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Kinda feeling like this Halloween pic deserves a permanent spot on the squares. 🤔 Porter was taking the photo and I’m guessing said some clever comment. Going out on a limb here... also guessing I was not amused. 🤷‍♀️
But look at that guy next to me. I started my day today by breaking our garage door AND cursing in front of the kids AND getting them to school late. Mom fail. Wife fail. Homeowner fail. Driver fail. Person fail. Want to know what he did when I told him all these things? He chuckled and said it wasn’t THAT bad. Our faces probably looked a lot like they do in this photo. He pointed out all the things I do successfully, which often go unnoticed by me. He got right to work fixing the mess I made. I got right in the shower, because washing hair and shaving legs has a way of making me feel like I have it together even when I don’t.
While I was in there I was thinking of all the times my crazy came to the surface, waving it’s flag, and he greeted it like an old friend.
The time I got to Target and realized I was out of gas? Oh hi friend, go ahead and shop. You’ll leave there with a full tank.
That time I ordered a couch for the upstairs without measuring the doorways? Oh hey friend. I will deconstruct this furniture and door frame and put it all back together to make this work.
That time I called him because the minivan was stolen? Oh hi friend, I can see you need a gentle reminder that you drove the truck and the minivan is in the garage.
That time I went out for a gallon of milk and came back with a kitten? Okaaaay friend... whatever.
That time a wasp stung my rump 3 times and I ended up mooning everyone on the trail? No big deal friend, now all these people know how fine that behind is.
The countless times I’ve called him when he’s away worried about a vibe I was getting or something I read or a paint color or a fever? Hey friend. I don’t worry because I trust your instincts. You should, too.
❤️ I keep him on his toes. He keeps my heart light. I think we have a good thing going.
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angelbabebeauty · 5 years
#shefears #godisnotdead #theprincenessisnotasdarkasonethinksheis 💋💫🧛🏻‍♀️🧛🏻‍♂️🖤❄️💔🥀🌹🦋#theblackbutterfly #whoisnotstill #wanted #justforbeing #soulgrowing #depressed #angelwings #mimes #likemine #plzzz #theyareall #justwhatcreates #themostperfect #icesculptures #sculptherwounds #jumpofff #intothecoldwinterpools ... https://www.instagram.com/p/BuW8-1nFZ-x/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mwa4lma733vk
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catastrophe-jones · 2 years
He Wonders
He used to wonderif he would find someonewho would wade the river of his soulgrow tan in the sun of his loveallow him to want,recklessly and desperately,completelylet him take holdwith a desire so fierceit left an ache with every heartbeat,every pulseHe used to wonderif he would find someonewho would follow him anywhereeverywhereeven places they should notcould not gomight they forge a…
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carolsharks-blog · 6 years
The kids are gonna love this. I’m putting together instruments to have a ghost band at the party tmrw lol #montauk (at Camp SoulGrow Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpababkFaGFM_kupVMI7gWGpkDHf_JCA-uyaeo0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17zo9vabm3qsn
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Do you hear that voice? Do you trust it?
I hope you said yes. Coming from someone obsessed with words, that means a lot.
I have been collaborating with some friends on casting visions & setting goals for 2020... and I’ll admit... I am slow to find my stride. This year. Every year, maybe. I’ve always been a late bloomer and I may change that someday, but right now I’m fine with it. 💁‍♀️
“So... WHY... Rodan + Fields?” came up. Honestly? I have difficulty putting it into words. It’s a million tiny things, and also some really big things. It only seems right to give each of those their due spotlight in due time. The bottom line is: I feel drawn to it. I have from the moment I read an article about R+F in Forbes years and years ago. That pull, that voice that doesn’t use words? Intuition, gut feeling, Spirit... it hasn’t led me wrong. In fact, it always elevates me. Always always always.
When we felt drawn to move to the Pacific Northwest 4 years ago, we looked up the cost of living and wondered if this was the right thing to do. Jared’s income wasn’t doubling, but our mortgage was. He never doubted. I never doubted. I knew that if God was calling us somewhere, it wasn’t to struggle financially. Life has enough struggles without inviting more. I just knew things would work out. Maybe we’d find a killer deal on a house. Maybe politicians would stop dipping into funds meant for salary. Maybe I’d write a wildly successful book series. Maybe I’d learn to thrive on a smaller budget. I didn’t know how it would work out, but I didn’t have to! We were in good hands. When R+F came along, I didn’t recognize it as an opportunity to build a meaningful stream of income until my first paycheck in my first month of business. $427. Yep. As someone who hadn’t brought in a paycheck in over a decade, that was pretty exciting! I immediately wondered how many people I knew that were praying for an extra $400 that month. I wondered how many people wanted to be home more with their kids but couldn’t. I wondered if I could build a full-time income from home. And felt drawn to keep wondering. Keep growing. Keep sharing. Keep being part of this.
So there you have it. It’s hard to put myself out there. It’s hard to be judged. It’s hard to work from home, frankly. (I’ll work on that after the laundry’s done... spoiler: the laundry is never done.) There are harder things, though. I will choose the hard that lifts me and others up every day of the week and twice on Sunday. I hope you do, too. ✨ xo
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The bleak midwinter decorating tip no one is asking me for: get yourself a string of lights. This tree lives by the family room window, and that bit of glow peeking in makes all the difference. I put these lights up for a party years ago and they’re never coming down! I love these cold, wet, grey days except when I don’t. Then I’m reminded that sometimes a girl needs to make her own magic. ✨
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“Talana, it’s not cool to post pictures of dark, messy rooms on Insta. Especially taken from outside, weirdo.” I know. But here’s the thing. We’ve been home more than usual the last few days. When six kids (and a scatterbrained mama who’s tidy husband is gone, again...) live in a house, it looks, well... lived in. I don’t know where I got the idea that if I truly had it together, my house wouldn’t have projects left to do in every room or so many friggin fingerprints on the windows... but that, on top of some other things, have got me feeling all “less than” lately. So I was out sweeping the porch and watering flowers (as one does at 9 pm). 
I glanced up and saw this little corner of my life from the outside, and a wave of peace and joy rushed over me. I’m so grateful to have this house so full of active people and animals I completely adore. I’m so grateful to have a dresser piled with books I haven’t read yet. I’m so grateful I have so many ideas to bring charm to this house that I run out of time to do them all. I’m so grateful my kitchen is sticky with root beer and ice cream dribbles because the kids made their own and it’s a tradition we have every Sunday. I could go on and on. Not preaching... just a reminder to myself that my greatest blessings tend to challenge me and I wouldn’t have it any other way. 💛
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Do you watch Jimmy Fallon? It’s one of the few things on tv we enjoy as a family. As we are prepping for school to start next week and feeling all the jitters that come with it... I remind my kids why they like Jimmy Fallon so much. It’s because he is so interested in everyone who sits next to his desk. He wants to make THEM look good. If he was up there always trying to be the most interesting or better... it would be, well... like watching middle school on stage. (No thanks.) Filed Under: Confidence Hack
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I recently had to choose between two really good, really important things. Both options felt “right”... I just needed to make a decision! (Why is that so hard?!) So, as most of my beautiful R+F sisters are packing their blinged up cowgirl boots and heading to Nashville for convention to pour into one another this week... I’m here doing my usual mom thing. Part of that job is making kids feel special... and this one has a birthday I didn’t want to miss! AND since Jared has a work trip piggy-backing on convention week as well... I want to be here for my family. (Luckily I can tune in virtually and still get all the latest training on our newest product launch then turn around to bake a birthday cake.) The really beautiful thing? The days of choosing between a paycheck and family are over! I’m so grateful for this business! 💛
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That’s my handsome husband there on the right. Whenever he tells people about his job, he tends to focus on all the cool stuff he gets to do, like this. He would NEVER say it, but the truth is, he’s kind of a big deal. He serves and protects when duty calls, then trains on serving and protecting so he’s ready when needed. Our country is going through some hard times, but these guys here just put their heads down and keep serving, regardless of politics or public opinion. ❤️
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As of today there are TWELVE weeks left in the year. How do you feel about that? As I revisited the vision board I made for this year, I haven’t accomplished ALL the things I set out to do. But I’m becoming the type of person who CAN accomplish those things, which is kind of the point, right? I do much better when I focus on what I CAN do, rather than what I can’t. In 12 weeks, I can: * Strengthen my core with daily planking. * Eat vegetables 4x per day. * Call mom 12 times. * Read the entire New Testament if I read 5 pages a day. * House train a puppy. * Earn between $200 and $5,000 in bonuses with my company. * Keep up with my household by following the holiday cooking & cleaning calendar I created. * Pray daily over a family who needs a miracle. What are you working on? And what helps you stay focused and empowered?
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One thing that sets my faith apart from others is that we believe a prophet lives on the earth today. I would probably think that’s kind of strange if I didn’t grow up with this teaching. Listen, I learn so much from other faiths - there is so much goodness and truth enriching my life deeply that doesn’t come from my church pulpit. I realized during general conference today that I have no problem recognizing truth and goodness. I find it everywhere! I need help in knowing what I should pay the most attention to. I am thankful for a prophet! These words shook me a little. Walk tall! Your very nature is DIVINE. 💗 “You are literally the spirit daughters of Heavenly Parents, and nothing can separate you from Their love or the love of your Savior... Be a light to those around you. Be the source of love and care you are hoping to receive from others.” (Bonnie H. Cordon)
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“Imagine life is a game in which you are juggling five balls. The balls are called work, family, health, friends, and integrity. And you're keeping all of them in the air. But one day you finally come to understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four balls...are made of glass. If you drop one of these, it will be irrevocably scuffed, nicked, perhaps even shattered.” -James Patterson from “Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas” ✅ Alignment check. 
This was last night. On a Zoom training while cleaning up the kitchen, then opened my laptop to place some orders while waiting for the kettle to boil. Poe tried to keep me from moving again, and Lucy wandered out of bed wanting to be held. I’m thankful my business is already set up as that rubber ball. I can catch up on training. Skincare can wait a sec. My business ALWAYS bounces back as soon as I have a free hand. Thank you for supporting me in this! ❤️
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Episode 372 of Talana’s late night thoughts. First of all, my big kids don’t like me to post about them much... but I do anyway sometimes. 
That’s Porter there, up on the hill by the cow. 🐮 I just LOVE this town, and the fact that kids will inevitably run by cattle at some point. 💚 Running has caused Porter to push his limits, which has effected other aspects of his life. Pretty cool to see. Another thing, not pictured. The football team came to the fields to cheer on cross country today. Football is a big deal in this town, as most places. It isn’t just one kid winning, but several. When they win, the whole town wins. Cross country simply isn’t that, nor is it an entertaining game to watch... so for these kids to come support other athletes says a lot about them and their parents and their coaches. 💛 
One more thing. I didn’t know this about cross country meets, but the kids are almost unrecognizable by the end. They are covered in sweat and dirt. They spit a lot. Sometimes worse. They sometimes change colors. They can’t speak, and are just grasping for air. As soon as they have a voice, they use it to encourage other runners in a big way. Not just their school, but every. Single. Runner. Especially the ones struggling. Anyway, it felt like church out there on the field today. It reminded me how important it is to surround yourself with people who get it. "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles... The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming... who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” (Theodore Roosevelt)
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Do you ever have feelings of inadequacy? Or feel like God is being quiet? I do. I was thinking about this today, and it occurred to me that I will NEVER feel like this is it, like I have arrived at my human goals destination, perfectly aligned with God’s will. I kind of chuckled, as the thought made me feel light-hearted (merry, you might say) rather than heavy. For this very reason, the fact that we NEED a Savior, is WHY we celebrate Christmas! It’s easy for that concept to land in my brain but not find the path to my heart with the many distractions and demands that come with the hustle and bustle. (HOW is the first week of December over already?! 😩) Christmas had such a humble beginning because a stable is the only place that had room. What a great reminder to me that this is where all greatness comes from. A place that has simply prepared HIM room. ❤️✨🎄
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While waiting in line at the movie theater concessions today, I heard a man standing there with his wife & kids say to the cashier (who has what my kids called “epic” hair), “Bro, you model or something? You got it going on!” and it keeps bringing a smile to my face! I’m setting a goal to give compliments more freely. 🥰 It brightened MY day and all I did was observe. Positivity is so powerful! “...be not weary in well doing.” 2 Thessalonians 3:13
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