#simo hayha x reader
deathmetalunicorn1 · 3 months
Hello!! I finally got to request 😭😭... Its a long one but what if after the Ragnarok Tournament, where after everyone was revived and the Humans won, a trio was formed? Basically,
Thor & Reader & Lubu,
Sasaki & Reader & Poseidon,
Jack & Reader & Heracles,
Hades & Reader & Qin
Nikola & Reader & Beelzebub
Odin & Reader & Simo
The Reader is the Human Fighters Valkyrie, and is extremely beautiful but also have a sassy attitude. Both of the human and heaven fighters are inlove with her but none have made their move until reader start getting hit on by her admirers. She manage to get out of the situation by lying that the human fighter is their boyfriend, but one day the same admirer come again, determine to at least get a date but accidentally screw up and this happen...
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How will the Gods and Humans react? I do imagine they actually decided to go into a relationship, all 3 of them though, lol 😂
-The two men you called your lovers didn’t start out that way, you were a Valkyrie, one who as willing to give your own life to become a weapon for humanity against the gods.
-When you fused with (Human), it felt so right for the both of you, it felt so warm, so beautiful, and he almost instantly fell for you.
-(God) had loved you for a long while now, as he was taken by your feisty personality, you always spoke your mind and he had to admire you for that. However, seeing you soul bonding with a human angered him, he felt like (Human) was taking you away from him!!
-As the two men fought, they bonded as well, learning about each other, and by the end of their fight, which left all three of you heavily injured, they had respect for one another, and when they learned of the feelings they both had for you, they had agreed to share you, they just had to somehow convince you, as you were notorious for refusing dates, not wanting to bother with romance.
-That’s what led to this predicament you found yourself in; unlike others who asked you out, usually taking your rejection lightly, there was one, Kand, an earth god, who was persistent and annoying!
-You had been walking around with (God) when he approached, asking you out on a date and he was trying to refuse your rejection this time around, not wanting to take no for an answer.
-It was only when you grabbed (God’s) arm, pulling it to your body, “This is my boyfriend, I’m not interested!”
-Kand was stunned, seeing (God), and while (God) was stunned by your words, he realized that you were using him to get this pushy minor god to back off as he instantly glared, making Kand back off and run.
-When Kand approached you two days later, you were with (Human), and once again, he was being persistent, but as (God) approached, as the three of you were going out for a meal together, you grabbed (Human’s) arm, “This is my boyfriend!”
-Kand paused for a moment before glaring, pointing at (God), “You said he was your boyfriend he other day!” the two men looked down at you, curious as to what you were going to do next.
-They hadn’t expected you to grab (God’s) arm, pulling it to your other side, “He’s my boyfriend too! Got a problem with it?”
-Kand fell to his knees in anguish as (Human and God) were surprised by your words before you kept ahold of them and led them away.
-When you went to pull away, they grabbed your hands, holding on to them, which surprised you as they both smiled down at you, telling you that the three of you were going on a date, and as your boyfriends, they were going to treat you.
-You hadn’t expected them to be okay with this accident, but you weren’t complaining, finally accepting a date as the three of you headed off.
-Thor and Lu Bu- Had been surprised by your bold declaration, but you weren’t bothered by it, so they weren’t either. They had a strong bond between them, being so alike, being strong warriors, and you were their third.
-Poseidon and Kojiro- While Poseidon was elated at you finally accepting his proposal to date, Kojiro was a little shyer, as he wasn’t well versed in dating. Kojiro tried to back out, “You don’t need an old man like me. You two have fun!” this didn’t fly with either you or Poseidon, who each grabbed one of Kojiro’s hands, putting him in the middle, not willing to let him walk away. Kojiro was flattered but it took a bit for him to be comfortable.
-Hercules and Jack- Jack was initially hesitant on being your boyfriend, as he felt like you deserved better, not a killer like him, but both you and Hercules, who thought of Jack as a kindred soul now, refused to let him leave. You were both a bit exasperating, but Jack adored you both as you told him that he wasn’t leaving and that you were a trio, you were all partners. Jack couldn’t help but smile, seeing the kind souls that he found himself blessed with.
-Hades and QSH- Hades had his hands full with the two of you, QSH did what he wanted when he wanted while you had no filter, but he couldn’t imagine a day without both of you driving him crazy. QSH wasn’t bothered by having multiple partners, he was used to it from his time as emperor, when he had several consorts at one time. You definitely had your hands full with the two of them, as they were so different as far as personalities are concerned, but you enjoyed every moment spent with them.
Beelzebub and Nikola- Nikola was such a sweet baby boy, as he had been a lifelong bachelor, as he always saw women as something that needed to be respected and cherished and that he wasn’t worthy. Beelzebub was initially afraid of getting close, not wanting to hurt either of you, but with the three of you working together on each other, the relationship flourished, and you all found happiness you never knew that existed.
-Odin and Simo- Odin was initially hesitant, despite his feelings for you, as he was worried you wouldn’t be happy with an old man like him, and Simo, being a lifelong bachelor, was a bit shy in the dating scene. You definitely had your hands full with them, but you kept them both grounded, reassuring them that you wanted to be with them, and they believed you, because you wouldn’t hesitate to tell them otherwise.
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The Sequel: You and Your Not-So-Ticklish-But-Probably-Ticklish Humans
Qin Shi Huang - You really thought you did something there, didn't you? Of course you did. And of course, it doesn't faze him. Of course. He is the most powerful Emperor after all. You pout. He smirks. Checkmate. But he will get you back, my dear...
Nikola Tesla - You tickle him and he proceeds to tickle you ten times over in the name of science. May or may not proceed to other... experiments... in the name of science of course.
Jack the Ripper - Okay, for real, are you okay? You and I both know that he—oh shit, he just smirked. Oh shit. Shitshitshitshit, run like hell— 
Sasaki Kojiro - Teehee. You tickle him and he's surprisingly receptive. It's a bit on the lazy side of receptive, however. For your efforts, you get a lecherous grin and the promise of a tickle fest and more. And true to his word, the lazy bastard delivers.
Lu Bu - Ummmm... didn't do anything but make him yawn but at least you got him to finally look at you? Like really look at you. For a long time. With a slow blink or two. Then he pulled you close. Oooh. I bet his chest feels niiiiiccceee...
Raiden Tameemon - Baby, just know some 'sumo wrestling' may or may not be had. Teehee.
Simo Häyhä - Well... that was cute. An attempt was made. It earned you an affectionate pat on the head.
Buddha - Makes an appearance again because fuck you, Zeus, that's why. Kisses and giggles galore. Again. Suck it, Zeus.
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seii-fantasy · 1 year
Snow , Puppy and Baby?
Baby !Simo Hayha x fem ! Reader
Hehehe 🤭🫶🏼
Arts not mine credits to the artist
Tag: @posei-dont-mina
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"How in the Valhalla" You spoke , looking at scene infront of you . A baby in white giggling with a dog "Simo?" You called as the baby turned and giggled more , opening his arms wanted you to lift him up .
You trembled , you knew that you couldn't resist to the baby's cuteness . The Baby started to sniff , eyes become teary "No no no no please baby" Baby Simo started to cry . As Brunehilde came "What in the " she exclaimed while you shushed her "Shhh im trying to calm the baby" you whispered while lookin at her.
She chuckled "Good luck with that!" As she left back the room .
But what happened to Simo , the White Dead?
Well everything started when Simo was wondering alone then he entered in a room full of labs , chemistrial things that belonged to a special scientist . Nikola Tesla . Then the dog wanted to play with his master but it wasn't the right time at the good place to play with him. He kept grinding on the White Dead to which he tried to denied but he hit something to which some cristal bottles broke when it fell on the floor .
In many broken small cristal , there was a small liquid , Simo looked at it before sticking a finger , licking it . But that small droplet of the weird liquid lead to transform the White Dead into a baby.
But back Baby Simo has been sleeping now for more than hour after struggling for more than an half an hour , he's finally asleep . You're patting the dog's head "Don't worry , i'll find a way to bring your master back to his adult age" you smiled at the dog before sleeping next to the little Simo . The dog jumped on the bed and slept next to the both of you.
The potion's effect has finished its effect on Simo to which he growed back to his adult form , he opened his eyes "Hmm where am i " when he looked at you , he blushed madly before patting your hair before sleeping again
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zodiacs-web · 2 years
some simo hayha fluff please ^^ 🧡
Late Night Snuggles
Simo Hayha x Gn!Reader
Synopsis: Snuggling with Simo
What's in the web: Cliche situation(?), Established relationship, Like the anon said, fluff
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Sitting on the couch that stood on the patio, you waited for Simo to come out with the cups of hot chocolate. The cold caressed your cheeks as you sighed, watching your breath as white as the moon above you leave your lips.
Hearing the door slam, you turned your head to see Simo in light clothing, compared to you, who was covered heavily, holding the steaming cups. A smile grew on your lips as he handed you a cup.
"Thank you." You grabbed the cup and smelled the aroma the chocolate spilled. "Are you not cold?"
"No, I suppose I'm used to it." His eyes smiled for him as he wore a scarf that covered his mouth.
"I see. I thoughts that you would be cold." You said as he finally sat down next to you, squeezing his shoulder against yours.
You took a tiny sip from your cup, attempting to not burn your tongue. Simo giggled as he saw the face you made trying to sip out of your cup. He pulled down his scarf and placed his scared lips against your puffed-up cheeks.
He smiled before taking a sip from his cup. A blush rose to your cheeks as felt embarrassed by the sudden kiss. This was usual, he would surprise you with sudden kisses to get you embarrassed and it would work. He sighed as he looked towards you.
"You need a better one." He said as you turned around, confused by his words.
"What do you-" He cut you off by placing his lips onto yours, tasting the chocolate on his lips. You both pulled away as you hid in his chest, feeling a flutter in your chest.
"You're such a pain."
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
What if... RoR guys fall for a sassy/psycho reader after this conversation?
RoR guys: Why are you trying to sell me your house/car for 1 dollar?
Sassy reader: Oh, that. My boyfriend cheated on me, you see. He is stuck on (any place you want to imagine) and asks me to sell the house/car and send all the money to him. So, I'm sending it for 1 dollar and send him all the money I got from the sell.
RoR guys: (amused but also falling in love)
Can you do Odin, Poseidon, Hades and Beelzebub for th gods side and Qin Shi Huang, Nikola, Simo Hayha (if can) and Leonidas for human side?
-It was rather odd when (Love) walked up, seeing your boyfriend’s fancy sports car that he was always taking care of, a for sale on it but you were the one sitting beside it.
-A grin slowly spread across his lips, seeing the sign said ‘For Sale $1’.
-You didn’t look bothered, you looked pleased with yourself as he looked at you, “So what’s all this about?”
-You smiled warmly up at him, “I’m selling my boyfriend’s car. He said he needs the money since he’s stuck in Cuba- where he said he was going to be visiting his mother where she was vacationing for her birthday. Turns out he went to hook up with not one but two other women! So he asked me to sell his car and send him the money.”
-He couldn’t help but snort in laughter before quickly dissolving into roaring laughter, holding his gut, hearing your plan while you looked quite pleased with yourself. He wiped a tea from his eye, “Oh gods- you are a genius Y/N!” you puffed up your chest a bit from his praise, “I know~” which made him laugh again. He reached a hand down to you, “May I take you out? We can discuss your sale price over coffee.” You instantly smiled, taking his offered hand, “I like the way you think!” he chuckled warmly as you went out to enjoy yourself, since you were now single.
            -Qin Shi Huang, Leonidas, and Hades
-He tried, badly, to hide his grin, which only grew as you smiled brightly up at him as you hopped to your feet, “So you interested?” he was quickly laughing, for once, which did make you grin brightly, feeling proud of yourself. Once he was composed he handed you the dollar, before destroying your ex’s car, using his strength and ability to do so, which made your eyes sparkle brightly before he turned, “Will you allow me to take you out since you’re single now?” you turned, a bit surprised before you instantly beamed, agreeing as you took his hand and he led you both away from the shouldering car.
            -Odin, Poseidon, and Beelzebub
-He tried not to grin, but hearing about how you were treated, being cheating on so coldly, it was hard not to, “Remind me never to piss you off.” You just beamed up at him, not at all bothered, “Nah- I don’t think you ever would. I was going to be nice about it, but when he video called me from his hotel room I heard the other two women in the back.” He smiled softly down at you, “Are you all right?” you were surprised that he was concerned about you and you smiled softly up at him, “I will be- glad I’ll no longer be the third wheel to his car!” he smiled humorlessly before he offered you a hand, “May I have the honor of taking you out? We can go get something to eat if you want?” he wasn’t expecting you to take his hand and you smiled instantly, “Let’s go!” he knew he would never hurt you like that, he wanted you to be happy, always.
-Nikola and Simo
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 7 months
i don’t know if you write this type of stuff but i wanted to request. I sent a lot of love! 💕
In ror who do you think have a type in physical appearance, like who does you think prefer more petite and tinier partner and who do you think prefer an average height or taller partner who is physically more defined, like muscular or even maybe chubby?
-Those who would love someone who is more physically fit, like a warrior, someone with muscles and could put him in his place.
            -Lu Bu, Thor, Loki, Leonidas, Qin Shi Huang, Shiva,
-Those who would like someone on the daintier side of things, as it makes him feel like a protector, wanting to keep them safe and be able to lift them into this arms with ease.
            -Hercules, Jack, Ares, Loki, Poseidon, Buddha, Shiva, and Kojiro
-Has a sickness for the thickness! Loves those with more meat on their bones, better for cuddling and hugging!
            -Jack, Loki, Hades, Poseidon, Buddha, Raiden, Simo, Apollo, and Kojiro
-Loves a taller S/O, loves to gaze up at them with adoration in his eyes and would definitely tease them about climbing them like a tree.
            -Loki, Qin Shi Huang, and Simo
-Doesn’t care about looks, cares about the heart and/or mind of their S/O.
            -Nikola, Hades, Simo, Leonidas, Kojiro, and Thor
-No comment.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
Oh! I read about child reader dressing up as one of the RoR characters and saying they did so because the characters are their heroes! Can you do a continuation, please?? Imagine child reader running around dressed like the characters, it so cute!!
-Odin- He couldn’t help but beam, on the inside, watching you march around dressed up like him, a bright smile on your face as you held your candy bucket, half full already with treats. When other gods would see you, seeing you dressed up as Odin and walking around with them, many couldn’t help but melt, cooing on how cute you looked. However, if anyone said anything to him being cute for matching with you, they were cruising for a bruising! When Odin spotted Loki, he groaned softly, knowing that Loki was going to tease, but he was surprised when Loki did the opposite, hugging you while bawling comically, “You’re so cute Y/N!!” you just beamed, thanking him as he piled the candy he had gotten into you own bucket, telling you that you deserved all of it. By the time you arrived back home, you were in Odin’s arms, fast asleep and head resting on his shoulder, while his other hand was holding your stuffed crows and your candy bucket. He didn’t bother changing you out of your costume, just putting you to bed, pecking your forehead softly, giving you a smile that nobody else would ever see, softly thanking you.
-Buddha- The number of pictures that Buddha took of you, gushing the whole time over how adorable and perfect you looked! You had even managed, with Brunnhilde’s help, in getting the hair style just right and you even posed like him, hands on your hips with a lollipop in your mouth. Many others couldn’t stand the cuteness as well, thinking you were so adorable, praising your idea in being Buddha for Halloween. If anyone asked you why you wanted to be Buddha and you told them, Buddha would collapse, holding his chest every time. One who especially loved your costume was Zerofuku, who thought initially that Buddha had shrunk, picking you up, “Why are you so small now Buddha?” you just giggled warmly, telling him that it was you and he stared before seeing the real Buddha who was laughing nearby. Zerofuku melted when you hugged him, “I love you big brother Zerofuku!” With your cuteness, you had so much candy by the end of the night, it was impressive.
-Qin Shi Huang- Heads turned wherever you went, mainly because you looked adorable, but also because QSH was telling everyone to stand aside for the ruler of China. Many thought he was talking about himself, until they saw you and immediately you were the center of attention, taking pictures, posing with him, and getting lots of candy! He adored that you wanted to dress up as him for this weird holiday, which he enjoyed thoroughly because he was getting candy alongside you and seeing your smiling face. Brunnhilde knew that with you dressing up as QSH, it was going to inflate his ego, and indeed it did, but at least while he was with you, he did nothing but shower you in praise and treat you like you were the emperor/empress. You had a lot of fun, seeing people bowing to you and calling you Emperor/Empress Y/N, while QSH held you up like Simba, telling everyone to bow down to you. You were passed out in his arms later on that night, completely exhausted, but overflowing with happiness, and he was too, holding you close, determined to make you proud.
-Simo Hayha- Was constantly pulling his hat down or his scarf up over his bright red face, unable to stand how adorable you were, holding your toy gun and taking turns holding onto Cerberus’ leash with Hades, and Simo’s own dog, Snowy, walking each of your doggy friends, as you got candy throughout the night. It wasn’t because you were just walking around dressed up like him, but what was embarrassing was that when people would ask you what you were dressed up as, you just beamed, “I’m dressed as my hero, Simo!” Gods you were going to kill him with how cute you were!! He wasn’t the only one however, seeing your bright smile and pure happiness was heartwarming for Hades and anyone who came across you, thinking you were so sweet for dressing up like your hero. Simo held your hand as you beamed up at him as you headed back home, your haul in Hades’ arms, “I had so much fun- thank you for coming with us tonight!” he smiled down at you, even if you couldn’t see it due to his scarf, but you see that his eyes were smiling, “I had fun tonight too, Y/N. Thank you for a fun night.” You beamed up at him before continuing your journey home.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
I know Halloween is still so far away, but what if child!reader decided to dress up as the RoR characters for Halloween and said the characters are their heroes? My goddaughter did this on Halloween last year, dressing up as me and calling me her hero. And yes, I cried so hard at that.
-Odin- His eye twitches lightly, his lip quivering as he stares down at your beaming face, wearing clothes that was very similar to his own, long dark robes, a little eye patch over the wrong eye, and holding two stuffed raven toys, one white and one black. Loki can’t stop grinning, taking photo after photo while Odin is struggling to not succumb to your cuteness. Goll hands you your plastic pumpkin as Odin manages to speak, “Why are you dressed like me?” you just smile brightly, “Because you’re my hero, Papa Odin!” Loki, Goll, and Odin fall to their hands and knees, clutching their hearts as you tried to put your plush toys on your shoulders, unaware of their plight.
-Buddha- Can’t keep the grin off his face as you ran over to him, dressed up just like him, holding an overflowing candy bucket, “Look-look! I got a lot!!” he couldn’t talk, pride swelling inside of him as his smile almost hurt. Brunnhilde couldn’t help but take a photo, which made Buddha send her a grin as he handed Y/N another lollipop, “Y/N wanted to dress up as her hero~” just when he thought his smile couldn’t get wider he picked you up, spinning you around, making you squeal as he laughed warmly, making you giggle and squeal in delight. Once he calmed down he handed you another candy bucket, “C’mon, lets go get some more candy!” the two of you raise your hands in unison, cheering, which made Brunnhilde giggle again, taking another photo.
-Qin Shi Huang- His smile is almost instant, seeing you approach and chuckles, kneeling down, “My emperor!” you beam at him, leaping into his arms and the two of you hug while he spun around, making you squeal before he set you down, checking out the different parts of your outfit, including makeup to mimic the tattoos on his body. The only thing you didn’t have was the blindfold, but other than that, you were a mirror image. You had matching red candy buckets and headed off to trick or treat as a pair, but he had to inquire, “Why did you want to dress up as me, Y/N? Not that I’m complaining!” you beam up at him, not at all bothered, “I wanted to be my hero for Halloween, so I’m you!” you kept walking, unaware that Huang collapsed to his knees, holding his mouth as he cried on how pure you were.
-Simo Hayha- He was surprised when he saw what looked to be a mini-him trotting over, holding a toy gun that was bright pink and a match candy bucket, with Hades behind you, holding the leash of Cerberus walking up from behind you, accompanying you. You beam brightly up to Simo who had a weak smile on his face, like he was shocked before he kneeled, “You’re dressed up like me?” his own dog licked your cheek in greeting, making you laugh, “I wanted to dress up like my hero!” the warmth in his heart almost made him burst into flames before he glanced over to Hades who just sent the sniper a slight grin before you turned, pointing up at Cerberus, “I even got a doggy of my own! Cerberus is my best friend!” Cerberus whined lightly, licking your cheek which made the two men laugh that you were able to get even the fiercest beast wrapped around your finger before you led the charge for trick or treating!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Ror Misc Masterlist
Misc HCs Masterlist
Other Anime Masterlist
Simo Hayha
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 76 Observation
Spin Offs
My Manga Site
Wu Zetian meets Qin Shi Huang
Leonidas and Apollo Official Color
Chapter 79
RoR x Majo Taisen
Season 2 Part 2
Overlord w/ Land of Leadale
Mother of All
Colombina Reader
Genius Reader x Scientists (platonic)
Jaguar AU
Never Piss off a Vengeful Woman
Reluctant Aid (part 2 of Vengeful Woman)
Sunshine’s Return (part 3 of Vengeful Woman)
Monster Reader x Human Fighters
Sleepy Warrior Reader
Overlord- Master of Titles AU
Single Father Noah
RoR Anubis and Susanoo
The Living Apocalypse 
The Living Apocalypse- Fight for Humanity
The Living Apocalypse- Amusing Visits
The Living Apocalypse- Truth about Death
The Living Apocalypse- Partner
The Living Apocalypse- Mother
Types of Dads
Other Gods
Himiko Reader vs. Aphrodite
Personification of Death
Majo Taisen- Hrist Reader
Straw Hats meet Team Natsu!
Unusual End to a Fight
Wonka Reader
Sentient Child Reader
Scary but Soft Goth Reader
Child Deity Reader
Poppy Playtime- Dogday Rescue Mission
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