#stevn universe also has a similar thing
borgchip · 1 year
I think the doctor is interesting as a character bc you actively get to see what makes him the way that he is. Like you get to see every event from season 1 episode 1 to the very last episode that affects and changes him as a person, you WATCH it happen. I don't know if that happens with other artificial beings in Star Trek but I think its so cool cause idk how else you would do that without having a series start when the character was literally a baby and going through their entire life week by week. He is an entire test tube experiment.
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widowed-mistress · 1 year
Story Idea
Okay, so I've been seeing so many new stories of Steve Harrington having powers or him being Finney Blake (both ideas that I love, send me more if you have them), so I want to throw some vague plot ideas and see who picks them in intrest or because they already had a similar idea, but just wanted to know if they had an audience for it because I still can't write dialogue. (Me, I'm your audience, write my little book mice)
1. Steve Harrington has self-healing, but because that's just a constant supply of new fast growth cell, he can focus and give himself extra limbs or accessories that way.
Imagen him playing D&D with the boys and dressing him for the part by giving himself elf ears or horns for a tiefling characters. Imagen him giving his arms and legs long ribbons so he can dance beautifully. Imagen the boys other and justified disgust when he cuts of those parts only for them to bleed because at the end of the day, those were extensions of himself.
2. Imagen him being Finnh Blake, but instead of them finding out through some magic video tape or something (as much as I am in love with those fics that exist), they find out because he's talking to himself one morning and they seem him and think he's going crazy, talking to himself. Only, they look up the names and realize these are real people and unravel the tale.
3. Steve but actually he's Steven Universe that was left on Earth at the start of Era 3 when the gems all left to Homeworld to go fix things there manually and Greg wanted to give him a normal life and had him stay there in Hawkins while he made cash as Sadie's manager. They find out because they've trying to convince a new member (Billy or Eddie, maybe both depending on the ships you like), that monsters are real. The kids have been keeping cameras on themselves since the 1st event to capture the events and see Stev subtly using his powers to help out. Maybe Steve using a bubble to protect himself and Dustin in the tunnels?
4. Steve is Finney Blake, but they find out because Gwen comes to visit after they were separated and he spends a full week only focusing on her (understandable, kidnapped then separated from your younger sister when the two of you were abused? I would be making up for lost time too), and everyone gets jealous only to comfront her when Steve isn't there and she spills some of it and then shenanigans and the rest is discovered.
5. Steve as Finney again, I really like this one, but they find out because Ell is using her powers while at a sleepover at Steve's. She ends up taping into his dreams and they all see him on screen talking to his friends as ghost.
6. Steve and Stevn again, but Ell is also a result of experiments infusing human blood stream with a cluster of gem shards. Steven cries because those are dead members of his court in her, and even though it's not her fault, he feels guilty that they're trapped in her. Also I just really like the mental image of a bunch of pebbles calling Steve "pink mom!" And the kids getting possessive
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If the 2020s are doing one thing for us, they are giving us positive explicit queer representation in urban fantasy, and as a kid who grew up in the 2010s where Stevn Universe was the exception, that really means a ton to me.
And while yes, you have shows like Loki that just have passing mentions of the main character being gender fluid and bisexual
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You also have shows like what we do in the shadows and the owl house with queer Lantina and Latino characters where their sexuality is discussed in universe and seen as a positive thing and not a tragic back story.
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If anything, Luz and Guillermo have a similar back story where their love of the occult and monsters are used as metaphors for their queerness long before we the audience know about it.
Then you have shows like Good omens where the characters aren't even physical on screen but just the way they act around each other we all know they're in love. A queer relationship with out labels.
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Like, gay stories are finally being told, and they're not just about white gay people in acceptable gay rolls. They're about people who have never been in long term relationships, they're about people of color And nerodivergent people who dont hate themselves, but still feel unloved. They're about non binary people, and gender fluid people, they're about religious trauma and how we don't hate that we're gay, but it came with a lot of emotional baggage. They're about not fitting into a society we were never a part of in the first place.
I touched on this earlier, but there s a reason that Urban fantasy being gay is so important.
The occult has always been used by writers to talk about sexuality. Often called "the monster in the closet" and I mean ALWAYS. Dracula and Dorian Gray have been here for ages.
We feel a pull to in an fantasy because we understand that there is a two faced world. There is the normal world where we're expected to act one way and for in, and the magic world where we are,aloud to be ourselves and our gender and sexuality are not the strangest things lurking about.
So seeing gay representation be so bold and open in these worlds feels natrual.
As someone who struggled with my attraction to women for years, and has flip floped between calling myself bi sense I was 15, what finally pushed me over the edge was seeing Loki just come out and say it. Seeing there was no shame, no hesitation, just answering the the question of who he's been with by saying "a bit of both" felt fucking freeing.
And seeing that so many people are also getting those characters who are saying that there's no shame in being queer (many of them targeted at kids who deserve to know that at a younger age) It makes me really really happy
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redpandapanic8 · 4 years
Steven Universe future
So some spoilers because like, I’m all caught up.
So I really hate it when people call Steven a hypocrite
Like yeah I get it. When he was younger he talked all the time about change and seeking help for your issues and now he’s having a hard time with that exact same thing.
And the reason why I hate that people are calling Steven a hypocrite is because when he gave all this wise and adult advice, Steven was a child. and like he still is!
And something that is a really common phenomena that no one really talks about is that
When a child is raised in a situation where they are forced to be way too mature for their age
when a child is forced to be the parent to younger siblings when their parents are absent
when they are forced to be self sufficient because of neglect
when abuse or neglect cause a 10-14 year child to make serious adult choices or face serious adult situations
that, when the child is finally safe, and as they start to grow up, they begin to struggle with how to function. They have spent their developing years being adults and now as they cross the physically threshold into adulthood, they begin to have a lot of issue.
Its actually really easy for these children, who spent their childhood acting as adults and fighting against certain behaviors, to fall easily into behaviors that mirror those same behaviors that they were forced against. maybe even in a way where they don’t entirely recognize at first that its the same thing their parents did to them.
this often even cause young adults, who were force to be adults as children, the behave in a way that would be considered immature in others their age. this is because they didn’t get to be kids when they are kids so once they are in a safe situation, they start to become the kids they never got to be. Its almost like their brains were like, “fuck it isn’t safe ti be a kid rn” and the once they were safe, “Their brains were like “kid mode activated”.
And I think this is the direction that the Crewniverse is going with Steven.
Steven never really got to be a kid. he grew up in a van, and like we can blame Greg for that partly but Greg did get a house built for him. The hospital thing could be partly that Greg was poor and couldn’t afford doctors visits and partly because a fear that the doctors might do something bad to Steven if they reported his gem shit to higher ups.
But Stevn still never got to be a kid. He never got to go to school, he never got to have kid friends. You realize his only friends until he was 14 was his 100 year old moms and his dad. he probs wasn’t even friend with Sadie and Larss until they started working at the big donut and if theyre 17-18 in the og show then thats maybe like a casual three years of friendship. But even then that means this child was virtually by himself and had no friend until he was 11!!!
And of course this was why he was so eager to start joining the Gems on missions. he was home alone when they were out and he was lonely. he became self sufficient because of this. So instead of encouraging him to stay a child, he was allowed to go on life and death missions. He just progressivley became more and more mature, forced into more and more serious situations. And yes most kids always want to be treated like grown ups, but the reason he was so hung up on it was because he was mentally more mature the his age.
I’ve met tons of people who had this same desire. That because they were the emotionally adult in their home, they wanted , the yearned, to be treated as one as well.
Then Steven, forced to grow up, is forced through all this trauma, forced to make these adult choices. choices like choosing to sacrifice himself to homeworld to save his friends. choosing to face the diamonds one on one, choosing to find a way to save the cluster. All of these things not only caused Steven Trauma, but they forced Steven into adulthood far too early.
Now, just as many children in his predicament do, no that he is safe, his brain if letting him feel all that shit he pushed back to deal with his trauma, and the worse part is that he know, he knows, that change is natural, that he is being selfish, that he is being a hypocrite. So he is beating himself up, and just as he was alone in his childhood, he feels alone as a teen. He is pushing others away because he has always been independent, he has always been able to handle things, so why is this different. And unfortunately his family has reinforced this by reacting unfavorably to him when he was a younger child.
And that’s why I hate when people call him a hypocrite and say this isn’t like him, but as a kid who was also forced to be an adult too early, I did some of the same shit. whe I was 16 and 17 i developed some of the same toxic habits that my shitty parents had put me through, just with a twist that made me not recognize them as the same. I grew out of it thanks to relying on my friends and shit. But like I made mistakes, i hurt people, things I’m not proud of, but they happened and I think it’s a really common thing. i’ve met other people who had similar childhoods giving similar accounts.
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