#sorta sports
sortanonymous · 4 days
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I mean, whatever you say! My heart was already pounding with 40 laps left in the Indy 500 and I wasn't even completely rooting for anyone more than the rest (other than hoping to whatever higher power could possibly exist that Ferrucci would lose), but whatever you experts say!!
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phoenixyfriend · 2 months
Two women on a national sports team quit because a trans woman joined their team
Guess what sport
What POSSIBLE advantage does a trans woman have in darts
I feel like I'm losing my mind
Why is this not ALREADY a co ed sport like curling what POSSIBLE "natural advantage" is here
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tennessoui · 11 months
we're firmly stepping into clueless kit territory but modern au where obi-wan goes out to a bar to watch a basketball game with his friends from work and while he's waiting for a 3rd/4th round of drinks, he spies a very pretty and handsome guy leaning up against the counter looking bored af
and no one that pretty should look that bored, especially in a crowded and loud sports bar, so he makes his way over to the man.
"not your thing?" he asks, gesturing to the television, and the guy looks over, takes his measure, gets a hungry glint in his eyes, and says, "no, i'm not really into it, i just came with a friend" and obi-wan takes this to mean the very attractive man looking up at him beneath his eyelashes and touching his arm is not into any sport and he's quick to be like oh yeah no me neither i don't have the head for it i don't know anything about sports fuck sports 100% i hate sports (never mind that obi-wan coaches a little league, baby's-first-soccer-team part-time and loves it) and the attractive man laughs and rubs the back of his head and agrees and gives him his name and lets him buy him a drink
and they spend the night together and it's great and then a week or so later the assistant coach and league admins are all abuzz because famous (and single and hot) hockey player ani skywalker enrolled his twins in their soccer team program and obi-wan doesn't think anything of it until his one night stand rocks up to drop off his twins and they're both like :0 before going to argue in the locker room
("you said you hated sports, mr. hockey legend!!"
"i awkwardly laughed when the guy whose dick i wanted to suck said he hated my livelihood!! and you're one to talk, mr. coach of my twins' soccer team!!")
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fangxin-guoshi · 9 months
I find it so goofy when people use words like abusive/problematic/toxic to describe some of the characters in Naruto bc like. this is a show where 12 year olds are sent to lethal wars and everyone's ripping each other's eyeballs out and the government orchestrated an entire genocide and there's giant horrific beasts being sealed inside babies and entire villages/nations are being annihilated on the daily and some spikey mf is dropping meteors from the sky and the world is being taken over by an alien and her pet black blob and multiple pairs of sad gays are trying to kill eachother and
I just think Sasuke rejecting Sakura somewhat rudely and treating her kinda bad is the least of our problems here y'know?
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spiderfreedom · 8 months
not gonna effortpost about this today because I gotta get work done but real short
I notice this argument being used all the time: "you can't make a definition of 'woman' that does not exclude some people that we call women. therefore, the only good definition for 'women' that includes all people we call woman is 'people who identify as woman.'"
and the thing is, philosophically, "you can't make a definition of {thing} that does not exclude some examples we also call {thing}" is something that applies to almost every category! it's literally a whole philosophical problem of "what is the definition of a chair?" didn't we have a whole meme about how nobody can even agree on what a sandwich is?
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it's not something unique to women, tables, horses, sandwiches, salads, or anything else. it is a problem of language itself.
you can apply the exact same argument to other categories: "how do you define 'blackness' without excluding some people we call 'black'?" if you're american, maybe you will use the one-drop rule, in which case halsey is black and anyone who had a single black ancestor four generations ago. but is that actually how we use the word black? does that capture something meaningful about being black in america? how about being black in the world?
let's go further: "how do you define 'transgender' without excluding some people we call 'transgender'?" within the transgender community, there is no real agreement on what it means to be transgender! beyond a vague sense of "identifying as the gender society assigned to you", but even that can be challenged. if a cis (female) woman takes testosterone, starts hanging around trans women, calling herself a trans woman, is confused for a trans woman by the people that she talks to, experiences oppression on the basis of being perceived as a trans woman... can she be considered a trans woman, despite being female?
ultimately "how do you define things" is a philosophy of language question more than anything else. perfect definitions that encapsulate sets neatly do not exist, because the terms we use are socially contingent. when people came up with the word 'table', they didn't also create a logically rigorous definition for it. they just said 'well, this thing here is a table.' and then people argue about the edge cases. because also, nobody actually agrees on the members of sets of every single word!! just like how we all have different ideas of what is and isn't a sandwich!
that's the other thing, people already disagree about what words refer to. someone who has the 5ARD intersex condition has testes but may be raised and socialized as girl because their parents think their genitals kinda look like a vulva. is this person a 'girl/woman'? people are not sure... which makes sense... because it is an edge case. is a stool a chair? is a hotdog a sandwich? is an open sandwich a sandwich? the further you get from the 'prototype', the more people are going to be disagree.
so the entire question 'what is a woman' is just an exercise in confusing philosophy of language framed as saying something very meaningful about the social category of woman. it is not! it is a problem of language that we cannot define 'woman' or 'chair' or 'salad' or 'horse' or 'gamer' in a rigorous way. it is nothing inherent to women, chairs, salads, horses, or gamers.
(but what about science?) good question, what about science? science tries to operate differently from the way laypeople talk about things. scientists take common words, like 'energy', and give them different, more rigorous definitions in order to try to figure something out about the world. for laypeople, 'energy' is something vague and diffuse. for physicists, 'energy' is the force that causes things to move, and its behavior is described by certain mathematical models.
similarly, laypeople may take 'woman' to mean 'a person with breasts and vulva/vagina', but a biologist may have a more rigorous definition of 'female': 'producing large gametes.' this is useful because it helps us see commonalities between creatures that may look really different, like flowers, bedbugs, asparaguses, cats, and humans - all very different creatures where sex looks different, but still have a distinction between 'producing large gametes' and 'producing small gametes' - there's no intermediate gamete. biologists have a different word for what people/animals look like, and that is 'phenotype.' when a parent looks at a child with 5ARD condition, they see the child has no visible penis and thus 'looks 'looks female.' a biologist would say that the child's sex is male (because they have the reproductive equipment to produce sperm, and none of the reproductive equipment to produce ova) but that their phenotype is ambiguous. sex is a binary variable, but human development is a long process where are a lot can happen, and so sexual phenotypes are not variable.
so already we're pretty far from the lay definition, because laypeople don't have the same idea of what sex is as scientists do, and don't distinguish between someone's sex and their appearance - for them, the sex is the appearance. who is right? it depends on what you want to do. scientists want to discover meaningful things about nature, and their definitions are far more useful than the layperson's for that purpose. which definitions are useful is also socially determined - we may feel sympathy for the child with 5ARD, told they were a girl their whole life, but who learns that they have testes. should we continue to treat this child as a girl/woman, or should we encourage them to view themselves as a boy/man? that is a social, cultural, legal argument, not a scientific one. the biological truth is the same regardless of the social, cultural, legal arguments, but there may be a compelling case to act differently. that's on us as humans to decide!
so yeah I'm just tired of hearing the same damn arguments over and over again. "what is a woman? is someone with CAIS a woman? is someone with 5ARD? what if we take a young non-intersex male and give them female hormones?" like this will never take us to where we want to go because it's a philosophy of language question disguised as a scientific one. the real question is, what are we talking about and which definitions will help us in that? if you believe that female people are exploited on the basis of their female bodily functions, then obviously you want to bring attention to that by using the word 'female'! if you want to focus on feminine socialization, then it may be useful to bring up cases of people who may not technically be female but were still raised as them, like Erika/Erik Schinegger, a male (possibly with 5ARD) who was raised as a girl and believed he was a girl for most of his youth.
trying to make a single catchy response to a question of what is 'x' is never going to satisfy everyone, because it cannot, because language is imperfect and real life is messy. scientists try to cut nature at the joints, but their cuts may not look like laypeople's! (and don't get me started on scientists disagreeing on what is a joint and what is not, metaphorically.)
and at its worst, when chasing an ironclad definition, you get bizarre answers that seem detached from reality, like saying 'people with CAIS condition are genotypically male and have underdeveloped testes, so we should treat them as males'. they may be reproductive males, but they have a female phenotype, and are raised as girls, and are literally unreceptive to testosterone - to treat them as 'men' on the basis of developmental or reproductive sex certainly seems to be missing something very important from the picture! see below: a person with Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS):
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does it really make sense to say this person is a man due to her having testes, which technically makes her reproductively male? is that capturing reality? or are you trying to force reality to fit into your definition because you're afraid that if you cannot create a perfect definition of 'woman', that we will never be able to talk about biology and female oppression?
tl;dr: questions like 'what is a woman' are designed to be time-wasters because they are not actually answerable because language sucks. argue for your operative definition, your context, and move on. and don't be afraid to change definitions based on the context... sometimes reproductive sex is relevant, sometimes phenotype is more important, sometimes socialization is more relevant. this is not weakness, it's recognizing that reality is not so rigid and sometimes you must use a different model to get the understanding you want.
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randomwriteronline · 1 year
"Warden Melli!"
If Melli could have pretended not to have heard that, he could have just turned around and started walking extremely fast away from the Sitrus tree he had been harvesting berries from; but since it was absolutely impossible for anybody with mostly undamaged hearing to miss that shout, he groaned loudly and faced his Pearl counterpart as he clumsily slid down a small slope to come meet him.
"What is it now?" he whined snappily, glaring at the man through his narrowed eyes so venomously he could have overwhelmed anybody's blood with toxins.
Unfortunately, Warden Ingo had proved multiple times to be immune to poison.
So he stared right into the younger warden's pupils, not at all put off by the hostile look lodging itself into his haunted face nor seemingly recognizing the antagonistic tone: "I was hoping to speak with you," he answered candidly.
"Then be quick," Melli hissed as he yanked another berry from the tree: "I don't have time to waste with the likes of you."
"Oh, of course! I would not want you to run into delays on your schedule because of me - I will be very quick, I promise," Ingo reassured him. Before his Diamond counterpart could roll his eyes and scoff, he kept true to his word and got straight to the point: "I only wished to compliment you on your handling of Lord Electrode!"
Melli’s hand stopped halfway to the mostly full basket. He creased his brow, blinked, gripped the Sitrus in his hand a little tighter, and turned properly to the older man with a grimace stuck between confusion and distrust.
“What would that mean?” he asked.
Ingo adjusted his hat by th visor, a motion that would have conveyed his slight embarassment better if he had managed to wipe that frown off of himself: “Ah, I apologize, I recognize that was excessively vague - you see, I was warned before transfering here to look after Sneasler that Electrode was an extremely capricious Pokémon, capable of shaking the mountain to its foundations with detonations of great magnitude at the slightest hint of displeasure. “
The younger man curled his nose like a disgruntled Stunky and twisted his lip. Sure, the Lord of the Hollow was moody and powerful, but that was no way to talk about him.
“But despite having lived here nearly a year now, I’ve yet to experience anything even slightly close to such behaviour!” the other continued, speech suddenly turning emphatic: “In fact - and I hope you’ll forgive me for making assumptions based on my approximate knowledge on the matter - from what little I’ve seen of him on occasion, Electrode had always struck me as being mostly perfectly content and at ease! I can only attribute such a positive state to you working hard in order to make sure his every need is met! I would expect no less from a warden, of course, let alone one as fond of this Lord as you are, but the consistency with which you do so is quite remarkable - especially considering the challenges posed by his irritable tendencies!”
Almost in the same way one wakes from an unplanned nap, Ingo realized very suddenly that he had shifted his bright eyes to beam directly into Melli’s as he had spoken, volume of voice rising steadily, and that the other warden seemed now to make himself small in front of all this intensity, as if he were attempting to retreat in his own shoulders.
The foreigner quickly looked down to his own feet in mortification, pulling his hat lower upon his face to better relieve him of all that exhausting eye contact.
“Please forgive me, I... I got quite carried away for a moment. I only - I fear I was overzealous with my explanation, I did not mean to come onto you so strongly,” he mumbled, sheepish.
In the small bout of silence that followed he managed to mentally file a complete and exceptionally thorough formal complaint against himself for disturbance of the peace and catastrophic failure at what was supposed to be a simple interaction meant to form a positive connection with another human being - both equally unforgivable crimes that would have had to be rectified by either an entire day spent wallowing in mortification or a death sentence, the latter of which he would have very gladly accepted as his fate.
“Thank you.”
For a moment he did not realize that it was Melli who interrupted his stream of conciousness, because that voice so thin and weak barely resembled his.
When Ingo dared rise his gaze again (there was always the possibility that a lightning strike would have burnt him to a crisp to kindly let him known that was the wrong course of action) his Diamond counterpart struck him as suddenly looking incredibly young. Maybe it was his almost frightened expression, or the way his shoulders closed in on his chest, or how he nervously picked at his nails, or that strange tone with which he’d spoken.
Sneasler’s warden tilted his cap in a curt nod of aknowledgement before he could keep on staring any longer.
“I will let you resume your usual schedule now!” he excused himself quickly: “Once again, my honest praise for you well-done work. I apologize for having derailed the course of your duties. Have a good day, warden Melli.”
The younger man nodded quietly; he looked without a word at the foreigner speed away with an abnormally stiff gait, embarassed beyond belief.
Iscan sat away from the trimestral celebration, enjoying some peace and quiet. Festivities got quite overwhelming for him - so nobody thought him rude for stepping out of the settlement for a breather every now and then during these occasions. Plus, it was a nice clear night and the air was just cool enough on his skin to give him pleasant goosebumps.
Quick steps made him turn his head back towards his home, and he smiled welcomingly at Melli as he took a seat beside him and scooted closer, leaning his head on the wide chest while the older warden wrapped an arm around him.
They enjoyed the chirping silence of the Mirelands like that, for a little bit.
Then the younger played with a lock of hair and mumbled rapidly: “He said ‘m doin’ well.”
“Hm?” Iscan hummed, not having been paying attention.
“The Pear clan’s foreigner warden, Ingo - he said he thinks I’m taking care of Lord Electrode very well,” his friend repeated.
At that he nodded, pleasantly surprised: “Oh! How nice of him.”
It wasn’t often that Melli got positive reinforcement, what with his insufferable charade of superiority usually grating everybody else’s nerves into fine dust and discouraging them from offering him any sort of kind words about his work since he apparently praised himself abundantly on his own anyways; so he was very glad for Ingo taking the initiative to do so even though, logically, he was subjected to the pompous performance the most out of anybody else in Hisui.
The sound of fingers fidgeting had him wait patiently for the overthought subject of the evening.
“Why would he do that?” the younger warden whined quietly, honestly distraught: his tone was an almost perfect replica of the one he used as a kid when crying about someone pulling his hair or tripping him into a puddle.
Iscan cocked an eyebrow: “You didn’t like what he said?”
“No - I mean - he’s right, no? He’s gotta be, since Electrode loves me--” (and the older man knew that was no exaggeration, but honest truth) “--But why?”
The warm dark hand on Melli’s shoulder squeezed it comfortingly as Iscan tried to figure out something the other would have accepted as a possibility, eventually settling on a tentative: “Maybe he just wanted to be nice?”
“But that makes no sense!” his little cousin argued, furrowing his upset brow enough to give himself a headache if he kept that going: “I haven’t been exactly nice to him, so why should he feel like he should be with me? And he’s never in need of anything, so I don’t know what he could want in return - maybe he just wants me to owe him something, so he can use that to get me to do what he wants when he needs it most?”
The long sigh that deflated the chest he leaned against instantly worried Melli with the horrid thought of having annoyed the only person who liked him.
But Iscan tilted his head and twirled a strand of lilac hair between his fingers: “Look, now...” he began very gently: “I’ve heard a little about Ingo from warden Palina, and if I can trust what she’s told me - and I assure you I can, because she was very honest with me - he’s exactly as polite and nice as much as he’s strange. So I’m fairly certain that he told you how good of a job you’re doing because he really thought that, and just wanted you to know.”
A soft hum rattled the thin frame under his arm.
“Even if I’ve only been insufferable?” his cousin insisted weakly.
“Maybe he said those kind things because of that.”
“What do you mean?”
“That he might have wanted to get some good blood flowing between you two.”
“You really think so?”
“I don’t see why it shouldn’t be like that.”
Melli exhaled quietly.
He curled a little closer to his only human confidant.
“I don’t know what to do about that,” he mumbled.
“Well,” the larger warden laid his head on top of his as he hugged him properly. “I guess it wouldn’t be that bad of a start to be nice to him back, no?”
Some Zubats screeched happily further away, and Iscan hoped with all his heart Ingo would have liked the candy truffles and Pecha berries his cousin would have inevitably drowned him in, as the only way he could be honestly kind without betraying his carefully crafted mask was through edible gifts.
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reverselayupz · 3 months
leaping headfirst into my Bs era and the people in my life prob aren’t ready for my hockey fandom to grow
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rosedhall · 9 months
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what's up, doc 💉
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nauurrf1 · 1 year
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Daniel returning to Redbull x Orange Juice by Noah Kahan
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mitamicah · 7 months
Another 'Micah should sleep' thought;
I guess Jere and Mikke reminds me a lot of me and my sister.
We have the shorter individual with darker hair and a dyed beard that is very silly and having close to no filter compared to the more mature, taller sibling with lighter hair and no beard who seems to have their shit together a bit more (even if they are very busy) and also openly cringes at their sibling/lightly friendly bullies them for their behavior.
The one thing I can think of that is a bit off with this comparison is that I am the older sibling and jere is the younger xD
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sortanonymous · 25 days
0.001 seconds! Closest Cup Series finish ever! (Second-closest NASCAR finish in general behind the 2018 Xfinity Daytona opener at 0.0004!)
I'm not a Larson fan, but man is that the kind of clutch drive that reminds you the kind of driver you're watching. Whenever he ends up in the Hall of Fame, that final half-lap is one of the first clips they're showing.
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"Have you ever?" The motto of NASCAR at its finest.
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xshazxx · 5 months
I’m sorry but sports romance should be m/m only. Like?? Rivals to lovers? Esp when they’re teammates? Captain from two rival teams? You need to get better that this stick ball game? Let me help you practice and yup you’re so hot? Friends turn rivals turn fwb turn lovers because one lost couldn’t be captain while the other got the spot? Yes yes the opportunities are endless?
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ozymoron · 2 months
no more buff men!!!!!!!!!!!! no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant takr it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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designernishiki · 1 year
it really means the world to me that little 12 year old daigo mentions that kiryu used to hang out with him a lot, meaning a teenage kiryu (and likely a teenage nishiki as well) basically babysat an even younger daigo on the reg for some amount of time. i wonder what shenanigans they got up to
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pondsphuwin · 6 months
kinda obsessed with pit babe aka the omegaverse (tho no omegas are in sight so it's just alphaverse at this point) bl but trying to be lowkey about it cus i didn't expect to be and i'm still trying to come to terms with it lmao
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whatimdoing-here · 1 month
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About to leave for A's baseball game and remember that my LSD shirt is us not kid appropriate. (From Neighbor Song)
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