#sometimes things just happen yknow
hajihiko · 1 month
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close call maybe?
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ceasarslegion · 11 days
I honestly really hate the culture online about how any little slip up related to mental health will haunt you forever. Im gonna be real here and say that people still making fun of travis for the meltdown he had on stream that ONE time is in the same wheelhouse as people who share tiktoks of autistic people having meltdowns in public and laughing at them in the comments.
Like im usually the first person to say that mental illness does not negate your personal responsibility over your actions but when you continuously harass someone for having a meltdown when they have a disorder that causes meltdowns im calling bullshit on that one chief. Youre just a shitty bully.
And furthermore, thats travis's shit to deal with in private channels between the people involved, not your shit to dredge up over and over again as a complete stranger who he doesnt even know exists until you start harassing him about it years after the fact. I know social media culture has eroded the lines between private and public life but jesus christ guys, you can NOT demand that private matters like that be dragged into the public square. Youre basically demanding he stand in front of the whole school and announce hes a bad person while the other kids throw pencils at him. No wonder he wont do that, whats wrong with some of you
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godsfavoritescientist · 6 months
Sometimes the way people talk about missing social cues is so over the top 😭 people will really say stuff like "how can someone live such a soulless joyless existence that they don't understand my joke" and "if you don't laugh at this are you even human" and "I can't imagine being such a miserable asshole that you think this is serious" and "how stupid do you have to be to fall for this 💀" and on and on like. I promise autism isn't a moral failing
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bacchuschucklefuck · 12 days
you get riz gukgak so well 👍👍
thank u!! he really kinda is all of my favourite character things rolled into one package (negotiation of principles/investigator-truth seeker-negotiator with reality and the narrative/obnoxious character whose narrative reward for participating in the story is getting to be even more authentically obnoxious/deeply and hauntingly aroace
#not art#everything else abt him is also compelling so Im just eating well while crying over here#the aroace part I believe from the bottom of my heart the moment he bribed a girl in freshman year First Day Of School to eavesdrop for him#In The Girl's Bathroom. like the decision itself isnt far off from a lot of noir stuff trapp's character in mentopolis did the same#but the supreme lack of awareness of what that decision says abt you in a social setting. now That's aroace#the only reason I dont read him as agender too is bc he didnt straight up waltz in there lmao#honestly bouncing off of that I also thinks folks sometimes downplay or buff off how cringe riz is... but its my favourite thing on earth#esp. in tandem with the Everything else abt him. theres an insistence in the genres he pulls from on the greater good and losing#ur real self in the work and being maybe strange but above all The Guy Who Gets The Job Done. and riz pushing the limit of that is awesome#like as a character I feel like some of it is like yeah I do get the job done. if it kills me even. how Strange do I get to be#or is it just being strange in a domineering and mysterious magnetic way. I will be cringe actually deal with that for my service#this and the part of his character that's yknow. Living While Goblin. that's a deeply compelling dynamic to me#anyways uhhh once again typing huge paragraphs abt this guy lmao. this happens forever I let it#anyways for the reason of spy theming and information dealer if u do class swap AU I propose bard!riz#u know. what is disguise if not a sister to stealth (<- extremely transgender sentence to say)
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ninicaise · 9 months
i don't know if it's some sort of spiteful instinct within me that i developed against fanon but the idea of damen straight out calling laurent an idiot is hilarious. to me
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graedari · 1 year
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Hehe hoho- Flynn and Clu the relationship that I think never got to be fully explored my beloved. If only Clu hadn't caused Genocide <3 I just think that they can be so chaotic together (and heart wrenching with that one in the top right am i right?)
Anyhow- please enjoy them <3
[Image ID in alt]
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fefairys · 6 months
(on sburb frog breeding)
"I don't think you need to capture the slime first, then go out and grab the same frog to retroactively validate your slime-grab. You don't need anything as elaborate as time travel either. You could just go out and harvest as many frogs as you can in the usual way. Grab them with nets, or even employ an army of consorts to help you round them up. Then you can take your thousands of frogs and trap them in a confined space, such as Jade's big, empty living room. Then you could grab the slime from every single frog in that room, knowing that you will easily be able to go "hassle" every frog in that confined space, only minutes later. In fact, the act of "hassling" them could simply take the form of releasing them back outside. Viola. You have easily harvested the slime of thousands of frogs en masse, resulting in a wide sampling of genetic material to make your huge god frog. I guess Kanaya didn't think of this? Listen, she has a lot of other stuff on her plate. So does Jade. Such as listening to Kanaya's suggestion that time travel would be one ill-advised way of hacking this problem, which of course means that Dave and Jade are definitely going to do it later." -Andrew Hussie
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hollypies · 1 year
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I lied. Death time
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rystiel · 8 months
gonna be so real i hate when characters are introduced as messy haired and a bit ruffled looking then over the episodes/seasons they get progressively better put-together and start combing/styling their hair neatly and wearing less silly clothes. like let them look ruffled up
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savetheghost · 7 days
wanna be put in a room with craft stuff for 10 years
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magical-xirl-4 · 10 months
Shugo Chara is SO GOOD at doing slice of life. The kids hang out by going to the beach, they go shopping or go to a concert, they organise parties and events, Amu spends a day out with her family at the park, she helps her mum at the market, or she goes shopping by herself (though still accompanied by her chara’s), and it feels SO GOOD to watch them do stuff like this because it reminds you of when you were a kid, OR, when you were reading/watching it as a kid, it somewhat reflected your life and made you feel really connected with all the characters and think “hey, I’ve done this”.
Even if you didn’t do most of the things they did, it felt like you could, like you were really hanging out with kids your age and going out and being all mature. They do all of this while magical beings are hanging out with them too, but they are also individual characters with personalities that at the same time, are personally connected to you.
This is why I’ve always wanted an episode where Amu just does mundane things like going to the hairdresser. Or heck even a chapter or episode where she celebrates her birthday with all her friends.
Shugo Chara has always made the mundane seem special and fun, which is why I used to think about it A LOT when I was a child and going out with family or friends. “Amu would do this, she would speak like these to her chara’s, etc.”
I still think about it sometimes like that. It’s basically why it’s my favourite story of all time; because it feels so down to earth.
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lucky-clover-gazette · 6 months
uh oh! well-meaning coworker genuinely asked if you’re doing okay, and elaborates that you’ve been quiet and seemed down for the past few days
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godsfavoritescientist · 2 months
well hold on, if we define a character flaw as any limitation a character deals with, regardless of whether it's something Morally Wrong With Them or not, then Ford's paranoia counts as a character flaw since it does in fact negatively impact him and the people around him. Let me use better wording here: I will die on the hill that Ford's paranoia is not a moral failing.
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plulp · 8 months
thank you so much for a very very very belated 100+ followers sorry i havent been posting (bad artblock + busy)
im going to be clearing out everyone who doesnt have their age in their bio in like a day. so PLEASE. PLEASE. put your age or something in your bio or else i will block you.
i made a new side account so i can follow now :) unless i lose my nerve and get nervous and go back to just scrolling through the tags on my main, but if i DONT. then i just want you all to know my username is horrible. its really just tactless. but i kind of want to wait until i revive my other sideblog? so it might be a while until i follow anyone.
im still not going to be very active with respect for the few bursts of art i might make. but next time i might not come back for like 9 months again so please be wary of that
and thats everything!!!! :) thank you for following and reading, and im really sorry no event this time but my asks are always open :)
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hollowisthyname · 2 years
ok ok this is probably dumb but i gotta get it out there because i have lots of thoughts and if i don't say them my brain will bother me about it forever so :
earlier today i saw a post about how much darker ride the cyclone could've been- the kids still having their injuries from the fall , having to do the songs and choreography because karnak makes them but having it hurt them and eventually they all just collapse from pain and exaustion- and while that's an amazing concept for a much sadder version and i can tell it would be absolutely DEVASTATING to see performed it also got me thinking about how different that would be from the actual show and the reason they're all there in the first place .
karnak brought them there because , in his own words , he wanted to let them express not who they were perceived to be , but who they dreamt they were . this was his gift to them- "a eulogy" , he says , to these kids unfairly torn from the world before they got a chance to fulfill those dreams . and as he assures ocean after her "catchphrase" , their will is still entirely their own . they choose the songs they sing , not one of them is forced to . he was ready and willing to let ocean concede without singing at all (although i suppose that could've been because he knew she would never go through with it at that point) , and apart from her initial catchphrase , none of the kids object to having some of their moves choreographed . as another post points out , he even lets them do some of their own , unchoreographed , dancing during sugar cube . and all in all , they're happy to have had the chance !! they all get to know each other so much better over the course of the show , and ricky even gets his abilities to walk and speak back so he can better communicate to the others what he wants to say . and of course , penny gets her memory back and is able to live out the rest of her life . it's amazing that even one of them was able to come back like that , and everything that lead to that point helps them all realize things about each other , and life , and death , that they otherwise would never have known .
....i got kinda off topic there . i guess my point is , the "competition" for reincarnation was a gift to the kids , not a curse . it was a way to let them say the things they had always wanted to , and learn lessons they never had the chance to learn in life . to change it to something they were being forced to do , something that was hurting them- that would change the point of the entire show .
ride the cyclone can seem very dark at first- and it is , of course , that is a part of it . but at its core , it's a very optimistic show , and i think that's a big part of what defines it . and karnak , while he can be very sarcastic and mess with the kids (especially ocean , though to be fair she usually deserves it) , is ultimately just .... a lonely guy who knows more than is good for him . and instead of using his power over life and death to manipulate and control the kids for his own entertainment , he gives one of them the chance at life and all of them the chance to express themselves the way they wanted to be seen .
it's optimistic because it says that even though these kids died in a tragic accident , they still have another chance to learn and grow . that's what makes this show what it is , and i love it so damn much . it's hopeful , it what it is , and it's really impressive how they managed to make a story about kids who died in an accident have so much hope ingrained into it . it's contradictory in the most beautiful way , and i wouldn't change it for anything .
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gibbearish · 3 months
its been fun watching the hbomb subreddit try very very hard to stick to the "if anyone harasses james on my behalf they wont see the light of heaven" by imo overcorrecting to "any time anyone mentions somerton ever it's because you're obsessed with him and want to pick on him because he's the villain of the week" bc its like. yknow actually i dont think people keeping an eye on his various attempts to weasel back into the spotlight and keep doing his same old shit over the last /two months/ is the same as harassing him because it's hip and fun. i think maybe those are not the same thing
#and like obv yes its possible to do both but idk#im just kinda like. 'dont harass him' and 'ignore him completely even if hes continuing to do shitty things' are um#different. those are different#origibberish#i will say though that subreddit is very good for gauging if im getting weirdly parasocial at him#like i still have yet to do that at a celebrity i like afaik because i just. Dont Like Celebrities usually#so now that i have one (1) that autism brain has finally decided to look up to im like Uh Oh Is It Finally Time#and then i see posts on there sometimes and im like. ohhh ok no i get it now#and i mean i can see why they feel that way‚ its the hbomb subreddit and Thats The Most Recent Hbomb Video#and it had yknow. immediate and impressive results#so of course people are going to a) talk about it a lot and b) talk about the aftermath as it happens#and if youre in the 'only talking about this one guy' group and that one guy has only talked about one other guy in the last Year#like. yeah . youre mostly gonna be hearing about that guy#oh parasocial abt hbomb not abt somerton i just realized how the phrasing there was weird jwhfksbfk#that being said i literally made a post like two weeks ago abt how i didnt actually know his first name so like i think im probably good#my scope of knowledge about him extends Exclusively to whats In His Videos#or well and i guess to like. patreon posts too but i tend to just dismiss patreon notifs without reading them a lot KENFKSNFMDB#like yeah yeah this show i follow posted their podcast i dont follow early for patreon subs i dont care get out of my way
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