#stagepuppies bmc
lowkey-theatre-geek · 3 years
Do you ever just imagine.. stagedorks, playride and puppylove happening simultaneously? Like, aroace Christine is my jam, don't get me wrong, but there's just something about these three together in a romantic sense that makes me feel really happy. I love poly ships, whatever attraction is between them.
I also love the idea of bi oriented aroace Christine who's the queerplatonic third to Jeremy and Brooke's relationship. Or Christine and Jeremy being metamours. It just really, really works for me.
I've never really thought much of Jenna and Christine or Brooke and Chloe. But Christine and Brooke? Jeremy and Brooke? God yes.
And another bmc poly ship I love is expensivepinsandpatches! GIVE MICHAEL BOYFRIENDS 2k20.
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azelmaandeponine · 4 years
*on the phone*
Jeremy: So I can’t make it tonight
Brooke: How come?
Jeremy: I may have been stabbed just now
Christine: Only you would try to politely cancel plans while you’re bleeding out. Hold on I’ll call an ambulance.
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lovewrm · 5 years
What about: Stagepuppies (Stagedorks + Playride + Puppy Love)?
r u suggesting the ship name or just asking my opinion on it? either way i think its cute!! definitely like the idea of chris dating jeremy and brooke, though tbh i have a hard time imagining brooke ever getting into a relationship with jeremy post-canon. even though it wasn’t entirely his fault i think jeremy really hurt her and i’d hope brooke would have enough self confidence that she wouldn’t get into a relationship with someone like that again. but it’s fun to think about for sure!
also this reminds me of the first bmc post i ever made…
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bmcficrec · 5 years
Daily Fic Rec #53
Tags: Fluff, Established Relationship, Mornings, Christine/Jeremy/Brooke
Christine’s alone on a Sunday morning, and decides to fix that problem. 
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Favourite Character: ...... ugh tie between jeremy and christine
Least Favourite Character: oooooo this hard.... ig scary stockboy because if i chose a main person ppl might throw shit plus i genuinely dunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Favourite OBC Cast Member: ........ ugh tie between will roland and stephanie hsu
Favourite Current Cast Member (If Applicable): ............. ugh tie between will roland and stephanie hsu
Favourite Song: Cannot Decide.... more than survive loser geek whatever & i love play rehearsal & a guy that id kinda be into are all p much my top tier.... also i answered another ask asking this and i didn’t mention lgw and im disappointed in myself.... lgw is a bop
Least Favourite Song: jeremy’s theme.......... and truly all the instrumentals because im Hoity Toity and only like when there’s Words
Favourite Act (If Applicable): ......act one’s where all the bops are at and act two has some Serious Bops as well and also Big Fun Stuff but i gotta say act 1
Favourite Ship: stagedorks or puppy love or stagepuppies (brooke/jeremy/christine)
Least Favourite Ship: boyfs.... if you’ve followed me for more than 10 seconds then you probably know that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If There is Something I Would Change about The Musical: i know that unless i want it to be a 4 hour musical this can’t happen but id love to see more of brooke, jenna, rich & chloe... Broadway did them justice with more fleshing but i also want to see Deeper. also if joe iconis wants to borrow my thalia headcanons i sure wouldn’t be mad hshgshaha
Ratings: ♾/10
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azelmaandeponine · 5 years
previousanon replied to your post “I…really ship Brooke, Jeremy, and Christine together. Am I the only...”
babe it’s my favourite ship
Great! It’s always good to find others who ship my rare ships!
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