wormswurld · 5 months
barry keoghan tiny waist and happy trail save me……..
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yuri-hell-world · 5 months
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hi guys! sorry to report, but i'll be goin on hiatus for a bit! dealin with some stuff rn, and i'm having a bit of a lack of motivation, so it's gonna go on break for a lil bit. but it'll be back!!!! just you wait...
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lalalaugenbrot · 8 months
Ich versuche gerade mich wegen den Wahlergebnissen nicht in einen Flummi der Verzweiflung zu verwandeln und die Frustration zu irgendwas zu nutzen. Fällt dir eine sinnvolle Stelle ein, wo man aktiv werden kann? Oder Organisationen, denen eine Spende was bringen würde
Tja, was für eine gute Frage.
Also als allererstes: das ist eine Frage, die ich mir selbst auch stelle und eine Antwort darauf habe ich leider auch nicht so richtig.
Plus, was den konkreten Fall Landtagswahlen 2024 angeht: sofern man nicht in einem der drei Bundesländer lebt, in denen nächstes Jahr gewählt wird oder zumindest enge Kontakte dahin hat, ist man da ein bisschen zum Zuschauen verdonnert, befürchte ich. Man könnte höchstens die anderen Parteien in den betreffenden Bundesländern direkt finanziell unterstützen, damit sie einen guten Wahlkampf machen können. Und darüber hinaus natürlich auch so an Vereine/Organisationen vor Ort spenden, die sich gegen Rechts bzw. für ein gutes, offenes Zusammenleben einsetzen.
Aber allgemeiner betrachtet (weil AfD ist ja überall und übernächstes Jahr ja auch schon wieder Bundestagswahl): ich kann zuerst nur mal sagen, dass ich persönlich als Konsequenz aus der BTW 2017 (AfD erstmals im Bundestag), den Grünen beigetreten bin. Einfach um zumindest irgendwie einen ersten Schritt zu tun, politisch aktiv zu werden. Das müssen natürlich nicht die Grünen sein, aber eine von den "großen" Parteien sollte es schon sein, finde ich. Ich mag zwar grundsätzlich die Parteienvielfalt in Deutschland, aber mit Miniparteien hat man halt gegen die AfD auch nichts in der Hand. Außerdem ist Demokratie eben Kompromiss und ich würde behaupten, dass bei den 4-5 großen, demokratischen Parteien schon eine dabei sein wird, mit der man sich arrangieren kann, zumal man ja als Mitglied dann auch alle Möglichkeiten zum aktiven Mitgestalten hat. (Ich hab es leider bisher nicht wirklich über eine stumme Parteimitgliedschaft hinausgebracht, aber das kann man gerne besser machen als ich!)
Aber man kann natürlich, wenn man nicht gleich wo beitreten will, auch hier ja einfach erstmal an eine oder mehrere Parteien spenden (es geht hier ja konkret um die Wahlen und man sollte vielleicht nicht vergessen, dass die AfD teils ganz horrende Summen an Parteispenden bekommt und so ein Wahlkampf – Plakate, Wahlwerbespots, Veranstaltungen, Durchs-Land-Reisen, Klinkenputzen – kostet eben Geld).
Und was ansonsten das "Menschen dazu bringen, nicht die AfD zu wählen" angeht, bin ich mittlerweile ehrlich gesagt der Überzeugung, dass das (jetzt aus einer privaten, d.h. nicht politischen Position heraus) nur 1:1 funktioniert. Das heißt über den direkten, persönlichen Kontakt zu einem Menschen, den man kennt. Auch wenn es nervt, auch wenn es anstrengend ist. Auch wenn ich die Reaktion verstehe, abzublocken, Kontakt abzubrechen, wütend zu werden, die Welt in Freund und Feind, Gut und Böse, Wir und Die aufzuteilen — ich glaube aber, dass das nur die Fronten verhärtet, gegenseitige Vorurteile bestätigt, spaltet und letztlich alle extremer macht. Und eine Gesellschaft, um Claire Waldoff zu zitieren, in der keiner mehr weiß, wer er ist, Nazi oder Kommunist, halte ich für nicht besonders erstrebenswert (vgl. Entstehungszeitraum des zitierten Liedes – Es gibt nur ein Berlin, 1932). Und mit dem persönlichen, direkten Kontakt meine ich übrigens keine Faktendiskussionen, keine Überzeugungsarbeit, ganz im Gegenteil: die komplette Ausblendung von allen Themen, die trennen, auch wenn es schwer fällt, auch wenn es vielleicht gegen das Gerechtigskeitsempfinden geht. Das heißt natürlich nicht, dass man etwaige rechte Meinungen und Einstellungen von den besagten Leuten gut finden oder tolerieren sollte. Keine Zukunfstangst und keine Unsicherheit der Welt rechtfertigen Rassismus, Xenophobie, Queerfeindlichkeit und ganz allgemein Menschenhass. Aber das alles geht halt auch durch Gegenrede nicht weg, weil die immer nur die Symptome bekämpft und dadurch die Ursachen womöglich sogar noch verstärkt. Aber wenn ich irgendeine gemeinsame Basis mit meinem Cousin oder meinem Nachbarn oder meiner Tante oder Arbeitskollegin finde, auf die wir uns einigen können, sei es irgendeine Art von Hobby oder Sport oder anderes Interesse, bei dem wir zusammen Zeit verbringen können – vielleicht bin ich dann am Ende die einzige Person im Leben meines Cousins oder Nachbarn, meiner Tante oder Arbeitskollegin, die nicht die immer gleichen Parolen wiederholt. Vielleicht bin ich dann die Person, an die sie denkt, wenn das nächste Mal im Telegramchat von linksgrünversifften Gendergagaisten die Rede ist und vielleicht denkt sie dann, dass ich doch eigentlich fast ganz ok bin trotz allem und vielleicht ist da dann ein ganz kleiner grauer Punkt im schwarz-weißen Weltbild.
Und vielleicht hilft am Ende auch einfach die Demut, sich einzugestehen, dass wir alle – hätten wir andere Sachen erlebt, andere Menschen getroffen, oder wären woanders auf die Welt gekommen – irgendwo im rechten Spektrum hätten landen können. Und sich dann zu fragen, warum das eben nicht passiert ist. Wenn ich zurückgucke in meinem Leben, waren es eigentlich immer gute Freunde, die Familie, vielleicht hier und da noch ein Lehrer oder eine Lieblingsband, die mich ganz grundsätzlich politisch und menschlich geprägt haben und mich zu dem gemacht haben, der ich bin. Und vielleicht kann ich selbst also auch für jemand anderen so ein Mensch sein.
Aber ja... ich weiß, es ist ein weites Feld. Wenn es doch alles bloß so einfach wäre!
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r0b0-writes · 6 months
Kris and Noelle
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[link to og]
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pixiecaps · 2 years
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omg i love cricket crew!!!
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professorllayton · 2 years
SOO so sorry for being obsessed w gansey .as if he didnt fill a page of his journal up w duck facts to tell the love of his life later. jfc
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mercurydraak · 3 months
that alphabetcompletionist balatro post has made me unreasonably mad and I'm gonna make a separate post because I don't really want to spam angry reblogs on the post.
anyway 0.5x for every unique letter in other jokers.
there is a common joker called delayed gratification. this and the custom joker would give you a 7.5x multiplier assuming you start at 1x like every other scaling joker. Yorick is a legendary that gives 5x after you discard 23 times. with a rare and a common you've outscaled a legendary.
the combo I can think of off the top of my head that comes close is vampire + Midas mask + pareidolia, which gives vampire +1x multiplier every hand at the cost of 2 dead jokers and a very lucky setup.
with just the rare custom, you would turn ANY run into a winning one. Comparatively, every other joker has some sort of cost or downside. Some only give multipliers or points on certain hands. Others give unconditionally, but are often so weak that it's far better to only take them in early antes. There are 3 jokers I can think of that I would take on almost any run and those are blueprint, throwback and brainstorm. 2 of those copy another joker's ability, and throwback gives multiplier that scales well at next to no condition (since I skip frequently). the custom card is objectively better than throwback, since it has even less of a condition and scales far better, and blueprint and brainstorm copy your strongest ability (effectively, although it's a little more awkward to copy stronger jokers with brainstorm), so they are about as strong as your strongest joker, putting them as about equal to the custom joker imo.
even legendaries are worse overall because they are far more conditional for their strong effects.
- Canio needs you to destroy face cards, for which you would need to farm tarots or spectrals, neither of which guarantee a face card being destroyed.
- Triboulet needs kings and queens to score. you start with 8 in most decks (NOT face cards in general, which would make this far easier)
- Yorick needs 23 discards, which can be 4-8 rounds of full discard use depending on how many discards you have.
- Chicot disables boss abilities, making its power dependent entirely on how much the boss ability would screw you over
- Perkeo relies on you having a consumable that you want to copy indefinitely, like the planet card for your most used hand or something like the hanged man to think your deck. This also has the caveat that consumables you hold are exclusively generated randomly with no choices, unlike in packs (to my knowledge).
All of this is to say, the custom joker is far more powerful and far less conditional than any other joker in the game. as such, the way I would personally balance it is to make it a 0.1x multiplier instead of 0.5x per unique letter. this would make it pretty unconditionally strong, but not game-breakingly so. Designing a selection of jokers to capitalise on it would make it more effective, and at 20 unique letters a 3x multiplier seems a pretty powerful reward. This is still stronger than other rare cards, I believe, but to a degree that is far more in line with existing ones - for example, baseball card with 3 uncommons is a 3.375x multiplier. hit the road with 4 jacks discarded is a 3x multiplier. Duke with 3 kings in hand is a 3.375x multiplier. all of these are comparable, with a relatively similar level of commitment in order to achieve consistent rewards from them.
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staracket · 29 days
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nothing bad ever happened!!!
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luveline · 2 years
oh my, can we possibly have a james x shy!reader, where he gives her flowers but it's her first time receiving flowers? <3
OMG YES tysm for ur request ♡ fem!reader
There's a ferocious knocking coming from the front door. You look down at your naked thighs and decide not to answer. By the time you're dressed they would've already lost interest, a cold caller no doubt.
You sieze up and wait for them to leave. After a few minutes you relax and click play on your movie again.
"Shortcake, I know you're in there!" calls a familiar voice.
"James," you say, startled.
There's no way he would've heard you. His insistent knocking begins again. You practically fly off of your bed in your hurry to stand, searching your slightly messy room for something to wear. There's nothing, of course, because all of your trousers (pyjamas included) are currently on a high speed spin in the tumble dryer.
For lack of any better options, you pull on a hoodie that's always been too big for you and hold it against your thighs to avoid any potential flashing, and then you rush to the door.
"James," you say, opening the door just enough too see him.
Any plans of shooing him away go out the window when you see what he's holding, a bouquet three times the size of your head. It's literally bursting from its cellophane wrapping, a dazzling array of lavender, yellow, rose-red and greens. Fragrant enough to smell it clearly though he stands a good two feet away from you.
"Hey," James says, beaming at your startled expression. "I'm sorry to drop by unexpectedly."
"That's okay."
He graciously ignores your breathlessness and nods his head. "Could I come in?"
"James," you say again, sheepish. "I'm not," — heat like nothing you've ever felt washes over you, so embarrassed that you could just die on the spot — "wearing any trousers."
"Oh." He frowns at your embarrassment. "I'll wait here if you want to find something?"
He doesn't seem perturbed by the gentle rain outside. His sleeves have grown dark with wet, and raindrops play in his curls.
You shake your head and open the door. "You have to come in, it's raining."
"I won't look," he assures you.
You usher him very gratefully and wizz off to the tumble dryer. The jogging bottoms you pull out aren't really dry but you couldn't care less, more than aware that James has likely just seen a lot of skin that he's never seen before. Well, never seen before from you. He's likely seen a lot more than that of other girls.
You fluster yourself thinking about it. You're so distracted by the thought and trying to get rid of it that you'd totally forgotten about the flowers.
You're not sure what to say. Forbid you assume they're for you, you stop in front of James and his bouquet with a hesitant smile.
"They're for you," he says knowingly.
You smile and make a little gasp as you do, self-deprecating and overjoyed at once. "They're stunning. Really, really pretty. Thank you."
He hears the hint of confusion.
"Right," he says.
James runs a hand through his hair. "Would you want to go on a date with me? I know we've been for food after lecture and coffee and things, but I guess I'm trying to ask you out, uh, romantically?"
He offers the flowers.
You take them on instinct. James seems very encouraged by this, his smile near blinding. He presses his lips together and waits for you to speak. All your words have dried up like cotton in your mouth.
"I know you're-" He holds your gaze. He has a very gentle expression in place. "Well, I know you. You don't have to answer now. Or even say yes. But I think you're lovely, and I wanted to get you flowers even if you wanted to stay friends."
You're so happy you could cry.
"Nobody's ever got me flowers before," you say lightly.
"No? That's weird."
You cringe self-conciously. "You think so?"
"Absolutely I think so. Did you attend a school for the blind, before uni?" he asks seriously.
You sigh and raise the flowers up toward your face to hide your smile. His golden laugh rings out, and he closes the gap between you both to bend at the waist and peek at your face in the flowers.
"Yeah?" he asks through a laugh.
You nod, hoping he understands your enthusiasm even if you can't quite show it.
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buwheal · 19 hours
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Not even the first time he's done that either loll, hes lucky it still works,, the initial shatter wasnt /really/ technically out of anger, though :-3
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wh0re-behavi0r · 1 month
Seven Sentence Sunday (it's monday here)
some more trans!buck royalty fic... hoping to actually write it and finish it
tagged by @elvensorceress @bibuckbuckley thank you loves
He gulps, goes to remove his underwear and then pulls it back up. The Prince walks in, the candles lighting up his face. Buck was entirely too nervous at the altar to fully take in how handsome the man is, but here and now, there’s not much else to occupy his mind with. 
Buck smiles, tilts his head towards the sheets, and says, “Won’t you join me?” 
“It’s been quite a long day,” Prince Eddie sighs and clears his throat. He adjusts the collar of his shirt, pulling at it as if it were too tight. 
“We should both get some sleep. Goodnight, Princess Evangeline.” 
“Goodnight, my prince.” 
He then leaves the room, Buck alone on a gigantic bed, wondering what his next move is. Following him after that curt but very polite rejection is one idea. Buck hadn’t read anything in the books like that. Eddie was meant to grab his hips, to moan above him, to push his cock into his core until he reached completion. Staying here is the other idea that seems the smartest. A woman with her own mind is dangerous, he remembers. Buck turns his face into the goose feather pillow and prays sleep will take him swiftly. 
tagging @gayhoediaz @starkguzman @sainteddie @lesbiankinard @bibuddie
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redxcrackle · 9 months
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❤️RedCrackle Aesthetic💙
🌹Date Night 🥂
If you want to be +/- to the taglist you can text, reblog w/ comment, ask, etc. You will be tagged for every aesthetic that I do.
♥️Taglist: @grahamcarmen @fuckyeahmiraculous @rys-redcrackle @chiefladyluminary @etherealdisneyvillainness @lara635kookie @r3dcrakle
Requested by: @r3dcrakle
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mayullla · 1 day
Trying to get back to writing again and I need a name for a dilf man I am unable to pick one name that works on a sly sofisticated dilf wizard.
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prisonguards · 2 years
Joel and Jimmy seems like the people that would practice kissing with eachother
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I had a Vision
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oddogoblino · 6 months
(coudnt decide the colours so here both winter and summer coats)
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HMmm, I wanna call these... Northern Riverbeasts! I'm sorry that's not very creative, I've struggled with this for all the time it's been in my inbox 😭 idk why.
I imagine they'd treated like folklore legends because of how almost impossible it is to find even just tracks or any sign they exist very easily. When they are seen, people have treated like like they're spiritual creatures and consider them a sign that the river is not only safe to drink, but also that the river is plentiful enough to fish in. There are very few people who see them, and when they do they're known to be incredibly patient animals.
Ancient artworks would even suggest that native groups would once even seemingly befriend and live around wherever these beasts roamed, knowing full well of their ability to guide them to pure, safe places and maybe even being why the feline-like beasts are so calm around humans. Like crows and other corvids with the same habits, they teach their young the same things they've learnt, thus causing a generational lack of fear of humans.
I'd also like to imagine them as a Canadian species that tend to sometimes travel into America for no known reasons as of yet.
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