#so now Luffy Zoro and Nami grab her after buggy and on their way to usopp
drbobbimorse · 8 months
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Enigma’s Plot Bunnies → Hopeless Wanderer
"Are these guys friends or food?" "Food! Definitely food!" "Finally. I'm starving."
Surviving the Kinzokou Town fighting pit Hanako was forced into was arduous but easy. She never lost a fight and, since she’d been born into a cannibal tribe, the pit gave her an endless supply of food. But it wasn’t her home and she longed to be free. Nyssa had always come to her rescue before, but not this time. It was a long eight years in that cage, waiting for her dearest friend. Instead, a rubber kid claiming he was going to be King of the Pirates came and changed everything. 
Hanako hated pirates, she hated sailing, but at least these pirates didn't use seastone to cage and control her. And they didn't even seem to mind her bear form, mostly. Her eating people still bothered most of them. "Friends aren't food," Luffy told her. Unless they were in a fight, then it was okay. 
Hanako would do whatever her Captain ordered. She'd adapt to the sea. She'd get used to an altered albeit balanced diet. She'd have a real job as Sanji's sous chef, his idea. She'd go to the Grand Line and help Luffy achieve his dream because he'd saved her and she owed him. But she had dreams of her own. Hanako was going to prove she wasn't the monster the Kinzokou townspeople made her believe she was, and she was going to find Nyssa if it was the last thing she did.
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irishanimefan · 10 months
One Piece Anime Watchalong: East Blue Saga 5/6
Arlong Park (Eps 31-44):
Started: 12/7/23 Finished: 14/7/23
So here we are, at the Arlong Park arc, which is considered by many OP fans to be the best arc of this saga, if not one of the best arcs in the entire series. There's a lot riding on this arc for someone like me experiencing it for the first time.
As established and foreshadowed during the previous arc, Nami had abandoned the Straw Hats and stole the Going Merry after seeing a wanted poster of Arlong that Zoro's bounty hunter buddies, Johnny and Yosaku, had brought with them. I hope that with this development, that we'd get further insight into Nami as a character, why she was so willing to turn on the Straw Hats, what's her connection with Arlong, and why is she in such a rush to get so much money. Where do I even begin to address all those points?
I guess I'll go through each event as we see them happen. Firstly, when it's revealed that she was in fact not going to take Arlong's bounty but actually was already apart of Arlong's crew. Since she was wearing tops we sleeves covering her shoulders before, now that she's wearing a tank top, we now see the swordfish tattoo that is emblematic of the Arlong Pirates. Even though this is framed as a shocking revelation, there was something about it that didn't feel natural about it, which is made evident by the way Nami is uncharacteristically cold when she is reunited with the Straw Hats. It's revealed the reason she's doing this is because she struck a deal with Arlong stating that she could buy Cocoyashi Village off him and free them from Arlong's wrath. Her loyalty has been tested before in the series -- I still haven't forgotten the time she stopped the fuse of Buggy's cannon with her bare hands to safe Luffy back in Orange Town -- and those dilemmas show up again in this arc. The first is when Zoro deliberately throws himself into the water when he's all tied up, and Nami fights the urge to rescue him before eventually diving in to save him. The next is when Arlong captures Usopp after their volatile encounter earlier. With her thinking that Usopp will interfere with her goal, she grabs a knife and goes after him. Usopp tries to escape with a smoke screen bomb, but Nami has him cornered. And just as we think that Nami has killed Usopp by driving the knife into him, and letting him fall and sink to the bottom of the ocean; it is revealed that Nami actually stabbed her own hand to make it look like she killed him. I love these moments because it's clear that she still respects them and cherishes the moments they have shared together, but she has no choice but to distance herself from them in order to live up to the deal her and Arlong made eight years ago.
Speaking of which, this is the time we get into Nami's backstory. Instead of one episode like the previous entries, we get a two-parter for Nami. We discover that she is an orphan who, along with Nojiko, is adopted by former marine, Bellemere (by the way, I thought the scene where Bellemere discovers both girls and joyously starts laughing while they were standing in the middle of a battlefield is such a poignant image). We understand in these flashbacks where Nami gets some of her mannerisms from, coming from a poor background with barely enough money to scrape by, she copies seductive pleas that Bellemere tries on Genzo, the village sheriff. But, frustrated by how little money they have, Nami wishes that she could've been adopted by someone richer before running away for the night. However, after hearing about how much she means to Bellemere from Genzo, Nami makes her way back home. Unfortunately, this is the same day that the Arlong Pirates invade the town and demands 100,000 berries per adult and 50,000 per child to be paid or their village gets destroyed. It was all peacefully done until they went to Bellemere's house. As a former marine, she knew how to deal with pirates, but Arlong was different, and thus they easily overpower her. It turns out Bellemere has saved up 100,000 berries, just enough to ensure she lives and that Nami and Nojiko have enough time to escape. However, Bellemere instead states that the money was saved up for Nami and Nojiko, meaning she'd sacrifice herself for their safety. When this happened, it hit me really deeply and I started bawling my eyes out. That intense reaction from me wasn't helped by the absolutely beautiful direction in this episode done by Konosuke Uda, with the highlight being Bellemere's death being conveyed with stark black and white shots of the characters and harsh silhouettes. Nami is then taken by Arlong, but then returns to the village with the swordfish tattoo, revealing that she has joined Arlong to make sea charts for them. The news of this causes her to be banished from the village. Whew. Out of all the backstory's we've seen, this was by far the most dramatic and heart wrenching one.
And it doesn't even stop there! Knowing that making sea charts for Arlong wouldn't be enough to get 100 million berries, that's when she becomes a thief who robs treasure from other pirates. However, when's she so close to achieving 100 million berries, that's when the consequences of her actions catch up with her, as literal rat bastard marine general Nezumi -- who was seen earlier accepting a large bribe from Arlong, demonstrating the corruption of marines -- confiscates every bit of treasure she had stolen. At that point, she found out that Arlong had no intention in honouring their deal, and continuing to exploit her for sea charts. And after realising that she can't do anymore to protect her village, knowing that they'll all die, Nami breaks down by repeatedly stabbing her arm where the swordfish tattoo is. Luffy ends up stopping her, and after trying to distance herself from the Straw Hats, people she barely even know, she finally decides to ask Luffy to help her, resulting in that iconic walk to Arlong Park. There's a reason why this scene has endured the reputation as the turning point of OP: it's because it's fucking awesome! The drama on display is absolutely gut wrenching, with Nami thinking that she has lost everything she worked so hard to achieve and failing to protect the lives of people that she holds so dear. But, it's not just the buildup to this that I love, it's also Luffy and the other's response to this situation as well. Like I said before, these people hardly know each other or about their history, which Luffy admits to because all that is not important to him. What's most important, apart from becoming King of the Pirates, is assembling the best crew for his journey across the Grand Line. What the Straw Hats in common, above all else, is that they have a good heart, which Luffy recognises in Nami. Him placing the straw hat that he cherishes on Nami's head suggests that the wellbeing of his crewmates is one of his top priorities. It's like he's saying "if you ever hurt one of my crew, you'll have hell to pay" with just that action alone. And the best part, which has been observed throughout the entire of this saga, is that he inspires others to follow his example, seen with Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji, joining him side by side in their measured walk to fight Arlong for Nami's life. And they're going through all that trouble because someone who they consider a friend is in need of help. God, I absolutely adore this series.
I've written like 3 or 4 paragraphs on this arc so far and I've barely even covered everything I wanted to talk about. I promise this won't take as long to explain this time.
I guess we'll move onto Arlong. He's easily the best villain this series has produced so far. Firstly, his character design is so memorable, with his towering build, pale skin, and his distinguishable sharp-edged nose making him pretty terrifying. His threatening presence is bolstered by his sly actions throughout the arc too, such as bribing the marines to sweep the atrocities going on at Arlong Park under the rug, and being dishonourable by intentionally stabbing Nami in the back when it came to their agreement. Another interesting aspect of his character, and the fishmen as a whole, is their obsession with being viewed as a "superior species". The elements of prejudice and discrimination that the fishmen hold against humans, describing them as inferior and lowly; there's an obvious race allegory to be gleamed from this that probably someone who is way more qualified to talk about it than I am have made some kind of analysis about.
I should also say that the battle between the Straw Hats and Arlong is the best in the series so far. Each of the Straw Hats have their own moment to shine with their fishmen opponents, even though they were all severely disadvantaged. Zoro was still recuperating from his fight with Dracule Mihawk, Sanji had to withstand the deep sea pressure that almost collapsed his lungs, and Usopp was, well, being Usopp. However, the main highlight of the battle was Luffy vs. Arlong. The whole fight is great and seeing these evenly matched players go at each other is electrifying, my favourite part of it all is the climax in the survey room. Having Luffy piece together the history that went down in this room, the abuse that Nami suffered through at the hands of Arlong, essentially her soul was trapped in this room and was holding back her freedom. So, in order to set Nami free, Luffy destroys the room, and a final blow is landed that ends up destroying Arlong and his empire. As a result, not only is Nami freed, but the soul of Bellemere can finally pass on peacefully too, with Bellemere symbolically giving Nami one last push to help her strive towards her goals. It's poetic justice.
We're finally at the conclusion and, as you can tell, I loved this arc. I've come across some OP fans laying out their detractions about the early part of the story, with the one of biggest sticking points being that the arcs prior to Arlong Park don't grab new viewers. As a newcomer to the series, I very much disagree with that sentiment, but that is just my own perspective and I know this isn't the case for everyone. But, yeah, it's hard to argue that Arlong Park isn't one of the best arcs of the series. We only have one more arc until the Straw Hats finally make it over the Grand Line, which is Loguetown. I hope we end this saga on a high note.
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alkhale · 5 years
Omg omg can one of the causes of fights between mini shanks n mini mihawks be bcs Hoku doesn't call him "Brat" ????
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(First scene Mihawk is fifteen, next scene is 16 along with Shanks, best reference is the young Mihawk Oda drew but I found a slightly older version someone made, it’s colored by a deviantart user but I don’t know who the original artist is so credits to them!)
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When fifteen-year-old Mihawk finally woke up, wild, ink black hair pushed back over his headit was to something soft and warm beneath his head and the flash, secondary instinct to grab his sword at his side, as though the hilt and his palm were connected entirely.
And then a soft laugh hit his ears.
A simple click and the memories returned, easy and a bit bitter to swallow, but he was not a fool and he was not an idiot. 
Dracule Mihawk, on a quest to become the strongest swordsman alive, had challenged the current reigning king of said title, and lost. Quickly, decisively and fairly. There was nothing more to dwell on the matter aside from his own lack of discipline, of training, and of certain skill.
Though such an action very much might have warranted losing his life, he was not dead.
Mihawk half turned to the woman who was waiting behind him, kneeling with a warm grin playing on her lips that allowed a thin glint of white from a canine of hers to peek out.
“You’re a funny one, aren’t you?” Hoku said, “I’m never sure how to handle types like yours.”
Mihawk remained silent for a moment, dropping his eyes down to his hands. He considered their scabbed, rough feel hidden behind now clean white bandages. He touched his chest where he was no longer bleeding, tight white bandages wrapping neatly around him along with nothing but a bruise along the side of his face where the legendary Wado Ichimonji had decked him sideways and knocked him into the ocean without mercy.
“I did not ask to be treated,” Mihawk said calmly.
Hoku looked even more amused now, eyes a little half-lidded when she looked at him. Her heavy, sturdy coat hung over her shoulders but was pushed back to reveal the warm tan of steady arms–hands that knew work. He could clearly see the outline of her own blade–a notable, ungraded and legendary short sword by the name of Mau who earned its reputation far and wide.
This woman, Mihawk knew. He did not concern himself with the particulars of the legendary Straw Hat crew aside from their captain, Zoro, whom he longed to beat, and this woman, Hoku, since she was the only other crew member to carry a sword.
“I know,” Hoku said. Mihawk realized she had moved his head to her lap while he was unconscious. “I only did your hands, by the way. Chopper did the rest.”
Mihawk continued to stare at her.
“He thinks you have potential,” Hoku said simply. “You trim buds, but you don’t kill them off before they can bloom, do you?”
He understood now why he made it out with his life.
“You fight with that blade,” Mihawk said, though he posed it as a question. Hoku seemed to be considering whether or not he was worthy of an answer and he took no offense to this. He did not know of this woman’s skill, but he knew it existed. She had earned her rank and place. Her sword spoke to that.
“Not as much anymore,” Hoku said instead. “The two of us are a bit retired now and I definitely don’t take challenges like that monster. I’m more of an artist at heart.”
Mihawk had heard about that too. “But you craft.”
There was something pleased in her expression by his knowledge of this, though a touch wary. It made Mihawk a bit more interested himself. He turned, on his knees as he faced her with his hands on his lap.
“Yes,” Hoku said, a little warm. “I do.”
She tilted her head to the side for a moment, as though listening. “That’s a good sword. It kept you safe for now. It’ll do what it can to bring you as far as it can go.”
Mihawk touched his hilt and then looked at Hoku.He stared at her for a moment longer than he would have liked and then stood. Hoku blinked, curious as he remained standing before he promptly bowed to her.
“Thank you.”
And then Mihawk turned, a young man and his sword, and left.
Hoku watched him until he disappeared, a small, fond little huff escaping her lips.
“Told you there’s no point in talking to him,” a lazy voice called above her. Hoku didn’t even look, shrugging helplessly as heavy feet came to rest behind her. “Not much of a chatterbox.”
“Neither are you,” Hoku said. She rubbed the back of her neck, “Dunno. I just feel like you won’t see people like him often. He’s a bit cute. Like a stray, maybe?”
“You called that golden axe the other day cute too,” Zoro snorted. Hoku leaned back against his legs, rolling her shoulders and stretching her arms high as she relaxed. “Might have to give him a scar to remember next time.”
“Ah, you’re soft on him,” Hoku said. “You like him.”
“Brat’s gonna come for my head next time.”
“I dunno, can’t you guys trade titles in the future without chopping each other’s heads off?”
Zoro set a hand down on her head. His fingers splayed out and Hoku turned to look up at him.
“That eager for me to kick the bucket?”
“Oh, please,” Hoku mused, tipping her head into Zoro’s hand. Her humored her, leaving it there for now and curving his fingers below her chin. “I don’t plan on letting anyone take your head anytime soon.”
Hoku made a face. “I’m speaking for Luffy, not for me.”
“Yeah, yeah, get off your lazy ass. I need a coating.”
“I’ll charge you one day for all you owe me. Nami’s keeping track.”
- - - -
Shanks really was lucky.
He had felt good about this beach the moment his crew set anchor on the other side of the harbor. He and Buggy were racing to see who could find the biggest and best catch and bring it back to the ship by dawn–
And truly, this was without a doubt, the best catch.
He knew it was her in an instant. It’d been a little while and he’d only caught glimpses of her in the newspapers, her captain making headline after headline as the marines raced after him. But that moon-white hair, the slope of her shoulders hidden by a cloak and–
She was just sitting there, where the grass of the forest met the sand, her back to everything else as she seemed to watch the ocean a safe distance away. Shanks thought he must be dreaming at first or perhaps this island had a secret mirage.
But he caught sight of their ship, her ship. A legendary ship anchored several leagues away and knew–
It was fate.
Something curled in the pit of his stomach. His heart pumped blood fast and hot through his body, fueling liquid courage all the way down to his fingertips. He was a year older now. He was less lank more muscle. He was taller too, maybe even taller than her now, he’d like to think, though he never minded a tall woman, he fancied the idea of cupping his hand under that curved chin and raising it to his–
Shanks’ eyes landed on a heavy bough of flowers beside him. Pretty, bright red things. A smaller branch of silver flowers grew below it. He considered them both, teetered dangerously and cursed under his breath, snapping the branch of soft silver flowers clean. 
He had to ease into this sort of thing after all. Coax her sweet so she wouldn’t slip off, make her a bit interested enough to stay.
Shanks ran a hand through his bright red hair and walked forward, lightly swinging the branch.
When he was only a little ways away, she seemed to finally register his approaching presence, as though he were a deer who’d broken away from a herd of things. She still faced away from him, tilting her head to the side as though listening curiously before she started to turn.
Shanks stopped as close as he dared for now, a few steps from her–and he kept in mind to treat kindly the fact that she let him get this close and that gave him hope–he dipped the branch low.
Those ocean eyes blinked, slow and curious, round at the bundle of flowers presented before her before looking up.
“I didn’t think there was treasure on this island,” Shanks said with a bright, sunny grin. “But it looks like I found some.”
“Brat,” Hoku said, pleasantly surprised. He withheld a wince at the name. “Huh, I guess Robin was right. This island is getting a little more popular now…”
“I think it was fate,” Shanks said. He shook the branch. Petals fell, dappling her hair and she looked up, amused at his antics. “Did you miss me?”
“I hardly thought about you at all,” Hoku said, a small smile on her lips. Shanks inched a step closer. “I thought we wouldn’t meet for ten more years.”
“I don’t think my heart could take such a thing,” Shanks crouched on the sand beside her. Hoku looked amused, watching him with vague curiosity. Her hair was a little longer and he’d fight to run his hands through it once.
“Too long for–” Shanks’ eyes dropped down and he stopped. He blinked, once, twice, and then a third time for good measure.
There, stretched out in the sand before her, was a youthful face. A face not much older than his own. A hardened face who Shanks recognized from the waves he was making. A face that was currently attached to a head that was very much resting on the soft and supple skin of Hoku’s thighs, fast asleep and–
Dracule Mihawk was sleeping on Hoku’s lap.
Shanks stared.
“Oh,” Hoku said, following his eyes. “He’s another rookie like you. Maybe you two have heard of each other–”
Shanks stared at Hoku as though she’d driven a knife right through his heart. His eyes went soft, staring at her in his best, most charming sense of a puppy-dog face. Hoku stared at him with round eyes, blinking. “What’s that look for? All I said was–”
As though summoned, Mihawks’ eyes finally slid open. Shanks gaped at him. Hoku looked down. The young swordsman seemed to consider several things for a moment before promptly he sat up–to Shanks’ relief–and turned to Hoku.
“He developed an even stronger technique,” Mihawk said.
“Oh, you noticed,” Hoku grinned. “He never stops advancing, you know. You’ll have to run to even get close to catching up.”
Mihawk’s golden eyes flickered before he nodded. He moved, standing up and Hoku let her hands fall into her lap. Shanks continued to gape.
“What’s the matter with you?” Soft fingers tapped the side of his face and Shanks’ head jerked to the side. His cheek connected with Hoku’s warm palm, ocean eyes curious as she watched him. “You seemed confident as a lion just a moment ago–”
“I wasn’t aware you two were acquainted,” Shanks said, a wide, quick grin curling on his lips. He flashed Mihawk a sharp look who simply stared blankly back at him in return. Hoku moved to pull her hand away and Shanks quickly reached up, cupping his hand over hers.
Hoku arched a brow.
“Lovely dove,” Shanks said, voice a little low, eyes a little pleading, expression soft. His fingers moved lightly over the back of her hand in a way he hoped was distracting. “What do I have to do to be spoiled like that?”
Hoku blinked. She seemed confused by his question for a moment before something must have clicked and then she laughed. Shanks’ eyes went half lidded at the sound and Mihawk raised a brow at the redhead’s expression.
“Challenge the greatest swordsman alive,” Hoku said, eyes a little wild. “And we’ll see what happens.”
Maybe I should play a little sick next time. Shanks wondered. I wouldn’t mind being spoiled like that–
“And you should really just let me coat your sword for you,” Hoku said, ignoring Shanks and pulling her hand away. He pouted at the loss and Hoku faced a calm Mihawk. “I promise it’ll help–”
“I’m not good enough to have you coat for me,” Mihawk said simply. “Not yet.”
Shanks huffed, “Dove, I’d gladly let you do anything to or for me–”
Shanks stopped.
He was fairly certain his heart might’ve too.
Red, soft, flush red colored her cheeks. Hoku’s eyes were a little wide, almost soft at Mihawk’s words. She looked hopelessly embarrassed, flushing in pride at the praise as she reached up and placed a hand over her face as though to hide the entire view, crumpling a bit.
“You can’t just going saying things like that,” Hoku said, sheepish and soft. “Really now–”
Shanks wanted that face engraved to memory. He wanted that face to be made because of him. He wanted it under his fingertips. He wanted it, begged for it beside him. He wanted to see it color darker, a little more flushed, eyes soft on him and his hands running low and pushing, playing, trying to see how much more he could–
Shanks paused. Maybe this time Buggy was right and a little bit of that passion was bleeding a bit toward somewhere else.
“HOOOKKKKKUUUUUU!” Shanks and Mihawk froze, the loud, resounding voice boomed across mountains, echoing blaringly clear. “WHEEEEEERREEE ARRREEEE YOOOUUUU?”
They both looked to each other, realization coloring their faces as to who the voice belonged to and–
Without another word, Hoku stood. Her head turned toward the sound of her name, at her call, eyes warm, the expression on her face–
Something Shanks wasn’t sure he knew how he ought to feel about. It reminded him of her moment with Zoro. A simple call of her name and yet–
Something too far for him to ever grasp. Something that shouldn’t be touched. Something he couldn’t touch.
“Well, it was nice seeing you again, brat,” Hoku grinned at Shanks, holding a silver flower up. Shanks blinked in realization. “Thanks for the flowers.”
Turning to Mihawk she added over her shoulder, “Rest up. See you again, Mihawk.”
She beamed at the two of them and promptly set off, never once looking back as she followed the continued calls of her name, hurrying maybe just a bit.
“Alright, spill it you sly dog. What did you do and what did you say to get her to treat you like that?” Shanks nearly pulled tufts of red out. “You were in her lap! Her lap, you dog! And that face–do you understand how cute she is?”
Mihawk stared at him as one would a bug.
“Who are you?”
- they’ll all meet again
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grimtwin · 5 years
Favorite ZoNa moments?
All of them of course!
Their first time meeting! Zoro saves Nami from Buggy’s crew as they made to attack her for refusing to kill Luffy. Fending off something like five or six attackers easily, Zoro casually asks her if she’s okay. 
Then on Usopp’s island, where Nami and Zoro are trapped behind an oil slick. Nami steps on Zoro so she can safely cross, while Zoro gets stuck. A short while later, when a couple of Zoro’s are taken from him, Nami tries to retrieve them. Even after taking a brutal hit from Jango, she’s able to kick Zoro’s swords to him, which kind of annoys him, but she has this cheeky, “is that how you thank someone?” line, and Zoro gives her his thanks, before whooping ass. That and his terrified reactions every time she’s attacked during this fight with the Black Cat Pirates.
Then we jump to Arlong Park for a few more scenes. This is one of the biggest shipping moments for the two, for a lot of fans. After getting nearly bisected by Mihawk, Zoro’s pretty banged up, and gets taken prisoner by Arlong’s crew. After some cheeky back and forth between Zoro and Nami, Arlong says some pretty fucked up things about Nami being a cold hearted witch who would even forget Bell-mere’s murder for money, which clearly upsets Nami. That doesn’t go unnoticed by Zoro, who then throws himself into the water. He’s bound at the legs, with his hands tied behind his back, and one of the most gruesome wounds we’ve ever seen in OP...so no way is he getting out of that. Until Nami dives into the water and drags him back up that is. Kudos to Nami’s strength here btw, she’s gotta be strong as hell to do that. Anyway, Zoro calls Nami’s bluff here, telling her he knew that she couldn’t have let him die and to stop acting cool which infuriates her enough to stomp on his back. She then asks why he has so many bandages on, and in the English dub, he flirts a bit by saying he didn’t have another shirt and didn’t want Nami to be distracted by his chest/abs, to which she immediately punches him as hard as she can in his Mihawk wound.
After a dramatic flashback and Nami stabbing her arm to slice away the Arlong tattoo, Luffy and the crew go to kick Arlong’s ass. It’s here were we get the next short, but sweet moment that I like. Zoro’s wound has been hit a few times, he’s got a stupid high fever, is damn near dead on his feet at this point, but he’s fighting Arlong in order to give Sanji and Nojiko time to save Luffy’s life. He gives Nami a thumbs up, saying he’s good, but in his weakened state, Arlong gets the better of Zoro, and is holding him by the throat. Its then that Arlong tears away Zoro’s bandages, and that’s when he, Nami, and the rest of Cocoyashi’s villagers see just how fucked up Zoro is right now. Zoro’s got this death glare that startles Arlong to his core, Nami’s lets out a horrified gasp, and Arlong knows he has to kill Zoro here and now because it’ll be too dangerous to let him live. Well...that is until Luffy finally shows up, freed from his stone prison at the bottom of the ocean, grabs Zoro by the shirt color, and throws him several hundred yards to the back of his head lol. 
I suppose the next instance would be at Whiskey Peak. The crew has just made it to the Grande Line, and survive a hellish wave of storms...all thanks to Nami, and no thanks to Zoro, who was napping. When he wakes up, Zoro is interrogating Ms. Wednesday and Mr. 9, who jumped on their ship, and just when he’s about to uncover some secret, Nami shows up and beats Zoro’s head in. She’s pissed he was sleeping during all the chaos, and even though Zoro tries to get tough with her, she just beats him some more. We all know who wears the pants...or short skirt in that relationship. Later, the crew are happily welcomed into Whiskey Peak’s village, where a massive party is thrown for them by the villagers. The crew is having a grand ol’ time, drinking eating, partying their asses off and we see both Nami and Zoro engaging in a drinking contest. Zoro “goes down” around the 13th tankard of booze, while Nami “goes down” around the 15th. It’s then that we learn that the village is one of 100 Bounty Hunters, who aim to kill/capture pirates making their way into the Grand Line. Just as they unveil their big secret, Zoro appears on top of a house, in one of the most bad ass moments of his up to this point in the series. He was faking being drunk, saying no way would he trust a village welcoming pirates into their midst. He then announces he knows they are Baroque Works, and proceeds to beat the shit out of the entire village in a dope ass fight.
And after that tussle, Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine’s Day show up! It seems they have an intruder in their organization, and it’s Miss Wednesday, aka Princess Nefertari Vivi of Alabasta! They’re on the hunt when Mr. 8 pleads with Zoro to go save her, as he is actually Igaram, Vivi’s royal guard. It’s then that Nami appears, agreeing to help Vivi..but at the cost of one billion beri! Zoro questions what she’s doing there when Nami says the same thing he did earlier, that she couldn’t trust a town welcoming pirates, and that she could handle way more booze! These two are can handle their drink alright. Nami and Igaram negotiate, and after coming to terms, Nami commands Zoro to go save Vivi! He immediately refuses until Nami counters that her contracts are HIS contracts as well, and that Zoro still owes her payment for the money she lent him at Loguetown. She guilt trips the ever loving hell out of him, and Zoro has no choice but to run off and save Vivi. 
Now we’re at Little Garden, the isle of giants and dinosaurs. The Straw Hats food reserves are low at this point, so Zoro and Sanji decide to have a contest of who can bring back the bigger dinosaur and most meat, very much like Dory and Brogy did 100 years prior. After some running around, Zoro kills his prey and is trying to make it back to the ship when he gets lost; big surprise right? During his search for the ship, he suddenly sees Nami leaning against a tree and happily calls out to her with a big ol’ smile on his face...but cut to black. It was all a trap set up by Mr. 3! A wax dummy of Nami, who has now captured Zoro, Nami, and Vivi! More stuff happens with the other characters, before we’re shown that Nami, Zoro, and Vivi are attached to this big candle with a spinning top that, as it melts, will spray a wax coating over the trapped victims, turning them into statues. Zoro being cool as shit, decides that if they’re just going to die as statues, he’ll cut his feet off and go kill Mr. 3 before this can happen. Just as he goes to do this, an action which horrifies both ladies at his side, Luffy, Usopp, and Carue show up, and Zoro stops about half way through his legs. The pooling blood freaks Nami out, who berates him. A short while later, things are looking bad for Luffy, Usopp, and Carue, so Zoro decides if he’s going to become a statue, he’s going to strike a cool pose. Again Nami gets angry with him, and Zoro jokes with her that she should have taken a better pose too. All three, plus Brogy are completely encased and wax...until Usopp, Luffy, and Carue set them on fire! The wax melts, Zoro, Nami, and Vivi burst out of the towering flames, and take out Ms. Valentine’s Day and Mr. 5 in one shot! 
Next, we fast forward to the Alabasta Kingdom. For years, Shichibukai and leader of Baroque Works, Sir Crocodile, has engulfed the country in a civil war, all for the goal of gaining access to a poneglyph, a stone with the location of an ancient weapon known has Pluton, carved into it. And under his employee are the assassins partners Mr.1, Daz Bones, and Miss Doublefinger, Zala. During all the chaos of the final battle, these two would become Zoro and Nami’s opponents, tricked into following the Straw Hats away from Princess Vivi. Zoro tells Nami to stay quiet and hide, but it’s the assassins golden rule to take out those that are weakest first, so they immediately go to attack Nami. Just before Mr. 1 is about to cut her down, Zoro comes to her defense just in the nick of time once more! (In the anime he gives her a cocky grin) The two separate to take care of their own battles, both bloody and brutal, and after Zoro and Nami prevail, Zoro collapses in the street in need of a nap from blood loss. Nami finds him soon after and smacks him awake, but since she’s had her foot and leg stabbed through by Miss Doublefinger’s needles, she can’t walk to well, and gets a piggy back ride from Zoro as they search for Vivi and their friends. 
Onward to Jaya! This one is short and sweet. After Luffy and Zoro take a massive beating from Bellamy and his crew, a fight that held no meaning for the Straw Hats so they just didn’t counter, Nami is thoroughly pissed at for being mocked and made a fool of. Later on, when Luffy goes to confront Bellamy for stealing Norland’s gold, Nami asks Zoro why he didn’t go with Luffy to fight. A small, but cute, argument breaks out between the two. They fight like an old married couple! Just get hitched already dammit!
Further still, it’s up to Skypiea! Here we have a lot of good moments between the two. After Pagaya and the people of Skypiea rat the Straw Hats out to Eneru, the Going Merry is attacked and dragged off by some massive sky shell fish. And on the ship, are Robin, Chopper, Zoro, and Nami, where they’re carried to an area  where they are meant to be used as sacrifices for Eneru and his warriors. While trying to leave the sacrificial alter, the crew is attacked by Sky Sharks, which try to eat Zoro right away. He gets soaked during the scuffle to kill the sharks, and strips his shirt off, to which Nami goes into his room and then tosses him a new, dry one. Nami warns Zoro that God and the guardian priests are in the forest and are too strong to compete with, but Zoro tells her he’s never prayed to any god because he doesn’t believe him him. Chopper thinks this is cool as hell, and Nami cries, saying she doesn’t know Zoro lol. So Nami, Robin, and Zoro leave the alter to go check some things out, and during their trip, some delightful arguing and banter takes place, and Zoro saves Nami from several sky sharks and a sky alligator trying to devour her. He had been taking the lead on their journey but slowed down to walk behind Nami so he could protect her more easily.
Later on, during a hellish battle set up by Eneru, involving his forces, the Straw Hat Pirates, and the Shandian Warriors, Zoro are fighting alongside with the gargantuan sky snake Norla. In the ensuing chaos, Norla swallows Nami and Aisha appear in the midst of the battle, and are attacked by some goat men under Eneru’s command. Zoro, Wiper, and Gan Fall protect them...but soon after, Gan Fall, Nami, and Aisha are immediately swallowed by Norla. In a fit of anger, shock, and urgency to save Nami, Zoro tries to swiftly deal with his opponents at the time, Ohm and Holy, who activate a cage of iron cloud barbed wire to trap the combatants inside, while also fending off Wiper’s attacks. After defeating Ohm and Holy, the ground beneath his feet is blown away by Eneru and everyone falls to an area below. In all that, Norla spits up Gan Fall, Nami, but then Eneru attacks the snake, and fries it with a massive electrical attack. Zoro, seeing this, is terrified for Nami, until she pokes her head out from behind a rock, revealing that she’s fine. Zoro almost looks annoyed that he was caught looking so scared.
I could continue on, but this is crazy long as is...so this is a good stopping point!
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foxboymyles · 5 years
Pardon My Imprudence [Chp 2]
Note: I have all the text prepared! But I try to get these out in an orderly manner. That way I don’t have to correct a couple chapters in the same day. Some times I’ll be motivated to do so though, so multiple chapters might be released the same day <3 enjoy😊
It's November now. Luffy is ready to go to school, and his dad Shanks approached him with a piece of toast.
"Eat it quick. School is in 10 minutes. You can probably get there in 2 depending on how fast you walk." Shanks said.
Luffy nodded and put on his school uniform shirt, running his fingers in his hair to fix his cowlick. He bit into the toast instead of holding it since his hands were full. Shanks chuckled and kissed the top of his head.
"Have a good day, Luffy," Shanks said, lightly pushing him out the door as the boy walked.
"You too!" Luffy said, his voice muffled from the toast in his mouth.
When Luffy got to the front gate, Zoro was waiting at the gate to walk with him. Luffy smiled and tossed his water.
"You said your sister took all the water bottles so I got one for you!"
Zoro grabbed it and started to loosen the cap."Thanks."
"No problem!" Luffy said, grinning.
Luffy got to his locker, which was coincidentally next to Zoro's. He was getting his books together when they were slapped out of his hand. It was Bellamy's snarky grin that Luffy remembered.
"I'm thinkin' you don't remember when you made a fool out of me in class," Bellamy said, his hand clenching Luffy's shirt collar.
Zoro was ready to punch him when Luffy gave him the signal to not do it.
"Yeah, I remember. The math test."
"Remember the fight, retard. At 5."  Bellamy said, as he slammed Luffy into the locker and walked away.
Zoro helped Luffy up, with an angry look on his face. He got his papers and books and gave him a serious look.
"Y'know I could easily kick his ass if you need me to," Zoro said.
"It's ok, Zoro. I'll do that on my own." Luffy said, grabbing the papers and books from him and putting them in his locker.
Zoro doubted this but let him do his own thing.
It was time for the fight. Nami drank her soda while she talked casually to Usopp. Zoro wondered why they were so nonchalant about this fight. Luffy obviously didn't seem like the strong type. There were many people on Bellamy's side, cheering for the snarky kid. Bellamy cracked his knuckles and looked up at Luffy, who didn't seem scared at all.
"You're a strange kid. Usually, when I fight other kids they shrink in fear. But not you." Bellamy said.
Luffy stayed silent and looked at him in the eye. Bellamy smiled and tried to trick him with quick movements. But with a fast fist and a hard punch, Luffy's hit sent Bellamy flying, as his face rubbed into the concrete. Zoro couldn't believe his eyes. This kid actually knew how to fight, and he fought well. The audience paused and cheered for Luffy's easy victory. Zoro went up to Nami and Usopp.
"You're used to him doing that?" Zoro asked, surprised.
"Yeah, of course. He's trying to be a famous boxer right now. He's the top of the state. He just doesn't flaunt it." Usopp said, taking off his sunglasses.
"He didn't tell me he was a boxer," Zoro said.
Luffy smiled back at Zoro and fist bumped him.
"Can I have some of that water?" Luffy asked.
"You might wanna fountain it," Zoro replied.
The boy took a sip and gave it back. Bellamy's friends looked at Luffy angrily and put Bellamy on the bench while he was unconscious.
"Say moss head, do you do anything fitness related?" Nami asked.
Zoro rolled his eyes."I train with katanas. And I'm trying to be a heavy lifter."
Luffy looked at him amazed."Heavy lifting? Katanas? That sounds so cool!"
Zoro smiled. "Yeah. It's not easy though."
"Well, we gotta run. Our friend Franky's expecting us over dinner." Usopp said, walking off with Nami.
"Alright, see you guys later!" Luffy said, waving.
They left as Zoro looked at Luffy for a moment.
"You don't seem like the boxer type." He said.
Zoro lifted up Luffy's shirt. His eyes widened.
"I thought you barely had anything there!" Zoro said, in shock.
Luffy looked again curiously."Oh, yup. Are you talking about my muscle? Shanks said I can't grow that much muscle 'cause of my physique or somethin' like that."
Luffy lifted up Zoro's shirt and observed.
"You got way more muscle than me," Luffy said.
Zoro crossed his arms."Nothing new to me."
Luffy smiled and glanced at the park across the street.
“Wanna go over there and play some ball?” Luffy said, getting a basketball out of his gym bag.
Zoro nodded and went over to the park with him. It was a warm, quiet day like always. You could hear the quiet laughter of children and the soft noise of cars passing by. Luffy shot 5 baskets in a row, as the same for Zoro. They kept up a conversation.
“So who inspired you to do fighting like that?” Zoro asked Luffy.
Luffy threw the ball. It bounced off the headboard and bounced, rolling slowly on the concrete.
“Shanks. Shanks Le Roux, my dad.” Luffy said.
“I’ve heard his name before I met him. He’s one of the famous boxers, right? But then he quit and got into a business career.” Zoro explained briefly, as he motioned for the ball.
“Well, one time I was running to get my ball when I was a kid. I wasn’t living with Shanks at the time, but we were good friends because he was from my neighborhood. I got my ball finally and a guy was approaching me with a knife. I didn’t see it, but Shanks blocked the knife just on time and it got caught in his arm.” Luffy continued. “The doctor had to cut off his arm because the wound was too deep for them to heal it. When he got the job of raising me and my brothers he decided it was better to not get hurt, and he got into Business. He still works out a bunch though.”
Zoro looked at Luffy and smiled. “You’re dad’s cooler than I thought.”
Zoro forgot the ball in his hands and sat on the bench. It was then when a man whose hair was blue with dreadlocks, came into their view. He took Luffy’s hat from his bag and started to run.
“Luffy, he’s got something of yours!” Zoro shouted.
Luffy quickly turned and ran light speed after the man. He tackled him and punched him in the face. The man fell, but quickly took out a knife and smiled creepily.
“This is Shanks’ hat, correct?” The man said, his voice gravelly.
Luffy’s eyes widened.”How’d you know that?”
“Everyone knows it! Just give me the hat! It could be worth a fortune!” He said, poking the knife at Luffy’s neck.
Zoro hurried to the scene and glared at the man.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Zoro said, in a low toned voice.
“Why no-” He asked until Luffy almost punched him. He dodged it but he couldn’t dodge Luffy’s kick, which hit him and made him rub his cheek against the concrete.
The man laughed and looked at Luffy mischievously.
“The name’s Buggy the Clown. That’s my ring name.” Buggy said, struggling to get up.
“You’re a wrestler too?” Luffy said, giving his hat to Zoro.
“Of course. Until your old man revealed the news about me being a ‘scandal’! I had to leave the wrestling career and be a criminal.”
Luffy chuckled.”Shanks never fails to be right.”
Buggy raised his eyebrow, scowling.”What do ya mean by that, kid?”
“I mean, you just tried to kill me there. You don’t make very great impressions, do you?” Luffy said as Zoro tried not to smile.
Buggy blushed and mumbled. “This isn’t over yet, Monkey D. Luffy. I’ll get revenge someday. Your old man’ll be sorry once I get through with you. He slowly walked away into the distance.
Zoro looked at Luffy.”Good thing you got rid of him. I want to speak to you about something.”
Luffy raised an eyebrow and looked up at Zoro innocently. “Yeah?”
Zoro blushed and took a deep breath. “I li-”
“LUFFY!” Ace said, running from the sidewalk to the basketball court.
Zoro glanced at Ace and looked at him in curiosity.
“What’s up?” Luffy said.
Ace growled. “You said you’d be home at 6! And it’s nearly 7:30!”
“Sorry, Ace. Did I miss Sabo’s dinner?”
“Of course you did!” Ace said angrily,”Now come on!”
Luffy warmly smiled at Zoro.”Thanks for hangin’ out with me!”
Ace yanked Luffy’s arm for him to go and they ran back to their house.
Zoro stared at their silhouettes getting smaller and smaller, sighed and sat on the bench flustered.
Luffy arrived at the house and Sabo was cleaning the kitchen. The older brother smiled nicely and got the left-overs from the microwave.
“I’m guessing you went out with Zoro again?” Sabo said, unwrapping the foil.
Luffy grinned.”Yup! We played basketball!”
Ace sat down on the couch and deeply sighed. “Why are you so obsessed with this guy?”
“Well he’s real nice. He tried to protect me from Bellamy when he tossed my books.” Luffy said.
Sabo frowned slightly.”I didn’t know Bellamy was doing something like that again.”
Ace grumbled.”I could have fought him better.”
Luffy pouted.”What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean I could’ve given him a concussion! I’d rather have that bastard stay away from that school permanently than hurt you.”
Sabo laughed.”The point was that Luffy’s friend protected him, right?”
Ace blushed turned on the tv.”So what? I can do that.”
Luffy grabbed a plate of left-overs from Sabo and ate like a pig, as usual. “He was gonna say something to me, but you came over to get me.”
Sabo’s eyes widened as Ace dropped the remote. Ace turned to Luffy in shock.
“Don’t tell me he was gonna admit to liking you.” Ace said.
Sabo laughed awkwardly.”Maybe he was just gonna bring something else up!”
“No Sabo, he looked real embarrassed when I got Luffy.”
Sabo suddenly stopped talking and sat on the couch.
Luffy blushed slightly and yelled back.”That’s not true! We…”
“Ah ah ah! No excuses! You have to say no!”
Sabo glared at Ace.”Don’t say that. He can say yes if he wants to!”
“Why are you so soft on him?!? They’ve only known each other for 3 months!”
They went back and forth until Luffy shouted with a hot face.
“I think I love him!”
Sabo and Ace looked at him bug-eyed.
“What?” They said in unison.
“You heard me! When we were carving the pumpkin a while ago- I looked him in the eye and I felt really nervous! My heart was beating really fast! It still does!” Luffy said, stuttering a little.
Sabo smiled and made an aw sound as Ace was struggling to get back in reality. He finally stood up and grabbed Luffy’s phone. Luffy shouted for him to give it back, but he didn’t. Ace called Zoro’s phone.
Zoro’s phone vibrated in his pocket while he was eating dinner. Mihawk turned his attention to him, drinking fine wine. Zoro mumbled said he’d be back in a minute and went outside to answer.
“Yo, Roronoa.”
Zoro heard it was Ace’s voice.
“What’s up?” He said, curiously.
“Stop swooning my brother already! He’s going off about you like you’re some kinda god.”
Zoro started to turn red.
Luffy nagged Ace to get off of his phone and snatched it away from him.
“I’m sorry Zoro- he’s just being-”
“I like you.”
Luffy’s mouth opened slightly. His heart started racing rapidly and his hands slightly twitched.
“No, I think I love you. I love you. Be my boyfriend.”
Luffy heard this and blushed even more. He smiled and laughed.
“Yeah, I will! So uhm...I’ll see at school?”
“Of course. See you.”
Zoro hung up. He felt like a whole load off his chest was released. He let out a little smile and went back to dinner.
Luffy grinned, his face crimson red.
“Well? How’d it go?” Sabo asked, excited. Ace covered his face, ashamed.
“He asked me if I wanted to be his boyfriend,” Luffy said, touching his hair.
“That’s good! I hope you guys stay together for a long time!” Sabo said, cheerfully. Ace sulked on the couch and gave the remote to Sabo. The blonde took the remote.
“Aw, why can’t you be supportive? He seems like a nice guy.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m just worried he’s gonna go around hurting Luffy.”
Sabo chuckled.”Funny you say that when he was the one to protect Luffy from Bellamy.”
“Yeah, sure.” Ace said, gazing at the colors of the tv screen.
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nearlyso · 5 years
Luffy's Wish
On some island, somewhere in the New World, at some point in time...
"Hey, Zoro, how'd you make that thing glow!?"
Zoro held the orb at arms length, tilting it skeptically as it warmed his hand. Luffy was bouncing on the balls of his feet, trying to get a better look at the mysterious glass ball.
"I didn't, I just picked it up," Zoro frowned, tossing the ball to Luffy.
Luffy caught it easily, but was disappointed to see that the orb lost its warm red glow the moment it left Zoro's hand.
He tried holding it out the way Zoro had done, but to his disappointment nothing changed.
"Oi! What the hell are you doing!?" Zoro yelped in surprise, gaining the attention of their fellow patrons and the shop owner.
Luffy, to Zoro's dismay, was testing out the orb by pressing it against every part of exposed skin on Zoro's body. The swordsman had quite enough of this game by the time Luffy rested it flat on the tip of his nose and erupted into a fit of giggles.
"Shishishi! Zoro, you look just like Buggy!"
"Like hell I do!" Zoro growled, snatching the orb back from Luffy's clutches.
"If you break that thing and we get chased off this island Nami's going to increase my debt tenfold, so put it back where you found it and let's head back."
Luffy was ready to protest heading back to the ship so soon when someone suddenly came between himself and Zoro.
A middle aged woman was gaping at the glowing orb in Zoro's hand. She snatched it from him, and then quickly handed it back, gasping when its glow instantly returned.
"I never thought I'd see this happen twice in my lifetime!" the woman exclaimed, grabbing onto Zoro's wrist excitedly.
"You must buy this orb! It's glowing for you, it will grant you any wish you ask for!"
"A wish!?" Luffy exclaimed, but Zoro was already glaring at the shop owner and pushing the orb back into her hands.
"Listen lady, this guy may not look too bright" Zoro started, giving Luffy's head a gentle bop, "but I wasn't born yesterday. I know what you're up to."
The shop owner shook her head vigorously, "You don't understand, it's very rare for the orb to react. For whatever reason, it's chosen you! You must take it!" She pushed it back into his hands.
"So I buy the orb and make a stupid wish. Nothing happens, so you tell me it might take a while. We leave with this worthless thing and you put out a new one for the next sucker who walks through that door. That's how it works, right?"
The shopkeeper looked torn between being offended and excited. She looked between the orb and Zoro and seemed to make up her mind.
"Take the orb as a gift! Then, when your wish comes true, all I ask is that you return the orb to me."
"And some of whatever I wish for, right?"
" I wouldn't refuse a donation, of course!"
Zoro was about to shove the orb back into the woman's hands and walk out when he felt a tug on his sleeve. Luffy was looking up at him with that look.
Zoro sighed.
Zoro held the orb out for Chopper and Robin to see. The four were back from their respective trips into town and stood on Sunny's deck.
"A wish!? That's so cool, Zoro! What are you going to wish for?"
"Perhaps you should wish for your sight back?" Robin suggested, "If you lose your other eye, you'll be completely blind."
"Ahh! Robin's right! That's a good wish." Chopper agreed.
"Although, in many tales involving wishing on an object, the wisher's words are twisted. You may end up with three eyes. Or, perhaps you will turn into one giant eyeball."
Zoro ignored Chopper's horrified cry and looked to Luffy.
"I won't lose another eye."
"Mm, I know. Zoro..."
Chopper, Robin, and Zoro stiffened at Luffy's sudden change in tone. He was standing, arms crossed, with the serious look he usually reserved for enemies.
"This isn't an order, so you're free to refuse, but-"
Zoro smirked, flapping a hand in a say no more manner.
"Yeah, yeah, I get it. But don't be disappointed when nothing happens."
"It's going to work."
"Only one way to find out."
Zoro looked down at the orb and thought his wish, just as the shopkeeper had instructed. The orb glowed brighter, then died out completely.
An hour later...
"You actually made it back before us? Wait, where's Luffy?" Nami asked, looking around the ship. She was part impressed, part suspicious, because nothing ever went this smoothly for her when it came to those two, and she refused to believe this time was any different.
"Watching the sky," Zoro yawned, nodding his head to Sunny's figurehead. Sure enough, there was their captain, sitting more attentively than Nami would have ever believed possible.
Curiosity got the better of her, and against her better judgement, Nami approached the figurehead.
"Luffy? What are you looking for?"
"Oh, Nami, you're back! Hey, what's the weather going to be like today? Anything weird?"
Nami looked at the sky in confusion. The day was clear and she didn't sense any changes that might indicate an approaching storm.
"Weird? What makes you-"
Nami was interrupted by the sound of something wet and heavy smacking down on the deck.
Soon, the sound surrounded her, and it wasn't long before one of those wet, heavy things made contact with her arm.
She shrieked, running for cover as more of the disgusting objects poured down from the sky.
Safely under cover, Nami looked on in disbelief as her captain ran around the deck in absolute delight, gobbling up as much...meat? Was that...was that MEAT falling from the sky!?
"That was very kind of you, Zoro."
Nami jumped at Robin's voice. She was surprised to see most of the crew standing beside her. In her panic, she'd never even realized that it was a giant hand she had taken shelter under.
"It's not like I thought it'd really work." Zoro admitted, rubbing the back of his head.
"Oooooi, you guys! There's plenty, come on! Ooooiii!" Luffy hopped up and down, waving a piece of meat in each hand. He expertly caught a steak in his mouth and swallowed it whole.
"Where...where is it coming from? What the hell is going on!?" Nami demanded, looking at Zoro.
"It's raining," he shrugged, bending down to grab an empty pack from the previous shopping trip.
"Raining? Hey! Where do you think you're going?" Nami cried, close to pulling her hair out in sheer frustration.
"I owe a lady some meat." He explained, as though that made the situation any clearer. He held out the bag and caught a mix of what looked like sirloins, mutton, and poultry.
By now, the meat was ankle deep.
"Oh! Zoro-san, I will accompany you! As much as I enjoy watching Luffy-san have his dream come true, I don't think I can stomach any of it myself! Oh! Even though I don't have a stomach!"
Brook's laughter followed the duo off the deck and into the town.
"Hey! Zoro! Brook! Get back here!"
Nami looked on helplessly, feeling less and less in control of...well, anything, by the minute.
"Don't you think we should stop Luffy-bro? If he keeps it up, he not going to fit through the doors." Franky asked, looking on in concern for the damage hailing pork loins could do to his ship.
"We probably should. After all, I may be mistaken, but I don't believe our swordsman was specific enough with his wish."
"Huh?" Usopp asked, shaking himself out of the shock of seeing what could very well be one of his tales come to pass, "what do you mean, Robin?"
"Look closely, I believe that meat is-"
Before she could finish her thought, Sanji (who had been forgotten in the kitchen in the midst of the fiasco) dashed past the group of them and into the rain of falling meat.
Luffy noticed Sanji on his way to ruin his dream meal and was already on the move, eating and running at the same time.
"Nnnn weeeeeah! 'Ss fynn!"
"Raw! Ah! Luffy, stop! You're gonna get worms!"Chopper exclaimed, racing after them.
"Wa...wait! Chopper, wait! There's venison! You're stepping in venison!" Usopp screamed, rushing out after him.
Nami, Robin, and Franky watched as their captain, cook, doctor, and sniper romped through the food filled deck.
"Franky?" Nami asked.
"Huh? Yeah Nami-sis?"
"How big is the new freezer?"
"Zoro-San? I may be mistaken, however, I'm pretty certain we've come this way a few times already. Are you sure you remember where the shop is?"
"Like I said, it's not far from here. It's just up ahead."
"Your meat bag is leaking."
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moosemightymoose · 3 years
Heat of the Moment
Summary: The first time they woke up in Loguetown, they were in a bed at an inn, and they didn’t know why but they tried their best to help. The second time they woke up in Loguetown, they were in a bed at an inn, and they didn’t know why but they tried their best to help. The third time-
Ao3 link
Being born again sucks.
Being born again again was an emotional roller coaster.
Being born again again again really just makes you tired.
It was like that supernatural tuesday mornings episode, or that movie groundhogs day, except this was my life. And it was lasting a long ass time before restarting. And there was no trickster pulling the strings, not as far as I could tell. And I’ve had a while to figure it out, with still nothing to show for it.
It had been forty years total. This would be the twentieth time I was trying to save the Strawhats and their allies.
The first time we were close, we didn’t even realize how close, before the marines threw every single person, weapon, and power they had at two dozen people. Some may say that’s overkill, but they only just barely won. It would take them years to recover, and in that time the revolutionaries might actually be able to grab power. But the Strawhats were gone. We were gone.
We died.
Waking up back in that small bed 3 years in the past and I never cried so hard. I didn’t think what I had experienced was a dream, but here I was to do it all over. I was so grateful. And when I found out I was the only one who remembered, only one who knew we’d lived this before, well that was okay. Maybe it was better that way.
Then I was hopeful. Third time’s the charm and all that.
The fourth time I woke up there I was pissed. Again, nobody else woke up with the memories of what had happened, and I had never felt more alone surrounded by my family.
Each time our journey cut short, our crew massacred in different ways stopping us from reaching our dreams. The seventh go through we just got unlucky and a storm mixed with a sea king got us. Never showed up before, never showed up after.
On the ninth go through I decided I wouldn’t join the Strawhats, and instead hovered in the background for a grand total of 5 islands before Luffy dragged me onto the ship.
In all these attempts, only three times we were able to save Ace. Three times. Once preventing him from capture, once saving him from imperial dawn, and once at marineford. And yet, somewhere in the New World, our luck would run out.
By the 20th time I was feeling pretty defeated.
Nineteen times I watched as they all fell around me, my friends. Never the same order, sometimes I would die first, that’s what’s been happening the past 5 times. I jumped in and took the killing blow, saving myself from having to watch as the others got taken out one by one. I couldn’t watch Sanji being pummeled, Nami being shot down, Franky taking a bomb meant to kill thousands, Wado torn from Zoro's mouth as he was cut to ribbons, Chopper taking bullet after bullet, Brook being tossed into the ocean, Jimbe dismembered limb by limb.
Only once had Luffy been killed before me. Only once did I have to watch as the life left his eyes and the smile slipped from his face. I would not repeat attempt fifteen.
And here I am now. Waking up in my rented bed in the middle of loguetown. The first time I didn’t know why I was here or what I would do, but by now I knew. I knew this day too well.
I got out of bed, wondering if I should really try to be on the side lines, maybe join the revolutionary army, or maybe Boa Handcock would take me to her tribe so I could train. Either way I needed to go forward, and the best way was to hitch a ride on the boat I knew would make it over that crazy entrance and sail onto the grand line.
I gathered all my things and grabbed my knapsack, ready to see who I'd bump into first this time around.
If I went left and never turned I’d reach the fish market, where I’d run into Sanji. If I went right I would wind up in the shopping district where Usopp and Nami could be found, depending on which store I went in.
If I didn’t go inside any stores and kept walking I’d find the docks, where the merry was stationed and a lion and a man were attempting to burn it down. Or destroy it somehow, their plan never going well. I fought them off and snuck aboard the ship a few times, doing so twice in a row the past two times, as I wanted this day to just be over with.
If I explored, and I started making turns and going down streets, I stumbled across different scenes. Once I found Tashigi facing 2 men, handing them their asses on a platter, and Zoro’s reaction to her striking resemblance to Kuina. If I made a few different turns I’d find Usopp and Daddy the Father facing off, and Usopp's incredible shot. A different route and I would find the execution platform, early enough to sit and watch. I hadn’t in a while, gone right to Luffy that is. Not since attempt fifteen.
So many choices, but ultimately they all ended on the Merry, which is why I was going to skip the day and head straight there like the last two times but something made me pause. A feeling. An instinct.
The execution platform wasn’t as tall as I had once imagined. It was also old, and questionably stable.
And as I stared up at the structure, people passing around me not bothering with the rickety old scaffolding, I felt hot tears roll across my face.
“Are you okay?”
Luffy’s voice made my body jolt, and quickly I wiped at my face before turning to him. Seeing him so young again always sucked the breath from my lungs. No scar, no haunted look in his eyes, no heavy burdens weighing him down. He was carefree and joyful once again.
I didn’t know what to say, I stopped lying to Luffy after attempt fifteen, but I also didn’t want to talk about this right now, in such a public spot, so I shrugged. He frowned, and looked over at the platform, then back at me.
“This is where the King of the pirates died.”
“Yes. Right up there.” I said, looking back up at the top, and remembering seeing Luffy up there, shackled and smiling, as the marines held us all captive, rain pouring down and making it hard to see, especially with our arms bound, unable to wipe the wet hair and pooling water away from our eyes. Made us watch as they executed Luffy first, his head rolling away from his body in a way that made everything inside me twist up. I didn’t know how I didn’t throw up, snot was clogging up my nose as I cried making it hard to breath. Then they took Zoro up next. They were going to take Sanji next, but someone pointed out it would be more torturous for a ladies man like him to only watch as they killed the girls.
“After all, ladies first, right?” A marine had jeered. They took me first, and after that I had no idea what happened. Not like I could ask someone.
“Is that why you’re sad?”
A startled laugh left me, as my captain always had a way of surprising me with the conclusions he’d draw.
“Kind of. All the people who called Roger Namaka lost someone important that day. It hurts, I understand their pain. To feel desperate and alone.” I swallowed and glanced at the small frown Luffy wore as he looked at me. Anxiety prickled under my skin, questioning if maybe Luffy could see, see how much I had failed and he wouldn’t want me. That this time he would judge me and determine I’m not worth it. I couldn’t help the flinch at my own thoughts and turned before Luffy took notice, and decided enough of that for now. We had a journey to begin. And I was sounding too much like Robin.
“What do you think he saw, when he looked out at the end?” I asked, knowing where this would lead. His soft shishishishi was like a southing balm, his arms wrapping around my waist again felt like home, and flying through the air up towards the top of the platform made my heart race in the best, the smile from the feeling stuck on my face as Luffy set me down, still laughing.
“Now you don’t have to wonder.” He said, and looked out across the plaza.
My heart clenched, thinking of all the other times I had seen him up here. It had been maybe nine years?
“Hey you up there!” Shouting broke my thoughts, and our attention was drawn to a marine with a megaphone.
The fun was about to begin.
I was stronger this time. Sometimes when I woke up again, Id find it was easier to run, I was faster in my defense, it was easier and easier to call upon my haki. Last time I unlocked haki at whiskey peak. Today luck was again on my side as I tested my ability, observation allowing me to easily dodge and weave around all the clown pirates blocking our path to Luffy. Buggy grated on my nerves at the best of times, and right now he was reminding me too much of before. It was only the knowledge that in a heartbeat I could have all these men on the ground and Luffy safe that I held back, because I was waiting for something.
“I'M GOING TO BE KING OF THE PIRATES!” Luffy's declaration rang out, for everyone in the plaza to hear, the weight of his words mixed with the strong will that blanketed the area set a serious tone.
I realized I had not heard this declaration here since the first time we were all in Loguetown. I had stopped here, sure, but I either left to do something else and missed that part, or once I had stopped Buggy from capturing Luffy in the first place, on attempt fifteen. But the universe said that boy will go up on that platform one way or another.
Goosebumps ran down my arms and the winds picked up, the atmosphere changing as thunder clapped. Hope bloomed in my chest, hope that I tried to squash down immediately. Luffy always did this, made me feel like this time was it. This time we would make it.
No, it was two years too early for those thoughts. I told myself to never be hopeful until we were past fishman island.
Luffy had a way of making broken people heal.
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genogenocrazycatman · 5 years
Stillwater - Chapter 1
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Stillwater [Archive of Our Own, FanFiction.Net, Mibba]
Characters: Original Female Character, Monkey D. Luffy, Rorona Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Tony Tony Chopper, Nefeltari Vivi
"We build as only children know to build
We made a way where there's a will
No slowing down or standing still
Innocent and reckless
"How did we get so old and never notice
How did we gain the world and lose the moment
Rise and fall, the tide surrounds us
And drowns us all"
-Hands Like Houses
“Are you sure, kiddo? You’re still pretty banged up.”
I smiled at the inn keeper. “I’m very grateful for everything you’ve done for me. I can’t possibly take up one of your rooms for another night. After all you have guests to host. I’ll be fine. This is nothing.” I gently tapped my wrappings. “Another day or two and I’ll be good as new.”
She was skeptical. I didn’t blame her. Normal people didn’t get over broken ribs in three to four days, but I wasn’t normal. Three days after the initial breaks, my ribs were already at the half way point. The cuts had all healed before her husband found me, and the bruises had already faded from deep purple to an ugly yellow is green.
I reached into my bag and pulled out a handful of gold coins. It was way more than what was necessary, but I was truly thankful to these people. They didn’t know me, yet they had still been kind enough to take me in and tend for my wounds for a few days until I was back on my feet.
“For your trouble.”
Her eyes widened and her brows up under her bangs. “That is-“
“A fair price if I say so myself,” I cut her off. “I would never have been able to bandage all of these wounds so neatly myself.”
The woman seemed hesitant still to accept my offer.  I placed the coins in her hand, curling her fingers around them. “Thank you once again.”
I let go of her hand and went for the door.
“Take care of yourself,” she said, when my fingers touched the handle. “I don’t want my husband to find you washed up on the beach again.”
“I can’t make any promises, but I’ll try my best,” I said over my shoulder, shooting her one last grin, before exiting.
The second I was out of sight, my smile fell.
I was sore, I was tired and most irritatingly I was frustrated.
I had been at the inn for days with nothing to do other than think. The only think that had been on my mind was my failure.
I had lost to that my father again, and in fairly short order. That bastard, who had hurt me, my mother and so many others, had avoided retribution for the nth time.
I had known before I’d gone after him that I would lose though. I hadn’t gone into the fight with the proper mindset, but it was hard. How the hell do you believe that you can still win, when you’ve been beaten down again and again? It was demoralizing.
I thought about everyone back home. They were all probably preparing for me to come back, listening to Cal as she barked out orders about bandages, splints and medications, all while internally preparing her lecture about how stupid this plot of mine was.
Either that or they thought I was dead, that he finally killed me. Even if they didn’t I was sure that they were going to, when I didn’t came back.
I was in the East Blue in Logue Town of all places, a long way a ways from my island in the New World. It was the first time that I could remember that I had left the Grand Line, though I shouldn’t really say left. I hadn’t chosen to leave. I had been forcefully ejected.
I had washed up on the beach outside of the inn I had just left. The owner’s husband, a fisherman had seen me there and brought me inside, where she had tended to me.
I had read about Logue Town. The Town of the Beginning and the End, the birth and death place of Gol D. Roger. It was a strange place.
I was just outside of the Grand Line. I couldn’t tell if it was an act of mercy or a cruel joke. I was so close, but so very far.
I was on my own and without a ship. Even if I had a ship, I didn’t have a crew. It would take forever for me to get back to the New World on my own. Sure I had the time, but that wasn’t how I wanted to spend it. Plus I didn’t even know if I wanted to go home. I’d be greeted by what? Pity? Disappointment? I’m sure everything was under control with Cal in charge.
I was only vaguely aware of my surroundings as I walked. As I neared the center of the town, the buildings got closer together and the streets got busier. The people bustled around, completing their daily activities.
By the time I finally pulled myself out of my pity party, I had reached the town square. Looming over the area was the execution platform.
‘So this is it?’ I thought. ‘The place, where Roger lost his life.’
I thought about the crew that had shown up on my islands randomly all those years ago.. A storm had caught them and swept them on to our shores.
The pirates that ended up on my island were strong. You had to be to make it that far down the Grand Line. Some had been good. Some had been bad. None of them had been like Roger though. He had this energy about him. If the others were stars twinkling in the night, then he was the sun burning bright.
Even though he had been dead for over twenty years and the town subdued by Marines, I could still feel his radiant energy, his warmth over the island, stronger here than anywhere else. It was as if he was here, just waiting to wreak havoc of some sort.
My gaze was torn from the platform, when a body slammed into mine, the force of the impact knocking me to the ground. My ribs protested against the new abuse. I gritted my teeth and groaned. I should have listened to the inn keeper.
“What are you doing on the ground?” he asked, staring down at me.
“You ran into me,” I responded, forcing myself up, swearing under my breath the entire time.
“Hey, are you okay?” he asked, when I didn’t just spring back up.
I nodded. “Just a little beat up.”
“Did you get into a fight or something?”
“Or something.”
He nodded.
“You here to see the execution platform too?”
“Why do you want to see the execution platform?” I asked.
“Because I want to see, where the king of the pirates died.”
I didn’t respond. It was like a gravestone almost. It attracted those, who wanted to pay their respects. It attracted the average person, who simply wanted to see proof of a legend. It attracted Marines, who saw it as a monument to their greatest victory.
“One day,” the kid said, breaking the silence. “I’m going to be the king of the pirates.”
I examined the kid. He didn’t look like much. He was small, unassuming, dressed in a red shirt, cuffed shorts and sandals with a straw hat on his head, but he was special. I could tell.
“You think so?” I couldn’t help the condescending tone that slipped into my words. I had heard people declare that they were going to be the next pirate king time and time again. None of them had done it. In my opinion, none of them were worthy of the title to begin with.
“I know so.”
I nodded my head. He had conviction if nothing else.
“The Grand Line eats people alive,” I warned him. “I’ve seen it again and again.”
“You’ve been to the Grand Line?” he asked amazed.
“I live there,” I explained.
“That’s so cool! Then why are you in the East Blue?”
My mood soured as I remembered why I was here. “I had some things to take care of.”
“Are you done?” he asked.
“For now.”
“Then join my crew.”
I looked at him, shocked. “What?” That had come out of nowhere.
He grinned. “I could use someone like you. The rest of us have never been to the Grand Line.”
He didn’t even know me, yet he wanted me on his crew. ‘Unbelievable.’
“We can take you home after we find the one piece.”
“It was a way home I realized. That being said I had yet to be sold on the prospect of going home.
This kid had a lot going for him. He was wide eyes and optimistic. He was determined. No doubt existed in his mind that he would achieve his dreams. It was admirable. That wasn’t a guarantee though. I had seen others like him, and with the exception of the late Pirate King, none of them had made it.
I’d seen enough to know how this was probably going to end. The thought pained me. I was tired of seeing such promise swallowed by the seas. Plus, I still had Daddy Dearest to contend with. The last thing I wanted was to drag an innocent pirate crew into that.
“I like you,” I told him. “I don’t want to watch you end up like the others. What’s your name?”
“Monkey D. Luffy.”
“Zale Mira Kai. It was nice meeting you Luffy, but I have to go look for a place to stay for the night.”
“If you change your mind, we’ll still take you,” he called as I left, before turning to face the platform once more.
Felt strangely rejuvenated after my conversation with Luffy. Instead of thinking about what I had happened, I focused on what I was going to do. I slipped in and out a couple of shops picking up enough clothes and toiletries to get me through the next couple of days until I could really get on my feet.
I grabbed a map as well, and asked the locals some questions.
I didn’t know how long I was going to be there. Regardless at least for the time being I needed a place to stay and a job.
Once I made all my purchases, I found a place to sit eat and sort out my newfound information.
The people in the restaurant were buzzing. Apparently today had been an exciting day. There had been a duel and a cooking battle. A massive storm seemed to be forming up over the ocean and was likely to blow in soon. A pirate with a massive bounty on his head was on the island somewhere and the Marines led by Captain Smoker had been busy all day.
I was able to ignore most of it. That was until a man burst through the doors, out of breath.
“Leo, did you run here?” one of the patrons asked.
“Captain Buggy of the Buggy Pirates is about to kill that Straw Hat pirate!”
My head shot up from the paper I was reading.
“The square’s been taken over by pirates.”
I tossed some money on the table and stood up
“Where are you going?” a woman asked me.
“To see what’s going on.”
There’s no way this kid was going out, before he even made it to the Grand Line. I couldn’t believe it.
“You’ll be killed,” another protested, trying to stop me.
I rolled my eyes. “I’ll be fine.”
I pushed through the doors and on to the street.
The clouds above were thick and back occasionally lighting up with a flash of lightning. There was no rain yet, but the threat hung heavy in the air.
I reached the edge of the crowd and wiggled my way closer. I could see the platform. Luffy was up there, head and hands trapped in the pillory. I recognized the pirate standing up there with him. He had been one of Roger’s way back then.
“Since you have a big audience, do you wanna say something before you die?” Buggy asked.
Luffy said nothing. He looked annoyed more than anything.
“Well that’s okay. Whether you want to say something or not doesn’t matter because you’re gonna die.”
Luffy took a breath before bellowing “I’M THE MAN WHO’LL BE KING OF THE PIRATES!”
The crowd was shocked. Here he was about to be executed in the home of Gol D. Roger, exclaiming that he was going to take the late Pirate King’s crown.
It was a ballsy statement.
He still believed that he was going to be king of the pirates. Not even death could deter him from his ambition.
“Well then, I guess I’ll do it now, you dam rubber-“
“Stop the execution!”
All eyes turned towards the two men at the opposite end of the square. The one I had recognized, the Pirate Hunter, Roronoa Zoro. The other, a blonde in a nice suit with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth I had never seen.
“Zoro! Sanji!” Luffy exclaimed excitedly.
“His crew?” I questioned. They had to be. No one would just throw themselves into the fray for a pirate they didn’t know.
“Shame on you,” Zoro scolded. “There’s a limit to how much you can fool around, Luffy.”
“If you’re starting a sideshow, let me join you,” the other, Sanji, said. “What we have to do for now is drive those damn pirates away.”
The onlookers, terrified at the Pirate Hunter, fled leaving only the Buggy Pirates to deal with. I was sure that the Marines were there, but they were likely biding their time. It was a smart strategy, let one crew take out the other. Then you only had one beat up group of pirates to deal with.
“So you’re here, Zoro, but you are a little too late.” Buggy raised the sword.
There was no way that they were going to get to Luffy in time, even if all they had to do was run, but there were other pirates to contend with.
“Not even Roronoa Zoro can stop me! This is the end of your captain!” Buggy laughed manically.
“Zoro! Sanji! Usopp! Nami! Sorry, I’m dead,” Luffy said. It wasn’t his words that struck me, but the large grin plastered on his face, even though death seemed certain.
My brain flashed back to that paper I had received the man on that same execution platform, a smile gracing his features.
I realized in that moment what I had felt earlier wasn’t the last remnants of Roger’s spirit. It was this kid.
I couldn’t let him burn out like all the others, but I didn’t have enough time to help him. I was too far away.
The sword came down, as did a bolt of lightning. It struck the platform, which burst into flames and collapsed, the metal supports groaning as they gave way.
At last, the rain began to fall.
Luffy’s hat floated down from the sky, landing on the ground, where the boy picked it up and placed it back on his head.
“I’m not dead after all.”
I laughed. Of course this kid wasn’t dead.
“I got lucky,” he said.
He joined up with his crewmates.
The signal must’ve been given for the Marines to make their move, because a large number of them came pouring into the square surrounding everyone who remained.
Luffy and his two crew members took off, a group of Marines following him. Of everyone, they were the biggest threat, which meant that the captain was probably in pursuit as well.
This kid was at least going to make it to the Grand Line. I was going to make sure of it.
My stupid ribs hurt like hell, which affected my speed. I took to the rooftops, so that I could avoid any unnecessary obstacles. I was slow enough as it was.
When I finally caught up my midsection was on fire. My ribs strained against the push and pull as my lungs rapidly expanded and contracted with my breathing. When I finally got eyes on Luffy, he was on the ground, a marine sitting on his back. He wore a captain’s jacket.
‘That must be Smoker.’
I couldn’t make out what was saying, but I could see him reach for the weapon on his back.
I reached out forcing the water droplets in the air to follow my silent commands, but before I could strike, a cloaked figure grabbed the hilt.
I stopped. This person was powerful and dangerous. Their presence was strong, invasive and uncomfortable. It demanded to be felt.
I couldn’t see their face. Their back was to me.
They and Smoker exchanged words.
The rain ceased, causing me to look up at the sky in confusion. An incredible gust of wind tore through Logue Town. It picked up and tossed everything, debris and people including myself.
I cursed my sorry state. If I had been fully healthy, I would’ve been able to handle this. I would’ve been capable of doing something other than being tossed around like a rag doll. Hell, even if I had had a few more hours to truly get my wits about me I would’ve been better off. But I was caught off guard, my mind wasn’t processing everything as fast as it usually would have, and I was exhausted both physically and mentally.
I tried to brace myself for impact as I flew, but there was little that could be done other than flail about. When I finally hit, it was nowhere near as bad as I had anticipated. It still wasn’t pleasant. I had managed to avoid more serious injuries.
I hissed and groaned as I sat up and realized that I landed on a person, the blonde from earlier. “Oh my goodness,” I said. “I’m so sorry,” I apologized.
He opened his eyes, which were filled with hearts. “Are you okay, beautiful?” he asked, swooning.
That wasn’t the reaction I expected.
“What happened?” Luffy asked, looking about. His eyes landed on me and he grinned. “Hey, Mimi, you decided to join after all.”
“Mimi?” I questioned. “Wait I-“
“Mimi, what a gorgeous name for a gorgeous lady!” Sanji sang.
“What do you mean join us?” a guy with a really long nose asked.
“Mimi’s our newest crew member,” Luffy said.
I hadn’t actually agreed to that, but it wasn’t like I had a better plan, and I needed to make sure that he made it to the Grand Line. I couldn’t explain it, but I was drawn to Luffy. I felt a need to protect him.
“Now’s not the time to be recruiting. We have to get to the ship, before it’s blown out to sea,” Zoro said.
Sanji nodded in agreement. “You’re injured,” he said to me, kneeling, back towards me. “It’ll be faster, if you let me carry you.”
He was right. It pissed me off. No one should’ve had to tote me around.
I hopped on his back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He hooked his arms under my legs and along with Long Nose and the Pirate Hunter started in the direction of the ship.
Luffy took off in the opposite direction. The others paused, turning back to look at him. He ran towards a railing and grabbed a hold. His momentum, kept his body moving, his arms stretching out.
“What?” Long Nose asked, sounding panicked.
“Wait…” Sanji trailed off.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Zoro muttered
“The gum-gum fruit,” I said in amazement. I had seen many devil fruit users, but never the gum-gum fruit.
“Rocket!”Luffy yelled. His arms snapped back to their normal length, sending his body flying towards us with an insane amount of force.
“I knew it!” Zoro yelled, trying to run out of the way.
Luffy crashed into us, sending us flying out over the ocean towards the ship.
We were caught by one of the sails, before we landed on the deck with a hard thud.
I was on my back, Sanji on top of me. I groaned. The rush I had, trying to help Luffy had faded, and I was feeling everything hit me full force. I tried to focus on something, anything else, eventually settling on the pitter patter of rain drops hitting my skin.
“Mimi, are you okay?” Sanji asked, worried. “Damn it, Luffy! She’s already hurt!” he yelled.
“Who is she?” a girl asked.
“I’m tired,” I said. “I just need to sleep it off.”
“I’ll take her inside,” Sanji said. “You’re gonna be fine, Mimi.”
“Mira,” I corrected, before falling asleep.
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bleachanimefan1 · 4 years
King And Queen Of The Pirates
Chapter Five, Epic Showdown! Roronoa Zoro vs Acrobat Kabaji!
Captain Buggy glared at Luffy as he hold his cheek in pain. He gritted his teeth as he seethed in rage. "Damn you, straw hat!" yelled Buggy. "How dare you! You can't just walk up and treat me like that! I'm Captain Buggy and I won't stand for it!" He shouted. The mayor coughed as he grabbed his throat, trying to catch his breath.
Nami turned to the swordsman. "Remember, all I want is the chart and the treasure, you got it?" said Nami.
"Yeah, I know." said Zoro.
The mayor looked at Zoro, Luffy, Nami, and Aya. He frowned. "You brats! Why'd you follow me ? You outsiders should mind your own business. This is my fight. I'm gonna be the one to protect my people and town. Buggy is my fight!" He shouted angrily. Luffy walked up to him and kicked the mayor on the side of his head, sending him flying into a brick wall. He slumped to the ground as he fell unconscious.
"Because he was in the way." said Luffy as he looked at her.
Aya nodded her head in agreement. "It's best this way. If he'd fought, he would've been killed or caught in the crossfire." She said. Zoro nodded his head.
Nami frowned in disapproval and sighed. "Still, you didn't need to be so rough with him." said Nami. "There are other ways of handling the situation."
Luffy ignored her and walked over to the building where Captain Buggy and the clown pirates, who were standing on top of the roof. Luffy smirked mischievously as he looked directly at the clown captain. "Here goes." said Luffy as he took in a deep breath. He
"BIG NOSE!!!" He screamed. 
All of Buggy's pirate crew, including himself, gaped shock as their jaws dropped. Nami cringed. Zoro smirked. Aya snickered as she saw the look on their faces.
"That's the worst thing you could have said to him!" shouted Nami. Veins began to appear on Buggy's face as he glared at Luffy furiously.
"The audacity, I won't stand for it. You're really pissing me off.  Fire that Buggy ball! Kill him! Kill them all! NOW!" Captain Buggy shouted. The crew aimed a cannon at the four.
"Why did you say that, you idiot!" said Nami as she took off to get away from the cannon's line of fire.
 "Come on Luffy, we gotta go!" said Zoro, worried. Luffy didn't move from his spot. He smirked.
 "You two go. I'll be fine, just watch." said Luffy. Aya shook her head, not moving as well.
"I want to stay and watch too." said Aya.
Zoro clenched his teeth in frustration. "You're both crazy! We need to move now!" He shouted.
 "Fire now!" shouted the clown captain. The cannon went off and headed straight towards Luffy. "That won't work on me." said Luffy as he smirked. "Gum-Gum Balloon!" He shouted. Then Luffy began to blow up as he began to inflate himself. The cannon collided into him as he caught the Buggy ball, completely unharmed from the blast. Zoro and Nami stared completely dumbfounded as well as the rest of the clown pirates.
 "W-What is he?!" shouted Buggy's crew members, shocked.
 "He caught the Buggy ball?!" shouted Captain Buggy.
Luffy smirked. Then he launched the Buggy ball back towards the pirates as it rebounded back towards them. Their eyes widen in horror as the ball came closer towards them. "He's throwing it back!" shouted the crew members as they tried to scramble away, trying to get out of the line of fire. "Run! Hide! Do something!"
Aya felt someone grab her wrist and she looked to see that it was Zoro. He dragged her away from Luffy as the cannon ball sailed closer towards the building. "Damn it! We need to move, now!" He shouted as he and Aya ran, taking cover. The Buggy ball hit the building, destroying it, scattering the clown pirates. Zoro, Aya, and Nami managed to shield themselves from the blast as they took cover. They saw that the building was destroyed and Buggy's pirates were unconscious.
"Alright! It hit them!" said the straw hat captain.
"What the hell are you?!" shouted Nami.
"A little warning would've been nice." growled Zoro. Luffy giggled. Nami scratched her head in frustration. Suddenly, the rubble began to move and the four looked to see Buggy coming out of the pile, holding two of his men as shields.
"How dare you do that to us!" He growled as he tossed the crew members away. Nami frowned in disgust.
"Unreal, he used his underlings as a shield." She said. Zoro, Aya and Luffy frowned as well.
 Lying on the ground, of the destroyed building, Mohji began to wake up. He quickly stood up and wildly looked around, confused. "What's going on here?" He asked. Then his eyes landed on Luffy. Mohji's eyes widen in fear. "I-It's YOU!" He stammered in fear.
Luffy smiled. "HI!" He said as he waved at him.
 "Captain, you have to be careful he's got Devil Fruit powers! I saw it myself!" said Mohji in a panicked voice to his captain.
 Buggy frowned. "That explains how he survived that Buggy ball." He said as he looked at Luffy. Then he began to smile sadistically, delighted with the thought of fighting with another Devil Fruit user.
"This should be interesting." He said to himself. Mohji tried to protest, but, he heard something from behind him.
"Captain, what's with all the ruckus?" A voice called out. The four saw a man holding Mohji's lion, with his hair tied back partly while one side was shaved. He was wearing a blue and white checkered scarf, a sleeveless purple coat that reached down to his knees, white pants being held up by a light blue sash and white shoes.
" Kabaji, how nice of you to join us. " said Buggy as he smirked sickeningly.
"Kabaji! You put him down, right now!" shouted Mohji, angrily as he saw the man holding his lion. He tossed the giant lion aside and it cowered behind the remains of the brick walls from the building, in fear. Mohji charged at Kabaji getting ready to throw a punch. But, he kicked the tamer away, sending him flying towards Luffy.
"Out of my way!" screamed Mohji.
Luffy smirked. "How about you-" Then he kicked Mohji. "Get out of my way!" shouted Luffy as Mohji's face crashed into a wall. He slid to the ground with a thud.
Kabaji smirked as he and Buggy watched. "Captain Buggy, allow me to pay their disrespect." asked Kabaji.
"Fine, but make it a good show for everyone." said Buggy. Kabaji smirked as he looked at the four.
"Get them!" shouted Buggy. Kabaji brought out a unicycle from out of his coat and charged at Luffy with his sword in hand.
" You may call me Acrobat Kabaji, Captain Buggy's chief of staff! You will pay for your insolence!" He shouted. Just a he brought his sword down on Luffy, it was blocked by another, by Zoro's.
"Since your using a sword, I'll be your opponent." said the swordsman.
"It's an honor, Roronoa Zoro...I'll fight you as a swordsman. I'll relish the chance to slay you." said Kabaji. Then he looked down at Zoro's wound as blood began to stain through the swordsman's clothes as the wound reopened.
"Hey, Zoro. You really should get some rest. Let me handle it!" Luffy protested but Zoro interrupted.
"Just stay back. I need to do this." He said as he looked at Luffy. The straw hat captain stared at him for a moment before nodding his head. Zoro nodded back in appreciation then turned his attention towards Kabaji. The acrobat had a sickening smirk on his face. Aya frowned, concerned. Something wasn't right. What was he up to?
 Kabaji smirked. Before Zoro could counter, he blew fire into Zoro's face. Then swordsman managed to deflect some of it away with his swords. But, Kabaji came at him quickly and swinged his leg, hitting Zoro's wound. Luffy, Nami, and Aya gasped as Zoro screamed in pain and fell to the ground. He hissed as he held his side, glaring at the acrobat. Kabaji chuckled darkly.
"I'm guessing you didn't have time to heal." said the acrobat.
"He fights dirty! Going after his injury like that!" said Nami, disgusted.
"What a cheater! I'm going to kick his ass!" shouted Aya. She gritted her teeth in anger. Aya was about to rush in but Luffy held her back as he placed his arm out in front of her. Aya looked and saw that he had a calm look on his face. Then she looked back towards Zoro lying on the ground. As much as she wanted to help her friend, Aya couldn't. Zoro had placed his trust in Luffy that they wouldn't interfere with the fight. The swordsman had to prove that he had to do this on his own.
Then Kabaji stabbed the ground with the tip of his sword. He began to spin around, faster, faster, and faster until a cloud of dust began to form, hiding himself. 
"Acrobat, my ass, that's just an ordinary dust cloud." said Zoro. Then in flash, Zoro narrowly deflected Kabaji's sword as it almost stabbed him. Then Kabaji swings his leg and hits Zoro's wound, again. Zoro howled in agony as he felt the burning pain on his left side.
"He did it again!" shouted Nami.
 "You were foolish to fight me." Kabaji laughed as he watched Zoro lying at his feet as he howled and rolled around in pain. Luffy clenched his fists tightly while Aya glared at the acrobat. 
"He keeps fighting with such a bad injury. He's hurt so bad. I don't understand how he can stand to fight." Said Nami to herself. Then she turned her head sharply looking at Luffy.
"Why are you just standing there watching?! He's going to get himself killed, you know!" She shouted while Luffy gazed at Zoro firmly, ignoring her. Kabaji smirked as he raised his sword.
"He's finished." He said as he charged towards Zoro.
"Come, you bastard." Said Zoro as he got up from the ground. "Having fun picking at my wound, then go ahead!" He glared darkly at Kabaji as the acrobat continued to charge towards the swordsman. Everyone gasped as Kabaji sliced right through Zoro's wound as the swordsman didn't move, not even flinching.
 "Why didn't he dodge his attack?" asked Nami.
"Is that enough of a handicap for you?" Zoro lifted his head as he smirked, threateningly. "Then me show you, just how superior my skills are to yours!" Kabaji reeled back as Zoro's cold glare send shivers down his spine.
"Yeah, Zoro! Get him!" cheered Luffy.
"You've made a vast error of judgement. I won't be mocked." growled Kabaji.
"I'm going to be the world's greatest swordsman. I refuse to lose to someone like you, who calls himself a swordsman." said Zoro as he pulled out his katana that had a white sheath.
"Brave words for someone who's about to die." said Kabaji as he pointed his sword at Zoro.
"If I lose to you, then I don't have very bright future ahead of me, do I? " said Zoro as he placed the white sword, clenching it between his teeth.
"Why you little... " Kabaji growled grinding his teeth angrily. 
"All right! Yeah!" cheered Luffy.
"Yeah, kick his ass!" cheered Aya. Nami stared at the two twins in disbelief.
"I won't stay and watch this." said Nami as she began to walk away. "You pirates can just kill each other for all I care. And it doesn't even matter to me whether you guys win or lose. I'm going to take this opportunity to swipe their treasure and get out of here. Maybe, we can team up if we see each other, again. Bye!" Luffy watched her as she left.
"Yeah, thanks. See ya!" Shouted Luffy as he turned back towards Zoro's fight.
Kabaji held his hand out and spinning tops shot out towards Zoro. Zoro dodged out of the way while deflecting some with his katanas.
Nami was walking down an alleyway looking for Buggy's treasure hideout. Then she stopped and looked back thinking about Luffy, Zoro, and Aya.
"Those guys are not normal. They're completely crazy. Nothing good will come from it. " She said to herself. Then she ran off. Nami stopped as saw a door that was hidden behind a pile of wood.
She opened it and walked down the stairs until she stopped when the thief saw a guard sleeping in a chair, passed out drunk. Nami sneaked past him until she stopped at a door that was locked. She took out her staff.
"Here we are. Now to steal their treasure and chart and get out of here." Said Nami as she broke the lock off the door.
Zoro sliced the tops that came out at him with ease until he stopped when he saw Kabaji smirked. The acrobat rode straight up the walls. Zoro watched wondering what he was up to. He sees Kabaji leap off the wall high into the air.
 "Wow, that's high!" said Luffy as he watched Kabaji flying from above, shielding his eyes from the sun with his hand. He and Aya sees Kabaji coming down with his sword at Zoro. Buggy smirks and holds his right arm out.
 "Chop-Chop Cannon!" He yells . His hand detached itself and launched towards the swordsman.
"Kabaji! I'll hold him! Finish him off!" Buggy shouted.
 "Aye aye, Captain!" Kabaji shouted as he came down on Zoro. Zoro eyes widened as he saw the hand coming at him. He had no time to dodge both.
However, a foot slammed down hard on Buggy's hand as Aya stepped down on it. Buggy screeched in pain. "You stay out of this, coward!" shouted Aya.
"Aya?!" Shouted Zoro, shocked.
"You bitch!" shouted Buggy as he glared at her angrily. Luffy giggled gleefully. He walked up next to Aya, cracking his knuckles.
"You want to fight someone?" asked Luffy, with a wide grin on his face. "How about us?" 
Buggy backed up looking at the two twins nervously. Aya smirked.
"I am so going to enjoy this." She said with a wicked grin on her face.
Nami lit a lamp that she found. She squealed with glee as soon as she saw the gleaming treasure before her. "Look at all of this stuff! And every last bit of it is mine!" She scooped up some of the coins and jewels and they ran down her in between fingers as they fell back into the pile. She smiled as she picked up a crown and placed it on her head. Suddenly, she saw a sword appeared next to her face.
"What do you think you're doing with our treasure?" A slurred voice called out from behind her. Nami turned around dropping the crown. The drunken pirate had woken up. 
"Oh crap! He woke up!" Thought Nami to herself, nervously.
"By order of Captain Buggy, anyone who gets near the treasure will-" The drunk pirate paused and looked down at his drink but whined seeing that it was empty.
 "Ugh, it's all gone." He grumbled to himself. Nami smirked as he was distracted. She kneeled down holding her chest, groaning in pain.
 "Oh, it hurts!" She moaned.
"Hey, you alright?" Asked the pirate, confused.
"My chest starting hurting really bad."
"What your chest?" The pirate down and saw the swell of Nami's breasts as she pulled down her shirt revealing her cleavage. The pirate blushed and began to drool, perversely. Nami smirked as she took out her staff and hit the pirate right in between his legs.
He fell like a sack of potatoes to the floor, knocked out. Nami giggled until she saw a chain of keys around the pirate's neck. She took them and walked over to a chest and opened it, inside was a rolled up piece of paper. She smiled as she took it out.
"Yes! The chart of the Grand Line!" Shouted Nami, happily.
Aya pressed down harder on Buggys' hand, the clown captain gritted his teeth in pain. He glared at her and Luffy as the two stood in front of him. Zoro watched as he kneeled on the ground, panting, and a little faint from the blood loss.
"I assure you I don't need my captain to finish you off." said Kabaji.
"Enough, I'm tired of this." said Zoro as he panted with each breath. Kabaji laughed.
"So you finally given up, have you?" the acrobat stated.
"I think you've misunderstood. I'm tired of watching your boring little sideshow." said Zoro. Kabaji grinded his teeth as he glared at Zoro, angrily.
"So sorry to disappoint you. How about a real sword fight? DIE!" exclaimed Kabaji. He made a mad dash towards the swordsman. Zoro crossed his two swords across his chest while the white one was in his mouth. He slashed horizontally as Kabaji charged straight through him. The two stood back to back from each other until Zoro dropped to his knees, falling to the ground. Suddenly, blood spurted out from Kabaji's chest.
"KABAJI!" shouted Buggy in disbelief. 
"I can't believe that I was defeated by petty thieves." said the acrobat as he fell from his unicycle and collapsed onto the ground as he went unconscious. 
"We aren't petty thieves. We're pirates." grunted Zoro then he collapsed on the ground as well, completely exhausted. "Luffy, Aya, I'm going to sleep." He said then he closed his eyes and began snoring loudly.
"Ok, I'm looking forward to this!" said Luffy as he turned to Buggy, grinning wildly.
"Oh, so am I!" said Aya as she smirked. Buggy growls as he looks at the two twins. 
Nami dragged a large sack of treasure, lugging it behind her as she struggled to pull it. It was incredibly heavy. She stopped and panted, taking a rest. Nami wiped the sweat off from her forehead.
"I scored an impressive treasure from the Buggy pirates, but hauling treasure is tiring. But, I guess it's worth the effort, though." Suddenly, Luffy, Zoro, and Aya appeared in her mind. She was confused. Pirates fighting for other people, risking their lives, instead of for themselves. No ordinary pirates would do that. She brush her thoughts away and stood up.
"Anyway, I need to find a boat so I can high tail it out of here." said Nami. Just as she was about to grab the sack, Luffy appeared in her mind again. Nami shook her head in frustration. "Nothing good will come out of it. He's a dirty no-good pirate. Just like all the rest." thought Nami to herself. Then she looked back to where the fight was with a distant look on her face.
Buggy looked at Luffy then at Aya eyeing them cautiously to see who would make a move first. He felt like a corned animal as he backed up away from them. Then two twins smirked and cracked their knuckles.
"You guys are pirates?" asked Buggy.
"Yeah, we're heading to the Grand Line!" replied Luffy.
"Ha! That's not an easy voyage , you know. I don't think you have what it takes. And what will you do, if you , by some miracle, make it there? Go on a sight-seeing tour or something?" Buggy laughed.
"Be King/Queen of the Pirates!" said the two twins, unfazed. Buggy stopped laughing as he stared at them in shock.
"You can't be serious, you idiots! I'm going to be king of the pirates!" He said, baring his teeth angrily.
"Your annoying. Let's go ahead and settle this." said Luffy, getting into a fighting stance. Aya got into a fighting stance as well.
"Yeah, stop yapping and lets get to fighting." She said. Buggy pulled out eight knives.
"Seeing that straw hat really makes my blood boil. So bring it on you wannabe pirates!" said Buggy, getting redder and redder by the minute. "You remind me of him. That damn sneaky Red-hair pirate!" The two twins eyes widen in shock as they lowered their hands slightly.
"What did you say?" Asked Luffy .
"Red hair?" Questioned Aya.
"Wait, are you saying that you knew Shanks?" demanded Luffy.
"That's right." growled Buggy.
" Do you know where he is now?" asked Aya.
"I don't know. Maybe I do, maybe I don't." said Buggy, looking menacingly. Aya growled in annoyance.
"What are you talking about? Did you forget?" said Luffy. Aya placed her hand on her forehead as she facepalmed herself. "I suppose ignorance is bliss, especially when it comes to Luffy." thought Aya to herself. 
"NO, I DIDN'T FORGET, YOU MORON!" shouted Buggy at Luffy. Luffy grinned.
"Fine. I'll make you tell us!" He shouted.
"You can try, but you'll be dead before you get a chance to ask. Rubber can't bounce back knives." said Buggy. Then he looked at Aya. "I will cut you into little ribbons, little girl." Aya laughed.
"You wish." said Aya. Buggy growled. He stomps his shoes, making knives appear out of them. Then he throws his lower half at Aya, cartwheeling on the ground. Aya narrowly dodges out of the way in time. Then Buggy threw daggers straight at her but Luffy catches them between his fingers.
"Did you forget, you fighting me as well?" asked Luffy as he tossed the blades aside.
"Ho, ho, how interesting." said Buggy. Luffy giggled.
"You're not so bad yourself, but it's my turn now! Gum-Gum Pistol!" shouted Luffy as he leaped into the air throwing his fist back.
"I can predict your attack in the air." said Buggy. He moved out of the way just as Luffy crashed down, creating a crater in the ground.
"Shut up, you idiot!" shouted Luffy as he charged at Buggy throwing his fist back but Buggy separated his head from his body, dodging the attack.
"Damn it! Stop breaking into pieces!" growled Luffy. Buggy laughed. Aya frowned and groaned in frustration. "This is going nowhere. How can we beat him?" She thought to herself.
"I can't believe they're still fighting? These three are insane!" said Nami, watching from afar hiding behind the corner of a building. In the middle of the fight, some of the Buggy pirates have woke up.
"Did you see that?!" one of them said.
"Be quiet! Act like you're still unconscious. If we get involved in this, we'll never make it out of here alive." said the other. All of them began sweating nervously as they silently watch pretending to be knocked out.
Buggy shoots his arm, with four daggers at Aya. She catches it, but then she froze when she saw Buggy smirk. "Why is he smirking?" thought Aya to herself. 
"Separate!" shouted Buggy as he detached his fist from his wrist. Aya tried to maneuver out of the way but managed to get a scratch on her cheek while Luffy had a scratch on his temple. Buggy laughed hysterically.
"How do you like that, you cocky brats?!" He shouted in a taunting tone. "You ready to give up yet." Then his expression changed into a frown when he didn't receive a reply from the two of them. Blood began to run down the side of Luffy's face. He had a darkened look in his eyes as he hold his hat. On the edge there was a small cut. Aya cringed at his expression. Then she turned towards the clown pirate.
"You donked up. BIG time." said Aya.
"YOU BASTARD!" screamed Luffy. Buggy nearly jumped, startled by Luffy's shout at him.
"You mad that I scratched your face?" Buggy snickered, not realizing what he had just done. Luffy glared at him, clenching the hat tightly in his hand.
"Bastard. How dare you damage this hat. No one damages my lucky hat and gets away with it. THIS HAT IS MY ONLY TREASURE! I WON'T FORGIVE ANYONE WHO SO MUCH AS LAY A FINGER ON IT!" roared Luffy, angrily. Buggy raised an eyebrow in surprise at the boy. 
Nami was stunned as she watched. "And here I thought he couldn't take anything seriously. But just look at him, he's getting so upset over a scratch in his hat." She murmured as she continued to watch. Luffy grinded his teeth angrily. 
Buggy made a wicked smile. "It seems that hat has a history to it, is it really all that special?" He asked.
Luffy didn't answer him as he continued to glare furiously at him. However, the two twins were unaware that there was a floating hand behind them as it throws two daggers. Luffy saw the attack and quickly jumped out of the way. Aya manages to jump out of the way as well, but, the dagger slices through her necklace as the chain got caught around it, retreating as it reattached itself back onto the clown pirate.  
"If it's that important...YOU SHOULD PROTECT IT PROPERLY!" shouted the clown pirate. To Luffy's horror another hand shot out at fast speed and before he could react, it grabbed his hat and it was ripped it away from him. 
Luffy hit the ground with a thud as the hand retreated back towards the clown pirate. Buggy grinned wildly at the two twins as he hold their treasures. "How is this tattered hat a treasure? HAHAHA! Treasure is sparkling gold, silver and jewels. Like this necklace!" Buggy smirked as he looked at it closer. Aya gritted her teeth angrily.
"Give it back!" She growled.
As Buggy inspected the necklace further, his eyes widen as they bulged in pure shock. Then he looked back at Aya. He went completely pale. "WHY DO YOU HAVE ONE OF THE NINE PIECES OF EIGHT?!" shouted Buggy. He stared at the girl in disbelief. 
"I don't care what it is! You better give it back!" shouted Aya. "Give it back, right now!"
"And you give me back Shank's hat! You bastard!" shouted Luffy.
Buggy looked at the hat in his hand. "You really consider this worthless dirty straw hat a treasure? You need to grow up!" He laughed.
"Shut up!" shouted Luffy. "That's Shank's hat! He gave it to me and I promised to give it back!"
"You better give me back my necklace right now as well." said Aya, darkly.
"What?! You mean to tell me that this used to be Shank's hat?" asked Buggy in disgust. "No wonder it looked so familiar." Then he threw the hat on the ground.   
"He always wore it, when I knew him." said Buggy. Luffy gasped. Aya's eyes widen in shock. They were on the same ship together?
"You and Shank's were on the same ship?!"
"Yeah, back when we were pirates-in-training, we were fellow comrades...that damned, detestable, red-haired bastard." Then Buggy crushed the hat underneath his foot as he stomped on it. 
"Shanks is a better man than you'll ever be! You have no right to call him comrade and DON'T YOU EVER BAD MOUTH HIM AGAIN!" shouted Luffy as he ran towards the clown pirate.
He threw his fist back to punch Buggy in the face but he saw it coming. Buggy detaches his head from his body but Luffy quickly reacted and swung his leg and kicked the clown pirate right in the gut. Buggy wheezed as he cursed himself for falling for Luffy's trick. He fell to the ground and reattached himself back together. 
Buggy coughed and wheezed as he tried to catch his breath. Then Luffy grabbed his shirt and lifted him into the air.
"Don't you ever mention Shanks name again, you bastard!" shouted Luffy.
"I can say what I want about Shanks, you little brat." said Buggy.
"Tell me what happened between you and Shanks! Where is he?!" hissed Luffy. "Damn it! How dare you do that to my hat!"
"Do you really want to know?" asked Buggy as his eyes flashed in fury.
"He is the one person I loathe. I will curse his name for the rest of my life. As long as there is breath in my body, I will never forgive him."
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moneymaiden · 7 years
Drabble Prompts: In Love and War
1) My muse finds an old journal they kept in their teens (or equivalent). After reading the entire thing, they fall asleep and dream of people they once knew, both friends and enemies.
     Nami hadn’t brought much with her when she had first set sail with the Straw Hat crew. Her maps and tools, a couple outfits and accessories, and the money she had stolen from the people of her town. With the thought that she didn’t need much else out on the seas. So when coming across an old journal she had kept while a part of Arlong’s crew as their prisoner, Nojiko liked to say, Nami was more then shocked that it was still in her possession and hesitant on whether to read it or not. She had half a mind to throw it right into the sea! But curiosity got the better of her, wondering what her younger self had written in the pages of the journal she had all but forgotten even existed.
    Waiting until night, after the rest of the crew had gone to bed, even after Sanji who always chose to stay up late to prepare the next days meals and clean up from the current, she slipped into her room to grab the journal hidden underneath her pillow. Then making her way back out and over to the library, where she knew no one other then Robin could be at that time. But having seen her sleeping back in the room, it was safe to say she would be alone like she wanted.
     Taking a seat, she lit a candle, placing both that and the journal on the table in front of her. Then carefully, with a gentle caution like it would jump up to bite her, Nami opened the bound book that was filled with her younger self’s writing from her tortured and misery filled days. It was almost hard to read at first, but she made herself remember that those days were long gone, and she would never have to go back to them. Knowing there was nothing to worry about and she was safe and sound with her crew on the Thousand Sunny.
     Flipping through, the navigator was brought back to old memories of her time with the fishman pirate group she had resented from day one. A lot of the writings were painful to read, recalling the times she had to bare all on her own. Evening knowing it made her the person she was today it was hard to read back on those times. As she advanced into the journal, Nami could almost see herself getting older in the memories from the written pages. Reading the few joyful moments when she was able to see her sister and then even further on when she was aloud to leave when she pleased, making trips to steal from pirates.
   The journals writings then stop right before she met Luffy and Zoro during their first fiasco with the Buggy Pirates. But Nami didn’t need a reminder of their first meeting, and how things became a whole lot better after she had met her captain.
      Closing the book, she rubbed her eyes sleepily and blew out the candle. Laying her head down on folded arms on top of the table, Nami closed her eyes and thought about all that has happened since that day, the day that had changed her life for the better. Even with all those horrible memories kept in the pages of that journal of a young and overworked Nami, she was glad to say that it was times she would never have to face again now that the navigator was part of her new crew. Making a mental note to get rid of the journal in the morning, she fell into a restless sleep, filled with dreams of old times and new.
     It wasn’t until the girl felt a blanket placed on top of her from an unknown member of her crew, that she began to settle down and dream of the good days that had come to stay.
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