smoothie03 · 10 days
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Hercules AU - Spamano
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lordofspamano · 4 months
Casa de lágrimas
An angsty Spamano mini-fiction
By me
He served him the meal that would be his last.
The candles gave the room a light that was as red as lucifer's eyes. The glow of the silver plates on Antonio's face was golden, and so was his smile as he looked at the steaming gazpacho that Lovino had made him.
"Wow, this is delicioso, Lovino." Said Antonio, savouring the neapolitan's cooking of his own recipe. "If you were to be like this every day, serviceable and still with your invincible charm, which the grace of our lord has bestowed upon you, blessed he His name, and if I would have you next to me, in this hall by fire lit, there would be no happier man between hell or heaven that I."
He turned to look at the neapolitan. Lovino saw him, in his red tunic and decorated white neck, along with the gleaming Cruz de Santiago over his heart. His eyes were honest.
Lovino left the room in silence, and in silence he wept, hidden, embraced by the shadows underneath the gargantuan halls that bore the infinite decorations of the spanish's taste. All the saints and martyrs, in their clothes of gold, with tears of blood in their eyes. Even if they were unbound from earth, their faces were ones of the deepest, most boiling anguish.
In the distance, a man fell over a leaden plate, and then on the table, shaking, gasping, though God would not give him one more breath.
"Ayuda... Joder... Ay-agh... Ay..."
But it was all silent. In silence he wailed. And in silence, they wept.
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tomatolovers · 4 years
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lets see if turmblr doesnt report it now ugh
uncensored version in my twitter @nyadia_
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❤ Spain x Romano Valentines Day Event 2020 ❤
This year event will be different as I am not able to organize a gift exchange. However I would like to invite you all to celebrate Valentines Day with a little love for our two beloved characters.
How to participate:
1. Make any type of spamano fanwork (art, fic, cosplay, crafts, etc) with the theme Valentines Day.
2. Post it with the tag #spamanovalentinesday on February 14th.
3. Optional: dedicate it to your (chosen) valentine! A friend, lover, that person that got you into spamano, a new friend you met, anyone! Even to Spain and Romano themselves~ Maybe write a little not on why you love them too.
All works will be featured in this blog, and I will be eternally grateful to you for participating~
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pillow-ghost-nan · 4 years
Because I’m a spamano trash and I think I’ve read way too many fanfictions than I should have.
I will try to keep this list updated. If you know some good story that isn’t here let me know. Also if there’s anything wrong with the sources feel free to message me too
All of our flaws by lastdreamofmysoul
Antonio is a man whose world revolves around anyone but himself. Lovino is a man with dreams bigger than a job behind a drugstore counter. Antonio is broken; Lovino is incomplete. Will a chance meeting lead them to mending their cracks and finding their missing pieces? Human AU, trigger warning for self-harm. - Ongoing
Credo by Cameron Kennedy
AU, 1502. Fueled by revenge, Lovino Vargas hasn't failed an assassination job yet - but when a new Spanish captain comes to Rome, killing the unorthodox Antonio Carriedo might just be the death of him.
The lemon tree by StarsMadeinHeaven
AU Lovino didn't want to be a slave in that scary mansion. He needed to break free. The fight for independence, however, is a difficult path, and falling in love with the man that destroyed his life doesn't make things any easier.
This fanfiction is just absolutely beautiful. Everything is just 10/10
The Many Personalities of Spain by Writer-Girl-19
England casts a spell to rid himself of Spain. As expected it goes wrong; leaving Romano to deal with the many personalities of Spain. That sounds like a normal day for Romano, right? It would be if the personalities not had their own personifications. - Ongoing
And the Birds Sing No More by Burlesque Romantique
"Don't ever leave me." Lovino said nothing. He allowed the tense heaviness to settle among his shoulders, tighten his lungs, and spread between the space from where he stood to where Antonio was seated lethargically. Antonio's gaze sharpened. Lovino, inclining his head slightly, whispered, "I won't." Spamano, AU
Bottoms Up! by Sunny Day in February
Follow Lovino on his weird and, well, at least quite interesting trip around Europe in order to find out some of the greatest secrets ever about himself, Europe, tomato-shaped alarm clocks and the past of his lovely, but complicated Spanish partner.
This one is just hilarious. It is a bit silly but will definitely make you laugh from the beginning to end.
Softness and Light by betka23
AU. Odrzucany przez bliskich licealista Lovino nieoczekiwanie otrzymuje pomoc od swojego nauczyciela. Choć nie chce się do tego przyznać, coraz bardziej zależy mu na uczuciach Antonia. Spamano, zawiera także lekki FrUK i GerItę.
Translation: Lovino is a high school student rejected by his relatives. All of the sudden he receive help from his teacher, Antonio. Even though he doesn’t want to admit that he cares more and more about Antonio’s feelings. Spamano. FrUK and GerIta mentioned.
So this one is in Polish. If you don’t mind reading with a Google Translate help then I really recommend it. It’s short but it’s an amazing story.
Secret Tunnels from Madrid to Sicily by PrincessSmuttButt
When Antonio Fernández Carriedo begins work as a professor at a prestigious university in Britain, one of his students, a Sicilian boy who goes by the name Romano, immediately catches his eye. He is a clearly gifted writer, who closes himself off in the wake of a dark and painful history. Even wrapped in his darkness, pushing everyone away, Toni finds himself determined to bring out the potential within Romano...They drag each other into a passionate, inevitable affair--doomed, they know, to end in flames.
A very beautiful and mature story. It’s also amazingly written. I cried like little shit at the end.
Tesoro Mio by spinyfruit
Antonio’s the charming, handsome farmer with an infuriating Spanish accent, and Lovino is the mysterious wine entrepreneur who comes and goes. When Antonio falls in love, he throws society, expectations, and religion to the wayside, but can a strict Catholic like Lovino do the same?
We the Dreamers by TheGoliathBeetle
New York City, 1940: Antonio is a recently arrived refugee from Spain, a scarred soldier with firm political convictions. For Lovino, everything is pointless and nothing ever lasts. The two of them live, love and dream desperately, as World War Two threatens to take it all away.
Greasy by evetnt
Summer time 1955, a mechanic equally as hot as the weather had been fixing up Lovino's car for what felt like forever and their fascination with each other grows passed auto-shit and sandwiches even as the pressure from Lovino's over-protective grandfather and greaser/soc gangs rise. -ongoing
Tight Rope by TheFreakZone
Rich, spoiled kid Lovino Vargas hates pirates. Pirate captain Antonio Carriedo hates rich, spoiled kids. None of them ever thought they could feel something different from hatred towards one another. However, Fate seems to have different plans for them, and twists their lives in unexpected ways. -ongoing
Breathless in the Atmosphere by Spinyfruit
Antonio only needed money for marble. He needed to make his art. And a chance encounter on the subway offers him a job as a male escort. It was just for the money. He could stop anytime he wanted to. Really.
The Space Between the Balconies by Spinyfruit
There's a space between the balconies, where glances are stolen, smoke flies, and dreams wander. Lovino draws the blinds, and Antonio opens his windows. They see each other sometimes.
Left me crying like a little baby. This is one of my favourite spamano fanfiction. It’s short but absolutely powerful and touching
Dance with me by StarsMadeinHeaven
AU. Lovino Vargas started taking tango lessons completely by accident. Who would have thought that one day he wouldn't mind those hands roaming over his body? That he would be dancing with his teacher as if there was no one in the room but the two of them? -ongoing
Bésame Mucho   by George deValier
WW2 AU. Lovino Vargas only ever wanted something exciting to happen in his boring, everyday Italian village existence. He never expected war, Resistance, love, passion, treason, or a cheerful, confusing, irritatingly attractive Spanish freedom fighter. -ongoing
Ok, I am very aware that everyone knows about this fanfiction but still I couldn’t resist
Numbered Lithograph by youaremarvelous
AU Spain x Romano. When Lovino starts attending art school with his brother he finds his most important lesson doesn't come from his professors, but from a culinary student at a sister school: sometimes the flaws hold the beauty.
Good Vibrations by The Cilantro Family
Lovino wasn't a fun guy to talk to, he knew this very well. When he signed he was speaking, not putting on a show. Usually his expression represented what he was feeling, rather than what he was saying. But this guy, for some reason, was different. He acted like he wanted to talk to Lovino even though Lovino had nothing interesting to say, and no interesting way to say it.
Oh boy, this fanfiction is one of the best things that happened to me. Absolutely recommend
One shots/ Two shots/ short stories:
Before the Snow Falls by Spinyfruit
Lovino, jersey number nine, right winger. He was ready to pass the ball, ready to set up the win, but Antonio, opposite team, center fielder, was ready too. Someone thought, and someone didn't, and they crashed. Hard. A few months later, Lovino's on crutches, Antonio has scholarships, and they have to deal with the aftermath of what happened. —Spamano, two-shot.
Liar by starshards
Spain cannot resist Romano, even though he hates himself for it.
Fool by faerichylde
Spain really was a fool. Otherwise he wouldn't have wanted Romano so badly. After all, fools always want what they don't have.
Rebels in a Sleeping City by konstellasjon
"I felt like we were in limbo, two blindingly awake rebels in this sleeping city. I didn't know your reasons for being up and about. But, you were, and so was I, grinning at you like it was going out of fashion."
Light by annapotterkiku
Lovino was convinced that he didn't have a soulmate.
25 MPH by writingandchocolatemilk
"Any reason you were driving fifteen miles under the speed limit?"
Officer Vargas frowned. "Yeah, sure. Willing to take a breathalyzer test?"
"No!" Gilbert stumbled out of the car. "That is a bullshit request! Because if you don't, Antonio—"
"I'll shoot you," Officer Vargas muttered, and Antonio wasn't sure he actually heard that. He doesn't think he was supposed to. "Sorry, do you want to take the test, instead?"
Five Times Romano Unintentionally Made Spain Blush by darkhue
...and one time he did it on purpose.
Conversations on Cups by orphan_account
Lovino is not particularly fond of his job: working in a coffee shop can get infuriating, with the long orders and hard to spell names. But frustration at one customer has melded into friendship, and even that’s beginning to shift.
Leading the Blind by steingasse
Lovino Vargas’s life was simple, tedious, and a functional amount of lonely. Then one day a hung-over stranger broke in and passed out on his couch.
Door to Door by Canadino
Do not open the door. It could be a zombie, an unwanted boyfriend of your brother's, or a persistant salesman by the name Antonio Carriedo.
Chalk Dust by counterheist
Lovino Vargas (grandson, philosophy graduate, teacher, brother, man): 1. Fate: a lifetime. It’s a start.
The Spaniard and Death by Oboeist3
The tale of a young reaper, a heavy soul, and perhaps a bit of love.
whose thing is this anyway by ShippingEverything
In which Lovino and Antonio get their clothes, among other things, mixed up
Lovers by fuckingtomatoes
Antonio loved him. He loved everything about him
Language Barrier by TheFreakZone
Even though he doesn't understand him, Antonio loves talking to Lovino in Spanish. Lovino doesn't say it, but he loves it too.
It’s a story based on a prompt that Antonio thought that Lovino doesn’t know any Spanish so he kept saying many filthy things because he was sure that Lovi did not understand. Oh boy was he wrong Super cute and hot
Non Omnis Moriar by Burlesque Romantique
Antonio knew that once someone is bitten, they're dead after dying. So all he can do is run.
Unrighteous by SnowyWolff
Lovino has been unrighteously charged for crimes he did not commit and has been sent to teach at a remote northern Magical College. There, he meets Antonio, who makes the never-ending cold a little warmer.
Lifeline by antiheroics
AU (human names used); Suicidal Lovino Vargas makes a suicide pact online with equally suicidal Antonio. They meet, they get mistaken for a couple out on a date, they drink a lot of badtasting vodka, and Lovino begins to wonder not so much if he wants to kill himself, but if he wants Antonio to.
32 Thursdays by counterheist
Antonio is a physics student in love. To Lovino’s embarrassment, so is he.
Aroma by Jacquzy  
This is how it happens; how Antonio Fernández Carriedo comes to fall in love with the sweet-scented child seven years his junior.
Progression by Horribibble
When the Vargas Famiglia lost its Don, Lovino was abruptly faced with all of his nightmares. The worst of which wants nothing more than to give him a kiss.
A Trip To The Cinema by lullabyemyuu
Surrounded by the ruins of the ruined cinema, an elderly Lovino both remembers and forgets.
I wouldn't if I were you by starshards
Romano comes to the shocking realisation that people actually think that Spain is attractive.
Cupcake by writingandchocolatemilk
"No, Lovino!" Feliciano pointed, tears evaporating. "It's a dog!"
"What?" Lovino looked around. "That's a fucking bear."
"Lovino," Antonio hissed, "be respectful! No swearing!"
"Shi—sorry. Antonio, look at that dog." Lovino pointed. "Look, it's a bear."
Ludwig leaned closer. "That's a newfoudland."
Lovino scowled at him. "That's a bear."
Disgustingly Sweet by Sunny Day in February
We all have this urge sometimes.
El Despertar by Tyranno's girl
Or 'The Awakening'. This world is filled with many strange things, people, and occurrences. Once must always be careful of who they put their trust into; everyone has a dark secret behind the mask they don in the day.
Spostare by Canadino
She was just one girl, one body in the whole human race, that made him realize he was undeniably, helplessly attracted to Antonio; and she was the one who stole Antonio's heart away. High school AU, onesided Spain/Romano
How It Is by counterheist
This is how it is in the house of the never-setting sun.
on the dimensionality of an n-night stand by counterheist
Antonio is the one night stand who just won’t leave.
Diplomat's Son by writingandchocolatemilk
Lovino is content to let Antonio touch him. Antonio is happy to do this, and he runs his hands up Lovino's sides, relishing at the feeling of skin against skin, at the quick heartbeat he can feel. His head spins and Lovino pulls him into another kiss.
"Oh, Lovino," Antonio murmurs.
"What?" he asks, sharp, but that just makes Antonio's heart melt. "Take off your shirt. I'm not going to be the only one naked."
"Yes, sir." Antonio laughs.
A Sprinkler of Disaster by SnowyWolff
Lovino comes home one day and the surprise that waits for him behind the door is not exactly what he had expected
Baile Con La Bula by Wendigo Heart
Romano thought the bulls were actually rather pathetic, allowing themselves to be slain. It was the matador’s control that really ignited his passion. But he would forever deny a certain matador’s passion; Romano refused to be his bull to slay -The original source was deleted...  That was hell of a good fanfiction
The Art of Flying by The Goliath Beetle
They're both a little bit damaged, a little bit unscathed. Lovino can only truly see the world when Antonio describes it to him. Words can be magical, words can drive the darkness away.
Exasperation by ReinMaker
Lovino reflects on how it came to this, thanks to himself and his mother-in-law.
PWP/Porn with some plot/basically smut
Praise by learninghowtosmut
Tumblr request for praise kink, ft blindfolds and gross sappy adoration
Six Times Romano Failed at Seducing Spain (And One Time He Unintentionally Succeeded) by sapphiire moon  
Spain is sick and tired of Romano constantly flirting in front of him, and so he decides to punish Romano by not having sex with him anymore. Romano does not like this at all, and he's determined to win his way back into Spain's bed (and heart) through seduction. Awkward, awkward seduction.
A Way to Say I Love You by sapphiire moon  
Spain and Romano's first time
With No End in Sight by stardropdream (orphan_account)
It's hot and Antonio is distracted.
For The First Time In A Long Time by Chaosride
Antonio has been hunting like this as long as he's been a vampire. Human's were more ripe during sex, and the bite was pleasurable anyway, as long as he didn't drink too much, but this times a little different. He picked up an Italian in a bar, expecting a quick meal.
Beautiful by   Chaosride  
A tumblr prompt requested Spamano BDSM
Give and Take by mareepysheepy
After hundreds of years in the making, Romano is in what he would grudgingly call a relationship with Spain. At least he thinks he is. He's really not sure. Weren't relationships meant to be about mutual give, and take, after all?
Jesus Christ I think this is the best written smut I’ve ever seen
Spirito Di Punto by starshards
After Romano's driving skills send another car to super-car heaven, his boss decides that it's time for him to have something much more modest. Luckily for Romano, Spain's there to help him learn how to appreciate it.
Like a Virgin by The Cilantro Family
Antonio's never had sex before. Lovino walks him through it.
Great spamano writers:
Basically almost all of their fanfictions and great, I just didn’t want to put them all on the list
sapphiire moon  (aka best spamano smut writer you can ever find)
StarsMadeinHeaven (former Happymood)
writingandchocolatemilk  (basically tons of amazing spamano one-shots)
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So someone on discord decided it would be a god idea for me to make a cursed image with the two images above. I do not regret it (maybe).
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lost--siren · 5 years
Hi! I’ve been looking for this fic for a long time. I can not for the life of me remember what it is called! 😫
Summary : If he hadn't dropped that necklace ... would any of this have ever happened? How could something that small lead to something this big? Was it Fate's hand that set dominoes? Was it really a simple mistake that caused the first to fall? Who could have known going back to pick up the necklace could have led to a life unknown?
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sour-lemmi · 5 years
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Finally able to make a post, had this kissing Spamano still in my SAI folder so I decided to finish it up, plus I dedicate it to a thank you to a friend who helped out in a dire situation <3
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noritakao-blog · 5 years
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“Lovi , will you marry me ?” 
Aww , They will be a beautiful couple
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hetagaeru · 7 years
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oneoftheoddones · 7 years
Headcanon: Antonio attempting to woo Lovina by serenading her with the song “Angelina” by Lou Bega with him changing the Angelina part with “Oh Lovina” 
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lordofspamano · 2 months
Song of Songs, Song of Sorrows | An angsty spamano drabble
Historical context that is not necessary but that might be interesting. The procession that Antonio and Lovino refer to is the Semana Santa (Holy week) processions that became popular in early 16th century Spain, as an exteriorization of the people's faith with the intention of combatting the rise of protestantism. The Song of Songs is an erotic text that is part of the bible in catholic canon, and many different thinkers have argued about its meaning. However, the relationship between mystic ecstasy and erotic feeling is one present throughout poetry, kabbalistic teachings, and other texts present in the Abrahamic branch of religions. When Antonio refers to Nuestra Señora, he means Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, a representation of the Virgin Mary. Shaving and bathing was common among monks, particularly in the days previous to the Holy Week. In this text, both Antonio and Lovino are franciscans.
In the hall, barren of sanctity, the Spanish friar stood by the door; his tongue caressed his lips as the poetry of the Song of Songs unfolded, like a carpet full of relics at the feet of the neapolitan. “How beautiful you are, my friend. How beautiful! Your eyes are doves!” Lovino clenched his teeth, but did not turn to look at him. “Brother Antonio, I ask that you do not interrupt me…” he said, though his mind had swiftly flown away from prayer. “I am sorry, brother,” Antonio replied with a smile, approaching and sitting next to him. “But since the images of *Nuestra Señora* have been taken for the procession, I find myself in great trouble. I need to center my unquiet eyes in the thing of beauty so that my prayers may reach our Father. And you, my friend, are in which I find such beauty…” Lovino looked at him; his first instinct was to reply with the snap of an insult, yet he remained silent as his brow arched in confusion. Antonio continued. “The red in your face, your pomegranate cheeks, reminds me of the unbridled love that one must feel for our Lord.” Antonio extended his hand to reach him, but did not. “What is this, brother?” questioned Lovino, rising up from the bench. The Spanish’s face soured in sadness. He murmured an apology, shook his head, and rose to leave, but the neapolitan caught his arm. Their eyes linked for a moment.
The touch of the razor on his chin was colder than the embrace of the river, but Lovino stood still as Antonio shaved him; the cold was not which made him unquiet. The water reached up to their knees, and they had no clothes to hide their bodies. The warmth of the other man’s body, too close to his own, forced Lovino to shut his eyes in an attempt to keep unwanted thoughts at bay. He shivered when he felt Antonio’s breath too close to him, and came to his mind the passage when God exhaled life into the wild things many years ago. When he looked again, he saw Antonio’s eyes trembling with madness, as if those hazel lanterns licked his body from his legs to his crown. “You truly are the face of God, Lovino…” And the Spanish put his hand on his waist. Lovino’s body heaved, heaved with attraction; the sign of lust was visibly present not only in him, but also in the Spanish, and the rushing of the blood was followed by the breaking of the tears. “No! I have brought you into lust!” screamed Lovino, pushing Antonio back. “Do not look at me, for I have corrupted your soul. Do not adore me! I am but the son of filth!” He ran down the river, away from the Spanish. Antonio looked at him with his hands facing upwards, like carrying the body of a tortured passion. His soul bled through his eyes.
A penitent joined the procession not much later, tearing and biting at his skin with a black bullwhip, covering his shame with the mix of blood and sweat.
“The Lord has rejected his altar, spurned his sanctuary; He has handed over to the enemy the walls of its strongholds. They shout in the house of the Lord as on a feast day.”
Thus was read from the book of Lamentations. The man cried, and the cell, cold and solitary, was barren of sanctity.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Thank you so much for reading! If you liked this drabble, perhaps you will enjoy my other Spamano story, Perchance to Dream. https://archiveofourown.org/works/51143776
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tomatolovers · 4 years
Spamano Reincarnation AU where they fall in love in every life.
It would be a nostalgic and bittersweet fic or comic in many chapters narrated from their soul point of view.
In some lives their relationship works, in others it doesnt.
In some life they got killed for being gay. In other they had to watch the other one marry someone else and break their hearts. In later ones they finally married. Also war times, death of one of them, coffe shop lifetime, etc. They may also change gender and in rare ones their love is platonic, may be family and best friends.
And when they die their souls meet and they sit to remember the lives they’ve shared together, and realizing theyre soul mates.
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Would anyone be interested on another exchange next year???
Another Spamano Secret Valentines for february 2020??
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chomametchi · 7 years
You are so great person and I really like talking to you 🌌
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zanviscreater3-blog · 7 years
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I never knew I needed you (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/XY1TrPS94D America has convinced 9 of his country friends to go on vacation with him, America asked France to plan them something seeing he was too busy getting all his work done for the vacation. But France has some plans of his own, when the boys get on the cruise ship France got them tickets for it turns out its a couples curse and now they have to sit through 3 weeks of couple stuff, will new relationships blossom?
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