#sorry i didnt finish this i have to upload it because my word document isnt working anymore
danksimstho · 3 years
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Johnny invited Ophelia, Ripp, Chloe, Lola, Pascal, Lazlo, Vidcund, and River Smith, but only Ophelia, Ripp, and River showed up. It was a small party, but his Mom and Dad we’re there. Jill was loving the party, not letting herself think about Johnny’s approaching departure.
After spending time cavorting with his family Johnny went out to the porch and found his guests. He chatted with Ripp and Ophelia on the porch while River went on in and danced with Jill.
Eventually Johnny had to vent all his nervous energy so he asked Ripp to dance. He was paying particular attention to Ripp since he was planning on moving in with Ophelia in college, so he knew this time with Ripp was important.
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They played video games and Johnny was awesome with them as always. Ripp never complained about not knowing the game, he just smiled along and enjoyed playing with his friend.
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Ophelia had just gotten a big style change, thanks to moving on campus. She had a bit of her aunt’s money to rent out student housing and she already used some of it on hair extensions and getting someone to braid them. Johnny and Ripp thought she looked so hot they were almost intimidated. She had also reached a growth spurt and was tall and fierce. She looked so confident you couldn’t tell she had bad anxiety and was worried about why her boyfriend was seemingly distancing from her.
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“Are you gonna miss your sister?”
“Yeah, I might miss her most of all. Who’s gonna pick on her if I’m not around? Who’s gonna stick up for her? Who’s gonna teach her all the stuff a big brother does? I hope they invite me over often.”
“You’re gonna miss her more than me?” Ripp asked. “You bet your sorry ass I am! She’s my sister! I love her to bits!”
“I’m sure its gonna be hard on her without you. I know its gonna be harder on me and Buck now that Tank’s off to college.”
“Tank went to college? Where to?”
“La Fiesta Tech.”
“Damn, that’s the same one me and Phe are going to. I’ll probably see him around, then.”
“Well at least you’re in student housing, so he won’t be at your dorm.”
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The party ended and the guests went home, so Johnny hugged his father goodbye and Jenny waved him off as Ophelia joined him in the taxi.
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“I’m so happy you’re here.” Said Ophelia. “I was really nervous living on my own. I’m not used to the quiet. It’s so much warmer in this house, I haven’t shivered in my sleep. There’s not much in the house but I’d still like to show you where everything is.”
“Sure babe. I think I’m gonna love living here. I mean, you’re here, right? What could be better?”
“Just check out the rug under the bed! I know how you love sports cars…”
She lead Johnny to the bedroom and showed him where she put everything, then she brought him to the bathroom and showed him his toothbrush.
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“Dear Diary” He began. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it? It’s been so long that I aged up and moved out to college. I’m in my first semester at La Fiesta Tech and I’m living with my highschool girlfriend, Ophelia. You remember her. After Ophelia stepped up her look I decided to wear something less baggy. “This sounds silly but I didn’t want people to think I was her loser boyfriend. There’s another alien here, I caught sight of her on campus. She had short black hair and long winged eyeliner. Even more strange, she had alien eyes. But it’s Strangetown, or well, near it anyway. The campus on a whole seems pretty Liberal, comprised of a fair amount of counter-cultural students. I think I’ll fit in great here, although I might need to set up a better space for outdoor parties.
“Whenever we get the chance I think I’d like to go clubbing. There’s a lot of community lots around here for the students to gather and I love meeting new people. Plus, there’s dancing, and I’m wild about that. “I heard there was a breakdancing club somewhere on campus? Maybe I can get into that at home. These student loans are kind of crushing us, though. I’d love to get a job but there’s not really time for one. Maybe I can write home for some more money.
“I found out mom quit her job on my birthday. How are they gonna take care of Jill with two stay at home parents? At least Dad gets retirement checks. Maybe it’ll be alright.”
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Ophelia had loved reading ever since she was a kid, escaping into worlds unknown, then coming out with knowledge she could share with others. She thought Literature would be her perfect Major. She navigated to her school’s home page and registered her major.
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“Hey honey I just got done registering my major, have you decided on your yet?”
“Nah but I don’t want biology, that’s for sure.”
“Why not?”
“You know, the students might wanna poke n prod at me.”
“What about literature? That way we can have all the same classes.”
“Mmm… Maybe. It was one of my top picks but I’m just not sure yet.”
“That’s cool, you have time to figure it out. Well, as long as you don’t switch mid-way or later.”
“I’ll try to remember that.”
“So… It’s our first night together in our new house.”
“So it is.”
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After they talked some more Johnny invited his mother over to see their new place while Ophelia made dinner. She was so proud of him and happy to see him.
“You’re all grown up now!”
“I know, mom.”
“It seems like yesterday you were my baby boy. You looked like a little green squid, your father and I were so worried, but now you’re all grown and healthy and strong.”
He flexed “Yep, super strong! I can beat up any burglar that comes here!”
“Oh I don’t want to think of any burglars! You both barely have anything to steal.”
“That’s kinda rude mom, we’re trying our best.”
“I know, dear, but you should have at least taken your desk from home.”
“Jill uses it more than I do. I thought you could make use of it. I definitely don’t need another bed, me and Ophelia are sleeping together.”
“Oh I suppose you would. But what about Ripp?”
“I thought he might move in with you after he goes to college.”
“Well, between you and me mom, he’s kind of failing highschool.”
“Oh, that’s a shame. He’s such a talented boy. It must be all those fights he gets in.”
“Err… Well… He’s not exactly picking the fights. He’s being bullied.”
“Have I heard of this bully?”
“I’d rather not say, mom.”
“Alright, alright, don’t tell your mother anything, see what that get’s ya.”
Johnny rolled his eyes.
“You’re so silly mom.”
“I am. Hey, are you too old for a… tickle monster?!”
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Soon enough it got late and Johnny and Ophelia retired to bed. The next morning they were both rested but stayed in eachother’s arms to enjoy the morning.
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“This is my ‘Phe’s making me Breakfast’ Dance”
“Sweet moves.”
“Thanks. Whatcha cookin’?”
“Toaster pastries. There’s not much in the cabinets unfortunately.”
“Ah. So It’s Pasta and Pancakes, eh?”
“We’d be lucky to get pancakes.”
“I’m used to my dad’s cooking. He was always really good.”
“I bet he had a lot of time at home to work on those skills.”
“You might be surprised. Alien kids can be a real handful.”
“I hope not. I’d like to have some own of mine someday.”
“You would?”
“Yes, I love children, and I love you.”
“Well, I love children too, but… We should give it time.”
“Ideally we’d finish college first.” She said.
“What about Ripp?”
“Are you asking if I want human babies?”
“No! I mean, if Ripp does move in with us, how will that work with kids?”
“I can’t imagine it would be all that different. Could be better than a two parent household. Three heads are better than one.”
“I don’t know if he want’s any. He’s always struck me as the type who can’t be tied down.”
“He loves kids, Johnny. He’s been looking for a proper family ever since his mom left.”
“You too, huh? I mean, when your family died….”
“I don’t want to talk about that.” She frowned. “Food’s ready.”
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“I’m sorry, that was insensitive of me. I shouldn’t bring stuff like that up without a warning.”
“Well I talk about it in therapy. I’m excited to get to see my therapist more, now that I’m paying for it.”
“It’s still your aunt’s money.”
“What she doesn’t know won’t kill her.”
“Thanks for the breakfast, by the way.”
“You’re welcome. Do you wanna cook next time?”
“Sure, I’ll cook supper. I need to get better at cooking for class anyway.”
“I don’t need cooking skill for my classes but it might be good for motherhood.”
“Always thinking ahead, my girlfriend.”
“That’s not true. You keep me in the moment.”
They shared a peck.
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thegirlandtheknight · 4 years
[started at // 04:03 am] UK
Okay tumblr its time for me to rant....
Sorry if i get side tracked, just put up with me and this is rant based on the people i have met and my personal opinion you are in no obligations to agree just read it at least before you come up with a verdict 🤗
Also just to put this out there punctuation/ grammar and spelling may not be on point but cut me some slack its late..or early..depends anywaysss :))
Why am i not allowed to vote?.....Okay so here in the UK we have our GCSEs which determine a huge factor of our lives and we make this life changing choice at 16. But get this we arent even allowed to vote at 16 in england (which is where i am) , so yes im telling you that The government is saying at 16 'yes,you are able to chose how you want to spend your life and what you want to do' BUT 'no, you are not old enough to chose how you want the country that you spend that life in to be like', sorry but let me just do a double take, surely i should be able to vote about the country i live in before im able to chose a path that i may take for the rest of my life??? Or is it just me.
They are telling me that The government which is full of mostly older generations are still telling the young people how we want our world to be , like no boomer you are gonna kick the bucket sooner or later dont leave us with a messed up world, please fix it so our generation can fix it more for future generations rather than leaving it messed up so we have to fix YOUR mess and then those generations have to fix what we didnt get to , because at this rate we will never improve fully..now will we.
I am not gonna stand here and act like i know what they go through because yes, deciding for a country must be hard, heck i cant even decide for myself half the time but i just think if the people in power decided to focus on something important and life changing by 2 decades alot more could be solved and achieved. Like come on UK!! stop crying about childrens sugar inakes and start handling the hate crimes. I believe If racism was stressed at the begining about how its wrong and we should grow up, things would be better. Okay yes, we would still have racism being a thing i am in no means saying we would all be normal all cherries and cream no course not! but surely it would be less of a problem if it was talked about more. Racisim isnt a naughty word okay LETS TALK ABOUT IT.
For example, No baby is born racist, sexist or anything really, babies are literally blank pieces of paper, that some grown ups just decide to scribble on and hope for the best. You can tell a child what it did was wrong and explain the seriousness then it doesnt do the same mistake, if you tell the child thats its wrong but dont go into depth it doesnt know the seriousness and will do if again for sure. Honestly in this day and age there is alot of things that if they were battled as soon as they started it would have saved alot more time and less heartshifts than giving up and deciding to treat it like an essay and try again later when you can be bothered.
One of those things is RACISIM which still happens madly enough. You maybe thinking 'yeah yeah we have heard this before' but hear me out.
So many people are still using race as a reason for why they do or dont have things, people using race as a reason to hate others like i think tf not sir, sure you can argue that yes, its against the law under the Crime and Disorder Act of 1998 (in the uk) but how can you say its sorted..like the amount of hate crimes that gets reported in England and wales has doubled in the last FIVE YEARS for those who may want specific statistics its gone from 42,255 to 103,379 imagine the ones that go unreported. If you dont believe me or think i am exagerating because yes those ARE big numbers, research it, better yet ( heres the link to where i found the information : https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/839172/hate-crime-1819-hosb2419.pdf)
And you may say 'oh here she goes again' but just the other month an Arabian woman on my street literally got her hijab ripped off her head and when she reported it to the police they pretty much said 'no proof, no case' that is disgusting! and just so you cant say i am biased 1) i only know this woman through her being a neighbour and have no other attachments to her. 2) i am a black christian so you cant say it is religion or race. So your telling me, that needs proof or there is no case..but God forbid you make a person of non-ethnic minority feel bad. It really feels that for white people it is the case of 'all are innocent until proven guilty' but those of ethnic minorities its 'all are guilty until proven innocent'. Im sorry but you cant even say its changed with COVID-19 happening the racisim towards asians specifically those from east asia has just gotten worse, how can you tell a person that was BORN IN THE UK that they dont belong here, like if they dont belong in the place they were born where tf do you suppose they belong, y'all seems to be good and making problems but when its time to find a solution you run away with your tails between your legs..how can you really stand there craning your neck and looking so down on people like really how does your neck not hurt. If i hear another person anywhere tell an asian that they caused the corona virus even though they were born here..oh lord give me the strength. Call it extreme but you judging them all because of what a few people of their race have/ are doing is like me hating all of another race of people because a selective few are racist, hypocritical, sexist and homophobic jerks.
Not only that its kinda sad that a few small minded british people, assume that only white people are british just because they are majority and okay ill give you that i guess.. but why is it then when i say south africa alot of people tell me about white people born there and not the black people even though "According to the 2011 Census, 79.2% of South Africans (41 million) were ‘Black Africans’, 8.9% were Coloured (4.62 million) and only 8.9% were white (4.59 million)"....but i dont hear nobody telling them to go back to their country..i mean im just saying.
How can people stand and say there are laws about this when the law is upheld and inforced by a majority of white, middle-classed men who wouldnt know racisim if it hit them in the face.
I really dont wanna get into the problems black people have to face because thats for a whole other document.
I am not just a hurt 16 year old black girl who just has alot to say, believe it or not i have never been shunned for my race. The majority of people around me are very accepting, good people. I have never felt like im lower because of my race some may say im ignorant and ignore it others may count me lucky but all i know is this is that this is what i believe should be heard i really hope alot of people read this because it needs to be heard alsoooo thank you to all who stayed through and read this. ♥️🌹
[finished at// 05:33 am]
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