#sorry herm it's okay you're used to being forgotten
cowboyskeletons · 1 month
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whos my little cringefail loser
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thehighpriestess1 · 2 years
Having a kid with CEO Gojo : 2
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Summary : Gojo gets help from his daughter to get y/n.
Pairing : Gojo x y/n
Warning : Kissing, slightly suggestive, not proof read (sorry).
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Gojo sat on the tiny pink chair with a tiara on his head and looked at your daughter, who was sitting opposite to him and was now serving tea to Mr.Teddy and Ms.Dolly in her custom Hermes tea set. Gojo pouted and looked outside the play room, hoping to catch a glimpse of his wife. 
"Daddy, is mommy mad at you?". Alice asked as she placed a tray of sponge cake in front of him. Gojo looked at her and smiled. She was the perfect mix of the both of you. She had your face and his eyes and hair, and she clearly inherited his sweet tooth and your smartness.
"Yes Princess. She is". 
"Did you forget to brush your teeth? I forgot last week and she seemed mad at me but then I kissed her and she forgave me. You should try it". Gojo chuckled as Alice spoke in her sincere baby voice. 
"No I brushed my teeth but she won't kiss .e". He pouted, biting into the cake. "What did you do then?".
"I forgot to .. have a tea party with her?". Gojo pressed his lips and feigned remorse. In reality he had made dinner reservations for both of you but had forgotten about it and only remembered it until it was too late. 
"Mommy!!!!!" Alice yelled loudly, making Gojo flinch. "What are you doing Princess?". Gojo asked, looking at the giggling girl. "I am calling mommy to have tea with us".
"What happened?!". You rushed to the room in less than a minute with a concerned look on your face. You bit your lip to control your amusement at seeing your husband sitting with a tiara on his head and mouthful of cake. "Come join us, we need one more person ". You looked at Gojo, who shook his head denying that it was his doing. You weren't even mad at him anymore, you just liked teasing him. You smiled at your daughter and took your place next to your husband. "You need a tiara". Alice said and walked towards her dresser to pull one out. 
"y/n come on ...". Gojo whined. He hated being ignored by you. You turned the other way trying to hide your smile. It was amusing to see 6"3, built man, CEO of the Gojo group, whining with a tiara on his head.
"Y/n ....baby... My spongecake". You twisted your lip in fake disgust and looked at him.
"Love, are you mad at me?". Gojo asked, trying to reach for your hand under the table but you pulled it away, refusing to talk to him. He frowned and pulled your chair towards his'. "Satoru! You'll break the chair!" You said as you tried to balance yourself. Gojo leaned in close to you with his lips ghosting over your earlobe, "won't be the first furniture we have broken". Your eyes widened and you hit his chest lightly but he caught your wrist and pulled you into a chaste kiss. 
"I told you a kiss would fix it!". Alice yelped as she ran towards both of you. You looked at your daughter and then back at Gojo. Corking and eyebrow, "You're taking advice from our daughter now?". 
"It seems to be working, doesn't it?". 
"Mommy, is your headache ok now?". Alice said as she pressed her palm against your forehead. It was cute how she picked up habits from her father. You brought her hand from your forehead and kissed it."Yes darling". 
But what a mistake you made hiding it from Gojo. "What happened?!". He asked, a little more seriously. You nudge your head towards Alice to tell him to calm himself down. "It was just a headache". Gojo didn't speak for a few seconds and then removed the tiara and placed it on the table. "Princess, mommy and daddy need to talk now okay? Sam (nanny) is right here so go play with her". Alice nodded and rushed out of the room. 
"Before you freak out, I swear it was just a headache. I took some medicine and slept the entire afternoon and I was fine". The expression on Gojo's face showed that he was not happy about it. He was protective…. Really protective of his family and had rushed you to hospital countless times over a mild fever and headaches. He had his reasons but it made you hide the smallest of illnesses from him. 
"Love.. you should have told me". He pulled you by your arm and had you sitting on his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck and packed his cheeks and then the furrowed brows. "I know.. I'm sorry. Forgive me?". You asked tilting your head to the side. Gojo shook his head and tightened his grip around your waist as he locked eyes with you.It was his turn now and the slight smirk ghosting his lips told you that he wouldn't go easy on you "Pretty please? I promise I won't do it again". You asked again, pouting at him but he shook his head refusing to forgive you. 
You opened your mouth to say something but your words were swallowed by his lips. "Satoru! Alice is right outside". You said trying to push him away but he moved his lips to your chin and then to your neck. "Then we better take this upstairs" he said before he scooped you in his arms and walked towards your bedroom.."-and don't worry we will be paying a visit to Shoko in the evening".
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writeyouin · 5 years
You're Jareth's very small child learning how to use magic. It's your birthday & he surprises you with your first trip to the Aboveground, but your powers go haywire. You conjure snakes at rude people when mad, teleport randomly when excited to explore, & accidentally offer a dream-inducing peach to a hungry child. Jareth can barely keep up as he counteracts everything with his own magic. When you get home, you ask to play in the Escher room, but Jareth says playtime's over & takes you to bed.
Labyrinth / Reader Insert – Little Bird
A/N – Dinner hours at work are apparently very productive.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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Jareth watched you amusedly as you transformed from your original fae form to a bluebird then a goblin and back. At six years old, you were progressing much faster in your magical talents that he’d anticipated. Of course, being his child, it was no surprise you were gifted, but Jareth was still impressed with your control; most fae didn’t show such progress until they were at least thirteen, but you were different. In front of Jareth’s very eyes, you vanished, reappearing above him and giggling mischievously. With expert hands used to such tricks, Jareth caught you, swinging you around gracefully.
“Another successful teleportation. My, my, you are showing off today, little bird,” Jareth said proudly, using the pet name he’d given you since the moment he first held you.
You giggled but didn’t say anything, toying with your father in a rendition of your favourite game.
“Goblin got your tongue?”
You stuck your tongue out and Jareth mirrored the gesture playfully.
“Very well, if it’s not that, did a zephyr steal your voice?”
“No silly,” You laughed happily, “it’s my birthday.”
“My, is it really? No, I’m sure that birthdays stop after five years. Are you telling me there’s another one for turning six?”
You nodded enthusiastically.
“Well, in that case, I suppose you’ll be wanting a gift?” With a practiced hand, Jareth summoned a coat made up entirely of pockets, donning it proudly. He reached into a small-looking pocket, putting you into a fit of near-hysterics when it engulfed his entire arm. “It’s in here somewhere, I’m sure.”
He pulled out a handful of live snakes, dropping them carelessly on the floor where they quickly slithered away. You squealed elatedly, clapping small, pudgy hands.
“Oops, wrong pocket, hmm, what about this one?” He reached into another, pulling out a Firey’s eyeball. The eye turned around in Jareth’s fingers to look at you before jumping out of his hand and rolling out of the open door. In his game, Jareth emptied countless pockets, entertaining you with all manner of tricks, ranging from trained tapdancing fairies, which were removed before they could bite you, to your very own portal to the Escher room which you would be allowed to play in later.
Finally, Jareth kneeled down in front of you, taking on a serious yet loving air. “My darling little bird, I have saved the best for last.”
You bounced on the balls of your feet, scrunching your hands into excited fists. “What is it, daddy?”
“For you, I would gift the entire moon and stars, even this entire kingdom, though that will have to wait till you are millenniums older. For today, little bird, the best I can give you,” He summoned a viewing crystal, rolling it fluidly over his hand, “is a trip to the Aboveground.”
He floated the crystal over to you and you held onto it tightly, staring into it at one of the Aboveground’s small villages with eyes that wanted everything they saw.
Instantly, the room around you was filled with swirling glittery powder, as you transformed your outfit into something similar to the first person you saw in the crystal. Jareth grinned at your disguise of jeans, a shirt with sparrows on it, and dark trainers with wings built into the sides that were so fine they could rival those of the arrogant fae Hermes who’d pretended to be a God all those centuries ago.
“Such flair you have, little bird,” Jareth said, transforming his own outfit into dark green dress trousers with a white shirt and a waistcoat embroidered with green vines. Overall, it was about as understated an outfit as Jareth could bare to have; how he missed the old Victorian era of fashion with its intricate outfits and colourful ways.
“I expect you’ll behave, young one,” Jareth warned. “No magic in front of the humans, am I clear?”
“Yes. Let’s go, go, go!”
Jareth drew on his much stronger magic to teleport the two of you to the human village from the crystal. It was somewhere quiet and reasonably small, perfect for a first trip to the Aboveground. Once there, on the outskirts, hidden under the long curtains of a weeping willow, Jareth reached for your hand, but it was too late. In all your excitement you had teleported, finding yourself on the steeple of a church that overlooked the entire village.
While you took in the sights below, Jareth cursed in the ancient language, mildly displeased with your disappearing act, but not mad; after all, had he not done the exact same thing when his mother had brought him to the very same village, though she had waited till he was thirteen.
He followed your magic signature, prepared to reprimand you but by the time he reached the steeple, you were already gone again. He tried to trace your location which should have been a simple task, but evidently you were pushing your boundaries and teleporting every which way. He rolled his eyes in a ‘kids will be kids manner’, coming to the conclusion you were randomly teleporting from one spot to the another; that was something he hadn’t done, one teleport had been enough for him at thirteen.
He paused, opting to wait till you exhausted yourself, which was bound to happen eventually. Then the screaming began.
Jareth transformed into an owl, flying to the source in case he teleported in front of a hapless human. The screaming was coming from a young boy, not much older than you, as he was constricted by a large python. You were in front of him, stomping your feet angrily.
“Say sorry,” You shrieked in a tantrum.
From the boy’s purple face and rolling eyes, it was clear he couldn’t say anything; even the screaming had stopped. Ignoring any previous rules, Jareth transformed back to normal, using a complicated time reversal spell to fix the situation and save the boy’s life, whilst also removing any memory of the altercation.
“(Y/N)!” Jareth said sternly. “The humans aren’t like us, you could have killed him and-”
“He was rude!” You pouted.
“All humans are rude… Come now little bird, I think it’s time I explained a few things. This realm can exhaust our magic and we-”
You quickly grew bored of the lecture. If your father didn’t understand that you were only acting in a manner befitting royalty, then you didn’t want to hear it. Sensing a pull of magic, Jareth pointed at you commandingly, “No! Don’t even think about it, young-”
You vanished, leaving Jareth irked as he tracked you again. He now knew that he couldn’t wait for you to tire yourself out anymore; the time reversal had left him exhausted and he needed to use his reserve magic sparingly so the two of you could get back home to the Underground.
Silently, he sent an apology to his long-deceased mother in case he’d ever been as much trouble at a young age, then he felt you stop. He gritted his teeth as he felt yet another, much stronger pull of magic; whatever you were playing at was bound to be conspicuous. Wasting no time, he teleported to you, finding you stood with another child; a little girl with oversized clothes that accentuated her skinny limbs. Everything about her spoke of malnourishment, and maybe that was why she reached so eagerly for the dream-inducing peach you offered her.
Jareth snatched the peach from your hand, sending it back to the Underground and wondering all the while how you had managed to cast such a complex spell; you shouldn’t have been able to do magic like that till you were at least two hundred, which was still considered a juvenile age for the fae. Jareth never thought it possible that one so young would be able to do such a thing. He seriously considered whether or not he should craft some magic dampeners to temporarily limit your abilities once the two of you were back home, but that was a thought for another time; for now, all he had to do was get you back. He glanced almost boredly at the hungry child, disregarding her completely in favour of you.
“(Y/N), please,” Jareth grabbed your wrist tightly so you couldn’t go anywhere, “tell me what you think you’re doing.”
“She’s hungry daddy.”
“That is not a matter that concerns us. You know very well that peaches are…” He chose his words carefully, knowing the impact one human child could have once grown up, “bad for one’s digestion.”
“Please daddy… She really is hungry… Just one bite daddy, please.”
Jareth shook his head at your pleading tone, and reached into the back pocket of his trousers, summoning a wallet so he could hand the child some money. What currency were humans using these days? Jareth had long since forgotten, but he imagined gold was still valuable to the greedy race.  Carelessly, he handed the child a fistful of solid gold doubloons, which she stared at with wide eyes, too stunned to say anything.
“Take that home to your family for food. Go,” Jareth barked. “And tell them nothing of us, or I assure you, I will bring back that peach.”
Although the girl had no idea what he meant with that last remark, she did at told, bunching up the doubloons in her jumper to stop any from escaping.
“Yay,” You cheered, “now everyone will eat.”
Jareth sighed, knowing he couldn’t find it in himself to berate you, his one and only heir. He tugged your hand gently, “Come now little bird, it is time we returned home.”
“Okay daddy,” You beamed. “Can I play in the Escher room?”
“No, my darling, when we get home it’s straight to bed. It’s been a long day… and I have a story to tell you.”
“Is it about Sir Didymus again?”
“Not tonight little bird...” Jareth looked pensive. He was thinking about your powers, considering for the first time that you might be stronger than any fae ever born for one simple reason. “Tonight, I would like to tell you the story of your mother because she was born right here in this village… She was from the Aboveground.”
You smiled simply, not feeling the weight of your father’s words at such a young age. You’d never met your mother; as far as you were concerned, you didn’t really know what a mother was. “That sounds fun, does it have a happy ending?”
Jareth felt the familiar pang of despair that hadn’t waned over the years. He would indeed tell you the story of your mother, but not the entire thing. Bound by fae law, he couldn’t lie, but so long as he gave the story a different ending it wasn’t a lie when he answered. “Yes.”
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