#some of the gift ideas are from other writers - a couple of fics have Eddie singing pop song covers for Chrissy
munningham · 2 years
Chrissy lives AU - what comes next Part 2 (this ended up just being Christmas Break)
Part 1 here
After the night where Chrissy showed up on his doorstep at midnight, Eddie starts sneaking into Chrissy’s room every night once her parents go to bed. He makes her laugh and lets her cry and paints pictures with his words of the amazing life they’re building in Chicago. There’s a lot of hilarious mornings of Chrissy frantically trying to hide Eddie under the bed, in the closet, behind the door, before her mom comes in.
Eddie hears it all though. How Mrs. Cunningham talks to a Chrissy, the endless stream of backhanded compliments and criticisms and always always always comments about her body. Eddie knew Chrissy had it rough and eating disorders are no joke, but actually hearing the monologue that Chrissy has been listening to every day for 18 years.....it takes everything he has to not lose his shit and start screaming. Conformity really is killing the kids.
After the first morning he promises that he won’t leave until after Mrs. Cunningham has done her morning wake up call. He sits with Chrissy after her mom leaves the room and quietly has her repeat her therapist’s affirmations. You are loved. You are enough. Your body works just the way it is. You are strong and capable. She’s a stupid mean old bitch who never deserved you. (That one is Eddie’s).
They exchange gifts Christmas Eve night. It’s unconventional, but there’s something so beautiful about the two of them sitting on her bed with just a small light on, with the moon lighting the room through the snow falling outside. The first gift Eddie gives her he swears is not her real gift, but it makes her burst out laughing. Carefully wrapped in a box is Eddie’s old Black Sabbath tshirt. “I mean, it’s already yours, I hardly get a chance to wear it anymore, I figured we should just make it official” he forlorns, putting on a dramatic show of huffing and sighing like seeing Chrissy in that tshirt isn’t the hottest sight in the universe. Eddie’s next gift is a new necklace. It’s a crystal wrapped in gold wire, on a gold chain. Eddie made it himself, twisting the wire in spirals and swirls and carefully wrapping the ends so there would be no sharp edges. “This stone, it uh, it reflects light. It’s not a flashlight or anything but I just, I liked that it could give you light. And tell me if it’s too heavy, I don’t want it to be uncomfortable.” Chrissy kisses him soundly and wraps her arms around his neck. “I love it Eddie, it’s perfect. And no, it’s not too heavy.” It is weighted, but it’s a comfortable weight. Like it grounds her, she feels its presence when the world starts spinning out of control, like Eddie is there with her. She tells him it’s the best gift she’s ever gotten, but Eddie shyly hands her a third small wrapped box. She instantly takes back her words when she sees what’s inside: a mix tape of Eddie covering her favorite pop songs. George Michael and Cyndi Lauper sung by Eddie’s earnest, raspy voice with his guitar is the most beautiful music in the world. This gift makes her cry.
Chrissy also gives Eddie three boxes. The first is a new set of guitar accessories (slide, clamp, new strings, and a tuner that actually fucking works). She teases him that it’ll take all the fun out of watching him try to tune his guitar by ear or banging his old piece of shit tuner on the coffee table. “Veronica is gonna be so spoiled” Eddie grins. The second small box is a set of shiny black dice with silver numbering. They’re not the cheap dice Eddie’s been using since middle school, they’re really fucking nice. “Where the hell did you find these?” Eddie asks. Chrissy grins. “I asked the guys from the store in Chicago. They gave me their catalogs and let me put in an order through the store.” Eddie is impressed the store employees were even able to have that conversation with her - as loveable as those guys were, they were completely inept at pulling two words together in front of a pretty girl. The third box has a framed collage. It looks like a shadow box for a sports team, but it says “Hellfire Club”. It has the yearbook photos dating back to 1981, where a sophomore Eddie Munson stands grinning with a bunch of other freaks and rebels. Over the years the other kids in the photos change, but Eddie is always there, grinning with his tongue out making devil horns. The last photo Eddie doesn’t recognize. It’s not a yearbook photo. He looks closer and sees Henderson, little Wheeler, both Sinclairs, along with the new faces of Will Byers, Max and El, posing in the theater, proudly wearing their Hellfire T-shirts. “They actually kept it going?” Eddie softly asks. Chrissy grins and nods. “Every other Friday after school. They weren’t thrilled about taking a photo until I told them it was for you. You built something Eddie, you should be proud of it.” Eddie stares at the shadow box some more, with a wide smile on face, until he finally looks up. “You’re amazing Chrissy. God I love you.” “I love you more Eddie”. “Not even possible, princess”
Eddie has to go back for work after Christmas, but Chrissy’s break lasts until the end of January, so he calls in reinforcements from The Party. Between Christmas and the end of January, the Cunningham residence experiences a never ending stream of calls and visitors. Steve drops by to visit some afternoons and charms the pants off of her parents (“You know Chrissy, he’s going through a rough patch right now, but the Harringtons are such a good family, you should ask him over again”). Steve and Chrissy have definitely had very similar experiences, they have some heart to hearts about not living up to expectations and finding your people.
Steve’s presence is also not the worst thing in the world because Jason is also home for Winter Break. Jason stops by one afternoon, but when Steve opens the door and gives him a look, Jason leaves without ever coming in. Chrissy thanks him and then awkwardly tries to explain that Jason might think there’s something going on between them, and don’t get her wrong Steve is a great guy and would be an amazing boyfriend for someone, but she really loves Eddie. Steve smiles and shakes his head and cuts her off.
“Relax Chrissy, I know. Don’t think for a second I don’t see those eyes you and Munson make at each other, Jesus it’s disgusting. I also really don’t feel like being axed or stabbed or whatever these freaks do to guys who hit on their girls.”
Chrissy opens her mouth to object, then sees the smirk on Steve’s face. She lets him continue. “Jason’s an asshole. He’s one of those assholes who’s only ever going to think of girls as property. So, unfortunately that means he’ll only back down if he thinks another guy has “staked his claim” or some other macho bullshit. So if I have to swing by every so often and eat your mom’s sugar free cookies to keep him from bothering you, that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”
Chrissy smiles and gives him a warm hug. “You’re a really good guy Steve Harrington. You really don’t have another girl you’d rather be spending the holidays with?” Steve just hugs her back and doesn’t answer.
Robin and Nancy take Chrissy out during the day as much as possible. Nancy is also struggling with college and the pressure to live up to her own expectations and how do you find a normal when you sleep with shotguns and keep flamethrowers in the closet? Even with going to college with Jonathan, it’s still rough. Robin is living her best lesbian life at Smith. The 3 of them have lots of talks about finding yourself and being yourself and what are we supposed to do in this fucked up world anyway.
The Wheelers is still the place to hang out, so Eddie calls their house as often as he can without being annoying so he talk to Chrissy. Nancy runs interference when she needs to. (“She’s not here right now but she’s okay, Eddie, I promise.” “You don’t know what her mom is like Nance.” “I know, I know. I’ll call her after dinner tonight to check on her.”) Chrissy tells Eddie that Jason came by, but Steve scared him off. “So he’s going to uh, just like, “have a presence” I guess, to keep Jason away.” Eddie is not crazy about pretty boy Steve Harrington half-pretending to date Chrissy, but he also knows how dangerous Jason is, and Chrissy is there alone, and the whole damn town is rigged to back their golden boy, and honestly Steve is probably the one guy in Hawkins that Jason won’t take on. That doesn’t stop Eddie from calling up Steve and having a little chat with him, thanking him for helping with Chrissy and Jason but also, “just keep your fucking shirt on this time Harrington.”
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fandomtransmandom · 3 years
2020 Wrapped:
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5-8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!
Okay, so as you know, ya boi is verbose af, so apologies, but I could only whittle it down to a top 10 (and one honorable mention.) I like to think my work has improved with time, so the older ones may be a bit rough, but here are my favs from 2020 and why (from most recent to oldest.)  
1.) Southern Comfort-Bill Hader, Teddy Redbones (Doc Now)/OFC
Synopsis: Teddy Redbones viciously despises his political opponent Savannah Harrison...by day. At night, the two tear into each other madly, hiding their secret affair from the world and their feelings from one another.
Why I Love: Honestly when @martymcdie88mph sent me a request that just asked for ‘Teddy Redbones laying down pipe’ I never expected the first fic about him to get the response it did, much less for it to lead to two more requests. It’s provided me with immeasurable laughter and I’m so glad there are others out there down to bone this angry southern dom.
2.) Frozen Dreams-Conan O’Brien/OFC
Synopsis: Receiving bad news while on their Christmas vacation at the height of ‘The Tonight Show’ upset, Conan deals with his grief, assisted by his partner, Molly.
Why I Love: Writing some Conan super angst was so cathartic and beautiful. Thank you @stunninconan for making this request and giving me the opportunity to do so. Just want to cherish our ginger smokeshow and let him know how deeply he’s loved.
3.) Flickering Beauty-Bill Hader, Little Vivvy (Doc Now)/Partners of Multiple Genders
Synopsis: Little Vivvy is away from her family, and her wealth, for the first time in 1970’s New York. As she tries to make it as a dancer, Vivvy undergoes the early stages of her transition and stumbles upon the accepting Ball scene, as well as some struggles of being a trans woman trying to live an authentic life.
Why I Love: I wrote this piece for NaNoWriMo 2020 and I knew going into it I would largely be composing it for myself. Beforehand I considered doing something that might draw in more readers, Reddie perhaps, but I'm so glad I went with my heart because this story is incredibly meaningful to me and I will love Vivvy until the end of my days.
4.) Breathe Me-Bill Hader, Barry/OFC
Synopsis: Barry is back in Cleveland after his discharge, working for Fuches, deeply depressed and feeling hopeless. After running into his childhood friend Annie, he discovers she’s doing sex work and offers to help her financially. But Annie refuses, saying there’s only one way she’ll accept payment from Barry.
Why I Love: One of many ideas I’ve worked on this year with @martymcdie88mph, though arguably our best. I received a lot of positive feedback on this piece that made me feel good about myself, and I simply love the dynamic between these two hurting characters.
5.) Lost and Found-Bill Hader, Reddie
Synopsis: When Richie loses the engagement ring he bought for Eddie, he panics, searching everywhere but finding nothing. Coming across the ring while cleaning, Eddie devises a plan to surprise Richie.
Why I Love: This one was based on a prompt from @halefirewarrior and I just think it’s cute and sweet. And it’s resulted in a dozen or so strangers on the internet telling me to ‘shut the fuck up,’ which is always amusing.
6.) Harmonious Monsters-Bill Hader, Vince Blight/OFC
Synopsis: Sociopathic power couple Vince and Stacy Blight live a hedonistic, extravagant existence based on kinky sex and a mutual disregard for humanity. As their ten year anniversary approaches, Vince reflects on the saga of their relationship.
Why I Love: Pretty sure this one appeals just to me, ha. I had a ball writing it. Getting into the heads of these characters was ridiculously fun and smut-wise it includes some of my favorite things.
7.) In The Midnight Hour-Bill Hader RPF, Priest AU
Synopsis: When Father Bill Hader sees a struggling trans man named Troy attending the weekly free meal offered by the church, he discovers Troy is homeless, offering him a place to stay in the basement. As they get to know one another, Troy tempts Bill and tests his faith in ways he never thought possible.
Why I Love: Writing this one for @phantomofthegallifreyanopera was cathartic for me. As a queer trans man who was trapped in a fundamental Christian community for a time, it felt like sweet vengeance to be able to flex my Biblical Studies degree for the sake of gay p*rn (trust me, it’s completely useless otherwise) and it was fun to see Father Bill teased into sin 😈
8.) Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger-Bill Hader, The Alan (SNL)/OFC
Synopsis: When Lily comes home to find The Alan on her doorstep, she can’t imagine why her friend got her such a silly, extravagant gift. That is, until she discovers the Adult Expansion Pack.
Why I Love: I was nervous about publishing this one and almost didn’t. I truly didn’t think y’all would be on board. But thank fuck everyone in this fandom is kinky as shit and this became one of the fics for which I get praised the most. I loved writing it and I’m so here for cranking out more weird shit all day every day.
9.) If The World Was Ending-Bill Hader, Barry/OFC
Synopsis: Barry knows that tomorrow he is likely to die, the Chechens seeking vengeance for the massacre at the monastery. For his last night, he wants nothing more than to spend it with Valerie. The problem: Valerie and Barry broke up months before when she discovered his true profession. Barry begs Valerie to see him, and for one final time, he finds solace in her arms.
Why I Love: When @erdankely gave me their concept for this request, I was unreasonably excited. So damn cool. And I just sobbed while I wrote it. Such a sl*t for Barry super angst any day of the week. Love this one and I’m pretty proud of how it turned out, actually.
10.) Miles Apart Inside-Bill Hader, Robbie Wheadlan (Doc Now)/OFC
Synopsis: While he’s awaiting trial for murder, Robbie Wheadlan and his lover Abbi reflect on the saga of their relationship.
Why I Love: Not only was this a piece that made me fall hardcore in love with a murderer who was on screen for maybe 15 minutes and has no redeemable attributes, but it strengthened my friendship with @stunninconan and for that I am grateful.
Honorable Mention: Later That Night- Conan O’Brien/OFC
Synopsis: Conan meets author Gwendolyn who comes on his show to promote her book.
Why I Love: This is the first fic I published back in July. I’m sure I would cringe like crazy if I tried to read it now at all the edits it needs, but I’m so, so happy I decided to post it and kept writing and sharing. Without this almost 48k monster about my orange pompadoured beloved and all the kind feedback from everyone, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Thank you all!
And I spend my days doing nothing other than hammering out alphabet p*rn of my own, so I apologize that I don't know who to tag to keep this going because I shamefully never take time to read. But feel free to do your own if you have creations you would like to share!i
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twdeadlysins · 6 years
The Walking Dead Series Rewrite - Backstory
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x Reader
Word Count: 1168
Warnings: I don’t think there are any, but if you see something that should be  a warning don’t hesitate to message me and tell me! I would also like to add that I’m in no way, shape or form a writer, so I’m sorry in advanced lmao.
Summary: This is the backstory about you, Y/N L/N, and how your life has been since you were a child, but with a lot of time skips in between, lmao.
Author’s Note: I wanted to create a backstory for this series because I wanted to already show the reader’s life before the apocalypse and how you knew Rick and some others before hand.  Also, if you want to be tagged for this series or my other fics, tell me and I’ll add you! Let me know what you think about this and if you want to request something just send an ask!
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Growing up wasn’t the best experience for you especially not knowing whether your stay was going to be permanent or you’ll just be dumped on someone else. Your parents were killed in a car accident by a drunk driver causing you to be abandoned in the world when you were just five and foster care was the only option for you considering you had no other family members residing in the US.
Foster care took a toll on you because you saw all other the kids yelling for mom and dad while you were stuck calling the people who took care of you Bob and Carly or Eddie and Martha. You always felt like the outcast and kept to yourself most of the time not socializing with any of your temporary “family,” knowing you’d be forced to leave eventually. Being anti-social wasn’t your forte, you were usually an outgoing and friendly child, but you weren’t about to make friends when you knew you’d move to the next home anyways.
After about five years of bouncing to one home to the next, the system found that you had an aunt who just moved from Italy to Virginia. Her not being the in America prevented you from potentially having a place to call home and once she learned about you she didn’t object to the idea of you staying with them.
Jolene and Chris, your aunt and uncle, were very welcoming. They gave you a room that you could decorate to your heart’s desire, something you never got to do. Jolene taught you how to make home cooked meals and the basic household chores where as Chris showed you how to hunt and operate weapons varying from guns to your own fists. “No one can fight your battles for you, only you can,” he would always remind you.  
Not long after staying with your relatives, they adopted you and you finally had a place to call home. You were not the anti-social orphan that everyone defined you to be. Feeling the sense of security and stability cracked open your shell and you finally were able to be yourself. You weren’t lost anymore, you found yourself underneath all that pain of feeling lonely, unloved, unwanted, and judged for being someone you never wanted to portray yourself to be.
When your sixteenth birthday rolled around, you didn’t receive a car like everyone else, instead you got a machete that your uncle had made himself. You were in total awe of your shiny new blade and you’d rather have that than a car any day if you were being honest. He already familiarized you on how to utilize a machete along with every other weapon he could ponder, so he took you on a camping trip for the weekend to put your new gift to use.
Later on, your uncle had gotten a job offer in King County, Georgia before your senior year, so one day you and your aunt were going through the attic when you stumbled upon a box filled to the brim with photo albums dating back to god knows when.
You carefully picked up one of the dusty photo albums afraid it would crumble at any given moment and sat with your legs crossed against one of the already packed boxes. Your fingers gracefully traced over the worn photos and delicately flipped over to the next page.
A smile tugged at your lips when you saw your aunt and uncle shoving pieces of their chocolate wedding cake in each other faces. You were about to flip to the next page when a certain photo caught your eye … a picture of your aunt and uncle with a familiar couple. They were all laughing at a dinner table decorated with wine glasses and you curiously frowned because you swore you’d seen them before.
Your thoughts were broken when your aunt came with a smile plastered on her face and started to make her way over. “Ahh, I see you found my photo albums. I was beginning to wonder if they were in my closet downstairs or up here collecting dust,” she joked.
She plopped down beside you with her legs stretched out infront of her and noticed your gaze fell back on the mysterious photo. “Those are your parents, Y/N.” You whipped your head and stared at your aunt seeing her smile sadly, she then went in the box full of photo albums behind her and gathered an album that had, “In Memory of Y/P/N,” written at the top and there were numerous photos of your parents within it.
Both of you spent hours going through memories and listened to her talk about your parents. You both laughed and cried, and you were reminded that they cherished and loved you and they would be so proud of you. You smiled at the thought of them watching over you.
Once you settled into your new home in Georgia, you started the first day of your new school being the new kid, but that was nothing new to you. You weren’t looking to making friends since it was your last year of high school and you would just go your separate ways once you graduated, but you ended up surprising yourself. Three months after school started, you developed a bond between Rick Grimes and Shane Walsh.
You and Rick were attached to each other’s hip doing almost everything together which earned teasing from Shane and students you didn’t even know existed. They would go on and rant on how you two should just make out and date already, but you and Rick would always look at each other and snicker. The relationship was always platonic and forever will be, so the comments never bothered either one of you. Shane and you weren’t as close as you and Rick, but he was the one who would casually flirt with you and you didn’t mind.
After you graduated high school, you decided you wanted to get away from King County even if it meant leaving everyone you cared for. You served four years in the United States Marine Corps before purchasing a home back in King County, Georgia because afterall, it was the place you thought of when you heard the word, home.
A career in law enforcement was always your dream, so when the King County Sheriff’s Department recruited you, you were beyond stoked. You were happily shocked to learn that Rick and Shane still resided in King County and were employed at the department like you.
Rick was married to Lori, a woman you soon became close with, and had a son named Carl, who admired you. Shane was still the player that he was and it didn’t surprise you one bit, you knew it would be hard for him to find someone, but you couldn’t contain the laughter that spilled out of you when he complained about something stupid a girl did. It was like you never left.
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