zelosnation · 22 days
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RENDI-ME AO INIMIGO — jung wooyoung
SINOPSE: Na qual Beatriz Wong rende-se ao clube inimigo só para conseguir ficar com Jung Wooyoung.
AVISOS wooyoung x female oc ; wooyoung!benfiquista (empresário) (luso-coreano e com nacionalidade br tbm) x female oc!sportinguista (luso-coreana) ; derbi Benfica x Sporting ; insinuação de sexo ; dirty talk ; não considero hot, mas deixo aqui na mesma pq eu gosto dela
BEATRIZ WONG É SPORTINGUISTA desde que se entende por gente. Tendo nascido em Portugal e ainda sua mãe sendo portuguesa, o clube da sua nação era o Sporting, assim como ela próprio era natural de um distrito perto de Lisboa. Seu pai era macaense assim como seu irmão mais velho tinha nascido em Macau e tinham a mesma mãe, mas Wong acabou nascendo em Portugal quando a mãe estava voltando.
Oras, uma bela época para nascer em Portugal, pois realmente Wong e seu irmão ficaram no solo português a sua infância e adolescência inteira.
Wong foi para a Coreia do Sul, onde nunca tinha pisado antes e nem mesmo tinha pessoas da família lá, por conta da sua família não aceitar que ela era bissexual. A família era rica, não tinha problemas com dinheiro, então pegou em tudo o que tinha, tacou o foda-se, viajou junto do irmão que também tinha que viajar para lá, e digamos que além de Wong ter cumprido seu sonho de pisar um dos países que queria muito conhecer, sobretudo pela comida, ela era ainda mais rico junto de seu irmão.
Wong podia não ser empresária como seu irmão, mas era uma coreógrafa famoso que todos conheciam como a maior Sportinguista e maior hater do Benfica.
Seu irmão até que não era tão ruim de escolher clubes, isso era um facto, antes Portista do que Benfiquista, por mais que o melhor amigo dele que fez com o tempo odiasse o irmão por ter escolhido o pior clube.
Mas, devido a ter rido dele ter se rendido ao inimigo um dia em que fez promessa com o namorado luso-coreano, Wong garantiu que nunca faria isso. Mas é que nem morta.
Bem, mas vocês leram bem o “devido a ter rido”. Pois bem, ela não devia ter tido se era para se apaixonar por um Benfiquista de meia tigela, tendo três nacionalidades, mas dando mais atenção à portuguesa — sem tirar o facto que ele tinha nascido na Coreia, claro — para conquistar a pequena Wong que só o encarava com ódio, mas, pelo menos, Wong não sentia ódio verdadeiro. Ela queria ficar com Jung Wooyoung, o luso-corwano que também tinha nacionalidade brasileira, um ex-contatinho do seu melhor amigo, pansexual de primeira e braço direito do seu irmão atualmente devido a junção de empresas.
— Olha aqui, eu não vou fazer isso. — Ela diz em coreano, enquanto encara o melhor amigp que se encontrava com a blusa do seu clube favorito, dada por seu namorado quando foram numa viagem de férias.
— Eu fiz uma vez, e está só entre nós. Tipo, só você, o Hendery e claro, o San, que sabem. Vale a pena se formos pensar. Porque ninguém vai saber se não contar.
— Você namora com ele, suporta ele, então claro que vai obedecer como ele a você.
— Ele? Ele ofereceu-me a camisola do Benfica no ódio, fazendo caretas conforme eu andava na SportZone para a frente e para trás com a camisola. Tu não sabe o ódio que o San tem pelo Benfica. Acho que mais que você, mas tipo, muito mesmo, ainda mais ele sendo lá de Lisboa. Eu sou o único benfiquista que ele gosta. Ele diz que eu sou muito de jeito mesmo sendo benfiquista. E eu só finjo que não namoro um sportinguista e faço bullying com ele quando perdem.
— Eu não vou render-me ao inimigo. Podia até ser o Porto, que meu irmão, mas agora Benfica? É que nem morta. Já me basta você gostando dessa merda.
— Ah vai, uma vez pelo Wooyoung? Vocês só não se comeram ainda pela rivalidade. Eu deixei o San, acredito que vá deixar também. Apenas tem uma regra. Jamais troque de clube, entendeu?
— Mas é que eu estaria sem cérebro mesmo se fizesse isso. É como apoiar o… — Ele rapidamente a impediu de terminar a frase que ia falar.
— Não se atreva a dizer o pior nome existente à minha frente que supera o meu ódio pelo da Coreia do Norte. Porque esse ao menos fica na sua, até então.
— Até então, sim. Mas nada supera o da… — E novamente ele lhe cala a boca.
— Não, proibido também. Não quero que me caia uma bomba em cima se eu ou alguém perto falar o nome dele.
— Tinha que ser homem. — A conversa se encerrou, mas não porque eles queriam, mas sim porque o melhor amigo viu o namorado saindo. San também era empresário, mas não trabalhava para Hendery. No caso, ele fazia algumas coisas na empresa já que se juntaram, mas ele era de outra, então, de vez em quando era ele esperando pelo namorado por estar dentro da empresa só para ver os irmãos — lê-se, infernizar os dois para comerem direito ou fofocar.
Mas desta vez estava esperando por ele, então só se despediu da Wong e saiu. Wooyoung acabou chegando bem na hora que eles tinham saído e Wong achou a maior coincidência do mundo, mas para piorar, ela viu a blusa que ele carregava na mão, tentando disfarçar com a maleta que também transportava na mesma mão. Foi aí que a mente de Yuri lembrou de um negócio muito importante.
— Hoje é o dérbi. — Ela acabou falando num tom alto. Wooyoujg estava vindo na direção que ela estava, então Wong apenas se encostou ao balcão que graças a Deus estava vazio e tentou ao máximo não parecer ter se esquecido, olhando a blusa e fazendo piadinha com o Jung.
— Estás preparado para a derrota? — Falou em português, assim podendo falar sem problemas e fofocas depois rolando sendo que maior parte eram todas foras de contexto e Wong sabia bem que além dele não ter paciência para isso, e seu irmão muito menos.
— Ah, sim, claro. — O luso-coreano ajeita seus óculos na face, mostrando a blusa para a mais nova.
— Nós vamos ganhar. Eu acredito no meu Benfica. O Benfica sempre ganha.
— Vai sonhando. — Wong disse, rindo.
— A Senhora Sportinguista gostaria de ver o jogo em minha casa para ter uma derrota muito mais gostosa?
— Mas é que nem pensar que vão ganhar. Mas eu aceito o convite.
— Se quiseres, só me esperares ir dar esta maleta ao Hendery e posso te dar boleia. Podemos comprar algo para tu comeres, porque depois vais ficar bem tristonha.
— Prepara o pacote de lencinhos porque quem vai ficar tristonho és tu! — Wooyoung apenas riu, saindo do local e indo entregar a maleta para o irmão da mais nova, voltando e a vendo do mesmo jeito, mas desta vez vendo algo no celular.
— Vamos?
— Vamos. Deixei mensagem para o Hendery porque tenho preguiça de ir ao escritório dele. — Seguindo o Jung, eles saíram da empresa. Wong não conseguia parar de olhar aquela maldita blusa, e muito menos quando ele trocou de roupa dentro do carro. Wong com certeza olhou tudo, todo o corpo, todas as tatuagens e piercings, até mesmo a cueca box preta da Calvin Klein.
Wong engoliu a seco, obviamente. Que homem que estava do seu lado, era inadmissível resistir a tal homem, mas o diabo de gosto por clube dele era o mais horrível possível.
Podia ser de todos os clubes, mas os dois piores para si, ele era de um. Talvez até ele suportasse se fosse do Porto, mas só talvez. Não gostava, mas suportava, pois o que gostava mesmo era o seu Sporting.
Claro que não suportaria muito tempo se fosse Portista, isso é claro, mas se ele estava a um ponto de seguir o conselho do seu amigo só que sem o diabo da blusa, ela já não duvida de nada.
Wong não disse nada referente a outras coisas sem ser o que Wooyoung começou de conversa, falando sobre o trabalho de ambos, sobretudo como a garota devia estar cansada devido a serem horas e horas fazendo coreografias novas. Quando chegaram ao supermercado, Wong pegou várias comidas, querendo pagá-las, mas Wooyoung não deixou, pagando tudo o que tinham comprado, deixando a mais nova com um bico em seus lábios.
Wooyoung quase se aproximou para selar aquele biquinho, mas aconteceu que seu despertador tocou e ele nem lembrava sequer que o possuía, e nem lembrava para o que era.
Wong claramente percebeu que tal coisa iria acontecer, mas fingiu que estava tudo normal depois daquilo, entrando dentro do carro, que logo Wooyoung deu partida para casa dele.
O Sporting tinha ganho o jogo, e Benfica tinha perdido em casa, o que com certeza era humilhante, e claro, Wong deixava ainda mais humilhante.
Zoava ele, gritava de felicidade, enquanto Wooyoung estava puto no sofá, reclamando que várias coisas deviam ter sido falta assim como amarelos que não foram dados, e nem se fala das fora de jogo que ele jura que foi, sendo que o VAR dizia que não e comprovou.
— Injusto, sabes?
— Injusto? — Wong gargalhou, tirando sua blusa num impulso enorme e jogando no japonês.
— Aqui é Sporting! E o Sporting é o nosso grande amor! — Começou a cantar e Wooyoung olhou a blusa, jogando nela de volta, levantando-se, puxando o braço da mais nova para si, voltando-se a sentar no sofá, com Wong caindo por cima de si. Ele riu fraco, ajeitando-a.
— Se tu te renderes ao inimigo, eu esqueço toda a minha raiva desse jogo injusto. — Ele tirou sua blusa, entregando-a a ela, que olhou o Jung sem acreditar.
— Só podes estar a brincar.
— Eu quero ficar contigo, mas se tu não se renderes uma vez, eu vou fazer tu te arrependeres. Vais ficar tão desesperada que assim que me ver, até abres essas pernas de tão desesperada que vai estares por mim.
— Ah, vai à merda. Que exagero.
— Tu podes bem mudar isso. Hm? — Passou sua boca pela clavícula da garota, sorrindo vitorioso ao vê-la colocar a blusa na cabeça. Wooyoung afastou sua cabeça, vendo a blusa ficar bem larga na mais nova, mas nada o deixou mais orgulhoso, beijando-a com ferocidade.
— Rendi-me ao inimigo. — Wong diz, sentindo o Jung beijar seu pescoço, mordendo-o em seguida, chupando a pele, subindo a boca em seguida até à orelha furada.
— Fizeste a escolha certa, bebé. Por mais que seja só desta vez que eu te vejo tão bonitinha com a minha camisola do Benfica.
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Leading with Joy by Cynthia Brian
Miracle Moment®
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader. ". John Quincy Adams
A Message from Founder/Executive Director, Cynthia Brian
Throughout my life, my goal has been to encourage, inspire, motivate, amuse, educate, and inform others to become the stars they were born to be. We have to see beyond our physical beings and know that we have already arrived. To do that, we need to live in the moment and cherish every second making life fun.
We have a motto at Be the Star You Are!® charity: “Read, lead, succeed!” Our volunteers exemplify the qualities of leaders as they lead with empathy, respect, and most of all, joy. If you are looking for a good book, check out honest and reliable book reviews written by our young people at http://www.btsya.com/book_reviews.
This month we are participating in two fun and rewarding events, the Moraga Community Faire and a Shoe Drive to empower women and families living in poverty. Our teen leaders are leading these events and we are proud to support their inspirational actions.
Remember you are the star of your own performance. Make life fun. Care, share, be fair.
Just be you! You are enough.
Happy Spring!
With gratitude,
Cynthia Brian
Founder/Executive Director
Be the Star You Are!®
PO Box 376
Moraga, California 94556
DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
Volunteers Ruhani, published author and radio host of Express Yourself!™ and Taylin are the teen chairpersons for the Be the Star You Are!® booth sponsored by MB Jessee Painting (https://www.mbjessee.com/) at the 2023 Moraga Faire. Come visit Us at the Moraga Community Faire and Car Show this Saturday! At the Be the Star You Are!® booth you’ll be able to plant seeds, receive a free bag of spring potpourri, buy autographed books and fresh Meyer lemons, and enjoy free cookies, thanks to MB Jessee. The event showcases live music, over 70 classic cars, a robust (and FREE) KidZone and SportZone with games, battle bots, sporting contests, animal interactions, pony rides, bounce houses, balloons, face painting, a magician and so much more! Stroll the talented Artist’s Alley while noshing on food truck fare and Loard's Ice Cream or while enjoying a local Wine, Cider, or Beer. Ride your bike to the bike valet and then thump a few “big wheels” on big vehicles!
There are so many interesting and interactive booths to see and enjoy this year. Besides visiting Us, you can stop in at booths about acupuncture, gardening, dog training, soaps, and creams, book a travel destination, or sign your trees up for fruit rescue.
Come see Us - rain or shine, at this wonderful, family-friendly event on Saturday, April 29th, 11a-4p at the Rheem Shopping Center (580 Moraga Rd) in beautiful Moraga, CA. MoragaChamber.org/CommunityFaire to check out the schedule of events!
And if you have shoes that you no longer want or need, bring them to our shoe drive.
See you at the FAIRE!!! Mark your calendars for April 29th as this is a very fun, family faire!
Moraga Faire: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/copy-of-events
Many people are unaware that 85% of consumer textiles end up in landfills, a practice that is extremely harmful to the environment. For the past 24 years, Be the Star You Are!® 501 C3 charity has been increasing literacy and saving trees by collecting thousands of new and used books and donating them to disaster relief efforts around the country. With the Russian war against Ukraine and the unprecedented natural disasters around the world, millions of people are currently experiencing difficult living conditions, and, although books are always an enlightening resource, this year Be the Star You Are!® pivoted to share the love and assist with a basic need: shoes.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, over 70% of the global population needs shoes. In collaboration with Moraga’s 5 A Rent-a-Space and Mark Hoogs State Farm Insurance, Be the Star You Are!® volunteers are launching a shoe drive to collect and ship shoes to several countries including Haiti, Pakistan, Ghana, Ukraine, and more to help lift women and families out of extreme poverty by providing a means for them to create a micro-business. These micro-entrepreneurs will be able to sell footwear at an inexpensive price from their home, a street stall, or even a tent to enhance their income and support their families.
“We are excited to launch this new micro-enterprise project. Everyone has a few pairs of wearable shoes that no longer serve us. What a wonderful opportunity to give them to those who need them and will repurpose them to benefit themselves and their communities,” says Executive Director, Cynthia Brian.  All clean, new, or gently used shoes of all sizes, boots, and work boots are wanted. No ski or snowboard boots, rollerblades, or ice skates can be accepted. “If possible, please keep pairs together by tying laces or putting a rubber band around the shoes,” continues Ms. Brian.
Be the Star You Are!® teen chairperson, Ella Kalpakjian is spearheading the shoe collection at Campolindo High School. Shoes may be dropped in the designated Campo bin beginning on April 17. If you will be attending the Moraga Faire on April 29th, shoes may be delivered to the Be the Star You Are!® booth.
From May 1- June 30th, drop shoes at these two locations:
·      Mark Hoogs
State Farm Insurance
629 Moraga Road, Moraga
·      5 A Rent-A-Space
455 Moraga Rd. #F, Moraga
With your donation of shoes, you will be sharing your love. Thank you!
For more information, visit https://www.bethestaryouare.org/shoedrive
School Post-Pandemic
by Shanzay Haris
School during COVID-19 Lockdown was really different and the most significant reason was that it was online, so when I stood in front of Hidden Hills Elementary School in person for 5th grade, I was really excited to be back! School post-pandemic lockdown was definitely different than when I remembered it at the beginning of 3rd grade. In our class, we had to ensure we always wore our masks and kept our distance. It was very hard to get used to, but after a while, I got used to it and it became "normal" school. One thing my mom said I had to do was wash my hands and take a shower after school. Now, in the present day, I am in 6th grade. At school, I see some people wearing masks and some not, since it is optional. We don’t get reminded about social distancing anymore, and other than a few people wearing masks, it is back to normal. One thing I learned from the COVID lockdown, is to appreciate what I have right now, otherwise, when things like this happen you realize what things you should have done or thought about.
Shanzay Haris is a twelve-year-old volunteer with Be the Star You Are!® who loves to read books, write, and run.
Take Time to Notice
by Karen Kitchel
Has anyone ever told you that you are awesome?  If not, how would it make you feel?
Leaving little positive messages, either verbal or written, can turn someone’s day around or create a lasting memory. No need to wait for a major accomplishment.  All it takes is time to notice.
Stop. Look. Listen. Feel. You ARE awesome!
Karen Kitchel who penned two chapters in the book, Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Gifts of Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World, is the Kindness Coordinator volunteer with BTSYA. She serves meals to the homeless and is a volunteer teacher, writer, job coach, and mentor. www.scatteringkindness.com
What Literacy Means to Me
by Kennedy Hollins
The definition of literacy is the ability to read or write, but it is so much more. Without literature, we wouldn't know as much as we do. Literature connects people from all over. Whether it's as simple as a quick paragraph posted on Facebook, or an autobiography telling the world your story as Malala Yousafzai did. Literature can date back to 2600 BC when the first piece of literature was made. Today that piece of literature gives us insight into the past history that we might not have known about it without it. Literacy enriches the mind of our youth and later allows them to provide for themselves and their families. While literature provides knowledge, it can also teach things like empathy and critical thinking.  At the end of the day, literature spreads knowledge and brings people together which is a power in itself.
Kennedy Hollins is a fifteen-year-old BTSYA volunteer in our Book Review program and is currently a sophomore in high school. When she is not reading, you can find her dancing or cooking.
Spring is time to stock up on gifts for holidays forthcoming. We have suggestions for you to shop, save, and stay safe. Please use these web sites for all of your shopping essentials.
1. Discounted books at Amazon:
2. Giving Assistant: Shop. Earn. Give! Use Giving Assistant to earn cash at 3500+ popular online stores :https://givingassistant.org/np#be-the-star-you-are-inc
3. Shop at over 1300 stores on IGIVE: http://www.iGive.com/BTSYA
4. Buy “Read, Lead, Succeed” black tanks and books at StarStyle® Store:
5. Are you a gamer, lover of new software, or other digital content? Buy all of your favorites at Humble Bundle. http://ow.ly/cYs130iN6n4e
When you want to be uplifted and informed, tune into our two radio broadcasts: StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® and Express Yourself!™ Teen Radio.
Live every Wednesday from 4-5pm PT, Cynthia Brian hosts the lifestyle program, StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® showcasing success-perts and information that will make your life enjoyable and meaningful.
On Sundays from 3-4pm PT, listen to Express Yourself!™ Teen Radio, where teens talk and the world listens. No topic is off limits and the program is uncensored and unedited. What young people are thinking, they are broadcasting.
Tune in to both programs on all platforms where you listen to podcasts and music including iTunes, Tunein, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, Spotify, and more!
Positive Results: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/positive-results
About Us: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/about_us
Programs: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/programs
How to Help: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/how-to-help
Blog: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/blog-1
Events: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/events
Contact us: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/contact
Make a DONATION through PAYPAL GIVING FUND and PAYPAL with 100% going to BTSYA with NO FEES:  https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
BE THE STAR YOU ARE!® is proud to be honored as a TOP NON PROFIT for numerous consecutive years. We THANK YOU for making that happen!
Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3 charity
PO Box 376
Moraga, California 94556
Live with Joy!
Share StarStyle® Empowerment
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layoutshare289323 · 2 years
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Sportzone - Modern Powerpoint Template
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portuguesemalemodel · 4 years
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Bernardo Lobo Faria for Sport Zone
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sportzoneua · 4 years
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☀️ Температурное лето, наступило всего несколько дней назад, но свою коварность солнце включило уже на полную. Солнечные ожоги, это очень не приятно. 😎 𝗜𝘀𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗧𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲 𝗦𝘂𝗻 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 – это клинический и тщательно изученный солнцезащитный бренд, специализирующийся на солнцезащитных кремах для спорта и активного образа жизни. Выбор №1, как спортсменов, так и мам, которые ищут безопасный солнцезащитный крем для своих детей. 👶 𝗛𝗘 СОДЕРЖИТ 𝗢𝘅𝘆𝗯𝗲𝗻𝘇𝗼𝗻𝗲! - Не оставляет следов на коже - При случайном попадании в глаза не щипает - Без запаха - Одобрен дерматологами и испытан на раздражительность ♡➡️ http://bit.ly/2WLykUZ #sunprotect #sunscreen #солнцезащитныйкрем #захиствідсонця #IslandTribe #sportzone #sportzonecomua #отдыхнаприроде #відпочинок #дитячийсонцезахиснийкрем #spf50 (Київ, Оболонь) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBQLaGnnGAk/?igshid=1odqz6l949g4v
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narakunkhmer · 5 years
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ដំណឹងដោះដូរគូ៖ ឡៅ ចន្ទ្រា ប៉ះ កងថៃលែន (ស័ក្តមុងឃុន អវត្តមាន) កូយ ឡាយ ប៉ះ វិថៈយ៉ាយុទ្ធ (វៀត ប៊ុនឌឿន អវត្តមាន) សូមពុកម៉ែបងប្អូនមេត្តាជ្រាប សូមអរគុណ..!! #CNCBOXING #SPORTZONE https://www.instagram.com/p/B1xyRXil8ef/?igshid=1q1r4gau8oih
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rawfitgames · 5 years
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Hoje às 19 horas temos encontro MARCADO. Créditos @lilia.fernand #shapnup #stayfit #sportzone #gym #decathlonMadeira #ufittest #ufittesttrainings trainings (em Teleférico Do Monte) https://www.instagram.com/p/By2pg8BHsDj/?igshid=7y7kz1lpn4a8
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laiamaillo · 7 years
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Sudadera de Sportzone (marca Deeply 🤗) . . . #artist #art #girl #sketch #sketchbook #wip #ink #draw #drawing #illustration #illustrator #art #anime #manga #cute #conceptart #sportzone #deeply #kawaii #fashion #outfit
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shapnup-blog · 7 years
Sara sjapnup's training Wherever you go... your gym is always with you... #fat #nike #justdoit #decathlon #columbia #12weekschallenge #fitness #adidas #myfimtness #funchalcity #funchal #madeiraisland #proudofmyself #photooftheday #oceanview #crossfit #fitness #instagood #trendy #cool #challenge #reebok #sportzone #kids #shapnup #toastmasters
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whatmack · 4 years
bro..... dude......... man. hit me with some brosten im starving
Matt has taken up carpentry.
Every athelete is a little bit lost after retirement (even Andrew was, much as he insisted otherwise). Neil had floundered around for months before landing, quite accidentally, his commentary job with Jeremy Knox; now he splits time between SportZone and the animal shelter down on 17th. Andrew is getting a second degree in literature. Kevin has found himself a team to coach up from overlooked potential, following in his father’s footsteps. Allison is expanding her fashion line to employ homeless minorities at several dollars above minimum wage.
And Matt has taken up carpentry.
He sends Neil progress photos of every piece he’s working on, every wobbly shelf and lopsided chest-of-drawers. Neil doesn’t know much, but seeing step-by-step how Matt is progressing has given him a mild appreciation for a well-stained finish, a smoothly beveled edge. He finds himself noticing absently how the joins in his and Andrew’s coffee table don’t match up right. How the reason that one cupboard door doesn’t like to stay closed has to do with the tilt of its hinges. 
(Andrew catches him with a screwdriver, kneeling on the counter to poke at it; he shakes his head and steals Neil’s cooling coffee. Neil sends Matt a picture of the splintered result a few hours later, and gets Matt’s kindly laughing face in response. You’ll get better, Matt says, but Neil doesn’t feel the need. He has the money to pay professionals, now.)
(That still comes strange.)
The oldest Wilds child (and haven’t there been jokes about that) is too cool to rush to the door when Neil knocks like she used to. Neil gives her a wave and heads towards the office, chasing Dan’s welcoming shout. She’s buried in papers, laptop and glasses perched haphazardly, but she extricates an arm to hug Neil around the waist and tell him her husband is in the workshop with the rest of the kids– the other three, that means, as eight-year-old Ty careens shrieking past the door, chasing a remote-controlled airplane.
(“Outside toy! Take that outside!” “Yeah okay Mom!” “I meant now!”)
Neil descends into the basement, the slight dampness that all basements have, regardless of how well finished, settling cool upon his skin. The front room is filled with boxes and toys, but through the door Neil can hear a powerful hammering. He pokes his head in.
Matt doesn’t notice him, at first. He’s got the three kids clustered around him, peering with safety-goggled eyes at the– something– he’s clamping tight to the table. (The workbench.) “We’re gonna let that set, now,” he’s saying, patting a confident hand on the pale wooden top. “Come back in oh– two hours, let’s say. Then we can flip it and see if it fits the other side.”
Two of the kids erupt into questions. The other one hangs back, frowning in concentration; Geo has always been quiet. He sees Neil waiting by the door and offers him a rare smile. Neil taps a finger to his lips and Geo ducks his head.
The smell of sawdust never meant good things to Neil, growing up. Places to hide; places to run. Places where blood spread so thick it needed to be soaked up by more than rope mops. Even now, a lifetime later, the itch of dusty pine in his nose makes him check the exits. But Matt’s children– they’ll only associate the smell with this. With their father’s smile, his steady hands. With building things. With love.
“Neil!” Matt says, finally looking up. They’re barely six feet from each other, but he throws both hands up into the air, embarrassing his kids mightily. “Just the right time, man, caught us at a stopping place! Kay, you wanna tell Uncle Neil what we’re making?”
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how-to-portuguese · 3 years
Around two weeks ago, I bought my nephew a Portugal National Football Team kit from SportZone, and right after that I went to Continente to buy myself a new infrared thermometer. A few days later, I shipped the football kit to my nephew who is located overseas. Today, I received a message from my mom saying that my nephew loves the gifts and really likes the thermometer. The thermometer I bought for myself. The thermometer that I haven’t been able to find for the last two weeks. The thermometer that I definitely did not declare on the international shipment.
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kingyooo · 5 years
So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #sportzone #underarmour: https://posh.mk/pUNSM5I5OZ
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queensorayamangal · 6 years
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Mississauga set to host NBA G League Showcase (Peel Region Review) Check out this article in the Peel Region Review: 
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sportzoneweb-blog · 6 years
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🎄🎁Looking for the best Christmas gift? Check this out! ⠀ 🚴🏻 COLUMBIA 1952, 26-INCH MEN’S RETRO TANK CRUISER BICYCLE ⠀ 🎯Follow us: @sportz.one | www.sportz.one ⠀ 💰Shop here: http://www.sportz.one/product/columbia-1952-26-inch-mens-retro-tank-cruiser-bicycle/ ⠀ Price: $250.09 ⠀ Manufactured from quality high-tensile steel for long-lasting durability. No Plastic on this bike! Coaster brakes allow the bicycle to roll forward without pedaling and the cable-free design gives the bike a clean, uncluttered appearance ⠀⠀ #sportzone #sports #health #sportswear #instasports #outdoorsports #cycling #cyclinglife #instacycling #bicycling #lovecycling #cyclingadventures #adventurecycling #cyclinglove
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sportzoneua · 4 years
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⛈Первый день лета выдался не особо солнечным, но мы уверены, что солнца ☀️☀️ будет очень много в этом году. Именно по этому Лучшие солнцезащитные кремы для водных видов спорта Island Tribe уже который год представлена в нашем магазине. 🏄🏼‍♂️🏄🏽🏄🏻‍♂️🏄🏾‍♀️ The first day of summer with the Island Tribe #SportZone #солнцезащитныйкрем # #islandtribe (Київське море) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5vfKCHa78/?igshid=ppz7hep0dt19
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rawfitgames · 4 years
Testemunho Uspecial DETOX de @anapaulagouveiacardoso. Uspecial DETOX um produto da Ufittest.com #adidasoriginals #adidas #panda4x4tours #sportzone #puma #pt #fitnessmotivation #fitnesshut #solinca #fitnessfactory #fit #ufittest #rawfit (em Ufittest Sports and Events) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAu0qJ6HNHi/?igshid=ffbtlmytdfkv
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