#song is venom of venus btw
purp-art · 1 year
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She minos on my prime til I ultrakill **LOUD BUZZER** sh she king on my minos til i prime **LOUD BUZZER** she p my rank til i minos prime **LOUD BUZZER** she soul my survivor til i spinal staircase **LOUD BU
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ghastlybin · 1 year
My skz concert experience that nobody asked for.
I just want a place to detail my memories while some are still fresh in my mind. Lol.
March 27, 2023.
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First off, it was raining when we were going inside, hella stairs, was about to (and tempted) to water slide down the steps to our seats.
The girl next to me was kinda rude and kept giving me dirty looks but it’s okay because I’m on my way to her mom’s house as I type this ;)
Tour is titled Maniac. Of course they were gonna play Maniac. It was secured on the setlist. It was so fcking epic though.
-okay the notes are out of order from this point on lol-
Felix basically taught us about the water cycle after Muddy water. Science class 101
Chan: “Let’s give a round of applause to the kids for how good their english was!” (He said Something similar to this)
My mom: “this mf did not call them kids knowing they are around the same age”
It’s in their name, lol
So for context, skz played a game team vs team (who can get louder screams) and Changbin’s team lost- (btw it was team muddy water and I couldn’t hear the name of the other team because ppl screaming lol but for the sake of this, I’m gonna say Changbin’s team lol)
Changbin: I took my shirt off and still lost. I’m never taking my shirt off again.
Chan: We already take everything off
[Either before or after, fever dream goin crazy rn]
Seungmin: LOSERS 😆
Seungmin said the crowd barking makes him feel tough.
I forgot to press record for Easy and gave my phone to my brother and noticed it wasn’t recording until after the song 💀 It’s okay, it’s in my core memories.
A piece of confetti fell on me during haven and I fcking screamed as if it had Changbin’s number on it or smth 😭😭😭 my most down bad moment of the year thus far. Lmao.
I saw Changbin smile and was done for the night.
Felix kept winking, mf made me forget who I belonged to. (Joking, joking haha)
Minho is so fcking fine. Dude was GLOWING. I’m so close to blocking them on everything since he wants to be THAT fine.
Minho & Chan performed Drive. My mom knows btw so it’s not like she was gonna scold me as if I wrote the song. She caught on when Chan was like “the city is pretty big and open”. Not necessarily mom-friendly but we’re gonna let that slide.
Chan said Red lights was an adorable song. Everyone and their families SAW the ribbons, honey bee.
Phone gave up when I tried getting one last picture lol. Pfft. She went on a strike but it’s okay, that lil bitch. (Talking to my phone)
Idc I was showing out for Seungmin. The whole fcking crowd was. We do not play when it comes to Seungmin. And I will continue to show out for Seungmin.
Hyunjin sang Ice cream and I did not deserve to hear it, the mf is so pretty and I love Ice cream and I am unworthy but it’s chill, we ball.
Still kinda upset Minho dropped the ps4 controller in the little movie thingy. I’m sorry but those are expensive, I know y’all are rich but that hurt my soul ily still though.
Btw if I’m wrong & it wasn’t Minho, I will take the L. But PLEASE let me know. Like I said, fever dream is going crazy rn and I’m only writing these notes as I remember them. PLEASE let me know if I’m wrong.
I miss Jeongin already. His English (as is the others) is hella good and you could tell he and the others took the time to learn it so I hope they know they did great. The crowd chanted ‘I.N’ and he smiled and I think y’all should continue to do that.
The effects were so fcking cool and Jisung- I could feel his energy from where I sat. He never comes to play, and I hope he (and the others) sleep well tonight and that the sleep hits good.
Felix is the rizzly bear. Count rizz-ula. The rizz-ologist. Dude has W rizz. How the hell did he pull everyone in the venue in 2 seconds?
Felix also said he wanted to live here… honey, ily, but I can guarantee you that you do not. Respectfully. It’s a dumpster fire. Respectfully.
Felix also said “I didn’t even say anything yet” when the crowd screamed before he could speak just because he came on the big screens. Lmao.
Changbin was standing infront of one of the big screens while Seungmin was talking and my dumb ass saw Seungmin’s face zoomed in and tiny Changbin in the corner beside Seungmin’s face and I thought they had editors that shrinked Changbin. No one said I was smart okay LMAO
Idk how to explain it but seeing Changbin felt like drinking water after waking up at 3am. And before y’all (whoever decides to read this) are like “is that good or bad?” It’s good. Don’t lie. I know y’all like quenching your thirst.
BITCH THEY PLAYED HAVEN AND LIKE IDK IF YALL KNOW THIS BUT THATS THE SONG THAT CHEERED ME UP THROUGH A BAD TIME IN MY LIFE AND HEARING IT LIVE???? AND HEARING CHANGBIN’S VERSE (don’t get me wrong, I am ot8 as fck but Changbin is my ult-) I was about to cry. Like I’m about to rn actually. Literally I would’ve loved to hear ANY skz song live but this is the one song I hoped for and they supplied. So yeah.
I even avoided ‘setlist spoilers’. If that’s a thing.
They made us bark (respectfully, I refused to bark 😤), they made us meow (I also refused to meow 😤), but I did NOT pass up Haw’ing to Chan’s Yee. I will never pass up a yeehaw, as a certfied yeehaw. However, Chan has yee’d his last haw. (Joking)
Oh yeah Chan asked if any of us rode a horse before and if it was for fun. I know we are yeehaws but bruh, that’s yeehaw to another level. (There were a good chunk of ppl that said yes. Respect.)
I COULD SEE CHANGBIN FROM WHERE I WAS SAT AND THATS ALL I COULD EVER WANT. HE LOOKED SO HAPPY AND HANDSOME. I’m about to get really down bad so I will pause and suppress it.
I collected some of the confetti because skz were shooting it out of cannons. That’s like the closest thing to merch I was able to afford.
Skz (multiple members) were like “hey, if we come back, will y’all come back too??” And ofc my broke ass said yes. Chan’s buying my ticket though so it’s secured. Sorry y’all.
FAM goes hard live. I also loved the backgrounds for each song. Production team was NOT lacking.
The band that played behind them, they are so talented too. Miroh is already a hype song but this band, we let them cook and they SERVED.
My ear drums are still vibrating but I will not complain. I knew what I signed up for the second I put myself through ticketmaster hell <3
My throat also took a nosedive off a cliff. I was about to pass out just to make Seungmin happy. When he says make noise, I’m using my voicebox until it’s begging to rest.
My arms are tired. Like FATIGUED but the lightstick stays up when they say “put your hands in the air” bye.
Also happy birthday to the stay two rows in front of me :) (I saw your sign) 💜🫶
Seeing skz always feels like hanging with friends. I know that’s very delulu of me, but yeah, the past two shows I’ve seen them in, they were always very crowd inclusive and like, idk, I felt safe and like nothing bad would happen.
I have hella PCD now though. Goodnight. I will add things as I remember them lol
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stargazersastronomy · 7 years
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Scorpio & Pisces: Two Sides of the Same Coin
I’ve said before that if I wasn’t my own sign (Pisces) I’d rather be either a Scorpio or Sagittarius. This post will be similar to my Virgo/Scorpio sexuality post instead focusing on Scorpio and Pisces and their similarities. Part of this is because 1) my boyfriend has a Scorpio rising; 2) my father is a Scorpio Sun, Mercury, and Venus MC; 3) my mother has Taurus-Scorpio duplicated; 4) I’m part of the Pluto in Scorpio generation; and 5) because of one of my favourite astrologers crimson deep astrology. It doesn’t hurt that as far as I know there’s no other Music Astrology blogs on here, that Crimsondeep (Tarja reference) is a Scorpio herself, and that I’m a Pisces. (BTW, thanks for the  graphics inspiration.)  
Scorpio and Pisces are often considered the most misunderstood signs with good reason; other than Gemini you never know what to expect with the latter water signs. Part of this is because their represented by multiple animals. Scorpio by the scorpion, snake, and phoenix (also caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly); and Pisces by the fish, chameleon, and wolf. The first animals of each sign are the lower vibrations of their potential with the final animal their realized potential. Although this explanation is simplistic the middle animal is the connection of the signs. Snakes aren’t all venomous with some of them that love their fellow reptilian families. (Harmonia’s Necklace was in the design of two entwined snakes.) Wolves aren’t inherently solitary and form tight bonds with those in their pack. The Snake and Wolf are highly creative and passionate they just need to create a balance within themselves though.
The words I associate with these signs are transcendence, transgression, transformation, and reflection primarily because of their planets and houses. Eighth house is sex, death, shared resources, and security; twelfth house is the tale’s ending, rest and recuperation. (A lot of this is because Taurus and Virgo are their opposite signs since they already have security and comfort in abundance; the water signs need to learn these lessons on their own.) Pisces and Scorpio in this case are the character types where their houses are settings – the planets would be the lessons or plot. Now why do those four words describe these signs?
Pluto rules both of them: it is Pisces’ esoteric ruler and Scorpio’s modern ruler. Pluto is the transgression and transcendence. Scorpio is momento mori, aka “remember that you will die” you cannot escape death. You kill your darlings to better your story and to better yourself. Pisces is the end because it takes that message and says, “Yes, you rise and fall. Yes, death is inevitable. However the story goes on and repeats again. Though we don’t know how life continues.” You don’t have to believe in an afterlife but you know that after you’re dead the world keeps going. Neptune, which is Pisces’ modern ruler, is about breaking boundaries then merging the line that separates reality from illusion. I compare Neptune to cinema: when watching the film we want to become part of the story and if done well forget our reality. Yet Neptune is also what goes on behind the curtain, seeing how the trick’s performed. Example: I’ve always hated Sleeping Beauty but I would suffer through it just to watch the behind-the-scenes at the end of the tape. We also need to consider the other planets that are strengthened in these signs.
Venus is exalted in Pisces while detrimented in Scorpio whereas the latter is dignified in Mars and does adequately in Pisces. Venus Pisces is agape love, an endless love. What comes to my mind is Nightwish’s ‘Shudder before the Beautiful,’ “Deep silence between the note/deafens me with endless love.” Scorpio Mars is similar it is Eros and is passionate but also patient unlike an Aries Mars. In a relationship – doesn’t matter if it’s friendship, familial, romantic, or sexual – these signs are very in tuned to their partner. They actually are quite open and open-minded however they need trust in order for them to show this side of themselves. Scorpions aren’t sex addicts or evil, sometimes they might come across as prudes, but they’re obsessive, for wont of a better word, over good sex – same with Pisces. Both want the petite-mort-I-Just-Died-In-Your-Arms-Tonight sex. It’s their way of letting down their guard with those deserving of them. Overall, not matter the relationship TRUST IS ESSENTIAL to them.
Yet Venus and Mars isn’t just romance, sex, and what kind of partner we desire; Venus is our hobbies, our loves, and Mars is our passions and how we get what we want. Scorpio and Pisces in these planets are typically interested in occult hidden things. Like I mentioned earlier these signs love seeing what is underground. Scorpio is surveying the Underworlds while Pisces is discovering Atlantis and learning Atlantian ways. Pisces are fond of aesthetics and anything auditory pleasing; many artists, muscians, and performers are found with Piscean placements. Scorpios are fond of these things to but they’re the Casablanca version, they’re the Bronte sisters’ stories. People with Scorpion placements tend to love the paranormal and psychology; they love finding out what makes someone tick.
In terms of appearance these signs are average or short height, both have penetrating eyes, and typically have dark hair. All of this depends on genetics though. Pisces women may be short with small feet with Pisces men being average, tall, and big feet. Yet Rhianna and Floor Jansen are tall Pisces women, and I myself am quite tall at 5’9 (cm). Scorpios have a Rock Star look and usually prefer edgy clothes and makeup. They are the smoke-y eye look. Pisces are the modern fairytale, runaway look. (Look at SmoonStyle or Drew Barrymore.) With hairstyles if neither sign is rocking straight hair they’ll either choose the wavy or curly locks. Many Scorpios I’ve seen may have curly hair whereas Pisces have more wavy hair.
Songs for These Water Signs:
Being Everyone – After Forever (Pisces)
… And Their Eulogies Sing Me to Sleep – The Agonist (Pisces)
Transmigration Macabre – Arch Enemy (Scorpio)
Weak Fantasy – Nightwish (Scorpio)
Wild Card – ReVamp (Both)
The World is Yours – Arch Enemy (Both)
 Angela Gossow – Scorpio Sun (November Scorpio) Floor Jansen – Pisces Sun (February Pisces)
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