuji nodded enthusiastically. Megumi sat there stone faced as usual.
Nobara ended up focussing in on Maki as she had a tendency to do, she moved so fluidly, hair swishing beautifully as she span and laid hit after hit at Geto Sensei's chest, legs, anywhere she could. None seemed to connect, he moved between them blocking each attack with Playful Cloud as though made of water. Panda ran at Geto full force staring hard at Playful Cloud in his hand only to be lurched back as Geto punched him hard in the face.
“Focus!” He sang at him. Panda growled in frustration swiping out at him with his leg and finally hitting Geto in the stomach.
Maki used this moment to surge forward and hit again and again, spinning her staff in hand to back Geto into Panda from the left hoping to use Panda’s sheer size as a barrier.
“Go for it Maki!!” Nobara and Yuji wolf whistled at her. Yuta and Toge winced.
“Bonito flakes” Toge said and Yuta nodded.
“This won't end well” Yuta agreed.
“Why? Maki’s strong shes got this!” Nobara said folding her arms. Yuta shook his head.
“Backing Geto Sensei into a corner is a bad idea. He fractured my ankle once” Yuta said and Yuji looked stunned as Toge handed him, Megumi and Nobara an ice lolly from the cooler.
Maki hit forward pushing him into Panda who stood with his arms outstretched ready to grab Geto and hold him down so that she could reach Playful Cloud. They were so close! Nobara thought, there was no way this wouldn't work. Geto Sensei couldn't be that strong plus she had never seen Maki this determined.
"Watch he'll do it in three moves" Gojo said, smiling and sitting up. “Defend. Disarm. Destroy. You should have seen him fight when we were younger, first person to punch me in the face actually”
“Surprised no one had tried before” Megumi muttered. Gojo ruffled his hair to his annoyance.
“Yeah well maybe we would show more promise if we weren't caught between a psycho and an idiot for teachers!” Maki said, capturing Geto’s attention as Panda rose up behind him.
One- Geto swung Playful Cloud and caught Makis' staff blocking her move and hitting Panda in the throat and winding him behind him with the third link of the weapon.
Two- Maki stumbled, Geto disarmed her and snapped her staff in two over his knee.
Three - Maki lunged forward, arm outstretched to punch him in the face and he struck her with both weapons, hitting her arm in two places at once. The sound of bone breaking reverberated across the field. They all winced.
Gojo hummed and began dialling on his phone.
“Yeah uh Shoko he did it again” Gojo said on the phone. They could hear her muffled swearing.
“Shit!!!” Maki howled in pain.
“We have got to work on your language Zenin” Geto tutted throwing the broken staff on the ground.
“Fuck you!!” Maki howled in pain, holding her limp right arm in her left hand. Bone stuck out a little through her elbow. “Don’t call me that” She hissed.
Geto stared down at her “ I will stop calling you that when it no longer riles you up enough to make such careless mistakes. Honestly, I’m disappointed in both of you, for a moment there you showed promise.”
Suddenly Panda caught Geto arms wrapped round his middle. He looked momentarily stunned as holding her arm still in place Maki spun her legs, kicked Geto to the ground and Panda slammed him down as she grabbed Playful Cloud.
“Woooo!!!!” Nobara yelled as Maki and Panda held Playful Cloud above their heads victorious. Gojo strolled across the field and put his hand out to pull Geto up.
Nobara couldn't make out what they were saying but she could see both of them smiling proudly at the students.
“Jesus Christ Geto when I said give the kids a break you know this isn’t what I meant right?”
Shoko said walking over to Maki and healing her arm. The bone snapped back into place with an abhorrent click.
“You owe me a drink later, it was nice and cold in the morgue.” She muttered and Geto sighed nodding as she moved over to heal Panda. Geto beamed at his students.
“You broke my nose, excellent work Maki!” Geto said. Maki nodded as Shoko healed him too.
“We need to do more hand-to-hand training though; I want you to work on your ability to fight without relying on tools. You’re leaving yourself too open.”
Maki nodded, rubbing her arm.
Maki and Panda thanked him.
“Go have an ice cream. You’ve done enough today both of you” He said patting Panda on the arm as he walked past.
Geto walked over to the others and grabbed a bottle of water out of the cooler. Nobara watched intently, now was her chance to observe their body language and see them interact!
Immediately Gojo leaned on Geto’s shoulder pointing at all the blood stains in his white shirt. Geto laughed batting his hand away and took his shirt off instead revealing a black t-shirt underneath. Shoko stood with them with her arms folded, they seemed to be talking about going out to lunch. It was hard to tell if there was any difference between the way Gojo stood with Geto to how he was with anyone else. Always leaning his ridiculous arms on peoples shoulders as though he had no concept of personal space whatsoever. That wasn’t enough to work on though.
Even the other boys around her had no concept of personal space, Yuji took to laying his head on Megum’s lower legs eating his ice cream. Megumi staring at him with the same unreadable expression he always had. Toge sat next to Panda and Yuta occupied with something picking at the grass. He lifted it upwards and placed a crown of daisies on Yuta’s head who laughed.
“Salmon salmon!” Toge nodded and Panda gave Yuta a thumbs up as Yuta took a selfie with his new crown. Toge pulled his signature peace sign in the background.
Nobara sighed looking back at the teachers – they were giving her nothing to work with. She sighed. Maybe she could weedle some information out of the third years, surely they'd
“Maki Sempai! Are you ok?” Nobara asked.
“Yeah nothing wounded but my pride. And my staff” Maki nodded, sitting on the grass beside her. Nobara reached forward to adjust her collar and brush the grass off of her shoulders.
“That looked like pretty brutal. I don’t know if I’m looking forward to be taught by him” Yuji said. Maki waved her hand.
“He’s intense definitely but its worth it. You’ll learn more fighting for him then in any book on fighting techniques the higher ups make you study.”
Panda nodded. “The Jujutsu world wont go easy on you so neither will I.” Panda said in a near perfect impression of Getos voice. They laughed.
“Oh! Whats this I here? Are you doing impressions of our respectable Geto Sensei?” Gojo said clapping his hands and coming over to the teenagers.
“I can do one but its not as good as that.” He cleared his throat. “ Jujutsu exists to protect the weak, it is our responsibility as Jujutsu sorcerers to protect non-sorcerers Satoruu~”
The teenagers laughed. Shoko smirked. Geto stood with his arms folded.
“Fine you want to play like that.” He put his hand on his hip and one hand over his eyes like Gojo’s signature blindfold.
“Suguruuuu im boreddddd help me with my marking for the quiz I made on domains! I spilled ramune on them and I can’t make out what they’ve written!” It was a fairly good impression, Gojo pouted.
“Wait is that why we never got our grades back for those papers?” Megumi asked. Gojo waved his hand dismissing the conversation.
“You’re both useless.” Shoko sighed. “And I’ve decided as punishment for pulling me out of my nice air-conditioned room you’re buying me lunch.” Shoko said pointing at Geto's chest.
“Yay!” Gojo beamed. Geto frowned at him. “Why are you so happy, its not like you cant afford to buy everyone lunch here a billion times over.”
“Because free food is the best kind” Gojo said booping him on the nose. Geto shoved his hand away but smiled.
The second years gave them a thumbs up. Nobara watched them walk away. When they were a safe distance she turned to the group. Subtlety was for losers she decided.
“Fine. You guys take the rest of the day, its too hot for anymore training.”
“Are Geto and Gojo dating?” Yuta choked on his bite of ice lolly. Megumi put his head in his hands. Maki and Panda laughed.
“Oh? What gave you that idea?” Maki asked.
“Fushiguro reckons they are, I think they're just bros.” Yuji said, eyes still closed as he laid back on Megumi’s legs. “Just because they're close doesn't mean there's anything more! Like me and Megumi are close but it's not like we have feelings for each other.” Maki smirked at her cousin. Megumi became very interested in the label on his water bottle all of a sudden.
“I'm with Yuji on this, Geto is way too stylish to fall for an idiot like Gojo of all people so I'm trying to prove Fushiguro wrong!”
Panda went to speak but Maki and Toge put their hands on his chest at the same time.
“Bonito Flakes. Tuna tuna.”
Nobara narrowed her gaze. She hated the feeling that there was a joke she wasn't part of.
“Are you lot going to answer me then?”
“We will not.” Maki said. “Frankly I don't care if they're dating they're both as bad as each other. Nobara rolled her eyes.
“Fine! Come on then you two” she said rising and swiping the grass off of her skirt. She walked over to Yuji and Megumi and pulled them up by their collars.
“Noooo but I'm so comfy!!” Yuji whined.
“Why didn't you just tell her?” Yuta said.
“We're still on a mission. I'm going to follow them on that lunch trip with Shoko and you're both coming with me.” she said. The boys sighed but it was no use arguing with her once she got fixated on an idea, easier to swim into the Kugisaki tide than against it. The second years watched them walk away.
“Because this is way more hilarious” Maki said opening her ice lolly.
“Salmon salmon” Toge nodded.
“She's right though” Panda said
“Oh yeah. Geto Sensei could definitely do better” Yuta said. They all nodded solemnly.
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jgjmk4-2 · 11 months
Hi hello! It me! I loved the way you wrote about the shaky hands MC 🥺 It was so lovely.
So, I have another idea! How about a reaction from Nobunaga, Kennyo, Kenshin, Yukimura and Shingen on meeting an MC that is a warrior monk? I just want that girlboss to be a badass sometimes, but Cybird is adamant on making her helpless.
Looking forward to seeing how you tackle this one 😌 Hope you have a fantastic day!
Hello!! Funny you come up with this concept because Cybird recently released that story sale "Forging her own path" which I think is supposed to be one where MC is a girl boss! I didn't buy though so idk if it's actually good 😅 This prompt is kinda cute though, I bet their reactions would be priceless!
It amuses him greatly that a woman is a warrior. He is slightly curious; she can be religious, fine, but what made her want to become a warrior as well?
He doesn't have a problem with people chasing their ambitions, but thinks that you're naive girl that just wants to play around and has never seen the battlefield before.
Doesn't blatantly show it, but slightly looks down on her until one of his soldiers gets in trouble with you because he took a pee on the corner of the temple grounds.
When he watches you beat his trained soldier with a broom stick with disciplined technique whilst reprimanding him, Nobunaga's eyes widened and he has newfound respect for you. Cue the love story of an ambitious man falling in love with quirky yet strong warrior monk.
Absolutely not!! You and Kennyo are childhood friends, with him being a few years older than you, and he feels like he needs to protect you as an older brother (or maybe something more? 😉). So watching you swing around a sword, spear or whatever you can get your hands on almost gives him a heart attack.
He keeps questioning where he went wrong with his teachings; you used to be a quiet, good girl who would never even think of hurting a fly. Little does he realise how much you changed just to help him fight for his cause.
At every chance possible, he discourages you from becoming a warrior monk, but you're stubborn and insist on training and sweating with the other warriors.
But there is nothing Kennyo can do but respect your wishes as your skills and charisma slowly elevate you to a commander and his men are bowing their heads to you.
Absolutely NOT 2.0. Women should NOT be on the battlefield, they need to be protected, safe, cared for and out of harms way.
It completely goes against his ideals and Kenshin can't stand it. He initially feels disgusted when the warrior monks introduce a woman as their leader.
And yet, he is slightly curious as to why all these men are choosing to follow you and choosing to bow their heads to you. You can sense this, so you confidently offer him a sparring session. He refuses to spar you, but when one of his underlings is brave (or, actually, foolish) enough to accept your challenge Kenshin watches as you disarm his solider and send him straight onto his bottom!
Okay, most women shouldn't be on the battlefield, but this one is a special case... Kenshin ignores the loud thumping in his chest.
He first sees you training, shouting along with the other monks as you swipe your deadly weapon in a trained, fatal curve. You look tough... almost like a boar.
Boar woman, Boar woman, Boar woman, Boar woman, Boar woman.
It slips out of his mouth, earning him a smack on the head from the butt of your spear, a glare and an angry huff. Yukimura's heart strangely flutters under your direct, fearless gaze then.
But he also notices the little cuts and bruises on your hand from tough training. Wanting to get a little closer to you, he stops by your room later to pass you some salve and bandages, ones he keeps on handy for his own training. Not that he cares if you use or not though!!! >//_//<
WOW, you go girl. Being a warrior monk doesn't make you any less of a goddess to him. You're still beautiful even with a sword in your hand. In fact, he'd argue that you're most beautiful when you're training, focused and sweating.
Shingen invites you for dates at local tea houses, sends you sweets and flowers but is amused when you reject all of them and head to training instead.
Okay, okay, fine, no dates, no sweets, no flowers. Shingen wakes up early in the morning to give you some company. He babbles away whilst you train, which gives you some entertainment, but sometimes you scold him for distracting you.
Eventually, you warm up to him. His stories are interesting and it makes you put down your saber to listen to them at times. When Shingen offers to tell you more stories at a tea house after training, you finally accept. It becomes routine for the two of you - morning training followed by breakfast with Shingen's intriguing stories. Lads, take notes.
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caffeineinducedbeing · 10 months
navigating the shadows ---
Years had passed since Will Treaty's days as an apprentice, the long days training in the woods accompanied by his mentor were long past. Now he stands proud and confident, a seasoned Ranger, he stood tall-- in the best way he could, his forest-green cloak billowing in the cool breeze that October brought with it.
His keen eyes narrowed as they surveyed the village before him, ever watchful for any sign of trouble. He hid in the shadows, where none could see him, yet he could see all. The skills he had honed under Halt's guidance had made him the feared yet the most respected Ranger in Araluen, those on Will Treaty's bad side should be doing anything they can to get off of it. Those on his good side though were overwhelmed with how loving of a person he could truly be.
As expected with his rank, he patrolled the borderlands frequently, searching for any troubles that could have slipped through the cracks of general security through the country. Today Will had a particular task. A band of outlaws had been causing havoc lately, raiding villages and terrorizing the locals. Just 3 days prior there had been 4 bodies found near a riverbank; bruised and tortured and long dead. Will's jaw set in anger at the injustice of it all, determination set in the lines around his eyes.
Crowley had already given the thumbs up for an official mission to take the bandits down and bring justice to the victims and their families. And Will was damned to do nothing less.
Days turned into weeks as Will pursued the outlaws through dense forests and treacherous terrain. The journey tested him in ways he couldn't imagine. Dealing with the heartache that came from knowing lives were at risk, his skills and resolve were put to the test. But his experience outdoes everything and Will somehow powered through the blustery days and the cold rainy nights. He was eventually able to read the land and anticipate the outlaws' movements and where they would wind up if common sense led them the right direction.
Eventually he overtook them. In the midst of a rocky canyon Will fired off 4 arrows, each sticking it's anticipated landing of either crippling or killing it's target. Will's engaged the outlaws headon, later he would be lectured on his recklessness for going into a fierce battle with only himself against 7 men. But his arrows flew where they intended and Will was able to apprehend them. His years of training had transformed him into a masterful fighter, combining his agility, strategic thinking, and sheer determination.
He placed his hands on his knees, breathing heavily. His head spun with the adrenaline as he looked around the battlefield. Bodies were littered, some of them moving and nursing wounds. Some were looking toward heaven with glazed eyes.
A movement.
A sound.
Will spun around using the double knife technique, his knives clashed with the leaders sword. Who growled at him after being intercepted.
"Well look who decided to join the--" Will's sarcastic comment was cut off after making eye contact with his assailant. There was a flicker of recognition – a past connection that Will couldn't quite place. He saw it in the other's eyes as well, although Will thought he saw that suspision being confirmed in his foes eyes. This man knew him, and Will knew him too, if only he could place who. With a quick and swift movement, he knocked the sword from the leaders hand, disarming him for good. Will then crushed his elbow to his throat, cornering him against a rocky wall. The long and sharp knives being threatening enough to make the idea clear.
Don't move.
"Who are you?" Will asked, his voice steady yet firm.
The outlaw's defiant gaze met Will's angry ones. "Don't you recognize me, Will?"
Will started to shake his head but stopped, recognition seemed to dawn out of nowhere, like an old box being uncovered from the attic, the dust blew away and suddenly Will remembered.
"Morgan?" his voice wavered now.
Morgan, a childhood friend who had gone down a dark path, he had always been the bad influence friend from Will's childhood. Always trying to make Will skip classes, or steal from the markets, or hunt on royal property. But Will loved him, and when Morgan was arrested for thief at 14 Will thought that was the end, and he would never see him again. But here they were again. Years later. Two friends in two very different circumstances. Only one now holds the others life in their hands.
Will looked regretful "I didn't think i'd ever see you again Morgan."
"Well... the injustice of life hmm?"
"How'd it come to this Morgan? Did you kill those women?" Will's voice was breaking from sadness now, no longer trying to disguise his horror.
Morgan's shoulders sagged, his expression a reflection of the weight he carried. "Life takes unexpected turns, and sometimes we make choices we can't easily undo."
"But killing people Morgan?? How does one's life ever come to such a place where murder is the next logical step?"
Morgan's voice held a bitter edge as he retorted, a mix of resentment and accusation in his words. "I hate to break it to you, old friend, but look around you, the bodies littered here? Those aren't a result of my actions; those are yours. That's your weight this time, not mine. You and I, we are not so different, we never were."
Will's gaze hardened, his jaw set in defiance as he met Morgan's glare. "No, Morgan. I won't let you shift the blame. I've made difficult choices to protect and defend. That's my job. But you – you chose to harm, to take lives. This here, is justice served, those men would've killed me with the chance, I only struck first."
Morgan's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and frustration, his voice tinged with a touch of desperation. "You think you're so righteous, huh Will? Don't forget where you come from, the secrets you carry. You might wear the cloak of a Ranger, but darkness resides in all of us."
Will's gaze held firm, unyielding against Morgan's accusations. "I don't claim to be perfect, Morgan. I'm well aware of the shadows that can haunt us. But I've chosen a path of honor, a path that fights against that darkness. The darkness that you and men like you create."
Morgan laughed bitterly, "Honor? Tell me, Will, how many lives have you ended in the name of 'justice'? How many families have you shattered with the 'blood of righteousness' acting as your guide?"
Will's voice remained steady, his resolve unshaken. "I've taken lives when necessary, when there was no other way to protect innocent lives. It's a weight I carry, a reminder of the cost that the darkness in the world takes from us. But I also strive to save lives, to mend what's broken."
Morgan's eyes held a haunting intensity, a reflection of his inner turmoil. "And what about redemption? Can one ever truly find it after crossing certain lines?"
Sympathy replaced Will's earlier anger. "Redemption is a journey, Morgan. It's never easy, but it's possible. The past doesn't define us; our choices do."
The silence was deafening.
Will's expression softened. "You can change, Morgan. It's not too late."
Morgan's gaze wavered, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. "Change? After all I've done?"
Will shrugged, "well you're still going to prison, but yes change is very possible, it's never too late to make amends to chose a different path."
Their eyes locked, Morgan's flickered from his for a minute then flew back. Like a scared animal.
"I-I've never-- well that would be new for me I don't think I've. I've never tried to be good."
"Change is always unfamiliar, that's what makes it frightening. But I'll be here to help you, you can let me help you."
Morgan's eyes shone with tears, he shut them tight, and when they reopened there was a new emotion in them that Will couldn't place.
By the time he did it was too late.
Morgan lashed out, kicking Will's knees out from under him and sending a heavy right hook to his jaw. The sudden violence caught Will off guard, Morgan's attack sending him crashing to the ground with a grunt of pain. He tried to scramble back, a mixture of shock and urgency in his eyes, but Morgan's swift movements left him defenseless.
"NO! MORGAN, DON'T!" Will's voice carried a desperate plea, his heart racing as he realized the gravity of the situation.
Morgan's face twisted with a mixture of sorrow and turmoil, his grip on the knife unyielding. "I'm sorry, Will. I really am, but it's too late for me" he whispered, his voice heavy with pain.
Time seemed to slow as Morgan's hand moved, the knife glinting in the sunlight. Will's gaze locked onto Morgan's eyes, a storm of emotions passing between them – regret, understanding, and an unspoken connection.
Then the world shifted, the knife finding its mark, and a profound stillness settled over Morgan's features. Will watched in shock, his own pain momentarily forgotten as he witnessed the shock in Morgan's eyes, the weight of his decision crashing down upon him.
As Morgan fell to his knees beside him, the ground seemed to spin, a chilling realization settling in. As his trembling form slumped to the ground, Will's shock gave way to a surge of raw instinct. Ignoring his own pain, he scrambled over to Morgan, his heart pounding with a mix of urgency and disbelief. With trembling hands, he reached out and his arms wrapped around Morgan's shaking form, pulling him close.
"Morgan," Will's voice was a hoarse whisper, a blend of compassion and sorrow. "Why? Why did it have to come to this?"
Morgan's breathing was ragged, his eyes holding a torrent of emotions. "I... I thought it was the only way. I couldn't escape the darkness."
Tears welled up in Will's eyes as he held Morgan, the weight of their shared history crashing down upon him. "You had a chance, Morgan. A chance to change."
Morgan's voice wavered, a mixture of regret and pain. "I didn't deserve it, Will."
Will's grip tightened, he had no words left. What could one say afterall in the midst of such a tragedy. "Morgan," his voice barely above a whisper.
Then the forest seemed to hush as Will watched the light fade from his eyes, felt as his body fell limp in his arms.
Will's grip tightened, his fingers trembling as he held Morgan's lifeless form. The weight of the knife in his heart felt like a physical ache, but the weight of guilt in his chest was even heavier. He couldn't tear his eyes away from Morgan's paling face, haunted by the realization that this outcome was a result of a past that Will could've changed for the better.
He could've done more, he should've done more. Why didn't he?
He closed his eyes, memories flashing under his eyelids – laughing as children, the choices that had driven them apart, and the conversations that had unfolded in the final moments. It was a chain of events that had led to this tragic conclusion, and Will couldn't shake the feeling that he had failed his friend when it mattered most.
He had failed at the most important aspect of his job.
When it mattered most.
He was a failure.
Eventually the forest struck up a quiet whisper again, the threatening still of death lessened slightly. As the tension eased, Will's gaze remained fixed on the clearing, as he once again surveyed the work that was still cut out for him to do. Slowly, he pushed himself to his feet, his body feeling both weary and numb. With each breath he took, a determination took place. He couldn't change the past, he couldn't bring Morgan back, but he could make a promise to himself to ensure that the darkness that had claimed him wouldn't be allowed to spread any further.
Redmont always looks too peaceful after a mission like this. The sunlight over the hills and the tranquility of the villagers is almost insulting when Will just had a man die in his arms.
As he made his way through Redmont, his prisoners tied to a packhorse not far behind him, a bitter knot of emotions tightened in his chest. He couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment from the serenity around him. How could life continue as if nothing had happened? How could the world remain untouched by the pain that had just unfolded in that clearing?
The world was far from black and white. And Will is always reminded of this fact after such a mission.
He approached Redmont gates, watching as the sentries immediately recognized him and noticing the prisoners, hurried to open the gates and let him inside.
Inside the gates of Redmont, Will's weariness suddenly became overwhelming. He summoned the guards to take charge of the prisoners, his actions driven by duty rather than enthusiasm, his exhaustion became increasingly pronounced as he carried out his responsibilities.
As the prisoners were led away to the prison ward, Will's shoulders sagged, his breaths coming a little heavier as the fueling adrenaline began to wear off, leaving behind, just the exhaustion.
Despite his exhaustion, he still felt the familiar presence of his mentor materialize behind him. Will's tired gaze lifted, and a small but genuine smile graced his lips. "Hello, Halt," he greeted, the relief of his mentor's presence evident in his voice.
Halt's eyes held a mixture of understanding and concern as he approached. "I saw you come in, Will. How did it go?"
Will nodded several times, attempting to disguise the fatigue and sadness in his voice, "It uh... it went. Some were apprehended obviously." He made an awkward gesture toward the direction of the prison ward.
"Some were killed," He finished
Halt didn't miss much. His keen eyes caught the effort being put into disguising the exhaustion in his voice, but he listened attentively as Will spoke anyway.
"Apprehended and killed," Halt repeated, his voice carrying a note of acknowledgment. "Sometimes missions don't end the way we hope. It's the unfortunate reality of our work."
Will nodded, "Yeah, yeah I know."
Halt's eyes narrowed, "is that all?"
Will shifted uncomfortably under Halt's gaze, realizing that his mentor could see through his facade.
Will let out a sigh, the weariness in his voice evident. "No, Halt. That's not all. It was... It was difficult. There was someone I knew, Morgan. We were best friends when we were children. He was the gang leader, he killed all those people, I tried to-- to help him, but he.... he didn't want to be helped. And... now he's gone."
Halt's gaze remained fixed on Will, his eyes reflecting a deep understanding of the turmoil his apprentice was experiencing. The weight of a past friendship intertwined with the harsh realities of their roles as Rangers.
"Best friends, once upon a time," Halt echoed softly, his voice carrying a note of nostalgia and sympathy. "The past has a.... strange way of resurfacing, and sometimes it's not easy to reconcile who people were with who they become."
Will's shoulders sagged, his voice heavy with a mixture of regret and sorrow. He shrugged, the frustration in his voice almost childlike, upset and not knowing what to do about it.
"I just-- I could've helped him! I know I could've! I just didn't say the right things or in the right order, or I just-- I don't know..."
Halt placed a hand on his old apprentices shoulder, his voice calm and empathetic. "It's natural to feel upset, Will. But you tried your best, I know it's frustrating when it doesn't work out how you anticipate, but nothing can come from beating yourself up about it now."
Will snorted a self-deprecating laugh, "well.... you know me."
Halt's eyes looked serious, and mildly concerned "I do know you Will, I know you have a tendency to blame yourself for situations out of your control."
Will's shoulders slumped a little further, his voice carrying a hint of resignation. "Yeah, I guess so. But it's hard not to when you feel like you could have made a difference."
Halt's voice was measured, his words a reminder of the wisdom he had gained over the years. "It's a fine line, Will. We should always strive to do our best, but we also need to recognize that we can't control everything."
Will was quiet for a bit, and Halt kept quiet as well. Giving the young ranger time to process all that was said.
When Will finally broke the silence, his voice was a whisper that carried a depth of gratitude. "Thank you, Halt."
Halt nodded, a comforting arm wrapping around his shoulders, "you're welcome son, remember we're in this together. Now come on, Pauline is waiting on us for dinner. You can run to Alyss' office and ask her to join us if you wish" he finished with a wink.
Will leaned into his embrace, finding comfort-- as he always did in the presence of the man beside him. The man who had become much like a Father to him.
He snorted, "might just take you up on that." He replied.
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legendofzoodles · 1 year
Concept: botw Link really liked water, from spending time in Zora’s Domain as a child.
But now, he cannot stand fully submerging himself, because it reminds him of being submerged in the shrine of resurrection.
Thanks for responding that's such a cool idea! Plus you encouraged me to look back on some of my old posts and write this. :)
The wooden ladle turned practiced circles around the cast iron pot, occasionally scraping the bottom as it swirled and stirred a delicious amber broth until every ingredient sang together. Although appetizing, as any soup could be prepared by his hands, it would be amiss for Wild to proclaim its shallow murkiness to the perfectly clear lake before him. The vista of small waterfalls churning out endless replenishing streams, did little to taint the crystal like body of water they fed into. 
Although, it’s transparency was too quickly muddied as a chorus of flailing arms drummed up sediment and sand from the lakebed to gather around frantic bobbing heads. Wind was showing them a pirate game, using an inflatable ball that of course Legend just so happened to have stashed somewhere in his bottomless stash of junk. What started as a curious new way to pass the time soon morphed into a two-teamed mess of a sport, if one could call it that. Tetra’s crew would have been impressed with the amount of rule breaking. 
Even the prissy Captain and stick-up-his-ass Rancher joined in. Surprisingly they were the two dirtiest cheats, childishly bending the rules to give his team an advantage only to feign innocence when the other caught him out on it. 
‘Looks fun’, Wild mused, watching the sailor mediate another ‘out of bounds’ argument between Sky and Four. Smiles adorning their faces. 
Time looked on from a shady patch near the bank, arms crossed and two-handed blade ‘at the ready’ under the guise of keeping watch. But they knew better. 
He too, seeing Wild frequently take pause from his soup to watch the game, knew better than to wrongly assume he didn’t want to join in. However, when he got up and walked over to him the champion shook his head before he could say a word. 
“Go on.” The old man slightly tilted his head in their direction, quietly disarming Wild of his ladle. “You deserve a break.”
He wasn’t given an option to get it back. Unwilling to leave yet and not knowing what to do with his hands he awkwardly folded them, letting his feet shuffle on the spot as his eyes wandered back to the others. “That looks pretty tiring to me.” 
Time started stirring the soup, copying Wild’s technique near perfectly. “It’s little more than floating. Besides, someone needs to add some civility to that game.”
Wild smirked, sucking in air through his teeth in a mock gasp. “You’re asking me?”
“You seem quite eager to join them.”
“No.” A sigh. “Just...it looks kinda familiar, I guess, maybe.”
The steady rhythm of Time’s stirring faulted and the man trained his eyes on that of Wild’s, waiting for that distinctive spaced out look. “Everything alright...?
It didn’t come. “Yeah yeah, fine,” Wild affirmed. A pause, his body still for the briefest moment. Then, a final glance at the sparkling water sent unfolded arms to tug off his tunic. “You know what? They need another player so they have even teams.” Catching Time’s smile he threw off the rest of his layers, swaths of mismatched blues and tans were cast into the air as his guided him towards the bank, leaving a pile of mess behind him. 
The water was much cooler than anticipated, sending fleeting trails of ice up through his veins with every step forward, each smaller than the last. Cold lingered within his chest, settling like frost, his breathing turned shallower and shallower as his body was further encased in the deepening pool. Until...he was rather unceremoniously submerged. 
Wild’s entrance was welcomed by a score of cheers and light splashes that his bobbing head almost flinched away from, just barely, feet eventually lifting off the waterbed.  
Adept limbs flowed with well practiced fluidity, the movement helping warm them. He didn’t need to hear the rules, whether that was because he’d been paying attention while spectating or deep down it was too similar to a game he played as a child, he couldn’t tell. 
Wind bounced the ball towards him, it flew up and hid in the sun’s blinding light before coming back down as an inflated octo balloon. By reflex Wild’s muscles tensed and his arm jerked to attention, batting it away to have it land into the scaly arms of a Zora. He couldn’t put a name to the blurry face when they were abruptly shoved under the water by another, then another, then another. 
Rarely, memories came and went in small bursts like this. Never any less welcome but easier to ride out, for his mind allowed the body to move and allowed him to almost act out the memory as it happened. He remembered this game and it was stupid, a dumb excuse to goof off with the Zora guards- these figures looked vaguely like them. 
Their mock battle for the balloon continued, coloured fins churning up the water in the scramble, and a smile split Wild’s cheeks though confusion stained his expression. Choking up a laugh his hand waved away at nothing, as if it would make the vision fade. 
However it did, quite suddenly in fact, when a scaly mass was thrown against his side, another faceless Zora crashed into him. Suddenly forced underwater, the volley of hues were lost into a growing murky night sky filled with dots of light breaking through plumes of granite dust stirred up from below. Falling further still, those strange stars grew bigger, bleeding together until he saw blue again in circular lights. Familiar circular lights. 
Suddenly, more blue, darker in hue and crueler in the way hands them held him down. Dense fluid squeezed in from very direction onto every, pressing down with the weight of a kingdom. His limbs became rigid. Paralysed. He was floating yet he felt so trapped, eyes wide as they stared helplessly towards the lights. 
They stared back, waiting for him above the surface.   
Desperate, a cry escapes past quivering lips and what’s left of his breath escapes with it in a cluster of bubbles. A burst of sound through the dissonance of swishing muffled ambience shutting him away in this dark basin again. Now the watery coffin that staged his brush with death. 
His mind slips and the light fades...
...how long until he wakes up?
Thanks for reading!
Trying to convey Wild’s love-hate relationship with water was hard and it got a little too abstract at the end but I’m fairly happy with it. Thank you for the ask anon! :))
p.s. I realised too late that instead of a ball game in a lake they should have been surfing at the beach. Then I could have called the fic ‘Waterboarding’, get it? Cuz he’d be water boarding and then get waterboarded. I know waterboarding drowns the person with a soaked cloth, but he’s drowning so...it kinda works right? Still, messed up tho.
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the-carlos-cow-eyes · 8 months
Okay, Devon knew he was fucked.
Like, royally fucked. Somehow, someway, Chucky managed to possess Andy and ruin the trio's chances of having a normal summer. Andy, somehow, got access to a sword while Devon didn't have any weapons. Hell, all he was wearing was a pair of swim-shorts, sandals and the popsicle stick in his mouth from just being in the pool at the hotel they were staying at.
"You still don't know who I am?" Andy asked, a smile on his face.
Devon scoffed. "I'm not an idiot, and you're Chucky." He spoke. "So, you don't only go after possessing underaged teens like the creep you are."
"No, of course not." Andy said. "And I don't think you have ANY right to call someone a creep when you, are a pervert yourself."
Devon frowned. "Don't try to bring my personal shit into this. None of that matters!"
"Well, I guess you do have a point. What only matters is me killing you." Andy said, making Devon hold back a laugh.
"Really? Try it then."
That's when the fight really began. Andy swung the sword, Devon easily dodging. Then he swung again, and again and again, Devon using simple dodging techniques and ending up behind the man, taking the popsicle stick out of his mouth and flicking it on the floor.
Chucky scoffed, before swinging the sword again, Devon dodging and ending up behind the man again, kicking his sandals off, one foot in front of the other, hands up. But that didn't stop the other as he swung again, eventually leading Devon to start running. The place they were at was too small for him to actually fight the man.
Where would he go, though? Which place has the most space?
That's when it clicked. Going upstairs and dodging the occasional swing or thrust of the sword, Devon ran into one of the adult's bars, which thankfully - no one was rarely in.
Even while in the bar, Devon kept his same moves. Weaving and dodging, dodging and weaving. Now, he stood on a couch, still dodging before grabbing the man's shoulder and jumping, pushing Chucky on the couch in the process and landing on his feet.
It was a temporary setback, but Chucky got back up, almost immediately. He came swinging again, and Devon grabbed a small coffee table, which the man cut through that.
He got up, still dodging as Chucky's attacks grew relentless, kicking him when Devon least expected it. Thankfully, Devon dodged but it led him to getting knocked into the bar, setting off flickering and bright party lights.
Even in the flickering, Devon could see the man smirking. "Hey, I gotta give you credit when credit is due, Dev. You're actually not bad, not bad at all." He complimented, but Devon couldn't help but rolling his eyes.
"Say, what'd you do before this?" He asked.
Devon paused, before deciding to answer. "I was a podcast host. I still am."
Chucky tilted his head, as Devon got into a similar fighting stance. "Well? Bring it, doll."
It was complete silence, before Chucky charged in, Devon once again dodging the swing and hitting the man twice in his stomach, staggering Chucky back.
But unfortunately, that possessing motherfucker just didn't know when to quit. But then, he looked at Devon's forearm, a smile on his face. Devon looked down, seeing the open wound.
Chucky managed to cut him.
Devon knew he had to disarm him, one way or another. So when Chucky just charged it, it was almost perfect. Clearly he knew how to use a sword, but not as well as Devon originally thought.
That's when the real combat began.
When Chucky charged it, Devon grabbed his wrist, setting in down on the floor, harshly. But Chucky could see was he was doing, grabbing the back of the boy's neck and spun them around, but Devon managed to kick the sword across the room last minute.
As expected, Chucky immediately went for the sword, feeling arms wrap around his neck as Devon at the very least tried to weaken him. Obviously, compared to a grown man, Devon had a disadvantage.
It led to the 17-year-old constantly blocking hit from behind the other, and just as Chucky was about to turn around, Devon jumped and kicked him in his chest, again, staggering him back..
Chucky had to admit, Devon was good. Better than he thought he was. He had taken Jake for someone who knew how to fight, but Devon? The twink?
He looked around, seeing discarded glass bottles.
Well, this just got easier.
Quickly, he got up and starting throwing them, left and right, not even for real aiming at Devon. When it came to dodging techniques, and strength, Chucky would say Devon was better than most boxers his age. Not to mention his punches felt like he was fighting a grown ass man.
Devon dodged, trying his best not to get hit, when Chucky just stopped, looking at his work. There was only a small circle of clear floor, the rest of it was glass. If Devon tried to fight, he would most likely step on it, weakening his fighting abilities and Chucky would kill him.
In short, Chucky set a trap, and Devon was a dumbass and walked into it. He could see the smirk on his face, the man being the only one wearing shoes as he picked up his sword.
"Let me guess, I bet you were one of those guys who constantly got into fights as a kid, aren't ya?" He asked.
"Maybe. Maybe not" Devon responded. "But, enough about me. Why don't you tell me something about you? About your past."
Chucky chuckled. "That's the thing Devon," He began. "Unlike most killers, I don't have a sobstory. I...don't have a past."
One second.
Two seconds.
That's when Devon started laughing, almost doubling over and laughing, loudly. It took him a while to get his composure back, as Chucky just looked at him unamused.
"Ah-hah. I'm sorry, really, I am." He apologized, wiping a tear from his eye. "It's just...now I think I finally get it." Devon began. "I guess, I hate to admit, but we're similar like that. We both despise or don't care for our pasts. You've completely turned your back on yours, as I have. But fuck that, now that's being a coward."
Chucky almost laughed. "What? Gonna start a therapy session now?"
"Nope. I'm gonna be honest," He began. "All this time, I've let you have control over me. Because you knew my past, you knew I was dangerously talented. And you used that, because you knew I was afraid of the people I loved leaving me because of it. You refuse to acknowledge your past, but me...I have no choice but to embrace mine. Accept what happened, what I did. Accept...me, I guess."
Chucky just laughed.
Devon took a deep breath, closing his eyes. He spread his feet apart, hands up and open to take anything. 'I'm staying calm,' He thought. 'Just like you taught me, Mom.'
He didn't care that he was opening himself to attack, or just relying on instinct. This was acceptance, this was bravery. As Chucky charged, Devon only turned his head, dodging the sword before disarming the man and elbowing him in the neck.
This is when he opened his eyes.
Quickly, he kicked the man in his chest and onto the ground. And with a grunt, quickly non-mercifully punched him, knocking both Chucky and Andy out cold.
"I didn't hesitate," he said out loud. "Just like you told me, Dad."
Holy shit, I love this!!
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zevfern · 1 year
The cast of Fire Emblem 3 Houses as Pro Wrestlers: The Black Eagles
I've already done the Lords, so now onto the houses, starting with the most popular house.
Hubert von Vestra: a master of the dark arts, Edelgard's erstwhile retainer and essential confidant to me is a mix of Jake "The Snake" Roberts and Aleister/Malakai Black. All three men have silver tongues and evil intentions.
(SS/AM/VW Ferdinand is AEW Cody Rhodes, while CF Ferdinand is Cody in WWE)
Dorothea Arnault: there aren't many wrestlers on this side of the Pacific with singing gimmicks, so considering Dorothea's struggles with insecurity and imposter syndrome, her closest analogue in pro wrestling would be Maki Itoh (if Itoh had been a wildly successful idol singer before joining TJPW.)
Caspar von Bergliez: the purest, most naive and most caring little shithead I've ever seen. He's also very hungee. He's a lock for John Silver, the meat man himself.
Linhardt von Hevring: an incredibly talented but lazy and unfocused man? Sounds like Randy Orton. That said, in kayfabe I doubt Randy could be friends with John Silver, so a better choice would be Alex Reynolds, the member of the Dark Order with the most yet-untapped potential.
Bernadetta von Varley: Bernie and Bayley have the same number of letters. Coincidence? I THINK NOT! The Bayley buddies entrance gimmick also seems like something Bernie would like since it's cute ,though maybe with inflatable tube bears instead of the regular ones.
(I have this image in my mind of Bernie going berserk and doing the Felix Disarming Technique™ to whatever the Fodlan equivalent of Alexa Bliss would be. Why yes, I'm still salty Bayley lost that Extreme Rules 2017 match.)
Petra MacNeary: Petra's aesthetic reminds me of Sasha Banks/Mercedes Mone, but her deadly strikes and aerial offence make me think of KAIRI (Hojo/Sane). Petra's confidence in breaking away from Adrestria (especially in SS route runs) and betting on her own survival does bring her more in line with Sasha/Mercedes, so I'll be sticking to that.
Next up are the Shield The Blue Lions! Feel free to comment and reblog with thoughts and suggestions!
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vorev · 5 months
Agent 4 and 3 sparing match
(This was my first splatoon vore writing so it's not the best)
Agent 4 looked off the side of Tentakeel Outpost after a long day of patrols. *Growl* she put a hand on her stomach only just realizing how hungry she was. She of course could go to the crust bucket but she wanted something.... now and something very filling.
She looked around to see what there was to eat but didn't see much that could satisfy her... expect. She spotted Agent 3 who was currently leaning against a wall of the outpost while scrolling her phone. Agent 4 felt her stomach grumble more seemingly telling her to go through with her newly formed idea, she began licking her lips as she walked over to 3 and started to think on how she could convince 3 to be her lunch which was not exactly something that most people ,especially Agent 3, would be very eager to do. Sure she could try and just swallowe her down, 4 was bigger than 3 (hence why Marie thought she was older) but 3 did have two years of experience on her and could definitely kick 4's ass when she respawned plus 3 was still her friend and she didn't want to eat her without consent. But, even with brute force out of the picture, she knew 3 and had an idea. She would use her friend competitiveness.
"Hey 3 what are you doing?" 4 asked her trying to look innocent. "Just looking through splatnet  why do you ask?..... Ok I know that look what do you want?" OK well 3 knew she was up to something but 4 still knew she could get away with it. "I was wondering if you wanted to do so sparing" she answered, 3 looked suspiciously at her before saying "sure but I still can tell there is something else you are trying to do" 4 had to admit 3 could read her like a book. "Well I was thinking that we could have a special reward for the winner this time." 3 began to ask "oh? And what would tha-" *Grooowl* 4's stomach answered for her but she thought she should be more clear "winner eats loser." She added with an unnerving grin. "No!" 3 answered "why not? I know for a fact neither of us have eaten today" that was mostly because they began the day with turf wars before going to their patrols taking no time for a break in between.  "Because that's weird 4 plus I don't think either of us want to die today." 3 answered trying not to show she was slightly interested. "You know we will respawn 3, but fine you just know you'll lose" 4 said with a shrug knowing 3 wouldn't take that. 3 grumbled for a moment before putting a hand on her stomach which grumbled slightly itself before conceding "fine, at least this way I don't have to use any tickets for  lunch." She said with a confidence grin.
The two agents stood across from each other right next to the arch that leads to the cabin. 4 was armed with her dualies and 3 kept her classic hero shot. 4 looked over as 3 stretched and licked her lips, given the fact 3 won most of their duals most would think 4 would not be getting the lunch she wanted but would instead spend the evening in 3's belly but she had another plan. She had been practicing the newly discovered squid-roll technique, 4 still had some trouble doing it but she knew she could use it to her advantage especially given how 3 refused to learn anything new opting the stick to what she knew. "I'm all warmed up what are the conditions this time, figure I should let you choose how you lose this time" 3 remarked with a cocky smile. "How about till one of is splated or disarmed?" 3 gave a nod and began counting down. "3..2..1.. go!."
4 gave the area around her a quick paint over of her side ,as 3 did the same , before running at 3 while firing, landing a few shots and rolling back when 3 returns the favor. 3 begins rushing to her connecting a few shots while 4 tried to dodge and threw a bomb, 4 threw one back making them collide in the air and detonate. 4 knew her bombs took less ink that 3's so she tossed out two more than jumped into her ink. 3 made an attempt to jump out the was but her suit gets heavily damaged. 4 quickly sprays the area and runs in to try and finish it but 3 shoots her feet ,distracting 4 and giving 3 the opportunity to break her suit but 4 jumps back before 3 splats her and decides she needs to end the fight now while 3's suit is still damaged.  3 has a smug grin and licks her lips to taunt 4, who makes her daring play. She throws a curling bomb and swims in it, she hears 3 laugh at this and begin to fire but 4 does a squid-roll and throws a bomb then dashes forward while 3 shakes the bomb off and breaks her suit then shoulder barges her, knocking her hero-shot out her hands and landing her on the ground.
4 walks forward to stand over the now panting Agent and give her a teasing grin. "Alright...*sigh* you win" 3 said not bothering to  lift herself off the ground "annnnnd you know what that means!" 4 said with a big smile while leaning over her exaggertivly. "Yeah yeah" 3 grumbled "how do you want to do this?" She asks trying to look away to hide her embarrassed blush, probably because both she got beat and because she was about to get eaten by the younger agent, she didn't like it but she was a squid of her word. "You can just lie there I can handle the rest ~lunch~" 4 said referring to her as lunch to make her flush more. 4 began removing 3's hero boots and headset as 3 looked off to the side trying to not focuse on 4's growling stomach. 4 gave her a look seemingly considering if she should mention something "Hey... can you take off your jacket." 4 knew that 3 ,like her, only wore a tank top under her suit (she was going to eat her but didn't want to be rude) 3 flushed a bit more and hesitated but took it off, it may have been embarrassing but digestion would take longer with the suit repeling the stomach acids and she didn't want to spend any more time in 4's belly than required.
Now that 3 wasn't wearing anything that would interfere 4 figure she had waited long enough and move her face to 3's feet and opened her mouth, giving her still rumbling stomach a pat and then putting 3's feet in her mouth and swallowing slightly, making 3 squirm a bit at the feeling. 4 started working her way up the agents legs with only a few gulps, the speed of which makes 3 gasp slightly and 4 gives the flushed agent a grin the best she can than lifting 3 into the air and gulping her waist down with similarly little effort. 3's feet enter her stomach which only made her more eager to have 3 fully in her belly this also made 3 blush more as she looked down at her legs and waist already being engulfed by 4 the rest of her  soon to follow. 4 worked up over 3's own stomach (which 4 gave a playful poke much to 3's annoyance) and arms which bulged out her throat and gut. 3 whispered something about 4s insides being warm but catching her self, not before 4 gave a muffled laugh and giving another big *Gulp* taking 3's chest into her mouth, leaving only 3's head left. 4 took this opportunity to annoy 3 more than she already had and licked her face a big as she slowly swallowed her head giving her one last look out her mouth before taking her head down to join the rest of her body. She slurped 3's hair like spaghetti then sighing contently and patting the curled up agent in her stomach.
*BURPPP* "really 4?" A muffled voice from her gut commented. "Yes really 3, you tasted good btw" 4 replied, she couldn't see 3's face but she knew that made her flush. 4 sat there with 3 moving in her stomach who was trying to get in a somewhat comfortable position, not that 4 minded the movement felt good but she still wanted to go home and eventually had to get up. It took her a moment to balance with her large belly but is able to move around (she was very thankful that she was bigger than 3) and makes her way to the grate to the surface, she wouldn't of have noticed Marie and Callie if they hadn't made themselves known with audible gasp making 4 turn around to face them. "4... one why is you stomach so big and too where is 3?" Marie asked sounding like she knew the answer to both questions. "Oh yeah! 3 and I had a little contest and as you can see 3 lost." 4 said with a slap to her stomach, an annoyed groan came out confirming to confirm it is 3. Marie gives a slightly interested "huh" while Callie began laughing at this revelation. 3 took this for a minute before asking if they could get a move on in a ticked off voice. "Fiiiine your no fun~" 4 said waveing The sisters a goodbye before jumping into the grate.
4 walked to her apartment, receiving only a few strange glances from the people she walks past and made her way to her to her door before noticing how quite 3 had gotten, she stayed still to check if 3 was still there and after a few seconds she feels 3 stirring slightly. "Finally gotten comfortable in there?" 4 asked with a poke. "...yes.. are you almost at your apartment  the sooner you go to sleep the sooner this can be over" 3 admitted than asked. "Oh I'm there but I am watching a movie with 8 before I rest." 4 replied knowing what 3's reaction will be "WHAT! 8 can't see this!" 4 knew about their crush and knew she could use that for more teasing "aww, you worried she will see how much you like this and will want a taste of you as well?" She opened the door before 3 could respond and walked to the couch where 8 was sitting.
"Hey 8! You picked a movie for tonight? oh and I bought a 'guest' hehe" 4 called to 8 who turned around and began to open her mouth but quickly turned silent upon seeing 4's stomach. 4 jumped on the couch ,her belly bobbed up and down as she did so much to the occupants displeasure. "4..... who have you eaten?" 8 asked while seemingly admiring 4's belly "Me and 3 had a bet and she lost so I got to have her for lunch today's." said rubbing the top of her stomach and adding "she won'tsay it but I think she likes it". 8's eyes lit up as she heard this, her eye following any movement from the now disgruntled agent 3. "That is..... interesting" 8 said seemingly unable to find the right words "When are you letting her go?" 8 asked curiously "I'm not, she'll digest and respawn, it feels nice" 8 seemed to be even more curious but clearly didn't want to say what was on her mind so 4 decided to answer for her. "Yeah I can show you how to do this 8. And I'm sure 3 would looooove to help~" 4 said results in a series of noises that sounded like a broken fax-machine coming from 3. "Really!" 8 Said before 3 could protest "thank you 3!" 4 heard 3 mutter something about kicking her ass later after this.
After watching the movie that 8 found , which was some old western, 4 decided she'd had enough fun with 3 and went off to bed. Her stomach had already began working on 3 by the time she laid down making her stomach a bit smaller but it was clear 3 was still there. "Night lunch~" 4 said once before closing her eyes. "Don't call me that!" 3 snapped in a both authoritative and embarrassed tone or tried as it came out slured do to her time digesting. But after a minute followed up with "...good night too."
----the next morning----
4 rolled out of bed with a big stretch and yawn, she had slept in a slight bit but it's not like there was much on her agenda well besides..... she looked in the mirror of her room seeing her previous large and rounded belly turned to just a bit of barly noticeable pudge . "Looks like 3 finally decided to leave" she remarked to herself, while grabbing her phone to see a bunch of texts from 3. This was going to be an interesting day
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backedagainstthewall · 3 months
➹ Julia Abe (I found someone else I wanted to send. I'm so sorry x)
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send me a ➹ and a fc ;; i’ll create a character on the spot
Isabela Saito
Age: Mid-20s
Born to a Brazilian mother and her immigrant Japanese father in Sao Paulo. Her family wasn't overly wealthy, but reasonably well off as her dad was a businessman. The family occasionally traveled back to Japan. Her dad inadvertently became involved with someone connected to organized crime in both countries. When he realized it, he backed out of the deal, resulting in Isabela's family being killed. She already had a little bit of martial arts experience, and perhaps a bit too much interest in ninjas, and when her family's attackers escaped justice, she went underground for a couple of years and came back to get justice, though the line between justice and revenge gets awfully blurred. She's already ruined a few criminal businesses and is on their radar and a "masked ninja" is starting to become a rumor in Sao Paulo.
Appearance: Being slightly thin and 5'4", Isabela wouldn't intimidate anyone at first glance, which is how she likes it. Her looks don't entirely favor either her Japanese or Brazilian heritage. Her ninja outfits are functional, dark blue or purple over black, tight enough to not give opponents much to grab and restrain her but allows her freedom of movement. Some padding provides protection to sensitive areas and gives her elbow and knee strikes more power. Gloves both prevent her from leaving fingerprints and protect her hands while climbing and sliding. She wears a dark mask which covers her face below her eyes and only leaves them exposed. For everyday wear, Isabela usually dresses casually, wearing a lot of t-shirts, baggy pants or loose skirts, and tries not to look like she could break someone's arms. Her hair is dark and she usually keeps it around shoulder-length.
Personality: Isabela's a fairly quiet, reserved person, and was so even before she started her ninja training. She only has a few friends, none really close. Even being introverted, she's a pretty lonely person. She definitely needs a therapist.
Skills and Weapons: Isabela is trained in traditional ninjutsu, but also incorporates some modern martial arts techniques and technology. She carries a coupe of hidden blades, and can use a stick for fighting, but also carries a more modern baton. She's a pragmatic fighter, using whatever's at reach to fight. Isabela's trained at using ropes to fight, to disarm opponents, trap and bind their limbs. She prefers nonlethal techniques, but can be pretty brutal. She's a stealth expert and knows how to sneak up and attack before her foes know what hit them, knowing her size is a disadvantage in a direct fight. Some things she carries include lockpicks, a grappling hook for getting in high places, rope for fighting or descending out of a window, and duct tape for repairing things or silencing subdued guards.
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dailycharacteroption · 3 months
Ironbound Sword (Samurai Archetype)
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(art by MyCKs on DeviantArt)
Many would agree that it takes great skill to wield a blade effectively, that much is true enough. However, it takes even greater skill to wield a weapon without causing undue harm.
Inspired by fiction centered on pacifistic warriors that shed blood and life only as a last resort, today we’re looking at the ironbound sword archetype!
Dedicated to incapacitating foes rather than killing, it is said that this vocation and underlying philosophy arose during a time of peace and stability in the nation of Lung Wa, where samurai were needed as peacekeepers instead of warriors, and serves to unburden the samurai’s soul from needless murder, even in self-defense.
This is of course, not really accurate to real-life samurai, who even at their most bureaucratic were still inundated in a philosophy of living and dying by the sword. Mercy wasn’t really something that was supposed to be crossing their minds. But then again, this is a fantasy game with fantasy settings, not a historical fiction game.
These samurai might be officers of the law who specialize in bringing criminals to face trial rather than doling out justice themselves, or they might refuse to kill most foes for philosophical reasons, possibly born out of seeing too much of war and death. The latter might face ridicule and disdain from those familiar with the traditional codes and expectations of their social class, but they stick true to themselves despite this, and there is honor in that.
Being able to fight effectively without lethally wounding a foe takes a lot of training. As such, these warriors not only suffer no accuracy loss for doing so, but also become adept at various maneuvers meant to subdue, and are capable of learning fighting techniques normally reserved for fighters.
They also have a knack for dealing powerful nonlethal blows meant to briefly knock foes unconscious, similar to the brawler.
Finally, they learn techniques to disarm and disable combatants with a countering move, parrying and knocking weapons away, or breaking/dislocating a limb in response to an incoming strike.
A samurai focused on nonlethal combat in interesting, though the loss of their banner does mean they lose some of their support utility. Still, if capturing foes alive is part of the campaign, then go for it. Just remember that not every foe warrants such mercy, such as undead or constructs that ignore nonlethal blows and foes that are beyond redemption.
Many with military training who become pacifists have a bitter personal history with warfare, and it’s no surprise that a lot of these characters may be personally responsible for some great atrocity that they feel they have to spend the rest of their days atoning for. Of course, others may simply seek to do as little harm as possible to keep their souls pure, which may be an ascetic choice or a demonstration of great arrogance, depending on the philosophy and the person.
Though he continues to wander the world, the ronin Ashijo never draws his blade, for it is a cursed weapon tied to his own dark history. Instead, he uses blunt blows with the hilt of his wakizashi to subdue his enemies when necessary, but he dreads the day when an evil great enough to force him to draw his blade rears it’s ugly head.
A dutiful servant of the House of the Sea Emperor, Kopo knows what it means to restrict himself, the locathah being adept at using his weapons above and below the waves to apprehend criminals whose transgressions offend the sea dragon ruler. And so he sets out seeking the party, who recently were forced to destroy one of the sacred dragonstones before it could be used for evil.
Moments from being devoured by a veldenar, a frog-like predator of the plane of air, the party is rescued by a masked warrior who rendered the beast unconscious, but alive with surprising skill. The stranger answered no questions, and was swift to move on, but in the next village, they hear rumors of the Samurai of Merciful Winds.
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molsons112000 · 3 months
See, I took weapons training with martial arts. Queen Latifah needs to sign up and take a weapon's base martial arts. As the show goes on, she needs to get better more and more realistic. See like Jackie Chan. And others, they have the weapons training. My friend's Sang, who was a martial artist, taught weapons for police. So when you're talking mixed martial arts, you need to take a martial arts that is weapons based.
Top 26 Weapon Based Martial Arts List | MiddleEasy
Arnis. Weapons used: stick, knife, other bladed weapons. Arnis is a type of …
Bōjutsu. Weapons used: bō. Bōjutsu is a traditional martial art style from Japan. …
Canne de combat. Canne de combat is a fun martial art style from France. It …
Fencing. Fencing is a top weapon-based martial art. It uses swords in the fight. …
See full list on middleeasy.com
Explore further
Now to get the other side of it, you need to take the best martial arts to defend against a weapon.
ecommended to you based on what's popular
Best Martial Arts Self-Defense Techniques: Weapon Disarm
Dealing with An Attacker That Has A Weapon
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Vulnerable Areas
The Rule
Basic Disarms
Run and Avoid Tragic Consequences
It is important to understand that when dealing with an attacker with a weapon, the risk of serious injury or even death is more likely than if no w…
See more on howtheyplay.com
So different martial arts are for different types of situation. Yes, they were created at different times and there were different types of weapons and types of fighting techniques.
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triangularitydubs · 3 months
Act I: Kaufmox
The first one arrives,
His avatar resembles a clown. Xaine introduces himself and Bubble with a friendly smile and demeanor. The Clown doesn't say a word... but he looked confused and scared.
"Not a talker, eh?" Xaine chuckled. "No worries!"
"Am I the only one here?" The clown asked after a long moment of silence.
"So far, yes!" Xaine explained. "But do not fret. There will be more very soon."
"I'll pass." He tried to take off some sort headpiece. "How do I log off?"
Xaine chuckled. "There is no way out. You are now my pawn. Watch." He flicked his hand with pointed finger. The clown's eyes glowed purple and had a cross shape inside of them.
"Your name is Kaufmox. You are my assassin."
"My name is Kaufmox. I am your assassin.."
"It's alright if you stay silent. Wouldn't want the newbies to know they're stuck here the second they arrive. Kaufmox, I advise you never speak again."
Kaufmox was silent as told.
For the rest of the time he was alone, he fought off mannequins and gloinks as training while Xaine watched.
"Truly a natural born expert." Xaine seemed impressed. "You play fighting games often?"
Kaufmox just stared blankly at Xaine.
He couldn't help but laugh. "Sticking by the no talking bit? I understand." Xaine put his hands behind his back. "I wish to see how much you can handle."
Xaine snapped his fingers and out came a mannequin with a Knights helmet. "This Sir Knighthood, a very powerful and skilled fighter of mine that I coded to be near unbeatable. Good luck."
With that Sir Knighthood lunged at Kaufmox with a sword.
A swift dodge on Kaufmox's part, but this mannequin was relentless attack after attack.
Poor Kaufmox couldn't get an opening. So he just dodged. This went on for about ten minutes when the Mannequin disappeared. Kaufmox was terrified, he looked around frantically.
He began thinking hard about the attack patterns and the techniques that the Mannequin preformed with.
A sudden swing near missed his hat, this caused Kaufmox to jump back and throw one of his blades at the attacker.
A clean shot to the Mannequin's exposed neck. But that didn't stop it. It attacked once more, Kaufmox was able to dodge and his other blade arm and pull it off.
This disarmed the sword. He then tackled the mannequin to the ground and ripped off his head.
Xaine popped up and exclaimed. "Gazoinks!! That was incredible!" He floated down to Kaufmox and gave him a pat on the back.
"I applaud you, Kaufmox. That battle was intense."
"That thing almost killed me." Kaufmox scoffed. "You can't throw boss enemies at new inexperienced players like that."
"Oh?" Xaine tilted his head.
"To answer your question from earlier..." Kaufmox sighed. "I've played my fair share of fighting games. But...before I started playing this...game. I was a janitor for the local school in my area."
"A school janitor who plays fighting games..." Xaine nodded. "Very interesting. You learned Sir Knighthood's techniques fast. I'd almost say you're ready to fight..." He trailed off.
"Fight what?"
"AH, nothing. We have to wait till at LEAST ACT VIII for that."
"What is that eight?"
"Yep. Make yourself comfy in your new home!"
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zyzy30 · 6 months
Arnis tournament review: why I'm proud this girl in a sad kind way
As a martial arts enthusiast, I recently attended an Arnis tournament and was blown away by the level of skill and dedication displayed by the participants. However, there was one particular girl who stood out to me, and while I was proud of her, I also couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness. In this review, I will share my thoughts on the event and why this girl's performance left such an impact on me.
Along with what we known as "Arnisadora," a female arnis practitioner, we believe that we can still support them in spite of the martial art and sport that they practice simultaneously, their abilities proving that they can gain confidence in taking on stronger opponents, as well as by encouraging women to stand up for themselves. Being part of the martial art sport field like Arnis can taught us discipline and self control. The acknowledgement of the Arnis in the Philippines serves as a reminder of the challenges and tribulations since that the country endured while it was colonized by Spain. Despite being played in many nations, arnis is said to be most authentic in the Philippines since it is done so with pride and respect.
The Event
The Arnis tournament was held at a local gym and featured participants from various martial arts schools in the area. The atmosphere was electric, with the sound of sticks clashing and cheers from the audience filling the air. The tournament consisted of different categories, including forms, sparring, and weapon disarming. Forms
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By Saif71.com (https://unsplash.com/@saif71)
Forms, also known as "katas," are a series of choreographed movements that showcase the practitioner's technique and control. The participants in this category were all incredibly skilled, with their fluid movements and precise strikes leaving the audience in awe.
Sparring is a crucial aspect of any martial art, as it allows practitioners to test their skills in a controlled environment. The sparring matches in this tournament were intense, with participants using a combination of strikes, blocks, and footwork to gain the upper hand. It was evident that these fighters had put in countless hours of training to reach this level of proficiency.
Weapon Disarming
One of the most exciting categories in the tournament was weapon disarming. In this category, participants had to defend against an attacker armed with a stick or knife and disarm them using their own weapon. The speed and precision displayed by these participants were truly impressive, and it was clear that they had mastered the art of weapon disarming.
The Girl Who Stood Out
Amidst all the skilled participants, there was one girl who caught my attention. She was a young teenager, and it was her first time competing in a tournament. Despite her lack of experience, she showed incredible determination and fearlessness in her matches. She may not have won any medals, but her performance was nothing short of inspiring.
Why I'm Proud, But Also Sad
As I watched this girl compete, I couldn't help but feel proud of her for stepping out of her comfort zone and giving her all in the tournament. However, I also felt a sense of sadness because I knew that she would face many challenges and obstacles as a female martial artist. In a male-dominated sport, it takes a lot of courage and resilience for a girl to pursue her passion for martial arts.
In conclusion, the Arnis tournament was a fantastic event that showcased the skill and dedication of its participants. While I was proud of all the participants, it was the young girl who left the biggest impression on me. I hope that she continues to pursue her passion for martial arts and inspires other girls to do the same.
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Kali Martial Arts Classes Melbourne
Kali Martial Arts Classes Melbourne is a training program that specializes in the Filipino martial art of Kali. This ancient art form is known for its focus on weapon-based combat, including the use of sticks, knives, and swords. The classes are designed for individuals of all skill levels and ages, from beginners to advanced practitioners. The instructors are highly experienced and trained in Kali, and are dedicated to providing a safe and supportive learning environment. The classes cover a wide range of techniques, including striking, grappling, and disarming, as well as strategy and mindset development.
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