#so long as you are drinking fluids you are combatting dehydration
basshole-astard · 9 months
PSA: i keep seeing posts about staying cool in extreme heat that include advice like "gatorade is bad actually!" and "don't drink fruit juice it'll just dehydrate you!" and neither of these are true!
regarding fruit juice: there's apparently a misconception that Any Sugar At All will dehydrate you, and that's simply not true. yes, sugar will make you pee more when consumed in large amounts, but 1) the natural sugar in fruits won't do this to you 2) great news! a lot of fruit juices exist without any added sugar in them! 3) honestly even having a glass of the fruit juice with added sugar won't completely dehydrate you as long as you're also drinking water throughout the day. if its hot you deserve a cold treat of a drink!!! can't go wrong with fruit juice!!!
regarding gatorade: maybe this isn't an every day drink, but guess what: if it's 110F/40C or hotter outside, and you don't have AC, or you're moving around a lot outside of the AC, and you're sweating buckets: that's when you drink a gatorade.
gatorade exists to replenish all the electrolytes (salt) and glucose (sugar) that you sweat out. YES it is meant for athletes to drink during intensive work outs and not necessarily for people who aren't doing that kind of exercise. BUT GUESS WHAT! when you're sweating buckets because you had to walk to the bus in extreme heat, that's intensive exercise. please feel free to drink a gatorade after that! that's its intended use case!!!!
no: neither of these drinks should be a total replacement for water. but drinking a lot of water and then treating yourself to a fruit juice with lunch is a good idea!!! drinking a gatorade becuase you just had to walk for 20 minutes in the heat is a good idea!!!
Please Stop Spreading Misinformation About Drinks!!! It's fine if you drink things that aren't water!!!! Yes you should probably always be drinking water but drinking something else As Well isn't going to hurt you!!!! okay!!!! its fine!!!!!!
honestly so long as you are consistently getting Any (non-alcoholic) fluids in you, you're doing great!!!!!! okay!!!! i love you stay safe <3
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driptoyou · 1 month
Rejuvenate and Revitalize: The Power of Hangover IV Therapy and IV Fluids for Beauty and Wellness
In today's fast-paced world, the demands of everyday life can sometimes leave us feeling drained and depleted. Whether it's a long night out on the town or simply the stresses of work and responsibilities, our bodies often bear the brunt of our busy lifestyles. However, there's a revolutionary solution that's been gaining traction in recent years – Hangover IV therapy and IV fluids for beauty and wellness.
Unraveling the Mystique of Hangover IV Therapy
Hangover IV therapy is not just for the morning after a wild night out. It's a comprehensive solution designed to replenish the body with essential vitamins, minerals, and fluids, providing a fast-track to recovery and revitalization. Unlike traditional methods of rehydration, such as drinking water or consuming electrolyte drinks, Hangover IV therapy delivers nutrients directly into the bloodstream, ensuring rapid absorption and maximum effectiveness.
Imagine waking up after a night of festivities feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, rather than groggy and lethargic. That's the promise of Hangover IV therapy. By targeting the root cause of hangovers – dehydration and nutrient depletion – this innovative treatment can alleviate symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and fatigue, allowing you to bounce back quicker and get back to enjoying life to the fullest.
The Beauty and Wellness Benefits of IV Fluids
But Hangover IV therapy isn't just about recovery – it's also about optimization. IV fluids enriched with vitamins and antioxidants can do wonders for your overall well-being, inside and out. From enhancing skin radiance to boosting immune function, the beauty and wellness benefits of IV fluids are truly transformative.
In today's image-conscious society, maintaining a youthful and radiant appearance is more important than ever. IV fluids infused with collagen, biotin, and hyaluronic acid can help promote healthy skin, hair, and nails, giving you that coveted glow from within. Hangover IV therapy for fast recovery Additionally, antioxidants such as vitamin C and glutathione can neutralize free radicals and combat oxidative stress, slowing down the aging process and preserving your youthful vitality.
But the benefits of IV fluids extend beyond aesthetics. By supporting cellular function and metabolic processes, these potent concoctions can improve energy levels, enhance cognitive function, and promote overall vitality. Whether you're looking to recover from a night of indulgence or simply optimize your health and well-being, IV fluids offer a safe, convenient, and effective solution.
Experience the Difference with DripToYou
At DripToYou, we understand the importance of looking and feeling your best. That's why we're proud to offer a range of Hangover IV therapy and IV fluid treatments designed to meet your unique needs. Our experienced team of medical professionals is dedicated to providing personalized care in a comfortable and welcoming environment, ensuring that you leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to take on the world.
With DripToYou, you can experience the transformative power of Hangover IV therapy and IV fluids for beauty and wellness. Say goodbye to sluggishness and fatigue, and hello to a brighter, more vibrant you. Visit us today and discover the difference for yourself. Your body will thank you.
In conclusion, Hangover IV therapy and IV fluids for beauty and wellness offer a holistic approach to health and vitality. By replenishing essential nutrients and promoting cellular function, these innovative treatments can help you look and feel your best from the inside out. With DripToYou, you can experience the ultimate in rejuvenation and revitalization. So why wait? Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you today.
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skyseoroundtable · 4 months
Hangover IV Drips in Long Island: Your Quick Recovery Solution
Hangover IV Drips: The Ultimate Solution for Hangover Recovery in Long Island
Experiencing a hangover can put a damper on your day after a night of celebration or indulgence. Fortunately, there is a highly effective solution available in Long Island: Hangover IV Drips. In this blog post, we will explore how Hangover IV Drips can help you recover faster and alleviate hangover symptoms. If you're seeking a reputable provider in Long Island, look no further than BestIVDrips.com. Let's delve into the world of hangover recovery and the benefits of Hangover IV Drips.
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Understanding Hangovers:
Before we dive into the solution, it's important to understand what causes hangovers. A hangover is a collection of symptoms that occur after excessive alcohol consumption. These symptoms can include fatigue, headache, nausea, dehydration, and dizziness. While prevention is the best strategy, sometimes we find ourselves in need of a fast and efficient recovery option.
Introducing Hangover IV Drips:
Hangover IV Drips, also known as intravenous therapy, have gained significant popularity as an effective method for combating hangovers. This therapy involves the intravenous administration of a specialized blend of fluids, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes directly into your bloodstream. By bypassing the digestive system, Hangover IV Drips deliver essential nutrients more effectively, providing quick relief from hangover symptoms.
The Benefits of Hangover IV Drips:
Hangover IV Drips offer numerous benefits for hangover recovery, including:
●      Rapid Rehydration: Alcohol consumption can lead to dehydration, intensifying hangover symptoms. Hangover IV Drips contain a balanced blend of fluids and electrolytes that help replenish lost hydration, allowing you to recover faster and feel revitalized.
●      Nutrient Restoration: Excessive drinking can deplete vital vitamins and minerals in your body. Hangover IV Drips are infused with essential nutrients such as B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, and minerals like magnesium and zinc. These nutrients aid in restoring your body's balance and support the recovery process.
●      Symptom Alleviation: The combination of hydration and nutrient replenishment provided by Hangover IV Drips can help alleviate common hangover symptoms such as headache, fatigue, and nausea. You'll experience a quicker return to feeling your best.
Discover Hangover IV Drips in Long Island:
If you're in Long Island and seeking a reliable provider of Hangover IV Drips, BestIVDrips.com is your ultimate destination. Their team of experienced medical professionals offers personalized treatments tailored to your specific needs. With a focus on your well-being and efficient recovery, BestIVDrips.com ensures a safe and comfortable experience.
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When a night of celebration leaves you dealing with the aftermath of a hangover, Hangover IV Drips provide a remarkable solution for fast and effective recovery. By delivering essential hydration, vitamins, and minerals directly into your bloodstream, Hangover IV Drips alleviate hangover symptoms and help you regain your vitality. If you're in Long Island, don't hesitate to visit BestIVDrips.com for exceptional hangover recovery services. Say goodbye to hangovers and hello to rejuvenation with Hangover IV Drips in Long Island. Visit BestIVDrips.com to learn more about their reliable services and start your journey to a hangover-free life.
So, next time you find yourself nursing a hangover, don't suffer through it. Head to Best IV Drips in Long Island and try their Hangover IV Therapy. You'll be back to feeling like yourself in no time. Book your appointment today at https://www.bestivdrips.com/.
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vinodvera · 8 months
Dandelion Tea – History, Benefits, Recipes, and More!
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Few things embody the spirit of resilience and adaptability like the humble dandelion. Often considered a pesky weed, this plant has a long history of use in various forms, including as a tea. Dandelion tea properties have been appreciated for centuries for their potential health benefits, and in this article, we will explore the history, benefits, recipes, and more of dandelion tea.
History of Dandelion Tea
Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) have a rich history that spans centuries and continents. Originally native to Europe and Asia, they have since spread across the world, earning themselves a place in various cultures as both a food source and herbal remedy. The use of dandelion root and leaves dates back to ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, who recognized their medicinal properties.
The concept of dandelion tea likely emerged from these early uses. Traditional Chinese medicine, for instance, has employed dandelion for its diuretic and detoxifying properties for over a thousand years. European herbalists, too, brewed dandelion tea to stimulate digestion and promote liver health. As a result, dandelion tea became an integral part of herbal medicine in many cultures.
Dandelion Tea Properties
Dandelion tea is made primarily from the dried leaves and roots of the dandelion plant. These parts contain several important compounds that contribute to its potential health benefits:
Vitamins and Minerals: Dandelion leaves are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like potassium and calcium, making them a nutritious addition to your diet.
Antioxidants: Dandelion is a source of antioxidants like beta-carotene and flavonoids, which can help combat free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in the body.
Prebiotics: Dandelion root contains inulin, a type of prebiotic fiber that supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, promoting digestive health.
Benefits of Dandelion Tea
The benefits of dandelion tea are numerous and diverse. Here are some of the key advantages associated with its consumption:
Detoxification: Dandelion tea is known for its diuretic properties, which may help the body eliminate toxins and excess water, aiding in detoxification.
Digestive Health: Dandelion tea can stimulate digestion by promoting the production of stomach acid and bile, potentially aiding in the breakdown of food.
Liver Support: Some studies suggest that dandelion may support liver health by increasing the flow of bile, which can assist in the digestion of fats and overall liver function.
Weight Management: Its diuretic and digestive properties may contribute to weight management efforts by reducing water weight and supporting a healthy metabolism.
Anti-Inflammatory: Dandelion tea's antioxidants may help reduce inflammation, potentially benefiting conditions like arthritis and other inflammatory disorders.
Side Effects of Drinking Dandelion Tea
While dandelion tea offers numerous benefits, it's essential to be aware of potential side effects:
Allergies: Some individuals may be allergic to dandelions and experience symptoms such as skin rash, itching, or digestive discomfort.
Diuretic Effect: The diuretic effect of dandelion tea can lead to frequent urination. This may cause dehydration if not balanced with adequate fluid intake.
Interactions: Dandelion tea may interact with certain medications or medical conditions, so consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns.
Use of Dandelion Tea
Dandelion tea can be consumed in various ways, including as a hot or cold beverage. Here are a few popular uses:
Detox Tea: Many people drink dandelion tea as part of a detox or cleanse regimen to help eliminate toxins from the body.
Coffee Substitute: Roasted dandelion root can be used as a coffee substitute for those looking to reduce caffeine intake.
Flavorful Additions: Dandelion tea can be flavored with honey, lemon, or other herbs to suit your taste preferences.
Culinary Ingredient: Dandelion leaves can be used in salads, soups, and sautés, adding a unique flavor and nutritional boost.
Effects of Dandelion Root Tea
Dandelion root tea, specifically, has gained popularity for its potential health benefits:
Digestive Aid: Dandelion root tea may help relieve digestive discomfort, including bloating and constipation.
Mild Diuretic: Like dandelion leaf tea, dandelion root tea can promote diuresis, helping with fluid balance. benefits drinking dandelion tea
Liver Support: Some studies suggest that dandelion root may protect the liver from damage and support its natural detoxification processes.  
Side Effects of Drinking Dandelion Root Tea
While generally safe, dandelion root tea may cause some side effects:
Gastrointestinal Distress: In some individuals, dandelion root tea may lead to stomach upset or diarrhea.
Allergic Reactions: As with dandelion leaf tea, allergic reactions are possible and may include skin rashes or itching.
Benefits of Drinking Dandelion Tea Root
Drinking dandelion root tea offers several advantages, including:
Liver Health: Dandelion root tea is believed to support liver function, potentially protecting it from damage.
Mild Diuretic: It can help maintain fluid balance and alleviate bloating.
Digestive Comfort: Some people find relief from digestive discomfort after consuming dandelion root tea.  tea dandelion benefits
Dandelion tea, made from the leaves and roots of the dandelion plant, boasts a rich history of use in traditional medicine across cultures. Its potential benefits, which include detoxification, digestive support, and liver health, have made it a popular choice among those seeking natural remedies. However, individuals should be aware of potential side effects and consult with a healthcare professional, especially if they have allergies or medical conditions. Whether you're sipping dandelion leaf tea or exploring the benefits of dandelion root tea, this versatile herbal infusion offers a myriad of health-related possibilities. So, next time you spot a dandelion in your yard, consider its potential to bring you a cup of wellness in the form of tea.
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uniquestyle001 · 11 months
What Is a Sweatsuit?
Sweatsuits are a popular clothing option for people who want to stay comfortable and stylish. They come in a variety of styles and materials. It is important to understand how they are manufactured so that you can choose a manufacturer that fits your needs.
Avoid using synthetic fabrics like polyester, which aren't suitable for strenuous activity. Instead, choose cotton.
Branded Sweat Suit
Sweat suits are matching sets of comfortable clothing designed for casual wear, exercise, or lounging. They are made from soft, breathable fabrics and come in a variety of colors and sizes. They are popular among people who want to look stylish while staying warm and comfortable. Sweat suits are also used by businesses to promote their brand or logo.
When choosing a sweat suit manufacturer, it is important to find one that can produce high-quality products at a competitive price. You can find manufacturers through online directories or at trade shows devoted to apparel manufacturing. It is also helpful to get referrals from other brands who have worked with a particular manufacturer. Once you have found a sweatsuit manufacturer, be sure to communicate with them frequently and clearly. This will help ensure that your products are made to your exact specifications and delivered on time.
When designing your sweatsuits, be sure to consider the latest trends in the industry. For example, oversized fit sweatsuits are currently very popular, but tapered styles can also be an excellent choice for women who want to show off their curves. Another trend is colorblock sweatsuits, which are a great way to add visual interest to your clothing line. You should also be aware of the different fabric options available, including polyester, cotton, and spandex. Check out more collections : https://uniquestylebk.com/
Sweat Suit Collection
A sweat suit is a tracksuit made of neoprene, rubber, plastic or another non-breathable material that helps to keep in heat. They are used by many sportspeople including boxers, rugby players, bodybuilders, horseracing jockeys and even the everyday person to help them maximize their workout results. It is known that wearing a sweat suit can increase the core temperature and lead to more perspiration during exercise, in turn helping to burn calories faster, and also rid the body of excess water weight.
Using a sweat suit will also help to reduce cellulite, both aqueous and fibrous. Aqueous cellulite is soft to the touch and due to excess water retention, while fibrous cellulite is hard to the touch and linked to circulatory disorders. A sweat suit will help to reduce aqueous cellulite by draining the water that is retained, and it can be used to combat fibrous cellulite as well since the fabric helps to stimulate circulation and burn fat cells.
A sweat suit will help to make the user feel lighter, as it causes the body to lose fluids through sweating, but it is important that the wearer drinks plenty of water before, during and after their physical activity to ensure they are hydrating sufficiently. This will help to prevent dehydration and ensure that the lost weight is water rather than fat, which will return once the body has rehydrated.
Sweat Suit Styles
Sweat suits may be casual, but that doesn’t mean they can’t look stylish. The addition of a long coat on top can give them a more formal feel, while still keeping you comfortable and warm. Adding some jewelry also helps to elevate the look, particularly in gold tones or pearls.
In addition to choosing fabric, color and pattern for your sweatsuits, you’ll want to consider the fit and finish of the garments. Some options include hoods with drawstrings, waistbands that come in either single or multiple elastic casings, and leg openings that feature velcro or elastic closures. Some of these features can make a big difference in the comfort level of the garment, so it’s important to keep this in mind when designing your products.
The sweat suit fabric you choose can make a huge difference in the price of the final product, so it’s important to select a manufacturer that offers competitive prices. It’s also a good idea to test your garments before mass production to ensure that they meet your quality standards.
One of the most common questions about sweat suits is whether they actually work to help people lose weight. The answer is yes, as long as you follow a healthy diet and exercise routine. The sweat suit works by increasing core body temperature, which in turn causes the body to perspire, releasing excess water.
Sweat Suit Fabrics
The fabric and fiber combinations of sweatsuits, warm-ups and jogging suits vary by brand, style and product category. They may be fleece separates in a range of colors or matched sets with distinctive detailing.
In addition to color splicing and fabric type, look for seams that are serged or zig-zagged to lie flat and prevent rips and tears during use and laundering. Examine the stitching, especially at the center front and back of jackets and pant leg openings. The grainline or vertical loops of knit fabrics should be near the center of the garment or almost at right angles to the lower edge. The stitching should also be tight enough to prevent sagging and stretching.
Nylon is a common sweat suit fabric, offering good durability and resilience with high abrasion resistance and water absorption. Cotton and polyester blends are also available. They have better breathability, but tend to be less durable and may stretch or "pill" more easily than nylon.
Other fabric options include cotton pique, velour and stretch knit terry. The fabric thickness and composition affects comfort against the skin, moisture absorption, stretchiness, and care requirements. Look for a label with fiber content and fabric structure information to compare the features and characteristics of various products before purchasing. Then, consider sizing and other style and performance features to determine the best choice for your needs.
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For the past few weeks I've felt like I've been in some kind of mental decline. Stringing thoughts together takes way too much effort, and I feel weak and faint when I stand for an extended amount of time. Also, my head has hurt constantly. I mean, I've had a headache for three weeks (I have chronic migraines so this isn't that unusual). I came to the conclusion that I was just extremely burnt out, and coming down off of final exam stress. But I'm a hypochondriac, so I secretly began to assume the worst. Maybe I have a blood clot in my brain, or I've spontaneously developed early onset alzheimer's or childhood dementia! I actually cried about this to my mom yesterday and she was like, "I'm not taking you to the ER for 'brain fog'" which is honestly reasonable. So, because I am incapabale of being normal about anything, I started doing research and I realized: I am so fucking dehydrated. Like, ridiculously dehydrated. There have been multiple days in the last month where my daily water intake has been one or two cups of coffee. And fun story, my sister absolutely despises the flavor of water. So much so that she has developed an irregular heartbeat, is randomly overcome with vertigo, and has done irreparable damage to her vital organs. It's bad. She's probably going to have to go on IV fluids in the near future. Anyway, I asked her how much water she actually drank, and she was like "I don't know, two, three cups a day?" Well, shit? If she's experiencing these symptoms and drinking more water than me, then what the hell am I doing? So long story short, I probably don't have a serious medical issue. I just need to drink water. Hopefully.
Still, it's freaking me out. I keep forgetting words, like, really basic words. Or accidentally substituting words for other words. And if I focus too hard on the spelling of a word, or the grammatical structure of a sentence, the words lose meaning. When I referenced my hypochondria, I wasn't exaggerating. I legitimately do have hypochondria. So since I've noticed this, I've been in a state of constant panic. I'm used to my head being a place I can retreat into. But lately, I haven't felt compelled to invent elaborate daydream worlds or internally monologue for hours. And to combat this, I find myself straining, forcing myself to do so anyway. I miss the comfortable chaos that used to be my mind. It's too still, too stagnant. It's disconcertingly silent. I feel like something is legitimately wrong with me and I'm fucking scared. But at the same time, I recognize the possibility that I am making a mountain out of a molehill.
My anxiety always worsens during the summer. I wouldn't consider myself an extrovert (far from it), however I do need some level of human contact or I lose my fucking mind.
But still, what if this is just how my life is now? What if I'm just not smart anymore? My entire life, I've been told that my writing is what's going to get me into college. If I can't form a coherent thought, or write a sentence without second guessing myself, how the hell am I going to get anywhere in life? If I lose the ability to create, then I am nothing.
This is besides the point, but I've already made the decision not to pursue a career in writing. I think I would enjoy journalism, or screenwriting (just, something creatively challenging), but with the recent developments in AI, I don't think that dream is feasible anymore.
I'm trying not to spiral, but thinking gives me a headache. An actual, physical headache. That's not fucking normal. What the hell is wrong with me??
Anyway this blog is like, my journal now. I know that no one will really see (or read) these, and word vomiting into the void makes me feel better. It's like, the potential of someone stumbling across it and connecting that is reassuring to me. So if you see this, just...idk. Tell me I'm not going insane. Or having a stroke. Or losing myself or my mind of whatever. Tell me I'm just dehydrated, and that the world isn't ending, and that everything is going to be okay. Because every day feels like the fucking apocolypse and my head hurts so bad and I wish I could just feel good and normal and okay.
So I'll try to drink more water (like, wayyy more water) and I'll update you guys. My head feels like it's full of cotton balls right now.
Later, dudes.
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welln594 · 1 year
The Best Way To Fight The Flu- Alternative Ways To Boost Your Immunity
The flu virus causes our bodies to produce high levels of the chemicals called cytokines. One cytokine, interferon, helps the immune system fight off the virus so it doesn’t get a chance to multiply and spread to other people. Because of interferon’s powerful anti-viral properties, the body starts producing more and more as soon as it begins sensing the presence of the virus. The result? Interferon levels are at an all-time high until the virus is no longer detected. This is why we often feel so sick when we have the flu. The best way to fight the flu? Boost your immune system with alternative ways of increasing your immune response that don’t involve getting a shot or taking any pills. These include: * Getting enough sleep and rest, especially if you work at a desk for long hours every day * Avoiding crowds and staying away from people who are coughing * Drinking lots of fluids (especially water) to keep your nasal passages moist, which removes potential irritants that could trigger an infection * Eating foods rich in vitamin A like carrots, spinach and cantaloupe
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Get enough sleep and rest
Wellness Being are  know this one seems obvious, but did you know that sleep is one of the best ways to boost your immune system? When we’re awake, our immune system is suppressed due to the presence of cortisol, a stress hormone that reduces immune function. Sleep, on the other hand, allows our bodies to return to normal, which increases immune function and gives the immune system time to do its job properly. That’s why we get sick when we don’t get enough sleep. Clearly, most of us aren’t getting enough sleep these days. We’re in such a rush to get everything done and stressed out about everything that we don’t have time to relax. This can result in low-grade infections and other stress-related health issues such as a weakened immune system. According to a report from the CDC, approximately one-third of Americans are currently experiencing low levels of personal well-being. A low sense of well-being can be a sign of an underlying condition that can affect your health, such as depression, anxiety or another stress-related health issue. If you’re experiencing low levels of well-being, you may want to consider implementing a few healthy habits to boost your immune system and feel better. These include getting enough sleep and rest, eating healthy and exercising regularly, as well as getting plenty of outdoor time and sunlight.
Avoid crowds and stay away from people who are coughing
When you’re in a crowded room with lots of coughing people, your body has to produce more cytokines to fight off the infection. Unfortunately, your body is in that crowded room with a weakened immune system. This is why it’s important to avoid crowds and stay away from people who are coughing. In fact, if you’re sick but want to boost your immune system, you should avoid crowds and people who are coughing for as long as possible. The best thing you can do is stay at home or go to a doctor’s office and wait until you’re better.
Drink lots of fluids (especially water) to keep your nasal passages moist
People who are sick are often dehydrated. This is because when your body is under stress, it produces more cytokines that restrict your thirst by increasing the feeling of fatigue. The best way to combat this is to drink lots of fluids. Water is best, but if you don’t like the taste, you can also have fruit juices (make sure they don’t contain large amounts of sugar), diluted soup and diluted broth. These will help keep your nasal passages moist and allow the mucus in your nose to drain out so it doesn’t get thick and cause congestion.
Eat foods rich in vitamin A like carrots, spinach and cantaloupe
Vitamin A is a powerful anti-viral that can help boost the immune system and fight off infections. It can be found in many fruits and vegetables such as carrots, cantaloupe and sweet potatoes, though vitamin A levels are highest in orange-colored fruits like cantaloupe and carrots. Vitamin A is crucial if you want to stay healthy and avoid getting sick. It can help boost immunity, prevent infections, prevent vision problems and improve your skin and teeth. Vitamin A is especially important during cold and flu season, as it helps your body fight off potential infections.
Strengthen your immune system with yoga and meditation
Viral infections can affect your immune system, making it weaker and less effective at fighting off potential infections. The best way to strengthen your immune system is to do yoga and meditation, which help reduce stress and increase relaxation. When you do either of these activities, you release hormones such as serotonin and endorphins, which help reduce the feeling of stress and anxiety and boost the immune system.
Breathe well and practice good hygiene
Breathing well can improve your respiratory health, which in turn can boost your immune system. This means that you need to wash your hands often, take a shower and use mouthwash. It’s also important to maintain good hygiene, such as brushing your teeth regularly and not sharing food or drinks with others. On top of these, some herbs and natural supplements can boost your immune system and help fight off the flu. These include:
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branndsjetsworld · 1 year
Your Ultimate Winter Skin Care Routine for a Glowing Complexion
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It's that time of year again- the cold, dry air is starting to settle in, and we all know what that means- it's time to start thinking about our winter skincare routine! For various of us, this time of year can be hard on our skin. Our skin can feel dry, tight, and irritated between the harsh winds and indoor heating. But don't worry- we've got you covered! This blog post will discuss how to create a winter skincare routine that will help keep your complexion glowing all season long!
The first step in your winter skincare routine should be to switch up your cleanser. During the colder months, it is essential to use a gentle, hydrating cleanser that will not strip your skin of its natural oils. We recommend using a milk or cream-based cleaner to help keep your skin feeling soft and supple.
The next step is to exfoliate! This is important because it will help to remove any dead skin cells that have built up on the surface of your skin. We recommend using a gentle exfoliator 2-3 times per week. You can use a physical exfoliator (like a scrub) or a chemical exfoliator (like an AHA or BHA serum).
After you have exfoliated, it is essential to moisturize! We recommend using a thicker, more emollient moisturizer to help combat the dryness that is common in winter. Look for products that contain hyaluronic acid or glycerin- these ingredients will help to attract and retain moisture in the skin. Apply your moisturizer liberally- don't be afraid to slather it on!
Finally, don't forget the sunscreen! Just because it's winter doesn't mean you can skip the SPF. The sun can be as damaging in the winter as in the summer. Be sure to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 every day, even if you stay indoors.
By following these simple steps, you can create a winter skincare routine that will help to keep your skin looking and feeling its best all season long!
Home remedies for winter skincare routine 
Winter is the time to switch up your skincare routine. The cold weather can take a toll on your skin, leaving it dry and dull. But don't despair! There are plenty of things you can do to get your glow back.
Here are some home remedies for winter skin care:
Use a humidifier.
Drink plenty of water.
Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
Exfoliate regularly.
Protect your skin from the cold.
Don't forget the sunscreen!
Use a humidifier.
The first home remedy for winter skin care is to use a humidifier. This will help add moisture back into the air, which will, in turn, help your skin stay hydrated.
Drink plenty of water.
Drinking plenty of water all year round, especially in winter, is essential. The cold weather can dehydrate your skin, so ensure you get enough fluids.
Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
One of the most important things you can do for your skin in winter is to keep it moisturized. Use a thick, creamy moisturizer and apply it all over your body.
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thehousefmouth · 1 year
How to Stop Dry Mouth When Sleeping
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There are several other things to consider if you're still experiencing dry mouth when sleeping. First, make sure you’re drinking enough water during the day and before bed. Drinking plenty of fluids helps keep your saliva production up, so it’s important to stay hydrated.
Another option is to use a humidifier in your bedroom at night. A humidifier adds moisture back into the air, which can help with dry mouth symptoms. Additionally, sugar-free gum or lozenges may help stimulate saliva production throughout the day and before bedtime.
If none of these solutions work for you, speak with your doctor about other treatments that might be available. They may suggest additional lifestyle changes or medications that can help reduce dry mouth symptoms. Additionally, your doctor may want to check for underlying conditions that could be causing your dry mouth when sleeping.
It’s important to work with your healthcare provider in order to identify the root cause of your dry mouth so you can find an appropriate treatment plan. With the right precautions and lifestyle changes, you can learn how to stop dry mouth when sleeping and keep yourself healthy and comfortable all night long.
The next step to take is addressing behaviors and lifestyle changes that may be causing the dry mouth. If you are a smoker, quitting or reducing your intake can help reduce the amount of saliva lost while sleeping. Similarly, drinking alcohol in excess can also cause dehydration and can dry out your mouth. Limiting your alcohol consumption and avoiding sugary drinks before bedtime will encourage saliva production.
In addition, make sure to hydrate throughout the day with water or other healthy liquids to keep yourself from becoming overly dehydrated. If you still find yourself suffering from too little saliva production, chew gum right before going to sleep to stimulate saliva flow during the night. Be sure to choose sugar-free gum products so as not to increase your risk for cavities. Lastly, try using a humidifier in your bedroom to add extra moisture into the air and help combat dry mouth while sleeping.
With these lifestyle changes and mindful approaches, you can help reduce your symptoms of dry mouth while sleeping. Remember that managing any underlying health issues is key to reducing dry mouth during sleep as well. If you are having difficulty controlling your dry mouth, speak with your doctor for more advice on possible treatments and management plans. Taking control of this condition will keep you feeling refreshed when you wake up each morning!
If additional treatment is required, there are several medications available to treat dry mouth at night. Your doctor may recommend an oral spray or lozenges containing artificial saliva to help keep your mouth moist during the night. Antihistamines and other medications may also be prescribed to reduce saliva production, but typically should only be taken as a last resort under medical consultation.
By understanding how to stop dry mouth when sleeping, you can take control of this uncomfortable condition and have more restful nights! With lifestyle adjustments and proper treatment, you’ll soon be able to slumber with ease. Do not hesitate to reach out to your doctor if you need further information on how best to manage this condition.  Good luck and sweet dreams!
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deepestfesthideout · 1 year
Side Effects Of Not Drinking Enough Water
Different individuals need various amounts of water to stay hydrated. The majority of healthy individuals can remain well hydrated by drinking water and other fluids whenever they feel thirsty. For some people, less than 8 glasses may suffice. Other people might need more than 8 glasses each day. While plain water is best for remaining hydrated, other drinks and foods can assist, too.
Note that water makes up more than half of your body weight. You lose water each day when you go to the bathroom, sweat, and even when you breathe.
Make certain to actively drink plenty of water to prevent becoming dehydrated. I don't like water. What's the next best thing to keep me hydrated? Exist foods I can contribute to water to make it taste much better? What if I can't consume as lots of fluids as medical professionals suggest? What does it imply if I drink a lot of fluids however do not urinate frequently? How does drinking alcohol affect hydration? Copyright American Academy of Household Physicians.
The Importance Of Water
Drinking plenty of water every day is important for great health. Australian tap water is the best option for staying well hydrated.
We need water for digestion, to absorb nutrients, to help us move, get rid of waste products and to regulate our body temperature level., it will not function.
View the full variation of this water infographic here. The amount of water that someone should consume differs greatly from individual to person. It depends upon how your private metabolism works, what the temperature level is, what you consume, your age and whether you have a medical condition. It's specifically important for kids and older people to drink adequate water.
Reasons Water Is So Important To Your Health
The body gets rid of water throughout the day through breathing and sweating, in addition to by going to the toilet. As a general rule, males need about 10 cups of fluids every day and women need about 8 cups (add another cup a day if you are pregnant or breastfeeding).
Australian faucet water is constantly the finest choice. Mineral water has no more health benefits than faucet water. Faucet water is simply as safe to drink, unless there has actually been an incident in the area that impacts the quality of the water, such as a flood or the discovery of bacteria in the supply.
To stay hydrated, it's important to consume before you feel thirsty. Even if you're not thirsty, try to consume water regularly throughout the day.
Why Is Water Important? Reasons To Drink Up
These are the signs that you need to consume more water: In some people, drinking too much water can result in a dangerous condition called hyponatremia, where the levels of salt in the blood become too watered down. This can periodically occur to people who consume excessive while they're doing intense exercise, such as running a marathon.
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If you have some other long-term medical condition, it is also an excellent idea to discuss your water usage practices with the physician.
What do you, the trees, and a hamster share? Give up? You all need water. All living things need to have water to survive, whether they get it from a water fountain, a rain cloud, or a little bottle connected to the side of a hamster cage. Without water, your body would quit working effectively.
Water: How Much Should You Drink Every Day?
Why? Your body has lots of essential tasks and it requires water to do a lot of them. Your blood, which consists of a great deal of water, brings oxygen to all the cells of your body. Without oxygen, those tiny cells would die and your body would quit working. Water is also in lymph (say: limf), a fluid that is part of your body immune system, which helps you combat health problem.
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loverobertdowney · 2 years
How The Best Electrolyte Powder Maximizes Your Running Performance
When you take on a long run, your body is working overtime to process oxygen and break down glycogen so you can finish strong. To give your body the support it needs, you should be drinking water along the way. A good electrolyte powder will help combat any dehydration or over-hydration.
 Electrolytes are chemicals that allow fluid to pass through cell membranes; they also keep our bodies from retaining excess water. Supplying your body with electrolytes through drinks can ensure that it has everything it needs to perform optimally for extended periods. Due to this reason, take the best electrolyte powder for better performance.
 Ø  Why do we need electrolyte powders for running?
 Running can be a great way to stay fit and healthy, but it can also cause your body to lose water and minerals through sweating. Rehydration sachets can help you replace those minerals during or after your run so you can push yourself longer and have fewer injuries. Electrolytes also play a role in regulating your body's pH levels.
 When you exercise, you lose minerals due to sweating, and your body's pH level drops. Electrolytes keep your body's pH level stable, preventing muscle cramps and spasms. Electrolyte powders can also be useful for those who suffer from GI disturbances. Electrolyte powders can help maintain your electrolyte levels and help prevent disturbances in the GI tract.
 Ø  How electrolyte powders work and their benefits
 The best electrolyte powder comes in a few different forms, but they all contain minerals that help your body process sodium and hydrogen. The electrolytes in sports drinks are often added at a higher concentration than those found in most foods, meaning they’re digested more quickly and provide a quick energy boost.
 The most common electrolyte powders contain potassium, magnesium, and/or sodium. Potassium helps your muscles contract, while sodium and magnesium are vital components of your nerve and muscle cells.
 ·         Electrolyte powders can help your muscles recover faster so you can run or work out longer and with less soreness
 ·         Electrolyte powders can also help prevent the risk of dehydration and fatigue
 ·         Electrolyte powders can help replenish those minerals, preventing fatigue and allowing you to go longer between stops
 Ø  Should You Drink Electrolyte Powder or Sports Drink?
 Drinking rehydration sachets can be helpful if you exercise longer than 90 minutes, especially in hot or humid weather, when you sweat more and lose more minerals. You may want to consider hydrating with a sports drink when your run is less than 90 minutes, or if the temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
 If you exercise for less than 90 minutes, or in cooler weather, you can easily replace your electrolytes by sipping water instead of drinking electrolyte powders. If you’re unsure, go with sipping water. You can always add in electrolyte powders if you start feeling thirsty.
 Tips for choosing the right electrolyte powder
 When choosing an electrolyte powder, you want to find one that contains the minerals you need in the right amounts. If your sport requires you to be in a certain hydration state, you may also want to consider a powder that measures drinks.
 Find more information relating to  best electrolyte powder and rehydration sachets here.
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shotsrevival39 · 2 years
How The Best Electrolyte Powder Maximizes Your Running Performance
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When you take on a long run, your body is working overtime to process oxygen and break down glycogen so you can finish strong. To give your body the support it needs, you should be drinking water along the way. A good electrolyte powder will help combat any dehydration or over-hydration.
 Electrolytes are chemicals that allow fluid to pass through cell membranes; they also keep our bodies from retaining excess water. Supplying your body with electrolytes through drinks can ensure that it has everything it needs to perform optimally for extended periods. Due to this reason, take the best electrolyte powder for better performance.
 Ø  Why do we need electrolyte powders for running?
 Running can be a great way to stay fit and healthy, but it can also cause your body to lose water and minerals through sweating. Rehydration sachets can help you replace those minerals during or after your run so you can push yourself longer and have fewer injuries. Electrolytes also play a role in regulating your body's pH levels.
 When you exercise, you lose minerals due to sweating, and your body's pH level drops. Electrolytes keep your body's pH level stable, preventing muscle cramps and spasms. Electrolyte powders can also be useful for those who suffer from GI disturbances. Electrolyte powders can help maintain your electrolyte levels and help prevent disturbances in the GI tract.
 Ø  How electrolyte powders work and their benefits
 The best electrolyte powder comes in a few different forms, but they all contain minerals that help your body process sodium and hydrogen. The electrolytes in sports drinks are often added at a higher concentration than those found in most foods, meaning they’re digested more quickly and provide a quick energy boost.
 The most common electrolyte powders contain potassium, magnesium, and/or sodium. Potassium helps your muscles contract, while sodium and magnesium are vital components of your nerve and muscle cells.
 ·       Electrolyte powders can help your muscles recover faster so you can run or work out longer and with less soreness
 ·       Electrolyte powders can also help prevent the risk of dehydration and fatigue
 ·       Electrolyte powders can help replenish those minerals, preventing fatigue and allowing you to go longer between stops
 Ø  Should You Drink Electrolyte Powder or Sports Drink?
 Drinking rehydration sachets can be helpful if you exercise longer than 90 minutes, especially in hot or humid weather, when you sweat more and lose more minerals. You may want to consider hydrating with a sports drink when your run is less than 90 minutes, or if the temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
 If you exercise for less than 90 minutes, or in cooler weather, you can easily replace your electrolytes by sipping water instead of drinking electrolyte powders. If you’re unsure, go with sipping water. You can always add in electrolyte powders if you start feeling thirsty.
 Tips for choosing the right electrolyte powder
 When choosing an electrolyte powder, you want to find one that contains the minerals you need in the right amounts. If your sport requires you to be in a certain hydration state, you may also want to consider a powder that measures drinks.
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tonymystarks · 4 years
Did you say you’re doing prompts!?! 😍 if you’re up for it, sick!Tony with Steve finding out and doing what he does best when something happens to Tony pleaaaaase? 🥺🙏🏼 Stay safe! I hope you’re okay where you are!
Thank you! I'm doing ok, been in isolation for about a month now but where I live things aren't too bad so I feel very lucky. I hope that you're well and staying safe too ❤️
I was more than happy to write this and I hope you enjoy!!!
When Tony stepped out of his suit, he could tell that something wasn’t quite right. 
He had been at business meetings for the past week, working hard with Pepper to try and get investors to agree. Sometimes, doing work for SI was more draining than fighting super villains. As he made his way to his floor, all he wanted was a shower and to sleep for 24 hours. 
Normally when he would come home, Steve would come and greet him with a kiss on the cheek and check to make sure he was ok. However, the penthouse was empty today. Steve was gone doing work with Shield and Tony on his own. Which was fine, totally fine. He could take care of himself no problem. He didn’t need Steve just because he was tired.
He made his way into the bathroom and took a look at himself in the mirror. His skin looked pale and his eyes heavy. He ran his hand through his hair and noticed that his hands were shaking slightly, most likely from low blood sugar. He tried to eat earlier in the morning but wasn’t really hungry, and the thought of eating now turned his stomach.
He quickly hopped in the shower, trying to wash away the stress of work and the uneasy feeling that had been following him. He wanted to stay in the shower longer, help his muscles to relax but he was so tired he could barely keep his eyes open.
He got out of the shower and towelled off. He quickly moved into the bedroom and over to the drawers. He grabbed a pair of underwear and one of Steve’s softest t-shirts. He would never admit wearing Steve’s clothes made him feel safe but if he thought it, that was a different story.
Tony made his way over to the bed and as soon as his head hit the pillow he was out cold. It was unusual for him, it normally took his brain a while to wind down enough to sleep but he was so tired already. 
He woke a few hours later to Jarvis telling him Steve was calling. He felt worse than before, his body sweaty and sticky like hadn’t already taken a shower and it hurt his throat to swallow. He opened his eyes only to quickly shut them as the light gave him an instant headache. He reached blindly for his phone to answer Steve.
“Hey, Capiscle.”
“Hey, Sweetheart. Jarvis said you made it home and I finally have a little down time so I thought I’d give you a call.” Steve’s cheerful voice normally made him smile but right now he didn’t have the energy.
“Yup, I did. Just laid down for a little bit, combatting the stress for working with people and not robots.” As he spoke, Tony noticed how rough his voice was sounding and tried to clear his throat.
He knew that Steve could be such a mother-hen and he really didn’t want him to worry, not while he was busy with Shield. Besides, despite what his body was telling him, Tony Stark did not get sick.
“Baby, are you alright? You sound a little worse for wear.” Tony could hear the concern creeping into Steve’s voice.
“I’m fine, Steve. You just woke me up from a pretty deep sleep. I can’t be perfect all the time.”
“And yet somehow you manage to be.” Steve laughed lightly. “If you say you're fine then I trust you but get some more rest, ok? You’ve been working so hard lately, I don’t want to see you burn out.”
“Aye aye mon capitaine, I got this.” Tony rolled over and cuddled Steve’s pillow closer to him, smelling that awful 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner he used. 
“Alright sweetheart, I just wanted to check in. I’ll be home pretty late tonight so don’t try and wait up. Eat something and sleep, ok? I love you, see you soon.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, I love you too.” With that, Tony hung up the phone.
He slowly sat up but ended up just laying back down when the spins hit him. Dizzy, cold and shaking. Definitely not a winning combination. It was getting increasingly more difficult for him to ignore the signs that he was sick. Still, he didn’t want to believe it.
“Jarvis, please tell me that I’m not sick.”
“I am unfortunately unable to do so. As of right now, you have a temperature of 101.8 and it looks to be still climbing. Coupled with your other symptoms of headache and nausea, I would say that you have the flu.” The information Jarvis was giving him wasn’t surprising at all given how he was feeling.
“Ok, well then i’m going back to sleep and waiting for this to pass” Tony got back under the covers, trying desperately to keep himself warm.
“Sir, I think that it would be wise if you were to drink some water to avoid dehydration. As well, perhaps some medicine to combat the fever.” Tony knew Jarvis was just trying to take care of him but he really didn’t feel like moving.
“Hush Jarvis, I’m sleeping” Tony said pulling the covers over his head.
“But Sir-”
“Jarvis, no. I’m sorry but I just need some sleep.” 
“If you insist, Sir.” and with that, Jarvis went silent.
Tony knew that he should get up, drink and take something to help but his body didn’t agree to the plan moving. The only thing it wanted to do was sleep, so he just tried to suppress his shivering and fell back asleep.
It was dark out when he woke up again and this time he wasn’t cold. He was the opposite, boiling hot. He kicked the covers off and focused on slowing down his breathing. His muscles were so tense and sore that he didn’t move. The pounding in head had gotten so much worse and he didn’t even need to ask Jarvis to know that his temperature had gone up.
 He made the mistake of thinking it was ok to move, trying to roll onto his back. That’s when his stomach lurched and he sat straight up. Not caring how much his body hurt, he got to the bathroom as quick as could and leaned over the toilet.
 Thankfully, it didn’t last long as he hadn’t eaten in many hours. He continued to sit on the bathroom floor however, enjoying the feeling of the cold tiles, laying his head down on the floor. He closed his eye, trying to stop the world from spinning, when he heard a voice-
“It won’t do you any good to be falling asleep on the floor.” Tony’s eyes shot open and saw Steve entering the bathroom.
“Stevie, what are you doing home? I thought you said you would be home later.” Tony didn’t know what time it was but he knew that there was no way that many hours had passed.
“Jarvis called me and told me you were sick, so I cut out a little early,” Steve explained, moving to sit next to Tony and stroke his hair off his forehead.
“You didn’t have to do that.” Tony moved just enough so that his head was resting by Steve’s leg, making it easier for him to rub Tony’s head.
“Yes I did. Tony, you haven’t had any fluid or medicine. You’re not going to get better if you don’t, now let’s go back to bed.” Steve stood and then picked up Tony slowly, not wanting to upset his body more than it already was.
Steve helped him back to the bedroom and lifted him into the bed. Tony looked over at Steve and saw him gathering supplies from the bedside table. He must have gotten home while Tony was still asleep and put together all the things he would need. He walked over with a glass of water and some ibuprofen. 
“Take these, we need to get your fever down. Drink as much water as you can without making yourself sick.” Steve put the glass and the pills into Tony’s hand and turned to walk back into the bathroom. Tony rolled his eyes at Steve but did as he was told because really, he felt like shit and wanted to get better as fast as possible. 
Tony drank about half of the glass of water before he could feel his stomach getting upset again. He was able to breath through it until the feeling went away. Not wanting to risk it, he put the glass down and laid back on the bed. He closed his eyes and let his mind drift. 
He didn’t even hear Steve making his way back over, just just felt the blanket being tugged up his body over his body. He then felt a cold towel being pressed onto his forehead and he had never felt more grateful. 
He heard Steve moving and then felt the bed dip and he laid down next to Tony. He moved close enough so that Tony knew he was there but not too close that they were touching. Tony started to cough a little and Steve rubbed his back through it.
“Hey, Steve?” Tony whispered. 
“Yeah, sweetheart?” 
“I’m sick” Tony rasped out, his throat even more sore now. 
“Yeah baby, I know. It’s alright, I’m here to make sure you get better. I love you so much, I’m gonna take care of you.” Steve lifted his hand and pressed a kiss to his knuckles. 
“I love you too.” Feeling safe and happy that Steve had come home for him, Tony fell asleep to the feeling of Steve running his finger through his hair
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My Breast Cancer Journey: Part Three
Chemotherapy Tips 
Chemotherapy…it’s a bitch. Sure its suppose to kill those intrusive cancer cells, but it also kills the good cells too. Resulting in hair loss, mouth issues, and a slew of other side effects. As I sit here typing this out, I am at my cancer clinic and sitting through my next chemotherapy session. Two down, four more to go; one session every three weeks. Now that I have two chemo sessions under my belt, I am starting to realize some things I can do to make my chemo days and the days following easier. 
First, I stock up on groceries a day or so before chemo. On the several days following chemo, I cannot eat normal sized meals. Instead I have small meals/snacks every two hours. I find this has helped a lot in combatting feelings of being nauseous and helps to keep my food and fluids down. I purchase things like sugar free pudding, apple sauce with fibre, fresh veggies for roasting and steaming (cooked vegetables settle better in my stomach), ensure or boost meal replacement drinks, a variety of juices (I like apple juice and peach juice), cup-a-soups, lunchmeat for sandwiches or to go with a small snack, saltines, cheese string, cream cheese, pickles, fresh fruit (like honeydew, cantaloupe, watermelon, and grapes), bread for toast, jam, and peanut butter. I also do my best to pre-make some meals for the freezer, so I have quick meals ready to go for the oven. 
Second, in the days leading up to chemo I try to do some house chores, since I am very much out of commish after chemo. I tidy up the kitchen, empty out the fridge and throw away any food that needs to go, I do some laundry, clean the bathroom, put fresh sheets and pillow cases on the bed, and do a quick vacuum. Doing this helps in feeling less anxious and more prepared. 
Third, I prepare my mouth rinse. I have found that I need to prepare them ahead of time, otherwise I get too lazy after and start slacking. I have little containers with lids; I fill each container with one teaspoon baking soda, one teaspoon salt, and then store them in the cupboard. Every morning I dump the mixture in a mason jar with 4 cups of water. I use the mouth rinse every couple hours/whenever I am done eating. At the end of each night I empty this mouth rinse and make a fresh batch in the morning. This helps to combat the bacteria in my mouth and combat sores if they develop. I also switched to a soft tooth brush, as the mouth gets sensitive.
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 Fourth, I really make sure to stock up on water and reusable water bottles. I enjoy using a filtered water jug. It is VERY important to keep up on your fluids or else dehydration will set in and that is no bueno! Try to drink at least eight glasses of fluid a day. Have I always met this quota? No, some days I only managed six or seven glasses but it is still something. I range between drinking smoothies, water, and glasses of half water and half juice. It can be a struggle but if you don’t stay hydrated it will make you feel shittier in the long run. 
Fifth, I make sure to pre-plan care for my dog. He is a big boy and requires exercise that I don’t have the energy to meet after chemotherapy. I have a friend come on her lunch breaks or after she is done work to exercise him. My dog gets most of his exercise from playdates; he chooses playdates over walks any day of the week! I also have my husband cleaning the cat litter since I started treatment as well. 
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Lastly, I make sure to not be alone the first week after chemo. It is nice to have some extra support during these days. It allows me to really listen to my body and  give it what it needs. When I am tired I sleep, when I am hungry I eat. I make sure to keep a daily log of what I eat, what meds I take, and any symptoms I am experiencing. This allows me to pinpoint if something upset my stomach and any patterns that may be emerging. It is helpful to have this when I am going into appointments and in remembering to tell my team how I felt following chemo. I am sure that as I continue down my treatment path, I will discover more and more things that were helpful for me. 
As always,  have a wonderful day and we will chat again soon. 
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A Guide to Treatment for Low Blood Pressure
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Treatment for Low Blood Pressure
Low blood pressure, or hypotension is a difficult condition for the healthcare provider to address. Blood pressure is the force of the blood pushing against the walls of arteries. With each beat, the heart pumps out the blood into arteries, creating pressure. Blood pressure reading has two components, and is expressed as a ratio. Systolic pressure measures the pressure inside arteries while heart is contracting to pump the blood. Diastolic pressure measures the pressure within the arteries while the heart is at rest.
Treatment for Low Blood Pressure
Some people have low blood pressure all the time. For others, the pressure may drop due to medical condition or some event. Many people feel the symptoms of low diastolic blood pressure when they suddenly change the position, or stand up too quickly.
Usually, the low blood pressure that has no symptoms requires little intervention. However, if the blood pressure is associated with shortness of breath, chest pain, or occurs due to excessive bleeding, the treatment for low blood pressure must be given immediately in the emergency room.
In the emergency room, oxygen and intravenous fluids may be given, and monitoring of heart must be done. Blood transfusion for the bleeding patient, antihistamine and adrenaline for the patient having allergic reaction and antibiotics for the patient with infection is given. If blood pressure is abnormally low, doctor will prescribe observation in the hospital.
Causes of low blood pressure are not known clearly, hence no single effective treatment exists. The goal is to reduce the signs and symptoms of the blood pressure, and bring it to normal level. Some of the commonly used treatments for low blood pressure include using more salt, drinking more water, wearing compression stockings and using medications.
One of the most effective treatments for low blood pressure is to follow a healthy diet. You must get all the essential nutrients by consuming variety of foods. It is also essential to go slow when changing the body positions. Eating small, low-carbohydrate meals is also an effective treatment for low blood pressure. Eat several small portions throughout the day, but avoid high-carbohydrate foods such as breads, pastas, rice, potatoes and so on. Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeinated beverages as they are dehydrating, and can lower the blood pressure. Drink plenty of water as it combats dehydration and increases blood volume. Some home treatments for low blood pressure include using Indian Spikenard, Epsom salts bath and beetroot. It is also beneficial to exercise regularly as it promotes blood flow. If you have symptoms of low BP, do not take long hot baths, and do not strain while in the toilet.
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moonmeagan · 5 years
Traveling With a Sensitive Stomach & How to Help
As a world traveler with a sensitive stomach, I have had my fair share of ailments while exploring new places. Let me tell you, getting sick on a vacation is not a good time.
You set out on this adventure to have the time of your life. Maybe you booked it way in advance and you’ve been drunk off the anticipation. Or maybe you romanticized it in your head, which makes it even more heartbreaking when you are stuck in bed, or worse, in the bathroom.
Why Do We Get Sick When We Travel?
There are various reasons why you might get sick abroad, but the usual suspects are dehydration, drinking tap water, eating contaminated foods, and not getting enough sleep.
After a really tough time getting sick in Costa Rica, then again in Poland, I realized, “Okay, I need to take some precautions.” Here are some ways that I prevent sickness while I am traveling in regards to common causes:
We need more water when we are traveling because it is hard on our bodies. Especially if you are going to a tropical destination or participating in physically demanding excursions, you need to significantly up your water intake. Try to drink at least two liters of water a day while traveling.
Electrolytes have saved my life on multiple occasions. Among other things, they help your body to re-hydrate after rigorous activity, vomiting, or diarrhea. Check out my favorite ones here*. These are super handy for traveling because they are solid and compact so they can go in your carry on and you can simply add them to bottled water.
When I was sick in Costa Rica, I was unable to keep water down so I could not re-hydrate myself. I drank a big electrolyte drink (slowly) and it helped my body to absorb the fluids and stopped the vomiting/diarrhea so I could regain my strength and get back into the trip.
Coconut water is a great source of natural electrolytes. Just another excuse to get a whole coconut to sip on while lounging on the beach!
Tap Water:
I cannot stress this enough- Drink bottled water only. Some people will explicitly tell you, “the water here is safe to drink.” If you have an even slightly sensitive stomach, don’t believe them. I have been told multiple times that the water is safe and gotten very sick as a result.
Be mindful when ordering drinks with ice in them. Some hotels make their ice with bottled water and you can always ask the restaurant staff to be safe. If you are going to a destination where they have jugos frescos (fruit blended with water to make a juice) or smoothies available, be careful. I know that Piña Colada sounds amazing as you lounge by the pool, but I assure you that your stomach will thank you. (Hey, grab a beer).
Finally, brush your teeth with bottled water. It can be useful to keep your tooth brush in an empty water bottle to remind you (as silly as that sounds). When I implemented all of these methods together, I didn’t get sick!
Contaminated Foods:
Different places have different bacteria that our bodies may not be used to. Locals have no problems because their systems are used to the bacteria where they live, just as we are used to the common bacteria where we are from. Due to this, eating hot fully cooked foods is your best bet to combat the new bacteria.
Beware of room temperature dairy like creamer left sitting out for coffee or room temperature cheeses and yogurts. I got a cappuccino in Poland and got super sick. In retrospect, I realized that the barista made it with a container of milk that had just been sitting on the counter and not refrigerated. It may have been unpasteurized as well, which is new for our digestive systems. I am pretty sure that was the culprit.
**If you have a particularly sensitive stomach, it may be a good idea to eat vegetarian meals and avoid dairy all together while traveling. The foods may simply be cooked differently and might be a shock to your system. Get to know your body to see if this works for you by trying meats/dairy in small amounts to see if you tolerate it well.
Not Enough Rest:
Traveling can be very hard on our bodies, especially if there is a significant time change (5+ hours). Essentially your body thinks that you are pulling all nighters every night and sleeping during the day while you are on your trip. In my experience, this can cause serious headaches, nausea, fatigue, and moodiness.
Unfortunately, we can’t wave our magic wand and solve the time change issue, but you can try to get quality sleep while you are traveling.
Try to sleep as much as you can on the plane on the way over, even if it was day time back home.
Bring Melatonin* to help you fall asleep in the evenings.
Try to avoid long naps after a day or two in your new location. It might be tough at first, but the more tired you are in the evening, the more likely you are to sleep through the night. If you feel like you are getting a headache due to lack of sleep, take a quick 30-minute power nap.
Other Precautions:
Bring basic medications with you: nausea medicine, Imodium, Tums or Pepto-Bismol.
Get the shots recommended by your doctor for the country that you are traveling to. I got a Typhoid shot for Thailand because it is a common travelers ailment from contaminated water.
Wishing You Health and Prosperity,
XOXO Moon Meagan
*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. I recommend products based on personal experience and raving reviews. Thank you for your support!
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