#so im getting dragged into this mess by proxy and now im mad i like this guy
creaturing-your-faves · 5 months
haiii cat ears on ayato sakamaki please. pleeease
appreciate the patience;;
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fekst-fucker · 4 years
Ej, clockwork, and p e r h a p s the proxies with a s/o that still sleeps with stuffies doe 🥺 -mothman anon
Eyeless Jack
- Yknow what he gets it
- He too loves to be completely surrounded by soft, squishy things, so stuffed animals make sense to him
- He’s like “they even come in comforting shapes for children. Perfect”
- That’s mostly him teasing you, but he’s picked out a few of his own favorites from your stuffed animals and now sleeps with them every night
- He’s definitely torn a couple up by accident and he feels SO fucking bad, he tries to get you new ones
- If you have any Build a Bear plushies with the little noise chips in them, DON’T let him near them. Once he accidentally activated a little Darth Vader bear and the kshhhhhh kshhhh scared him so badly that he shot straight up to the ceiling and stuck there like a cartoon cat
- Natalie had SO many plushies as a kid, just thrown all over the floor
- So seeing your bed makes her so nostalgic and feel really like safe and secure, she sleeps in your bed more than her own
- And she honestly cuddles them more than you but at least you don’t have to get crushed by her suddenly laying on top of you in the middle of the night
- Queen of picking up your stuffed animals that have fallen off the bed bc “they’re lonely at night by themselves :,(“
- She ends up falling off the bed a lot bc her depth perception is fucked (one eye syndrome :( )
- This also means it’s hard for her to crawl over all your animals, she prefers bigger ones cause they’re easier to grab but too many of the same color in the same spot makes her head hurt
- Initially he’s like “how old are you again?” but all it takes is being firm with him, smack him on the elbow or the stomach and be like “yeah uhuh how old are you?? How much do you smoke?”
- He’s like geez don’t need to drag me
- He learns to love them though, at least he loves coming into your room late at night and seeing you passed out on a layer of stuffed animals, looking like you’re having the best sleep of your life
- When you wake up he tells you “damn I gotta try that” and he does!
- His back barely hurts at all the next morning and he’s scarily perky, the next couple times he goes out he comes back with a million pillows for his bed
- Use my stuffed animals, coward
- He likes fidgeting with stuffed animals, especially when they have clothes or little zippers or sequins or other fidgety items
- He had a couple stuffed animals growing up, like some really beat up bears and jungle animals, so when he sees one that reminds him of his childhood stuffies he cuddles it and won’t let go
- His favorite was a really beat up giraffe. If u ever see a giraffe… snag it for him
- But only while he’s in your room, he knows that your stuffed animals are YOUR property and he respects that !
- He actually doesn’t like laying over all your stuffed animals, all the little bumps and snags keep him awake and he ends up tossing and turning
- He hates not sleeping next to you so he shoves all the plushies to one side so his side of the bed is clear
Ticci Toby
- On the contrary, this poor boy never really had stuffed animals growing up. He had, like, those stuffed tiny toys from McDonald’s
- So he LOVES any big plushies you have, if you have any giant valentine’s bears or something he lays over it and doesn’t move
- He adores that you have a ton of stuffed animals, he goes into your room even when you’re not there just to stim with some of them and mess around with them
- And he crashes in your bed CONSTANTLY to cuddle you in one arm and a giant plushie in the other
- You appreciate that he wants to coddle your stuffies as much as you do but he’s HOT and it’s hard to fall asleep next to a literal human furnace so you get him little ice pack plushies :,)
- He does the same for you! He’s filled his own room with stuffed animals to make you feel comfortable there too
- He tries really hard to be an asshole about it but it’s so nice walking into someone’s room and seeing nice, soothing stuffed animals instead of like. Blood and weapons everywhere
- His childhood was lowkey ripped from him so he’s like let me have. Let me have the funny lettle bear
- He still teases you and kinda bullies you on the dl but you know he’s just bullshitting bc every time you leave the room you see him throw himself directly on the pile and snuggle down into them
- Now is the PERFECT time to run back in your room and jump back on top of him and be like “oh? Oh? Stuffed animals are lame oh?? What are you lying in asshole!”
- And he tries to shove you off and get mad but there’s no way you can be angry while laying in a soft pile so you two end up wrestling in the inescapable tangle of plushie limbs until you’re both exhausted and just laying there panting and still poking fun at each other
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Hey I know this request might be a little weird but could you do Yandere Proxies? OwO
 Written by Ocean- 🌂
Yandere Proxies
  Kate the Chaser
Kate is  better yandere then toby- she won't come after you with some wood. But she still is pretty bad. She’s more of a Cat and Mouse yandere. 
She takes a few years to stalk, maybe 4 or 5. She likes letting them realize someone is watching them but they have no proof other than a  few items missing and an occasional bloody knife. 
Once she has you, she loves letting you have a hope that you've gotten out when you haven't. When there's a look of that she messed up, when in fact she did it for the fun of a chase. 
Stalking Period 
Kate is very obvious when she has someone in her interest, Slenders sexst ss isnt to keen on her talking yet he lets her talk about her darling ( who's a girl because Kates done with boys. The other proxies are rude to her o k)
So this girl goes out of her way to look through a window ( even if it's the second story) and will sneakin, she will touch you, very gently. So she doesn't wake you. And she’ll take a  few things. She sees them as gifts to her, so don't leave anything out that is valuable or clothes wise. Your favorite hoodie? Gone. 
Replaced with either straggly ass hoodie or a bloody knife.
Don't lock the windows she will, find a way in, and it will be even madder. And just for that will leave you a totally not cash money gift. 
A heart of a friend
It very progressively gets worse to the point of creepy notes like: I can see you sleeping at night. You're so pretty… it isn't fair 
Or something like this: The last gift i gave you.. Did you like it? (insert friend's name) screamed and struggled  a lot. 
Kate doesn't waste any time on scaring you once she is ready to kidnap you, she gets everything prepared that night, a needle with an anesthetic. That reminds me of him. A blind fold, son handcuffs and ropes. 
Ndbg to put a few items she's come to realize you like.
And a few photos of you and daily and friends. Just something to remind you of your old life when you've been bad.
She brings you to some andonded camping hous.To which she fixed up. By stealing someone's money, she even has your own room for you! 
She tied you to the bed and waits quietly for you to wake up, nd when you do, 
She smiled and tilted her head and in a hushed voice greeted the young man and tried to make you comfortable. Don't worry the food dean tube anything in j! Is perfectly safe. And if you don't believe her she'll eat it. Then if you don't eat it still, she will shoe i down your throat “ Cant have yous starving love” 
Oh you escaped when she hadn't been planning it? Oh you're making yourself puke up your food?
Are you refusing her love? 
Oh no that just won't do. 
Kate will bring in someone she kept alive for this exact purpose, with you tied up and forced to watch while she tortures them to death- in the end nailing one of the eight pages to their body and hanging them up on the fence that lines the wood of Creek, Ohio. 
In general, Kate is not a total cash money to have after your booty 
More stalky stalky less talky talky
Most of the time you wouldn't even realize that he's here other than when you look behind you you see a man in an orange hoodie who just acts like he was going to a friends. 
I Mean sure sometimes at night you can feel someone breathing down your neck from thi man sneaking into your room! But that doesn't matter. 
Please don't try running from him- he will end your whole career. Once he finds you he will drag you back by your hair and do some things that aren't nice. But we'll get into those after we go to the: 
Hoodie is not obvious about this at all, most people would just think he's being a normal hoodie and Brian.
Until he starts going missing during the day when he shouldn't be doing work, Slender knows what's going on. And just told him don't get caught. 
Honestly he finds his way in through a window and just sits next to your bed. And wait until it's time for you to awaken. 
This takes a few months at most before he kidnaps you, but in that time has memorized your schedule. Stay up late on weekends but go to bed at a decent enough time on weekdays? He factored all of it into everything. 
He's planned very well. He has a cute little house in the woods that he had built as a hide out if anything ever went down. He has it adjusted to what he thinks your tastes are. And hell, he even out some of your clothes he's noticed you liked. 
Then friends are pushed away from you by this man's leaving note about you. So no one is to worry about you, or else doing anything about it. He ny people he really has to worry about is your parents and her family members. 
It's probably a wednesday so everybody thought they were acting normal and that you were just sick that night. 
In reality he picked your sleeping body up ever so gently, pushed some hair out of your face. And whispered shhh. Before putting chloroform over your mouth and nose. And yeeting himself out of the window with you. 
You would wake up in the room painted your favorite color and he would be right there. Looming over you, holding food. 
Don't even try to escape eating. He will literally shave it down your hot and glare at you. 
He can't have you dying now, can he? 
And you can scream at him all you want. I won't affect him. Like at all. He’d just chuckle 
He may be patient but everybody has their limits. And when he breaks, you better be scared. 
Oh boy. He doesn't care about your mental health or physical health. Yp are his to touch and hurt. And he doesn't care what happens to you, other than the fact of death and you leaving him. 
Oh you escaped? He will find you and drg you by your hair. Muttering about how you're ungrateful and will start beating you with his pipe. 
Will take you to the bathroom and shove his finger down your throat until you puke. He really doesn't care.
He won't stop beating you and making you puke until you're crying out and bloodied, maybe even coughing up blood. Then he throws you in the basement with merely a bucket to piss in and some disgusting food. Hats probably molded. 
Don't worry! He will come down there to get you. After a week or two. 
Hoodie may act nice at first, adn seem like it, but don't piss him off or make him mad. He will ruin your existence. 
SADISTIC!!!! Very very sadistic. And he wastes no time in getting his darling. Like he sees you. 
Probably met you in a  run in to get cigarettes, you most likely just bumped into him and immediately there was a warning signal in his head, that this person was going to be something to him. And he needed to keep an eye on them.
He stalks you for a week or two. 
Stalking Period
During the 13 days he stays with you, he becomes obsessed. It's evident when he's around everyone else. The way he's gotten more violent, and disappears often.
It makes it obvious. 
Now he cuts you in your sleep. Just to fuck with your head. 
You know those strange bruises and cuts you keep waking up with? That's his fault. He decided to mess with you even more. 
Then, he kidnaps you. No fucks given 
When he does this, he gets his crow bar out. It's probably around 10. You're probably watching Tv or on the computer. And he just,,, strikes. He snuck in through the window and even if you try to run, he's going to hit you in your nico nico knee caps. Laugh at your fruitful attempt of escape. 
Then hit you upside the head with the crow bar, giving you a sadistic grin from the mask. 
Honesty?? He didn't go out of his way for somewhere for you to stay. He literally just keeps you in the basement. Much to Ej and Dr. Smileys dismay. And doesn't stay down there but for a few hours of the day
Leaves questionable cuts and bruises everywhere. 
Sadism does not mix well with punishments. And honestly there is no escaping the masked hoe. Oh no. He has you suraillenced at constant imes, so it's always when you disobey. He takes you to his jbs to make you witness muder. 
Gruesome murder,
And then, he bruises you up. Then cuts you.
Then, he does it so easily. He shots you. Nothing fatal.Just to make sure you'll never be able to walk again. 
In the end, having sadsic boy stalk you and be rude to you is not nice at all. Smh. It does not give you stonks
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