#slamming my head on the table
wonjns · 9 months
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i have to ride this man before the end of my life
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moonlarked · 5 months
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em x liu set out on a mission to hurt me personally i think
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attollogame · 2 years
Language of Flowers List
I cannot focus on game writing so I made this instead; send a char and a flower for a prompt, based on the lovely Language of Flowers (and this as extra)
Aloe: Affliction; Grief.
Apple: Temptation.
Aspen Tree: Lamentation.
Belladonna: Silence.
Bramble: Envy; Remorse.
Catchfly: False love.
Cedar Leaf: I Live For Thee.
Columbine, Red: Anxiousness.
Coreopsis, Arkansa: Love At First Sight
Cornbottle: Delicacy.
Cowslip, American: You Are My Divinity.
Cypress: Death.
Dead Leaves: Sadness.
Dittany of Crete: Birth.
Dittany of Crete, White: Passion.
Elder: Zealousness.
Fennel: Praise.
Fleur-De-Lis: I Burn.
Flowering Fern: Reverie.
Frog Ophrys: Disgust.
Garden Anemone: Forsaken.
Geranium, Dark: Melancholy.
Geranium, Lemon: Unexpected Meeting.
Gooseberry: Anticipation.
Grass: Submission.
Guelder Rose: Winter.
Helenium: Tears.
Heliotrope: Devotion.
Henbane: Imperfection.
Horse Chestnut: Luxury.
Hortensia: You Are Cold.
Hydrangea: Heartless.
Imperial Montague: Power.
Jasmine, Spanish: Sensuality.
Jasmine, Yellow: Elegance.
Judas Tree: Betrayal.
Lantana: Rigour.
Larch: Audacity.
Laurel: Glory.
Laurel, Ground: Perseverance.
Lichen: Solitude.
Lilac, White: Youthful Innocence.
Live Oak: Liberty.
Licorice, Wild: I Declare Against You.
Lobelia: Malevolence.
Lotus Flower: Estranged Love.
Lucern: Life.
Mandrake: Horror.
Milfoil: War.
Mint: Virtue.
Moss: Maternal Love.
Mourning Bride: I Have Lost All.
Mugwort: Happiness.
Myrtle: Love.
Night Convolvulus: Night.
Nightshade: Sorcery; Dark Thoughts.
Nightshade, Bitter: Truth.
Oats: Music.
Olive Branch: Peace.
Osmunda: Dreams.
Palm: Victory.
Periwinkle: Pleasures Of A Memory.
Pine, Black: Pity.
Pine, Spruce: Farewell.
Pomegranate: Foolishness.
Poplar, White: Time.
Poppy: Pleasure.
Poppy, White: Sleep.
Raspberry: Remorse.
Rudbeckia: Justice.
Sardony: Irony.
Snowball Tree: Age.
Sycamore: Curiosity.
Thrift: Sympathy.
Tuberose: Dangerous Pleasures.
Tulip, Yellow: Hopeless Love.
Venus' Looking Glass: Flattery.
Violet, White: Innocence.
Whin: Anger.
Willow, Water: Freedom.
Willow, Weeping: Mourning.
Wormwood: Absence.
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dumpsterfireofsubtext · 9 months
Daniel Defoe when I catch you. When I catch you Daniel Defoe, when I CATCH YOU
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akinachiri · 1 year
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theohnocorral · 2 years
I have blown off going to the DMV. 😬. I'm trying to write but my computer is going through an update I guess
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sky-is-the-limit · 5 months
I just know that when they were kids, Arthur punched or pushed John a lil too hard and pulled the classic older sibling "No no no you're fine,shhhh no you're okay, no don't cry, no don't tell Dutch-"
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spaciebabie · 5 months
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oh. oh. oh. o okayt haha .oh ohaa haa hoo hah hey.hey. hey. hey. hey ,jhye. jhey. hey. hey wh ehye. why ouwkld you. hey. hey hey .hey. ehy hey ehy hey manhey. hey th. wh. whehtheh man. man. what the . hey man ehy the. w. he. hey. hey hav. hey. hey i duno i.bhye. hey. hey. hry. hey. hey. ehye whywould you. hey jwhi woujld you man. jhey wh. hey. hey why woul. what is. jheyu. im gonna be sick. im gonna hurl. hey what the fuck. wtfwtftwt.
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unluckyprime · 1 year
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aquarium date 🫧🐟♥️
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shima-draws · 4 months
Me: Oh god. It's time for our company's yearly performance review. Where my boss will judge my performance over the past year and see how awful I am at my job and--
My boss: You're doing such a great job and I'm so happy you're here <3
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wazzappp · 13 days
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One fun little idea I love to pull off the shelf every once and a while: mutant Lisa with ice powers
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iloveacronix · 29 days
Why is drawing people so hard brooo
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fisheito · 11 days
do i actually like yakumo or am i just hungry
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piplup335 · 2 months
Scythe and reader who used to be a showgirl!
This...was one of my most confusing requests ;-;
Initially I was like "this should be okay" until I found out the definition of a showgirl..and I factchecked it and ended up being even more confused...then I realised that I forgot to ask for details…
so yeah- this may not be what you wanted, but I tried ;-; if you want I can rewrite it ASAP, I'll prioritise it too :D
hope it's alright, I did what I could with the prompt!
requested by @shymed! again, sorry if out of character, still not familiar with phighting n stuff ;-;
"...where am I?"
A lone demon sat in a small room, tied to a chair and blindfolded, without any sense of his surroundings.
He had no idea where he was, or why he was there...all the poor demon knew was that he needed to get out as soon as possible.
The last thing he remembered was blurry and fuzzy in his mind, almost like a damaged cassette tape…but he still remembered the details of what happened.
It was just a standard routine for him, sneaking around Lost Temple to snag a few bucks here and there to survive another day, buy another meal…and that’s when he saw it.
A dancer. Fair skin, flawless movements…she had it all. Especially in that sizable jar, almost stuffed to the brim with coins and banknotes…it was innocently sitting on the floor, practically begging to have some of the money taken out of it, begging to be spent…that jar was a sitting duck at that point. Situated in plain sight, brimming with cash and with no visible security in sight? Perfect.
One, two three…the demon watched as the dancer tapped to the beat, her dress flowing behind her as she twirled for another grand finish to her sequence. It was almost hypnotic…step, twirl, step, twirl, step…bingo.
Without wasting another beat, the demon leapt forward, seizing the jar. Tucking it under his arm, he cracked a sly smile.
"Target acquired...heh, I'm eating good for the next few days..."
Before the dancer even knew what happened, he had turned a corner into a dingy alleyway, with no traces left in sight.
Little did he know that someone was watching him from the top of a building…someone whose hat cast a dark shadow over her face…
The unknown figure sneered.
"Target acquired."
And now, here he was.
Blindfolded and tied to a chair.
Now, he was the sitting duck.
He tried to scream for help, pointlessly praying that someone would hear him and come to his aid…but he realised he couldn’t.
Someone had taped shut his mouth. The tape was some strong stuff, too- it wouldn’t get off, no matter how hard he tried.
Struggling against his restraints, he paused as a blood-chilling laugh made its way to his ears.
“Now, now…let’s not get too ahead of ourselves, darlin’!”
He felt the blindfold being harshly yanked up and over his head…and after seeing the individual in front of him, he just wanted to tug the blindfold back over his eyes and wipe his memories clean. Never in his entire life would he ever want to see this face, let alone up close. The sight of her alone scared the living daylights out of him…
The same serial killer present on many, many posters throughout Lost Temple…the infamous profile throughout the Inpherno, notorious for evading capture from Banlands’ warden over and over again…
And now she was sneering in his face like a predator sizing up its prey, ready to swoop in for the kill.
“My, my…you have some guts, don't ya? Stealing from an innocent gal without hesitation…ya really lack morals, huh?”
Scythe unsheathed her gear- an overengineered rifle. Twirling it in her hand, a laser blade emerged from one end. The demon thought it was over for him- but then felt the ropes binding him to the chair loosen up and fall to the floor in a flash. Scythe had used her weapon to sever his restraints.
Looking at his situation, he decided that if he had any chance of survival, it would be to make a break for it.
Analysing his surroundings, he made a few observations.
The room was fairly small. From his position, he thought, it would only take him around five seconds to get the hell out of there.
Scythe’s back was facing the door. Not too near, not too far.
The only object in the room was the chair. No obstacles in sight- plus, he could use the chair to deter her- just whack it over her head and make a run for it.
Simple enough. Hit and run.
Just as Scythe was about to reach out for his neck, he rolled off. Quickly hopping to his feet, he grabbed the leg of the chair he was tied to.
It was now or never.
He hurled the chair at Scythe’s head and made a run for it.
He didn’t go far, however- he felt something tight wrap around his ankle. He frantically tried to shake it off- but his efforts were all in vain.
The force pulled on his ankle, dragging him to the floor. Before he could react, he felt a harsh pressure on his chest.
She had a boot on his torso, grinning like a Cheshire cat.
“Well, well, well…you sure are a feisty one, aren’t ya?”
Too scared to react, the demon didn’t even dare breathe as Scythe picked up his wrist with a misleading sense of tenderness…a false promise that he would live.
Hell, he would be lucky if his death was even quick and painless.
“What delicate hands you have…”
Scythe’s fingers ran over his skin, circling his joints with false pleasantness.
"I wonder what you'd do without them?"
"Damn it...how could I have been so careless?"
After a long and fruitless search, you ended up empty-handed.
One moment you were dancing on the streets, smiling as you saw your jar filled to the brim with cash, your earnings from dancing on the street.
Next thing you knew, your income was swept away by an unfamiliar person, his face obscured by a dark hood.
"...not a fan of going back...there..."
You shuddered at the thought. Once upon a time, you were a showgirl- dancing away in nightclubs and basking in the spotlight as drunken spectators threw coins at the stage, by your feet...looking back, you hated those days. It was only a few years after you signed up for the job, for the lifestyle of a showgirl that you realised that to them, you weren't seen as yourself. You were just another plaything, another woman for drunken people at nightclubs to fawn over.
Just another money-making scheme.
You quit your job a few months prior just to pursue street dancing- something you much preferred. It didn't pay nearly as much, and your pay wasn't fixed- but hey, you could still get by.
But now the day's earnings were snatched away, and horror filled you as you realised you may have to return to that dreaded place just to afford a meal.
Sighing in dejection, you decided to find your friend, the one person who could help out.
Left, right, another right...after a few twists and turns through the crowd and into a dark alleyway, you found a door. It was a plain door, painted a dull teal with some scratches in the coat of paint. It looked old as if worn down over time, and it almost seemed as if whatever was behind it was abandoned, left to rot in the blazing heat of Lost Temple.
However, behind the door, there was an entire community residing there.
Pushing open the door, you heard the familiar chatter of your friend's "cult", as you so nicely put it. Weaving through the crowd, you found another door. It was easy to spot- not many people crowded around that area, and for good reason.
The door was labelled with a plaque saying "DO NOT ENTER" in bold, steel letters. The sign was framed with brass, and you knew that whoever was behind that door had a high position in the group.
After all, you knew this individual on a personal level.
Pushing open the door, you saw your good friend sitting at her desk, filling out some paperwork with a lethargic expression on her face.
"...what did I tell you midgets about knocking- oh, it's you! Perfect timing! Hey, (Y/N), I got a surprise for ya!"
Scythe swiftly snuck behind you, using both her hands to cover your eyes.
"Scythe, don't leave me hanging-!" You groaned. You weren't a patient one, after all.
"Fine, fine...I found something you lost!"
Scythe uncovered your eyes, your gaze immediately settling on the familiar glass jar. It usually sat on the floor whenever you danced, and now it was seated at Scythe's desk.
"My jar! Scythe, you're a lifesaver! Wait...where'd you find it?"
Scythe chuckled. It was a friendly one but had a slight bit of menace to it.
"Let's just say...I can get people to loosen up...and fast."
Scythe's gear was propped up against the wall, a streak of blood on the handle.
and that’s my third req! again, sry if it sucks ;-; if you want me to I’ll rewrite, just lmk! :D
hope you guys enjoyed it!
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shamefulzombie · 6 months
Zombiee!! Have you ever tried to make Krist?? Teehee! You know what is this from...
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ohitslen · 10 months
Woa private displays of affection Vashwood who won’t really do much in public, just being really casual about everything and once they are alone they are worse than new velcro that you won’t be able to fucking separate no matter how hard you try to me thinks?
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