#something bad
maladaptivewriting · 3 months
OH MY GOD! FINALLY LIVING JAMES!!!! I can’t wait for Reggie’s reaction, I have 20bucks he’ll be completely in denial! Harry’s gonna be sooo shocked! I just hope nothing bad happens 🙂 right author?! nothing BAd!
nothing bad :)
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bitchthefuck1 · 2 years
House of the Dragon fans when the wife-murdering war criminal who groomed his 15-year-old niece turns out to be a bad husband
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larkral · 1 year
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Happy Wednesday everyone! I wrote something yesterday evening that made me VERY SAD and I'm excited to make everyone reading ADA very sad at some point in the future. But like, in a loving way. I love you and I want you to feel just as sad as me.
Thanks to @artsyunderstudy @fatalfangirl @facewithoutheart @imagineacoolusername and @valeffelees (yay, welcome to the game of tag-tag!)
An Agatha POV snippet from ADA, because I'm in love with Agatha now. Don't tell my wife.
I’m rubbing the still-smouldering half-demolished corner of my shoe against the metal ribbing of the floor when the door swings open.  Baz is pale, and Simon is stock still on the bed behind him.  Baz steps out and closes the door. He slashes his hand between us and mutters a spell that makes everything go a little staticky around us. His hair floats up around his head and hits some kind of barrier before it reaches its furthest extension.  “What was that?” Penny asks.  “Privacy ward,” Baz says, and looks around. The halls are never really empty in this sardine-tin of a school, but no one seems to be trying to catch a glimpse of what we’re doing. 
Tags under the cut. ❤️
Come out and play, my friendlies. @stitchyqueer @thewholelemon @confused-bi-queer @raenestee @cutestkilla @hushed-chorus @sillyunicorn @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @basiltonbutliketheherb @ileadacharmedlife @asocialpessimist @bookish-bogwitch @aristocratic-otter @captain-aralias @petedavidsonscock @takitalks @yeonjunenby @carryonvisinata @takenabackbytuesdays @martsonmars @nightimedreamersghost @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @ionlydrinkhotwater @aroace-genderfluid-sheep​ @shrekgogurt @forabeatofadrum  @palimpsessed @blackberrysummerblog​
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elphabaoftheopera · 2 years
In Defense of “Something Bad”
I feel like “Something Bad” gets a bad rep. No, plot driving songs aren’t the most fun to listen to out of context, but in terms of the story itself it’s one of the most important moments in the musical. The “Animals Should Be Seen And Not Heard” reveal never fails to knock the wind out of me, and it gives the context to the entire state of Oz and why Elphaba ends up taking the road she does. 
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Something that also never fails to break my heart is Elphaba’s innocence in the song. “Someone’s got to tell The Wizard, he’ll make it right. That’s why we have a Wizard.” That naivety and optimism in her is so beautiful and sad. She has such confidence in The Wizard and, by extension, in fairness, justice, and good things happening to good people (and vice versa). When the rug gets ripped out from under her, her disillusionment makes it all the more heartbreaking. Her line later on before “Wonderful”: “no one believed in you more than I did” hits home every time. 
Furthermore, Elphaba cares for and respects Doctor Dillamond and he trusts her with this knowledge in return. I see them as kindred spirits and fellow outsiders. He was influential enough to her that his tragic fate left a big scar, as noted in “No Good Deed” when she mentions his name. 
I’ve seen some comments along the lines of "I hope the Wicked movie cuts Something Bad” which I couldn’t disagree with more strongly. Yeah, when I’m just in my car jamming to the soundtrack I usually skip this one, but like it or not this is one of the most important scenes in Wicked in terms of character insights and real world application. That is worth the less than two minutes the song takes.
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721km · 1 year
I walk outside in the snow and suddenly I’m 9 years old again, digging tunnels through snow piles with my brother, bad things have happened to me but I haven’t realized it yet. My brother is still a safe person.
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cavity-collector · 2 months
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listen to software gore by 8485 you dont understand how amazing this EP is its only 9 minutes please its taken over my brain its an ARG too just gah plz
(alt versions below cut)
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octan-computer · 12 days
Thursday: TC-Lore-Page-NM-12
New Mission
[see around]
[detecting robots doing anything]
"Y0u 4re 4ll |di0ts..."
[approaching to a normal computer]
[opening notification]
-oh! We had a problem sending you the reward... But don't worry! The reward should be somewhere in the Tower! Try to look for it, if you can't find it, I'll see what I can do. The reward is within a gift!-
"wh4t a §tup|d th|ng..."
[look back]
"Wh4t's wr0ng...?"
[robots doing stupid things]
"W3ll... |'ll h4v3 t0 l00k f0r it mys3lf..."
[seeking reward...]
[looking at Kragle]
[Kragle on, glowing red]
"... H3llo?"
[Kragle standing still]
"wh¥ n0 one list3n§ t0 m3...?"
[Kragle takes off towards the ceiling]
"th|§ is v3ry str4ng3..."
[entering The-Computer area]
"c0mputer r00m... w|thout c0mput3r.."
[turning on the light]
"H0w strange this place looks with ligh-"
[looking to the right]
"... Wh4t..?..."
[Look closely]
[tablecloth covering something on the wall]
[removing tablecloth]
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solifelessblog · 8 months
I love the Wanted AU and all the Hunter angst, also now I can't help but think that that the AU would be very hard for Eber too, with Darius disappearing one day.
Happy that u like it!!! i love doing things for it 💜💜💜 and of course, one day ur bestie tells u he's going on a mission and the next moment he doesn't come back, it was hard but he had to keep up appearances because "officially" Darius was only absent for personal reasons
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braindamaged007 · 2 years
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cambriancruelty · 3 months
CAMBRIAN: I have the sinking feeling that what I don’t know can in fact hurt me
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littlechillis · 9 months
editing something 🧍‍♀️
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honorarycassowary · 1 year
Hmm. Sauron/John Gaius. There’s something there.
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nadiajustbe · 2 years
"I Hope"
"Have you ever loved me?"
The boy's voice sounded incredibly quiet, and he really seemed to be gathering his strength to say it. Nathaniel stared out the window for about ten minutes before he said such a strange nonsense.
"What did you have in mind, Nat? I mean, I get it, you got hit over the head with a rock after your adventure with Nouda, but I didn't think the situation was that dire. You definitely look like you've been brain damaged, maybe you should check for a spit leak..."
Suddenly Nathaniel looked up at me with a look so stern and serious that even I, the great Sacr-al-Jinni, felt uncomfortable.
"Bartimaeus, don't quibble. Can you for once give me a really honest answer? I realise our relationship doesn't exactly incline to that, but..." In the transparent time he'd been silent, it already seemed to me that Nat would never speak again "Please."
The last time he'd said something like that was when he was twelve, when he'd begged for a bonfire. Was an answer to such foolishness as important to him as a fire in the bone-chilling cold?
And, what the hell did he mean by the word "love"? In all possible languages, it has taken on so many infinite meanings that even I cannot make sense of it. It's too complicated, whether it's in English or Sumerian.But you know I'm not a fan of silence, don't you?
"I hated John Mandrake. Hated him with every fiber of my being. He was a pompous, self-righteous, stupid and cruel child who thought he could play the adult game. This man brought me more pain than any of the worst masters before him. And I am incapable of forgetting it all, ever. In that time, I must say, nothing has changed. John Mandrake is absolutely nightmarish."
I shot Nathaniel the same insistent look that spoke for itself, "Satisfied?"
I thought a shadow of disappointment flashed across the boy's face, but he quickly regained his stony look. It was as if I were looking at the same statue that now stands at the site of the Glass Palace.
"Thank you, Bartimaeus," he nodded, reaching for the crutches that had been standing nearby the whole time. The tone of voice was exactly the same as Nathaniel himself - I couldn't pick up a single emotion in it. And the boy, slowly but surely, moved toward the door, as if leaving this room was the most important task of his life.
Before I knew what I was doing, I was tugging at his elbow, urging him to pay attention to me. He stopped, but didn't even turn his head, staring down the dusty corridor.
"But we haven't talked about you yet, Natty." I smiled with all my inhuman teeth, baring my sharp fangs, looking like the vampire in a child's nightmare. A very primitive trick, but it surprisingly worked-the boy turned and looked at me as if he'd never seen me before.
I didn't know why I kept talking, but apparently I really wanted to keep talking. No one was ordering me around this time, just asking, and I was even surprised that I was deciding to do it on my own, for no good reason.
"In your twelfth year you were a stupid, arrogant, obsessed with strange impossible ideas kid. I didn't want to serve you, I never wanted to serve you, but I remembered you. Even though you were a magician, there were faint vestiges of particularity and goodwill in you, how ironic that they were what drove the people you cared about to their grave..." I took advantage of the boy's fleeting attention to start, but after my last words he tried to look away again and I realized that this time I had indeed said too much, even if in such situations I really am a master "But that's not what we are talking about now. You bore your true name as your own, you were someone to be remembered, a little better than anyone else in the last two thousand years.
At fourteen you were closer to them, to all those fools in the Ministry, I see you have an understanding of that time now. John did terrible things at times, but Nathaniel still had a rare thing for your kind - a conscience. You could understand your actions, you could be ashamed of them. And back then I still thought I might remember you as an unlikely fool with remnants of adequacy, which is better than nothing. But at seventeen you finally became him, John Mandrake, wanting to forget your true name. I've already said all I want to say about that fool, but if you want I can add a few words you should already know. But now I definitely see Nathaniel in front of me, frightened and quiet, but Nathaniel. And that's the boy I may have hated a little less than the last Minister of Information"
During this, unaccustomedly long line for me, I had already managed to come up with some pretty appropriate jokes, but the more I looked at the boy as I spoke, the more I realized that he was not able to appreciate all their genius right now.
Nat seemed to consider himself unworthy of any display of affection, so even the slight smile I did manage to notice he hastened to hide.
"Thank you for your honest answer," he leaned back on his crutches, only less hastily and less eagerly. And finally hobbling to the exit, he closed the door behind him. He had the last word again, asshole.
"Thanks for the honest answer"? - I smirked mentally, this guy was naive enough.
But still.
Just like those last few minutes.
I hoped he still felt
That he hadn't forgotten.
Or that he hadn't chosen not to care
That he wasn't such a fool
I hoped that he knew after all
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lateandreckless · 1 year
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the sass! the reach! the sheer murderous energy! this is a horse who Knows how big he is and Knows he has teeth and he is Going To Make It Your Problem!
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torsamors · 1 year
open shifts really do something to the brain
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blossyossyossy · 2 years
I’m like
In shock right now
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