#soop babbles
Oh yeah I’m 19 today wooo wooooooooOoOoOoOo
Draw myself in a party hat later or something
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moonsiechild · 2 years
BTS: *sees someone get hurt and consoles them and watches over them til they recover*  *cooks a decent meal for either themselves or their loved ones to enjoy*  *plays with a pet and shows affection towards it and receives some back*  *shares their deepest emotions and insecurities; expresses their desire for self-reflection and self-improvement to better understand themselves, understand and help others and most importantly — have a more stable wellbeing and be happier themselves*  *just cleans and does other typical chores*  *literally does anything within the “In The Soop” series*
Some annoying prick in the YouTube comment section: Aaaw, he’ll make such a good husband/father one day 🥰
Another annoying prick in the YouTube comments: Husband material! 💓😍💓 His future wife will be so lucky! 😔
Another annoying prick: Look how well he takes care of his dongsaengs 🥺 He’s such an upstanding fatherly figure to them. I know he’ll be just the same with his future family 😚
Another annoying prick: He would take such good care of his future family 🥰😍😍💗💓💞 His wife and children would be so blessed. To be that wife 💗
Another annoying prick: We need more men in the world like him💞💞 He would be such an amazing father. His fatherly skills 🥰
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vulturevanity · 2 years
I ate. So much soup
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hongssami · 3 years
if ,,, uhhh ,,, if you have a link for svt's in the soop i would like to ask for it ,,,, perhaps :'D
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rexscanonwife · 4 years
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@irenemarkone YOU'RE RIGHT ;//; I want him to invite ME into his home for a mineral water or some vitamins ahdjfj
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singingrainbows · 7 years
Tag Thing
Nicknames: No nicknames (but I do go by Molly in games and such)
Star sign: Scorpio (also my chinese zodiac is a dragon :D )
Height:165,5cm (I think *shrug*)
Time right now: 01:39(start)
Favourite music artist: It's unusual for me to like more than a few songs pr artist lol, so I guess the ones who are the exception to that could kinda be called my favs, even if even that's a stretch for many. I do very much adore the Danish artist Kim Larsen he's like one of our national treasures. He's kinda like wierd cross between Bob Dylan, David Bowie and Elton John among others lol. So yeah I love Kim Larsen. I also love a lot of music by the danish Rasmus Seebach. I have a fondness for Backstreet Boy's second album (I think it was second, the one with the ”everybody rock your body” song (my first ever cd actually)), I really like a lot of Eminems work too; I really love most of Westlife's old works (they also did one of my top fav song of all time Flying Without Wings), I also have a fondness for some of Avril Lavign's old works. Gah let's just say my fav singers/bands off the top of my head are Kim Larsen, Westlife, Rasmus Seebach, and Yui (japanese). I listen to little bi of everything. From Fallout Boy and the occasional Lincon Park and Evanescnese; to Neon Trees, Paramore, and even those two one direction songs (best night ever, and perfect); to oldies like Dolly Parton, and Bob Dylon (yeah prolly add Dylan to fav list too). I like a few Gwen Stefani and Beyonce songs, and even a Taylor Swift songs. I also love Bruno Mars (yeah he should prolly be on the list, maybe, Iunno). I like classic musik and some opera, I like some rap, I folk songs, and country and old and some new. My fav song to listen to atm is prolly All Of You/Me by John Legend (which may just be the most romantic song I've ever heard). I DON'T like synths, and autotunes and all the horrible thing like that, which is sadly the norm in so much music today. I've very rarely seen it used well. It grates, and while some of it may be ok to dance to in a club (like the unholy racket that was crazy frog, actually kinda fun to really dance to on a sugar high) but the problem is that it's never kept there. It bombards the radio stations, which in turn, bombards shopping malls and recntly my god damn grocery stores! WTF? D:  So yeah I fucking HATE modern club music! I literally hurts my ears, and stabs at my head. FUUUUCK! (sorry for the rant ^^; ) Not much for Disco, I find the majority of Elvis songs kinda boring, and I'm not much for punk. I do love a good rock song, and I have a fondness for most of the hits thats came out when I was a kid. I like exactly one Spice Girls song (three guesses which, lol) but I REALLY do like that one. I love Aqua and while Barbie Girl will always scream ultra Nostalgia my fav is Doctor Jones. The VangaBoys too, Boom Boom, and Ibiza stand out lol. Achy Brachy Heart will always be fondly smiled at, and Over My Shoulder is still one of my favs (for some inexplicable reason, despite its subject matter being sad, it never fails to make me smile. Must be the upbeat melody, lol.) The danish band Shubidua was played to redicluous levels in my early teens, someone was always putting it on, lol. (That and Kim Larsen.) Their silly, silly songs made us laugh and smile and sing along. Also the Danish song Videoman. I Swear by All 4 One evokes memories of when my parents were still in love and not estraged divorcees, (while I don't regret them splitting in hindsight, no kid likes going through a divorce. Let alone moving a country away and leaving one parent behind. *forget ”every other weekend” I saw my dad 2-4 weeks a year if that.*) that song reminds me of simpler times (not that I long for them, I like my life now, but still). The Soop Shoop Song aka In His Kiss by Betty Everett is and always will be awesome. Las Ketchup was rediculous but fun. Yeah I  could go on, but I think that's beyond enough lol. Sorry long babble is long. XD
Song stuck in my head: Can't remember for a blessed moment and I want to keep it that way lol.
Last movie watched: Uh. Prolly a drama or some scifi movie.
Last TV show watched: Underground, Handmaid's Tale, American Gods, so many more. (Also, Game Of Thrones needs to start NOW not in two weeks :O )
What are you doing right now: Writing this, reading an awesome Naruto fanfic, arguing with my cat, smiling at my cat, enjoying that my cat is currently not screaming his head off and hoping lasts, considering attempting to gather my sweet kitty for a cuddle, watching a few anime Hero Academia, *just finished a few too* just started the first ep of Spiral; cat's yelling again ”be quite I'm not giving you a snack! Top scratching the table gah!”; quiet again, please last; playing Pokemon Sun.
When did you create this blog: Uh, like last year I think. It's fairly new.
What kind of stuff I usually post: Mostly reblogs. I'm planning to start psoting some fan theories, musings on stories, and maybe a review or two, I dunno. Who knows.
Do you have any other blogs: Twitter (my primary hang out) and Deviantart.
Do you get asks regularly: No
Why did you choose your url: Uh.
Hogwarts house: Swings between Slytherin and Hufflepuff, with the potential but not really the desire for Gryffyndor.
Pokémon team: I think it was Valor, but I dunno. Also, if I really lived in the pkmn world my occupation would totally be treasure hunter/adventurer.
Favourite colour: Pastel/baby/pale pink and pastel/baby/pale/sky blu are tied for first place, second  is pastel/baby/pale purplish blue and pastel lavenderish. I just love pastels, and I'm fond of all lighter shades of blue. I like some reds too. Bright orange and yellow in nature. If it's found on a real rainbow I likely have a fondness for it. Flowers and nature make me happy. I love the sky, and bodies of water. My dream is to live near a lake and a meadow. (I hate grey.)
Average hours of sleep: It swings. But for an otimal nights sleep I require around ten hours min.
Lucky number: 7
Favourite Character: Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail (probably one of the best female characters (and characters period) ever; Naruto Uzumaki (pre Tobi ”reveal”) from Naruto; Sakura Haruno (pre Tobi reveal), various other Naruto characters; Madoka from Madoka Magica, Usagi/Sailor Moon; various Madoka Magica characters; various FairyTail characters; various Digimon Characters; Harry Potter from HP; various HP charas. A ton of others too, but this list is long enough.
How many blankets do you sleep with: Two summer duvets (sometimes I forgo the one if it's REALLY hot, but my body goes into super shut down mode when I sleep, so I get super chilly. This is not fun on a plane.) In the winter I sometimes pile on one or two or even three blankets. (Then despar when I wake to one or more on the floor.)
Following: 6
Followers: 11 but not because tumblr spazzed out. The real number is iffy. :P
I was kinda tagged by Amarevia. I tag those who wanna give it a go.
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I’m gonna rant cuz I wanna
I was gonna wait to post this till I had a few drawings to go w this rant but wah- forget it-
So here’s a draft that I am going to finish post at 3:15am because it’s ramble time baby
So this is technically an AU- but just for myself - cuz none of y’all would understand the differences being made
Until I explain it to you lalalalaaa so here we go-
everyone has thier own versions of sun & moon and Y/N wether it be in personality or design or both
I just wanna explain how I picture my universe of sillies ig- I always wanted to go on a rant about it but I would always shut myself down- being afraid that I would come off as more annoying than I already am ndndksbsj- Idk- nevertheless it’s fun to info dump- wether or not people actually read it- I don’t mind at this point- so I’m just gonna go for it man
So basically I have this OC world I call Zermerands-(don’t hurt yourself trying to pronounce it) - which is a planet full of my original species and a very messy plot point- I think I mentioned this planet maybe once before-? Don’t quote me on that- but that’s besides the point
The point is that in this world- magic,psychic abilities,elementsl powers, advanced technology, and all that yadda yadda is the norm- so a pizza plex existing here would be considered kinda a basic kids establishment- but it’s still very much a popular place to kill time with the kiddos- and the daycare in this case is the backbone of the company-
ok so each species has their own districts- and usually all the crazy outstanding and very risky establishments are built in the Feindly district- I’ll one day go into depth with all the species but rn I’m too lazy and I wanna try to keep this as short as my rambling self possibly can B)
In the canon story I have an OC named Jackie that owns an establishment similar to the pizza plex- so basically- the AU is that Jackie’s Place is replaced with the pizza plex - tadaa
As of right now - Zermerands doesn’t have any robot inhabitants- so ig in a way the animatronics are a somewhat fascinating feat- however most people are so use to the diversity of the population that they may just assume the robots are actual citizens just working there to provide for thier robot families
Which is not the case given that they were accidentally given sentience-
But ya- so- ya
In the Feindly district - murder isn’t illegal- however most stores/households/establishments have installed an T.T.M.S.S (acronym for “Thing That Makes Stuff Stop”,, people here don’t know how to name their gadgets) which is basically an,,, idk a word for it,,? Anesthetic?? Ig?? - it works at a kinda mist that they put In the air so that basically it makes people incapable of using their special abilities-
like- for example - if a dragon person waltzed into the pizza plex- they wouldn’t have ability to breathe fire - and they would be in a relaxed state to where they would be for the most park physically and emotionally incapable of causing any problems- but the effectiveness of this must varies from creature to creature-
This doesn’t affect the animatronics tho- cuz - they don’t have lungs-
they don’t have any special abilities outside of the canon game but they would technically be stronger than all the costumers
Which is why moon has been shamelessly eating trespassers
Even tho murder isn’t illegal- people are still pretty civil and respectful- and they would expect nothing less from the animatronics
Murder is a controversial topic in the Feindly district- some consider it incredibly idiotic that it’s not illegal- some say “Ya don’t like it? Move to another district!” And then most of which are indifferent- most are pretty chill they really don’t care- but it causes them to be fairly callused- given that any day at anytime- they- or a loved one could be gonzo within seconds
Ok back to talking about the plex-
All the glam characters are basically the same in personality-
Moon is more feral and only speaks fluent sentences if he feels you’re worth his time- if not he’ll talk with very few words
For example
I kinda respect you, moon: “You can leave now. Your shift ended half an hour ago.”
I playfully disrespect you, moon: “You. Gone.”
That kinda thing
Sun is very calm and sarcastic
Absolutely panicking and questioning his life 24/7 on the inside-
He’ll only let his panic shine through if he feels threatened or has a suspicion that he’s being replaced
But ofc he hides it very very well with being chill and silly silly
He only raises his voice when he absolutely positively needs to
Otherwise he prefers to solve conflicts in a fashion that causes less stress in everyone involved
He kinda had to take on both roles of being fun and upbeat- yet calm and relaxed at the same time
Sun was the one who ratted Moon out tho-
After being addressed for his behavior- management figured it would be safer if Moon was just strictly a security guard and never was allowed to interact with the kids
He acted pretty indifferent to the whole thing- but he does kinda miss the kids-
A lot-
Sun loves his job- but he felt if Moon wasn’t so morally STUPID that it would be a lot easier to manage
Also yes they both reside in the same body
So he is very well capable of speaking with moon he just prefers not to most of the time
They don’t hate eachother- they just rather not associate- they view eachother as mere business partners rather than brothers
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Anxiety lalalalalaaaa
Help me
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you wanna know why
it’s Soopen E Draws
go look up ChuckECheese’s real name
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This is Reese
She’s a mini bernedoodle
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I don’t have thoughts- thoughts have me
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I farted
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is liking spaghetti - kinda basic?
like if you were to ask me what my favorite food is
and I answered spaghetti
would you consider me a basic average human being
do a lot of people not like spaghetti
I know Cinn hates it but that’s the only person I can think of that doesn’t like it
ok wait I take that back I know two people who don’t like spaghetti
but that’s besides the point
like I never know what to answer when someone says “what’s your favorite food” cuz I feel like answering spaghetti is like saying vanilla is my favorite ice cream flavor (no shade btw- it’s a respectable flavor)
should I say I like something quirky
edible tennis balls
“do those exist?- only I would know -because I’m the quirkiest one around”
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You ever just wanna - kill a man/p
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Lalalalalalalala skin me
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It’s 3:15am have a fun fact
The reason I put that little squiggle line on my personas (and OCs that represent me in any way)’s heads is cuz I have a vein in my eye that is literally a squiggle line
One day I was staring at it in the mirror and thought “ya know what would be funny.”
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