tophsazulas · 2 months
7 and 75 for the ask game you reblogged :)
7. tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote?
It’s literally just a TVD crack fic of Stelena (Stefan & Elena) fangirling over Bamon (Damon & Bonnie) 😂😂
75. do you know how your story ends before you start writing?
Rarely lol. I know basic details, but like how their lives will have to be? I have to actually think about that and imagine it lol.
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Season 2 it is! Thank for your input!
@springsteenicious yeah I personally wouldn’t go with season 5 cuz even though there are some really sweet RK moments there’s also a lot of menopause Kitty that hurts my heart.
@thatseventiesbitch that might help! Your story has made me want some more DE content, maybe even writing a bit myself, we’ll see!
@those70scomics you know I love season 2 and certainly one episode from there lol
I will say that Red’s Birthday (from season2) was the first and for short while, only episode I had purchased lol I watched it on the plane before T9S taping!
Thanks again for the input
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thestupidhelmet · 1 month
Top Ten Movies I've Watched Recently
1. A Clockwork Orange
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2. The Damned United
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3. Tron
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4. Labyrinth
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5. Frost/Nixon
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6. The Wedding Singer
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7. Tron: Legacy
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8. The Godfather Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone
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9. The Princess Bride
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10. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
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Tagging anyone who wants to participate but also (ten specific tags for ten movies): @scaponigifs @crimsinsky @thatseventiesbitch @that70sshowgoldencouple @zenmasterlover @70s-show-diary @springsteenicious @silver-cyn @secondearthling @carouselunique
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springsteenicious · 1 month
we're back baby! new title and I made one edit to the end of a scene, but otherwise exactly the same as when I posted it two years ago. except this time you'll get to see how it ends!
Summary: 1982, Jackie and Hyde are together and better than ever. That is, until they have a run in with their new cult-leader neighbors and Jackie becomes possessed. The demon intends to destroy them and everyone they care about. Will they be strong enough to fight it?
Lots of archive warnings being used. and if you have not read any of this before heads up that it's gonna get weird in chapter 4. then it'll go back to normal scariness. no posting schedule right now because it's the last week of my college semester and idk when I'll be able to post.
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eclectic-mania · 1 year
Do you have any Jackie x Hyde fanfic recommendations?!!
Always, always, always! There's so much talent in this fandom, and I'd love to highlight a few of my absolute all-time favorites. I'm primarily on AO3, so these recommendations will definitely skew more toward work posted there; if y'all have any recs on other sites, feel free to let me know!
multi-chapter fics
Hyde's Long Way Home by @those70scomics
This is probably the one I reread the most, tied with the same creator's One Difference: Jackie and Hyde Don't Kiss (During the Summer), primarily because I just absolutely adore their writing and the way they so effortlessly write Jackie and Hyde, both as individuals and as a couple. It definitely helps that the story is set right at the start of the Chicago debacle, meaning there's canon divergence, and thank god for that; I'm a staunch season-eight denier. I'm also a sucker for a good groundhog day situation, and this work scratches that itch and then some. This one's definitely a lot heavier than some other fics I love—hence the mature rating—but it's oh-so worth it.
The Queen Of All My Dreams by @springsteenicious
Fantasy isn't normally a genre I consider when looking at Jackie/Hyde fanfiction, but this fic is wholly worth diving into a different genre, especially since it does the genre justice. The story begins a few days after Chicago and features a whole lot of magic and adventure, giving it a Lord of the Rings feel, minus the stuffiness of typical fantasy stories. The gang still very much feels like the gang, and everyone's character progression feels natural and not at all outlandish or forced, which many fix-it stories (can this be considered a fix-it? Maybe for season 7?) tend to struggle with.
Miracle by B_August (I don't know if they're on tumblr, but if they are, PLEASE send me their blog so I can follow it!)
Good lord, where to begin with this one? As you've probably guessed if you've read any of the stuff I've put out, I've got a soft spot for strong!Jackie, and an even softer spot for Jackie with powers. Miracle has absolutely all of that. It also features an incredibly sweet Steven Hyde, a surprisingly attentive Jack Burkhart, and my absolute favorite, the effervescent Buddy Morgan. It is a little out of character at times, sure, but the characterization makes sense for the point of the story in which things start changing, as well as the changed circumstances around the lives of the gang. There's also the added bonus of many, many DC references (a welcome side-effect of being a Superman story of sorts). I highly, HIGHLY recommend it!! (There's also a sequel that is currently being updated that you can find here.) Let B_August know I say hi if you check out their work :)
Of All Things Creepy & Unnatural by CaedenceLaura
This one's over on fanfiction.net! It explores how the Jackie/Hyde dynamic might have evolved differently had the rest of the gang not learned of their relationship sooner. Personally, I really enjoyed the secret relationship aspect of this fic, and though they do get found out eventually, it's nice to see how having that extra time to themselves might've strengthened their bond. This fic isn't complete, but still worth a read!
Steven Who? by kezztip
This is another one that I reread quite frequently. There are few fics on this list that genuinely make me laugh out loud several times per read-through, but this one never fails to get me chuckling. The premise is just... I almost don't even want to say anything, just so you can read it for yourself. Going in blind might be the way with this one.
Heart Like Yours by @jacquelineshyde
Something in me is really drawn to the concept of Hyde realizing just how much he cares for Jackie a little too late. In most fics, the "little too late" aspect of that typically means that Jackie's moved on to some other guy or something like that; that's still relevant in this one, but she's also straight up in a coma, and to me that makes the despair of the situation all that tastier. Add to that some good ol' out-of-body action, and, well, you've got yourself a fun little If I Stay spin on our T7S universe.
sighs in my sleep by @madroxed
This was the first ever fic I read in the fandom, believe it or not, and something about it was just so captivating to me that it kept me in a fandom clickhole for about two months. TW for mentions of an eating disorder (it's a throwaway line in the second half, but it did give me pause when I read it) and pregnancy, if that's something you're very much not into.
Moth Drawn to Light by @rosalinesbenvolio
Screaming, crying. There's something So Good about Hyde with baby fever... I genuinely don't even have any more words to explain it. So good, so so cute. Read now!
I feel like there are so many more that I'm missing, so maybe I'll make a part two at some point if it's requested. For now, though, these are my main loves in this fandom. I also read fics in other fandoms: Stranger Things, Harry Potter, Twilight, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and truly too many more. I'm always happy to talk fanfiction, whether about any of those fandoms or just in general!
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that70sbitchsstuff · 3 years
So wanted to come up with a little game for everyone and here it is.
Come up with the WORST T7s pairing possible, the catch is they cannot be incestuous and the don't actually have to be in the show.
Here are my top three..
1~ Hyde x Kelso
Do I really need to explain why they'd NEVER work, Kelso would cheat a fuck ton (obviously) and I can't even think of Hyde reactions to that, also Kelso is far to self centered to help Hyde with his issues and past trauma or even making him feel loved and I just can't imagine Hyde being involved in the 'Relationship' I can't even imagine him hugging Kelso let alone do it with him 🤮
2~ Jackie x Red
No no just no if you actually ship this.....please never contact me🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
3~ Donna x Fez
God where do I begin, season 1-4 Fez is actually a pretty alright guy if not a bit sexist and gullible and 1-3 Donna is pretty chill, so maybe there could be something but that's an extremely light maybe, this is only going off the season 3 episode Fez dates Donna I thought they where pretty cute but S5-S8 Donna and Fez are NOT compatible in any way, to put it simply Donna would murder him bring him back from the dead then kill him again because Fez turns into such a perverted creepy in later seasons and he would go against everything Donna stands for.
4~ Jackie and Hyde x anyone other than eachother
I pick @zeppelin-and-unicorns, @queenbookbuff, @mydearburkhart, @crimsinsky, @springsteenicious, @kim1918 and @scaponigifs💗💖
Of course anyone can join if you want 😉
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Thanks for your input @springsteenicious ! Lol you are one of the rare and few of the Randy fans. Don't worry I'm one of the rare and few that enjoy season 8...well, the Red and Kitty parts!
So I will definitely be sharing the Red/Kitty stuff as well as scenes with them and other characters. Some of the bits are fun reads some of them...well, I'm glad they didn't make it into the episode lol
Anyone else have thoughts on me sharing nonRK deleted stuff from S8? There's a Hyde and Kelso bit where they talk about Jackie...share it or just let it stay deleted and forgotten?
Thoughts, send them here
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thestupidhelmet · 3 years
38 and 50 :D
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it.
In large part because I'm familiar with their writing and enjoy it (and I'm familiar with them and enjoy them as friends, lol): @that70sshowgoldencouple, @t7s-jessieverse, and you (@springsteenicious). I'm adding @zeppelin-and-unicorns as a bonus because I ❤️ her and know she's writer of integrity.
50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
Angst. I don't write fluff (except for the silliness in @those70scomics) or smut (an explanation) anyway. 😂
Thank you for the ask, @springsteenicious!
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springsteenicious · 24 days
I believe this is the last chapter I had posted when I deleted the fic originally, so everything after this should be new to anyone who read it two years ago.
also fun fact about this chapter is every time I saw the title in my draft I would start singing "I call it a bargain, the best I ever had..." unfortunately this is not the best bargain Hyde has ever had. enjoy!
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those70scomics · 2 years
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I posted 509 times in 2022
458 posts created (90%)
51 posts reblogged (10%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 508 of my posts in 2022
#that 70s show - 502 posts
#that '70s show - 444 posts
#jackie x hyde - 200 posts
#jackie burkhart - 178 posts
#steven hyde - 172 posts
#season 7 - 165 posts
#eric forman - 153 posts
#michael kelso - 122 posts
#red forman - 110 posts
#kitty's questions - 95 posts
Longest Tag: 29 characters
#(i can't get no) satisfaction
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Those ‘70s Comics: 3145
Inspired by episode 703 -- “(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction"
29 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
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32 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
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Those ‘70s Comics: 3170
Inspired by episode 704 -- "Beast of Burden"
33 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
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See the full post
38 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Happy New Year!
2021 was a tough one for all of us, I think, for a variety of reasons. Without you -- and I mean my long-time friends, new friends I’ve made, people I’ve had fun interactions with, and the followers of @those70scomics, @thestupidhelmet, and @jackiestargazer -- this year would’ve been even tougher for me, so thank you from the depths of my heart. 🤗
Here’s hoping 2022 brings better things for us all, and some a lot of specific shout-outs to:
@mrstrinamills, @juiletburked, @t7s-jessieverse, @that70sshowgoldencouple, @bacandy, @springsteenicious, @zeppelin-and-unicorns, @queenbookbuff, @sup-honey, @rishik52, @(my friend Alex)
@moeby, @that-basket-case, @scaponigifs, @joesleftskeleton, @crimsinsky, @randomwriter23, @snookstheallmighty, @validatedstandby, @basure, @xgrapefantax, @glittermila, @maidenofthecancermo0n, @fangirling-4-ever, @melimelrockswell1204, @mlwni, @ironfirebagelknight, @silver-cyn, @sandalaris
@suzanaboss, @einsteinsugly, @kim1918, @samfox123, @secondearthling, @ymnfilter, @nocandnc, @bloom-later, @debbiejw1961, @janstt, @en-chi-la-da
Fire 1 by markopolio-stock
57 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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einsteinsugly · 3 years
My deep dive, Hyde and Becca. At least it's better than a deep dive, Jackie and Becca...
Dedicated to @springsteenicious, for numerous reasons. As the World Burns, 2002, with a heaping dose of angst. As Becca enters the room with purpose, Steven Hyde leans back, expecting the usual. Some menial teenaged drama. But instead, she comes to him, opening her heart, mind, and soul. Sitting down next to him, ever so close, she reveals one of her deepest secrets. "Dad, I think I'm bi." Holy fucking shit. For her to say it out loud is revolutionary. "Okay." But his response doesn't satisfy her, as a notable frown is etched on her lips. "That's it? Okay?" He shrugs, as zen continues to fail him. "I'm just tryin' to process it." "Did you not expect it?" But his emotions are beginning to spill, all over the living room rug. "I kinda expected it. You look at Lindsay Lohan the same way you look at Leonardo DiCaprio." "With burning desire and passion?" He understands her feelings from afar, but personally? He can't relate. He's never been attracted to a man in his life. Not even remotely. "Exactly." "And Lindsay Lohan kinda looks like..." A realization truly dawns on him, solidifying the feeling lingering in his gut. "Kate." After a moment of awkward silence, Becca reluctantly muses. "But she's straight as an arrow, and she doesn't feel the same way. She says we're like sisters." Unrequited love, also known as personal hell. "You gotta respect that, Beck." Tears finally begin to fall, as she pulls her father close. Into a strong, formidable bear hug. "I know, but it still hurts." And as he comforts his daughter, he wishes he could make the pain go away. He wishes the world would accept her, and not dismiss her as indecisive. And embrace her, for who she is. Instead of who she's not.
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a story by springsteenicious 
Summary: Four days after Chicago, Jackie is missing. Thanks to a dream that Eric has, they know where to find her. But the journey will not be as easy as they think. Through dragons, magic dreams and missed connections, will Hyde be able to return to Jackie?
(A/N: It is recommended that you listen to the song before each chapter for the best experience, but you don't have to. I will include the relevant lyrics at the beginning. However, these songs are all really great and listening will give you a good idea for the vibe of each chapter.)
Chapter 1: Ramble On
Lyrics:  I'm goin' 'round the world, I got to find my girl  On my way I've been this way ten years to the day Ramble on Gotta find the queen of all my dreams
Listen to the song
Read on ao3 
Read on fanfiction.net
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zenmastersanthology · 2 years
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No deadlines yet, but I’d like to know where you are in the writing process for your ZMA story. That’ll give me a better idea when to set the writing and art check-over deadline -- meaning, authors and artists (with their stock art sources, where applicable) submit their work to me so I can make sure it follows the ZMA rules.
Have you written an outline yet? A first draft? Etc. Please contact me via a ZMA ask or our private chats @those70scomics and @thestupidhelmet.
Thank you!
As for me, I’ve finished my outline-first-draft hybrid. I’ve got to work on the next batch of Those ‘70s Comics, though, so I’ll be writing the second draft of my story in between that and afterward.
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crimsinsky · 3 years
R, S, and T for the ask game!
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence? I said I’d limit it to 3 (I lied a little bit)
FF: QueenBookBuff- feels like my personal cheerleader sometimes :D she can write a twist that knocks me out of nowhere and I’m that annoying person who is trying to spot the plot or the twist before it happens.
zeppelinandunicorns- can write a scene that can break my heart into a million shards and then fix it all in the next one. Willow, RYLAH, WTLB, destroy me and then gives me a light at the end… I didn’t realize it was you who asked. I just copied the letters down and went to a word Doc to go back for the main list.
springsteenicious- I’ve apparently missed several stories from looking at their works page, but they’re so good. There’s sad but there’s also mushy perfect lovely moments that make my heart melt.
scaponigifs- So many heartfelt moments in these stories! You really feel for the characters.
Otherwise: I hate it but I haven’t had time to read in forever. I’ve been doing audio books for the past year because my brain can’t stop anymore. But I love Shirley Jackson. The Haunting & We have always lived in the Castle have some of the best atmospheric writing.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
Jackie & Red working on cars. I am weak, I adore it for a lot of reasons.
Jackie is Red’s favorite, Hyde is Kitty’s.
In general- fake dating, One bed, I hate everyone but you,
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
Not that I can’t stand it but did we as a Fandom make Fez and Candy more of a thing than it was? I think the show did it but sometimes all the personality I can give Fez is he eats a lot of sugar and idk if it's because it's all the fics or if that's all the show gave him besides being a perv.
Laurie being slut shamed mercilessly. I get it and it’s funny to a point but I read a really old one and it was awful to her, but didn’t do anything for the story.
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Like @zeppelin-and-unicorns and @springsteenicious, I’m not really excited over the spin off. I love Red and Kitty, but I would’ve loved the gang there, but we know that may not happen due to someone’s pending legal issues, and frankly I’m afraid they’ll ruin the show more after s8.
This is potential writing inspiration 🤔 so I will definitely watch, just for that 😂
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Thank you @springsteenicious ! I’m so happy to hear you liked the sneak peek 💛
Aw sorry @queenbookbuff didn’t mean to make you cry. Hopefully it won’t happen too often in this fic. It’s definitely more serious than my usual fluffy stuff but there’s still fluff and plenty of romance and comfort.
Thanks so much for the comments and support!
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