#soltitude or loneliness.
moonieisa · 2 years
i think abt this everytime im washing the dishes.
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Callista Buchen, from Taking Care.
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thepoet · 1 year
She checks herself into hotels and hospital rooms.
Is she fiercely independent
Or incompetent
At letting anyone in?
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ndcultureis · 8 months
nd culture is learning to take comfort in soltitude due to an entire lifetime of social isolation, but simultaneously having loneliness eat away at you slowly and hating every second of it.
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dendrophileweirdo · 7 months
Charles Bukowski 🦋
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"I've never been lonely. I've been in a room... I've felt suicidal, I've been depressed. I've felt awful ... awful beyond all, but I never felt that one other person could enter that room and cure what was bothering me...or that any number of people could enter that room. In other words, loneliness is something I've never been bothered with because I've always had this terrible itch for solitude."
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readingforsanity · 2 years
The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold | Published 2002 *SPOILERS*
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When we first meeet Susie Salmon, she is already in heaven. As she looks down from this strange new place, she tells us, in the fresh and spirited voice of a fourteen-year-old girl, a tale that is both haunting and full of hope. 
In the weeks following her death, Susie watches life on Earth continuing without her - her school friends trading rumors about her disappearance, her family holding out hope that she’ll be found, her killer trying to cover his tracks. As months pass without leads, Susie sees her parents’ marriage being contorted by loss, her sister hardening herself in an effort to stay strong, and her little brother trying to grasp the meaning of the word gone. 
And she explores the place called heaven. It looks a lot like her school playground, with the good kind of swing sets. There are counselors to help newcomers adjust and friends to room with. Everything she ever wanted appears as soon as she thinks of it - except the thing she most wants: to be back with the people she loved on Earth. 
With compassion, longing and a growing understanding, Susie sees her loved ones pass through grief and begin to mend. Her father embarks on a risky quest to ensure her killer. Her sister undertakes a feat of remarkable daring. And the boy Susie cared for moves on, only to find himself at the center of a miraculous event.
The Lovely Bones is luminous and astonishing, a novel that builds out of grief the most hopeful of stories. In the hands of a brilliant new writer, this story of the worst thing a family can face is transformed into a suspenseful and even funny novel about love, memory, joy, heaven and healing. 
Discussion Questions 
1. In Susie’s Heaven, she is surrounded by things that bring her peace. What would your Heaven be like? Is it surprising that in Susie’s inward, personal version of the hereafter there is no God or larger being that presides? I would be surrounded by all the things I loved earthside, and the people who left this world before me. And I don’t find it surprising. They didn’t seem like very religious people, so it may not be something she thought about. 
2. Why does Ruth becomes Susie’s main connection to Earth? Was it accidental that Susie touched Ruth on her way up to Heaven, or was Ruth actually chosen to be Susie’s emotional conduit? In the movie, they make Ruth appear to be somewhat of a psychic of sorts. She saw things that others didn’t. But, I think her and Susie shared a connection that was deeper than they let on. 
3. Rape is one of the most alienating experiences imaginable. Susie’s rape ends in murder and changes her family and friends forever. Alienation is transferred, in a sense, to Susie’s parents and siblings. How do they each experience loneliness and soltitude after Susie’s death? Each one deals with Susie’s death differently. The only one who doesn’t really alienate themselves from anyone else is Buckley. He was too young to really understand what was going on initially when it happened. And this is normal. They don’t know how to deal with their new normal, so they essentially shut themselves off to the outside world. 
4. Why does the author include details about Mr. Harvey’s childhood and his memories of his mother? By giving him a human side, does Sebold get us closer to understanding his motivation? Sebold explained in an interview about the novel that murderers “are not animals but men,” and that is what makes them so frightening. Do you agree? Absolutely not. Murderers are animals no matter how you look at it. However, understanding what his childhood was like could give an understanding of why he is the way he is as an adult. He allowed her childhood trauma to take over his life. 
5. Discuss the way in which guilt manifests itself in the various characters - Jack, Abigail, Lindsay, Mr. Harvey, Len Fenerman. Jack felt guilty because he wasn’t able to protect his daughter, the one thing a father should be able to do. Abigail felt guilty because she was trying to miss a child she never wanted. Lindsay because she wondered why not her. Mr. Harvey, I don’t feel like he ever showed an ounce of guilt. Neither in the novel or the movie. Len because he slept with a married woman. 
6. “Pushing on the inbetween” is how Susie describes her efforts to connect with thoose she has left behind on Earth. Have you ever felt as though someone was trying to communicate with you from the inbetween? Absolutely. I think about this quite often. I have several loved ones who have passed on, and I feel them and see their signs all the time. 
7. Does Buckey really see Susie, or does he make up a version of his sister as a way of understanding, and not being too emotionally damaged by, her death? How do you explain tragedy to a child? Do you think Susie’s parents do a good job of helping Buckley comprehend the loss of his sister? Susie had mentioned that she never showed herself to Buckley because it could be confusing to him. So, I think he is making up a version of her that he only understands. And, in the beginning Susie’s parents tried to save him from the truth, when eventually he would have figured out she wasn’t coming back at all. 
8. Susie is killed just as she was beginning to see her mother and father as real people, not just as parents. Watching her parents’ relationship change in the wake of her death, she begins to understand how they react to the world and to each other. How does this newfound understanding affect Susie? She understands that her mother was never meant to be a mother. We see this when she takes off and leaves her family to care for themselves while she went and did what she always wanted to do. Jack and Abbie weren’t meant to be together because he was meant to be a parent. 
9. Can Abigail’s choice to learn her family be justified? Absolutely not. They were all grieving. She put her grief above the others. 
10. Why does Abigail leave her dead daughter’s photo outside the Chicago Airport on her way back to her family? It was her way of moving on. 
11. Susie observes that “The living deserve attention, too.” She watches her sister, Lindsay, being neglected as those around her focus all their attention on grieving for Susie. Jack refuses to allow Buckley to use Susie’s clothes in his garden. When is it time to let go? I don’t think there is a right time for this. Everyone grieves differently. 
12. Susie’s Heaven seems to have different stages, and climbing to the next stage of Heaven requires her to remove herself from what happens on Earth. What is this process like for Susie? Much like the living, Susie has to learn to live and forget. Sometimes she has difficulty doing at first. 
13. In The Lovely Bones, adult relationships are dysfunctional and troubled, whereas the young relationships all seem to have depth, maturity and potential. What is the author saying about young love? About the trials and tribulations of married life? That there is potential for young love. 
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wavcheck · 3 years
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hotchocolate30 · 4 years
Bricks and Pieces
In those 4 walls that are around me,
Permeability of emotions standsstill
Fight for the air to enter perhaps love too
Soltitude now seems loneliness
Yet I refuse someone else to break the walls
Why is it that admist the sunroofs
Or french windows I see around me
The comfort in my own brick walls increases
But sometimes
These walls become more of a cage
Will I be always a brickwall
Though strong from outside
But rusty and dusty from inside
Adorned with marks and scratches
Too fragile to let anyone decorate it.
The warmth of the brick wall is enjoyed by all
But no one wants to paint it or make it pretty
Inspite of giving warmth ,I the brick wall
becomes a base for attachment of French windows , artistic pieces
Laying on me these pieces are enhanced with perfection
Will this brick wall always be there for attachment of accessories and windows
Or will this brick wall become an art of its own?
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alxyr · 4 years
Empty Room
Empty room,
Four wall enclosed,
Air filled with nothingness,
Whenever i am left alone,
Internal Noises,
Lips Sealed,
No sense of loneliness,
But rather soltitude,
I can be vulnerable,
I can be broken,
I can be true,
And i can see myself through.
- alxyr💙
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Here's to all the people who commute between two homes:
- it’s okay to have a favourite home - it’s okay not to have a favourite home - it’s okay if your favourite home is not always where your family is - it’s okay to miss the one home just seconds after entering the other - it’s okay that you enjoy the quietness of the one place and painfully miss your family at the same moment or just moments apart - it’s okay that you try to put your entire drawer in a suitcase every time you’re commuting because you can’t decide what you want to wear this week on a Sunday evening
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moonieisa · 2 years
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There are times, dearest, when I am convinced I am unfit for any human relationship.
- Franz kafka, letters to felice.
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thepoet · 2 years
You get to a point where you
Stop looking over your shoulder,
And stop looking towards the next Corner.
You just brace yourself, and walk on alone.
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sinan2k00-blog · 6 years
The survivor
“Do I have dreams??”thought he as the sea gobble up him. He was helpless. All that he had was his dairy. He folded that half wet book and put in a bottle. He then threw the bottle to sea.
Hoping that one day all his life would be known.He then allowed the sea to cover him. The sea was happy to bring him to the heart. He was pushed to the core of the sea . His tiny lungs grew heavy and he was not able to breathe.He fell in asleep dreaming about his beautiful world. But that was not real.
I was born and brought up in a tent with a number of kids like me.Those who believed that their world was in that pieces of cloth .We even brought our own food and water every day. All those things that kept me alive was dreams. I saw dreams of the life that lay ahead. I tried to keep my dreams alive. I imagined what all places in outside be like. I have drawn images of people there in my sketchbook. All I want is to escape from this hell. Help my mom and brother to get out of this place. A better life that is what I dreamed of. The rays of hope came when the boat arrived. But that did not last long time. The boat was flooded with people and we couldn’t get in. Days passed and then a second boat came. We got in the boat at first and secured our place. That was the only time in my life I felt a sense of achievement. I looked the strip of the camp as the boat moved away. But everything did not go as it planned. Even Mother Nature was against it. On the 3rd day of the journey we where pushed into the sea by a huge storm.
We lay in the sea for weeks and without food and water. Day by day we grew tired. People started dying. It was terrible to see a person who was a friend that was together just a moment ago dead in the morning. I was the last one alive. The loneliness and soltitude was killing me from inside. Slowly I started giving up. And alas the will swallow me..
This was the last line written in that half wet dairy....
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aynksledina-blog · 7 years
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the state or situation of being alone.
"she savored her few hours of freedom and solitude"
synonyms: loneliness, solitariness, isolation, seclusion, sequestration, withdrawal, privacy, peace
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