#so no tags. just angry vibes
autisticlee · 6 months
one thing conservative homophobes don't seem to get when they preach their whole kEeP gAy aWaY fRoM the ChiLdReN nonsense is that gay isn't just sexual. it includes the little crushes kids have in elementary school!
I remember in 2nd grade (age 7-8) my two friends talked about nothing but their crushes on a boy. it wasn't just them either. I heard all the girls gushing about their crushes (usually on the same most popualr boy). we had little mail box cubby things in our class where we were allowed to write notes and stuff to give to our friends. (it was a solution to stop not passing. we were allowed to go to them during breaks and stuff) the popular boy always got anon love letters from the girls. they were 7-8! now imagine if a girl did this for another girl. or a boy for another boy. that's gay bro. gay can be innocent crushes. there's no ~ProTeCt the ChiLdReN thEyRe tOo yOuNg~ when they're crushing on each other at 7. if you're against gay crushes then be against straight ones too! but no, these weirdos think it's cute when it's straight crushes. their argument that "they're too young" doesn't hold up when they don't have the same energy for the straight version.
teaching kids it's ok to crush on a girl when they're a girl or crush on a boy when they're a boy is normal and NOT "inappropriate" because if they're old enough to have straight crushes, they're old enough to have gay one, and they're also old enough to learn to treat the kids with gay crushes respectfully and not bully them. it teaches them to be better adults and not cultish homophobes. for example, in 3rd grade there was a kid in my class bullied so bad for having a crush on a boy that his parents had to pull him out of the school in the middle of the year. this can be prevented by simply teaching kids gay = ok! it's so simple and easy and literally all we want. nothing more, despite how much the conservatives try to argue and pretend and make up otherwise...
WHAT IS SO "INAPPROPRIATE" and "not for kids" about teaching them simply gay is ok. you don't have to be ashamed for having (and obviously age appropriate) crush on the same gender, but also don't bully your fellow classmates for having a gay crush either!
you can't use the excuse they're "too young to know / it's inappropriate for their age" when 7 year olds can have straight crushes.
the straights sexualize being gay so much that they think just mentioning the word is the same thing as "teaching children how to have gay sex" so why isn't it the same when they see straight couples making out everywhere and being on every media? why isn't it the same when a woman has a baby, the literal product of sex, especially when they ask about how babies are made? just because YOU as an adult think about "sex" as soon as the word gay is mentioned, doesnt mean kinds will think that, you disgusting freaks. teaching them not to be shamed of their feelings and not to shame others has nothing to do with that inappropriate nonsense! so stop using that as an excuse! "but if I tell my kid about gay people what if they ask about sex!" they won't LMAO you paranoid weirdo. they're closer to asking about it when they ask how babies are made. if they're so curious, give them the same lines you give for that. "when two adults love each other very much, they can get married even if both are boys or both are girls" ITS THAT EASY. why are YOU homophobe conservatives trying so hard to make it inappropriate and then blaming the gays LMAO you're all absolutely ridiculous.
and don't give me that "bUt SoMeOnE rEaLLy iS TeAcHiNg kiDS tHaT sTuFF" excuse. because the same things happens with the straight side too but you idiots don't have nearly the same amount of energy to go against THAT. I never hear about any of you trying to protect kids from inappropriate straight stuff! you encourage it if anything. telling your little boy he's a lady's man and girls he plays with are his girlfriends. have the same energy or shut the fuck up.
I know they're just haters and purposely try to put things they hate in bad light, but come on. their excuses are so ridiculous and nonsensical. I can't believe they get away with it so much and brainwash their cult with this lack of logic.
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So i finally listened to The Magnus Protocol and uhh holy shit, yall mind if i
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#the magnus protocol#tmagp#tmagp spoilers#In the tags#My favourite case has to be the 2nd one Daria girl you are so fucked up!!!! You are so fucked up girl get help!!!!#And i am loving the absolute toxic work environment it is hilarious all the characters are great!!#Alice Gwen and Lena have three way situation of snide backhanded remarks and office coworker hate going on#Colin hates everyone but especially the puter and is this close to murder#Sam is just trying to do whatever the fuck he is doing. He is new here. He is over qualified#Teddy my man saw his place workplace comedy swerving towards horror genre and immediately ditched ship good for him!!!#(Unless Lena brutal pipe murdered him in which case girl i am so sorry)#And just character in general. Like Alice is trying to vibe her way through life#while also saying some death flaggy 'oh this is def foreshadowing' shit every episode#Gwen has the same surname as the shows previous antag#but also just after Lena's job and just wants to be taken seriously and thinks everyone is against her#she also may or not have discovered that her boss is murderer but oh well#Sam is like this sweet nice guy who is also so fucking nosy and the only one actually curious about fucked up shit cases magnus institue#And everyone is telling him to stop Girl! Turn away girl!! You are gonna get fucked up girl!! Look away!!#Colin is just so fucking angry and feral but also IT is just like that. He is crawling on the floors. He is growling at people#Lena is so fucking tired with all these bitches in her office Head Bitch incharge of all these Bitches#And i am 80% sure she murdered that guy Klaus#Anyway love all of this. Cant wait to hear them get killed in brutal tragic ways
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ladylilit · 2 months
playing with some lore, and i'm thinking of going a lil divergent from the show storyline that she & lucifer were cast to hell only after tempting eve... thinking.... lilith's death came at the hands of angels. after she fled the garden, she was 'drowned' in the red sea by three angels sent by God for her defiance and refusal to return to adam, and emerged a demon. lucifer eventually found her again and took her with himself.
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erichthonios during the time period where we meet him really is just that one post that's like [sets one (1) boundary] 'i'm a mean evil thundercunt i'm in my villain era i don't know how to love'
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20w14a · 8 months
Do Unto Others by MSI gives me Elquackity vibes while Pt. 2 gives me Quackity vibes.
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curseofbreadbear · 9 months
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UCN STARTERS || ALWAYS ACCEPTING! || @slaughterlocked
slaughterlocked: "You'll have to forgive my enthusiasm. But it'll all be over soon." [william to cassidy !]
❝ N-No... ❞
[Cassidy's breath hitched in her throat; she'd made a terrible mistake. She'd followed the golden bunny to the back under the assumption that he'd help her -- he'd assured her as much. He promised her safety and guidance, and she had blindly assumed that he had the best of intentions. After all, it was Bonnie! Why shouldn't she trust him?]
[Alas, each of his promises were proven false. The rabbit led her to some sort of employees-only back room; the energy emanating from it felt malevolent, twisted, as did the bunny's intentions. His voice was as jolly as ever, but he loomed over her in a manner that suddenly terrified her. She had never been scared of Bonnie...but this presence no longer felt like Bonnie. This was something different.]
["It'll all be over soon." Cassidy could assume what that implied, and she was suddenly overcome by her horror. She feared for her life now more than ever. Her breathing grew frantic; she scrambled for the exit, stumbling over herself in the process. She fell to the ground in a heap, a trembling mess of helplessness and cowardice. She couldn't move anymore. She was glued, tethered to the spot. Tears welled in her eyes; she shut them, trying to blink them away. They fell anyway.]
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❝ Please -- please don't hurt me. ❞ [Cassidy spoke in a desperate whimper. A shuddering sob followed her plea, and several more tears fell.] ❝ I don't want to die. ❞
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moe-broey · 1 year
I'm too lazy to illustrate it (plus I think I'd get too caught up in the process LMFAO) but when drawing/adding personal touches to Lif's design I am channeling Lio Fotia Promare for his armor (ESP the Mad Burnish armor) Lewis Mystery Skulls (less aesthetic similarities reflected but like, kinda similar broad chested body type similar vibes and important heart motifs) (heart motif isn't pictured in this Lewis image but if you've seen the animated music vids you get it) and literally just any 2D animated Disney villain who is Shaped and Dramatic (and has a huge fucking cape or coat -- tbh the specific ones I think about are Maleficent and Cruella just from the dramatic/big cape standpoint, purely aesthetic)
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(fuck it after a lot of thinking Hades is a good one too)
#no main tags about it but. i need everyone to understand my vision.#ig maleficent is more sleek than i'd ever draw lif but it's about vibes. fucked up dramatic evil vibes.#when it comes to body language i am always imagining him moving around in that dramatic disney villain way too#like i adore the serious art of him that captures his canon very well i adore seeing his severe and threatening side#but to me when i portray him he is just a little campy.#i can't help it LMFAO everything i touch gets a little silly and gay AGSJHAKSKAK#THE FLOURISH. THAT'S WHAT I'M ALWAYS IMAGINING. THE EVIL FLOURISH.#and like v important he's still so serious. and angry and full of grief. a threatening foe and liability as an ally.#someone you love but don't fully trust.#i feel like i. don't always capture the full scope of complexities in my work. too busy staying silly ig LMFAO#fe lif#<- one main tag actually. but only so i can find this later on my blog if i need it 👍#THINKING THIS OVER AGAIN the reason i gravitate towards maleficent is bc of the Sharpness in her design#like dr facilier/the shadow man could fit v well here too aesthetically and hades thematically esp#but also full disclosure i haven't watched any classic disney movies in years LMFAO#literally was just frantically looking up 'most iconic classic disney villains' to look at their character sheets#bc i was SO hard pressed by the maleficent inspo. i feel like she is the EPITOME of dramatic disney villain#and i happened upon cruella and was like OH FUCK YES BIG FUCKING FUR COAT!!!!!!!!!!!! implementing this forevwr now#pouring over model sheets i almost feel like dr facilier is a bit too flamboyant actually?#like he's too playful actually. fantastic vibes but not quite for lif.#i think hades captures the silliness/exaggerated rage/movementa i think of and cruella also captures this#AND she has the big fur coat. i desperately wanna watch 101 dalmatians now LMAO#just to see how her coat moves and the weight of it.#but also i think maleficent captures the Classic dramatic and severe villain i was also imagining.#she has a lot of seriousness to her too. plus big cape. and drama. ect.#CATEGORY 5 AUTISM MOMENT. I KNOW. I NEED TO STOP THINKING I WANNA DO SALMON RUN
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ruvviks · 2 years
>> oc god quiz
was tagged by @strafethesesinners and @adelaidedrubman to take this test for my ocs, thank you so much!! tagging @awful-roffle, @coffeebucko, @radioactiveshitstorm, @dieselsardine, @coyote-skull, @henbased, @memaidraws, @shellibisshe, @bluemojave, @turbo-virgins, @necro-hamster, @eurodynamic, @reaperkiller, @aartyom, @morvaris, @arklay, @steelport, @ianeiras, @aelyosos, @swordcoasts, @cultistbase, @faarkas and anyone else who wants to do this :D <3
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gust god
you were born free! as free as the grass grows! you could go in so many directions right now you might pull yourself apart trying. there are kites to fly and wheat to whip through and birds to knock around and- oh no, you've tornadoed an old woman's garage sale sign away. go pick that up!
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force of flood
it's torture. you feel every blade of grass, every kitchen tile, every little set of running feet as you consume the land. you don't mean to! you're so angry! why do they treat you this way!? you were an ocean spirit once, calmly sending waves and rains inland. the people were happy, you were pristine. now every summer they have only built more, dumped more, stole more from you, why couldn't they be happy with the rains and grasses? "i will wash away your roads! i will sooner wipe you from the earth than succumb to your slow poisoning!", you bellow from roiling brown flood plains
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god across the pond
you often appear as a small green light, constant as the north star in the eyes of longing souls. there you are across the bay that separates lovers. there you are, a faint green landmark on top of a mountain, inexplicably radiating a great ache for 'home'. many have tried to find your source and all have failed. it saddens you that you must leave before they reach you, but you have yearnings of your own. you are looking for your lover, looking for your home, every night
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i uh... may or may not have had a crazy 1 am rush of inspo??? and drew... MORE characters from the idiot?? 😭😭
this isnt my first drawing of evgeny, i've got another one from like july which I havent posted so do tell me if you'd like to see that one too x
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
we have watched the first 5 episodes of s4 (last episode: The Late Captain Pierce) and
1. I like Colonel Potter -- he seems like the kind of guy who’s good at taking a lay of the land and fitting himself into an ecosystem. Interested by how that will manifest later on with more authority-defiant episodes, as there probably will be. Henry tried to be supportive, but wasn’t necessarily a strong ally so much as a “leave me out of it” party, who wasn’t trying to make too many waves (while still respecting Hawkeye and Trapper a great deal) (also to be fair to Blake he was never meant to be leading anything, except a medical practice, he was muddling through best as he could)
Potter is actually military -- he knows the game and military is home for him (I mean... he’s been in it since he was 15 and snuck his way into WWI that really is some time), but he’s not, by the looks of things, fervently pro-military or pro-America like some of the other colonels and generals we’ve seen (and he doesn’t like Frank)... lot of space to play with him both in support of and against Hawkeye (and now BJ)
2. speaking of BJ. and also of projecting (but maybe not? but also definitely a bit). We’re early in the season still, and it’s interesting to see how he navigates around Hawkeye, who seems so much more exhausted since we left him with the news of Henry’s death
in the last episode we watched, we get our first mention of Trapper since the opening episode (I don’t predict many -- if any -- more mentions, but that works pretty well for how I read Hawkeye feeling about being left behind), and it’s after he’s been declared dead and the army won’t notify his father that it’s a mistake and withhold his pay and ask him to fill in paperwork and he’s literally called an “un-person,” and decides... eh, well fuck that, I am technically discharged then, I’m going home, I’m going to lie in this truck that is full of corpses and blend in
and BJ spent this whole episode trying to cheer him up, trying to make it a bit funny that they messed up the paperwork, giving him a party, comforting him, etc. Earlier it’s mostly been Hawkeye helping BJ settle in and keeping his eye out for him, but in this one we get the first proper “given up for a moment” Hawkeye of the season (yay?) -- he could, for a moment, bounce back by putting his attentions on BJ, but it wasn’t going to last (internal bleeding makes itself known eventually no matter how much alcohol you consume)
and during this moment, he says to BJ, while they can hear the choppers with more wounded coming in the distance: “I don’t care. I really don’t. They’ll keep coming whether I’m here or not. Trapper went home, they’re still coming. Henry got killed and they’re still keep coming. Wherever they come from they’ll never run out.”
(of course, he leaves the truck he was stowing away in and comes back before it’s even left camp -- of course he does, because he cares a lot)
BJ around Hawkeye feels a bit like someone who’s emotionally savvy trying to help a man who’s going through grief -- a man he likes a great deal, but not someone he knows well (yet). Inheriting a man with some serious shrapnel -- looong surgery needed -- years maybe
it’s a fascinating place for their relationship to begin. Hawkeye is already so so tired (as he says in the same episode - tired to death), and BJ has been thrown into this incredibly volatile place -- he’s afraid and he’s not perfect in surgery (I love that detail) and he’s quite young, and Hawkeye was kind to him when they first met, and is still kind to him.
So now he’s helping him through this time, and maybe on the other side of it, there might be a connection that’s forged out of going through something indescribably painful together
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princemick · 1 year
feeling empty ngl
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Going from a fast food restaurant full of twenty year old guys with ADHD and a boss who swears up an angry storm every time a customer exists, to a kitchen full of older ladies that are somehow all part of the same family and show pictures of their grandkids to anyone with a pulse.
#now dont gwt me wrong. both jobs are full of toxic people#but at least in the kitchen they only talk shit about you behind your back#but act perfectly lovely to your face#seriously theyre all part of the same family. our manager has two daughters that work there#and then two other women that are some type of in-law#and then theres me. no relation. just vibing#anyone that isnt family ends up leaving. like me. i left awhile ago. now coming back#its weird but its nice#much better than my current job in fast food#christ i hate it#my boss gets frustrated by the smallest stupidest things#a customer will ask for an easy customization and he'll start shouting#angry men terrify me. even though ive known him for awhile. still scares me#and god i hate dealing with customers#in the kitchen i really dont deal with customers. im mostly on my own hidden away in the back#yesterday we had the grossest customer ever. too long a story for the tags#but it solidified my confidence in my choice to go back to the kitchen#i hate customers so fucking much#you know its bad if i prefer toxic old ladies and working by myself for 8+ hours over my current job#i left that kitchen job a year ago because it was bad. now after a year in fast food im going back#thats how shitty fast food is. that's how shitty everyone there is#and when i describe the guys as adhd i dont mean it in a bad way#i just dont like working with people at all. i get overwhelmed easily. and their energy can be soooo overwhelming#gotta work today with my least favorite coworker. he hates me and i dont know why#but ill suffer through. collect a paycheck. only two weeks left here#im so tired
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alexalblondo · 2 years
i’m guessing the glasses corrected his vision when he was little so he never needed them later on? i think that’s fairly common
I know but Ted's explanation is funnier
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ginalinettiofficial · 2 years
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crimsongrimoire · 2 years
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happened to see this and i still can't believe people think this way for real. but then again they're all like 13 and don't really have any business on half that site anyway.
#crow.txt#not writing#bruuuuhhhhhh#i still cant genuinely believe this is a thought people have idk#that one other post about the ao3 Algorithm#surprisingly there was a world before those wretched things#i sure dont fucking want it to have one. i dont even read basically at all anymore but it would be to literally everyones detriment#nobody wins here. esp with klk. on one hand yeah more eyes on stuff. on the other#you will complain if you dont see something you like and make it the authors problem#which is The Issue. you mfs would be even more mindless about it. im ALREADY shocked when people just straight up#dont read tags at all Period. and then are upset when they get something they didnt expect or sign up for#hell even including ratings. like my brother in christ its there for a reason? its a different story if what you werent expecting#straight up wasnt tagged at all#but like...... idk. to be fair none of these people have made it the authors problem afaik. but. either way.#not to say i havent complained to friends who are also spiteful angry bitches about things i hate being in my line of sight#coughing. when i still lurked the blzblue tag. threw in the towel and never looked back. so good for my health.#but at least i was a spiteful bitch and refused to give anything by those authors the time of day ever like even if i gotorbidly curious#i will Not be contributing to your stats in any way form or fashion <3#honestly didnt even know hate reading was a concept. if i dont vibe with too much of a fic ill just bail. not worth wasting the energy.#not even for like huge reasons just like. formatting. things too ooc. certsin pet peeves. thog dont caare
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covertblizzard · 2 years
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dc is really trying so hard to be my villain origin story oh my god... imagine if someone asks you to describe an alternate universe and all you could say is “what if Mary Marvel starts turning to the dark side and her skirt gets shorter and shorter” like what the flying fucsrfgikdfgklsdfhgsdfghsdfgh SOMEONE SAID THAT! IN AN INTERVIEW!!  🔪 🔪 🔪 any dc fan that is not a straight white man should just get compensated by dc for being a fan
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so apparently these are only few of the gentry and if they ever cycle back to this storyline i better see some big bad nasty gentry surrounding
misogynists and gender discrimination
white supremacists and racial discrimination
bigotry in general
or we’re going to have some problem, ESPECIALLY because they have already created and decided that “ultimate extreme of femme fatale” is worthy to be included in their list of cosmic parasites
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