#so if this looks hideous that's why
partiallypearl · 2 years
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Can't be too loud Can't be too busy If I don't answer now, are they still gonna need me? Can't be too proud Can't think I'm pretty Do they keep me around, so their flaws just seem silly?
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the-dormant-ocean · 6 months
I saw a fanart of Astarion as a tailor and since then I've had this thought stuck inside my head of him being done with Gale's fashion sense. One night, as a joke, he starts to design clothes for him but, suddenly, he can hear the birds outside his tent singing and the sun is rising. He spent the whole night on it, has designed 10 different fits for Gale and he doesn't think this is a joke anymore. He just needs to see Gale in them right now, and if he sees him wearing his old clothes one more day, he will lose it.
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fearandhatred · 11 days
could this be how every day begins?
first light by hozier + before the beginning
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goldensunset · 5 months
i don't really know how to word this but like i feel like i'm gonna forever have to deal with the pain and heartache of one of my very first pokémon games- the first 'normal' pokémon game i've ever played, that i will have lasting nostalgia and love for as a result of it being formative to my introduction into the series- being the one that will forever be looked down upon for bad graphics and technical issues as a result of the game having been rushed
like i honest to goodness want to scream and yell and cry into the void about how this means everything to me and will always be one of my fave games just in general. but how am i gonna do that without someone being like 'the broken overpriced mess? the one that's missing all this stuff from the older games that was great? the thing with all the cringe? that one?' or whatever. and the thing is they aren't wrong for their criticisms either like i know the fact that they rushed this wonderful game hardcore is a massive stain on its reputation and it hurts me too but like i cannot turn off the brain full of love in me and be a mean critic. or even an impartial one. i mean i criticize everything i love don't get me wrong i am constantly running my mouth about what i like and don't like. but at the end of the day i approach all media with an unusually optimistic mindset. if you see me talk a ton about something no matter what i'm saying you can bet it means i love it.
just. aaagh. it's always tough being a new fan of an old series. i'm like too embarrassed to express my opinions bc i feel like they're invalid y'know? i feel so exhausted every time i see something to the effect of like 'oh those poor kids these days having to deal with such bad quality everything what a bad time to be a fan of pokémon wow y'all make me feel so old' well see the thing is i actually am thriving and i love it here. and i'm also an adult myself so i have more critical thinking skills than people who played red when they were like five years old did. and even with the power of critical thinking i manage to be in love with this. join me in marvelling at the beauty of life
#sorry for the massive rant i am full of both love and rage but i feel alone in this world about this particular subject#my other fav complaint is like 'they make it too easy to xyz these days'#to me that reads like 'i suffered so why shouldn't they'#yes we should encourage people to spend 100 hours grinding to do basic story requirements.#to weed out the true gamers from the weaklings. or maybe we could use the spare time in our lives to touch grass#the only easy-fication change in sv i don't like is the ability to access boxes right from the menu#that kinda cheapens the need to strategically organize a team before heading somewhere#i can.. sorta understand being miffed about the remember moves mechanic?#frankly platinum was so stressful with not being able to freely switch without great hassle/cost#it would have been a fair enough compromise to make you pay a bit of lp or something#or do it for free but having to go to like a pokécenter or something#i'll never agree that exp share is bad though sorry#pokémon#ok but about the 'i feel bad for kids these days with these ugly designs/lame 3D models' thing#yeah i have news for you every gen has its ugly/stupid pokémon.#dude look at exeggcute#and some of the oldest spritework is hideous#granted the ds era spritework was beautiful#but i don't see what is so bad about the 3D models of today? they're both nice...#dude play an indie game or something if it's that important to you idk#it will never be the 90s again. it will never be the 00s again. i'm sorry.
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zebratimw · 2 years
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Okay Girls gather round because we need to talk about a very important factor in Wizard101. The Storm Triton... so why does he look Like That
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Why does he look like that
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camelspit · 5 months
visibly clenching my jaw and shaking with rage. why are all the newer barbie movies trash.
#been clenching my fists getting through them with my brother#big city big dreams and princess adventure are the ones we watched and EW#the most horrendous crime is definetely the outfits. they are genuinley a nightmare to look at.#but also the plots ?? ass. the music ?? forgettable#there is no magic anymore do you understand#and it all takes place in the same shit ass world now to promote the barbie viog channel or something#AND they dropped rainmaker entertainment im pretty sure#since they havent been in any of the credits#i think they stopped being good after dolphin magic. if i have the timeline right.#about to watch mermaid power and from what i saw in the trailer the outfits are HIDEOUS#like how did you go from pearl princess and mermaid tale to this. yikes.#barbie the full blue hair is NOT a look and it does NOT match your outfit#god.. i could rant for ages about this you dont understand#its so incredibly awful. what happened to the barbie magic <- capitalism. capitalism happened.#god.. dont even get me started on the sister focused movies ??#chelseas lost birthday and skippers babysitting adventure ??#like oh my god.#tell me why fucking barbie butterfly diaries is better than the newer movies#at least it had heart !! at least it wasnt a cash grab and nothing more !! at least the music kind of slapped#at least it was endearing..#and we actually had good barbie movies fairly recently ??#one of my favorites ever starlight adventure came out in like 2016#the animation was insane and the outfits were incredible#and now we are.. here
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sapphire-weapon · 10 months
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and then I was like
What if I modded the game to make Ashley lore-compliant and put Leon in his boyfriend's Chris's jacket?
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the-halfling-prince · 8 months
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Had this vision in my head, had to draw it. Idk what the context is but here's another teen Zephyr drawing but this time one of my ocs is there too
#I imagine this would be like if the 'we have to dress formal to sneak into this fancy event for a mission' trope was fantasy viking-ified#(yes I know rtte sorta already did that in last auction hero leave me alone)#my posts#my art#Zephyr doesn't know how to sit it dresses. Gay MF doesn't know how to sit outside of dresses. Girl can't sit.#RJ (the OC) is the definition of 'cleans up well'#I did mess up on RJ's hair I put her bangs in the wrong side but y'all wouldn't know that so idk why I'm saying it#Zephyr doesn't clean up well she doesn't even know what that means. She dragged that skirt through the mud.#Putting zeph in all green felt like a betrayal to my color system I accidentally put in place for the main five.#Zephyr's red. Nuffink is blue. Spike is green Eric is orange and RJ is purple. (Madder is yellow but she's sorta a later addition#to the team. Also Hatchet and Spade are neutrals)#Hmm out of all of these characters I've only drawn Hatchet and Spade's dragon. That hideous zippleback I drew a while ago you know#Anyway I'm done rambling#Have a nice night#dragon riders second generation#<btw that's the tag I'm using for all of my teen zephyr and her friends stuff so if it's annoying then there's the tag to block#And if you want more. Well. There's the tag to search on my blog. I've put everything there.#Ugh I hate how embarrassed I get everytime I talk about these guys. 'oh it's so cringe-' bitch shut up#I'll look at other people's httyd OCs and go 'oooh cool I love that' but then the second I go to post mine I'm like 'ugh cringe-'#Cringe culture is dead post the damn drawing write the damn fic.#Honestly at this point I treat Zephyr like an OC. Dreamworks lost their rights to her she's mine now /hj#Like I used the personality Dreamworks gave her as like a baseline and then made her (and Nuffink) better#And I gave them friends.
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boygirlctommy · 7 months
this is the worlds most fucked up looking polar bear
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jrueships · 1 year
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
i find this obsession with stealth wealth that's been brought about in the wake of succession so funny bc ........... as a lady myself i found the female characters' outfits so monumentally boring like i wouldn't be caught dead wearing whatever dull lifeless arid pieces they put on no matter how expensive. also the ugliest fucking jewelry i've seen in my life
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I tried to stop myself from posting this but the whole 'victuuri is unhealthy because x or y or they are codependent/yuuri is always selfish and cold to victor' take that seems so prevalent across the post I came across genuinely upsets me so much it has been making me feel low-key physically nauseous when I think about anything related to the show and it sucks honestly
#Like I know I disagree with those takes and ik why#I also know now relationship is 100% perfect but when people apparently used that as some sort of justification#For this take always makes me uncomfortable#I know I should just ignore this and I have been but I also can't stop thinking about it#Maybe it is a me problem or something like I know don't like don't read and stuff#But there is a part of my mind that is kind of like. oh no what if it is true what if#These takes are true and I am willfully being ignorant or not being critical of whatever or etc#I just. ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhugh#I don't want to post this either because I feel nowadays all I've been talking about on here excluding rbs is just about how I saw x take#About this show and how that upsetted me which when said repeatedly seems kind of stupid#And looks like I am deliberately seeking out stuff that upsets me#And if I am being honest that is also part of the problem like. I know that if I block a blog it is def because I read something that just#Upsetted me a lot#But WHY doesn't it stop me from clicking the view blog button is just. stupidity on my part#And I just didn't want to come off as too sensitive or whiny#But like rn it's almost the end of holidays so I think I just need to#find a solution to this for once and for all#aaand also it is almost am rn and I saw an extremely hideous take along the lines of what I mentioned and it was vile#and it is just bothering me ao much I. Can't stop thinking about it and it is making me too uneasy#(also combined with my nervousness for the end of holidays obv but eh)#idk this is giving me flash backs to the whole ladynoir season 4 discourse except the stuff I've seen is even more extreme and I just. ugh
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mechieonu · 2 years
i deeply despise that "woke" just means "anyone that's not white" in terms of media. yes this is abt the little mermaid
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what-yadoking-likes · 6 months
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Soooo. Got me septum pierced 2 weeks ago. Fairly certain my mom doesn't know.
Guess who is spending HOURS with her this Saturday 🤡
I wonder if she will
A) Call me a circus performer (tattooed lady is her go-to)
B) Shake her head and roll her eyes and mumble passive-aggressively under her breath about it
C) Ask what my partner thinks
D) Say I've ruined my face/looks
E) Other/Comment
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lanarchive · 11 months
drawing flags is a fun activity at school until ur canadian and fighting for your life because your maple leaf looks like a marijuana leaf
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