#so does Aziraphale
myosotisbella · 11 months
"My car is not yellow. It has never been yellow. It is not going to be yellow now! Change it back!"
"But it's pretty."
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peacefulomens · 3 months
I finished season 2! I think I’m not as wrecked as I thought I might be based on the spoilers I’ve seen partially because of the spoilers. But also because it makes so much sense for it to end the way it ended. I’m still processing, but will definitely have Thoughts
There was a lot of tragic moments in the last episode.
Slight spoilers:
The tragedy is that while Crowley & Aziraphale have been essentially married for centuries, it’s never been spoken. Nina & Maggie were so valid for telling Crowley they needed to talk. And it had to be Crowley, not Aziraphale, because Crowley could actually listen while Aziraphale wouldn’t pay attention.
The tragedy is that Gabriel & Beelzebub were able to be happy together because they were willing to let everything else go, while Aziraphale still optimistically believes he can change things for the better. Crowley’s absolutely right about Heaven & Hell being toxic. I’m so glad he finally said it.
Honestly the look on Crowley’s face when he suggested Alpha Centuri was worse than Aziraphale saying he forgave him. And that call back is so fascinating, as the context of the first season is so different
Oh yeah: “We call it the Second Coming”??? Jesus???
I can totally see Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett talking about a sequel where JC comes back to Earth & how the disaster husbands would manage it
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amagnificentobsession · 7 months
He’s just like the sweetest little popsicle stick you can’t stop licking 🔥🔥🔥
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Note: OK, first things first, I started drawing this while traveling on a bus, in an Easternish Europian country, so the roads were very bumpy and it was hard to write, so I'm going to write here the texts too. I hope you like this short story I came up with! ^^ (I'm obsessed with putting easter eggs into everything)
1: God: Today I unite you, God: And all shall witness.
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[Crowley hides themselves with his wings] 2: A: It's alright, my darling. No needd to cover me. God: He is right, Crowley. You can't fight anyone's fate. God: For it has already been written. God: My sweet children, I have sent humanity for you to learn from. God: And you two were the first ones, who ever did. Crowley, my fallen archangel, Raphael, guardian demon of the tree, and aid of humanity…- A: What?! You're an archangel?
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3: C: Does it matter now? A: N-no. God: Aziraphale, principality of the Eastern gate… my softest angel. Your worries may layed to rest, for from this day forward, you shan't leave one another. God: Take my gift, he will be the guardian of humanity. The fruit of your love will be Rathma. A, and C: What?! God: Demon, will you take my gift, and his hand? C: … I'd like to hear it from him first! God: Very well, angel? A: Crowley… I will.
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4: C: Then, C: I will too… God: You may kiss your spouse.
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6: later, somewhere in London [wings flap, they are falling apart, from being untangled from their wings, finally falling back into cushions at the library] C: What- What just happened? A: I think… we just got married.
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7: C: Angel. Did you really want this? C: I mean, them leaving us alone is nice and all, but… Isn't this going too fast for you? A: Crowley, dear. This was just a ceremony of spending our time together. I think we already did that for 6000 years. C: Did you not hear the part about Rathma?! A: Crowley, I will do no such thing until I know you can love me. C: Oh, so you mean to tell me, you also don't have free will. Beacuse angels can't have that.
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8: C: You just heard Her. We are on our own side. C: You didn't say yes, just because you were forced, right? A: It's not as if we can't set our own pace. She didn't say any date. C: So you do lov- A: Ahah, would you like some wine? Let's get drunk! [alcohol appears]
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9: C: …sure. I'd like to be summoned while I'm too drunk to care about the change of surroundings. If that happens again. [Bunch of alcohol later] C: My point is… Ducks! [A: again?] C: They have eggs. Real good parental defene… defenend… guardians! Put their heir in an egg! Kids fresh out the egg can run! See! Speak too! Snakes have eggs!
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10: A: So you're suggesting we should also store them in an egg? C: I-I-I I mean, I don't suppose any of us want to carry them the way others do, right? A: Like humans? C: Imagine fish… A: Ugh… I'd rather not. A: Do we even carry them? How-… Do they?… How would we even get there? I don't think others have done it before.
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11: A: How are angels born? C: Why ask me? You're the angel! A: You were an archangel! You should know more than I do! C: I-I don't know! C: God sorta just created them! In adult form. Or at least in a permanent state. C: …You don't think-. They will just show up anytime? A: She said they'll be born as the fruit of our love�� A: wait. A: If we are good and evil. Then they will be good and evil. But humans are good and evil. What if they will be human? They grow so fast!!
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12: C: I go for a longer nap and they might be old or dead! [Even more alcohol later…] A: I can't help it, I'm an 'Ngel! I'm made out of love. I can only love you. Even if you can't- [Drunk vision begins] C: No. Angel,
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13: C: I'm sorry if you ever thought that. If you ever held back because of me. Of fear I'd hurt you. C: I can't ask you to believe me, I only earned distrust for my fall. But I have loved you since the moment we first met. Even if I hate to admit it. There's no other being I want to protect more than you. If not me, the nature of the animal I've been cursed with, can be believed.
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14: A: Crowley… You just said that you love me! C: I-… I did? Aziraphale, barely can be heard: Dear, you're shaking! Are you alright? Oh don't fear, it is mutual, rea…
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[Crowley's brain has stopped working] 15: [Reality check starts, drunk vision ends] C: OFC I LOVE YOU, ANGEL! PLEASE! IT'S BEEN 6000 YEARS! hic WHAT DO YOU MEAN I GO TOO FAST FOR YOU?!! HUMANS NEED LIKE ONE YEAR. Why do you think I slept so much?! "Devil don't sleep", Angel! I-… [reciting of the last words, showing they really were said]
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[Time was spent, and now it's morning] 16: A: Mhm… C: Nothing's too fast for you now, is it? A: You're never going to let that go, will you? C: That's basic standard~ C: Angel. Will you marry me? A: But we're already married? C: I want it to be your decision. When you want it. When you're ready. A: Crowley~ You're the nicest being that I ever known, [C: That's a problem] A: Of course, I will!
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17: [much later, in Raphael's church, with Raphael's painting showing him holding a snake. Others have been invited too.] C and A: I do. [A: Now that I think about it, it's kind of obvious]
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18: It has been ages since they were on earth. [ominous humming] In their celestial star-shape. A star smelter, in the sky. A new star was believed to have occoured. And a new star was born. (A demigod).
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19: And soon, delivered to Earth. Vanishing from the night sky. An Angel's egg. [later, at their cottage house] A: Crowley~ [Crowley is shown in snake form, holding a marker, indicating he drew on the egg the shades]
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The end!
Thank you for reading!
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somegoodomens · 9 months
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C: "Standard rules of engagement, clause 1.1.2, subsection 3. Civilian non-combatants must be given sufficient time to evacuate the area of hostilities. Aziraphale can put in a formal complaint to de dark council of the dukes of Hell, if you want. But you'll have to delay your attack until they reply. That could take weeks, maybe. Erm- You lot could all be in big trouble." A: *Nods effervescently to support his lying husband*
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guardian-of-soho · 10 months
The more I think about the last minutes the more I’m sure Crowley was saying goodbye from the minute Aziraphale told him he’d said yes to Heaven. He doesn’t confess his love like he’s hopeful, he confesses it like a eulogy. He doesn’t kiss him to make a beginning, he kisses him to seal the end. He watches him go like it’s the last time.
Crowley knows Heaven. He knows they’ll want to either make Aziraphale just like them, or destroy him. Either way I think he believes he’s seen his angel for the last time.
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indigovigilance · 8 months
Aziraphale can't sing without counting himself in
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(also I write meta, if anyone wanted to read this one, which I worked really hard on and am very proud of...)
Edit: I refuse to leave this in the reblogs:
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couldhavebeenus · 11 months
crowley is braver than any us marine for being interrupted during a love confession, taking aziraphale’s devastating news about heaven, and STILL following through with it anyways
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wearecrowley · 8 months
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guard dog crowley reporting for duty
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fearandhatred · 4 months
"little demonic miracle of my own" yeah yeah but "lift home?" obliterated. instant kill
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mizgnomer · 7 months
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Crowley vs. The Tenth Doctor - Parallels Good Omens Season 2 - Part 3
Season Two’s [ Part One ] [ Part Two ] Season One’s [ Part One ] [ Part Two ]
Happy 60th Anniversary Doctor Who!
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bullagit · 9 months
due to personal reasons i am now firmly on team “i hope aziraphale does change heaven for the better actually (going on the assumption that his return is as straightforward as it seemed etc” 
like if the alternative is just this ohhh he’s so NAIVE and SOFT and so WRONG and he’ll have to LEARN A TOUGH LESSON etc etc nonsense then yeah 1000% go for it babe knock it out of the park
i hope choosing hope and kindness pays dividends. i hope the soft traits that made other characters continually disparage and underestimate him and his intelligence turn out to be his greatest assets bc i kinda don’t give a shit about a “toughen up it’s the only way everyone else knows better” life lesson for this character
(which like honestly a lot of the rhetoric is dismissive of the fact that persistent goodness in the face of an existence of disparagement takes great strength and that at the end of the day aziraphale has always been able to stand up in his own way)
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moonyinpisces · 10 months
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loved good omens s2!!! i have some notes 🥰
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astaerion · 11 months
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GOOD OMENS 2.01 • "Chapter 1: The Arrival"
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u3pxx · 10 months
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hey girl i am , drawing this from memory
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Aziraphale: Is… Is that meant to be on fire? Crowley: No… not really. Aziraphale: Are you going to do something about it? Crowley: Hm… nah.
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