#ssx [video game series]
sdcomics525 · 1 year
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739 - SSX Hyrule Does anyone else remember SSX Tricky? I remember SSX Tricky. I didn't play it nearly as much as my brothers, but I played a little. Wouldn't mind playing SSX Tricky again. Doing this challenge reminded me of SSX Tricky.
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ostrichmonkey-games · 8 months
I keep wondering, where does the name Ostrich Monkey come from? Is it just two animals you like fused together into some kind of a chimera or is there some other meaning?
Also I happened to notice that Vibe Check (which I'm looking forward to buying come next payday) name checks TWEWY. I haven't played TWEWY but I find the topic of RPGs inspired by video games endlessly fascinating (I'm also on a huge Interstitial kick in spite of not having played Kingdom Hearts). Is there any other video game you would some day like to use as a starting point for a tabletop game?
So! Fun story, the handle "ostrichmonkey" has no meaning! Way back in like, 2011 when I was making my main tumblr, I needed a username, and this was what ended up sticking. Kept it for basically all my socials, and when I started doing more ttrpg stuff, just slapped "games" onto the end of it.
Good thing is, it's rarely ever taken on websites lol.
Also hello from Vibe Check! TWEWY is one my favorite video games of all time (and like, easily one of the best DS games), so if you ever get a chance, I highly recommend it. I think video games are a really fun place to pull inspiration from honestly! It's fun to try and figure out what elements you want to try and work into the tabletop-design-space. I've also done it for Dishonored with Paktbound, and have some very early ideas swirling for something inspired by the new Marathon that I've talked a bit about here and here.
I would love to play in Kingdom Hearts space some (KH2 is another all time fav), approaching from a different angle than Insterstitial (which absolutely rules, I adore that game). I would love to dive into the weird, complicated, fantasy melodrama of the franchise - so less focus on the world hopping elements for example.
At one point I was working on an SSX Tricky inspired game (couldn't quite figure out how I wanted to do semi-competitive-but-also-cooperative as an approach), but at some point I want to get back into that.
Related to Vibe Check, I have a loose idea that takes inspiration from rogue-likes and Neon White, where you go through different procedural generated "runs" with limited use Tokens (like cards in Neon White) that you're constantly picking up and using.
The in-progress Dark Confluence is directly inspired narratively by the Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Elden Ring series, though less so mechanically.
There's probably more, but those are just a few that immediately came to mind!
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plumbewb · 3 months
for the ask thing
what are ur fave video games :D
i’m late af!! but
bioshock, dead island series, left for dead series, borderlands series, infamous series, any call duty game, fortnite, elden ring (got a platinum trophy for it), overwatch, pubg, apex legends (only on mobile rip), and genshin impact. oh and sims lmao
honorable mention to a dead game series would be ssx, i loved that silly snowboarding game
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(honestly one of my biggest achievements in gaming cause i suck at games like this)
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xe-5aj1700155-024 · 8 months
q3 ((2023))  to Q1 ((2024)) - Checklist of Planned Equipment to Obtain:
Consoles/Devices to Equip Room with:
PlayStation 2 [eBay/Facebook Marketplace/vintage game store] 
PlayStation 3 [to ship from home]
PlayStation 4 [to ship from home]
Nintendo Switch [eBay/Facebook Marketplace/game store]
Nintendo 3DS [eBay/Facebook Marketplace/vintage game store]
PC w/desktop workstation set-up [build self] - Further research necessary
Mechanical Keyboard [needs more research + self-built]
Huion Kamvas 13 Drawing Tablet [fix + ship from home]
Retro CRT Monitor/TV [Thrift/Facebook Marketplace/eBay]
Nintendo 3DS: 
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3DS
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time ((1st to play of Zelda series))
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask ((2nd to play of Zelda series))
Kirby: Triple Deluxe
Nintendo Switch: 
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Kirby and the Forgotten land
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of Kingdom
Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Nintendo Switch Sports
Mario Kart 8
Nier Automata
PlayStation 2 Games: 
Silent Hill ((1st to play of SH series))
Silent Hill 2 ((2nd to play of SH series))
Silent Hill 3 ((3rd to play of SH series))
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater ((1st to play of MG series))
Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty ((2nd to play of MG series))
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty ((10th to play of MG series))
Resident Evil - Code: Veronica ((4th to play of RE series))
[IHIFHWKFEJEL!!!] Resident Evil 4 ((5th to play of RE series))
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Shadow of the Colossus ((2nd to play of Ico-verse)
Final Fantasy X 
Persona 4
SSX Tricky ((1st to play of SSX-verse
SSX 3 ((2nd to play of SSX-verse
PlayStation Portable [PSP] Games: 
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops ((3rd to play of MG series))
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker ((4th to play of MG series))
PlayStation 3 Games: 
Ico REmaster ((1st to play of Ico-verse))
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots ((9th to play of MG series))
Metal Gear Rising: Revengance ((10th [FINAL] to play of MG series))
Resident Evil REmake ((1st to play of RE series))
Resident Evil 0 REmake ((3rd to play of RE series))
Resident Evil 5 ((5th to play of RE series))
Battlefield 3
PlayStation 4 Games: 
Resident Evil 2 ((2nd to play of RE series))
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes ((5th to play of MG series))
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain ((6th to play of MG series))
The Outlast Series (1 and 2)
Metal Gear ((7th to play of MG series))
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake ((8th to play of MG series))
Metal Gear Solid ((9th to play of MG series)
Resident Evil 7 + watch YouTube cutscenes of RE6 ((6th to play of RE series)) 
Iron Lung
Escape From Tarkov
Dark Pictures Anthology Season 1 [Replay]
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xtremeservers · 3 months
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There is one video game series that will... https://www.xtremeservers.com/blog/spiritual-successor-to-ssx-was-in-the-works-but-not-anymore/?feed_id=122345&_unique_id=65cbb1b9e0cfc&Spiritual%20Successor%20To%20SSX%20Was%20In%20The%20Works%2C%20But%20Not%20Anymore
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leegreys · 2 years
Ssx tricky eddie showoff
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SSX Tricky was so similar to the original that many considered it an update rather than a sequel. SSX Tricky was released November 5, 2001, for the PlayStation 2, GameCube, Game Boy Advance, and Xbox. SSX was developed by EA Canada, while SSX Tricky was developed by EA Sports. SSX was released for the PlayStation 2 for its launch in October 2000. Main articles: SSX (2000 video game) and SSX Tricky Super Uber Tricks are even more intense than regular Uber Tricks if both trigger buttons are held while performing an Uber Trick, a trick unique to the player's character is performed, which is worth even more points than anything else. Also as an alternative to getting unlimited boost after completing six Uber Tricks, Super Uber Tricks are allowed to be performed, as opposed to Monster Tricks. In the 2012 SSX reboot, its Uber Tricks can be tweaked by doing certain things like holding RT and performing the trick and it gets more points. Where previous SSX titles used the main trick buttons and the tweak button for later titles to perform Uber Tricks, the Monster Tricks are performed by combinations of directions entered on the right analog stick. In SSX on Tour, Uber Tricks are presented as Monster Tricks, though most of them resemble the more advanced Uber Tricks and are much easier to perform than the Monster Tricks of SSX 3. Certain combinations of spins, flips, and Uber Tricks resulted in Monster Tricks, worth even more points than uber tricks the catch was that the combination had to be memorized, such as the Triple Backflip Superman, and the combination had to be unlocked through certain goals in the game, such as staying on a rail for 120 m (390 ft). The unlimited boost system was tweaked to where the player simply had to complete nine Uber Tricks to get the boost bonus but has a time limit, and after that expires, the second tier must be completed again to regain unlimited boost. Each character has an associated Uber Trick. SSX 3 introduced a second, intermediate set of Uber Tricks. The player can gain access to Uber Tricks during play after filling the adrenaline bar performing six Uber Tricks earns the player unlimited boost for the rest of the race. SSX Tricky introduced Uber Tricks, absurdly unrealistic and exaggerated tricks, often involving detaching the board from the snowboarder's feet. Players also have the option of practicing or exploring courses in freeride mode. Performing tricks fills up the player's boost meter, which can then be used for additional acceleration, making tricks important even in a race. Each course is filled with ramps, rails, and other assorted objects. A course is selected and the player is given the option of racing down the course or participating in a competition to do tricks. Starting with the original SSX, players may choose any one of a number of snowboarders, each with their own statistics and boarding style. According to 2012's SSX, the acronym in Team SSX means Snowboarding, Surfing, and Motocross. SSX is intended to be short for Snowboard Supercross, but the complete title has almost never been referred to in any way in the marketing or promotion of the games or within the games themselves.
While the general focus of the series is racing and performing tricks on snowboards, the underlying gameplay of each edition alters slightly for example, while the original SSX relies on a working knowledge of speed and trick boosts, SSX On Tour requires players to complete different phat combos and monster tricks. It is an arcade-style racing game with larger-than-life courses, characters, and tricks. SSX is a series of snowboarding and skiing video games published by EA Sports.
JSTOR ( July 2011) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message).
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nutritionnahas · 2 years
New ea sports games
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#New ea sports games professional#
#New ea sports games series#
It plays efficiently on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.Įven critics give credit to the graphics and realness.
#New ea sports games series#
The McIlroy PGA tour is one of the PGA tour series that was not named after Tiger Wood. The Best EA Sports Games You Can Play Right Now 7. The Best EA Sports Games You Can Play Right Now.Unless is makes a big comeback, players will fond memories will just have to continue playing the Street games on their PlayStation 2s. The chances of EA bringing the series back are slim, especially since the arcade sports genre itself has fallen out of style. Many fans still miss the classic franchise and wish it would make a comeback on modern consoles. Some gamers believe EA Big's closure signified the end of an era at EA.Įven after nearly 20 years, EA Big's Street titles are still some of the best arcade sports games out there. EA ended up shutting down EA Big in 2008, killing off many of its beloved franchises, the Street series being one of the casualties. EA eventually started closing many of its more experimental branches in order to focus on existing brands like Madden and Battlefield. The company started limiting its original projects and focusing on titles it knew would sell well. Unfortunately, EA started playing it safe as soon as the Street craze started taking off. Many of its games were off the wall and pushed traditional sports to the limits. EA Big was one of the more experimental branches of Electronic Arts. Companies would often experiment with obscure ideas and release original, inventive titles. The Street series came out at a time when developers were taking risks with video games. Related: Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath Was Awesome - But It Didn't Fit With the Series This led gamers to grow tired of the urban arcade sports aesthetic, instead yearning for something new. As is the case with other franchises that were unable to keep things fresh, Street fans began looking for new experiences elsewhere. From 2001 to 2006, EA released eight Street games. EA started milking the Street franchise, launching some sequels less than a year of its predecessor. What started out as a fresh idea began growing stale after a few short years. By the mid-2000s, every Street game received multiple sequels, and copycat titles started flooding the market. Clone games like Street Hoops and NBA Ballers started sprouting up everywhere. NBA Street started the craze and inspired other games to follow in its footsteps, like NFL Street and FIFA Street.
#New ea sports games professional#
Taking professional sports teams out of the stadiums and into the street was an original idea back in 2001. The Street series started off as a fresh, new concept. Related: Rockstar's Bully Remains a Classic and Controversial Game However, after looking further into the franchise, it's clear why EA left the Street games behind. EA suddenly abandoned the Street series without warning. However, the zany franchise's reign at the top of the sports genre would be short-lived. NBA Street and NFL Street became the go-to sports titles for many gamers. The Street games became some of the most popular sports games during the PlayStation 2 era. While the SSX series might be the company's most popular franchise, the Street series gives it a run for its money. This unorthodox division of Electronic Arts made some of the most iconic arcade sports games during the sixth console generation. If you were playing video games back in the early 2000s, there is a good chance you remember EA Big.
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buffaloretro · 2 years
ATV Offroad Fury
A fantastic racing series kicks off with big air and even bigger early 2000’s jams So admittedly this website has not had a lot of luck with racing games so far. For every fantastic one (SSX) there has been several really, really bad ones i.e. Antz eXtreme Racing, American Chopper and the greatest game ever known. But today the clouds have parted and the video game Gods have smiled upon thee…
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martelvintsvent · 2 years
One of my former friends used to tell me that I'm "not a real gamer" because I don't feel the need to pay for ingame content and because I don't like online multiplayer games. Which is very funny to me considering he mostly plays LoL, FFXIV + any popular mp game at the time meanwhile :
- I have 800h on Overwatch and he has like 300, also probably 100h or so on FFXIV even though I only played the free trial
- I played Dragon Age Origins 7 times and the two sequels twice
- I finished the Mass Effect Trilogy three times
- I played all the Tomb Raider games except Angel of darkness
- I finished half of the games in the Tales of series and plan on playing the other ones
- I played the three Bioshock games, the four first Metal gear, Fallout 3, NV and 4, the three Fable games plus a load of other games
- I started playing video games before I could read because my mom played Sonic and I sometimes tried too, got my first gameboy at 5 and spent a lot of time trying to beat Streets of Rage II with my sister, and my mom's high score in SSX tricky when I could access the TV
- I streamed the whole Witcher 3 game to him
- I'm a literal video game translator
All in all I played more video games than he did, for way longer than he did, but I'm not a real gamer because I don't want to pay for lootboxes or microtansactions and think they're a scam, because I prefer not to have to pay a suscribtion to play a game, because I'd rather play on my own. While in the meantime he's just watching streamers and fantasizing about games he can't buy while spending all the money he could have used to buy them on skins. So just because I don't live and breathe video games I'm less of a gamer than him, no matter how much more time I've spent actually playing. Gatekeeping is dumb as hell.
Also not a real nerd even though I've been reading, writing and roleplaying in fantasy universes 90% of my awake time but you know.
I don't want to pay for ingame content so I guess I'm just fake.
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psxdatacenter · 5 years
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[PS2] [USA][PAL] [JAPAN] [2019]
I have added today the following game entries to the PS2 Datacenter:
Añadidas las siguientes entradas a la PS2 Datacenter:
NTSC-J: Simple 2000 Series vol.092 - The noroi no game [SLPS-25581] (J) Simple 2000 Series vol.093 - The unou drill [SLPS-20454] (J) Simple 2000 Ultimate Series Vol.17 - Taisen Bakudan Poi Poi [SLPM-62468] (J) Simple 2000 Ultimate Series Vol.20 - Love Mahjong 2 [SLPM-62542] (J) SSX 3 [SLPM-65449] (J) SSX 3 [EA Best Hits] [SLPM-65793] (J) SSX 3 [EA:SY! 1980] [SLPM-55077] (J) SSX 3 [SLKA-25118] (K) SSX 3 [Big Hit version] [SLKA-25200] (K) Star Wars - Episode III - Revenge of the Sith - Sith no Fukushuu [SLPM-66046] (J) Star Wars - Episode III - Revenge of the Sith - Sith no Fukushuu [DVD Pack] [SLPM-66252] (J) Star Wars - Episode III - Revenge of the Sith - Sith no Fukushuu [EA Best Hits] [SLPM-66515] (J) Strawberry Panic! - Girls' School in Fullbloom [SLPS-25612] (J) Strawberry Panic! - Girls' School in Fullbloom [Limited Edition] [SLPS-25611] (J)
NTSC-U: SpongeBob SquarePants - Revenge of the Flying Dutchman [SLUS-20425] (E) SSX 3 [SLUS-20772] (E) Star Trek - Shattered universe [SLUS-20112] (E) Star Wars - Episode III - Revenge of the Sith [SLUS-21143] (E)
PAL: Smuggler's Run [SLES-50061] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S) SpongeBob SquarePants - Revenge of the Flying Dutchman [SLES-51285] (E) SSX 3 [SLES-51697] (E)(F)(G)(S) Star Trek - Shattered universe [SLES-52209] (E)(F)(G) Star Wars - Episode III - Revenge of the Sith [SLES-53155] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S) Star Wars - Episode III - La Revanche des Sith [SLES-53156] (F) Star Wars - Episode III - Die Rache der Sith [SLES-53157] (G)
MANUALS: Ace Combat 5 - The Unsung War (E) [SLUS-20851] Manual scans by Hubz, cleaned & compiled into cbr by gladiator.
Check them here: http://www.psxdatacenter.com/ or http://psxdatacenter.com/
Have fun and if you can help us with the missing information (covers, descriptions, cheats, etc.) please do it.
If you want to contribute to the site running costs (domain, server, updates, etc.) please consider becoming our patreon or making a donation on our ko-fi.
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major-fukkup · 3 years
Fandoms I'm In!
Hello! Today I'm going to be sharing a list of fandoms I'm in!
Before we get started, I feel like I should mention that I am not actually in the mainstream part of any of these, though for some I would like to be - I just don't really know where to start or how to get involved, especially since I work two jobs and don't have a lot of time for art or fic-writing, or anything else either for that matter.
Nevertheless, time to get on with the list!
These will be listed in no particular order, though my current obsessions will be in their own category at the top.
The last thing I will say before putting the list is, this is subject to updates at any time, so if you're curious to know what I'm into at any given time, check back frequently!
Current Obsessions!
(I'm leaving these on the next list because I don't feel like removing them fight me)
The Band Ghost
The Land Before Time
Other Fandoms and Media I Enjoy
MacGyver - Seriously, this has been my favorite show since I was a kid. My mom bought the box set and I could quote the whole episode guide and didn't have to consult it to know which disc to put in the DVD player when someone wanted to watch a specific episode.
The Witcher
Skyrim (inspired my main DnD PC, Ezian)
Destiny 2
Metal Gear Solid
The Loud House
Jurassic Park
Pirates of the Caribbean
Indiana Jones (guess I'll put it here since I do enjoy the movies even though I've surprisingly never done anything remotely fandom-related concerning it) (aside from making LEGO stop-motion videos with the sets I had)
Marvel (Avengers specifically) (Thor FTW even tho I haven't actually seen any of the Thor movies YET - I HAVE watched many clips from them)
Gargoyles (Disney show)
Mega Man (my very second fandom, chronologically! The first being Mario of course)
Sonic the Hedgehog
Detroit Become Human (the reason I first started wanting a PS4 back in 2018)
Horizon Zero Dawn (don't play it often enough to remember what's going on but Aloy is really cute and also very pretty)
Animal Crossing
Legend of Zelda (the fandom that spawned my biggest, most developed work that is now original and contains no copyrighted content)
Ghostbusters (the fandom that spawned my second-biggest, second-most-developed work that is now original and contains no copyrighted content)
The Last Of Us
Cyberpunk 2077 (looked forward to it ever since it was first announced, preordered it and picked it up as soon as GameStop called me to let me know they had my copy, and then played it all of one time for about 9 hours straight and apparently my roomies were trying to talk to me??) (Pretty sure I played it more than once TBH) (Spoiler alert, Jackie shouldn't have fucking died)
Fortnite (my brother got me back into it but I got him into it first) (yes this is why I put those passive-aggressive notes) (no I'm not one of those toxic players)
Uncharted (finished 1, started 2, and own 3 and 4 but haven't played them)
Just Cause 4 (haven't played the others)
Fallout 4 (and Shelter haha)
Burnout Paradise (I just got it because DJ Atomika, but it turned out to be fun! I'm spoiled when it comes to street-racing games because Need For Speed World was my favorite and the servers shut down)
The Crew 2
4x4 Evolution 2 (funny how it's often the second game in a series that ends up being my favorite) (I have many, many happy memories associated with this game)
SSX (specifically 3) (more happy memories)
Death Note
Demon Slayer
The Fairly OddParents
The Owl House
The Band Ghost
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barcodeboyz · 3 years
Today’s weed sesh did not go as planned so here’s a list of video games that need a remaster/sequel like yesterday.
Tony Hawk Underground
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Although it’s personally not my favorite game in the TH series, that title belongs to Project 8, I would definitely be lying if I didn’t say it is probably the *best* game in the series. Polished graphics would be amazing to fit with this story, and think of all of the possibilities for customization! And with the remaster of THPS 1 and 2 being released last September, it’s not too far off to hope for a remaster of this game.
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Okay, hear me out on this one. What can be so good about a video game based on a movie? Well, if you were lucky enough to play this game at any point of your life, you may or may not realize the true masterpiece you have before you: this isn’t just a game based on a children’s movie, it’s a game that throws YOU into the universe, and the gameplay having a similar feel to the Rockstar game Bully: Scholarship Edition was a huge plus when I replayed the game. Fleshed out characters especially would do this game justice. Come on THQNordic, we’re begging!
Bully: Scholarship Edition
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Speaking of Scholarship Edition, it desperately needs some more loving from the Rockstar team. Yes, we got Anniversary Edition in 2016, but considering it was the third update to the original Canis Canem Edit, it’s about time we saw Bully 2. What would become of the story is really up to interpretation, but I can see what the sequel can add to the universe; larger free roam map, more cliques, maybe even an online mode where you can create your own student and join a clique? The possibilities are endless.
SSX Tricky
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So, it really comes as no surprise that SSX:2012 was a bust. A nice thought, but fairly poor execution. So, this is where I think a remaster for SSX Tricky would come in. Tricky introduced us to so many cool characters, some who never saw the light again following this debut, as well as so many beautiful and interesting race locations (Aloha Ice Jam being my personal favorite). Since this upcoming November will mark 20 years since it’s original North America release, one can only hope that a remaster would come someday.
Mark Ecko’s Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure
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Now, for a little background of myself, I grew up the youngest of 6, with one of my older brothers being 15 when I was born. As such, I was fortunate to be a 2006 emo along with him from age 4. So, how this game wasn’t introduced to me sooner is hard to understand and very unfortunate, because this game is awesome. I’ve always loved spraypainting, and an entire game centered around the premise of it in such an amazingly built dystopian setting really adds flare. Ecko Unlimited tweeted back in 2013 that CUP2 was in the works, but as of 2021, there is still no update as to when or if the game will ever be released. But, whether we see an expansion on the in game universe or even just a remaster, the story of Trane is one I would gladly see.
So yeah, a couple of games I would love to see remastered or expanded on. 
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chaos-and-cookies · 3 years
Abt the video games
3: Best game you’ve ever played?
i have no idea, maybe no straight roads because it's just so charming and combined rhythm games with action games into an amazing fun experience and i wish more ppl knew about it
4: Worst game you’ve ever played?
i've played a lot of crap lol but the only thing that sticks out in my mind rn is The evil within 1 simply because i WANTED to get thru that game so badly but the controls were so terrible. And that's probably why no one gave 2 a chance and why we won't get a 3rd in that great series, cuz no one gave 2 a chance cuz 1's controls were so booty :(
6: A game that’s changed you the most?
Overwatch, for the worst 😑
7: A game you’ll never forget?
Detroit become human..... 😬 (stream watchers know why lol) but if that's too new of an answer then SSX tricky cuz they need to remake that lol, or the rugrats ps1 game because it was so cursed and for what 😭 ps1 space jam was also rly good and should be remade
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madara-fate · 4 years
Do you know your favourite video games per genre?
Picking the individual games would be a little too difficult for me, but I can give you my favourite series for some genrea.
Action-Adventure - Uncharted
Fighting - Tekken
Platformer - Don’t have one
Puzzle - Portal
Racing - Don’t have one
RPG - The Elder Scrolls
Sandbox - Grand Theft Auto
Shooter - Call of Duty
Simulation - Gran Turismo
Sports - SSX
Stealth - Metal Gear
Strategy - Don’t have one
Survival Horror - Resident Evil
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Bread’s Skate (?!) Journal 09/06/20: The Other Ones: A Look Back On The Tony Hawk Imitators Of The Early 2000's....And BMX XXX.
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Looking back at Tony Hawk as a series that's pretty solidly in the past can cause someone to easily forget how those games were actually thought of at the time: Hyper popular.  As a result of that popularity, it was easy to see a bunch of other games and franchises that wanted a piece of that money, some from Activision themselves, some....very much not.  Some of these games were good!  Some of these games were so bad that they've become something of a legendary laughing stock in the game landscape as a whole.  
As I said, Activision was no stranger to trying to apply the Tony Hawk formula to other sports in an attempt to cash in on the extreme success of their franchise.  Sometimes these cash in's actually made for decent, if unoriginal games.  Matt Hoffman's Pro BMX was more or less a carbon copy of the Tony Hawk formula, but with BMX Bikes instead of Skateboards, and it actually worked pretty well once you got used to the inherent differences of the two different styles.  Other attempts were not quite as fortunate as Matt Hoffman though, and both of them sort of had the same "downhill" problem.   Shaun Palmers Pro Snowboarder was an attempt to put the Tony Hawk formula into a snowboarding game, and while that should reasonably work, the linear and all downhill nature of the levels really didn't lend themselves to a fun time.  
Following from Shaun Palmer was "Wakeboarding Unleashed featuring Shaun Murray" which is quite a title!  It was originally revealed with the far more descriptive name as "Shaun Murray's Pro Wakeboarder" but I have to assume that was changed to...distance the game from Tony Hawk?  It's a confusing move to say the least.  The game was actually quite decent, more so than you'd assume from something like a wakeboarding game, and you can tell there was some talent behind it, the games issue was that, by design, it was pretty much always on rails.  You were literally pulled through the levels behind a speed boat, and even though there was plenty to trick off, it lent a feeling that you were just being guided to the cool set pieces rather than actually doing any exploration of your own, it deserved better.  Hell, it at least deserves it's own Wikipedia page, the only mention of it at all is on Shaun Murray's very small Wikipedia entry, an ignoble end for a game that least tried something new.
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I had to find a screenshot for Shaun Murray, which I swear is real, and this is the only one I could easily find online.  I swear this game happened!
Of course Activision wasn't the only studio trying to capitalize on the extreme sports craze and the Tony Hawk trick heavy style.  EA found what I would consider the greatest success with franchises like SSX, and one entry wonders like Freakstyle (which is a seminal game for me as a kid, but one I feel very few people even know exist), a sort of blend of SSX and racing through the lens of Motocross.  Hell, eventually EA would make Skate, which outlived Tony Hawk itself for a few years, and I already wrote about earlier this week, an excellent franchise that was nonetheless heavily inspired by THPS.
Now, there are far more imitators and hanger on's, some good (Splashdown, while closer to Wave Race, definitely stole some of it's vibes from THPS). Some incredibly bad (Gravity Games: Vert, Street, Dirt,  an abysmally bad Tony Hawk ripoff from the early 2000's immediately springs to mind) and some downright strange (Four words: Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure).  But only one company tried so hard and failed so miserably, and that's Acclaim, and BMX XXX.
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This is genuinely what some of the worst impulses of the video game industry look like.
Acclaim had found success early on by getting Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX out only one year after Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, and it certainly wasn't a terrible game.  It felt a little clunkier than what came out of Neversoft at the time, but it was definitely playable.  Acclaim also went on to put out Aggressive Inline, which, while it might sound insane to say about an inline skating video game, is genuinely one of the best extreme sports games ever made.  So Acclaim had real reason to believe they actually could put something out that would rival Tony Hawk!  Then they put out BMX XXX.  
BMX XXX is one of the most insipidly stupid things that any company has ever produced, certainly one of the worst video games ever made, and was so bad that Dave Mirra forced Acclaim to take his name off of it before release.  You really can boil this game down to two things: Dave Mirra's okay BMX game play, and the horn-dog mindset of a 13 year old boy that just found an issue of Hustler in the woods.  It's incredibly embarrassing!  Full of hookers, pimps, literal strip club videos, dogs fucking and humor that was shitty and mean spirited even by the standards of 2004.  It's astounding that anybody thought this game would sell at all, let alone do the impressive numbers they wanted for it.  Even the console manufacturers didn't really seem to want this thing on their consoles, Sony out and out censored the nudity even (which yes, the game featured full polygonal breasts, and they are horrifying to look at today), and though the other two allowed the nudity to slide, they made it pretty clear they thought the game was terrible.
BMX XXX is a punchline today, rightfully, but I think it did so much harm to the idea of a competing extreme sports franchise, that any further attempt to really hone in on an Tony Hawk alike just sort of stopped right there.  It actually came out pretty early on, in 2002, long before some of the other games I've mentioned on this list even, but the damage it did was impossible to ignore.  Activision kept trying, we still got the occasional excellent SSX game, and we got Skate.  Hell, we even got Ubisoft making a couple of tries, first with Shaun White doing a snowboarding and Skateboarding game, then with Steep.  The concept wasn't killed entirely, a favorite of mine, Amped 3 for Xbox 360, even came out just a few years later, but it felt like the spirit was gone, and it never really came back.  Thankfully, these days, we have more independent developers putting out their own vision of what an extreme sports game can be.  I hope this new generation of developers can really get us back to the glory days of the extreme sports game, and even if they don't end up making it too far, at least they're going to try.
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And things might get a little weird.
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tobiasrieper · 4 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
tagged by @muse-of-nightmares! thank you so much!!
i pretty much exclusively make gifs on this blog, so all my works are going to be gifs lol
1. arthur morgan x blue - making this was a lot of fun! i was in the process of replaying rdr2, and i noticed i had like two captures of arthur against a blue sky, so for the rest of my playthrough, i tried to do every single mission in the morning or early afternoon in game so i could capture more of the same cutscene footage. it mostly worked in the end lol but i did like how this one turned out!
2. sea of thieves scenery • [14/?] - this is a super simple gifset, but i am absolutely OBSESSED with how amazing the water looks in sea of thieves. i thought it looked sooo good in these captures, and i also liked the angles i used to get them. i almost fell in the middle of the ocean climbing on top of the mast just to find good shots xnngenagn
3. HITMAN  🠢  favorite disguises pt.1  - i’m really glad more people are starting to realize how absurd this series is, and i think this gifset is just one example that highlights that. there’s a part 2 and 3 to this, but most of my favorites (the flamingo will always be my number one) are in this first set!
4. HITMAN 2 (2018) - definitely one of my favorites, half because of the color palette and half because i absolutely love the mission briefs in the reboot games, so i was really happy to include them in this set. there’s also a lot of negative space in each gif (which is a godsend honestly), so i liked how simple and clean it turned out. i don’t know if anyone else says this, but like 80% of gifmaking (at least for me) is finding good scenes to use
5. SSX tricky character selection - this is one of my all time favorite games!! the gifset itself isn’t very special, but i love these character so much, and i love how much personality they each have. i’ve been trying to find an emulator so i could make more gifs (because most videos on youtube are either low quality or not what i’m looking for), but it’s been fruitless so far :/
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