#so he also needs to get into the vet for an evaluation
theadventurek9 · 26 days
My week has finished out with more just bleh feelings about training. Just a pity party down below so nothing important
I am stopping doing any training on retrieves with Ryker. I will give him a month or so off and see if I can start it again after, if not maybe it will have to wait until he gets out of adolescence. He shuts down the moment I grab the dumbbell or the PVC I had been using, or if I say "take it".
He is really really handler sensitive. Which is a bit surprising and I am really going to have to learn to adapt. Aayla is a little handler sensitive, but not like this. It makes things so frustrating and then I spiral down and things are just hard.
I think this is getting compounded by the fact that I'm seriously debating retired Aayla from obedience. Her avoidance to sitting at the last trial just has me worried about her hips. She DOES do no-sits when feeling stressed or there is too much pressure. Which the judges were doing a lot of pressure during the whole weekend. Yet the amount she was refusing to sit was embarrassing and has me worried its physical pain versus stress.
We got 0 utility Qs and therefore 0 UDX legs and her two qualifying open runs had such poor scores she got 0 OM points. The whole weekend did not progress her to those titles I want her to have...and I would like to retired her from AKC sooner than later. Maybe I should just give up. Getting her UD was amazing and she has had fantastic runs, but I am not going to trial her for two more years to get those titles.
I also decided Aayla will not do anymore agility. I had thought maybe the ASCA senior ACE program would be okay, but if she is struggling in obedience there is no way I'm making her do any agility.
I always thought I would go back to AKC rally after I stopped having her jump 20" for obedience but if sitting is bothering her than rally isn't fair for her to do either. That's a lot more sitting.
She isn't ready to retire from training or sports, I know it. She is getting upset more and more if I don't work her when I'm working Ryker but I'm getting to this point of what can I have her do that isn't asking her to do things that possibly hurt? Do I work her because it makes her happy and accept if she says no? Will she say no? I doubt it, unless it really hurts.
I'm going to be taking her into the vet within the next few weeks, might get some hip x-rays and ask about adequan and anything else we can maybe do.
I hate this. So much. It's breaking my heart. I worry that her body is going to give out on her long before her mind is.
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solomons-poison · 6 months
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I have decided to open commissions!
My roommate and I received some bummer news that our 7 month old kitten Beau has a grade 2 or 3 heart murmur. It was discovered when we took him to a clinic to get neutered, and thus had to put anything involving anesthesia on hold until he could be further evaluated by the vet. On 11/30, our vet agreed with the news stating they wouldn't recommend him going under anesthesia without heart monitors, and recommended him for a full workup with a cardiologist. Depending on his condition, testing could be costly.
We ended up opting to have him neutered at the vet so they could monitor while he's under anesthesia, which was more expensive than we had originally planned for. Beau has been neutered by the time I post this, but he will still need follow up to monitor his health and risks, and it has now put my account in the negative. I've also lost a source of income midway through October, and my roommate has lost her medical assistance meaning she'll need to look into more expensive medical coverage.
With the rising costs at my house and the loss of a source of income, I've decided to open writing commissions. I'm starting with just a few slots for now, with tentative prices that can be up for negotiation, because any help would be really appreciated. If you don't want to commission but still want to help, you can also buy me a coffee as well! This is my first time opening commissions so please be patient with me :)
I can write:
Angst/hurt (with/without comfort)
Headcanons or brief blurb
Suitor letters
Canon x OC/reader, canon x canon (poly is accepted!)
I will not do:
Explicit gore/violence/death
Explicit religious themes
Smut involving minors/pedophilia
General hate
$10 - 1000 words
$15 - 2000 words
$20 - 3000 words
[Suitor letters]
$10 each character
**I may unintentionally go over the word count you paid for, but you would not be charged for that.
My rules:
No more than three main characters total requested for a fic
Only fem reader or GN reader (I have nothing against male reader, I simply don't think I could write well in that perspective unless it's a pre-established character)
For smut requests, you are confirming that you are 18 years or older and will not be distributing or requesting this content on behalf of any minors.
Please see this post for more info on the fandoms I write for, and characters that I can or can't write.
I can post the completed commission as personal safety to prevent plagiarism and theft. I will also tag you in the completed commission post unless otherwise requested.
Please send me a DM with your request or interest or if you have any questions!
All payment will be through Paypal in order for me to create an invoice.
Availability: 2/4 slots filled
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legendofzoodles · 2 years
Smoke Signal part 4
Remember that fic I did a while ago? Well, that was meant to be a oneshot, but someone asked that I follow through on those story notes.
Time saw the questioning expressions of the other two and sighed heavily. His groggy voice cut through the icy silence, sending a chill through them all. “He’s not back, is he?”
“Explain,” said Warriors. His tone was cold. Whether intentionally or not, it sounded disturbingly like a stern order, the sort he’d issue to a subordinate when he wanted something done. Immediately.  
It was all Time needed to hear to know how he and the others felt. Begrudgingly, he sat up, leaning on an arm for support. “How did you boys sleep?”
Time met the Captain’s glare with a single sleepy eye. “It’s pretty late in the day now so you all must have slept a while. How do you feel?”
Warriors’ expression faltered. He allowed for a short pause, rubbing the back of his neck before settling on an answer, “Good- great even. Haven’t slept that well in recent memory.”
Time nodded. “Does everyone feel the same?”
A murmur of muted agreements bubbled through the air as each hero momentarily put aside their suspicions to admit that yes, they had in fact all slept well. Very well. However, the tranquil state they had all found themselves when they woke up swiftly vanished upon realising the reality of their situation.
They had all overslept, leaving themselves vulnerable and without protection in an unknown version of Hyrule for hours and one of their own had gone missing. At first, they blamed a phantom group of thieves who put a sleeping spell on them all and either made off with Wild or he went after them alone.
But then Sky woke up and he argued with Legend, sowing the seeds of the likelihood that there may be another answer. And then Time awoke, spouting out one question that almost confirmed it. Betrayal.
“Great, so we’re all feeling as fresh as daisies.” Legend was quick to cut the chatter with a snide comment. “Mind telling us now what happened last night?”
An exhausted sigh involuntarily escaped Time. It seemed that no amount of sleep would ever be enough for this man. He sat up properly and rubbed at the bags under his eyes. “Certainly,” came his curt reply before promptly standing up and stalking over to the lidded cooking pot. “It seems Wild didn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. He waited until we all fell asleep and ran off.”
“Cut the crap, you saw him didn’t you?” spat Legend also getting up. “You were on first guard. You could have stopped him!”
Genuine surprise made Time raise his eyebrows. “You honestly believe that I would’ve been the victor of that duel?”
Legend didn’t answer right away, so Hyrule spoke. “He’s got a point vet, look at him properly. He was even worse last night.” Both heroes looked towards their senior, and Legend instinctively touched his bandaged arm upon re-evaluating Time’s injuries.
“Let’s not forget Wild’s crazy high pain tolerance,” said Four, eyeing Wind’s sore hand and then Time’s reddened cheek. “That fight would’ve turned ugly fast.”
A scowl smeared across Legend’s lips. “There’s no guarantee that Wild would win-”
“You’re missing the point,” Four fiercely retorted. “Think about it! What’s the use of beating each other up to bloody pulps over someone we don’t even know and who may not even be in trouble?”  
“This is all Wild’s fault?” Wind’s small voice rang out like the tentative swing of a bell. “He just left us?”
Sky cast him a sympathetic glance. “You shouldn’t be too surprised, he was very determined last night. Even threatened to take the Master Sword without my permission.”
“He never asks for permission anyway!” The small sailor’s face crumpled, his hands absentmindedly playing with the grass at his feet. “I thought it was just Wild being Wild- like sure he tugged really hard at the sword when I tried to get him to cook, but he settled down soon enough after. That was just a spur of the moment thing.”
“Yeah, he seemed fine at dinner,” Hyrule echoed.
“Exactly,” Legend said nodding at him. “He didn’t want to fight you when you offered that challenge, and I was watching him all throughout the evening until I fell asleep. He didn’t do anything that made me think he was gonna try anything.”
“In hindsight he was too well behaved,” Warriors said, arms akimbo. “There is the issue that we all coincidentally fell asleep really suddenly and woke up hours late. If it wasn’t a spell like we initially thought, then what was it?”
“It was this.” Time heaved the large pot lid aside and draw from it a half full ceramic bowl. “He poured a sleeping potion into the pot. The purple mixed with the orange to make the soup slightly off colour and made it smell sweet- that’s what Twilight picked up on.”
A stunned silence shook through the group. The grey clouds blocking the sun had seemed to be darkening in colour, as if more were gathering to scorn the group’s naivety. To watch them untangle this petty web of deception.
Although Time understood their disbelief and inner conflict, he was surprised that none of them were considering that Wild had given them all an invaluable gift. A perfect night’s rest. Such a peaceful night’s sleep wasn’t a necessity for people like them but a luxury. They got to sleep soundly while he went off alone into the wilderness.
Despite the champion’s less than noble intensions, the outcome tells Time that there really wasn’t much harm in letting Wild go. Yes, he didn’t regret it at all.
“…and that bastard lied through his teeth,” muttered Legend, his voice a hushed whisper, but in the quiet sounded louder than a horn. “Was he mocking us?”
“Here I thought the rancher was just being particular, all stuck in his ways and whatnot.” Warriors followed his example and thought aloud. Letting whatever immediately come to mind spill out in a barely coherent stream. “That’s why- no, I should’ve…”
“Yes, I am somewhat surprised Captain,” Time ventured stepping towards him. “I thought that you of all people would be the most wary about-”
“Not a friend! I trust him with my life, I shouldn’t have to think like that with him- with any of you.” He had walked close enough for Warriors to see that there was still a pool of the wretched soup still lingering in the bowl. Without warning he battered it out of the Time’s hand and grabbed his collar, jerking him forward so harshly the grubby fabric threatened to tear. “You saw him do it. Forget letting him go after we all fell asleep, I can buy that a fight between the two of you could have gone either way, but you could have told us what he did! Right there as he was serving all our bowls you could have said something!”
“I was half expecting one of you to. Wild’s never been good at being subtle.” Time said. He’d meant it as an honest observation but in only seemed to anger the group more. Perhaps that potion was still having its effects on him; in truth he couldn’t feel bothered enough to take their rage seriously.
“I saw too, and I think Sky did as well,” Wind admitted, hanging his head. “I thought it was just part of the recipe.”
“Same here.” Sky mirrored his tone. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Wasn’t completely sure,” Time admitted. “You’re right Captain, he was very docile last night. At first I thought that bottle was to help soothe the pain of our injuries.”
“But he didn’t have any of it!” Four burst out. Though he tried to play it off as part of the interrogation, the stares from his teammates showed it was obvious that had only just occurred to him. “Uh, you didn’t find that strange?”
“We didn’t…” Hyrule’s small voice reminded them.
Time stretched out, letting his head roll to the side as he rubbed out a kink in his neck. “I was a quarter into my bowl before I realised that-”
“You had some?!” cried Legend. “Knowing what it was?!”
Warriors eyes grew wide and he felt his heart drop. “Who was keeping watch the entire night?”
“I did.” Time didn’t miss a beat in easing the worried glances of all the eyes on him. “That stuff’s good, but not strong enough to do me any favours.”
That didn’t seem to quell the unease, furrowed brows and upturned lips still faced the Hero of Time. Sky decided to be their voice, eying their leader up and down before asking, “Did you sleep at all then?”
“Sure.” An answer he was more than used to saying. Disregarding the doubtful stares, he set about clearing up his bedroll, urging the others to clean up too. “Now look, there’s no rush but after this mess is dealt with we need to find Wild. Everyone pack up and get ready to head out. Except you Hyrule, can you and Twilight see if you can rustle up some sort of breakfast?”
“Yeah okay,” Hyrule said, holding back a frown when Wind whispered, “Make it edible,” as he walked past. He went over to the cooking pot and relit it, only to remember: “Wait guys, Twilight’s not back yet-”
“I’ll call him.” Legend sighed and trundled over to where his stuff had been neatly lain out by Four and Warriors during their investigation. He rummaged through a particularly small bag, as the others were doing their own thing around him, and pulled out-
“Is that a dog whistle?!”
Wind’s screech was almost loud and high pitched enough to render the item in question useless. He stared at it, eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets either due to sheer surprise or the strain of holding in his laughter. The entire camp was struggling to keep their composure, even Time had the smallest curl of his lips.
Four sucked in the air through his teeth, head shaking slowly. “He’s not gonna like that…”
“That’s what he gets for running off.” Legend shrugged, holding the shiny instrument between two fingers. “If only this worked on champion.”
Thanks for reading! Next chapter will probably be the last one, and a long one :)
Smoke Signal part 1
Smoke Signal part 2
Smoke Signal part 3
Recovered Regrets
Story notes:
Warriors has been drugged before. Not by someone close to him, it was part of a plot by some thieves to knock out all of the guards and knights on duty before stealing the Royal Family’s treasures. He found out about the potion a little too late and was slow to stop them, but it worked out in the end. Took a bit of a toll on his psyche though. Until now he’s worked on lowering his walls and dropping some of his old habits and way of thinking to better connect with the group. Wild’s betrayal may or may not have undone some of that progress
Poor Time, all the potion did to him was make him relax a little. As he said it wasn’t strong enough to affect him. He’s built up quite a tolerance for that kind of stuff
Legend has all sorts in his inventory, I don’t think that a dog whistle is much of a stretch. Up until now only Four and Twilight knew he had one
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We have the car back and just got home from Mandanas aquapuncture appointment. She did well. Her back is still tender so at one point she wanted to stop, so we let her. When I asked if she wanted to try again she enthusiastically agreed and held still for the rest of the injections.
I discussed her back problem with the vet and here’s what we know. Mandana has arthritis in her spine (spondylosis). It’s only in one spot which indicates it was most likely her spine trying to stabilize itself after an injury. It was on her 2 year X-rays that the other vet missed, so it had to have happened when she was a puppy or adolescent because it takes some time for the calcification to develop. When I picked her up the breeder said she had her with an adolescent Malinois but had to separate them because the bigger dog was too rough with her. The vet said it’s possible the older dog was playing and came down on her back causing the injury which later developed arthritis.
This video was taken a few days after we brought her home. You can see how arched and tight her back is. I had her evaluated by a vet and asked about some of her behaviors that seemed off. I told him that she has been running and then falling over forward an unusual amount. More than I’ve seen other puppies do, but he assured me she was fine and was a normal healthy puppy.
Besides the breeder reported incident, there are a few possibilities of when it could have happened.
As a puppy, she jumped off some playground equipment as I was walking with her down the stairs. I watched her land shoulder first into the loose mulch and kept a close eye on her but she never showed any limping or soreness after that.
As an older puppy, her longline got caught on the tree when she got the zoomies and when she reached the end it was a hard stop. She was wearing a well fitted harness and didn’t show signs of injury afterwards.
As an adolescent we were playing in the snow and she unexpectedly jumped into the air. When she landed her feet came out from under her. She did seem sore after that. If I asked her to trot she had a barely noticeable limp on one side. It was gone within a day and that was just a couple of months before her X-ray.
All of those things make me cringe. Despite my best efforts, accidents happened. I always tried to follow up with the best care possible and I learned how to better predict her behavior and prevent stuff like that from happening. I would hate to think this lifelong injury is from something I did wrong but in truth it could have been.
The good thing is that the vet doesn’t think she has the progressive genetic version of this Although it’s still possible she could be genetically predisposed to developing it after injury. Most likely she won’t get worse until she starts to age and at that point it’s normal for most dogs to develop arthritis. Surgery is not an option. The only thing we can do is what we’ve been doing:
Rehab her back.
Build up the muscles in her top line through gradual conditioning exercises.
Choose activities she enjoys and if she shows signs of soreness lessen the intensity until she is comfortable.
Watch for any changes that might indicate the arthritis is progressing.
She will never do heavy mobility. She can pick up items for me and maybe on good days she can close doors and turn off lights but I will never ask her to brace and I will never ask her to do forward momentum. Those are two tasks I really needed but it was always a possibility she wouldn’t be able to do heavy mobility work and that’s ok. She is an amazing medical alert service dog (she even did a heart rate alert while she was getting aquapuncture done this morning!) My main concern right now is that she is comfortable traveling and doing public access outings.
I also want to make sure she is stable enough to exercise so we can build up her muscles and keep weight off. I don’t think she will ever be able to do joring but maybe running tandem with me on a bike is something we could work towards. She certainly has the leash skills for it and it’s something she seems to enjoy. In the future we will probably trade in her carpetmill for a slatmill so she can exercise without the added resistance. If she’s comfortable traveling I could take her to the lake for swimming during week days.
There are so many things we can do together. Her lifespan is short. I want to make her time with me enjoyable. Adventures without pain afterwards. And who knows, maybe when things are all said and done we’ll have a little prospect puppy tagging along and learning how awesome it is to be a service dog.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
OK Clyde I know you posted about advice for incoming grad students. Any advice for starting to look at grad school and narrowing down for what I wanna do for programs?
I’m a rising junior in undergrad, and I definitely feel the stress of grad school coming.
You can do this!! Yeah, it's daunting, but if you enjoy being in school (like me) it's a lot of fun too :)
Okay, basic advice that immediately popped into my head:
Evaluate the program, not the school itself. At this point you're heading into a far more narrow form of education, so you want to prioritize what a specific program is offering -- faculty, research focuses, advancements to the field, financial aid (that's a BIG piece), etc. -- more than whether this is simply a Good School™. I applied to a couple of places that made my friends do a double-take because the school was known for subjects that weren't anywhere in my wheelhouse and it only made sense when I explained that they also had this other, lesser-known, but still excellent track.
That being said, a school's reputation is nothing to sneeze at... Though it's elitist and it sucks, employers do pay attention to where you've gone -- certain names will always jump out on a CV. I still remember discussing my options with a friend in my college library, listing off my options, and once I hit the Good School™ I'd gotten into his response was, "Why the fuck are you considering anything else??" and... yeah. Provided the school also offers what you're personally looking for, snag it if you can.
Think ahead to career options. You may already know precisely what you want to do with your degree, but if not take a look at a school's placement data, both to get a sense of the options and how well these graduates have done. Hell, look even if you are set on a certain track because so many careers are difficult -- if not downright impossible -- to break into nowadays. Paying attention to the supposedly unconventional careers attached to a degree + how well the school has done in navigating its graduates towards specific fields can alleviate some of the stress of entering the workforce.
Similarly, check out what current/former students have to say about the program. This is where social media really comes in handy. For this, dodge the official publications put out by the school and take some time to dive into the individual stories. Like buying an apartment, it's useful to talk to your neighbors, so to speak, who already have some insight into how things are run. For example, back in the day when my father was going after his master's he was essentially stonewalled because the school didn't want to give up his cheap teaching labor. Oh, you're ready to graduate? Turns out we suddenly want you to do all this additional coursework! Obviously take stories with a grain of salt, especially since any school is going to have its problems, but if you hear a lot of stuff along the lines of, "Well, they look great on the outside, but when you're actually here..." that's something to consider in your choice.
Pay attention to geographical location. As mentioned in that other ask, your graduate career will be a lot less, well, college-y. You'll be a professional, likely working part time (at least), and you'll be settling in to your adult life if you haven't already. So your thought process should be a lot less, "Omg the campus is beautiful and the dorms are so cute and look at the dining hall menu--" and far more "Hmm what are the rents like in this area? Do I know anyone in this city? Will I need to buy a car if I go here? Where's the nearest vet for my cat?" Hopefully such pragmatic concerns aren't fully driving your decision -- I'd hate for you to choose a program you're not as excited about solely because you can't afford to live elsewhere -- but finances and accessibility are inevitably a factor.
What are the admission qualifications and graduate requirements? The first part should be an obvious question while looking at schools, but I can't tell you how many people I've encountered over the years who get excited about a place only to stumble when they realize they lack something to apply, or need to do additional work they just don't have the time/energy/money for: another course or two, an entrance exam, etc. That second bit is about looking ahead again. Pay attention to what this program will ask of you -- you can contact the graduate admissions office for more info if you want -- and weigh that against your needs and goals. For example, I was already wedded to a graduate school for other reasons, but a side-bonus was that they allowed students to continue taking a language as coursework rather than testing in one. As someone who absolutely sucks at foreign languages but is a diligent student, that would have been a big draw all on its own.
Side-note: PUT TIME AND EFFORT INTO YOUR APPLICATION. That should also go without saying, but a good showing is a massive undertaking, so your application is not something to put off until the last minute. Plus, some of what you create -- a CV, research statements, etc. -- will form the foundation of your academic portfolio. The topics I spoke about in applying to work with specific faculty members would eventually inform my dissertation and when it came time to publish, the relief of already having a well-composed CV was pretty great. So work at your application, but remember that it's by no means a reflection of your worth. People are rejected for a thousand different reasons and part of continuing your schooling is finding ways to move past that inevitable disappointment. In the words of the wise Picard:
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esr10 · 8 months
Trying to decipher if I'm the bad guy in this situation...
So I'm doing a group project with this girl (among other people, but I'm meant to be working closest with her) and she's been sick and not showing up to like 97% of the classes and group evaluations we have. She's also not been delivering her stuff when the deadlines are due, but that's her issue at the end of the day. But I asked her to send in a list of equipment she needs for the project (just a draft) for a presentation I was holding of our current folder and she promised to send it, but then she sent me a message late at night saying she had migraines. Mind you... coworkerclassmateirl told me she was by the store buying jeans... BUT I DIGRESS!!! She also didn't send the shot list I NEEDED in order to do my work until very, very late and that set me back a lot so I'm like... UGH!!! I want to believe and validate her illness/sickness and all that jazz, but at the same time, she keeps inconveniencing me AND I'm just not that gullible.
So last Thursday, me and her were meant to go on excursions to find places to shoot and I kid you not, 20 mins before we're meant to meet, she sends me a message saying her dog was sick last night and had to go to the vet and the dog has cancer....... AND I'M SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE THAT? Send me the vet bills! If he has cancer, I'll pay for it... I DON'T WANNA BE A BAD PERSON, but she's to me the girl who cried wolf wolf and I'm at my wits end with her because this project means so much to me.
Anyways, I just aired her message because after having me wake up early in the morning to get ready, get on a bus and hit the city center, I got stood up..... and this is the second time she's stood me up so I was just so fucking over it. I only messaged back today asking if she's available tomorrow for a rescheduled excursion. No "I wish your dog a speedy recovery," just a BE THERE OR BE SQUARE. I'M GONNA KMS!!!!!!
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doberbutts · 2 years
About Evander
This will be the Evander masterpost while I work on getting his behavior to an adoptable point. Evander’s had a pretty hard life up to this point and thus there will be a few trigger warnings on this post and a few others discussing him, though if you won’t want to hear about him at all feel free to block the #evander tag.
Evander is what appears to be a yorkie mix possibly with wirehaired terrier. He is somewhere between 6 months and 12 months old. He was found tied to a porch in southern CT in rough shape and with a nasty looking wound on his forepaw. Xrays revealed clues that someone seems to have intentionally cut three of his toes off with a sharp object, then vet-wrapped the wound and let it fester and rot. The infection reached to the bone by the time he was found, and the treating hospital chose to amputate the entire leg.
Evander has been in rescue for roughly 2 months and has made great strides improving his physical health. However he still carries a lot of trauma from what happened to him, and although he was adopted out after about a month, he was returned in 2 weeks due to his behavior. The ACOs who dealt with him prior have reported that his mental state is worse after having been returned- while they don’t believe he was being treated poorly, they do believe the adopters were mishandling his fear and causing him to lash out more. He was not doing well within the shelter system due to stress and depression, so they reached out to a friend of mine who reached out to me because I’m hideously soft-hearted.
After a thorough evaluation, I can say that when he is not reacting from fear and trauma, Evander is a wonderfully friendly and happy little dog who is all terrier. He treats every challenge with gusto and wants to run and play just like any other dog. He has no problems navigating slippery floors or stairs despite his new disability, and he loves to pounce and shred toys. He is outwardly friendly to new people as well as to those he likes, very willing to invent a bounce-and-play game or even ask for a belly rub. He is highly food and toy motivated and learns quickly what does and does not get him rewarded.
UPDATE 06/13/22 Evander knows sit fairly well, but needs some assistance and additional motivation for down. He has no recall, challenges gates, and doordashes. He is very happy to learn for a hot dog or a thrown ball. Despite missing a leg, he does pull on walks. He will pursue any small prey he happens upon and absolutely loves sticking his face- or half his entire body- into a hole after a critter. He enjoys flirt pole and tug- I think he would like barn hunt if his future owner was interested.
However, Evander also has some concerning behaviors. The most concerning is his inability to regulate his own emotions- when something tips him over the boiling point, he will lash out either at whatever is in front of him or he will turn and aggress the person holding the leash. He has not broken skin and despite being given plenty of opportunity to bite me had chosen over and over to only have flash and noise, however I do not doubt that he will back up the threat if pushed to that point. Evander also has a hard time calming himself down even once the trigger is gone- he will continue to look for the trigger or for something/someone to lash out at for several minutes after the initial reaction. During all of these instances, I was able to convince him to switch his energy from fear aggression to rough play with a toy once the trigger had disappeared and space had been made away from anyone for him to lash out at.
The majority of Evander’s explosive reactions occur during resource guarding of food items and after quick motions are made especially if they are made towards him. During my evaluation, I switched my crossed legs, and he spent several minutes on edge warily watching everyone’s feet. He has apparently gone after feet and shoes in the past when in this state. I would not be surprised if he is expecting to be kicked. According to the ACOs, when the person who adopted him dropped a pen with him on a bed nearby and then went to grab it from the ground quickly, he ran forward and bit them on the hand. Again, he did not break skin, but it appeared the quick, swooping motion was the problem. The person also reported that he had some trouble calming down from this situation and continued to growl and snarl over the pen for some time before abandoning it. One of the ACOs reported when he was recovering from surgery, he lived in her house and displayed the same behavior when she tried to clean potty mess off the floors.
Supposedly there are also times where “nothing” triggers this emotional state for him, and again he will lash out at whatever comes close enough to him to do so. This is new and was not present prior to his adoption, and this particular problem is reportedly getting worse the longer he remains at the shelter after being given back. He also did not used to guard his food bowl or general food items, it prior to being adopted was restricted only to bones and chews, but that also appears to have worsened since his failed adoption.
UPDATE 06/13/22 Evander has not resource guarded anything from me since coming here, but did have a few explosions over a package of hot dogs he couldn’t reach while at the shelter. He did, however, have a particularly nasty tantrum when I reached for his foot while he was licking it. After a few moments, he did let me investigate the sore on his foot caused by the shift in weight. He is fairly possessive with toys and has “bitten” me while grabbing for the toy during play- not hard enough to hurt and not always intentional. He does engage in puppy biting when overstimulated or overaroused.
It is for this reason that Evander is not currently considered adoptable, but the hope is that with some time and behavior modification while in my home environment he will be. He is a nice, active, friendly dog who has some serious demons. Stay tuned as eventually I will put a gofundme up for Evander’s medical care and cost of care to help out the ACOs who cared enough about this tiny dog to reach out a compassionate hand to help.
Evander seems to be barrier aggressive with other animals, but willing to redirect provided space is made and treats are offered. Once he redirects away from the other animals, he seems somewhat curious but overall unsure of how to proceed if barking and lunging is the incorrect answer. When in his crate, he is about 50/50 on whether he barks at my dogs when passing by. The ACOs did not know if he would be good with other dogs and thus have not introduced him to dogs, and he is not cat tested but did bark and lunge at my neighbor’s outdoor cat when she was in my driveway. In fairness, so does Sushi, and Sushi is cat safe.
UPDATE 06/13/22 Evander is curious and wants to interact, but does not understand how to play with my dogs. He playbows at them but then engages in overly rough dart-and-bite and becomes afraid/avoidant when they reply in kind. He is, however, very content to be neutral if they are being neutral, and has for the most part stopped barking at them when they pass his room. He did try to fencefight with Fae, who returned his initial terrier square-up-and-bark, when he first passed her crate on the way into my house upon arrival. They have resolutely ignored each other since.
If you are interested in following Evander’s story or in adopting Evander, please follow my #evander tag while he is with me. This particular rescue is local-government-funded, meaning adopters for Evander must meet their requirements and fill out an application on their website. As Evander progresses with me, I will post their website when he becomes more adoptable. I believe the adoption radius will need to be CT and the surrounding states for legal reasons.
Evander’s case is also a legal matter, so I do know a little more but I may not share details while the perpetrator of his abuse is being investigated.
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Do think that Kristoph would be the type of person to stop whatever he is doing to pet or approach a dog?
Oooo that's a tricky question. My initial instinct was no, but then Shi-Long Lang is canonically like this even though one might not expect it. So who knows?
After thinking it over, I think my answer would be "it depends." I feel that there is a clear canine hierarchy in Kristoph's mind. There is his perfect clams princess Vongole at the top--and then, there is literally every other dog who did not have the good fortune to be born Vongole.
I think that the to a lesser extent, Kristoph's love for Vongole might extend to other dogs but I'm not sure it would automatically lead him into "omg, dog. must pet" mindset. However, there would be some exceptions.
If the dog is exceptionally beautiful. Vongole is of course, the most beautiful (and smartest) dog in the world in Kristoph's mind, but I think he still would be quite struck if he saw another lovely, well-groomed dog (esp one of a different breed--so less directly comparable to Vongole) and would want to seek it out and say hello, especially to evaluate if this dog might be a good friend for Vongole--assuming their owner is also up to Kristoph's standards.
If Kristoph really misses Vongole . Kristoph would also be more likely to approach a new doggo if he really misses his best girl. Maybe Kristoph had to travel for work and couldn't take his doggo, so he tries to live vicariously through a nice dog he sees on the street. Or there were probably a handful of times were Vongole needed to spend the night at the vet's when she was sick, and Kristoph just felt so lonely without her that any dog would bring him comfort.
If Kristoph is having a no-good, very bad day. Occasionally, Kristoph's anxiety might get so high that he needs immediate calming but can't go home to see Vongole and get it. However, if he sees a nice-looking dog on the street, it might help bring him out of a potential/imminent panic attack, so he would go and bask in calming canine presence--even if it's not nearly as therapeutic as Vongole's presence is.
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we had our second training session with our trainer the other day.
she doesn't think mischa will be able to do PA. which... now, yeah, he can't - he's too nervous and hasn't been trained to anywhere near that level. but i think, with time and training and building up his confidence, we will at least have a shot...
she also said that we need / should get xrays from the vet before we do mobility work. which is true but also... so expensive... and we don't have an osteo specialist vet here, only one that is knowledgeable but not a specialist.
i've also been re-evaluating what i need from mischa, and i think i don't need him to do bracing, only counterbalance. counterbalance is still a mobility task, so we'd still need him to be carefully trained and evaluated by a vet, but maybe we could get away with not doing xrays...?
i dunno, i want to focus on psych tasks first anyway since that's my biggest need.
the trainer also said that she very much doubts if mischa can come with me on my surgery trip, which i'm obviously disappointed about but... not really surprised. maybe i could bring him with me as a pet...
as for actual training, misch has a solid Touch / Target now, so we'll start transferring it to targets other than my hand. we haven't started training Paws Up yet (i... forgot lol). in the training session we just had, we started practicing standing in position for bracing / counterbalance.
anyway, i plan to do donna hill's service dog training institute programs and once we get up to the PA ones, i'll have another session with our trainer and get her opinion on if he can start PA training or not.
the trainer said to start PA at dog parks, then dog friendly public places, and then non-dog friendly public places, but a friend (who has an AD) suggested doing it the opposite, since in non-dog places theres obviously no other dogs or interesting doggy smells to get distracted by. and the few times we've done PA training he's done very well considering his lack of PA/AD training in general...
i think, with time and dedication and training (and a good deal of stubbornness, which he and i both have...!), we'll get there. i'm not in a rush!
(the trainer also asked if i could consider getting another dog for AD training... not a good sign. but i would love to, i just can't at the moment. not for another year at least. i did contact a collie breeder just to get some info and see if they had any experience with ADs. but thats for the future...)
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a compilation of kara zor-el headcanons
i think her official social media as supergirl would be all very nice and neat professional posts typical for superhero social media, and then when you check her likes they are 99% cat videos.
she has the absolute funniest but also surprisingly thoughtful mentor-mentee dynamic with hal jordan. think of it as "the third cousin/uncle crawling out of his midlife crisis arc desperately trying his best in everything and the sweetest alien girl you will ever meet who has just been through the most traumatic experience of her life". i will write an entire post about this later, though this is also currently meriting an entire fic.
absolutely ADORES sanrio characters. i think she has an entire plushie collection, though there's definitely a soft spot for pompompurin.
in terms of music taste, i think kara is very much a vocaloid fan. there's something about her loving hatsune miku that feels very right to me.
it's inconsistent dependent on the continuity but i'm going with her pre-crisis origins when i personally think that she had a great relationship with her kryptonian parents, and absolutely loved them. i think even on krypton, there were things about kara that were whatever their equivalent of neurodivergent was and while she may not have ever been formally evaluated as autistic her parents knew there were things about their daughter that made her different from other kids, and did their best to try and understand and respect that.
speaking of which - and maybe this is projection seeing as how i'm autistic - but i absolutely think kara is autistic.
you know that one person who takes way too long finishing up their drawing when it's game night and you're all playing pictionary together? that is kara.
in college, she runs a talk show at their local radio station and i think at least one person has called in asking "can you get supergirl on the show"
if anyone remembers the stinky bastard man post about the cat, kara is the one holding up streaky and swinging him around, declaring him as the "stinky bastard man".
in my take streaky doesn't have superpowers, but the way kara found him was that he was rooting around in the dumpster outside of their house visibly injured and she walked in with this hissing orange gremlin creature in her arms knowing that of course, she and lois would need to stop by the animal clinic to check for a microchip and then get him to the vet, but somehow she had already grown attached to stinky bastard man and desperately wanted to keep him.
and she did.
i also think kara would probably be a big arknights fan, and her favorites would be saileach and goldenglow - the former because of some similarities in their appearance and personality, and the latter because she's a cute pink cat. is absolutely one of those people who gets a little indignant when people mistake goldenglow for a dog.
during her first day at school, she ended up so overwhelmed from sensory overload during one of her classes that she punched a hole through the desk and then offered to pay for it later with her own money when she and clark were at the principal's office about it.
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gameonoverdogcom · 6 months
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moonlight26posts-blog · 6 months
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Permission to repost from a shelter staff member who works every single day to firsthand try to save lives. She is one of my heroes:
"I was going back and forth about making a post like this for awhile, but I think Spot (yes, it’s meant to be Spot, but oh well) is a good example to use for this. Shelters and rescues get blasted a lot for not “saving them all,” or “euthanizing healthy animals,” but A LOT of the time people don’t understand the concern for safety that comes into play for behavioral euthanasia. (Disclaimer: pause here as Spot is not “at risk” of euthanasia, take a breath, calm down, read on).
Anyone I’ve worked with knows the pride I take in handling aggressive animals, especially fearful ones. I have never had to fight a dog so hard to get him out of the kennel as I did with Spot. There was a lot of lunging, growling, and snapping before I used a karunda bed to corner him (so there was a physical barrier between us since he was “resisting” being leashed) and lassoed him. Once out of the kennel, he calmed down some, warmed up for some food, and after some time we attempted to muzzle him-which he immediately snapped at. At that point with the behavior seen, Spot was placed on a control pole for extra support of things went south, while also being on a leash, and being fed wet food all for a vet to be able to vaccinate him with vaccines he’s likely never had. That’s 4 people being used to get one exam done. Spot was started on behavior medication to try and ease the transition of being in a shelter, since as a stray we don’t know what his background is.
Today, when I went to get him out, Spot only snapped at the leash once when I went to get him out. While he’s improved in a short amount of time, his behavior still needs to improve to determine his placement. With that said, Spot made a lot of friends today, though he still clearly has trust issues with people (to be fair, same). Spot still needs a formal behavior evaluation-which is still a couple days away-but until then he’ll still be socialized to TRY to get him more comfortable in a shelter setting.
There are still two big things I really want to resonate with people, that behavior evaluation is going to tell if Spot is going to be able to remain in the shelter setting, as the safety of people need to be taken into account when placing animals. Another point, people don’t seem to understand shelters are not meant to be long term placement for animals. Animals can deteriorate in a shelter, and it is not a pleasant thing to see or watch, which is why many are attempted to be placed as quickly as possible. Spot has shown he is still fearful, and aside from some offensive aggression at the beginning, he has shown improvements, but still has not shown his true colors. Staff will continue to work with him, as they try with EVERY animal, but there’s no guarantee he will be considered safe to adopt out.
While overall shelters have gotten better support from the public, but there are still people that don’t understand that people that work in shelters give their all to every animal. Even those that don’t make it out, our hearts break for them. We all get attached, and we all are broken hearted again, and again, and again; but we keep going because there will always be more that need us. We are not the ones that fail them, we will always try to save them, but some are too far gone to turn around.
So for Spot and every other animal in a shelter, we’ll keep going."
Please share this post far and wide, the person who wrote it wishes to remain anonymous, please be grateful for her insight and honor her wish. Thank you!
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whatisshelties · 7 months
Random dog angsting/progress?
I really want to play agility with Mud again. :( I don't think I'm going to push for it full time but ugh, there are so many dogs that look less sound than Mud and run on a regular basis. I still have to work through his crating stress, but like, I need to do that for any sport at this point. :( Well....there are online options for NADAC so we could do that if I can't get over the crating bs.
It really frustrates me that his body is so....delicate?????? It's ridiculous how easily he gets out of whack. He doesn't look awful right now and actually has pretty good posture for fitness exercises, but his weaves were wonky today. I have no idea if it's surface though, because my ground is way rough, rocky, and filled with weeds that can have prickles. I'm curious to see how his back is doing, since we've got a massage this week. I'm pretty sure the back is from he and Anza playing, since they both had ouchie backs. Mud's back has been pretty good most of this year, so that's the big change.
I'm still so torn on if I want to get another dog soon. Like, I want another dog to play sports with, but they are pets first. So the home situation is what we're doing 95% of the time, and what matters most. I really do think Anza is a lot more comfortable now that it is just her and Mud. She's acting more like a "normal" pet dog and not spending as much time alone in her crate. She enjoys training and is participating a bit more in toy and personal play/interaction with me. She actually slept in my bed most of last night!!!!
Mud has been like "wtf is this" when Anza's in the bed, but he would need to acclimate to that if I were to get a new dog. Sometimes I think he'd need more work than Anza to accept a new dog. So much has me leaning towards not getting another dog in the near future. I just don't feel like dealing with this. My mom told me she actually kind of likes having one dog, though she still really misses Anza and thinks Sasha would like to have another dog to play with.
And on the next dog front, if I did end up getting another dog in the near future, the rescue I have a hold on actually would probably fit my current "budget" better, lol. She's spayed/vetted and will have had some foundation training. A puppy is gonna be multi-k to purchase, then I have to alter them if I want to do that, and vet them and everything. I don't think I've got the cash for that right now. I'd probably need another year or two to save up for a puppy.
Which with my current feelings/situation, honestly probably is the best thing to do. That said, it's tough, because a 1-3 yr old is what I would like to take. You have passed the puppy bs and you know if they're physically sound. I also have respect for the rescue owner's evaluation of dogs. Though there are a lot of young adult shelties around here that need to be placed, so maybe that's an option, too.
I can't remember if I've word vomited about some of these points before, but I felt like doing it. Especially because it's like, I'm angsting about this, but also Anza is like...making some progress? It's tough because I don't want to halt or undo her progress. She really doesn't have any realistic options if she can't stay here. And all for what? So I can throw money at dog training/events? (They are fun. And that's been my social outlet for 20 yrs.)
I keep thinking this: "Why can't dogs just be fun?"
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namelesschurch · 11 months
Weekly update:
After getting "dog'd", I seem to have gained plenty of sloth from it. I have not been able to discern my particular species of dog.
It is troubling that the World Boundary did not block that magic, but at the same time, I think it will only block that which is directly harmful. That implies the Boundary has some ability to judge - perhaps a degree of intelligence?
It is tiring to focus. Rather just sleep. Waiting for Lev to come home. Maybe she'll come back this weekend. Show her that I am the dog that I know I always was instead of the fox she always claims that I am. That'll be nice.
The thoughts are going to be a bit disordered. Focusing as a dog is difficult.
The "Find Mokuba" crew. Crowley and Sarandiel have updated me on the situation. She and Siege and Comet are helping. There has not been any change in the Find Mokuba crew beyond their imprisonment into Virtual Reality Capsules? Given Lev was able to send a message, it is Minor-World-like, though she hasn't sent a message after.
Part of this is due to the 1 month ban that sketchyonlooker put on her for using the Indirect Chat wrongly. Still not sure who that it is. I thought it was the name of a Blank Canvas, but that does not seem to be the case as bringing it up to Chi gently did not yield any knowledge about it. The BC's seem ignorant, though they always act like that when they don't care about something.
Stil, the fact that she still registers online as < Mistral > is promising. She'll be fine. Everyone will be fine. Just gotta have Faith.
penofdamocles: Mads has accompanied me on my dog escapades, but I'll talk about that later. I'll start at the beginning of the week. It seems that having the shelter in the inn has worked for his mood - everyone's mood admittedly. His healing ability is pretty impressive on the stray animals - able to heal very acute injuries without a mark, which makes sense given if I recall.. he described his ability as some sort of temporal regression?
It doesn't work on malnutrition though, but my vets aren't for show - and Mads did most of the hard work anyway. We've put most of the animals that need more TLC on a special diet to expedite their healing. Most of those that have been healed have already left. Only some of the older ones, I suppose tired of a life on the streets, have stuck around. Luckily the animals that are attracted to the Inn are sapient and intelligent enough to sense its strangeness. It won't take much to train them to do the basic things like going outside to use the bathroom, bark at intruders, and of course sheepherding.
What am I talking about?
Anyway, when Mads accompanied me on my dog escapade, we went to the arts and crafts store, and it seems he is especially sensitive to the wooden mannequins, particularly if they are visible as such. He does not seem to have trouble with those that are online or already painted? He didn't seem to have trouble with the toymaker's final design either.
He also seems to be sensitive to the wood blocks, so things that can be made into mannequins. I forgot to inquire further - nor was it a proper venue to ask anyway - given that we went for ice cream and I completely forgot about it.
dragmaballs (Aloisia) and plushwave (Rose): They seem to share a universe. Possibly in the same house too. They come from a world where Communism is apparently Green, there was a revolution some time ago which made the nobles ex-, and a bunch of other interesting items that I will need to further evaluate.
Aloisia is someone I've been getting along with. Can't tell if it's because we have the same sense of humor that I'm not particularly allowed to express in my reality's public or just her rambunctious nature. We're gonna be part of a gang, apparently with plushwave if she is the second.
plushwave has an incredibly dry sense of humor with a tendency towards absurdist humor. She is a toymaker who seems popular, given that companies want her work, and she seems good with both handcrafting and the equivalent of 3-D printing in her world. I learned that the stuff Mads and I got in the craft store all went to her. She's been willing to play along with jokes despite the dryness, so not sure if she's one of those with a cold exterior, warm interior or something else.
thunderclapd (Æthelthryth) and cazadoradeluna (Myrah): Another pair that shares a shared universe, except this one seems to be more along the lines of their universe's defending force aka Guardians. Æthelthryth is as rambunctious as they come, and from what it sounds like, a handful for their more grumpier caretaker cazadoradeluna.
Their world sounds rather fascinating with something that sounds like resurrection into their role as a Guardian. At least that's the corollary.
Erna and Kalim seemed to have interacted, and Kalim appears to be the proud owner of a Carbuncle, which appears to be an unkillable summon. Let us hope that stays true.
dill-emma: I've been following this particular account, partially because I keep seeing that account with respect to all the multiversal Gothamites that I know. It is like watching a train wreck that I can do nothing about. Recently, the girl has lost her memory, and... people have been accommodating, even if they don't necessarily like her. She isn't one of my people, so I don't feel the obligation - but she seems fairly young, doesn't she? I don't know what to do. Unfollowing would probably make me feel better, and I know she has a support system that doesn't quite like her - and an even bigger support system supporting that support system. But at the same time, it just means I'll see the other stuff related to her without getting the full picture. Maybe I'll just say hello and test the waters?
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uncannyarcana · 11 months
Arcana Cast Occupations
I think I've finally got everyone's jobs locked down! (As far as the Grieves household goes) Brief list:
Essie - runs a podcast/webseries on folklore and cryptids with some college friends. Little bit of (noninvasive) supernatural hunting where they investigate sightings and gather evidence mixed with evaluating viewer-sent media claiming to have creepy stuff on video. Debunks the ones that show Uncanny a little too well. Their group has a name HOWEVER I need to find it in my notes it's there somewhere I promise.
Beau - Baker! Runs her own little place below her and Joel's apartment. Plus the Warden gig (which takes up 80% of her time should've thought about those repercussions before she tore Alfie's head off!)
Joel - Helps run the bakery and does the books. Worked for Claudine for a little bit when he came to the city but it didn't last long. Takes art commissions here and there, too, but gets clients through word-of-mouth. Very much the mindset of "don't monetize your hobbies".
Mags - College professor! She teaches courses on folklore and mythology (Essie took two of her classes. Cue her surprise when she finds out Beau is a family member.) She takes respect for cultures/traditions very seriously. There are things you do not name and there are words you do not say in her class. She will fail you. Don't try her. Her PhD is invaluable when the gang needs info on unfamiliar beings/creatures.
Kat: GP physician! Also comes in handy she's old enough to have filled a lot of medical positions so she knows her stuff (plus a vet twice. She takes a break from people every few centuries and jumps right back in when pet owners get to be too much) Her family likes to take advantage of this and she'd really prefer if they didn't. Stop starting shit and let the woman chill for five minutes!
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evranmersiblogs · 1 year
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Owners allege their German shepherd was ‘shockingly malnourished,’ not trained properly during stay at dog training facility
A South Florida couple has a bone to pick with a dog training business after, they say, their pet was mistreated during its stay, so they took this canine clash to court. 7’s Karen Hensel investigates.
Like many dogs, 3-year-old Nyx enjoys playing fetch.
Tommy Johnson: “She always wants play, always has the ball. She’s a sweetheart.”
She is also a big German shepherd who started to bark during walks, so Tommy Johnson and his girlfriend wanted to get Nyx trained.
Tommy Johnson: “I didn’t want people to get scared or something like that.”
They signed up with Shultz K9 Enforcement here in Oakland Park enrolling Nyx in a six and a half week program for obedience, and later added service dog training. But what started with anticipation in January, ended with frustration in February.
Tommy Johnson: “It was definitely jarring. That’s the world I’d use.”
The couple supplied Nyx’s dog food.
A month into the boarding, they texted to see if the facility needed more, but they were assured “Nyx is good on food.”
Since they knew how much their dog ate, they became concerned she was not being fed enough.
Tommy Johnson: “What we realized that, you know, the math on food wasn’t adding up. We decided, ‘Hey, we need to go the next morning and get her.'”
That turned out to be easier said than done.
The day the couple arrived to pick up Nyx, they said staff would not release the dog, so they called police.
Karen Hensel: “So you had to call the police to have your own dog returned to you after paying $8,000?”
Tommy Johnson: “Yes, that’s correct.”
Inside, things got heated between the couple and business owner Fritz Monfiston, Jr., who goes by Fritz Shultz, with Nyx chained in the background barking.
Tommy Johnson: “He was like, ‘does this look like an unhealthy dog to you?'”
They were eventually allowed to take their dog.
Tommy Johnson: “Her hip bones were very able to be felt, and like all of her ribs. It was heartbreaking. Immediately we knew she had lost weight, and it was just a matter of how much.”
An immediate trip to the vet showed Nyx had lost 13 pounds, what the doctor called significant weight loss in five weeks.
Tommy Johnson: “The vet said that was deeply concerning, that’s a dangerous rate of weight lost. Yeah, we’re angry.”
Angry and now suing Shultz K9 Enforcement believing an electronic collar was used “indicating that Nyx was improperly shocked and abused” and “shockingly malnourished and dirty.”
A different trainer later evaluated Nyx, finding she “was not properly trained in even the basic obedience.”
Tommy Johnson: “It’s definitely scary. It’s frustrating.”
In a statement to 7 Investigates, the trainer’s attorney said, “Neither he nor the Shultz team would do anything to hurt any animals or their owners,” adding all dogs in their care “are properly trained and properly cared for,” and they “deny all the allegations made” by the couple.
But others have also complained about the facility.
One woman filed this complaint with the state saying she paid $2,500 and got her puppy back “totally untrained.”
Online reviews are mixed.
One calling Shultz “the best dog trainer in South Florida.” Another claiming his dog “lost 20% of his body weight.”
Police Sgt. Rafael Florencio is a dog trainer and K9 supervisor for a South Florida police department.
While he cannot comment specifically about Nyx, he says this about an otherwise healthy dog losing 13 pounds.
Sgt. Rafael Florencio: “A healthy dog should not be losing that much weight throughout training.”
Florencio said when choosing a trainer, to do your homework and remember this:
Sgt. Rafael Florencio: “When we first start day one with training, one of the biggest things that I tell my clients is, I point out the tail wag, and I say, ‘You see this dog’s tail wagging? This is what I never want to lose. I never want to lose the happiness of this dog.'”
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