#soul tails
evilmoka · 2 years
Spoopy sketch
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tompiscininha · 6 months
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Soul Tails and Defender Tails
(Idk was I was thinking but I think it came out really nice)
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virtualparanoia · 8 months
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the eat shit and die brothers
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bellespawn · 10 months
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reposting this old Vs. Sonic.EXE art since it’s the anniversary again (and since i wasn’t on tumblr a year ago). could be a lot better but eh, that’s what happens when something you made hits a year old. still proud of it though since i don’t do group shots very often. maybe i’ll remake it one of these days.
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multi-fandomsfreak · 6 months
Hi, It’s me the anon that requested the Xenophanes x Demon Reader that was friends with Fleeway.
I have another idea 💡
So continuing on from my previous request let’s say reader and Xeno are just hanging out and somehow Sonic stumbled into Xeno’s dimension and he sees the reader next to Xeno and he freaks out because he thinks Reader is Amy so he runs up and grabs Reader trying to save them from Xeno and both Xeno and Reader are confused and shocked by what’s happening. So now we have Xenophanes and Sonic chasing after each other because of Sonic’s confusion.
Meanwhile Xeno’s puppets (Eggman, Tails and Knuckles.) are just watching the whole thing go down while Majin Sonic and Unused Sonic (His name is just Unused but yeah..) are just silently making jokes and laughing at Xeno.
Once again, I hope you’re doing okay! 👍🏽 And I’m doing alright as well 😽✌🏽
Xenophanes with a demon reader (Part 2)
Hey there again! Thanks for the ask!
Honestly I love the idea you just said that I started writing this as soon as I saw the request. Although it’s almost 5:00am where I am and I should be asleep right now I don’t care. Just imagine Sonic having an Amy moment when she accidentally confuses others like Shadow for him. Kind of ironic when you think about it. Anyways glad to hear your doing well and once again hope you enjoy reading this! ~J/Blaze
Here’s Part 1 of the Ask
Pronouns: She/They
Warning: ❌ (Sonic has his Amy moment lol)
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Xenophanes + Sonic + Xeno’s Puppets (Tails + Knuckles + Eggman) + Majin + Unused
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by OrcaTheArtist on Deviantart + Banner by 5macc13 on Pinterest
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- It’s been a while since you’ve met and eventually befriended Xenophane and you got to say you honestly don’t regret it. Pretty much after being ‘introduced’ to him by Fleetway you two have been attached to the hip. You even got to know his puppets which although at first they only got along with you because of Xeno eventually they did manage to genuinely get along with you outside of him.
- You even got to know some more of his ‘friends’ , for example people like Majin and Unused. Honestly you found the two of them interesting. It didn’t seem they did any harm yet they seemed to hang around people like Xeno. Just like the puppet gang they were actually decent to be around. Sometimes when you aren’t hanging out with Xeno or Fleetway you three like to have a get to gather and just talk. Kind of like the Unused and Majin Show (By Nominal Dingus on YouTube) just minus the talk show part.
- Surprisingly the two of them somehow don’t confuse you as Amy. Although they do see the resemblance just like Eggman they can distinguish the difference between you two. Plus they understand that you are your own person and understand that it can be annoying when you get compared to someone you aren’t. They respect that so they don’t do it.
- You’ve pretty much gotten used to hanging out with demented version of sonic and his friends as well as being one yourself you haven’t really had the chance to think about what would happen if you met the real deal. Although you couldn’t really care less if you met the actual Amy, however with someone like Xeno you severely doubt that he would be kind meeting the real Sonic or any of his friends. Considering what he did with his versions of Tails, Knuckles and Eggman, who knows what he would do with the actual characters from the hit game series. However, you were about to find out what would happen and although nothing too violent happened it was definitely funny at least to you and those who witnessed it.
- Somehow Sonic found himself in the universe that contains all of you. Not recognising where he was and wondering where his friends were he immediately went and looked trying his best to not get caught by whatever could hurt him. After looking around he stumbled between all of you hanging out. At first he was wondering who the hell all of you were but when he saw you his eyes immediately widened. Although you didn’t have that much of Amy’s appearance, he saw his friend's silhouette and automatically assumed that you were ‘Amy’. He didn’t want ‘Amy’ to get harmed by Xeno and the others so he figured he risked his life and save you.
+ As soon as Sonic saw his friend hanging out what looked like disturbing versions of him he let his emotions get the of him and placed a hand on your shoulder and pulled you back. At first you were confused at who the hell was pulling you back and it seemed like the others were as well. “Amy! Be careful!” Sonic said hugging you tight, keeping an eye on the others still not paying attention to you who clearly wasn’t Amy. “Who the hell are you? And why the hell are you grabbing onto them like that?” Xeno said slightly growling at Sonic like a goddamn dog seeing another dog. “I’m not letting you get close to her or harm her so back off”. Everyone including you just looked at Sonic. The puppet trio whispering to each other about their friend confusing you for Amy, wondering what Xeno may or may not do to him. Majin and Unused slightly chuckling to themselves, well mostly unused and Xeno preparing himself to attack Sonic.
+ “What do you mean? They aren’t going to attack me?” You said as you tried to remove Sonic’s arms around you “What are you talking about Amy can’t you see…” Sonic was about to explain how clearly dangerous the others looked, however he quickly stopped himself and took a minute to take in what you said. Why weren’t you worried about them? Then he finally decided to look at you directly. That’s when he finally realised that you weren’t Amy. Well at least not mentally and sort of physically. “Wait your aren’t…” he said slightly, stumbled back removing his arms from you. “Unfortunately I’m not your friend ‘Amy’ I’m [Name]” you explained yourself giving a shocked Sonic a smile. You can hear Unused letting out a slight snort trying to hold in his laughter as Xeno approached him. Sonic slightly chuckled to himself out of awkwardness and slowly tried to get away apologising before quickly running off with a slightly pissed off Xeno chasing after him. The rest of you pretty much just stood still watching this whole shit show go down. “Should…we stop him?” Majin spoke up suggesting how to stop Xeno from harming Sonic “Nah just let him do it” Unused waves Majin off slightly entertained with what’s happening right now “Yeah I agree, let’s at least let him get it out of his system before stopping” You added on trying your best to conceal the smirk appearing on your face.
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ozzy-lot · 7 months
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cloyneblan · 1 year
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soulful-rodent · 2 months
Soul DogDay
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insect-infested-brain · 5 months
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I got him back in summer but I didn't have this blog at the time and I wanted to share him on here :)
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kptya · 1 year
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featherystims · 5 months
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Soul Tails from Sonic.exe stimboard !! -copinglink-
0 0 0 || 0 0 0 || 0 0 0
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xkriskrossx · 8 days
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Get back here!
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tompiscininha · 9 months
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Tails Defender and Knuckles Defender
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virtualparanoia · 10 months
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REDRAW!! idk if i ever posted the original of this that i did but 🫶🏾 here's soul tails!!
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shadzicx · 1 year
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Hiii tumblr it’s been a while hasn’t it? I forgot about this website AGAIN OMG
But yeahhhh, I’m back, maybe. I’ll try and post more I promise
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multi-fandomsfreak · 6 months
Hello, how are you? I hope you’re doing okay. I just came here to request something.
May I request a Xenophanes x Reader (Pronouns preferably She/They.) So reader is a demon who takes the form of Amy Rose and she gets along with his puppets (Soul Tails, Knuckles and Eggman.) like they’re all friends with Reader and surprisingly she’s also best friends with Fleetway Sonic which is how Xeno and Reader met each other. Fleetway and Reader were just hanging out together one day and Xeno just popped in to annoy Fleetway but ended seeing Reader and him hanging out together.
That’s about it.. If you can’t do it don’t worry about it..
Xenophanes with a demon reader
Hey there! Thanks for the ask!
I’m doing great, I really appreciate you asking. Hope you’re doing great as well. Honestly I really like this idea. I enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it. ~J/Blaze
Part 2
Pronouns: She/They
Warning: ⚠️ Some swearing + Slight mentions of torture⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Xenophanes + Fleetway + Xeno’s Puppets (Tails + Knuckles + Eggman)
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by ??? + Banner by arivenchy on Pinterest
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- Honestly in all your time of being a demon you never thought you would see this kind of shit. You see you're a demon who has taken the form of a classic Sonic fangirl Amy Rose with some changes to her appearance. You're no different from other demons that exist, you use your powers to do some things to people nothing more nothing less. You never thought you’d met someone similar to you or at least have had the same sort of goals as you. Well that changed when you met a certain yellow hedgehog. Fleetway.
- When the two of you first met honestly he kind of caught you off guard, he kind of looked like sonic in his super form just crazy. Same for him although you don’t look exactly like her you sort of reminded him of Amy and he wasn’t sure about it.
+ “Who are you? What the hell are you doing here?” The spiraled eyed hedgehog questioned you almost getting in your face almost using it as a scaring tactic but at the same time there was some confusion yet curiosity to it. However, you were completely unfazed with his attempt to scare you. In fact it kind of annoyed you due to how close he was to you practically in your personal bubble. You placed a hand on his face moving him back easily before speaking up “Have you ever heard of personal space? Anyways if you would like to know my name is [Name], who are you?” The hedgehog gave off a slight smirk as you spoke “[Name] huh? Guess it suits you for a lady like you.” Fleetway let off a slight chuckle as he said that before receiving a slight glare from you due to him not answering your question “I asked you a question and I would really appreciate it if you answered it!” “Oh I can already tell I’m going to like you” Another chuckle escaped his mouth before finally answering “You can call me Fleetway” he jokingly placed his hand in front of you like he wanted you to shake his hand. You looked down at his hand before shaking it in return.
- That’s how the two of you met and eventually and somehow became friends. You know when you have that one friend who you constantly question why the two of you are friends? That’s basically the dynamic between the two of you. He likes to rope you into shit and for some reason you don’t question it, even if you did he somehow convinces you to go along with it. But you don’t mind it, you can even say that you might consider him a friend. A close friend. Little did you know he had more friends. Well I say ‘friends’ because honestly he finds some of them in his terms ‘nuisances’ but nonetheless he knows them and you are about to meet one of them.
- One day Fleetway invited you over and of course you couldn’t say no so you immediately arrived at his place. You two were hanging out minding your business when the door immediately opened causing both you and him to turn your heads to see who did that. You could hear an annoyed sigh coming from Fleetway as you were faced with a tall ass hedgehog. He had some sort of resemblance to Sonic only different, his fur was purple, his eyes were clearly different, he had crystal-like things coming out of his quills and not to mention an X forming across his chest with some dried up blood on his gloves. He had a sly grin on his face as he spotted Fleetway not taking notice of you just yet.
+ “Hello Fleetway!” He said, his tone clearly indicating wanting to disturb his silence “The hell you want Xeno? Can’t you see I’m busy with someone?” He shot back pointing a finger at you who was currently taking in every single feature of Xeno. The smirk dropped from Xeno’s face which now turned to confusion. He moved his eyes from where it currently was to where Fleetway was pointing to. His eyes immediately took notice of you, seeing how similar yet different you looked to Amy he couldn’t help but be slightly interested in you. “Who the hell is she?” He spoke up wondering who you were and why the hell you were hanging out with Fleetway? “This is [Name]! They’re a close friend of mine” He said proudly smirking at Xeno, showing you off like a prize. “Wow, you have friends Fleetway?” Xeno teased back, chuckling to himself “The hell is that supposed to mean?” Fleetway said, offended by what Xeno said and was only made worse when he heard you chuckle as well “Hey! Don’t encourage him!” Fleetway playful punched you in the shoulder. Seeing how you joined in with his teasing, Xeno couldn’t help but smirk to himself.
- From that day on Xeno couldn’t help but wanting to get closer towards you, maybe even becoming your friend as well. He somehow manages to find a way to hang out with you when you aren’t around Fleetway and decides to ask you some questions about you. Like what you were and what powers you had to which you happily answered them, happy that someone was interested in what you were, this caused Xeno to be pulled closer towards you. This is how the two of you became friends.
- You two get along really well, due to the two of you having somewhat similar goals. Sometimes when he is busy torturing or whatever he does with his victims he might ask you to join just to add some spice to the experience. You two also hang outside of those things, just using that time to catch up with each other and what you two did.
- Due to the constant affiliation with Xeno you got to know his puppets which consists of a dead version of Tails, Knuckles and Eggman. Surprisingly the four of you get along. Well, they only get along with you due to them being aware of who you are and of your powers and strengths as well as you being friends with their tormentor. Beside those reasons they genuinely do get along with you. Mostly Tails and Knuckles in a way due to them thinking and sometimes even confusing you for their friend only to be slightly disappointed and reminded that you aren’t her. Eggman also sometimes confuses you for Amy but he can actually distinguish the difference between you and her. But despite this when they aren’t being forced to do things by Xeno, when you come visit them they find genuine relief when they see you and sometimes when you tell them the things you experienced.
- When xeno sees you interact with them he really appreciates the four of you getting along. Even if he knows they are mostly doing it because of him and they don’t want to face the repercussions of not getting along with you, still he appreciates it.
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