#so most of my legacy on Darth Malgus
sunderedazem · 2 years
47 for my favorite OT3 plz
47. Does either/any of them have a secret that could potentially ruin their relationship? - Pairing: Lana/Theron/Corrain
Oh. Oh boy, you just HAD to ask. This one's gonna hurt, and it involves War Crimes, so...buckle up, I guess XD
Yes. Yes, one of them does. And no - it's not Lana, with the Rishi Maneuver, or Theron, with the Zildrog Fakeout. It's Corrain.
So, you remember how Corrain - a la Jedi Knight Story - gets captured by the Emperor, and then in the Moonrise legacy is not only broken, put under Castellan mind control, and left there to suffer for over a year and a half? Well, that's not quite everything that happened to him. See, Vitiate couldn't resist having such a powerful Jedi without playing with him a little bit. So...he trained Corrain (an unwilling participant, of course) as a weapon of destruction, and then specifically reserved him for mass casualty events or other high-profile war crimes.
See, while Scourge was the Emperor's Wrath and his personal executioner, that was an honor reserved for Sith, occasional high-ranking Imperials, and personal enemies of Vitiate's. Corrain, however, became known as Lord Lune, the Emperor's Blade - and his role was, essentially, to commit Vitiate's war crimes for him. Vitiate and Chaskar, Corrain's handler, took a particular delight in ordering their New Toy to massacre contentious civilian populations, or publicly execute captured Republic POWs and Jedi, or worse. It got to the point that within a year of Corrain's Fall and enslavement by the Emperor, most of the Dark Council and Imperial military knew and feared rumors of Lord Lune's involvement anywhere within Imperial Territory, and even most of the Republic's high-ranking officials knew of the Blade's existence. Corrain does eventually build up enough of a resistance to reject direct commands - and is promptly subverted again, with an implanted shock collar that's wired into his nervous system. It's a losing battle for him until Orgus appears and tells him to trust Scourge.
This sort of horror severely fucked with Corrain's head and massively contributed to his instability upon escaping from Vitiate's grasp, and it absolutely shatters his ability to trust anyone. Therefore he never, EVER mentions the Castellan restraints conditioning, and he even MORE never mentions that once upon a time he was the Emperor's most brutal, callous tool.
This, understandably, is something that not only would shock both Theron and Lana upon discovering it, but also absolutely nauseate them - both for the fact that Corrain literally has about a hundred War Crimes that he's committed, and that he was physically incapable of stopping each atrocity as it was ordered. Like, how the hell would you sleep, knowing that someone you love was one secret keyword command away from murdering everyone you knew and sobbing through the whole thing because he wouldn't be able to stop himself? How the hell could you forgive them for keeping something this huge - and this potentially compromising - a secret from you?
They do eventually find out, however, and it is in the worst possible scenario. Darth Malgus uses Corrain's keyword against him and then, when Corrain tries to fight it, presses on that conditioning track hard enough that Corrain has a massively life-threatening seizure, and then kidnaps him. Lana and Theron do get their boy back, but they're forced to fight and subdue him to make it happen, and Corrain doesn't recover from the physical and psychological toll for a long time afterward. They end up coming to terms with it separately while he's recovering - for Lana it's a little easier than for Theron - and with Elennye's guidance, finally help him to undo the conditioning.
It's only after that that Corrain finally comes completely clean with them, and it's only by virtue of their emotional attachment to him and the clear toll that the entire thing had taken on him over the years that prevents them from splitting. As it is, it takes them months to forgive him.
If this revelation had happened at literally any other time (this is post KOTXX and at the tail end of my canon-divergent arc, for context) Theron likely would have divorced them both and gone back to the Republic on permanent holiday, and Lana quite probably would have simply taken it upon herself to end Corrain's misery - and the threat he posed to the wider galaxy - as gently as she could.
And for his part, Corrain wouldn't have stopped either of them.
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darth-bagel · 4 years
~🎃 oc halloween 🎃~
Got tagged by @shanfamilydrama and @mimabeann -- thank you a lot!
It was an interesting experience, i never did meme like that so. uh, it's not perfect. still had fun~
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Mirage is obviously enjoying herself, even if her costumes are her normal sith outfits just exaggerated into oblivion, she wanders into the evening and scares the crap of anyone she can. and then the demon summoning. for her it's basically Tuesday.
Liz and Rilfaen just dress up (there wasn't a space for Ril at the top so, but assume it is), party and then when they are a bit buzzed go join Mirage in creeping people out.
Sylvas, dress up, grab some snacos, watch movies with their favorite people and if drunk might start the demon summoning, on accident. probably.
Graz'zt gets roped into watching movies but otherwise doesn't engage as much in celebration-- scares people just because he's quiet and appears at random, or so it seems. it might be on purpose.
Shaar just dresses up for herself and watches some movies with friends. Good times 10/10. If she drags her dad to watch movies it goes up to 11/10.
Nemeia loves Halloween-- she has a costume ready usually already a month early. But going to party, trick or treating a bit and then go snack on all those sweet treats in bed with a book or something.
Nerifiel is the one that watches movies at a crowded party, usually the only one. She was probably talked into coming (read-- dragged).
Neridys doesn't do anything really, just watch something scary and rest up.
bonus! Darth Bagel usually grabs some snacks and either watches a scary movie (read Hocus Pocus or Nightmare Before Christmas) or plays some spooky games, sometimes hangs out with friends.
the blank template and tags below~
so uh I'm pretty late with that so
@whoever-wants-to-do-it but I'm thinking most people already did it so i just wanted to wish you all happy Halloween 🦇 🎃
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sirotras · 2 years
since its been about a week, ill go ahead and put my thoughts on legacy of the sith below, i think ive caught most of the spoiler tags, but if ive missed any please let me know!
starting with the story, i dont want to harp too much on the length, but it was... really very short huh. about the length of return to iokath or ossus, which is weird bc those were both between expac patches.
the two parts of the story really dont fit together, considering the relatively short amount of content, i think it would have been better to focus on either the war in regards to manaan, or on the malgus storyline. trying to do both left each part feeling underdeveloped and incomplete.
and considering the marketing content and the literal title of the expac, id have voted for dealing with malgus. (also elom is so pretty id die to be able to actually spend more time exploring there)
as for what actually happened in the story... not much did. it really felt more like filler. no narrative progression seemed to happen at all, we’re back where we were post onslaught more or less. yeah, we caught malgus, but we didnt learn anything abt his plans. or darth nul. or that twi’lek padawaan.
all that makes it feel like we’re just going in circles.
my sister mentioned the flashpoint felt like where the expac should have started, and i have to agree.
caveat that i have only played the imperial storyline so far, perhaps some of these thoughts will change once i run pubside, and if they do ill be sure to come back and edit them
now about mechanics/ gameplay changes of course i love the idea of the combat styles, however the class changes leave... a lot to be desired. besides the fact that none of the classes seem to be affected to the same degree as each other, most of the changes seem to be made with the intent of balancing pvp, which, for a more or less strictly pve player, SUCKS.
i lucked out being an assassin main where most of the changes are just annoying rather than completely gutting, but knowing other classes got much worse isnt great.
the ui is... it looks weird, considering only some of the elements are changed. and its a bit on the eye straining side. also the character screen is too big!! its just too big. and you cant even do anything to change that.
not to mention the changes to the outfit designer just make it clunkier. i cant preview and outfit without applying it, and also somethings refuse to be un- color matched. which. is certainly frustrating and i find it hard to believe thats intended.
overall... not too positive. which sucks. :/ hopefully things improve as they receive player feedback and fix bugs.
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kyber-heart · 3 years
SWTOR Characters Meme
Tagged by @sullustangin
Tagging: @raven-of-domain-kwaad @darth-bagel @0mnitool @thelastenvoyyy @cyrraluu @jarael​ 
No pressure and sorry if I double tagged/tagged someone who has already done this. As always, I like to leave an open tag, so anyone who wants to give this a shot can consider themselves tagged.
Do you have more Imperial or Republic characters?
My Legacies are always skewed towards the Republic. I think it’s habit at this point. All my main characters have always been Republic faction. 
In terms of raw numbers, I think I have around 18 Republic characters and only about 10 Imperial characters. However, I think it’s a testament to my growth as a person that my last 2 new characters were Imperial /jk . 
Which class do you play as the most?
I’m not sure how it happened... but Jedi Knight snuck up on me as my most played class. With Aidrien Keyett being my main character for about two years and now Jost being my main since Christmas 2020, plus the several Knight OCs I’ve made in the last few years, it’s been consistently Knight heavy in the Kyberheart Legacy. 
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Which race to you play as the most?
Human. I think a big part of it is that Humans have the largest pool of customization options in character creation. Usually the aliens have very limited options that rarely get expanded upon, if ever (*cough* Twi’lek *cough* Rattataki *cough*). I notice that even among my friends who play, we all make very similar design choices independently of one another and we have come to start refering to these jokingly as “The Correct Choices”. 
So there’s that reason, and personally, I humans are maybe the most malleable for creating a character story around. Given their prevalence in the galaxy I think it’s easiest to just pick human and throw a dart at the Galaxy map. 
How many have completed KotFE/KotET?
I’ve only completed KOTFE/KOTET 5 times since it’s release. Two of the characters I played it with no longer exist in my legacy, and two of those times were with different versions of Aidrien. The only other character I have that has gone through them is Matai.
How many have completed up to Secrets of the Enclave?
Currently only Aidrien. I do want to drag my “Next Gen” characters through Jedi Under Seige - Secrets of The Enclave before Legacy of The Sith drops.
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Who stayed loyal to their class romance? Who didn’t?
None of the characters I played KOTFE with either had a class romance or stayed loyal.
Who started a romance with Lana, Theron, or Koth?
Reyal and Aidrien both romanced Theron on their run throughs.
Zeth romanced Lana 
And I have yet to have a character that romances Koth. 
Who is your oldest (having played the longest)?
Of the ones that I still have, the oldest is ‘Aidrien Keyett’, having been created on Darth Malgus on October 18th 2018. (He’s a Libra.)
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The earliest image I still have of Aidrien Keyett dated 26-10-2018
Who is your newest?
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The newest character I made was two days ago. A new bodyguard-mercenary bounty hunter named Triage (typed as Triáge, because apparently at least two other people had the same idea). The character is still a work in progress. I’m not entirely sure on the look honestly.
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
Rain Plays SWTOR: Optional companions
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So you’re on the Fleet or out questing and you see someone run by with a companion you don’t recognize. Where did they come from? 
There are numerous extra companions in SWTOR that can be earned either through gameplay or subscribing. Here’s the breakdown on who is available, where and how. All of these companions can be used before KOTFE with the exceptions of the ones from the Star Fortresses, HK-55, and ZO-0M. Why would you even want them? If you can’t stand your class story companions, they can act as replacements while you quest. You might find that one of your toons seems to get along with one of them. They usually can craft, and some of them, like Darth Hexid, seem really good at it. Some, like Shae Vizla, have very strong DPS; others like Z0-OM have excellent healing.  Most of the companions also have small recruitment missions attached to them; many have achievements. 
Subscription Rewards: As the name suggests, these companions were obtained by being subscribed to the game at a certain time. There was no other action required. Paxton has been offered once; Nico twice; Shae is about to be offered for the third time. All of these companions are for your legacy, ie, once earned, they can be unlocked on any character in your legacy. 
Shae Vizla Nico Okarr Paxton Rall All three of these characters have recruitment missions/conversations that can be accessed once you get to a certain point in KOTFE and complete To Find a Findsman. However, these characters ALSO come with a “communicator” that you can use to add them to your companion list without the recruitment scene as early as Level 1 if you don’t want to wait (you can still do their recruitment missions later). Yes, you can run around Tython or Korriban with Shae, Nico or Paxton if you want. IMPACT ON STORY: If you have Paxton Rall before completing Hearts & Minds, there is one line of dialogue in which he’s mentioned. You can also click on Paxton if he’s in the Odessen cantina or out as a deco in your stronghold to chat with him.  If you bring Shae Vizla as your companion when you encounter Indigo in Onslaught, Indigo will react to her and she has dialogue. ACHIEVEMENTS: Paxton Rall: There is a “cantina crawl” achievement not directly tied to the companion. You click on Paxton Rall when you find him in cantinas on the worlds you visit. Nico Okarr: There’s an achievement for completing Nico’s Alliance Alert. There’s another if you waited until the Alliance Alert to recruit him, ie you didn’t use the holocommunicator to summon Nico before KOTFE. Mission Rewards: These companions are awarded for completing content or achievements in the game. Some are legacy; others are only available on the character who earns them. Legacy (once earned, can be unlocked on all companions): Darth Hexid: Originally could be earned by completing three flashpoints or warzones of any difficulty via group finder. Now requires 40 flashpoints or uprisings. Master Ranos: Not currently available. Was a reward for specific tasks in the Dark Vs. Light event. Both Hexid and Ranos have Alliance Alerts once you get to KOTFE, complete To Find a Findsman and get to a certain point. However, like Shae/Nico/Paxton, they come with a communicator that allows you to unlock and use them whenever you want. IMPACT ON STORY: Darth Hexid will send you a letter after Ossus which differs with your faction. I’m not sure if Ranos does. Both Ranos and Hexid can also tell you about missing class story Force-sensitive companions who have not yet returned at that point in the narrative, if you ask. Otherwise, none. Ranos and Hexid both hang out in the Force enclave after being recruited; you can click on them to chat.  ACHIEVEMENTS: Darth Hexid: There is currently an achievement, “With a Little Help from My Friends,” for completing the correct number of uprisings/flashpoints/etc. to earn Hexid. Master Ranos: I’m unfamiliar with the DvL achievements but I imagine there was one for her.
You only need to complete the recruitment mission(s) once, but each subsequent character must pay an unlock fee to gain the companion: HK-51: Can be earned by completing a mission arc that includes several different quests and flashpoints on numerous worlds. HK-51 requires an unlock fee for each character who wants him, but you do not have to run the original missions again. IMPACT ON STORY: If you bring HK-51 as your companion in the False Emperor flashpoint (you know, the really long one with Malgus), there is special dialogue when you encounter HK-47. In addition. HK-51 has his own series of companion conversations. ACHIEVEMENTS: There is an achievement for 100 and 1000 kills with HK-51 as your active companion. Must be earned on every character who wants them: The Arma Rasa/Shroud of Memory companions: These two missions were originally offered as a subscriber reward. Now they can be purchased as a bundle from the Cartel Market. If you buy the bundle once, it unlocks for every character and the missions will pop up at the appropriate point in the story progression (after a certain point in KOTFE). Each of your characters actually has to run the missions to obtain the companions. HK-55: Was originally a companion for all in KOTFE, but was killed off in the story. Was able to return via Arma Rasa, an Alliance Alert mission. ZO-0M: Available via the Shroud of Memory chapter. This was once given as a subscription reward but now comes bundled with Arma Rasa as a Cartel Market purchase. IMPACT ON STORY: Arma Rasa has no impact on the main story, and unfortunately HK-55 never appears there again. However, if you complete Shroud of Memory before doing the Iokath section of the game (post-KOTET), one of Lana’s lines will be different. ACHIEVEMENTS: There are several associated with completion of Arma Rasa and Shroud of Memory. 
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The Star Fortress companions: Once you reach Odessen and finish chapter 9 of KOTFE (or have skipped to KOTET) you can do these missions. You need to pick up the Star Fortress story arc on the Odessen base (the quest giver is in the hallway outside the military wing). You’ll run a story version of the Star Fortress, and then run individual quests with each of these companions on different planets. Once those are complete you can earn each companion by running the VETERAN level Star Fortress for their planet. The Veteran SF can be soloed, but it has become more difficult than it was before 6.0. These companions were reviewed here: https://rainplaysswtor.tumblr.com/post/190237305230/rainofaugustsith-yay-star-fortress-companions Veeroa Denz (Nar Shaddaa) Choza Rabat (Alderaan) Rokuss (Voss) Hemdil Tre (Hoth) Khk’hrol (Belsavis) Deadeye Leyta (Tatooine) IMPACT ON STORY: If you have Rokuss recruited before doing the first chapter of KOTET (about Voss) there will be dialogue about him. All of these companions also send you an email once recruited. Otherwise, these companions have no influence over the story.  ACHIEVEMENTS: There are numerous achievements for the Star Fortress gameplay and completion. All of the companions have achievements for completing 100 and 1000 kills. There are also achievements for recruiting each of the companions. Mission Drops: These companions are dropped as “loot” in missions. H2-WF This droid, restored by the Alliance from ancient technology on Nathema, randomly drops from bosses in all modes of the Nathema Conspiracy flashpoint. Phrojo Nuray: This Rodian companion drops as a random prize from the slot machine during the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event. IMPACT ON STORY: None. ACHIEVEMENTS: There is an achievement for defeating the Guardian Droid in the Nathema Conspiracy flashpoint, at any difficulty level, with H2-WF as your active companion. Purchasable: “Mercenary contracts” to hire these companions can be bought with event currency. Quick Vrik: This Ugnaught companion can be purchased with Dantooine currency, earned from Pirate Incursion missions. Gamorrean Guard: The Gamorrean Guard can be purchased with Golden Certificates from the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event. IMPACT ON STORY: None
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hothian-snow · 3 years
OC Music Meme
List one or more songs that relate to the following tagged by @a-muirehen​ tagging @sith-nb @elvhenyoung @rainofaugustsith @jacemalcom
OC: Yennevyr Dosal aka Lord Soteira
Reminds you of them most:
Moonsea by Phildel Don't share the past, if you won't share your heart All that we share is the view of these stars There are diamonds on the floor you can't take back There's an eyelash on the board, does she wear black? All the violence that I swore you could have back There's red varnish on the door, I don't wear that I called it, I called it, I called it the moon scene
The song depicts how she views the relationships in her life, from her very first lover to her current master. It speaks of the surface glam, the glittering mystique, the toxicity she sometimes fall into (most of the time originating from her), and the conflicting feelings of vulnerability. The tone of the song represents her perfectly.
Teen Idle by MARINA I want blood, guts, and angel cake I'm gonna puke it anyway I wish I'd been a teen idle Wish I'd been a prom queen, fighting for the title Instead of being sixteen and burning up a bible Feeling super, super, super suicidal
It's almost narcissistic how much Yen hates herself. She had battled with mental health issues which she hides away for the majority of her childhood and teenage years. Her father was oblivious to how bad she was suffering, and Gisele saw glimpses but not enough for her to directly intervene. Yen's obsession with creating an image for herself, of wanting to be unattainable just so she could be wanted, is depicted tragically well in this song. Also, the teen angst is lovely.
No Children by The Mountain Goats
And I hope I never get sober And I hope when you think of me years down the line You can't find one good thing to say [...] I am drowning There is no sign of land You are coming down with me Hand in unlovable hand And I hope you die I hope we both die
Yen’s depression song. Her self-destructiveness coupled with her spite makes a horrible combination that encapsulates her dysfunctional state.
Blinding by Florence + The Machine No more dreaming of the dead as if death itself was undone No more calling like a crow for a boy, for a body in the garden No more dreaming like a girl so in love, so in love
Yen has always been an escapist at heart- escaping the world, escaping from herself. It's about time she stops running, and wake up from that dream world. The death of her father and the supposed death of her childhood lover haunts her. It's time that she moved on.
Reminds another character of them:
Sober II by Lorde You asked if I was feeling it, I'm psycho high Know you won't remember in the morning when I speak my mind Lights are on and they've gone home, but who am I? Oh, how fast the evening passes Cleaning up the champagne glasses
Anyone who knew Yen on Celanon (or on her late night outs on Dromund Kaas) knows that she is a woman who wears 'glamour and trauma' like they are designer clothes. She loves to drink just so she can feel good, to flirt just so she can feel attractive, to party just so she can forget. An unhealthy coping mechanism to deal with what was initially just an unfulfilling familial relationship, and later to deal with her various emotional baggage.
Watching Ruth by Alexandre Desplat
A musical ost from The Shape of Water, one of my favorite films. The music reminds Darth Kharopos so much of Yen, even if Yen would never see herself in this song. A low, dramatic, slightly foreboding tune that turns into something out of a romantic bed-time story. He senses the pain and anguish in her, but in the end, he sees her in the best light possible. It is in their initial meeting that he sees her doing something out of the goodness of her heart- hence, he knows she isn't who she pretends to be, that she is better than she thinks she is. He sees the girl who, deep down, wishes that life would play out like a fairy tale.
Reminds you of a relationship of theirs
Gisele and Yen
Whisper by Birdeatsbaby Pulling through the distant nightmare A pain I’m hungry to share You’re my dirty secret But I won’t keep it Simmering and spilling over Calling every, every quarter I’ll be fire, earth and water Now you’re shouting I can hear ya Bang bang lover we’re running undercover From the guns of tyranny 
Gisele was her bodyguard and Yen was the crime princess. It was a fairy tale romance, only with guns and blood. Of course, Gisele realizes that the explosiveness and drama of their relationship was partially performative too- something Yen won’t admit.
Tyrkos Rosokor aka Darth Kharopos and Yen
Sylvia by The Antlers Sylvia, get your head out of the oven Go back to screaming and cursing Remind me again how everyone betrayed you Sylvia, get your head out of the covers Let me take your temperature You can throw the thermometer right back at me If that's what you want to do, okay?
Sometimes, Yen spirals. Their relationship becomes heavily toxic. At first, Darth Kharopos thought he’d helped her through her issues but mental health maintenance is a lifelong process, one that cannot be fixed with a few months of therapy. Especially, not when it is a childhood issue that is worsened by constant trauma. It gets worse when Yen reaches the point where she is powerful enough to lash out at the world, to potentially kill her master if she wishes it so.
Falling by Florence + The Machine
I've fallen out of favor and I've fallen from grace Fallen out of trees and I've fallen on my face Fallen out of taxis, out of windows too Fell in your opinion when I fell in love with you [...] I'm not scared to jump, I'm not scared to fall If there was nowhere to land I wouldn't be scared at all
Yen knew the dark side has become a part of her, no matter how much Darth Kharopos preaches about balance, about the light. Then, Yen realizes eventually that her master means something to her. She loves him- and that truly scares her. Stars, why did she ever catch feelings?
Love Run by The Amazing Devil
Love run, love run For all the things we wished we’d done Run from all you know that’s coming Run to show that love’s worth running to
Their bond has grown into something beyond that of master and apprentice. Love is a double-edged blade.
Darth Tiophis and Yen
Seven Devils by Florence + the Machine Seven devils all around you Seven devils in your house See, I was dead when I woke up this morning I'll be dead before the day is done
The ghost of Darth Tiphios has bored her way through Yen's spirit, and turned Yen into something else, something Other, one foot in this world and another elsewhere. Yen is ready to be a vessel for retribution.
The Horror and the Wild by The Amazing Devil
You're the daughter of sightless watching stones You watch the stars hurl all their fundaments In wonderment, at you and yours, forever asking more [...] We're drunk but drinking, sunk but sinking They thought us blind, we were just blinking [...] Give me back my heart you wingless thing
Darth Tiophis to Yen is like the Devil to a witch, like Hekate to Medea. This song is the song of Yen, the woman who bleed stars and learn from ghosts, a Sith powerful enough to go toe-to-toe with the likes of Darth Malgus. She is the legacy of Darth Tiophis, ancestor of Darth Lokess who is the infamous sorceress that attempted to overthrow the Sith Emperor and paid for it with her life.
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legacystarwarred · 4 years
The Sithilis Legacy
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@swtorpadawan tagged me in a pretty cool KOTFE/KOTET report on their Legacy. ((sorry it took me so long to follow-up!)) Most of my toons exist independently, but there is a sibling trio. I haven’t taken every single one of my OCs through the expansions yet, and some are actually going to skip the Zakuul stories entirely. These are the ones who aren’t going to skip straight to Onslaught.
Tagging (srry if you’ve already done this) @vespertine-legacy, @commander-ralyle, @reliciron, @alexithemandalorian​, @blackwolfmajik, @thelastenvoyyy​ and whoever else feels like doing this.
((RL is keeping me pretty busy so I will start with my main and flesh out the rest of my outlanders periodically))
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Name: Kalligula Kallig
Gender: Male
Species: Miraluka
Status / Position: Alive / Dark Council Member, Commander of the Eternal Alliance, High Lord of the Imperial Hand
Relationship: Lana Beniko
About Him: Kalligula was born on a sparsely populated planet on the fringes of Republic space. The planet was known for unusual ruins and a strange cannibalistic species of red-skinned aliens who live within the planet’s hollow surface. What none of the local inhabitants knew was that the planet was once one of Lord Kallig’s harem worlds and most of them were his descendants and the crimson cannibals were descended from his Sith rivals and apprenteces. Twi’leks, Humans, Togruta, Miraluka, and others all lived in rustic harmony on this world until the Sith Empire invaded and annexed the planet.
Before the invasion, Kalligula and his twin brother, Zarmod, spent their youth exploring and playing games with their older sister. Kalligula and Zarmod were both strong with the Force and caused no end of (harmless) trouble for their sister. The invasion was traumatic and Kalligula scarcely remembers being separated from his family. He considers his youth to have been some sort of dream and his real life began when he was selected to train as a Sith. 
As a slave, his entire life revolved around mastering aggressive Force techniques and martial arts. Kalligula was spared the worst of typical slave treatment in the Empire, but he was no less bruised and frightened for the majority of his waking hours. He developed a deep cynicism and succumbed entirely to Imperial indoctrination. Kalligula started looking up to Darth Malgus and looked forward to hearing his voice on the holonet describing minor victories against the Republic.
By the time he arrived on Korriban,Kalligula was ruthless, conniving, and manipulative. His treatment of Khem Val, and later his other companions, was worse than his own treatment at the hands of his previous masters and tutors, but he eventually came to feel less lonely and cynical. Kalligula’s conversations with Ashara also changed his outlook more than he would admit. The romance that developed between them further changed his views. His priorities changed from acquiring as much personal power as possible to changing the Empire from within to be a more rational society.
The events of Illum had a lasting effect on Kalligula. He believed Darth Malgus had the right idea, but failed to work with the old guard and doomed his own movement. In a twisted way, it was a great joy to defeat his former idol in combat.
Years later, when Lana and Theron were helping Kalligula form the Alliance, Kalligula remembered the lessons he learned from defeating the Revanites and Darth Malgus. He was committed to not repeating their mistakes.
He is still loyal to the Empire and hopes to incorporate his highly trained diverse forces into wider Imperial society.
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Name: Lunfear (her true name is too difficult for non-Chiss to pronounce)
Gender: Female
Species: Chis
Status / Position: Alive / Commander of the Independent Eternal Alliance
Relationship: Theron Shan
About Her: Lunfear is hails from a noble family in the Chiss Ascendancy. She was part of a joint-forces project between the Ascendancy and the Empire. Lunfear eventually worked her way up through Special Forces and branched into Intelligence. The work suited her just fine because she was able to explore her fascination with the Force. She approaches the Force clinically and has little patience for spiritual nonsense. Darth Jadus interested her the most out of any Sith she met.
Lunfear met her match when Theron Shan helped her on Manaan. Their work together lead her to see the value of Republic allies.
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Name: Infernil
Gender: Male
Species: Sith Pureblood
Status / Position: Alive / Commander of the Independent Eternal Alliance
Relationship: DS Jaesa Willsaam
About Him: He’s my favorite PVP toon
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Name: Raedyn
Gender: Male
Species: Mirialan
Status / Position: Alive / Commander of the Independent Eternal Alliance
Relationship: Risha Drayen
About Him: He’s my favorite Pubside FS healer
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Name: Ionanna
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Status / Position: Alive / Commander of the Independent Eternal Alliance
Relationship: Aric Jorgan
About Him: She’s my ME F!Sheppard simulacra and I love her.
Tumblr media
Name: Chiasmodea
Gender: Female
Species: Miraluka
Status / Position: Alive / Commander of the Independent Eternal Alliance
Relationship: Torian Cadera
About Him: She’s the character I’ll try OPS with if I ever try OPS
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badsithnocookie · 5 years
bitter question asks
tagged by the lovely @buffkreia. tagging anyone who wants to i guess. you. yes, you, personally. answer these questions now. (or don’t. it’s up to you.)
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
satele/marr (wat). anyone/marr. anyone/malgus.
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
vette+sw. any variant on teacher+student (sw/jaesa, jc/nadia, etc). (jk/kira is... borderline, since kira is more a peer than a student, whereas jaesa/nadia/ashara are very much students of the player character, with ds!jaesa being not just a student but an abused one at that).
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
hell yes. i once unfollowed someone (who is since long deactivated) for posting “tivva and her old moff cutesy headcanons”. what the fuck, fandom. 
i also make a habit of unfollowing people who do Shit that i complain about on the regular (fascism/wh-te s-premcy rhetoric apologetics, ab-se shippers, etc). (though i am more picky about who i follow than i used to be. for a lot of people though it’s nothing personal, i am just a Weirdo who likes to read their entire dash, so i keep the number of blogs i follow low. but if we interact on anything resembling the regular i probably have a nose at your bagel anyway)
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
as above most/any variant on teacher/student.
jk/scourge. i’ve seen it done ICly exactly once. most of the time scourge is rewritten as a noble romantic knight in edgy armour and not the manipulative borderline-stalker that he is. i hate the pairing for the shitty characterisation that usually accompanies it and i hate the pairing for the abusive relationship it would be were he IC. there is no winning move here except not to play.
corso/smuggler. i get the feeling that most people into this pairing like corso as they want him to be, not corso as he is. or maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part, idk.
doc/quinn. this pairing is peak White Fujoshi and i hate it. i hate the examples where it’s doc repeatedly hitting on an increasingly uncomfortable quinn, because haha sexually harassing someone is both hilarious and hot am i right. i hate the examples where it’s quinn seducing doc for intel on the resistance (protip: that’s rape!). i hate it i hate it i hate it if i never see it again it will be too soon
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
f!sw/almost anyone male, as a result of the endless shitty revenge adultery abuse fics that are all over quinn fandom. not all f!/sw/anyone male fics/ships fall into this category, but most of them seem to, especially /theron and /pierce.
(something something why is it that the majority of people who write f!sw/men of colour only do so in order to generate manpain for a white dude, huh)
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
pugging EV/KP
Have you received anon hate? What about?
until i switched off anon, yes. it was fifty percent “you say mean things about quinn and that makes you an awful person” and fifty percent “you say nice things about quinn and that makes you an awful person”. proof that no matter what i do, i will never make The People happy. conclusion: do whatever the fuck i want
Most disliked character(s)? Why?
scourge. because i have an irrational dislike of people who manipulative borderline stalkers, who threaten to kidnap the children of others so they can be “raised correctly” into an abusive reactionary religious order.
Most disliked arc? Why?
republic makeb is where logic and my will to live go to die.
kotet is equal parts ‘empire apologia’, ‘vaylin torture porn’, and ‘excuses to be violent towards koth’. appo hates.
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
koth vortena. both for his intrinsic qualities as a character and because of the endlessly terrible way he is treated by the fanbase and th devs both. if i had a penny for every “but he said valk was good to zakuul” i would never have to worry about my income again.
jaric kaedan. he’s great i love him. grumpy, arguably less than ls, but passoinately dedicated to the jedi and the republic. hates scourge on sight. badassed the Dread Masters into submission. pushes for the jedi to take action in a war targeted at wiping them out instead of hiding behind the republic. he’s just *chef’s kiss*
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
the jc story. imp makeb.
Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
major anri exists only to put a likeable face on the empire. she and brax are incredibly deliberate (not to mention hamfisted) attempts to Humanise(tm) a genocidal imperialistic fascist regime and to attempt to play on the guilt of players/characters who take the saboteur route. sadly what bioware seem to fail to realise is that i traded my ability to feel sorry for the empire for a magic bean. it was completely worth it.
Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
swtor fandom is a dumpster fire. racism, misogyny, fascism apologia, ablism, we got it all, folks. in that respect it is not abnormal for fandoms but this is neither an excuse nor a selling point.
it is also not welcoming in the slightest if you take issue with any of the above.
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show/game?
the old method of unlocking travel waypoints was way more immersive (even if it was a colossal pain in the ass). exploring the depths of belsavis for the first time was awe inspiring - seeking out ancient forgotten tech to dig into secrets locked away for untold millenia.
yes, it was a huge pain in the ass, especially if you were on your nth alt. i’d be fine with some system (maybe legacy based) where waypoints/speeder points for a planet are unlocked once you’ve completed the planetary story for the first time (or something). there is so much content in the game that just gets missed by first time players because bioware want to rush them through to the very end and it sucks.
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
invent a time machine, arrange for the firing of those who okayed kotfe and its shitty story that glorified a repeat abuser and its shitty gameplay and its total lack of repeatable group content in an mmo. make the writers produce something that a. actually stayed true to the themes of star wars and b. didn’t glorify an abusive genocidal shitlord like valkoriate.
then find myself some lottery numbers and set up a fund for giving out money to people who are reduced to begging on social media for medical bills.
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
shipping drama worst drama
What is the purest ship in the fandom?
What are your thoughts on crack ships?
crackships which require you to ignore or worse betray a character’s personality (satele/marr, quinn/elara) - kill on sight
everything else - whatever
Popular character you hate?
darth marr. he is so overrated i don’t even know what to say. he has no personality, nothing. he didn’t even have a unique va in vanilla. he’s a shitty empty space that empire fandom hyped up up and away because he memes well and i loathe him.
Unpopular character you love?
i’m pretty sure this i a repeat of that question up there where i enthused about jaric kaedan
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
join me in hell
Most shippable character?
eva kaayz. everyone needs a cute bisexual mirialan in their life.
Least shippable character?
darth marr. valkoriate. skadge.
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tk-duveraun · 7 years
The Taun Fawn and the Orobird 7/?
For @awaari​ Read the other parts here.
Hooboy, I spent way too long looking for pictures of the SW animals instead of just googling them. If you are really that curious, go ahead, but they’re just animals.
As mentioned on Part 1, there are roughly as many Sith as Jedi. In the Empire it’s capital treason to be a Forcer who is not a Sith and similar for harboring a Forcer. As with Galathan talking about the Jedi, this is merely Dorian’s interpretation of the Sith.
Dorian spent a week alone in the tiny, Coruscanti flat. His precious (hideous) teacup remained untouched in the center of his battered coffee table. Twice a day, he carefully balanced the tea service on the free edge of the table rather than move it. Every time he heard footsteps in the hall, he was sure it was the Jedi come to take him to their temple for re-education.
On the eighth day, he was so full of nervous energy that he messed up waxing his mustache so badly that it was stiff and crooked at an awkward angle. The Force was absolutely no help. Since he’d stopped wearing the Force-suppression cuffs, he’d felt wave after wave of unspecific dread.
When he heard the footsteps of, at least, twenty people down his hallway, Dorian nearly fainted from stress. Feeling lightheaded, he walked to the flimsy door and opened it before the Jedi and their enforcers could break it down. When he saw what was on the other side, he could only blink dumbly.
Galathan looked weak and his skin was pale under his light tan. He was leaning most of his weight on a simple bo-staff and the squadron of footsteps came from the… menagerie of animals around his feet. A nekarr cat, two akk dogs and three different colored gizkas were all nuzzling the Jedi’s legs. “Dorian?”
Flustered, Dorian took a step back, holding the door open for the Jedi and his companions. “Gal… you look better?” His gaze kept flipping between the animals and the Jedi even after he closed the door.
“Sorry about them. This happens every time I’m injured,” Galathan said after gingerly sitting on Dorian’s couch. He leaned his staff against the empty cushion next to him. “Master says they’re more sensitive than regular animals because of all of the ambient Force energy in the temple.”
“Oh. It’s, ah, not a problem.” Dorian said woodenly. He went into the kitchenette and made up the tea service to bring some kind of normalcy to the situation. By the time he brought it into the living area, he felt as if he could have a conversation without making a complete fool of himself. The red gizka croaked mournfully when Dorian relocated it from his chair to the floor.
Galathan seemed equally ill-at-ease as he busied himself making a cup of tea rather than speaking. Once it was done, he delayed even further by picking up Dorian’s garish treasure of a cup and making him one as well. Without any other means to delay, Galathan finally said, “So you’re a Sith.”
Dorian kept his gaze on his teacup, the drink prepared perfectly to his preferences because of course Galathan would know by that point. He swallowed and glanced up. “My master wasn’t the only one Darth Malgus turned to blood sacrifices for the sake of the war effort.”
“I’m not- I don’t-” Galathan shook his head. “I thought that was just part of being Sith. That’s how it works.”
Dorian chuckles and it sounds half-hysterical, even to his own ears. “Yes, well, Jedi are emotionless droids, that’s how that works, isn’t it? That Dark Side is rather how we’re defined, isn’t it? But the truth of the matter is that if you’re Sensitive and Imperial, you become a Sith or die. My father always taught me that the Dark Side was a shortcut to power that can only lead to madness. He and Alexius managed to get me through my formal training with minimal casualties.”
“Why not defect earlier? Why would your father go through the trouble of protecting you from other Sith instead of just leaving?” The greenish gizka rested its chin on Galathan’s thigh when he started getting emotional.
Dorian sighs and takes a sip of his tea. “It’s not so simple, abandoning your family, your legacy, your people, everything you know… And that’s ignoring the propaganda about how horrid the Republic and the Jedi are. It may seem bad in the Empire, at times, but we can only believe that the Republic will be worse. Nevermind that I would have been taken from my family and my father would have been subject to retraining, re-education, whatever you call it.”
Galathan absentmindedly stroked the gizka’s smooth back. “But what he knows is wrong. The Sith are wrong. The Empire is wrong. Doesn’t he need it?”
“Loving my mother, loving me, is wrong? Whatever blackmail or nationalism Darth Malgus used to sell Father on sacrifice is clearly wrong, but I’m not going to resent him for not throwing me out with the bathwater. And some part of you must agree with me or we wouldn’t be sitting here because you would have turned me in to the Jedi.”
Galathan took a deep breath and then winced, clutching his side. “That’s fallacious reasoning, but you’re not entirely wrong. You’re a good man, Dorian. I can see that and I don’t think the Force is best served with you shipped off to some isolated Jedi enclave for the extent of the war. But you must be honest with me. Is there anything else you’re hiding? Any information you held back because it might give you away?”
Dorian reached up to twirl his mustache and grimaced when he felt the stiff hair. “Nothing actionable. Darth Malgus made no few comments about some major, devastating strike against the Republic, but everyone with the Force knows that by now. I can barely sleep for the tension headaches it causes.”
Galathan nodded in agreement and rubbed his temples. “I’ve felt it, too, and I can’t say it’s not nice to have outside confirmation that something’s coming.”
“I’m sorry for deceiving you, Gal. You’ve been a great friend and I took advantage of that.”
“I don’t agree with what you did. And I don’t know if keeping your secret is the right thing, but I’ve had a long time to consider my options while I recovered. I just hope it it’s the right decision.”
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kyber-heart · 4 years
Lightsaber Colour Headcanons
Literally no one asked for this, but a conversation on Dromund Kaas genchat prompted me to think about my approach to the colours of Lightsaber crystals. This is a general system I personally use for my own role play and character creation.
A Note: I personally prefer the lore ascribed to Kyber Crystals that was introduced in the Disney Canon. In this universe, all Kyber Crystals are colourless until bonded with by a Force User. Jedi tend to meditate and form a bond with their crystals. Sith use their hatred to dominate and corrupt the crystals through a process called ‘Bleeding’. It is also a rite of passage for Sith to claim a Kyber crystal from the hilt of a Jedi’s lightsaber. In the old Expanded Universe, Crystals just grew naturally and a Jedi could select any colour they desired. Red was typically synthetic, however naturally occuring red crystals existed too. While I personally prefer the new lore, I think my general headcanons for the 7 shades of colours work with both Expanded Universe and Canon lore. 
As I said, there’s typically about 7 shades of colours:
BLUE - Blue is typically the colour associated with Jedi Guardians. These are Jedi that focus primarily on physical combat, protection and defense. Examples are obviously; Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kanan Jarrus, Orgus Din, Satele Shan.
GREEN - Typically associated with Jedi Consulars, Jedi that prefer diplomacy and reasoning to achieve their goals. These Jedi are less likely to resort to violence but can fight if pressed to do so. Typical examples are Yoda, Kit Fisto, Ahsoka Tano during The Clone Wars, Luke Skywalker.
YELLOW - Yellow is the colour usually found within the Jedi Sentinel discipline. These Jedi tend to balance their martial skills and intellect to perform unique tasks within the Order. They are usually found out in the galaxy serving local systems, with investigation and infiltration of organisations and cults, working with governments to keep peace, and liaising with Jedi Order regarding potential recruits. Examples include: Bastila Shan, Atton Rand, Visas Marr.
ORANGE - There is no specified meaning behind the wielders of Orange Lightsabers however, SWTOR’s in-game codex lists them as a Sith/Dark Jedi colour. To that end, I personally tend to think of Orange as being the colour of Dark Sentinel types. One theory that has emerged is that Orange could be a colour related to Jedi and Force Users who never engage in physical combat however the existance of Yaddle, to me, disproves that. 
PURPLE - Similarly to Orange, there is no in-universe explanation for this colour, however when looking at the users of Purple Lightsabers such as Mara Jade, Mace Windu, Revan, and Jaden Korr, there does seem to be a pattern of physical combat leaning Force Users, who have turned from the Dark Side, have been seduced by Dark Side, or are generally aggressive fighters. Essentially I consider this to be the mark of a Guardian-type who is dark side inclined. 
RED - This is the colour of The Sith, at least typically. Adi Gallia utilised a red lightsaber crystal around the time of The Phantom Menace and switched to blue after the re-emergence of The Sith, no explaination was ever given that I can find. Red bladed lightsabers and their association with The Sith signify that the user has given themselves over to the Dark Side and let emotion control their actions. Typical examples would be Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, Darth Malgus etc.
WHITE - There are only two notible examples of White Lightsabers in Star Wars media. The first and most iconic, is Ahsoka Tano in Rebels. The other is the Imperial Knights of The Fel Empire from Star Wars: Legacy comics. The Knights used Silver blades with simple uniform hilts. Both examples demonstrate a rejection of The Light Side and The Dark Side, instead following their own path as Ahsoka did, or swearing loyalty to another such as The Imperial Knights. Thus I infer that white symbolises a break from the strict binary of good and evil and instead dedicating life to other pursuits. 
So, to get the obvious meta reasons out of the way. George Lucas was very binary on the colours; blue are for good guys, red is for bad guys. Green only came about because Luke’s lightsaber was difficult to distinguish against the blue sky during the Episode 6 Sarlaac pit scene. Purple only exists because Sam Jackson asked for it. White and Yellow only exist in Canon because Filoni and J.J. Abrams respectively thought they looked cool. George also insinuated that the Yellow that the Temple Guards use is only for them and they might not even by Kyber Crystals.
There is also the issue of The Darksaber. Considering the uniqueness of it’s blade it can’t even be said that it’s a true lightsaber or that it uses a Kyber crystal. There are multiple instances of Lightsabers being created with a myriad of stones, gems, and even glass. The black core and white crackling effect might be the result of some unique material found in the Mandalore system. The High Republic also showcases a character with what I think is a black lightsaber core in it’s concept art. I hope that project can shed some new light on these things.
This is also something that applies to synthetic Lightsaber crystals made my Jedi and Sith. While it was typically practiced by Sith, Jedi have been known to use Synthetic crystals too. Luke Skywalker’s green lightsaber in the old Expanded Universe was powered by a synthetic Green crystal that he forged in Obi-Wan’s hut on Tatooine. 
Anyway that’s my word vomit on my personal readings of Lightsaber colours. Feel free to cyber bully me about it.
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