moodboardmix · 15 days
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Skyhaven Residence, Batroun, Libanon,
Blankpage Architects
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frenchcurious · 1 year
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Skyhaven, Situé à Rome, Géorgie. - Conçue par l'architecte Joseph Amisano en 1955. Photo: Toles, Temple & Wright. - source MCM Daily.
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cobaltoilpaints · 3 months
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Welcome to Skyhaven: Where City Meets Stars ✨
Ever dreamt of living nestled amongst clouds, with shimmering skyscrapers for neighbors and the Milky Way as your ceiling? Then step into Skyhaven, my latest vision of the future built right here on Earth (well, kinda)!
These vibrant living spheres aren't just homes, they're ecosystems - miniature paradises buzzing with life and powered by harnessed starlight. Imagine strolling through bioluminescent gardens, sipping sunset cocktails overlooking the stratosphere, or watching shooting stars streak past your living room window! ✨
This abandoned industrial complex might not look like much now, but with a little artistic vision, it's become a portal to a life beyond the ordinary. So, ditch the cramped apartments and noisy streets - in Skyhaven, the sky's truly the limit!
Tag a friend who needs an escape to the future!
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Children of the Wind - The Skyhaven Dwarves and the Evolution of their Gliding Innovations
High atop the towering peaks of the Mystallian Mountains, the enigmatic settlement of Skyhaven stands, home to a unique dwarven society known as the Children of the Wind. By harnessing the power of wind magic and driven by their relentless pursuit of innovation, the Skyhaven dwarves have developed astonishing gliding technology, enabling them to traverse the treacherous mountain peaks with elegance and ease. This article delves deeper into the fascinating world of Skyhaven, exploring the challenges and triumphs of their wind-powered adventures, their cultural impact, and the evolution of their gliding innovations.
The Origins of Skyhaven:
The story of Skyhaven began with an ambitious group of dwarves who dared to challenge the limitations of their subterranean brethren. Seeking to claim the sky as their domain, they combined their mastery of wind magic with their innate craftsmanship to create a settlement unlike any other. Carved into the very heart of the mountain peaks, Skyhaven emerged as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the dwarven people, a society defined by their aspiration to conquer the skies.
The Evolution of Gliding Technology:
The cornerstone of Skyhaven's innovation lies in their gliding technology, which merges wind magic and mechanical engineering. Over the centuries, the dwarves have created and refined a range of gliders that allow them to soar above the clouds and navigate the challenging terrain of their homeland. These gliders have evolved from rudimentary wingsuits for individual dwarves to larger, more sophisticated communal gliders designed for transporting goods and passengers, and even advanced glider models incorporating powerful enchantments and cutting-edge materials.
Gliding technology is built on three key components: aerodynamics, wind magic, and control mechanisms. Aerodynamics provide the necessary lift for gliders to achieve and maintain flight, while wind magic amplifies this lift and propels the gliders forward. Control mechanisms, such as enchanted rudders and shifting wing designs, allow pilots to steer their gliders with precision and adapt to changing wind conditions. Over time, the Skyhaven dwarves have mastered these principles and pushed the boundaries of what was once thought possible.
The Cultural Impact of Gliding:
The development of gliding technology has left an indelible mark on the culture of the Skyhaven dwarves. Gliding has become an integral part of their daily lives, shaping their social structure, economy, and even their beliefs. The Wind's Children have developed a deep respect for the wind and its untamed power, honoring it through elaborate ceremonies and rituals. This reverence for the wind has also fostered a strong sense of environmental stewardship, with the Skyhaven dwarves working tirelessly to preserve the pristine beauty of their mountainous homeland.
Challenges and Triumphs of Gliding:
As with any groundbreaking innovation, the development of gliding technology has not been without its challenges. The unpredictable nature of the wind, coupled with the sheer cliffs and jagged peaks of the Mystallian Mountains, has made mastering the art of gliding a dangerous and demanding endeavor. However, through perseverance and ingenuity, the Skyhaven dwarves have overcome these obstacles and turned them into opportunities.
One such triumph is the creation of the Wind's Path, a network of gliding routes that crisscross the mountains, connecting Skyhaven to other remote settlements and facilitating trade and communication among the dwarven communities. These routes, maintained by a dedicated team of wind mages and gliding experts, have become a lifeline for the dwarves of Skyhaven, allowing them to access vital resources and engage with their fellow dwarves.
The story of the Skyhaven dwarves is a testament to the power of innovation, the resilience of the dwarven spirit, and the boundless potential of the wind. Through their unyielding determination and mastery of wind magic, the Children of the Wind have defied the constraints of their mountainous environment and transformed their society in ways previously unimaginable.
As the Skyhaven dwarves continue to push the limits of gliding technology, they contribute to a better understanding of aerodynamics, wind magic, and the potential applications of their discoveries. These advancements not only have the potential to revolutionize travel and trade within their own realm, but also to inspire and impact the wider world of Mystallia.
In a world where innovation is often met with skepticism and fear, the Skyhaven dwarves stand as a beacon of hope and inspiration, demonstrating that even the most daunting challenges can be overcome through hard work, creativity, and a relentless pursuit of progress. Their story serves as a reminder that the sky is not the limit but rather the starting point for the next great adventure in the enchanting realm of Mystallia.
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"Alduins Wall"
Full Resolution render of Alduin's wall as seen in the trailer and promotional materials.
Credit for the render is unclear, but the design is directly based on a piece by Adam Adamowicz
This is the highest resolution image of the wall that I have ever seen. Even with Tumblr's compression, seriously, zoom in and check out the details.
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nobodys-saviour · 3 months
天行大学医学 (Tiān xíng dàxué yīxué) = Skyhaven/Skywalk University of Medicine ← Li Shen's school
天行 ← city where Xia Yizhou studied. aka. Skyhaven. Notice something? Yes. It's the same characters
So yeah. Highly probable that Xia Yizhou and Li Shen saw each other at least once or twice while they were studying, or at the very least, their studies might have overlapped.
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unsettlingcreature · 1 month
Can't take screenshots comfortably anymore because Cicero is constantly in the background with his tits out
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dudefrommywesterns · 2 days
71, 76, and 98 ? ^_^
71. tea or coffee?
76. what color looks best on you?
red lipstick and i think i look good in black.
98. favorite month?
july! my birth month. i wish i could go to santa cruz this year :(
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princessmuffinart · 21 days
Draw Palette and/or Aqua being cool (for the request thingie)
also hi hon ☺️
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Crumb loves his cool music wife so much. 💛
Aqua’s outfit referenced from here.
Crumb belongs to @thunderboltkaiju
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solitaireships · 7 months
2, 7, and 8 for whoever feels like answering ^_^ 💘
Answering for James!
2) Do you share a bedroom? What does that look like? What are your bedtime routines, do they differ or do you do things together? Who falls asleep first? Who wakes up first?
We share a bedroom in my quarters, yes. If it were just mine, it would be fairly sparse. But Helena likes to have some small decorations in there and some comic related things, like figures and statues. Usually we try to sleep at the same time, though. Helena wakes up easily, so if I came to bed later than her that would end up disturbing her rest. I usually fall asleep first though, it’s easy for me to with how I can sleep practically as soon as I’m in bed. It takes longer for Helena to, and I’m almost always the one awake first.
7) If you had to dance with your s/o and there was no backing out, what song would you choose?
We would slow dance to Night and Day by Billie Holiday.
8) What is something you love but your s/o dislikes, and how do you navigate this/keep the peace?
Cooking together. I enjoy cooking in general, but I’d enjoy it even more if I could with Helena. She always gets irritable when we cook together, though, so I usually handle it on my own. Every now and then I can get her to help me out with dinner, but she usually has to leave to cool down before we’re done. Regardless, I appreciate her trying. And she’s cute when she’s mad at me.
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cryptid-called-ash · 1 year
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Alduin’s Wall
The first and last of the great tamriellic dragon were not the only thing to have changed during the dragon break. The ancient stone wall hidden deep in the belly of skyhaven temple now depicts a far different tale.
Coloured version
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petcore & internet academia for glados :3
💾Internet Academia💾 ~ How did you discover your F/O or their source? ok so if you wanna go VERY far back, in liiiike........ 2008?? i saw mmd videos of anime/m.iku g.lados and i was like "haha i like this voice and the videos are funny :]]" however i did not actually SEE g.lados until like.... god. 2015?? maybe 2014?? idk i was on tumblr and i saw her and i was like 😳😳😳😳😳😳 and then i finally played the games in 2021 and it was absolutely over for me lmao. god i wish i could relive those games for the first time again. i honestly kinda wish i was able to play those games knowing NOTHING going in but oh well, portal 1's ending with revealing her was still awesome to experience!!
🐕Petcore🐕 ~ What animal reminds you of your F/O? cat also. but unlike x.izzle she's the type of cat who can survive being left alone, however she HAS to be in the same room as you. my cat pearl is kinda like that!! anyway, thankfully im almost always in the central ai chamber so :3
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kykyonthemoon · 3 months
Hello! I really enjoy your LaDS writings!
I was wondering if you can do a headcanon with Caleb or Rafayel with a workaholic and burnt out reader?
Thank you so much!
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A/N: Dear Anon-san, Thank you so much for requesting <3 For this one, I went with Caleb because I already made something similar to the prompt for Rafayel, where he soothes a stressed out reader (though the reason why she's being like that isn't because of work). You can read it here. I really do enjoy writing for Caleb since we haven't seen many of his story yet in the game. I hope you are content with this story too. On a side note, I've recently got a few requests about a stressful or burnt out reader. I just wanna make sure my readers are doing alright out there <3 Sending you mental support right here through the fics I write <3
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A Surprise Visit
Returning home at midnight after a long day of work, you unexpectedly find a guest being in your apartment.
‧₊˚❀༉ Caleb x F!Reader
‧₊˚❀༉ Soft fluff, domestic fluff
‧₊˚❀༉ Masterlist
‧₊˚❀༉ Request a fic
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You came home when the clock struck twelve. The night was quiet, only the sound of your tired footsteps echoed in the empty hallway. After what seemed like an endless journey, you finally reached your apartment.
You unlocked the door. A soft glow from within illuminated the corridor. Since you left early in the morning, you did not recall leaving the light on. You let out a long sigh and felt guilty for being forgetful.
Yet, in the house there were not only lights, but also the delicious smell of food. How strange! How peculiar! You felt your weariness leave your mind as it was replaced by vigilance. Was there another person in the house?
You tiptoed to the kitchen, where the aroma of food made your stomach rumble. Then, you saw a very familiar figure. Fortunately, you were able to contain your joy and instead called his name quietly:
He turned around, nodded and smiled at you. “You're back just now? Wash your face first and we'll have dinner."
You rubbed your eyes. Was it because you're so tired that you're daydreaming?
“Caleb? Is that really you?”
A soup was cooking on the kitchen counter as Caleb departed. Reaching over, he put his hand on top of your head.
“Are you expecting another man then?”
You immediately shook your head. Your hands reached up to wrap around Caleb's wrist and untangle it from your hair before he patted your head again like a child.
“No way! I'm just surprised to see you here, at this hour... Aren't you busy with your mission at Skyhaven?”
"Everything went smoothly. So now I'll take a few days off."
“Why didn't you tell me you're coming? I thought the apartment was being robbed..."
Caleb reached out and pinched your cheek. It was painful. He said:
“What kind of thief would help you clean up this messy apartment and even cook for you because they knew you got off work this late?”
You rubbed the cheek that had just been pinched and frowned. “You don't need to pinch it so hard.”
Caleb laughed. He told you to quickly go inside to wash up and get changed while he finished cooking the soup. You obediently followed. How joyful it is to get home after a hectic day and see the one you love.  All of a sudden, you forgot how tired you were after the long day.
The two of you had a simple meal. Caleb said that since it was late, you shouldn't eat too much. He observed you as you were enjoying your food. He had taken care of the apartment, made a trip to the grocery store and prepared your meal all day. What surprised and delighted you the most, though, was the fact that he was here. You had given Caleb a spare key a long time ago, but to be honest, you never thought he would pay a surprise visit. Due to work, you both had to live in two cities far apart.
After dinner, you threw yourself on the sofa and grabbed your laptop. Caleb got you a cup of warm water, then used his Evol to take the device out of your hands.
“I still have a report to finish…”
You wanted to get your laptop back, but Caleb turned it off and put it aside. "That's something you can't do right now." He stated. “Do you know what time it is? Shouldn't you be in bed? There are dark circles around your eyes.”
He used a finger to poke the thin skin below your eyes. It must be dark by now and somewhat made you look like a panda. You grimaced:
“Don't mess around, Caleb. I have a ton of work to get done.”
“I'm not messing with you either.” Caleb had a solemn expression. “You've been working hard for many days. Now you need to rest. I'm here to make sure of that.”
You let out a sigh. You were drawn into Caleb's embrace. Maybe he was right— you need to rest. Yet, the notion of the incomplete task made you feel quite uncomfortable.
You were a workaholic, and Caleb knew it. He therefore needed to be even more committed to getting you to give up the laptop.
“You're always working. It's hard to find some spare time with you." Caleb whispered as he rested his head on your hair.
You admitted you were a bit neglectful of Caleb, but that's because your job required extra work and concentration.
“I had to text Tara to find out you got off work at midnight.” Cale went on. “If you read the message, you'd know I've been here since noon.”
You raised up. At that time, you hurriedly reached for the phone on the table. As you opened it, you saw a series of messages and missed calls from Caleb.
“Oh… I'm really sorry…” You mumbled. “I really don't know where I left my phone…”
Caleb rubbed your shoulder, then pulled you back to the original position, leaning on his lap. "No problem. It's the price I pay for dating a girl who loves her job more than me."
You giggled as you pressed your face against his neck and gave him a breath tickle.
“I already apologized.”
He put his arms around your waist and gave you a gentle squeeze. Only when you were in his arms, listening to his heart beat, feeling his warmth and subtle scent, and only then could you stop acting tough. You could burst into tears. You could let the weight and pressure of work fall on your shoulders. For you knew, he would fight against the world with you.
Only then did you face your physical and mental fatigue and acknowledge that you were just too exhausted to handle everything at once.
“If you're truly sorry,” Caleb's monotone voice rang out as you gradually drifted off to sleep in his arms. “Then you must let me have you this whole weekend, okay?”
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Pictures from Pinterest.
Edited by me.
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exactlycleverpirate · 4 months
Love and Deepspace: The Story So Far Part 2
A summary of everything that has happened in the main story thus far. Obviously, spoilers below the cut.
See Part 1. Part 3. Part 4.
5 months after the explosion: Lumiere (Xavier) destroys a number of protocores in the N109 Zone, throwing the area into chaos.
6 months after the explosion (about early January):
Day 1 (Wednesday): 
MC is at HQ. She has been overworking and not sleeping well. Tara and Captain Jenna are worried about her. (MC gets an appointment reminder call. Her cell phone shows it is currently 10:45 on Wednesday). MC goes to a doctor's appointment at Zayne's office. He has an emergency cardiac surgery. She falls asleep while waiting and remembers when she gave Caleb the necklace before he left for Aerospace Academy in Skyhaven. She wakes in Zayne's office. After discussing her recovery from the explosion, Zayne gives her a lockbox that contains a letter from Grandma. A Wanderer then appears in Zayne's office. After they fight it, Zayne's arm is frozen stiff. After MC leaves, Zayne remembers a conversation with Grandma. He told her her condition was serious and she said her time has come. She asks Zayne to look after MC as he promised, saying that by helping her he helps himself. That night, MC opens the letter and learns that her heart was fused to an Aether core in experiments her Grandma participated in. She calls Zayne to confirm and he tells her her former doctor, Dr. Noah, might know more.
Day 2: 
MC meets up with Zayne while waiting for transportation to Snowcrest in the Arctic where Dr. Noah lives. After helping fight some Wanderers, they acquire transportation. They make it to Snowcrest and meet with Dr. Noah. They discuss the Aether Core and MC learns one of the researchers joined Onychinus. The rest have died or disappeared. Later Zayne and MC watch an aurora and talk. She learns that he lost someone he worked with on Mt. Eternal. That night, MC goes through the data and realizes that the protocore she found in the No Hunt Zone has the same frequency as her heart, indicating it was modified by Onychinus using an Aether core.
Day 3:
The next day, MC returns to Linkon, while Zayne heads into Mt. Eternal for research.
Day 4 (Sunday, per MC's Phone (likely January 3rd or 10th of 2049)):
Back in Linkon, MC begins researching Onychinus and the N109 Zone at UNICORN HQ. That night, she runs into Xavier on the subway. She realizes she hasn't seen him in over a month. They soon realize they are stuck in a loop on the train. A Wanderer that uses mirrors and glass, a Tezcatlipoca has trapped them. They fight it, and MC gets the protocore. They go out for food and MC asks if Xavier is Lumiere, but Xavier says Lumiere should be about 40 by now. As they walk home, they discuss Lumiere and what it would take to get into the N109 Zone. Then they discover they live in the same building. Xavier says he moved in over 6 months ago, implying he has lived there longer than MC. They agree to meet up the next day and part ways.
Day 5:
MC and Xavier meet at his apartment the next day and discuss the Aether core and N109 zone. MC admits she wants to look into it because of her family and wonders if eventually she and Xavier will be enemies. Distressed, he decides to prove that he is on her side by giving her 24 hour highest level Hunter access. Xavier tells her he hopes she finds the truth. They part ways so MC can use her new access to figure out how to get into the N109 Zone. Returning to Her apartment, MC searches the Hunter Database for information. Then she connects to someone sketchy who has information about an unsolved murder 2 years before. MC thinks the murder is clearly Onychinus’ doing. The man was connected with Ever Pharmaceutical. As she wraps up the conversation, the man asks if she would like to pursue a bounty. The wanted poster is for Rafayel, dead or alive.
Continue to Part 3.
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nobodys-saviour · 3 months
thoughts that wouldn't leave my mind (partly incoherent bc running in lack of sleep and major exams Lol)
the whole “winter zayne, caleb literally being named summer day.” what is up with that
that they both have dark straight hair, but have their part on the opposite sides???
a medic and a deepspace pilot. one who (should) stay in the back and one Who dives into danger
that for some reason they are giving me foils/opposites but also parallels of each other
that apparently in the cn ver zayne talks about mc calling him brother... weibo users speculating he might have been envious of caleb for that .....
they seem to be friends but one wonders how close. a friendly rivalry, maybe?
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frozenhi-chews · 4 months
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🫐 Fruitslice Stimboard 🥝
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First stimboard I made of these two! Holy crap Sig became such a comfort so quickly. I love him so much!!
💚 💚 💗 - 💚 💗 - 💚 💗 💗
Tagging: @gideongrovel @gible-love-nibles @cherubdulce @impurra @bioexorcizm @clovitecture @wisp-herr | @eveningshards @sweetselfships @skyhavens @stomachacheships @boyfriendeffigy @jocelynships @cinnamon-phrog
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